Contents Vol. 34 No. 1 January - April 2561 (2018) Publisher INTERNATIONAL NETWORK OF ENGAGED BUDDHISTS (INEB) Editorial team Sulak Sivaraksa (advisor) Harsha Kumara Navaratne (advisor) Somboon Chungprampree (editor) Theodore Mayer (assistant) Arjun Kumar (assistant) Dhanakhorn Thongdeang (assistant) Cover wood craft given by Ven. Bhikkhuni Wu Yin Lay-out Surapong Petnamlai Distributed by Suksit Siam 113-115 Fuangnakorn Rd., Bangkok 10200 Tel. (662)2259536-40 Baht 100 per issue Suggested annual subscription US $50 Payment info: • A cheque payable to “INEB” Personal cheques from the UK, US, and Euro are accepted. • Paypal, please go to the INEB website Seeds of Peace 666 Charoen-Nakorn Road, Klongsan, Bangkok 10600 Siam Tel. (662)860-2194 Fax. (662)860-1277 Seeds of Peace is published thrice annually in January, May and September, in order to promote the aims and objectives of the International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB) and its members around the world, and the organizations under SNF including the Spirit in Education Movement (SEM) and the School for Wellbeing Studies and Research.
3 Editorial Note 4Announcements
4Ten Year Way FORWARD / Harsha Navaratne 6 Pravit Rojanaphruk Receives Press Freedom Award
7 Country Reports
7 Burma: Not all Buddhists agree with Sitagu Sayadaw’s militant message / Jacob Goldberg 8 Siam: Why Buddhists fail simple test of compassion
/ Sanitsuda Ekachai 10 Siam: 112 Case Moves Forward Against Historian / Pravit Rojanaphruk,
11 Siam: Socially Engaged Buddhist Sulak Sivaraksa Cleared of Defamation Charge / Matteo Pistono
13 Press Release from the 18th Biennial Conference of the 14
International Network of Engaged Buddhists (INEB) International Network of Engaged Buddhists Focuses on Conflict, Compassion, and Interbeing at 18th Biennial Conference in Taiwan
18 The welcome speech for the 18th INEB Biennial Conference / Ven. Shi Chao-Hwei
19 The Story of INEB 27 The Way Forward A Strategic Roadmap for INEB in the Next Decade
31 SEM The 24th Sem Pringpuangkeo Public Lecture 32 Komol The 44th Komol Keemthong Foundation’s Annual Lecture
33 Sulak Sivaraksa
33 Reflections on the Cremation 34 Globalization, Extreme Capitalism, Addiction, and Surplus Inmates: What Can the Dhamma Teach Us About
These Problems?
Where should Thais be heading?