Lesbitgay Inglés agosto 2014

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central american and caribbean journal of sexual diversity sexual diversity

Candles and flowers for the victims of Flight 289 MH17

august 2014

We invite you to visit the website Lesbitgay LGBTI Community in the world in mourning The death of 289 people aboard the MH17 flight shot down in Ukraine, was a blow to the LGBTI community in the world, who died 108 personalities heading to the 20th International AIDS Conference, held in Melbourne, Australia. Among doctors, researchers and activists fighting AIDS, we lost Joep Lange, founder of the NGO PharmAccess Foundation, which strives to improve access to AIDS treatment in developing countries

The website allows you to get news Lesbitgay 29 nations of Central America and the Caribbean. Information on homosexuality, lesbian, gay, trans, bisexual and intersex, knowing the input and the outputs of LGBTI people in art, film, photography, literature and music. You just have to access the address:

lesbitgay.info Other characters of the deceased are: Martine de Schutter, Bridging the Gap of Aidsfonds; Pim de Kuijer, Stop AIDS Now; Lucie van Mens, Female Health Company and Stop AIDS Now; Jacqueline van Tongeren, Amsterdam Institute for Global Health Development; Maria Adriana de Schutter, AIDS Action Europe and Glenn Thomas, the World Health Organization. Our condolences to their families and organizations. Especially for the people who lost 154 Dutch citizens. Likewise for Malaysia with 43, Australia with 27, Indonesia with 12, Britain with 9, Germany and Belgium with 4 Philippines and Canada with 3 deaths.

If you sign up you'll receive your personal mail the monthly, weekly newsletters and participate in campaigns begin to perform to support laws for LGBTI people discussed in the various parliaments of the Caribbean and Central America to fight the decriminalization of homosexuality in various countries in the region, combating hate crimes and support with your signature prevention campaigns and awareness. The web that has the support of HIVOS and collaboration of Diversity Movement Costa Rica can be read in 82 languages, has the whole collection of magazines published Lesbitgay and provides an overview of the struggles of the LGBT movement in Belize, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua and Panama. And in the Caribbean: Anguilla, Antigua and Barbuda, Aruba, Netherlands Antilles, Barbados, Bermuda, Cuba, Curacao, Dominica, Granada, Guadeloupe, Haiti, Virgin Islands, Jamaica, Martinique, Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic, St. Barthelemy, St. Kitts, St. Martin, St. Lucia and Trinidad and Tobago.

Caribbean show more acceptance of gays A regional survey Survey provided evidence that the Caribbean is moving away from its position traditionally homophobic and each increasingly tolerant of gays. The survey asked respondents to give their opinion on styles homosexual life and attitudes. The result showed that women and youth are more receptive, while very religious and "less educated" people are more homophobic. Respondents believe that homosexuality is a choice, but do not support violence against gays and accept changes in the sodomy law if it could be shown that this does not contribute to the spread of HIV and AIDS. The results show that Trinidad and Guyana are the nations that reject the changes more respect for the sexually diverse people.

Gay kiss opens the Commonwealth Games

Scottish actor John Barrowman, the series Dr. Who, kissed her boyfriend in full opening ceremony of the Commonwealth Games and sparked many comments as in 42 of the 53 Commonwealth countries homosexuality is illegal. The British Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg said "it is unacceptable that 80% of the members of the Commonwealth any form of discrimination against homosexuals is practiced." "We can not dictate to other nations how to behave, but we can promote the principles that we believe are fair in an open society, in the UK or abroad and recalled the recent step taken in Britain to the Law of Equal Marriage.

LGBT Caravan was a waste of joy The Seventh LGBT Pride Caravan supported by over 10 thousand people dressed joy and Santo Domingo was the platform for organizations to government demanded equal treatment without discrimination and not violate their civil education and health rights. The event organized by the Network of Volunteers ASA (REVASA) and Amigos Siempre Amigos (ASA), with the support of 25 LGBT organizations and was sponsored by the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV / AIDS (UNAIDS), UNDP, Health Policy Project, Heartland Alliance International, SFH / PSI and the Ministry of Culture among others. Deivi Ventura, coordinator REVASA stated that "we have discrimination in schools, at work, no access to health care and other big problems," emphasized that the poor he showed them in the caravan tolerance, respect and love, which is not observed in the sectors of power.

Civil Society hate campaign

Social, political and trade union organizations under the Eighth Forum on Human Rights and proclaimed their sexual diversity and advocacy LGBTI populations, rejected and condemned discrimination and were radically opposed the hate campaign that perform several churches in Dominican Republic. They drew attention to the need for civil society to have a climate of respect and recognition of LGBTI rights.

Attacks on evidence prejudices ambassador The CEO of Trans Forever Friends (TRANSSA) Christian King, said the Recent allegations of Christian conservatives us against the ambassador James Brewster, starts evidence intended to promote hatred and intolerance against the LGBT community based on double standards. The application of evangelicals to declare "unwelcome" and ask to leave the country on the grounds that the Dominican constitution violent and ethical values of the country, can endanger the stability of the many churches that receive aid annually from the United States for survival.

Kisses for equality The Cuban capital and the municipality of Sagua La Grande were filled with displays of affection kissed by the second equality and diversity where 60 people and about 15 activists read a letter of protest addressed to the National Assembly of Popular Power in protest at inclusion of gender identity and HIV seropositivity status as grounds for discrimination in the workplace. With the idea of putting "the Revolution in a Kiss", the Rainbow Project collected signatures to accompany the letter and send a signal of disapproval to President Esteban Lazo Assembly.

Mariela Castro suspected betrayal of the mandate of the Parliament and his father Rep. Mariela Castro EspĂ­n, daughter of the President of Cuba, suspected that the Style Committee, responsible for the final version of the highly anticipated Labour Code would not incorporate all the proposals in Parliament, so he voted against the Act . Their reasons for such unusual political gesture detailed in his statements: "If I have assurance that the Drafting Committee of the Law collect (...) the statements I made, I can not be part of passing a law which contradicts the fundamental principles of law I'm fighting back. " The Director of the National Center for Sex Education states that at the end of the sessions of Parliament, President Raul Castro instructed the Style Committee to include the proposed amendments. But even the orders of his father reassured sexologist and champion of LGBT rights in Cuba, who voted against.

Cuba registers new AIDS cases A report released by UNAIDS notes that while in the rest of the Caribbean HIV cases remained stable or managed slowed, the number increased in Cuba during 2013. However, the same report the number of deaths from the disease is among the countries in the region with the lowest rates (2%) and also has the best results in the treatment of antiretroviral rates of 64%.

Ambassador and former Miss Jamaica against homophobia "Homophobia must be eliminated immediately," was the battle cry of Pamela E Bridgewater, the U.S. Ambassador to Jamaica, at the launch of "Unconditional Love," a new public service announcement, Christine Straw, former Miss world Jamaica declares his infinite love for Matthew, his brother who is gay. "Los "Jamaicans have to stop this stupidity of alienating our because of their homosexual orientation. They are our brothers and sisters and we love them, because they need support and encouragement," Straw says in the ad. See ad on: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhH6UhfEI-E

Anti-gay law subject to parliamentary review Jamaican lawmakers probably review the anti-gay law as part of a legally required review of the laws relating to sexual offenses which is held every five years, the Minister of Justice Senator Mark Golding Said. Golding said the review was not a covert to amend the law against sodomy in colonial Jamaica but on the public effect of the law on health programs including HIV / AIDS effort.

Jamaica fossilized by religious fundamentalism The possibility of repeal colonial sodomy laws unleashed on fundamentalist religious leaders of Jamaica systematic hate campaign that has generated afraid to talk, and mistrust great fear of homosexuals for their lives. Faced with such a dangerous climate of uncertainty the bishop of the Anglican Church, Howard Gregory and Head of the Moravian Church in Jamaica and Cayman, Paul Gardner have started opening up spaces for discussion through respectful of differences. The LGBTI leaders, meanwhile, proposed to separate the issues of faith of human rights, eliminate stigma and discrimination associated with HIV, promoting sex education in schools to guide children about sexual abuse and pedophilia and request fundamentalist churches who oppose the repeal of sodomy laws under the pretext that due to "external influences" when the material they use to promote their campaigns comes from conservative groups in the United States and is not their own production.

Government Belize making the light threats death against Caleb Orozco The precautionary measures to ensure the protection of Caleb Orozco, executive director of United Belize Advocacy Movement (UNIBAM), who asked the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) have no impact on the government of this nation, which has dismissed the frequent threats receiving death of the leader of state and non-state actors. He emphasized the importance of Commission assigns the work of human rights defenders. And said Orozco as a defender of human rights is "indispensable" and if something were to happen would impact on the rights of sexually diverse populations of Belize. Orozco has repeatedly denounced police abuses against LGBTI people, on several occasions requested the decriminalization of homosexuality in Belize and held discussions with heated bravery in combat against various forms of discrimination in the nation, hence it has unleashed a constant homophobia status. From UNIBAM, has also asked the government of Belize to implement resolution 2807, adopted at the General Assembly of the Organization of American States, held in Antigua, Guatemala, in 2013, and to sign and ratify the Inter-American Convention Against All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance and the rights and fundamental freedoms for sexually diverse people are guaranteed.

Penalty favors spread of HIV / AIDS The Director of UNAIDS Caribbean, Dr. Ernest Massiah, referring to the repeated opposition of the Government of Belize to decriminalize homosexuality, says that HIV is a virus, not a crime and that laws criminalizing behaviors and sexual orientation make it difficult halt or slow its expansion in this and other countries. "People who know that your behavior or sexual orientation are considered illegal less likely to come to health services or talk openly about their behav-sexual behavior, while after that when there is limit its orientation sexual come without fear and assume their responsibility and cooperate treatments in prevention efforts. " He argued that the Global Commission on HIV and the Law has determined that countries criminalize sexual activity between persons of the same sex have higher rates of HIV prevalence as reinforce stigma and discrimination..

STDs are on the rise for not using condoms "Sexual globalization" is currently a challenge for health authorities and one reason why cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) are increasing, as Costa Rica does not use condoms cone-despite its benefits and as cer most received no sex education at school or college have little awareness of the consequences of neglecting health. The Costa Rican Social Security reported that by day two people with HIV or syphilis were diagnosed and that the areas of highest risk are located in coastal cantons of Limón and Puntarenas in the metropolitan area of the capital.

3 draft sexual diversity in Parliament The Legislature is currently considering two bills relating to same-sex couples and one on discrimination. It is the Companies Act Coexistence (18,481) and a single Reform Chapter of Title VII of the Family Code to recognize the union of same-sex couples (18,483). The first project, presented the exdiputados Carmen Muñoz, José María Villalta, Carlos Gongora and Carmen Granados and second only the first three. The other project is a amending Article 380 of the Penal Code to combat discrimination, incitement hatred and advocacy of hatred and discrimination (19,062), which also is the work of former deputy Frente Amplio, José María Villalta.

Open space for family LGBTI A group of students from the headquarters of the West University of Costa Rica is proposed to promote and encourage respect for sexual diversity and created an interesting educational space where they gather with family, friends LGBTI of San Ramón de Alajuela to share experiences, achieving a better acceptance of and support for families. Currently directed eight young racing Psychology, Industrial Engineering, Elementary Education, Social Work, Management of Natural Resources and Mass Communication. They have a Facebook page: "Family and amigxs sexual diversity - West."

Miss Gay Nicaragua was splendorous Berdrinadxy Amerika, Miss Gay León 2014, was crowned as the new sovereign Sexual Diversity Nicaragua at a gala held at the Crowne Plaza Convention Center. The official host of the event was Candi Iser, special guest of Costa Rica, who put a naughty touch to the whole event, while in the contest breaks majestic shows trans girls showed that neighboring country. The title of Miss Photogenic was candidate for Managua, Miss Congeniality Rep. Leon.

Lesbians speak out How to look lesbian in Nicaragua? Why are people afraid of them? What do you think of God? How do you relate with your parents? You want to be mothers? These are some of the questions that four women respond through "When we talk about lesbians," a book that collects the testimonies of young people and adults who have publicly shared their sexual preferences. The compilation, published by the Feminist Program Stream, describes the experiences of Jennipher Ellis (The Bluff), Tania Irías (Estelí), María Eugenia Gomez (Spain) and singer Gaby Baca (Managua) to discover, accept and declare lesbians. Although experiences vary depending on each case, all claim to have been discriminated against in one way or another.

Violence rages against women After the passage of a law that punishes femicide sentences from 15 to 30 years, the death rate from this cause fell in Nicaragua. But so far in 2014 the figure jumped to 48 cases, far greater than the figure for the same period last year. Dressed in black and with labels such as "Who will be next, I will be", "Machismo kills" hundreds of women if they did occur in an unprecedented protest. Jointly There were also LGBTI organizations who must end violence physical and psychological violence and machismo that is eating away at society.

Director spoke at world conference CONEVIH HIV CONEVIH director, Dr. Cristina Calderón, participated as a panelist for the fifth time at the World Conference on HIV, this time with the conference "Implementation of system synergies between the health sector and the business off the topic of HIV in America America. " The Calderón doctor was one of the special guests at the meeting held in Melbourne, Australia and one of the 3,800 people who signed the conclusions called "No One Left Behind", where calls to end discrimination and criminalization of sexual practices that hinder the fight against the disease and are the breeding ground for HIV. The document also highlights the situation Melbourne in over 80 countries where human beings are punished for their sexual orientation or practices, particularly homosexuals, sex workers, drug addicts and transsexuals.

Alert homophobic in Xela

Given the homophobic demonstrations that sparked the realization of the event Ali Gay Tinimit Re Xelajuj N'oj, LGBTI organizations and NGOs ꞌ s of Guatemala had to mount a campaign called "homophobic Alert Xela". Some voices were raised in the Department of Xelajú who argued that the event denigrated Re Tinamit Umialt Xelajú celebration that highlights the values of the Maya-Quiché culture is declared cultural heritage. Given this homophobic reaction, arguing that the campaign activity defends cultural traditions and highlights the same struggles against repression and discrimination of racial connotation and added that only adds sexual orientation and gender identity.

Honduras Baktun TV wins great popularity Each month, for more than an hour, the Baktun TV program allows us to make out on the life of the LGBT population of Honduras and its fifth episode stands as a prerequisite for the promotion of unity and solidarity of people sexually space various This wonderful initiative of the Committee for Sexual Diversity is produced by the Kukulcan Association, with the support of HIVOS, takes us by the hand of Darwin Fuentes and a copresenter invited by the world of entertainment, the main activities of the organizations , sports, places of socialization and connects us with Hondurans living abroad through international greetings section. The fifth edition can be viewed at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OJ9bYCV6p2E

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New hate crime Jaime Jaime Javier Hernรกndez a transsexual who lived in San Pedro Sula became the 15th victim of violence against sexually diverse people during 2014. This person worked at a liquor store and was caught while riding a bicycle path to his home in colonia Felipe Zelaya, when a group of assailants fired several shots, killing on the spot. The family of the victim Hernandez stated that wanted to go to Mexico by the constant threatNazas was received, I Biendo. we hope justice soon.

Roban in Rainbow Association Again the LGTB Rainbow Association is prey underworld. Broke down the front door and stole valuables, as reported Donny Reyes, director of the organization. In the past it was the victim Reyes illegal detention and inhuman treatment in the cell and even victims of rape by the police. And he reiterated that since the complaint has been the victim of surveillance and persecution by police repeatedly. Hence the vandalism of the organization can chain the reprisals against the LGBTI rights advocate.

Journalist scored Egg Rosa Journalist Hugo Enrique Rosa won FamanĂ­a Egg Association annually awards the Men and Women of Panama the character that has been known for encouraging discrimination and hatred against sexually diverse people of the country. Ricardo Beteta, president of the organization, said the selection was based on actions of the nominees, which go against the human rights of LGBT people for a year and that most leaned FamanĂ­a, which often attacks arguments with religious fundamentalists.

AHMNP Award for Theatrical Group Carilimpia

Princess Miss World candidates receive training The Man Association and Women of Panama reward the Carilimpia Theatrical Group in 2014 by award AHMNP use art as a vehicle for expression on topics of common interest, such as domestic violence, health, education, identity, historical memory, citizenship education, corruption and recovery of public spaces. Three years ago two actresses: Mariela Aragon and Maritza Vernaza Chiari, he was created with the purpose of making a theater characterized by treating social issues

New Horizons Association G.L.B.T.I. conducted a training for candidates participating in the Miss World contest Princess Panama West, so they met and were capable of handling all issues related to the prevention of HIV and sexually transmitted diseases. The aim is that girls become in turn messengers of prevention being figures Panama LGBTI community admires and respects and be part of the crusade "An educated youth is the future of a nation in equality."

Trans constantly harassed At the hearing on El Salvador, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) received troubling information indicating that trans people are constantly harassed, including those deprived of their liberty, and easily become victims of hate crimes. The discrimination they face is related to the lack of recognition of their right to identity by the state. The Commission appreciates the progress made by the Government, including the establishment of a hotline to report cases of violence 24 hours, and training to members of the judiciary and the prosecution. However, the Commission remains concerned about the high levels of violence and the number of murders and attacks against trans people.

LGBTI window The LGBTI community, under the leadership of ASPIDH RAINBOW commitment and signed a letter of understanding with the Ministry of Labour, in the fight against discrimination and harassment against sexually diverse population and a window opened to the attention of these people. In the window LGBTI people receive quality care and warmth to promote employment, make alliances for companies to hire sexually diverse people and document cases of employment discrimination.


From August, job fairs and LGBTI also scheduled to have awareness about discrimination and bullying with emphasis on lesbian, trans and intersex women. We close this July 8 murders in our community and this initiative of the Ministry of Labor and ASPIDH RAINBOW, seeks to give the opportunity to all LGBTI people in the enjoyment of a decent living by work fairly paid and benefits law.

Fights Marriage in Colorado and unions in Croatia Colorado Colorado became a U.S. territory in the eighteenth recognize civil unions between same-sex couples Fran and Anna Simon were the first couple to be the 'I do' in a ceremony officiated by the Mayor of Denver, Michael Hancock. On the other hand. Croatia took a 180 degree turn. In December 2013 rejected the proposed equal marriage, but after many months of discussion parliament finally approved civil unions. Under the new law the various couples can legally register and enjoy the same benefits that heterosexuals have today, but left out the issue of adoptions.

Adoption grant trans and gay couples The first transsexual teacher to get that position, also got the justice Argentina grant him custody of four nephews whose mother was recently killed by her spouse. Silvina Maureen Buyutti, community educator Nogoyรก in Argentina Entre Rios province, will now Micaela's mother, Joseph, Sheila and Fabricio. Moreover, marriage conformed by Juan Pablo Castro and Silva won temporary guardianship of two children aged 9 and 11 years. This is the first case of adoption to a gay couple that is also found in Argentina. They are married for two years, after the passage of the equal marriage law.

Slope equal marriage in 13 U.S. states

Si If positively resolve 13 appeals judgments of unconstitutionality, the number of U.S. states with gay marriage would rise to 31. It is pending in: Idaho, Utah, Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Tennessee, Virginia, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Indiana, Michigan and Wisconsin.

Present Antiretroviral compliance for sex between men

La The World Health Organization (WHO) advised for the first time, that men who have sex with men should consider taking antiretroviral therapy for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) as a complementary measure to avoid infection. The Guidelines for prevention, diagnosis, treatment and care of HIV to populations at risk, experts advise called pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP, for its acronym in English) who want to reduce their risk of infection, regardless of whether your partner has virus or not, but that does not excuse warn that condom use. Since 2011 this therapy is applied between couples where one is HIV positive and the other is not infected. "The PrEP is a way for people who do not have HIV, but are at risk of contracting, are prevented. It involves taking one pill a day. "


Condemn sterilization trans and intersex The World Health Organization (WHO), the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, UN Women UNAIDS, the United Nations Program for Development, the Population Fund and the United Nations as Unicef jointly condemned in emphatic forced sterilization of transgender and intersex people as a violation of fundamental human rights. The document states that this type of intervention will be useful as a contraceptive method, can not be carried out against the will of the people, in the absence of free and informed consent or in the context of programs imposed by force by governments . They claim that in some countries sterilization is imposed as a prerequisite to legal recognition of gender identity, and calls for an urgent review of these laws.

Meeting leadership political LGBTI The First Meeting Political leadership LGBTI Latin America and the Caribbean to be held in Lima, Peru, from 4 to 6 September 2014 will be a space for reflection and exchange of experiences between leaders and leaders to identify progress, challenges and best practices in processes of political participation. They involve people openly LGBTI exercising elected office, those holding office in a political party, officials of the public administration and leaders LGBTI for his work in civil society and the business world are interested to increase political representation of diversity. The event is organized by the Centre for the Promotion and Defense of Sexual and Reproductive Rights (PROMSEX). Registration and information: http://www.promsex.org/

Notoriety First trans in World Cup Jaiyah Saelua, Samoa became the first trans woman to play professional football and join the women's team to represent his country in a World Cup that sport. At 25 Jaiyah said that football should be a sport for everyone and has commented on the efforts to combat homophobia and discrimination in sport.

Gay politicians in Spain The extraordinary congress of the Socialist Party of Catalonia ratified Iceta Miquel, openly gay politician, First Secretary of the organization, after being elected by the membership in the primaries.

Months ago, Antonio Maillo, was appointed coordinator of United Left of Andalusia, which has been noted for its continued defense of LGBTI rights in Spain. This gay politicians begin to gain ground in Spain.

Trans priest The Washington National Cathedral, where there have been 21 funerals of U.S. presidents, was the ideal medium for Cameron Partridge, trans priest gave a speech as part of LGBTI Pride stage. Cameron, Episcopal chaplain at Boston University took their gender identity 13 years ago and is married to a woman. He has distinguished himself by his struggle for sexually diverse people and is very popular in the Episcopal Church or Anglican.

Curiosities Brain Gay Parents assumes role of mother

A recent study published the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences USA (PNAS, its acronym in English) shows that fatherhood changes the brain activity of gay parents for mimicking the brains of heterosexual mothers and fathers to time. In the 48 gay parents raising children with their husbands, researchers found an increase in emotional sensitivity and cognitive circuits simultaneously. This new research seems to show that the experience of fatherhood changes the brain activity of parents, regardless of whether the children are biological or not.

Section of bisexuality in the Museum of San Francisco .

LGBT Characters videogames The History Museum GLBTI San Francisco, United States, recently opened a section on bisexuality visible struggles and highlights the key moments in the political history of bisexual people. The exhibition has aroused great interest because it presents the use of previously unseen artifacts, videos and photos property of bisexual activists and files GLBTI Historical Society in its efforts to be recognized as another sexual orientation. Bisexuality section calls BiNet U.S. and curator tube Lani Ka'ahumanu, the founder of the first group of bisexual defense.

Desde Since the first video game came out, the LGBTI community has been represented and presently there many characters who are bisexual, trans, lesbian or gay. For just a few examples, Liara T'Soni from Mass Effect series is an alien race that has no specific genre despite his feminine appearance. Juhani Star Wars character, belongs to the race of the Cathar is openly lesbian. Vamo of Metal Gear Solid 2 is bisexual and has two girlfriends and a boyfriend. Poison from Final Fight is a trans woman. Tony GTA is gay. Willow Rosenberg Chaos Bleeds has a female partner. Some characters are so versatile that the player can even choose what sex is.

Sport Goalie world champion Manuel Neuer, goalkeeper of the German national football champion and he declared his homosexuality and encouraged all players gays openly talk about it, "fans will get used quickly," he said. Neuer currently plays in the Bundesliga, and between other teams mentioned at Manchester United as the club in the future.

Out Magazine Cover The football player Michael Sam August occupy the cover of Out magazine. This becomes the first openly gay player on the cover of this magazine gay themed NFL. And is that Michael is surrounded by the controversy of whether the reality of his life devised by Oprah Winfrey will succeed or not, it is so famous before having played a single minute of his televised kiss mythical criticism from his own father and praise by Obama.

Finally admitted After years of speculation, Ian Thorpe out of the closet. In an interview with Sir Michael Parkinson, the Australian swimmer of 31 years declared homosexual. The boy took many years to admit what was even denied in his autobiography 'This Is Me', published in 2011.Sus statements appeared in the Australian Channel Ten.

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