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central american and caribbean journal of sexual diversity sexual

july 2014


San JosĂŠ dressed sexual diversity

Central American diversity

Youth without information on HIV Costa Rica's youth do not know how HIV is transmitted almost never use condoms, do not look if you are defeated and 7 out of 10 has never had a test for the virus. This follows six research conducted by specialists from the University of Costa Rica (UCR) that reveal the needs and lack of information about HIV-AIDS. Studies agree that the risks of infection are higher in people with low incomes and little education who do not use condoms because they believe it reduces the pleasure or not have it at hand. Access to rapid testing is one of the biggest shortcomings is the population at risk in the country. In the private sector can be made, but not applied by the Social Security Fund.

Costa Rica receives recommendations in the UN During the report gave Costa Rica on the situation of Human Rights in the United Nations, several countries he made recommendations on LGBTI people. The delegation of Uruguay suggested combat discrimination against LGBT people, both in law and in practice, which impacts on the possibilities of education, justice and access to health services, with emphasis on the difficulties that transgender people face Representatives of the Netherlands recommended design awareness programs against discrimination and provide equal rights for the LGBT community: improving access to justice for those whose rights have been violated because of their gender identity, expression gender or sexual orientation. Also allow cohabitation contracts to same-sex couples, eliminate disparities related to inheritance, health care and social security.

Ground Zero Discrimination Movement Generation Zero Municipality appointed Goicoechea free zone and stigma and discrimination and combat stigma, discrimination and promote equality, respect and gender equality. Generation Zero, which promotes social inclusion, reducing stigma and discrimination supports the work done by the municipality through its Office of Diversity and Gender.

Gay couple married in the U.S. Leonel de Leon and Oscar native of Managua, could be the first pair of gay men from Nicaragua to U.S. nuptials contract. The lions lived his teenage years in Los Angeles, California, while Oscar traveled to North country makes two years with the sole intention of continuing their studies, imagine your life without marriage under the laws of the city icon gay world. Eliminate discrimination on grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity, respect and dignity, quality health care, education and access to justice demands were raised by the organizations of the National Bureau in March to celebrate LGBTI National Day Pride International. The hike was accompanied by groups chicheros popular rhythmic dance, batucada and created an atmosphere of joy and the Nicaraguan folkloric and colorful crowd. And it ended with a concert where the singer participated Gaby Baca and solidarity with women victims of abuse and femicide..

100 years of sexual diversity To celebrate the International LGBTI Pride Day, the UA project, the Collective House Colors and Venancia Group performed three research presentations "100 years of sexual diversity in Nicaragua", who performed the historian Victoria Gonz谩lez-Rivera. The presentation took place in Managua Pablo Antonio Cuadra Cultural Center, followed by a similar dissertation in Matagalpa Guanuca Cultural Center and another at the Casa de Colores de Le贸n.Colegio La Salle en Le贸n.

LGBTI complaints are recorded in form OAV An agreement signed by the Defence of Sexual Diversity Guatemala, the Office of Victim Services of the National Civil Police (OAV) and the National Network of Sexual Diversity (REDNADS) began to operate a ballot documented cases of people LGBTI who suffer domestic violence. To keep a statistical record of victims of abuse, harassment or other situations of violence, ballot complaints of sexual orientation and guide for use by staff including key definitions and how to be covered included the sexually diverse victims..

Dignity by human rights The parade started Guatemala Sexual Diversity Civic Center and more than 30 groups and organizations joined with floats, rainbow flags and costumes to request approval of a law on gender identity. With the slogan "Dignity for Human Rights", participants completed the walk in the Plaza of the Constitution tasting a cake decorated with the colors of the rainbow, to celebrate the anniversary of Positive People Group and a photo exhibition historical struggles of the LGBTI movement Guatemala.

Honduras Celebrating pride and dignity Catracha The Committee on Sexual Diversity Honduras held a week of activities called "Pride and Dignity Catracha 2014, As I Wanna Be" which included traditional Pride Parade, cultural and recreational activities. During the celebration launched the short film "Woman writes with L" which tells stories of lesbians and bisexual Honduran, a three-day festival of film and photography and the presentation of the play "No mask" was made. The Colectivo Violeta associations, Cozumel Trans, LGBT Rainbow, APUVIMEH, Kukulcan Lesbian and Bisexual Litos and Ixchel groups also held a variety night called Five Star and an intercollegiate dance. . .

Reproductive Health and sexual violence The Center for Women's Rights asked Rashida Manjoo, the Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, on his visit to Honduras, intercede with Parliament to pass a bill introduced by Rep. Department of Atlantis Ramon Antonio Leva Bulnes will allow women, teens and girls Honduran access to sexual and more comprehensive, especially in cases of sexual reproductive health. In support of its request to the Special Rapporteur on Violence against Women will be provided details Human Development Report for Central America 2009-2010 which shows that the widespread violence in the country has deteriorated in recent decades, Honduras still considered one of the countries with the highest crime rate in the region and in 2013 there were 2,149 reports of sexual violence where more than 60% of these cases whose victims are girls under 20

Panamanian demand respect Panama LGBTI groups performed the traditional Pride Parade, where more than 2,000 people packed the capital's streets demanding respect for their human rights and demanding public policies that recognize. Activists said that among the concerns of the LGBTI community is the "Family Pact" signed by President-elect Juan Carlos Varela and four other candidates because it is against the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, of which Panama is a signatory. In addition, sexually diverse people of Panama suffer discrimination, homophobia, harassment and stigma in work areas, education and health, and even pay taxes like all Panamanians, have no legal backing assets, or protection for their relationships .

Nominees of Great Egg Pink are the shame of Panama Journalists FamanĂ­a Hugo and Jose Escobar, Tito Afu Deputy Minister of Government, Jorge Ricardo Fabrega and Cocoas.net website are the nominees for the Great Egg Rosa, award given annually to the characters that promote hatred and homophobia and shame are sexually diverse people of Panama. The award from the Association of New Men and Women of Panama (AHMNP) is elected from hundreds of Panamanians vote to exercise their social characters show that during publicly disrespect and undermine human rights by promoting discrimination against people lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex in Panama.

Violence and discrimination The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) recognized some signs of progress by El Salvador, on the road to equality for LGBTI people, but urged the country to take urgent action to protect them from violence and discrimination. The Commission remains concerned about the rising levels of intolerance and discrimination especially against trans women who constantly harassed easily become victims of hate crimes. and LGBTI children or who are perceived as such. The Commission to the discrimination they face is related to the lack of recognition of their right to identity by the state were reported. The Commission appreciates the progress made by the Government, including the establishment of a hotline to report cases of violence 24 hours, and training to members of the judiciary and the prosecution. Trans organizations were present Commission to report on. .

I build equity Different organizations of the LGBTI community departed El Salvador Cuscatlan Park in a march through various streets of San Salvador to commemorate Sexual Diversity Day. Under the slogan "I build equity," LGBTI people demanded the resignation of hate crimes, discrimination and lack of legal protection and expressed hope that the situation of homophobia diminishes more and more. The activity ended at the Plaza Salvador del Mundo cried because trans people are respected and an end to violence against them.

Caribbean caribbean

Haiti signed convention against discrimination The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Haiti, Duly Brutus, signed the Inter-American Convention "Against All Forms of Discrimination" and "Against Racism, Racial Discrimination and Related Intolerance" in the presence of the Secretary General of the Organization of American States (OAS), JosĂŠ Miguel Insulza, and the President of Haiti, Michel Martelly. Brutus The Chancellor said that by signing two conventions set his country at the forefront of the fight against racism and discrimination in the region. In this regard, he recalled that Haiti has a long history in other struggles against segregation and domination, and cited the historic role that met the Haitians in the struggle against slavery and in favor of the independence of the peoples of the Americas ..

Diversity Conference in Dominica

LGBT activists from six different Caribbean nations, met in Port of Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, in order to join efforts in the fight against the laws and social behaviors that promote and legitimize homophobia in their countries were given.

The island of Dominica was the venue of the Conference on Sexual Diversity Alliance organized by the Caribbean HIV / AIDS under the theme "Invisible no more, its power for leadership."

Under the name of "Generation Change initiative arose due to the changing and improved situation of LGBT Collective at continental level not evident in their places of origin, as in the Caribbean states, criminal codes times are maintained colonial that punish sexual relations between persons of the same sex with the prison, so the marked social rejection, which sometimes reaches trigger and harassment, assault and even murder adds.

The meeting was attended lesbian, bisexual and trans discussed the possibility of becoming more visible with the hope that eventually generate women a voice in their societies and communities.

Within the group will have delegates from Guyana, Jamaica, Barbados, Trinidad and Tobago, St. Lucia and Belize.

República Dominicana Vatican dismissed protected pedophile John Paul II The Vatican spokesman Federico Lombardi said the Polish Jozef Wesolowski, now ambassador to the Holy See in Dominican Republic was dismissed after being convicted of pedophilia. "Given that the verdict has just made the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, appropriate to the seriousness of the case action will be taken, implying that the excura will be under house arrest." The diplomat was a protégé of Pope John Paul II

They do not want gays in the police Both Defense Minister Siegfried Wall as the Chief of Police of the Dominican Republic agreed that homosexuals can not serve as agents police and asked reporters if they identify any gay in that body, report for submission to treatment. According to Dominican Today, Castro said the law prohibits and forbids military rules Dominican Republic and although being gay is not punishable, does not consider these people are fit for the military.

Ambassador homophobia unleashed The U.S. ambassador to the Dominican Republic, James Wally Brewster and her husband Bob Satawake sent an unequivocal message against discrimination in the LGBT Pride month and indicated that the time to stop the hate came. The video sparked homophobia among Dominicans lawmakers outraged by what they consider an attack on the "moral" and religious groups who rated it as "a curse for the Dominican Republic" Nevertheless U.S. Embassy in Santo Domingo performed the National Forum for Human Rights, organized by the Network of Volunteer Friends Forever Friends (REVASA) in collaboration with the Embassy. The screening of the film The Laramie Project, inspired by the murder of Matthew Shepard.

Cuba Gender identity outside Labour Code The new Labour Code recently published Cuba, not included explicitly to gender identity form as one of the reasons for not discriminate, within the fundamental principles governing the right to employment. Although it was express rejection of sexual orientation discrimination and added disability as a result of debate between Members, the proposed Mariela Castro on gender identity was unknown to the committee that was responsible for the final wording of the law. The matter is serious and calls into question the methods of work of the National Assembly of People's Power, and transparency in decision-making from the will of the deputies and the deputies.

Kissed diversity The Rainbow Project, LGBT in Cuba, held LGBTI Pride Day with the "Second kissed Diversity and Equality" in Old Havana plaza. Organization for kissing in public space should be right of every person and the activity was a political act as repudiating the homophobia, the double standards, sexism and discriminatory logics that mark the roots of the culture must change. It was also a meeting to celebrate the Law No.116 Come Labor Code protects first gay people and protest the exclusion of gender identity of such legislation.

Jamaica Minister calls for support for people in the sewers Julian Robinson, Minister of Science and Technology, motivated by the "international exposure" of the case, asked the House of Representatives of Jamaica to help a group of gay and trans homeless are forced to live in the sewers of the capital . In the Jamaica Observer, the official said: "It is a problem that has existed for more than two years ago The problems here are complex, they are not just about the sexual orientation of individuals Many of them are young people who have been abused -.. physical, psychological, sexual - that have been isolated from their families and many of them must engage in prostitution.

Questioned sodomy law It is expected that the Supreme Court of Jamaica know soon a case challenging the sodomy law of the country by a man who claims that his landlord kicked him out of their home because of their sexual orientation.

Police save gay peat Miraculously Jamaica police managed rescued alive even a gay man who was attacked by a mob after he was seen putting on lipstick. This latest incident of anti-LGBT violence took place almost a year after a group of people attending a party killed Dwayne Jones, a 16 year old dared to dress in women's clothes. The hate crime occurred in the resort city of Montego Bay and continues with impunity.

Activists say that much of homophobia is fueled by anti-sodomy law that already has nearly 150 years and reggae singers to keep alive the gay stigma. A claim is rather that in 2008 the Prime Minister, Portia Simpson Miller, pledged to bring the law to a conscience vote in Parliament, has failed repeatedly.

Fights Legal sex change without The Dutch Parliament surgery passed a law allowing transsexuals to legally change their sex without having to undergo surgery or have a medical diagnosis. Starting on September 1, transsexuals over 18 years old can make that legal change and get a new identity number simply ask. The law provides for a reflection period of six months for the applicant to confirm the initial request.

Trio lesbians married Now that polyamory is fashionable, a trio of lesbians Massachusetts, United States, decided to formalize their commitment and married to a lawyer in your community. Doll, Kitten and Brynn expect to have three children, the first to be born in July, will by artificial insemination. Kitten is responsible gestate all children, and not adopt any rule. Doll and Brynn took more than two years together when they decided to add another member to the family, and met Kitten through a web of triplets.

Marriage, Couple and openness recognition After two years of discussion in parliament, Luxembourg approved marriage between persons of the same sex, and allow them to take disapprove any discrimination. A lesbian couple got the Civil Registry and Identification Certificates to Guayaquil enroll in their ballots the union of couples who have for several years. The same thing happened earlier in Quito, capital of Ecuador. Judge Barbara Crabb amended the existing ban in the state of Wisconsin.desde 2006, claiming it violates the right to marry and the equal protection of gay couples, collected in the U.S. Constitution.

Present OAS approves resolution on sexual orientation and gender identity The General Assembly of the Organization of American States (OAS) at its recent meeting in Paraguay, adopted a resolution on "Human Rights, Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity," which urges governments to work to protect the LGBTI community violence and discrimination. The document calls on governments to remove barriers faced by LGBT people "on equal access to political participation and other areas of public life and prevent interference in their private life." .

Annual Conference Bisexual The Bisexual Organizing Project held its Annual Conference at the Minneapolis campus of the University of Minnesota and parallel community leaders held a meeting of Empowerment.

Spanish TV, TV in its program documents presents "Sex sense," a documentary about children's own production transsexual collecting various testimonies of both children and their parents. Stories like Ariel, age 5, daughter of gypsy father; Patri, an 11-year notes with anguish the first female body changes; Edurne, 17, treated with hormone inhibitors, so that your body never develop male characters and looks forward to undergo gender reassignment surgery ...

The conference is billed as a meeting place for activists, researchers, community members, and even allies to discuss important issues relating to the bisexual community.

Notoriety First Latino mayor and gay Robert Garcia, Peruvian by birth and age 36, has just made history: he became the first Hispanic mayor, the youngest and openly gay city of Long Beach, the second largest city in California The win is significant not only Hispanic in ethnic diversity, but also cultural, social and gender.

Mayor admits his homosexuality A new political authority of Peru reveal their sexual orientation in the media. This time he tried to AmĂŠrico Atoche Ruiz, mayor of populated center of Rome in Casa Grande, department of La Libertad. "That's right, I'm gay. I've never hidden who I am. People have accepted me as I am, "he said in an interview with News America. Atoche said his social work helped get him elected in office and has never felt discriminated against because of his homosexuality.

Lesbian judge The Supreme Court of Puerto Rico appoint counsel Oronoz Maite Rodriguez as Associate Justice and the Senate confirmed. This is the first time an openly lesbian candidate is confirmed to the Supreme Court of Puerto Rico. The LGBT community has been surprised but pleased that a person of sexual diversity assume as honorable position.

Curiosities Develop "penis helmet" of those men who do not feel like arguing with a condom; although it is a useful contraceptive does not have the same effectiveness in protecting against infections such as HIV.

Invent condom penis helmet

The inventor Charlie Powell of California, claims to have invented a new type of condom that will revolutionize the world of sex, called "Galactic Cap." The Galactic Cap unlike condoms we know at present, does not cover all of the penile shaft, focuses solely on the "puntita" is something like a "helmet penis."

Excess selfies reflects the lack of sex

Este preservativo sólo envuelve la cabeza del pene, atrapando el semen y sin interferir en la sensación sexual del resto del miembro viril. Para aquellos que se quejan de que con condón no se siente igual.

La “idea millonaria” de Powell surgió luego de una convocatoria lanzada por la fundación de Bill y Melinda Gates. La fundación busca apoyar un proyecto que revolucione los condones, haciéndolos más accesibles y agradables al uso cotidiano. Powell no ganó el financiamiento de researcher, la fundaciónVan de los Gates, pero no se A study by Dutch Christyntjes detendrá, busca apoyo por medio de latoplataforma Gallagher ahora of Wageninge University, in order find The openly gay Republican lawmaker Brian IndieGoGo. the cause of the high exposure level of sexual Sims, predicted that by 2024, America elects privacy in social networks, found that selfies are a its first, at least the first out of the closet cry for help expressing people for sexual abandonment. El “casco de pene” desarrollado por Powell está formado homosexual president. por dos partes, la primera es una cinta adhesiva que se The investigation called "Het fotograferen pega en la circunferencia del van pene, puede permanecer ahí Handsome Pennsylvania legislature made his ontbering eenzaamheid" (Theashooting ofde theregadera; "prophecy gay" during an interview with por días e in incluso es resistente los baños French magazine Tétu,. Also, Sims said the difficulties loneliness) assessed photos la segundaand parte es la “gorra” para lathe cabeza del pene, and compared the momentos reality of the characters esta se pega a with la cinta antes de la penetración, situation is rapidly evolving U.S. policy in favor of the LGBT community (Lesbian, Gay, and found many use this tendency to hide durante lasthat relaciones sexuales. Bisexual, Trans). their sexual insecurity and absence.

Predicted gay president

"Selfie addicts assess their level of wellness in the Advertencias image building itself, using technology to manipulate the actual image obtained of themselves and be able to sell something that No obstante, Administración does not existlaand feel them. de Fármacos y Alimentos (FDA por sus siglas en inglés) de EU no ha dado su visto bueno al condón de Powell, y es que muchos advierten

"Barack Obama is probably one of the 10 activists of the LGBT Community in America. No other president has done more in this regard," said Sims.


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