Seeds of Peace Vol. 35 No. 3 (2020)

Page 16

Country Reports society leader Thet Swe Win believes that government leaders must step up to speak about social harmony. He said during a recent interview by Irrawaddy News Agency that: “I attach greater importance to the moral leadership of political leaders. […] Frankly speaking, our leaders fail to provide moral leadership. Millions of Rohingya fled and many people died. […] They should at least acknowledge on humanitarian grounds that they had been living in the country, and are now in trouble after they left the

country. Muslims have suffered, and Arakanese people are suffering now, and so are Kachin and Shan people. Only when a leader defines the norms and values of [a] society will people be able to follow. […] One day when we have leaders who dare to say the country has no place The Bhutan Nuns Foundation (BNF) operates under for people with such amoral the patronage of Her Majesty the Queen Mother attitudes, and define clear Ashi Tshering Yangdon Wangchuck. Image courtesy of moral standards for the sothe BNF ciety, then, hopefully there will be some changes to our The BNF has chalked will provide a broad curricsociety.” up an impressive list of ulum, teaching life skills achievements in its 10-year and social engagement for history, not least of which is female monastics and lay the long-awaited BNF women following the spirTraining & Resource Cen- itual path. Courses will intre (TRC) on the outskirts clude counseling training, of Bhutan’s capital Thim- hospice and basic healthphu. Although the project is care, palliative care, leaderhighly dependent on exter- ship and management, and nal funding, remarkable teaching methodology for progress has already been Buddhist nuns who will made in constructing the then go on to teach. In addinecessary infrastructure tion, the center will provide and drawing up detailed meditation retreats for lay plans for training programs women conducted by resiand initiatives. dent nuns, Nungey instruc“The Training & Re- tion (a fasting practice source Center is envisioned widely practiced in Bhutan as a vibrant, dynamic insti- as a means of physical and tution that will focus on spiritual purification), as Craig Lewis enabling nuns, women, and well as classes in qi gong, tai Buddhistdoor Global, 14 June 2019 girls—primarily those at chi, and yoga to help the The Bhutan Nuns Founda- kingdom of Bhutan. It has the grassroots level—to be- nuns stay physical healthy. tion (BNF), a non-profit made great strides, since come skilled and empow“We have three of our organization under the pa- being founded in 2009, to ered, promoting the well- nuns already residing at the tronage of Her Majesty the improve living conditions being of themselves and Training & Resource CentQueen Mother Ashi Tsher- for Bhutanese girls and others,” explained BNF Ex- er, and since March they ing Yangdoen Wangchuck, women in nunneries, and to ecutive Director Dr. Tashi have been running a learnis working diligently to enhance access to basic and Zangmo. ing program for the chileducate and empower female higher education for BudOnce fully operational, dren of the laborers who are monastics in the Himalayan dhist nuns. the BNF’s training center engaged in completing the

Ten Years of Empowering Female Monastics: Bhutan Nuns Foundation Extends Reach with New Training Center


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