Oct 16 Leader

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Proud to be an Independent CANADIAN Publication


Vol. 14, No. 47, Wednesday, October 16, 2019 www.LamontLeader.com

No-shows disappointing to favourite Imcumbent MP wonders how important riding is to parties with late-entry candidates and forum no-shows BY JOHN MATHER Lakeland MP Shannon Stubbs is frustrated by the lack of candidates turning out at the all candidate forums being held throughout the riding. “I’m focussed on demonstrating that I don’t take anything for granted,” she said during an interview. “I’m working hard on this campaign just like I have been working hard for Lakeland residents for the past four years. “But what bothers me is if the other parties took so long to put candidates in place and then they aren’t showing up to these forums and not working for any votes, then where does Lakeland really rank for their party in any sort of priority?” She adds she thinks there should be the opportuni-

ty for area residents to see viable alternatives and there should be a good debate on the issues. She adds every candidate should be wanting to get out and put their ideas into the community so they can be debated. So far in several debates – one in Smoky Lake was cancelled because of a lack of committed candidates; in Vegreville, three candidates Stubbs, Alain Houle of the People’s Party of Canada, and Mark Watson of the Liberal Party appeared. In Bonnyville those three were joined by Roberta Marie Graham with the Veterans Coalition Party of Canada. Stubbs said another forum she was scheduled to attend would only have three to debate in Lloydminster.

Many Albertans don’t feel welcome in Canada Incumbent surprised by discontent in Lakeland BY JOHN MATHER As she campaigns throughout the Lakeland constutiency, incumbent Conservative MP Shannon Stubbs is surprised how much she’s hearing about national unity on doorsteps. “I’m really surprised at how much I’m hearing about how discontented our residents are and how they don’t feel welcome in their own country,” she said as she campaigned in Lamont on Oct. 12. “The reaction of Albertans at least to me is if Trudeau (Primie Minister Justin) wins again with a majority government then he’ll feel all his policies have been vindicated and he’ll just carry on with little regard for jobs in the west. “He has policies that are bad for western Canada and Alberta and if he’s re-elected he’ll be emboldened to carry on with them.” She said she’s talked about divisive policies and asked her fellow MP’s to recognized the contributions of western Canadians. “They just don’t seem to care and it bothers me the Liberals don’t seem to understand the depth of the problem of national unity here in Alberta. It’s a complete disregard of leadership on his part.”

Lakeland conservative MP Shannon Stubbs puts one of her lawn signs in the ground at a Lamont home as she door knocked in the Edna neighbourhood on Oct. 12. Stubbs said she was well received at the doors in the community. She said she is surprised how much she is hearing talk of separation and national unity as she campaigns through her riding in this election. Voting day is Oct, 21.

She said during her term as MP she’s worked on try speaking on oil and gas, she been to many parts the rural crime file, she accepted amendment from of the maritimes. “What strikes me is that the people aren’t reflecting other parties, but the motion she had proposed was what the politicans are saying,” she said. dismissed by the Liberals. In the maritimes, she adds, people know others She adds she always works with other parties if who are affected by work or lack of work in the oil they can find areas of common ground. “I have that track record of working with other patch. “They know Alberta contributes to all of Canada parties and I work for the people of Lakeland.” She said she’s tried to reflect the level of anger and I find it frustrating that it’s not regular Canadians who feels this bad, but its political gameswhile she’s in Ottawa. “It’s been growing in intensity over the past few manship.” years but now it’s at an all time high. “And it’s not just coming from certain geographical areas. It’s widespread among young people in Lloydminster, to farmers near Spedden. It crosses all demographics. I hear it from French famPeople’s Party of Canada candidate, Alain Houle, marches during the Andrew ilies in Lakeland.” Garlic Festival parade on Oct. 12. Houle is one of six candidates trying to oust She added when she’s Conservative MP Shannon Stubbs in the Lakeland riding. Houle has taken part in travelled across the coun- the political forums held in Lakeland.

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