Lesbitgay English April

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central american and caribbean journal of sexual diversity

april 2014

Blowing air of hope for the rights of sexually diverse people of Costa Rica

The arrival of the Citizen Action Party (PAC) power renews hope of sexually diverse people from Costa Rica by consoli-human rights. The presence of Ana Elena Chacon as Viceda gives us great confidence given his career as the deputy who drove and gave defend bills that guaranteed some of our rights. Consider their suggestions:

Promotion of state policies for poverty reduction for LGBTI people, recognition of employers who do not have discriminatory practices against LGBTI people, implementation of care protocols difference in urology and gynecology, as sexual orientation and gender identity development of preventive health programs and HIV / AIDS care and different studies on HIV / AIDS for LGBTI populations, recognition and respect for property and personal rights of same-sex couples: inheritance rights, insurance and medical visits and establishment of an Ombudsman for Sexual Diversity and an Advisory Council to implement the consolidation of LGBTI rights.

Rights activists call the plan does not provide

In a meeting with the Vice President, Ana Elena Chac贸n, LGBTI activists requested locations will create diversity in counseling ministries, better care for inmates living with HIV, making more prevention campaigns against disease transmission sexual, care for people with HIV even if they are not insured, retrieve preventive medicine, including internal rules of state institutions respect LGBTI people and access to services. They also requested the removal of the mutilation of intersex children, create a law on identity and gender expression, and other hate crimes and discrimination, seek a secular state, conduct scientific studies on STDs and ratify all statements international human rights, among others.

Caribe U.S. criticizes abuses of human rights in the Caribbean

The State Department of the United States published in March in its " Country Reports on Human Rights Practices 2013" , scathing critiques of several Caribbean countries for the treatment of sexually diverse people. A Haiti accused of having a weak judicial system and chronic corruption charges including arbitrary and unlawful killings , prolonged pretrial detention , rape , sexual abuse and other forms of violence by government officials, and societal discrimination against sexually diverse people. In Jamaica, the most serious human rights problems were generated 211 unlawful killings by security forces (a sort of social cleansing ) , the violation of rights is not resolved in a timely manner , an ineffective judicial system and violence discrimination against women and persons on the basis of their presumed sexual orientation or gender identity.

According to the report, in the Bahamas there are problems with violence against women, sexual abuse of children, and discrimination based on ethnicity, sexual orientation or HIV status. The State Department said in St. Lucia, the most serious problems include violence against women and discrimination against people because of their sexual orientation or gender identity. In Barbados were "unprofessional conduct" by police, violence against women, discrimination against LGBT people and abuse. In Antigua, Barbuda, St. Kitts and Nevis, there are laws that discriminate against LGBT people. While the population of Dominica Carib (Kalinago) and laws discriminating against LGBT indigenous people.

Caribe Judge allows LGBTI people living in the sewers of The After a raid in which police arrested and brought before the courts several young LGBTI sleeping in the sewers of New Kinstong, a judge instructed the body to stop her actions because it believes that these are public sites and the last shelter where they can stay and sleep after being thrown into the street by relatives on suspicion of sexually diverse. Yvonne McCalla Sobers-, LGBTI rights activist, said: 'Young people were understandably upset because they literally have nowhere else to go, because the same police and evicted from abandoned buildings in the city. He reported that in 2013 the police burned the house and all the goods of several gay and bisexual men living on the outskirts of New Kingston .. Dwayne Jones a trans teenager was stabbed at a party and died without medical attention.

El año pasado, en octubre, los agentes de policía incendiaron la casa -, así como ropa y otros bienes - de los hombres gay y bisexuales que viven en New Kingsto n.

They ask to repression and discrimination in Dominican Republic The Coalition of LGBT Organizations Dominican Republic requested the enactment of a law against "repression and discrimination" and establish consistent policies and guarantors of human rights and cited nine cases of arrests, denial of fundamental rights and hate crimes 25 occurred from 2009 to date. The director of Colectivo Amigos Siempre Amigos (ASA), Cristian King, accused the state of hiding the climate of stigmatization against people LGBTI "It has become a common practice in the Dominican territory that LGBTI people are thrown out of their jobs, receive harassment by their superiors or co-workers, suffer abuse of military and police estates, are victims of family violence, school homophobia and receive inadequate care in health centers. "

Cuba Increase in hate crimes A "large number" of casualties recorded in Cuba in the last two years were homosexual murders, said the legal advisor to the National Center for Sex Education (Cenesex), Manuel Vazquez. Although the official institution that runs the deputy Mariela Castro, daughter of President Raul Castro, no figures if said the issue was addressed because of the force "took i n the public arena the alleged murders Choreographer contemporary dance Alfredo VelĂĄzquez and theater director Tony Diaz "both known figures of Cuban culture.

Workshop LGBTI literature Cuban Youth Network Empowerment, leadership and strengthening youth participation space, were crucial issues discussed at the most recent meeting sponsored by the Youth Network for Sexual Health and Rights in the People Camping Los Cocos. Coordinators and coordinators of the groups formed in the country (Mayabeque, Havana, Villa Clara, Cienfuegos, Ciego de Avila, Sancti Spiritus, Granma, Camaguey, Las Tunas and Santiago de Cuba) met to evaluate the work of 2013 and plan 2014 . Yasmany Diaz Figueroa national and specialist CENESEX coordinator reported that this time the training will be specific topics GBV prevention and STI-HIV/AIDS.

The Dulce Maria Loynaz Cultural Center, takes a writing workshop LGBTI in your living GarcĂ­a Lorca through 10 sessions which will give an overview of the main titles and authors that confirm the presence of a literature of homoerotic themes in the scriptural tradition of the island . The workshop is taught by Victor Fowler and Norge Espinosa, poets and essayists who have published approaches to this issue on numerous occasions. It will be supplemented with visiting authors and specialized researchers, as well as the screening of documentary and fiction.

Belice 13 Countries require removing criminalization of homosexuality The recommendations of the Universal Periodic Review cond ucted by the Human Rights Council of the United Nations, in the period 25 sessions, 13 countries expressly requested the Government of Belize to eliminate all discriminatory treatment and criminalization on grounds of sexual orientation. Among the signatory nations of the petitions contained mainly the Netherlands, Brazil, Argentina, USA, Germany, Norway, Canada, Spain, France, Chile, United Kingdom and Northern Ireland. The signatory states requested revising the constitution and the legislation expressly prohibits homosexuality because it generates discrimination and hostility towards LGBTI groups may be triggering hate crimes and violates human rights.Humanos.

Bishop blasts groups to prevent HIV Dorick Wright, Bishop of Belize sent a letter to principals, administrators, principals, teachers and local Catholics, which attacks the work done BFLA Association, the UNIBAM Movement, the National AIDS Commission and the program of the Red Cross "Together We Can", accusing them of trying to radically change the Christian character of the country. The bishop believes that organizations develop a program of sodomy, abortion and the redefinition of sexual gender threaten the moral foundations and family values in Belize. "These organizations are often presented as champions of some apparent good, whether it be education on sexuality and reproductive rights, AIDS, or to administer certain vaccines or medical treatments for our children. However, must reject any association with these organizations. "

Bishop hides real dangers for children Activist Russell Czarnecki, referring to the letter of the Bishop of Belize, says the prelate hides the real dangers for children as the Catholic Church is little to pedophilia concerns, given the amount of complaints in the world against its priests. Czarmecki considers that the chief might do some good if instead of somewhat paranoid fantasies preach about something real, on the abundant number of pedophiles exist in Belize. He cited at least the most recent 12 cases published in the newspaper Amandala and clarified that it is not sex locals and tourists as it has tried to say.

Day against homophobia in schools and colleges Each May 17, schools and public schools in the country carry out activities to promote respect for people of sexual diversity. The Ministry of Public Education (MEP) included, from this year's celebration against all forms of discrimination based on sexual orientation. The purpose of the celebration is to educate people to prevent bullying in the classroom. "In high school there is a high level of bullying towards people who are gay, so they gave crucial to introduce education for step relations and sexuality," said Education Minister Leonardo Garnier, in presenting the school calendar 2014.

Costa Episcopal Church opens its doors to sexual diversity The bishop of the Episcopal Church Rican Hector Monterroso, the screening of the film "Before God we are all family," projects at the University of Costa Rica, said the Episcopal community has decided to initiate a process of opening to the community of sexual diversity . The bishop said the process started 10 years ago until the community achieved maturity and awareness for assume the opening. And though he said not agree to perform a distinct pastoral being segregationist, anyone of sexual diversity can participate with equal rights and obligations in religious services and church groups. Monterroso confessed that are still in a learning process, each and every People are welcome and several priests of the church are able to provide the

Vigil against homophobia The Diversity and Ticosos Movement Costa Rica held on Saturday May 17, 5-9 pm a vigil outside the Supreme Court against diversofobia (gay, les, bi and transphobia). On World Day Against Homophobia organizations want to raise awareness that discrimination in Costa Rica, the bullyng, homophobia and state segregation especially for those still persists transexuales e intersex.

Es el encuentro ideal para solicitar al nuevo gobierno un apoyo decidido a la consolidaci贸n de los derechos LGBTI, a la aprobaci贸n de las leyes que est谩n en la corriente legislativa y a llevar adelante el proyecto de matrimonio igualitario.

Panama achieved inactivate HIV virus

Diverse present in Carnavalito Over the past 2014 Carnavalito festivities held in La Chorrera, the rainbow flag waved and showed the presence of people of sexual diversity that took the opportunity to continue the process of education and information to the general population.

After 15 years of studies and research for a vaccine with which to fight Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV), medical oncologist and Adam Rios Panama Abrego said in Santiago that has managed to inactivate. "We have managed to do it in suspension and the first studies in small animal models such as rabbits have demonstrated the immunogenicity of these particles, I can say that we are the only ones who have used the method of inactivation, which is a simple form of simple methodology 'explained rivers. The scientist, born in the province of Veraguas, which was released in 2004 in Canada where experiments with their studies, then in 2011 began inactivation was achieved in semisolid.

Panama does not lower our guard in preventing The Men and Women of Panama Association continues to perform frequently with information fairs for people of sexual diversity and the general public are informed about the use of condoms and gel, HIV tests do not take risky sexual practices. In Panama AIDS cases and HIV AIDS cases recorded three men for every woman and the most affected age group is 25-44 years.

Juan Alonzo, Activist Group new Horizons Said LGBTI "When binding and joy is community LGBTI surprises and this time was no exception, the carrier of the crown this year Anguizola comments Tipaldos woke people and even the local media during his tour through the main streets of the district of La Chorrera.

Pressure on MPs to approve donation Positive People, Rednads, Lambda, ITPC and other organizations are lobbying the Congress of the Republic of Guatemala for deputies approve law 4825 which exempts from tax donating $ 18 million commitment from the Global Fund for HIV, Malaria and tuberculosis to invest in the national response to HIV.

Grant heel director CoNEVIH colors

As a strategy to convince organizations to held a mass at the Metropolitan Cathedral and maintained to Congress for picketing donation promote comprehensive care and purchase of medicines for 15,000 Guatemalans living with HIV / AIDS.

The Women In Overcoming Organization awarded this year's prize Heel Colors Dr. Maria Cristina Calderon Melgar, director of Guatemala Conevih for his tireless work on behalf of the claim, visibility and advocacy of human rights of women sex workers in Guatemala . This symbolic award is an award that reflects the love that sex workers have the invaluable work of this organization in other human rights.

. A group of students in the career of Sciences Communication at the University Mesoamerican Quetzaltenango, produced and released a documentary over seven minutes where they present the reality that sexually diverse people living in some areas of Guatemala. The effort was supported by the Association IDSO ASSOCIATION IDSO and Quetzaltenango.

Documentary sexual diversity

Perform health fairs The Initiative for Sexual Diversity for Human Rights (IDSDH) in coordination with various community promoters in Granada and Rivas made a Sexual Health Fair with emphasis on HIV / STI prevention. The aim of the fair was to provide an effective scientific needs sexual reproductive health, to prevent the transmission of HIV / STI response. The population responded positively to the call and went to join Collisions changes that promote healthy and safe behaviors, such as correct and consistent condom and lubricant use in all sexual relationships, partner reduction and HIV testing.


Lights and shadows in Nicaragua The history of LGBTI populations of Nicaragua is written between light and shadow . The highlight came in 2008 with the decriminalization of homosexuality and a year later when the Special Prosecutor for Sexual Diversity was created. However, it still lacks the necessary safeguards to ensure that LGBTI people are considered legal subjects. The claims appear to have stopped there. For the LGBTI community lives subjected to high levels of violence that have triggered hate crimes in Matagalpa and Chinandega . In its report on Sexual Diversity 2013 , the collective Homosexual Community of Nicaragua (CHN ) describes as rampant discrimination the situation daily lives sexually diverse people. The CHN believes that the country institutionalized discrimination and a clear policy of homophobia manifests in blocking state by the government of financing projects defending the rights of the LGBTI community from international cooperation persists. The LGBTI activists and also showed that there is little political will to recognize the property rights of couples and least discuss the possibility that short-term marriage equality .

Honduras Crean counseling clinic and rapid tests The Kukulcan association and collective Violet and Pink Unit joined forces with the help of the Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria, will open in April clinic counseling and rapid testing aimed at sex workers, people trans, gays and men who have sex with men. The clinic will be located at a health center in the capital, Tegucigalpa, and will be supported by a mobile unit to meet the key people of southern, central and east. The initiative also aims to develop a monitoring of the epidemic in these populations and implement a database to enter the category of sexual orientation.

Diversity sexual complaint wave of femicide The Committee on Sexual Diversity in Honduras reported that the country every 20 hours a woman is killed dominant product of macho behavior, cultural patterns and violence that exists in both rural and urban areas. On International Women's Day also showed recurrent violation of human rights and the double discrimination that makes the women by their living conditions and their different sexual orientation to heterosexual. They called on the government to take actions to reduce stigma and discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, greater participation of lesbians and bisexuals in the areas of decision-making women, attract a public agenda on the topic.

Salvadoran Transsexual could vote The right to vote was a dream cherished by female trans people in El Salvador. On Sunday March 9 dream came true for many of them thanks to the sustained work of their organizations and the support of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal. Although there was no formal impediments to exercise this right in practice were imposed barriers that prevented them from participating in elections. "You are a man and as such must come, otherwise we can accuse impersonate another person and end stopped"; "Cut off the hair, you are a male"; expressions was that the Supreme Electoral Tribunal managed to erase the history of El Salvador.

Marriage equality is guaranteed in the constitution "Marriage between persons of the same sex is a right civil guaranteed by article three of the Constitution and the Therefore there should be no restrictions. The Salvadoran government must make it available to its citizens, equal for equal and unequal to the unequal, that is a norm everywhere in the framework of respect for the human rights, "he argued, the director of the Association Among Friends, William Hernandez. On the subject of family, the leader said that "we can make a different family equal to existing ones; form a family that provides love, respect, honesty, trust and education without promoting sexual orientation. He added that the rights of the LGBTI community is a political issue, our body is political, and it must be serious, specific and unbiased manner.

struggles Child leaves the closet and encounters rejection of family and friends Reese is a boy of just 8 years. Despite his young age, he has had the security and courage to tell the whole world that he is gay. It is undergoing a brutal homophobic bullying. His friends at school have rejected, throw stones and insulted and despite the suffering that came home, her parents do not accept him. The only support for Reese Riley being his brother, who has explained that being gay is not bad and has decided to share his story on social media to see his brother that, worldwide, there are millions of people who accept him and, of course, they will support. Surely this child deserves a lot of love and support, receive as frontal rejection of their age, can mark you for the whole lot

Marriage in Michoacan, adoptions Cohaguila

Violence increased HIV risk Studies have shown that intimate partner violence may increase the risk of HIV infection by 50% and that one in three women experience violence by an intimate partner during their lifetime. There is also evidence that violence or fear of violence hinders access to treatment, care and support for women living with HIV. The Secretary General of United Nations Ban Ki-moon said that "We must take action to end violence against women and girls and assure that health and sexual and reproductive rights they deserve. Violence has dramatic impact on the health of women and children, and is indissolubly linked to a higher prevalence of HIV.'s actually why I end violence against women and girls a priority for the United Nations. "

A federal judge ordered that Michoacรกn immediately celebrate the wedding between Banderas and Claudia Alejandra Lopez at the Civil Registry refused his request for marriage. On the other hand, the Congress of Coahuila, removed the legal restrictions on the adoption of children by same-sex couples, thus complying with the order that the High Court that already been given more than two years.

present Meeting feminist lesbian Central and Caribbean The Cattrachas, Desclosetadas, All of Us, Sappho and The Malungas collective, supported by the Central American Women's Fund held in Granada, Nicaragua, a Central American Feminist and Lesbian Dominican Republic meeting and as a result drafted a manifesto.

Contributions of women with HIV is invaluable, but weakens The contributions of the last decade have made Latin American organizations and networks of women living with HIV (MVV) is invaluable as it helped strengthen the leadership on human rights and sexual and reproductive produced local and regional research and number of publications that visibilizaron to the international community. However, in a region where the HIV begins to fade organizations of women with HIV are facing a critical moment that has weakened its presence as the voice of complaint and claim, from a common agenda, enabling them to improve the quality of life and ensure the vesting of the women. Hopefully soon revive hopes and they can pick the route that had until very recently, thousands of women with HIV require a helping hand.

During the meeting the partners noted the lesbian movement growing diversity of strategies and practices in an increasingly fundamentalist, right-wing militarized context requires boldly face given the hegemonic patriarchal force in the region. The evidence shows that have inherited authoritarian and hierarchical political cultures loaded with misogyny and you are sick and tired and eager to reinvent more radical, pleasant and worthy of the now of writing history activism, retrieving and sharing the successes and trials and creating new cultural references. .

Reported first case of HIV transmitted etween lesbians Although for years it was believed that it was impossible HIV transmission in lesbian relationships, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention of the United States reported the first case described by experts as "very rare". Clinical trials showed that women had an identical virus (98 percent) of its lesbian couple, so it was concluded that one infected the other. According to the Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report issued by the CDC, one of the women had been diagnosed as HIV positive previously.

present Games Convention LGBTI San Francisco will be the capital of the LGBTI games in the month of July in the second edition of the GaymerX is made. From 11 to 13 July visitors of all sexual orientations are welcome to a celebration of the diversity and issues like homosexuality in games or homophobia in the atmosphere of the gamers are treated. In addition to a series of panel discussions, this year's convention will have a playground created by IndieCade, a concert with various musicians, and an appearance by Fred Rosser (WWE superstar Darren Young who came out of the closet a few months ago behind. the event will also include a public wedding proposals accepted after while editing GaymerX last year.

Rocky road ahead for trans movement

Participate in video of the day against homophobia

While gays and lesbians around the world can point to a number of recent political successes, the transgender community is lagging behind in the recognition and rights. and expect a rocky road for claims.

Your message has to say something like: "I am Mary Perez of Cartago, Costa Rica and belong to the organization Free and Equal.And I have the right to be lesbian "or" I am Angel Cruz, San Jose, and I have the right to be recognized by my real name! "Or" We are students at the University of Costa Rica, and we the right to be protected against discrimination!. "

Michael Silverman, executive director of the Fund for the Transgender Legal Defense and Education, told the Associated Press: "My feeling is that we are 20 years behind the mainstream gay and lesbian, in terms of public understanding, "I think for the next few years until transgender people more visible, the company will continue in their ignorance and denial of our rights," said Mara Keisling, executive director of the National Center for Transgender Equality.

To promote the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, the organization IDAHOT invite us to participate in a video-collage with audiovisual messages arriving from Latin America.

notoriety LGBTI rights rapporteur The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) Jamaican lawyer named Tracy Robinson as director of the Rapporteur on the Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex people and women. The rapporteur was established in December of last year the Commission has been receiving disturbing information on various forms of violence and discrimination faced by people in the Americas for their sexual orientations and gender identities or expressions, real or perceived, or because their bodies differ what is considered the body of a woman or a man.

Dalai Lama favors marriage The Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama said he had no objection to marriage between persons of the same sex and condemning homophobia. "If two people, a couple, they feel that way is more practical, more satisfying to them, both of them are strongly agree, then fine," he said during an interview on the Internet with the famous American journalist Larry King. Marriage between same sex is being increasingly accepted in the Western world, but no country accepts Buddhist predominance and is a topic debated in countries like Nepal, Taiwan and Vietnam.

Gay heart Sen. Steve Gallardo of Arizona, who openly opposed a proposed anti-gay law passed in the Legislature, openly announced his homosexuality. The senator said he felt the need to announce after the Arizona legislature passed a bill that would have allowed companies to refuse service to gays, this based on religious beliefs. Gov. Jan Brewer vetoed the bill last week.

curiosities 90 year old man leaves the closet at his gay grandson Five months ago, Grant Rehnberg was showing his grandfather James 90 years, the wedding photos with her current husband, Bradford, when he suddenly said he was proud of the courage he had to live his life so openly. "He told me about the love of his life, Warren Johnson, a young man with whom he played music in church. He said that God loves every fiber of us and that he would have liked to be in my place, if I could. He told me he loved me. " In memory of his grandfather, Grant has plans to create a memorial artistic monument called "The Family Connection" and has already begun to raise funds through IndieGoGo to turn your dream into reality. It would be "directly linked to our parallel experiences as gay men in the family praise.

ATMs gays

. quienes vivían en lugares con predominio del rechazo.

Tourism LGBTI En términos de esperanza deexceeds vida, los gays, lesbianas $ 200y bisexuales billionque viven en lugares donde impera el odio viven una media de 12 años Theesleader in LGBTa tourism studies menos. Esta notable diferencia comparable la que se observa entre worldwide, Out Now Globalseñala Marketplace, personas con educación superior y sin ella, tal y como el director The ANZ Bank is the main sponsordel of estudio, Mardi Gras, the the organization that tourist Mark Hatzenbuehler. Según esteannounced mismo autor, “las minorías Gay Pride parade in the city of Sydney, decided to segment con thatniveles integrate lesbian, gay, sexuales que viven en comunidades más altos de prejuicio surprise them and personalize their ATM to make them bisexual and transgender community will mueren antes que quienes viven en comunidades con bajos niveles. look "more gay". reach de over billionestablecidos spending forde the first Estos efectos son independientes los200 riesgos time in 2014 incluyendo en el .hogar, la educación, el género, The project could be reality with themortalidad, cooperation of the los ingresos agency Whibyn \ TBWA, who created la etnia fun designs y la edad”. that recall the personality of the gay community. Rainbows, According to these data, the markets in unicorns tattoos and any kind of references to gay pride terms of higher spending countries are the and culture is seen in gay ATMs. United States ((56.5 billion Dollars) and Un número significativo de las muertes señaladas en elof estudio fueron I Brazil (25 300 million registradas ven, the messages displayed on the screen of como these suicidios y como fallecimientos por enfermedad tions). es ya conocido, pero el de la machines have been modified to kick cardiovascular. the guys whoEllove dato del suicidio to take out money, and even the tickets are printed on enfermedad cardiovascular merece atención: de las muertes de personas colored paper of the rainbow. LGB registradas en comunidades con fuertes prejuicios, el 25 % se ”. debían a este tipo de enfermedades. Este hecho apunta a otra forma más silenciosa en la que el odio puede matar. En palabras del director del estudio, “los generadores sociales de estrés están fuertemente ligados al riesgo cardiovascular. Y este tipo de estrés puede constituir un camino

interview Entrevista Anthonella Versace:

The activist behind the queen by : Waldir Ruiz Anthonella Versace is the first transgender public the department of Chinandega, Nicaragua. Caused controversy in the scenarios of the Miss Nicaragua 2006 Gay being the first of Chinandega "Miss Gay". This experience led her to recognize its convening power, leadership and use their voice to demand human rights of Nicaraguan sexual diversity. Antonella is an LGBT icon that makes the difference as a director of a nongovernmental organization (NGO) that promotes and defends human rights, becoming an example of struggle, especially for transgender women generally are stereotyped, marginalized and pigeonholed by machismo to a catwalk show and role.

What is your opinion of the shows and beauty contests for women? I think the shows are strategies for advocacy and visible to the LGBTI community through a stage further to shine and exploit art that bring in blood. How you helped the pageant "Miss Gay" to get involved in the LGBTI activism? It helped that I became a public figure and so I met many people, large NGOs as CEPRESI (Centre for Education and prevention of AIDS) who used my image for "Stop Homophobia" campaign and this gave me grow as activist Nicaraguan LGBTI community. How machismo affects a transgender woman? It affects or limits us to advance the fight for absolute freedom that we are even denied elementally.

What does the organization that you direct? We promote and defend human rights, prevention of Hiv and Aids. We seek social inclusion in the State. "Avetrans" trans form and empowers women in municipalities of Chinandega and provides spaces for consultation and dialogue with other sectors of society, and we give proper psychological care.

sports Transsexual inspire changes in sport Three trannies are stealing the hearts of the fans and opening path in the difficult world of sport. Its successes and domain of their disciplines have allowed them whet spaces in the athletic world After having undergone gender reassignment surgery in 2006, Fox Fallon is the first openly transgender female athlete in the history of mixed martial arts and transgender progress symbol in sport. .

Star golfer

La leyenda canadiense Michelle Dumaresq es una competidora de bicicleta de montaña profesional que siempre ha estado abierta sobre su pasado. Seis años después de su cirugía de reasignación de género, comenzó a ganar Mianne Bagger is the first transgender competencias. Y ahora es parte del equipo nacional canadiense y ha representado a su país en el Campeonato Mundial de Mountain Bike. athlete to play in a professional golf

tournament and the first trans person to qualify for the Ladies European Tour. Now press the International Olympic Committee, the IAAF (International Association of Athletics Federations) and the World Anti-Doping Agency to stop attacking women in sport.


Champion mountain bike The Canadian legend Michelle Dumaresq is a competing professional mountain bike has always been open about his past. Six years after her gender reassignment surgery, he began to win competitions. And now is the Canadian national team and has represented his country at the World Mountain Bike Championships.

entertainment The English electronic pop duo Pet Shop Boys released the song, "The Best Possible Gay" based on a speech written by the drag queen Panti Bliss., A leading figure in the gay rights in Ireland, which took condemning homophobia and defending the rights of sexually diverse people. The video of the song is already spreading around the world and has already received approval from stars like Madonna, Stephen Fry and Graham Norton.


Bliss said, "Pet Shop Boys did an awesome track of my speech Seriously, they did.".


"It is wrong" In the song "not his fault", Romeo Santos addresses the problems faced by homosexuals in families that do live adversan and experiences of love and hate. 32 The singer tries to get out of the music business and everyday social problems addressed by seducing timeliness and depth that presents. His captive and awareness amid a musical universe rather points to consumption, sexism and exclusion melody.

Dalls Buyers Club snatches two Oscars Matthew McConaughey actor hitherto inconsequential to Hollywood, has demonstrated that skin to give everything on the screen and "Dallas Buyers Club" practically snatched the Oscar for best actor nominees also other luminaries. McConaughey lost 22 kilos to portray Ron Woodroof, an electrician and Texan cowboy, homophobic, straight, swinger and cocaine addict, who give 30 days of life after being diagnosed with HIV in 1985. Jared Leto also managed to impress the jury of Oscar by playing Rayon, a young transsexual with HIV, which stands for a clean, accurate, warm and love acting.

Edición y producción: Héctor Fallas Corresponsales: El Salvador: Karla Avelar Guatemala: Aldo Dávila

Panamá: José Ramón Castillero Nicaragua: Waldir Ruiz Honduras: Dennis Castillo

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