Irma Firefighters off to Jasper to help Page 4
Wednesday, July 31, 2024 Vol. 47, No. 31
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Your LOCAL Paper
Ally Anderson Staff Reporter
The community celebrated their 110 years of Bruce Stampede over the weekend of July 26, 27, and 28. On Saturday, July 27, the local rodeo took over the grounds. Many took part in different activities, before the slack performance began later that evening. The Local Rodeo event winners were: Great Canadian Mule Race, 1st
- Trevor Bunny, 2nd Randy Bunny; Wild Cow Milking, Bella Tierney, Sydney Kingdom, Mikayla House; Mutton Busting - John Jober; Cow Riding - Sydney Kingdom; Bloomer Race - Amber Gall, Jennifer Hamilton, Heidi Marcinkoski; Best dressed Cowgirl Sawyer Pobuda; Best dressed cowboy - TJ Field; Stick Horse Race, Walter Doderai; Wild Cow Race - JW Harray, Josh Ruzicka, Wyatt
Vancleave; Pee Wee Barrels - Teagan Axten; Calf Tying - Cooper Axten, Payton Axten, Corbin Lockhart; Greased Pig (8 & under) Elyse Herder; Calf Scramble (8 & under) Violet Greenwood; Greased Pig (9-14 years) Rhett Giebelhaus; Calf Scramble (9-14 years) Elijah Kosak; Wild Pony Race - Aspen Yurkishk, Jett Ryle, Hunter Black. Sunday, July 29, was the day of the main event, the Pro Rodeo.
The stands were packed full well before the rodeo began, all eager to watch the cowboys and girls put on a show with some thrills and spills. There were two halves of professional rodeo events to the day, with a short intermission in between for everyone’s favourite rodeo clown, Ricky Ticky Wanchuk and his nephew Casey Wanchuk, to entertain the crowd. Event winners were:
Bareback - Strawbs Jones, 88.5 points on Northcott-Yule Rodeo’s Broken Arrow. Jones broke the Bruce Stampede record for Bareback with this score. Steer Wrestling Landen Beardsworth, 4.7 seconds; Team Roping Kolton Schmidt/Landen Glenn, 5.1 seconds; Saddle Bronc - Bryan Huey, 87 points on Northcott-Yule Rodeo’s Mary Lou; Tie-down Roping - Ben Robinson, 8.0 seconds; Barrel
Racing - Tana Millard, 17.32 seconds; Bull Riding - (Tied) Beau Gardner, 85 points on Big Stone Rodeo’s Fingers and Tyler Craig, 85 points on Dudley. A lot of hard work made this an event to remember, all thanks to the volunteers of the Bruce Ag Society. A special thanks was given to President Robbie Chomik for serving as President of the society for the last 20 years. See more photos inside!