One hundred years of labour law prof rose marie belle antoine, caricom perspective, no 69, june 1999

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One Hundred Yearc

of Labour Law he very nomenclature 'Master and Servant Act' betrays the obsolete, class stratified, narrowly capitalistic identity of a labour law system. Yet, sadly, such archaic legislation is still evident on Commonwealth Caribbean statute books. But, 100 years is a long time, and labour law relations is much changed

from yesteryear. We seldom now see the militancy of the formative years, the 1930s period, where valiant heroes, the Bustamantes, Butlers and Walcotts, walking the thin line between political, social advancement and labour law reform, led multitudes in battle.


always known, that much interests is about rigltts.


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Rose-Morie Belle Antoine


thankfully, today, the climate of

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supplemented by model CARICOM labour laws which are based on contemporary labour law ideals. compatible with ILO Conventions.z A closer look at individual areas of labour law demonstrates the progress or lack of progress within the time period.

Yet, it is an exciting time for labour law and ultimately, workers. Increasingly, governments, employers and even international financial institutions are beginning to recognise what workers and their unions have

of labour As such,

workers are entitled to them. This can be the only safety net to democracy.

Nevertheless, the many advances have been matched by various setbacks, often coming from our judgments in the law courts. The goal of achieving progress in labour relations is an ambitious one. The original model of our labour law was the common law, inherited from an industrial Britain during colonialism, a time immortalised by Dickens for the cruelties to its workers. Contemporary Caribbean labour law and policy is a unique mixture of custom, statute, common law and policy. In addition, no other area of law is so

cemented in ideology, economics and politics, and is so shaped by cultural and historical elements. The historical continuum and cultural paradigm also

Industrial relations Industrial relations is perhaps the area of labour law which touches most

intimately the lives of Caribbean peoples. There has been much activity in

help to explain the inconsistencies in labour law, both within a particular country and across the region. This operates against the backdrop of a

this area during the last 100 years. The initial struggles of the early labour movement have been well document-

labour legal infrastructure which is


often ad hoc, although touching many areas from child labour to social security. This is one reason for the new

These struggles enabled those who came after, to begin to enjoy the body of law which today we call basic



consolidating relevant

legislation into Codes or holistic statutes, exemplified in Grenada in the Employment Act 1997 and the Antigua ktbour Code. The CARICOM Secretariat itself has played a prominent role in labour law progress. This was as a result of

the CARICOM Harmonisation Prolect.l This project signalled the intent of CARICOM countries to harmonise

their legislation to facilitate better industrial and trade relations between countries, and to update those laws in keeping within a forward looking and

relevant industrial relations context.

In fact, the CARICOM project has since served as a reference point not

only to international organisations such as the IDB, the ILO and the World Bank, but also as the impetus for labour law reform. This has been

labour law rights and freedoms. If today we accept that trade unions have a legitimate place in society, and

that workers have basic rights and expectations to just wages and working conditions, it is because of the early unionists. Their work also formed part of the political movement of the day, leading to social progress and greater autonomy for Caribbean peoples in their own

affairs, culminating in Independence. This link with the political life of the


is a factor which is


ignored in labour law theories and case law, but it is of particular relevance to us in the region. The 100 years therefore saw legal liability being removed from legitimate trade union activity. in particular, their strike activities. Previously, the objects

of unions were viewed as JUNE 1999

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