August 7 Weekly Review

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Face Lift for Seniors Centre thanks to County Inside Wednesday, August 7, 2024 Vol. 47, No. 32

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Your LOCAL Paper

Irma Days always a highlight of summer

The Irma Agricultural Society’s Bench Fair was a popular place to enjoy old-fashioned horticultural, creative, and other exhibits. See more photos from the weekend inside! Patricia Harcourt Editor

A giant parade Saturday morning was a grand highlight for the 2024 Irma Days festivities last weekend. With the fine warm weather, the streets were packed with parade watchers. It didn’t seem to matter that the route had changed. This year, the focal point had moved from main street to the area that runs past the school and arena. With renovations along main street not yet completed, the parade

did not appear to suffer from the change. In fact, this parade featured a long line of entries and plenty of candy for kids to scramble after along the streets. It began with championship Irma Tigers ball players and ended with the fire trucks. Both received great applause from the crowds - the first for their provincial wins and the last for the firefighters who volunteered to fight the Jasper wildfire. The Irma Fire Department held a breakfast before the

parade that fed 700 plus hungry people. All week, curling was intense at the Irma Summerspiel with 50 teams participating. The Kids’ Zone activities following the parade were an immense hit on diamond one on the sports grounds. There was also plenty of slopitch ball for ball lovers to watch. The New Horizon’s Centre a luncheon after the parade for hungry parade watchers. Following that, the Irma Agricultural Society’s Bench Fair in the school

auditorium provided the opportunity to view horticultural and other fair exhibits. People could also attend the Elks Gun Show in the arena across the street. Both events were held on Saturday and Sunday. The final event, the Kids’ Rodeo, was supposed to take place on Monday but was rained out. It was another successful three-day extravaganza for the village which was made possible through the work of many community-minded volunteers.

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