Seeds of Peace Vol.33 No.2

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Contents Vol.33 No.2 May - August 2560 (2017) Publisher INTERNATIONAL NETWORK OF ENGAGED BUDDHISTS (INEB) Editorial team Sulak Sivaraksa (advisor) Harsha Kumara Navaratne (advisor) Somboon Chungprampree (editor) Theodore Mayer (assistant) Napawan Sittisak (assistant) Arjun Kumar (assistant) Dhanakhorn Thongdeang (assistant) Cover

Calligraphy by Ven. Ren Da Lay-out Surapong Petnamlai Distributed by Suksit Siam 113-115 Fuangnakorn Rd., Bangkok 10200 Tel. (662)2259536-40 Baht 100 per issue Suggested annual subscription US $50 Payment info: • A cheque payable to “INEB” Personal cheques from the UK, US, and Euro are accepted. • Paypal, please go to the INEB website Seeds of Peace 666 Charoen-Nakorn Road, Klongsan, Bangkok 10600 Siam Tel. (662)860-2194 Fax. (662)860-1277 Seeds of Peace is published thrice annually in January, May and September, in order to promote the aims and objectives of the International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB) and its members around the world, and the organizations under SNF including Spirit in Education Movement (SEM) and the School for Wellbeing Studies and Research.

3 Editorial Notes 4 Country Reports

4 Austria: World Future Forum 2017 5 Burma: Govt Bans U Wirathu from Preaching Sermons Ian Johnson

5 China: What a Buddhist Monk Taught Xi Jinping

Htun Htun 8 Siam: Meet The Female Monks Fighting For Spiritual Equality Kaewta Ketbungkan


11 A Conference on Transforming Conflict as Compassion with Exposure and Retreat 16 INEB/ICE Network Environmental Activities & Events Update – 2016 20 Buddhist leaders of the Mekong region and Sri Lanka discuss Prevention of Violence against Children

23 INEB Institute

23 Awakening Leadership Training 23 Buddhist Leadership Training 26 English for Engaged Social Service 2017 – Brief Report and Excerpts from Students’ Final Presentations

29 Sulak Sivaraksa

29 Shri Sulak Sivaraksa Dalai Lama 29 Thank you to HH Dalai Lama Sulak Sivaraksa 30 Photo on 84th birthday - Siam Society - Watthong Noppakhun 34 Speech on 84th birthday 38 The latest charge of lese majeste against me

41 Articles

41 From the perspective of a Practitioner

Chao-hwei Shih 43 What should we do to fight these problems while maintaining our inner peace? International Women’s Day 2017, National Human Rights Commission of Thailand 45 Asia’s Contemporary Engaged Buddhism Maryse Cardin 2

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