October 9 Community Press

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The Community


TEXT ‘ABFIRES’ to 45678 Telling to donate $10 to Red Story Cross for Jasper wildfire relief YOUR Volume 117 Issue 15


Wednesday, October 9, 2024 s

Hair on the line for Terry LESLIE CHOLOWSKY PHOTO

Killam Public School Jr. High teacher Mr. Riley Gratrix made the mistake of challenging KPS students to beat their goal of raising $3,500 for the Terry Fox Foundation this fall, and put his hair on the line. Students accepted the challenge, and raised nearly $5,000, so on Thursday, Oct. 3, See full story Page 17.

Flagstaff council proposes to reduce total divisions and councillors from seven to five in new bylaw Leslie Cholowsky Editor

Flagstaff County Council held a special meeting on Monday, Oct. 7, where it reviewed the results of a public poll over electoral divisions and councillors. After a census done earlier in the year, there was an imbalance of population numbers in the existing seven divisions of council. Council reviewed two proposals, one where the region retained seven divi-

sions and councillors, but with boundaries redrawn to redistribute the population more evenly between the divisions, and the other where the total number of divisions was reduced to five, with a corresponding reduction in councillors. Council put the question to the public in the form of a public survey to get that feedback before making a decision. Early results of the survey indicated the public had a preference for reducing the overall number of divisions, and coun-

The Community Press office will be CLOSED Monday, August 5 for the Civic Holiday.

cillors, from seven to five, along new into five Divisions with five Councillors.” boundary lines. Now Council must hold a public hearIn order for the change to take place by the next municipal election, to be ing to consider the bylaw, which is held in 2025, a bylaw must be passed by scheduled for Wednesday, Dec. 18. Rural and hamlet residents of Flagstaff Dec. 30 this year. Council, in Monday’s meeting, gave County who will be affected by the We will reopen Tuesday, Aug. 6 at first reading to Electoral Boundaries change may also choose to petition the 9 a.m. and our to next municipality put edition the question of the Bylaw 08/24, “A bylaw of Flagstaff of divisions to a vote. Any County for the purpose of establishing will still benumber published Wedneday. Aug.peti7 tion to do so must be filed with Flagstaff electoral boundaries and the number of Ad deadlines will be noon Tuesday, Aug. 6 Councillors to serve on Flagstaff County County’s CAO by Dec. 16, no later than Council, which divides the municipality 4 p.m.

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