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Vegetables & Fruit would like our readers and advertisers to celebrate the 200th issue of the magazine with us in March and April, 2021. The magazine has stood the test of time through providing producers with up to date industry information. During the years the magazine has gone from strength to strength through innovation and quality for both the reader and advertiser.

Groente & Vrugte wil graag hê ons lesers en adverteerders moet die 200ste uitgawe van die tydskrif in Maart en April 2021 saam met ons vier. Die tydskrif het die toets van die tyd deurstaan deur produsente van inligting oor die bedryf te voorsien. Gedurende die jare het die tydskrif van krag tot krag gegaan deur vindingrykheid en kwaliteit vir beide die leser en die adverteerder.

SINCE 1988

THE FIRST EDITION of Mediacom's magazine Vegetables & Fruit appeared as SA Groenteboer in March / April 1988. In the foreword of this edition, Vito Rugani, well-known vegetable producer and chairman of the then National Vegetable Committee, said that publish- ing such a magazine is a milestone in the development of South Africa's vege- JANUARY • FEBRUARY 2018 table industry. Three decades ago, vegetables were the only agricultural commodity SINCE 1988 that was dependent solely on a free-market system. Competition in the vege table market was fierce and the vegetable producer who wanted to farm successfully had to be a professional entrepreneur. A magazine with valuable technical and agricultural economic information to these producers was therefore appropriate for the time. R35,00 (BTW ingesluit) ander lande uitgesluit (Including VAT) other countries excluded No 181 " Deciduous fruit farmers in Western Cape tackling water challenge Deciduous fruit farmers in Western Cape tackling water challenge SINCE 1988 For suppliers to the vegetable producer, a specialist maga zine for the industry was and still is a valuable tool in their annual marketing strategy. In die kommentaarkolom van die eerste uitgawe is geskryf: Die groentebedryf is vandag een van die min landbouvertakkings in SA wat werklik daarop aanspraak kan maak dat dit kern gesond is. Die Suid-Afrikaanse Groenteboer staan in die te ken van hierdie lewenskragtigheid. Dit is 'n onafhanklike publikasie, gemik op die groenteboer en sy be-MAY • JUNE 2018 JULY • AUGUST 2018 R37,00 (BTW ingesluit) ander lande uitgesluit(Including VAT) other countries excluded No 184 Roer daardie rissie lange." Die redaksie van SA Groenteboer is ná die eerste uitgawe toegegooi onder briewe van produsente en ander belanghebbendes in die bedryf wat baie gunstig ge reageer het. Die tydskrif het binne die eerste drie maande met rasse skrede gegroei, van 'n oorspronklike drukoplaag van R37,00 (BTW ingesluit) ander lande uitgesluit(Including VAT) other countries excluded No 183 For the love of root vegetables 4 500 tot 14 000. Contributors to the magazine included Chris Bezuidenhout from the Research Institute for vegetables and ornamental plants at Roode plaat Horticulture Association, the then SA Agricultural Union's Horticul-

tural Manager, and Philip Theunissen, an agricultural economist. From the very first issue, the latest market trends were regularly provided by the Marco company. After a poll in 1995, readers indicated that there was a huge demand for a column in which the different agricultural markets and trends were analysed. In April 1996, the first of Prof Johan Willemse's regular columns titled Markets and Opinions Unlocking South Africa’s fresh potential appeared. It was written by himself and Cor Meintjies from Agrimark Trends. In Februarie 1991, drie jaar na die ontstaan van die tydR40,00 (BTW ingesluit) ander lande uitgesluit (Including VAT) other countries excluded No 194 skrif, word die naam verander na Groente & Tuinbou. Hierdie stap is geneem om te verseker dat kwekerye en die huistuinier ook bedien word. Die fokus het egter steeds op die groentebe dryf geval. Januarie 1999 ondergaan die tydskrif nog ‘n naamsverandering na die huidige SA Groente & Vrugte. As uitgewer het Mediacom met hierdie stap 'n leemte in die varspro duktebedryf gevul in 'n tydperk toe deregulasie en 'n skuif na produsente-organisasies veroorsaak het dat daar nie genoeg inligting by die produsente uitgekom het nie. With the inclusion of fruit, information and news about all types of fruit regularly filled a large part of the magazine. In the August / September issue of 2001, the Mango Growers’ Association launches their regular newsletter. Since then, the magazine has served the fruit industry with regular technical information. From the very first edition, producers were kept up to date with the latest developments in the vegetable industry with breaking news and the latest research. An article about plant breeders in the first edition mentions the use of "plant breeding to facilitate or eliminate chemical weed control", which attracted worldwide attention. The June / July issue of 1988 announces the first plans for the development of the Agricultural Research Council. Uit die argiewe van Vegetables & Fruit / Groente & Vrugte word beklemtoon dat daar niks nuuts onder die son is nie, ook in die landboubedryf. In 'n artikel met die opskrif Insetkoste (April/Mei 1988) skryf Philip Theunissen soos volg: "Insetkoste is seker die een onderwerp waaroor boere tans die meeste praat. Die debatte het gewoonlik hulle oorsprong as die boer weer 'n item by die koöperasie gekoop het wat nou twee keer meer kos as ses maande gelede." Met belangrike mylpale van die groentebedryf, soos die eeufeesvieringe van die Johannesburgse Varsproduktemark, was SA Groenteboer teenwoordig.

Vegetables & Fruit still strives to serve the vegetable and fruit industry with the latest research, market trends and product information. Adapting to the ‘new normal’ caused by COVID-19, Vegetables & Fruit attended online events such as the PMA Fresh Summit and various industry events. Amidst many negative impacts, the South African agricultural sector is a shining light in the economy and the horticultural sector plays a major role in this regard. Nuwe platforms van kommunikasie en tegnologie in boerdery neem nie die rol weg wat die produsent / boer speel in voedselsekerheid nie. Met aanlyn-toepassings op slimfone, virtuele kommunikasie en die gebruik van hommeltuie in boerderybestuur word plaaslike landbouers steeds beskou as top presteerders in die internasionale arena.


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R28,00 No 165 (BTW ingesluit) ander lande uitgesluit (Including vat) other countries excluded LESSONS NEEDED IN CITRUS EXPORT LESSONS NEEDED IN CITRUS EXPORT Top gehalte Europese verpakking nou beskikbaar in Suid Afrika

MAY • JUNE 2015


Vegetables & Fruit Vegetables & Fruit celebrates 30 years celebrates 30 years

R35,00 (BTW ingesluit) ander lande uitgesluit (Including VAT) other countries excluded

No 180

"From the very first issue, the latest market trends were regularly provided."

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