Concept Notes ASJ

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El 60.9 % 1

of Hondurans live below the poverty line and depend on the state system to guarantee their basic human rights of

access to health, education and security.

Our Mandate

We work with:

The Association for a More Just Society ASJ - for more than 20 years has the mandate to fight to make the system work for the most vulnerable in these areas.

a) officials of these

institutions to ensure that the basic needs of users are being met, and

civil society2 to promote b) their active participation, increase their capacity to offer proposals, and advocate to meet the challenges of their communities.

ASJ has developed a cyclical intervention strategy that consists of four major components:

Strategy ASJ 3.0 Monitoring and Evaluation Objective Information

Complaint about corrupt conduct

Efficient System that Guarantees Education, Helath and Safety Rights for Most Vulnerable People

Follow-UP Positive Changes Strong Institutions


Proactive Society


Technical Assistance

Advocacy Definition of civil society of the Inter-American Development Bank - IDB - "associations; academic and non-profit institutions; professional groups and corporate social responsibility groups; non-governmental and non-profit organizations; unions foundations; religious institutions; youth groups; indigenous groups; groups of people of African descent; formal and informal organizations that belong and / or represent the interests of the community with philanthropic, ethical, cultural, ethnic, religious and scientific perspectives. "

1 2

MODEL OF INTERVENTION Monitoring and Evaluation of Performance: A baseline3 diagnosis is made that allows knowing the current situation of the institution assessed in areas identified as the most vulnerable to commit acts of corruption, being that they make up more than 80% of the budget: a) purchases and contracts, b) human resources; In addition, some flag themes are identified that allow measuring institutional productivity through c) management by results at the national and local levels4. Once this diagnosis is made, continuous technical monitoring is carried out, which contributes to measure whether the institution improves or regresses with respect to that qualification by component and in a consolidated manner, also, if these improvements are perceived by the end user. The information that is collected and produced under these evaluations is shared publicly with the purpose of generating information that can be used for the decision making of other civil society actors in the interest of integral involvement to generate sustainable changes over time.

In-Depth Research: Studies are carried out that provide an in-depth knowledge of the identified problem, its causalities, as well as the identification of possible exit routes to this situation, generating technical inputs duly supported for decision makers, which allows them to generate technical proposals for Improve in a more effective way. These two components seek to generate objective and quality information to support the work of the following two components:

Report of Corruption Cases:

Generation of Improvement Proposals:

ASJ is a chapter of Transparency International since 2012, and therefore has the mandate to report acts of corruption resulting from its investigations, evaluations or duly justified and supported information from civil society and / or officials that have witnessed the same. Corruption these complaints are generated by ASJ to the competent authorities and technical follow-up is given until the emblematic cases are judicialized and a conviction is obtained. This phase seeks to ensure that the state system works to prosecute cases of corruption and therefore helps to reduce impunity in this area.

Institutions and civil society through citizen participation platforms, seek to generate and adopt proposals that contribute to improve the way they implement the processes in each of the components ensuring that they are complying with the laws and respective standards for each purpose, also, reduce the risks of corruption inherent in the process. Then, specialized technical accompaniment is provided and / or provided to ensure that the institution is taking action on the priority and really generates positive changes in favor of the most vulnerable. This process is repeated because of the evaluations carried out continuously by the previous components.

This model has a cyclic order, so depending on the theme, order may vary. The ASJ model has been validated and implemented successfully and has the capacity to evaluate the results that the organization has based on the development of its key players.

JOIN US We are building a new way to support people´s human rights in Honduras – one that is brave, Christian, collaborative, and sustainable. ASJ brings together partners with a justice agenda to build an innovative solution to promote peace.

Association for a more Just Society (504) 95196202

This methodology was created by ASJ in 2014 and has been implemented in more than 9 public institutions confirming its suitability and possibility of comparison between them. 4 These measurements are carried out by ASJ and are sometimes collected by civil society of the evaluated communities that have been trained and empowered to carry out this activity. 3

JUSTICE IN FAVOR OF EDUCATION Between 2000 and 2010, students only received an average of 125 school days, not 200 days as required by law. In addition, 16% of the time in class had interruptions of a non-academic nature.


33% of teachers were "ghost" teachers as they were on payroll but not on schools and 27% of teachers were at school but not on the official list of the teaching staff.


200 150 100


200 days

125 days Average from 2000-2010

Required by Law

More than 50% of teachers’ hiring did not follow the law. The Ministry of Education’s average compliance with regulations and best practices in human resources was 24%. The assessments of the Ministry of Education were extremely low due to corruption in the processes of purchases and contracts with an average of compliance of regulations and good practices of 27%. Percentage of students by Level of Performance, Spanish and Mathematics, of the total number of students evaluated in each annual application. Period 2006 - 2017

















































It must improve




What has been achieved: We seek to transform Honduras through empowerment of society and a more effective and efficient democratic system. These are the achievements in the education sector: 224 218 120

200 days of classes in schools for five consecutive years.

224 220 210

The number of "ghost" teachers decreased from 26% to 1%, reaching savings of 500 million lempiras. Selection of 15 directors and 10 departmental secretaries of education through a fair and transparent process.

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017

Absence to


Rates of teacher missing from classrooms dropped from 26% to 1%

Empowerment of more than 2,500 community volunteers and 35 local organizations so that they can be overseers of their schools and advocate for the education of their community.



73% 70%












57% 51%






Compliance with the EFA Goal Math 6th grade EFA Goal 2015




Once 200 days of classes were achieved for more than 5 consecutive years, the good use of class time was supervised in order to ensure that time in the classroom was used effectively, resulting in an improvement of 65% in schools.

EFA Goal 2015


Improving academic results exceeding the EFA goals in Spanish class with averages above 70% for four consecutive years and a growth of more than 15% in Mathematics. This moves Honduras to position 10 of 15 in Latin America.

Compliance with the EFA Goal Spanish 6th grade


Implementation of an Academic Performance Assessment for 1st to 9th grade students.

ASJ provides technical reports to the Ministry of Education reporting suspicious processes in human resources, purchases, and contracting. Actions have been implemented to correct these issues of corruption and the level of compliance in human resources increased from 24% to 61% and purchases and contracts from 27% to 69%.

US Aid Cuts Due to the wave of Honduran migrants who move to the United States, President Trump announced he would cut the financial aid to Honduras. ASJ has made significant but fragile progress and a very good plan to do more, but now these cuts will affect programs aimed at preventing violence, improving education and health, activating citizen participation, and strengthen the justice system. A well-designed assistance will help us provide advocacy proposals that reduce homicides and improve the quality of life in Honduras. These are proposals with a track record of progress that have benefitted Honduras, and most critically, they keep vulnerable populations protected. Without financial support, the aid cuts halt the progress that has been made to reduce and respond to gang violence, a proven factor in reducing displacement and migration.

Three-Year Strategy Through ASJ projects, technical support will be provided to the Ministry of Education, joining efforts with different organizations and civil society towards the development of organizational design and advocacy of the educational system. This technical assistance and assessment aims to rebuild the good governance by: • • • • •

Improve the quality of education through oversight activities, advocacy of policy, and reporting corruption. Ensure compliance of 200 days of classes and the effective use of class time. Promote the rule of law at the national level and ensure equal access to education for all. Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in purchases, contracts, and staff recruitment in the educational system. Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions.

JOIN US We are building a new way to support people´s human rights in Honduras – one that is brave, Christian, collaborative, and sustainable. ASJ brings together partners with a justice agenda to build an innovative solution to promote peace.

Association for a more Just Society (504) 95196202


The health system problems1 Corruption in the purchase of medicines with an overvaluation of prices of 1000% between direct purchases against public tender. There was a loss of more than $ 95 million in the Honduran Institute of Social Security due to overvalued prices of medical supplies. The level of compliance in purchasing and contracting is 33%. Drastic increase in medicine acquisition to a single provider without proper bidding process. Purchases from this supplier increased from $ 24,000 to $ 3.5 million after a member of this company was named Vice-President of the National Congress.

Overvalued Prices


Overvalued medicines at 1000% over market prices

Involvement of several public health officials in data manipulation and theft of medicines in the central medicine warehouse valued at approximately $ 70,000. Hiring processes with high levels of discretion, rather than merit-based, public processes. Only 2 of 419 contracts from the Ministry of Health are duly justified and staff was hired with no evidence of knowledge or experience required for the position. The level of compliance in human resources is 35%.

What has been achieved: We seek to transform Honduras through empowerment of society and a more effective and efficient democratic system. These are the achievements in the health sector: STRENGTHENED SYSTEM

Strengthened confidence in the system of medicine acquisition by increasing from 30 to 50 suppliers for public tenders and half a million dollars recovered by concepts of enforcement of fines applied in supplier contracts.


80 leaders in four communities of the capital city trained in auditing processes to monitor that employees of their health centers fulfill their working hours, give proper medical attention, and make sure there is an inventory of medicines for demand.


A purchase mechanism was installed through the trust and UNOPS with active participation in the Trust Committee of Medicine Acquisition of the Ministry of Health and implementation of strict regulatory measures on the purchase and distribution of medicines such as social overseers in delivery, quality assurance of medicines, timely payments to suppliers, and the application of fines for breach of contract.

Achievements in the Health Sector


in compliance with the regulations of the medical contest, which for the first time is done in agreement with the norm in a public, transparent, and merit-based way.

24 venues, including hospitals and health regions, have implemented a medicine delivery observatory in 8 departments of Honduras.


13 officials including a former health minister and the director of the central medical warehouse were prosecuted for their involvement in corruption in the purchase and distribution of medicines. 1


Data presented was obtained from studies done by ASJ

More than 70 integrity pacts with suppliers and 274 individual statements of ethics and transparency were signed with employees involved in the logistics and supply chain of medicines in the Ministry of Health. After an initial monitoring, 88.32% of compliance commitments was achieved.


US Aid Cuts Due to the wave of Honduran migrants who move to the United States, President Trump announced he would cut the financial aid to Honduras. ASJ has made significant but fragile progress and a very good plan to do more, but now these cuts will affect programs aimed at preventing violence, improving education and health, activating citizen participation, and strengthen the justice system. A well-designed assistance will help us provide advocacy proposals that reduce homicides and improve the quality of life in Honduras. These are proposals with a track record of progress that have benefitted Honduras, and most critically, they keep vulnerable populations protected. Without financial support, the aid cuts halt the progress that has been made to reduce and respond to gang violence, a proven factor in reducing displacement and migration.

Three-Year Strategy Through ASJ projects, technical support will be provided to the Ministry of Health, joining efforts with different organizations and civil society towards the development of organizational design and advocacy of the health system. This technical assistance and assessment aims to rebuild the good governance by: •

Improve the quality of hospitals through oversight activities, advocacy of policy, and reporting corruption.

Ensure the integrity, ethics and transparency of the logistics of medicine supply in the Ministry of Health.

Promote the rule of law at the national level and ensure equal access to health for all.

Substantially reduce corruption and bribery in purchases, contracts, and staff recruitment in the health system.

Develop effective, accountable and transparent institutions.

JOIN US We are building a new way to support people´s human rights in Honduras – one that is brave, Christian, collaborative, and sustainable. ASJ brings together partners with a justice agenda to build an innovative solution to promote peace.

Association for a more Just Society (504) 95196202

JUSTICE IN PEACEBUILDING Over the past decade, accelerating rates of violence and crime have transformed into a serious development constraint – becoming the Northern Triangle one of the most violent regions in the world. In Honduras, it is more problematic due to the converging of violence, poverty and a fragile justice system.

Homicide Rate 2008-2018 120











El Salvador








United States



Although the annual homicide rate fell to 41.3 per 100,000 inhabitants after hitting a high of 85.5 murders per 100,000 people in 2011, it still far exceeded the world average. On top, 87% of homicide crimes will never see a conviction and many other crimes will go unreported due to a lack of trust in the system.

Today, violence is provoking more deaths in Honduras than any other cause, but we can stop this! We are working to change that, by investigating and prosecuting some of the most difficult murder cases, not only bringing individuals to justice, but also proving that justice systems can work.

DOING JUSTICE Since 1999, ASJ has enforced the Security and Justice System at a structural and community level, through the investigation of crimes, assist the courts in arguing the cases, and walk alongside victims and communities as they navigate the judicial process. Encouraging people to courageously choose peace over violence and build resilience. For us, respect for human rights and the rule of law are essential to every just society. ASJ has tackled systematic justice inequality by joining the Special Purge and Transformation Commission and being innovative in how it leverage impact to drive positive change, achieving the following results:

1. Structural level



of high-ranking officials were removed


of homicide cases are being solved

of new female police officers

including more than

35% of Police Officers implicated in

corruption, drug trafficking, money laundering, and murder.

compared with less

than 1% initially in the Technical Police Institute.

192 95% 52%

transparent selection

of conflicts resolved

with ASJ’s

Investigation Model replicated in Tegucigalpa.

due to the new model for Fiscal

Management by the Prosecutor’s Office for Common Crimes in the Attorney General’s Office.

Hondurans hired under transparent selection process for the Judicial Power.





homicides have been investigated

in the most dangerous communities in Honduras, providing investigative, legal and psychological support to the victims' relatives.

+7000 citizen’s complaints of the Security and Justice System

teachers trained in child sexual abuse

conviction rate with ASJ intervention,

almost 24 times the national average, reducing impunity.

corruption were submitted to the prosecutor’s office.


reduction of homicide

prevention to help their 9,000 students develop self-protection. 38 complaints were received, 21 were confirmed as child abuse and 4 achieved condemnatory sentences.

rate in ASJ target community.

THREE-YEAR STRATEGY ASJ has developed a cyclical intervention strategy that consists of four major components to strengthen the National Police, Attorney General’s Office, and Judicial Power:

and Evaluation of Performance: Diagnosis of the most vulnerable areas to commit acts of corruption: 1 Monitoring purchases and contracts, human resources, and results oriented interventions at the national and local levels. 2 In-Depth Research: Studies to generate technical inputs duly supported for decision makers. Assistance & Advocacy: Institutions and civil society through citizen participation platforms, improve the way they 3 Technical implement the processes in each of the components. of Corruption Case & Follow-Up: Ensure that the state system works to prosecute cases of corruption and 4 Report therefore helps to reduce impunity.


Recently, President Trump announced that he would cut the financial aid to Honduras.

However, stop working on the prevention and resolution of these problems would reverse the achievements obtained. To effectively address forced migration “fleeing violence” from the Northern Triangle, is necessary to invest in long-term solutions. These should be aimed at strengthening institutional capacity, fostering a culture of equality and accountability, and increasing access to justice.

JOIN US We are building a new way to support people´s human rights in Honduras – one that is brave, Christian, collaborative, and sustainable. ASJ brings together partners with a justice agenda to build an innovative solution to promote peace.

Association for a more Just Society (504) 95196202

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