July 24 Tofield Mercury

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$1 including gst

Entertainment upgrade at Sunshine Villa Page 9

Your LOCAL Media since 1918! Volume 106 Issue 47


Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Heat wave driving people to desperation, broken air conditioner stolen from Busy B Organizers remind public not to donate broken or worn-out items Kari Janzen Staff Reporter

Last week when the daytime highs continually reached over 30C, an air conditioning unit that was not in good working condition was donated to Busy B Bargains, Tofield’s non-profit secondhand store. Manager Scott Olson said Busy B continues to receive unsellable items, but in this instance, however, they were saved a trip to the landfill because someone stole the air conditioner from outside the north store location that very same night. “There are certain things that should just not come here, or to Value Village, or Goodwill, or anything. They are not donatable items,” Olson said. Olson said it could be that people donate items with the understanding that Busy B will repair them to sell, but that has not been part of what Busy B has done for many years now. “That's not true. We don't repair anything. I have nobody to fix things, and if I did, they’d have a fulltime job,” Olson said. Busy B is continually grateful for the many donations of generous residents in Tofield and area, though some donations cannot be sold due to their poor condition. Olson said volunteers have been electrically shocked while ensuring appliances and other electrical tools are working. “I don't want a volunteer who doesn't realize its damaged, try to plug it in and get electrocuted. We've had that happen before,” he said. Before the discarded air conditioner was kidnapped, volunteers plugged it in to make sure everything was in working order, but the machine was broken, making lots of noise, and shaking violently. In the last week, the air conditioner, an air compressor, a vacuum cleaner, a workout bench, and three children’s bicycles were donated, all unfit to be sold. “Somebody goes through the trouble of dropping

In the last week, a heavily used air conditioner (which was then reported stolen), air compressor, vacuum cleaner, workout bench, and three children’s bicycles were donated, all unfit to be sold. this off, we bring it in, like this air compressor. We tested it, it kind of works, but it surges and then starts to stink, and I think it has electrical issues. Unfortunately, this is another case where they knew it was no good, and they dropped it off anyway. We spent a lot of time to get it to this point, and now it's going to the dump. It’s a waste of time and manpower we don’t have,” Olson said. Olson said the vacuum cleaner was only holding together because of duct tape, and he didn’t even try to see if it was working. “It's all taped up, and items like that, I won’t even

People know these donations are no good, but they're choosing to bring it here anyway. Please help us out, and just take it to the dump yourself. Scott Olson

plug it in,” he said. The children’s bicycles were covered in rust, the tires loose on the wheels, and duct tape wrapped around the handles. “I understand people are trying to help the kids, and that's great. But this is all rusty, the tires are no good. This hard plastic tricycle, we absolutely cannot take for obvious reasons. Somebody's child will lose a finger if they stick their hands in those holes. That old rotten plastic is like a razor blade. It’s hard, with these bikes, because in reality, we're going to get a better bike, one that we can actually just put on the floor, ready to ride,” said Olson. “People know these donations are no good, but they're choosing to bring it here anyway. Please help us out, and just take it to the dump yourself,” he said.

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