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central <merican and caribbean journal of sexual diversity

Central America and the Caribbean repudiated homophobia

june 2014

Costa Rica initiated a shift in the consolidation of LGBTI rights The Arrival of Luis Guillermo Solis as President of the Republic has led to a positive shift in the consolidation LGBTI rights . The first breakthrough was an amendment to the regulations of the Costa Rican Social Security that allows sexually diverse people ensure their partners to have access to health services and the opening of a dialogue to promote projects and modifications. Cabinet From the moment the change was obvious. The day of the handover , the new Minister of Tourism Wilhelm von Breymann paraded with his spouse, Mauricio Alfaro. Moreover, in the new cabinet several officials of sexual diversity and another group of people very close to our struggles was appointed. Iza Flag From 16 May, the flag began to wave diversity in government buildings and 17 International Day Against Homophobia, the President of the Republic himself hoisted the rainbow flag at the Presidential Palace . Legislature Himself May 17 , deputies Franklin Corella and Vice President of the Legislative Assembly Marcela Guerrero put the Citizen Action Party Flag diversity in their seats . Intersectoral meeting The Gender and Justice Foundation convened a meeting which was attended by organizations of persons with disabilities, seniors , women and sexual diversity. LGBTI people concluded that a legal level is required to approve the Companies Act or the Equal Marriage Living a Hate Crimes Act an Act Identity and Gender Expression Discrimination and over .

Journalism course and LGBTI rights The National Autonomous University of Nicaragua (UNITE) started a course in Journalism and LGBTI Human Rights, conducted by the Task Force of the Sustainable Development Network (RDS). The course consists of 24 hours and started classes with students of the third year of the Career Studies and Communication. RDS This course is a continuation of a process started in 2011 with a study of the journalistic approach of media related issues LGBTI people, and that was the basis for the development of the book Keys to Communicating in a World

School leadership trained 50 young The School of Political Leadership LGBT successfully graduated 50 young sexual divrsidad of 22 organizations and 19 municipalities in Nicaragua in LGBT Rights. As part of the activities a formal graduation ceremony of the training process that spanned a total of 20 days training divided into five modules of study, conducted between March 2013 and January 2014 was performed. This has given these / these young sexual diversity, information and tools that they have strengthened their organizations, their social skills and advocacy.

Nicaragua is still under financing After a round of talks between the Global Fund and civil society organizations that serve HIV, Tuberculosis and Malaria, it was concluded that Nicaragua is still a country band two. ie it is still considered to receive funding to fight the three diseases. At the meeting the epidemiological situation, progress on the critical path and programmatic HIV situation was analyzed and revealed that in the first half of 2014 found that the age group of newly infected people is between 16 and 44 years. .

Advocacy is funded by Norway and Sweden The Human Rights Ombudsman of Guatemala Sexual Diversity, established since 2013, recently began operating with funding provided to the governments of Norway and Sweden Defending sexual diversity, Gabriela Tuch, said that the office was created with a mandate to promote respect, education, work, health and access to justice is often denied to people because of their sexual orientation and gender identity and to oversee the state in the provision of services.

Although advocacy has received few complaints, it is expected that very soon the people of sexual diversity are empowered and come to defend their rights violated.

Sex work, prostitution and trafficking The Alliance Heels held a forum called Sex Workers, Prostitution and Trafficking in commemoration of the International Day for the sex worker in the Red House Cultural Center and also took up sex work as a political identity.

Ask include sexual orientation and gender identity On the International Day Against Homophobia, LGBTI organizations called on lawmakers to extend the Article 202 bis of the Criminal Code of Guatemala to include sexual orientation and gender identity as grounds for discrimination. The request was made with a public kissed on the steps of the cathedral, under the slogan "A kiss for love, a kiss for equality" and that was the end of the Third Walk Against Homophobia.

Alongside the # Talk Guatemala without

International Sex Worker Day commemorates the June 2, 1975, in which more than 100 sex workers occupied the Church of Saint-NIZIER of Lyon, France, in order to call attention to their situation, since this day is held annually and aims to claim visibility and Women Workers

Honduras Asking for end to impunity En On World Day Against Homophobia, Honduras LGBTI groups asked the authorities to impunity for hate crimes and urged clarify the death of the leader of the Kukulcan Association, Erick Martinez killed May 7, 2012. Also called for an end of violence as Honduras it is the country with the highest rate of crime against the people of sexual diversity and put as an example the death of Joining Hernandez, young trans that was found dead in Colonia Villa Union Comayagüela who showed signs of torture and burns on his face. .

Research generated collective output

The study LGBT Movement in Honduras: Historical Background and current challenges, the Committee on Sexual Diversity Honduras and with the financial support of the Humanist Institute for Cooperation with Developing Countries (HIVOS) managed to generate a collective production and promote effective channels communication to put faces and identities to motion The investigation includes the origin and evolution of the LGBT movement in Honduras between 1980 and 2004, the institutionalization of organizations, the characterization of the movement and the current challenges.

El estudio coordinador por María Juana Castilla contó con insumos aportados por las Asociaciones Colectivo Violeta, Kukulcán, LGBT Arco Iris de Honduras, APUVIMEH y Jóvenes en Movimiento (AJEM).

Month Against Homophobia concert closed with

The singer Nelson "Dog" Pavón, Coffee Guancasco and feminist activist and singer Karla Lara were the main attraction of the concert with the Resistance Movement Diversity month closed its anti homobia and transphobia. The activity in the Redondel Artisans in Tegucigalpa was the ideal platform to demand respect for the rights of LGBTI people

Además de la música, durante el concierto se proyectarán mensajes de apoyo y

War to pedophilia The hate campaign waged by the Catholic Church in Panama against LGBTI people found response in the New Horizons group and promote equal marriage started a counter-campaign against pedophile priests.

Government plays cat and mouse with equal marriage The strong reaction of LGBTI groups by the constitutional consecration of that marriage is between a man and a woman, pressed the Government Minister Jorge Ricardo Fabrega, presented to the plenary of the Assembly of Deputies a bill that opened the possibility of recognition of marriages between same sex carried out abroad . However, it was merely a alegr贸n donkey for days after it announced that it submitted a proposal to the Cabinet Council to withdraw the bill as was much debated and considered that special sessions should not be on stage to discuss a sensitive topic in Panamanian society , as are the unions of persons of the same sex . If approved the text would have been : "The marriage celebrated in a foreign country in accordance with the laws of this country or the laws of Panama , Panama will result in the same civil effects as if it had been held here."

Religious fundamentalism has launched a smokescreen to defend the family and Christian values and has taken as a guinea pig to sexually diverse populations to conceal his great sin pedophilia. In this sense, the campaign calls on people to report it because although the Vatican has removed or paragraph from office several clergymen, none of them has had a judicial process to punish his crime.

USAID Program | PASCA leaves very positive track At the conclusion of the USAID Program | PASCA to strengthen the response to HIV in El Salvador , LGBTI organizations made a very positive because endowed organizations valuable work tools and legal instruments that will strengthen the coming struggles . The COMCAVIS TRANS, ASPIDH / RAINBOW , Collective Alexandria and ASTRANS organizations agreed that the project has developed the capacities of civil society organizations , strengthened infrastructure and health systems and community participation in the development and implementation of policies aimed to reverse the impact of HIV. Through technical and financial assistance from USAID | PASCA is endowed organizations tools and legal status, the Standing Committee on Human Rights of the Population (LGBTI ) was established in the Office for the Defense of Human Rights, sexual and reproductive rights were raised and initiative of Gender Identity Act was created , among many successful actions .

Ask clarifying hate crimes Over the past seven hate crimes, the sum reaches 150 in 1994 to date. However, Salvadoran authorities have lograco not clarify any of them and fear takes over more and more trans people to be sex work to survive. The LGBTI groups El Salvador reiterate that violence does not stop. The last two were against Tania Vรกsquez crimes occurred in the neighborhood of San Salvador Lourdes and Nahomy, who was found in a vacant plot of CV and his body was bound hand and foot with obvious signs of torture. Both killings were reported by LGBTI groups, but can also go unpunished.

Belice First Lady for the LGBTI community Kim Siplis , First Lady of Belize, has surprised everyone by publicly positioned for the LGBT community. "I keep saying that violence is never justified despite our differences. As we struggle to end racism and gender inequalities , we must also try to end homophobia , "were the words of support issued through an official statement. The First Lady has taken a big hit at the table to address this reality. Belize is an American sovereign country where gay sex is punished by up to 10 years in prison.

That Siplis has issued a statement to end homophobia is a sign that they want to change things from the top, in the end are those who have the power to 'change' at hand. On the other hand , is known to have recently been proposed to repeal the law prohibiting homosexual relations , ie , are about to take a step forward ( huge for the gay community in that country). While the steps are still slow , if they seem to be increasingly critical , and the LGBT community in Belize, so abused , seen in news hopefully.

Caribbean Commission recognizes advances in the Caribbean The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights ( IACHR) welcomed the progress made in the last six months several Caribbean nations in pursuit of protecting and promoting the rights of people of sexual diversity , while acknowledging that high levels of discrimination persist and violence. He acknowledged that in Cuba , was first elected to a trans woman for political office , the Minister of Youth of Jamaica, Lisa Hanna, announced that the government is developing LGBTI youth-oriented programs. The Minister for Foreign Affairs and Immigration Bahamas, Frederick Mitchell , said the sexual orientation of someone who wants to run for an election should not be a relevant factor . He added that " at least there should be tolerance and must defend the principle that the rights we have fought are rights for all people ... and can not be violated based on the sexual orientation of the person." The Prime Minister of Barbados, Freundel Stuart, recalled the importance of the Universal Declaration on Human Rights and supported the "elimination of all forms of discrimination, including discrimination against people of different sexual orientation. " It encourages the existence of spaces where can address these issues. In Antigua and Barbuda, several politicians had the opportunity to publicly address issues related to the rights of LGBTI people in the National Youth Forum .

Cuba They ask to lock During the sixth conference of the International Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex for Latin America and the Caribbean, the representative of the Rainbow Project, Jimmy Roque Martinez ordered the lifting of the blockade against Cuba, thus directly affecting the population LGBTI .

Conference ILGALAC combating discrimination claims The 250 activists who participated in the Conference ILGALAC signed the Charter of Cuba in which they reaffirmed their commitment to fight all forms of discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity of people and raised an alliance against social movements that advocate human rights and social justice . Repudiated hate crimes and showed concern at the rise in the region of religious fundamentalism and its impact to the detriment sexually diverse people. Advocated depathologization transsexuality , respect for intersex identities , recognition of our families and the importance of family and educational support staff development, especially of children and adolescents and denounced the situation in the Caribbean nations Anglophone where laws punishing with imprisonment from ours LGBTI identities persist. In addition , they called the Human Rights Council of the United Nations "to take steps for the systematic protection of LGBTI rights and celebrated achievements in legal and social inclusion in Latin American countries like Argentina , Uruguay and Mexico .

He argued that Cuba has had successes in treating HIV, for example, have been constantly plagued by the reality of the U.S. blockade and yet we have had, in my opinion, very positive results. Martinez said that LGBTI groups have funding difficulties as to not have legal status are not subject to international aid, added to it have very limited access to the Internet and the media and population censuses are invisible.

Jamaica British documentary denounces abuses against gays living in sewers Jamaica The Channel 4 in the UK spent 12 days in Jamaica to film how young gays and trans driven from their homes , forced to live in the sewers and support homophobic police abuse and premises. While the crew was still on the island , witnessed a court order of no eviction was being violated by the police who dedicated himself to harass to come out of the collecting sewage pretext that would make a cleaning residues . The film's director , Andrew Carter and his team spoke with young people and LGBTI activists on the eviction of the grave situation facing sexual and gender minorities in Jamaica According to producers , the documentary aims to present the harrowing daily lives of the LGBTI community in Jamaica harassed by the police , an openly homophobic religion and even music, because at that time it was fashionable melody Boom Bye Bye singer Buju Banton encouraging shoot ' queers ' in the head and saying they should die. "When we learned of the LGBTI community in Jamaica, the situation seemed so medieval, it was not possible to think of people who lived in hiding from the dirty water and garbage . And then find that in the central business district of Kingston there is a situation that seems surreal, but this is the only resource they have to survive. " Read more at : http://www.gaystarnews.com/article/jamaica%E2%80%99sunderground-gays-caughtfilm230514#sthash.GsmBMZ2I.dpuf

Being different is not a problem

The problem is being treated differently No more discrimination

Miscellaneous Marriage is already legal in Arkansas, Oregon, Pennsylvania and Michigan The month of May was breakthrough for LGBTI rights in the United States. Federal judges repealed the ban on gay marriage 10 in Arkansas, 19 in Oregon , 20 in Pennsylvania and 22 in Michigan , which the union between same-sex couples is currently legal in all those states. Arkansas According to the judge's ruling Pulaski County , Chris Piazza, the amendment to the state constitution approved by voters in 2004, violates the rights of same-sex couples . '' This is an unconstitutional attempt to restrict the definition of equality. The exclusion of a minority without rational reason is a dangerous precedent, " Piazza said. Oregon Judge Michael McShane said that the ban was unconstitutional because the ban discriminates against same-sex couples and ordered the state of Oregon does not enforce the prohibition measure .

Pennsylvania Pennsylvania was the last state in the Northeast region of the country where gay marriage was forbidden. Thus even the socially conservative states now allow marriage . Michigan A judge's ruling Briedman Friedman, turned Michigan State in the latest Union American that allows gay marriage . "The decision affirms the principle that no lasting matter who is favored in the eyes of the Most recently , the guarantee of protection egalitarian must prevail , "wrote Judge U.S. District ,

Argentina releases the trans revolution The enactment of a law on gender identity opened doors for Argentina to become the leading country of Latin America of the trans revolution. The law guarantees people the name change trans in all official documents without having to undergo a judicial process or go through a legion of psychologists who confirmed what had already clear from childhood. Guarantees access to hormonal and surgical interventions covered by public and private healthcare for free and insertion treatments in education, work and the exercise of political and civil rights.

Predict the future genderless

He has heard the gender binary. This is a growing group of people who do not identify with any gender. They are free to maintain relations with whomever they want, dress as they like it or think about their future career without pressures associated with sex.

Brazil has the highest rate of hate crimes The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) reported the plight of discrimination violence affects people of sexual diversity in the Americas, and its report that the situation has a greater impact in Brazil where in the period October 2013 to January 2014 records the murder of at least 39 trans women, 50 gay men, two lesbians and a bisexual man. In the same period have killed transgender people in Argentina (2) Belize (1) Chile (1) Colombia (2) Honduras (1) Jamaica (1) Mexico (3) Peru (2) , United States (2) Uruguay (1) Venezuela (3).

The best way to understand their behavior Micah describes young blogger Neutrosis Nonsense: "Dolls are for girls, trucks are for kids, puzzles are neutral ... My gender is a puzzle."

While the death of gay people has been allocated as follows: Chile (3) Cuba (1) Honduras (1) Mexico (2) Peru (1).

These / them there are those who are repulsed by your body, because they are not in tune with him, until all who channel their anxieties of artistic or through political commitment.


Immortalized Harvey Milk With a ceremony at the White House, the U.S. government introduced a stamp immortalizing the leader of LGBTI rights, Harvey Milk, who became one of the first openly gay characters, which in 1977 won a seat in the Council of representatives of San Francisco. Under the slogan Hope will never be silenced, Stuart Milk, and Anne Kronenberg, Precursors of Harvey Milk Foundation, received the homage of the Democratic Leader Nancy Pelosi, Senator Tammy Baldwin and other special guests. The event was highlighted that Milk restored his confidence and the hope people LBTI amid a climate of discrimination which the victim was killed because it's November 27, 1978.

First black deputy gay and Africa Zakhele Mbhele, 29, was sworn in as deputy to the National Assembly of South Africa. and became the first openly gay parliamentarian black continent. Although Mbhele is not the only openly gay congressman from South Africa, if the first of his race.

Honorable appointment The trans intersex activist and Costa, Natasha Jimenez was elected member of the Regional Council in ILGALAC VI Regional Conference held in Havana, Cuba. This is a tribute to the tireless work that Natasha and their large national and international contributions to strengthening the rights of transgender and intersex people. In the accompanying Council, Josefina Valencia de Mexico, Ecuador and Sandra Alvarez de Beto de Jesus of Brazil.

Recognizes that its choice can be considered "a milestone that will serve as a model for LGBT youth of his country. One of the most damaging consequences of homophobia is the destructive effect it has on the self-esteem of LGBT young person. "

Doctors do not know any lesbians lesbianasde

Given the spread of human papillomavirus (HPV), a girl noticed that the gynecologist who attended knew nothing about lesbians and was unable to recommend how to protect your partner. They think we just hold hands and give us kisses. The invisibility of sex between women prevents preventing STDs "There is no real data for exposure to sexually transmitted diseases (STDs), because they have done studies and why gynecologists give" absurd answers, not get answered or red "

Odors associated with homophobia .

"Disgust and sexual politics", a study by scientists at the University of Arkansas found that people exposed to an atmosphere impregnated odor, are less likely to accept or support marriage between same sex, pornography, premarital sex and believe in a literal reading of the Bible. After impregnating a room the stench caused by the stale sweat butter or 25.9% of those exposed to the unpleasant atmosphere reacted with an extremely negative response to the question "if a close friend of the family was gay, I would support their right to marry someone of the same sex, "which did not happen in the control group. The study concluded that there is a close relationship between moralism and disgust, between moralism and stench. So if I want to be accepted or accepted best smell good.

Portray the lives of LGBTI elders in documentary The Invisibles is a touching documentary by French director SĂŠbastien Lifshitz, collecting various stories of women and gay men aged (between 70 and 90 years old), which testify to the positive and negative personal stories that had to overcome to throughout his life being gay. They were the ones who took their sexuality quiet, hidden and anonymous. Lifshitz gives a broad overview of the benefits of free speech collected today, in contrast to all that have suffered for years homosexuals. It can be seen at: https://www.filmin.es/pelicula/los-invisibles

Shows Conchita Wurst, a future without discrimination

Conchita Wurst, winning Austrian Eurovision singer dedicated his victory to those who believe "in the future without discrimination" an warned that it is also a message to some politicians, and Russian President Vladimir Putin. Wurst won Eurovision with a good voice, a catchy theme and a provocative aesthetic: a striking contrast to his beard care makeup tight evening dresses.

"Tolerance has no borders" and said that although not intended to b an ambassador of tolerance but if you put your two cents in a task i which he said, fortunately is not alone.

Artist trans at Carnegie Hall

The biggest challenge for any musician in the world is actually made Tona Brown, the first transgender performer will perform at Carnegie Hall in Manhattan, New York. For mezzo soprano and violinist obstacles were higher as well as transgender is black, but never resigned and simpre replied "You can not tell me I can not do something." "I have dreamed of acting at Carnegie Hall since I was 14 years old, while attending the Governor's School for the Arts in Norfolk, Virginia," he said.

"I'm attracted to both men and women" Aliyah O'Brien, star of the lesbian series Holly and Gail is not considered as heterosexual says: "I'm attracted to both men and women, this is not about a penis or a vagina, it's about the person." He confessed: "I love my lesbian fans! They are really great. And I am honored to play a lesbian on television, as a person who supports the rights of gay people. "

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