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central american and caribbean Journal of sexual diversity

may 2014

Covenant fundamentalist fight fans LGBTI Panama The Panama LGBTI groups launched cry more history and fueled the fight for their rights to express their total opposition to the signing of a fundamentalist agreed that five of the seven candidates for the Presidency of the Republic pledged not to approve any initiative that promotes the rights humans sexually diverse people. The ruse the rode the Catholic Church and other fundamentalist religious groups making candidates more choice voting will come to their knees to the archbishop. The auditorium of the Universidad Santa Mar铆a La Antigua, was sullied when police evicted bumps and jostling to and LGBTI activists and civil society who were demonstrating against the signing of the macabre pact "life and family". Despite this low blow two progressive candidates signed a pact for democracy in that recognize and respect diversity, the enjoyment and exercise of human rights, to protect all families and promote a broad and deep national debate topics so far silenced as it is all related to non-heteronormative sexualities. The triumph of Juan Carlos Varela as new president of Panama leaves many disappointments as well as signing the covenant family is extremely conservative and is sure to be a setback for LGBTI human rights.

Promoci贸n Sexual y de un Consejo Consultivo que implemente la consolidaci贸n de derechos LGBTI.


The positive thing about these events is that LGBTI rights had greater visibility, clusters of sexual diversity achieved better articulate their struggles for the future and the subject was placed in the eye of the political storm.

Societies of Coexistence was the subject that defined the legislative elections The Companies Bill Coexistence between same sex became the star of the recent election of the board of the Legislative Assembly. Well, an agreement trying to postpone their discussion, was crushed by the large popular discontent manifest in social networks, LGBTI groups and progressive parties of this country. The big losers were the "fundamentalist Christian legislators" because the tortilla was given back radically. The directory is named without their votes and draft Societies of Coexistence will be taken up for discussion by the Frente Amplio party, Christian Social Unity and Citizen Action.

Chamber of commerce and tourism LGBTI March against discrimination The newly founded Chamber of Commerce and Tourism of Costa Rica LGBTI Julio Cesar Calvo elected as its president and 7 more member companies of different members of the organization. Among the first events of the Chamber highlighted a gay tourism fair.

Miscellaneous coordinator Kiss performed the 14 march against against Pueblo Viejo Bar for their continued discrimination against people of sexual diversity. Furthermore, on May 16 will take place at the World Loco bar one kissable party.

A story imposible to forget 27 years ago were arrested, questioned and prohibited to perform any type of activity. They were accused of being a deformation of imperialism and undermine the moral revolutionary. The order came from the then Minister of the Interior. It was a group of lesbians and gays who tried to delete the Nicaraguan map. Ese13 May 1987 should be stored with affection in our hearts because it was the first hint of a claim our rights and now allows us to embark on the streets with flags to defend our rights not yet consolidated.

LGBTI Rights stagnant May is a key to understanding the real situation of LGBTI rights in Nicaragua as the country must submit the Universal Periodic Review in the Human Rights Council of the United Nations and respond to recommendations that made 118 countries worldwide month. But during this period little or no progress has been registered. In 2012, for example, discussed the Family Code and the Law on Violence against Women, but both have refused to provide any sexually diverse groups proposal.

Lesbian Visibility Day "I am a lesbian because I like and I feel like it," was the slogan shouting feminist organizations and sexual diversity of Managua who participated in the commemoration of the International Day for the Lesbian Visibility in Nicaragua. In Le贸n lesbian groups staged a fun and educational party. Matagalpa activists gathered for a night of erotic poetry The celebration aims to fight social prejudices, lesbians inserting the public spaces and the recognition of their full rights. proposal.

Advocacy of sexual diversity The Office of the Human Rights Ombudsman of Guatemala created a Sexual Diversity to protect the rights of sexually diverse community and appointed as its director Gabriela Tuch. The Ombudsman explained that the crimes of discrimination and physical attacks are more crimes committed against the gay community, but that fear and apathy are not reported. "There are cases in which young people are kicked out of their schools for being gay or where people from the LGBT community for their appearance are not eligible for a job, have no choice but to go to work to an aesthetic of beauty, "Tuch said.

National Day Against Homophobia As part of a forum organized by the National Network of Sexual Diversity, Human Rights Ombudsman of Guatemala, Dr. Sergio Fernando Morales Alvarado said May 17 as a national day against homophobia. In the statement, the prosecutor stated that the Constitution of the Republic states that "in Guatemala all beings are human us free and equal in dignity and rights" and that "all beings are human we save a fraternal behavior among if "it is noted that in Guatemala, despite these constitutional requirements is still evident and even outright brutal intolerance against those who have chosen a different orientation and identity to heterosexual.

Diverse carpet Activists and collaborators of the group Positive People joined the Catholic celebration on Palm Sunday d producing a carpet of diversity with red background, the rainbow flag and the message "In the eyes of God we are all equal." The carpet 25 meters long, was located on Third Avenue and equine with the 8th Street in Zone 1 in the capital and attention to local media, as well as hundreds of people and members of sexual diversity visited the city streets to witness acts Easter processional.

Honduras AJEM interactive page Association Youth Movement (AJEM) recently launched a website to get more easily to young people, the most vulnerable of Honduras and make its mission to develop programs and projects to improve quality of life of young people actually population with the creation of informational and educational processes on human rights, holistic health and the environment. AJEM focuses its activities on promoting youth leadership, access to information on sexual and reproductive health and rights, advocacy and dissemination of a divergent program radio program supports efforts to promote a culture of attachment to peace in the promotion and respect of human rights.

Diploma in Human Rights for LGBTI population For members of the Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender and Intersex (LGBTI) Honduras aware of the legal procedures at the time of filing a complaint, receive a diploma course on human rights. The training is sponsored by the Humanist Institute for Cooperation in Developing Countries (HIVOS), National Center for Work Education and the Special Prosecutor for Human Rights.

An assessment made by the Youth Movement Association (AJEM) evidence of Honduras LGBTI populations have a high degree of internalized phobias that affect social harmony among gays, lesbians, transsexuals and bisexuals.

Detected high levels of internalized phobias LGBTI groups

The research also found that there is a high degree of secrecy fostered by fear of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity, which may lead to depression, suicide attempts or make people vulnerable to STDs and HIV / AIDS.

Belize Mass communication perpetuate Hate speech

Cruel and inhuman treatment prevails in Belize In a joint complaint filed LGBTI groups before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights stated that the country too many cases of cruel, inhuman and degrading treatment against the LGBTI community are recorded and that its members are living is steady under the fear and discrimination by state and non-state actors. We remain concerned that the State has in place the current legislation that punishes homosexuality punishable by promoting discrimination, violence and marginalization of sexual minorities in Belize, "said Steven Diaz, the organization Belize Youth Empowerment for Change. "The State has not implemented any policy to rectify the public stigma against LGBT people in society to counter Belize homophobic speech and misinformation which diffuse penalty advocates, "he said.

In the same hearing before the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights, reiterated that the media Belize reinforce and perpetuate hate speech against LGBTI people and generate manifestations of violence in the population. Caleb Orozco, Executive Director of the United Belize Advocacy Movement (UNIBAM) recalled that the report of 2012 recorded that 41% of LGBTI people had experienced some form of verbal or physical discrimination and that this situation persists because the country has not taken any steps to alleviate this serious situation.

Fundamentalists accuse gender policy being gay pro The Council of Churches of Belize through the Belize prayer network page raises its total disagreement with the implementation of the new gender policy in schools, believing that puts children at risk by having access to health services sexual and reproductive health and can lead to prostitution sodomy and sexual harassment. They believe that one of the main enemies of the kingdom of God is teaching in Belize through a manual pro LGBT genre that puts schools at risk of becoming breeding grounds for all kinds of sinful behavior as homosexuality.

Caribean Dominican LGBTI community demands justice The LGBTI community Dominican Republic requested the enactment of a law against "repression and discrimination" and cited nine cases of arrests, denial of fundamental rights and 25 hate crimes since 2009. During a press conference in the collective Amigos Siempre Amigos (ASA), the leaders of the LGBT community, refuted statements Radhys Abreu, sent by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, who denied the existence of obstacles, discrimination or stigma towards this population . "In Dominican Republic there is impunity, repression, discrimination and stigma against the gay community."

People with HIV / AIDS in Haiti live on the edge The earthquake in Haiti still has a devastating impact. For those living with HIV and AIDS, the situation is more difficult because they have difficulties in gaining access to housing, water, food and medical care. Caribbean HIV and AIDS Alliance (CHAA) has reported that people with HIV / AIDS face the lack of support services, such as lack of health and access to medicines and anti-retroviral treatment. Displacement is another key factor in increasing the vulnerability of people to HIV, as many people live in overcrowded shelters.

Haitians live in a climate of fear In Haiti, local organizations dedicated to raising awareness of LGBTI rights and generate a public debate on the stigma of homosexual relations, began to receive threats as they got itself heard. The Haitian Coalition of Religious Organizations and combines Morales convened protest march against homosexuality and gay marriage. From that time, from their church launches a hate campaign that has resulted in a considerable increase in the number of attacks on LGBTI people across the country and as a result people, activists and organizations living in a climate of fear

Cuba Cuba headquarters ILGALAC From 6 to 9 May, the eyes of LGBTI people on the continent are perched on CUBA, headquarters of the VI Conference ILGALAC. The activities will begin with pre conference lesbian and bisexual women, trans people, gay men and bisexual youth and the Southern Cone and the Andean Region, the Caribbean, Brazil, Mexico and Mesoamerica and creating advocacy strategies. In the second phase will continue with the analysis of the progress and challenges in the protection of rights, status homophobia, hate crimes, discrimination and violence, and the commitment of the United Nations on LGBT rights. The conference will conclude with ILGALAC accountability, strategic planning and the choice of the board of the organization.

Trans get training to social inclusion Cuban transsexuals are participating in a training program sponsored by the Embassy of Belgium in order to reduce stigma and discrimination and ensure their integration into society.

Included in Cuban heterosexual LGBTI movement The letter "H" shall be inserted in the acronym LGBTI. The National Center for Sexual Education (CEMEX) indicated that now referred to LGBTHI diversity, as heterosexuals are also part of society in transformation. The statement gave Mariela Castro, director of the center, at a time when Cuba is preparing to welcome over 400 lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and intersex in Latin ILGA conference to be held in May.

The Closing the Gaps project provides development courses in English, speech, art history and the development of skills such as clothing, hairstyle and so important in the staging of theatrical makeup. Transgender people have also shown interest in the development of scripts in theatrical productions.

Jamaica Jamaica fails to review sodomy law When the press he consulted the Prime Minister of Jamaica, Portia Simpson-Miller, if he had reviewed the law against sodomy asked the United Nations. The official replied that the question, "does not, in a very serious way, most of our people.". The Prime Minister gave no indication whether the review will be carried forward and refused to provide a period for analysis. LGBTI activists indicated that this position "puts an end to any hope of bringing the issue of anti-sodomy law before Parliament, a position he had supported in his election campaign of 2011, but unfortunately misled his constituents."

Ministry of Youth pledges support to young LGBTI Dwayne House LGBTI young people visited LGBTI young people living in the sewers of Kingstong greeted with surprise visit Dwayne members of the House, United Church organization that wanted to learn about their plight and organized proportional to food, clothing and basic medical intervention. The visit gave them religious words of encouragement and promised to visit the last Sunday of each month. Have gone to the same government authorities as they have a different overall approach to issues of sexual orientation.

After several newspaper articles that went around the world and the intervention of officials of the House of Dwayne, the Ministry of Youth and Culture in Jamaica promised to create a program of support for the LGBTI kids living in the sewers of Kingston and sell sex for to survive. Lisa Hanna, minister of youth, announced its concern for children and young people excluded from their homes because of their sexual orientation or genus. However, no specified when come up the initiative.

Puerto Rico Religious campaign against LGBT rights Although Puerto Rico is not a religious state, the PR group's family and several Catholic priests have begun to pressure legislative officials to no rights to the various grant and sexually people have begun a campaign of exclusion and hatred through written media In a demonstration outside the Federal Court, these fundamentalist groups expressed that homosexuals are a threat to children and families, and accuse social networks of pedophiles, aberrant, sodomites, unnatural and ill condemned to eternal fire. For the activist Francisco Cartagena these actions promote violence against LGBTI people and can trigger hate crimes thinking they do for God.

They made conference on diversity Students Mayaguez campus conducted a symposium on race and sexuality from the perspective of sexual diversity.

Lesbian couple seeking recognition of marriage The president of the Foundation for Human Rights, Ada Conde, sued the government in federal court to be recognized marriage to Ivonne Alvarez held since 2004 in the state of Massachusetts, where marriage between samesex couples are recognized . The legal action claims that the couple take 14 years living together under the same roof, are legally married in a nother jurisdiction, but are victims of discrimination by the government and society. Moreover, they claim that Article 68 of the Civil Code of Puerto Rico that defines marriage as a civil institution between a man and a woman be declared unconstitutiona l.

The lectures were conducted by the professor in the department of sociology at American University and scholar of trans issues, Salvador Vidal and Irma Rivera Lassen, feminist and current president of the Bar Association of Puerto Rico activist. The conference is held annually and aims to open dialogue on non-heteronormative sexualities.

Fights Maryland ends transgender discrimination Maryland became the 18th state of the United States who banished forever invidious discrimination against transgender people. With the enactment of a bill in the House of Delegates and the relevant decree of the Governor, a struggle of many years, marking an end to discrimination based on gender identity and expression was consolidated. What happened in Maryland will be an inspiration to millions of people long for a day when all nations are free of this scourge.

Marriage equality in Malta The Maltese Prime Minister Joseph Muscat will be remembered as the architect of the parliamentary run won approval of Miscellaneous Marriage in this Mediterranean island. Malta becomes the 22nd European nation to pass a law on marriage between same sex, and the tenth in promoting adoptions.

Peru discusses draft equal marriage Peru is moving rapidly towards the recognition of equal marriage equality and this cry echoed worldwide. The representation of the United Nations expressed its support for the project and warned that gay couples "should be treated the same way as heterosexual and are entitled to enjoy the same benefits." The UN issued a statement in which he acknowledged the efforts of the Peruvian government on human rights and welcomed the debate on the legislation aimed at civil unions between same-sex initiatives. .

Present Advance gene therapy in HIV promises A group of researchers from the University of Pennsylvania used a gene therapy that strengthened the immune system in a dozen patients with human immunodeficiency virus and opens the possibility that no need to continue taking medication to control it, according to an article published in the journal New England Journal of Medicine. Scientists genetically engineered T cells, which play a crucial role in the immune system, so that resembled the mutation known as CCR5-delta32, which interests scientists because it provides a natural resistance to HIV, although only 1 percent of the population. With the mutation had decreased expression of CCR5 surface proteins, without which the virus can not penetrate, which causes cells of the patient to resist infection.

The latest in transsexualism

40% of LGBTI people homeless in the United States

Statistics reveal that most of the homeless in America are defined as gay, lesbian, gay or transgender and are 40% of the total, according to research from the Williams Institute at the University of California. The study revealed that many times these se xually diverse staff are forced to live on the streets because of rejection by their families generating process of defining a gender identity. The most conservative religious beliefs also play a role in weight when expelling young and teenage home.

Personal experience is definitely the determining factor in their maturation. For Miquel MissĂŠ is surprising to see how someone with as only twenty-seven is capable of such a deep and equipped with much knowledge on such a complex and delicate issue as transsexuality analysis. The book "Other possible looks," is a short essay in which the basics of transsexuality and trans shelled universe. Beyond the effects of the medical process, one must understand that this also has a role in our social system.

Notoriety Recognition tireless work His tireless work for human rights, the wish that the country disappears in corruption and a frank return to the democratic spirit that pioneered in the creation of democracy, consolidated first as leader of the legislative faction of the Citizen Action Party and now placed as Deputy Minister of the Interior. The LGBTI community in Costa Rica, welcomes his appointment to be a fighter for our rights and interests. Every success in their work.

Award feathers and whips The Honduran trans, Alexandra Licona, received the pens and Whips award for the persecution to which he was subjected in his country because of their gender identity and recognition of all people receiving reprisals for their sexual orientation or gender identity. The prize was awarded by the State Federation of Lesbians, Gays, Transsexuals and Bisexuals (FELGTB), of Spain, where Alexandra is a refugee after several attempts on his life that led to the abandonment of their country of origin.

Recognition its work

Manu and The Costa Rican Chamber associations working on HIV prevention, were recognized by the Program for HIV Prevention in Central America combined, funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID). Both were recognized for receiving your DUNS number (Data Universal Number System), which will allow them to enter a global platform comprised of businesses and organizations around the world The DUNS number is recognized by the United Nations, the Government of the United States and others, and allow these organizations are better able to manage international resources..

Curiosities Sex Toys actual size The brand has created Sinthetics dolls and life size dolls that simulate human beings. His perfection has come to the point that the new models have pubic hair and genitals interchangeable, depending on the taste of each. In recent years the practice of acquiring these sex toys has increased considerably and bought their argument is that the dolls do not hurt their feelings and the never cease.

Revalued pornography Although it is common to read in the media the term "porn addiction" and even psychological or psychiatric reports, no longer appears in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual (DSM) of mental illness, which has just been revised and updated. David Levy, Sexual Health Reports states: "There is little evidence, if any, to support some of the negative side effects that you would expect to addiction, totally disregarding the relationship of erectile dysfunction with excessive consumption of porn and you can even improve attitudes toward sexuality, increase the quality and variety of sexual behaviors and increase pleasure in long-term relationships. "


Lesbian sexuality easily to detect detectar Doctoral students of the University of Northeastern Mollie Ruben, retigando the behavior of men and women, found that lesbians are more easily able to identify the sexual orientation of individuals. In research activities other videos were shown, without providing further information about them. When asked about sexual orientation, 64% of lesbians and 57% of matched if they were gay or heterosexual sexual diversity, versus 1% of heterosexuals also able to determine. .

Sports Australia wants to eradicate homophobia A video has been the start of a campaign to eradicate homophobia in Australian sport and extend it to the entire planet Associations and sports clubs sign a commitment to ensure that players, coaches, administrators and LGBT fans are included and welcome in their sporting codes. In addition, different personalities from professional sports have joined in the campaign and the heads of the five biggest sports in Australia took an historic commitment to eliminate homophobia in sport and committed to implement inclusion policies end of August this year.

Inclusive rugby team

Madrid Titans Club was officially launched as the first inclusive gay rugby team in Spain and also tops the list of built the International Gay Rugby Association groups Titans Madrid was founded in order to raise awareness and encourage the practice of rugby at a sporting environment of respect and companionship. "Every day looked enviously coached the rugby team at my university, but my own prejudices about rugby, my complex and preconceptions about me and what I was capable of doing or not prevented me from taking the plunge and joining" says Victor Granado. "Someone suggested I create a team for people like me. Thus was born the Titans. "

Gradually, homophobia begins to have consequences in European football. The German club Bayern Munich has received a fine of 10,000 euros and the obligation to empty part of the stands of the Allianz Arena during the match of the Champions League against Manchester United.

Homophobic banner The reason was the display of a banner for a

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