CitiZens guide to best practices

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CitiZens Guide to Best Practice

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 2



PORTUGAL Do Museu ao Bairro da Madragoa


Walk the streets


AUSTRIA Annenviertel! The Art of Urban Intervention


Project Operation Vote


Shared Space Sonnenfelsploatz


Tamara Grčić: Randlagen – Peripheral Regions


UNITED KINGDOM Plastic Manifesto’ ‐ Rame Peninsula Beach Care


“Respect” Boat


Marine Heroes; film


Tanyard Millbrook


Kingfisher Pre School, Kingsand


SLOVENIA Library under the Treetops


Taborniški feštival (Scout festival)


TURKEY BAHCELIEVLER PARK Using rate increasement


Nazım Hikmet Congress and Cultural Centre Using Rate Increasement


CZECH REPUBLIC Uličník. Scamp initiative


VÁŠ NÁZOR (Your Opinion)



ITALY E tu cosa ci vedi? San Pio X


Running School 2013


OASI DEL LETTORE (in English “The Reader’s Oasis”)


POLAND Graffiti Competition


Lodz4 Culture Festival


SPAIN Eutokia. Center of social Innovation


Intergenerational Parks. Getxo Town Hall


Alhondiga Bilbao Culture Centre







“Do Museu ao Bairro da Madragoa” Portugal, Lisboa ‐ Freguesia de Santos‐o‐Velho / Madragoa 2009‐2013

Comissão Social de Freguesia de Santos‐o‐Velho (Santos‐o‐ Velho Parish Social Commitee) Several partners of this local partnership organisation: Museu das Comunicações; Fundação Portuguesa das Comunicações/Museu da Marioneta; Museu da Água; Teatro A BARRACA; ETIC – Escola Técnica de Comunicação e Imagem; Câmara Municipal de Lisboa; Junta de Freguesia de Santos‐o‐Velho; Alkantara.

TARGET GROUPS Guided visits to Madragoa – Historical Neighborhood. DESCRIPTION

“Do Museu ao Bairro” project focuses not only on the buildings but also on the historical, social and cultural fabric of the quarter. The idea behind the project is to strengthen social inclusion through collective participation and sociocultural animation and to encourage the endogenous development of the quarter and its people`s potential. In this “journey” through Madragoa, an encounter takes place between the “I” and the “Other”, from which springs a genuine and spontaneous participation that creates relationships. The “journey” is not merely one of streets and convents, but takes place within each of us, through the reliving of its life stories, memories and experiences. It is exactly there that we believe that a process of personal and community enhancement is taking place, expressed in the strengthening of self‐esteem and identity. The heritage (material and non‐material) is hailed and given value by those from outside (the visitors) which translates into the strengthening of the sense of belonging and enhancement of what is from within. A re‐ emerging of places, of stories, of experiences takes place. The ethnographic elements of local identity – the basket, fishwife`s apron, net, earthenware pot, wash‐house, inn and street cries – are rediscovered and given value. RESULTS/IMPACT The sociocultural impact of the project on the community takes place at the personal/individual level expressed in different forms and at the collective level. Madragoa is no longer condemned to decay and neglect in the context of the city. “Do Museu ao Bairro” project has given it back its value as a place with its own identity, relations and history. A historic neighbourhood dressed in new clothes with guests in its streets and its roots in the knowledge and experience of the people. Perhaps the most important thing about this Project is who does the talking and about what, questioning and transcending the 6

preponderance of institutional discourses with the discourses of the people. Emancipated local and social protagonists who turn points of passage into points of participation. Giving Madragoa to its visitors as the visitors give to Madragoa. Opening a neighbourhood as if opening ones heart.


Walk the streets‐na‐ rua#zoom=17&lat=39.09301&lon=‐9.25986&layers=TB


Torres Vedras, Portugal 2009‐2012

Informal Group of Citizens (start the activity with the 2nd Fórum for Public Participation) Torres Vedras Council, Local schools,

local players: the residents, social and cultural institutions, the policymakers. "Come with us in search of spaces." Jose Regio | "walk the streets" aims to be the meeting point for those who want to walk and talk in the down town of T. Vedras, somewhat haphazardly, the (re) discovery of the area and its people. description . This group originated in the Second Forum of the Public Participation. . Normally, the meeting point of the "walking street" is on Thursdays at 21 am, in front of the Town Hall, in Torres Vedras. What exactly is the “walk the streets”? A gathering of people who discover the city in its diversity either architectural or historic, and also social and cultural. Chat and share knowledge and issues of the day‐to‐day, very informal. Weave the social bond by joint action in the same space and reveal the looks that each has on the city mentioned in the facets. Guides informal and topics good are some themes that are taken up by the participants in an informal way. Meeting, socializing and learning together in public space are the goals of the initiative taking place every Thursday at night. RESULTS/IMPACT Guided tours, workshops, presentations, conference, radio broadcasts, and participation projects. For a detailed description of results and outcomes see:‐na‐ rua/278203838880497?fref=ts 7



Annenviertel! The Art of Urban Intervention Graz, Austria, local 2009‐2012

< rotor >, association for contemporary art

The Blue House Foundation/ Amsterdam, University of J. E. Purkyne/ Usti nad Labem, [BLOK] – Local Base for cultural refreshment/ Zagreb (in collaboration with DeLVe | Institute for Duration, Location and Variables, Zagreb), Institute of Contemporary Art Sofia, NABA – New Academy of Fine Arts/ Milano. TARGET GROUPS local players: the residents, the tradespeople, the numerous social and cultural institutions, the policymakers. ANNENVIERTEL! The Art of Urban Intervention" is dedicated to DESCRIPTION highlighting the present of the Graz Annenviertel and its transformations through artistic and cultural practice. Contemporary forms of action should be applied in public and social space, where participation in urban developments in general and especially in artistic productions is of high priority. What exactly is the Annenviertel? In fact it is an invention, a fiction! Until not long ago there was no area in Graz carrying this name. Thus the Annenviertel has no defined borders; it is an open field for the negotiation of urban questions and ideas. At the same time it describes a part of downtown Graz with the Annenstraße in its centre comprising large parts of Lend, the 4th district of Graz, and Gries, the 5th. The “planned” development of this part of the city has been discussed intensively for decades, partly very emotional. There have been several attempts to develop it in this or that direction, but all of them came to nothing. Fortunately, because often these concepts work in opposition to the local inhabitants and businesses. In the light of upcoming measures of reconstruction, especially on the part of the traffic planning department of the city of Graz, gentrification begins to sprout, which has become quite obvious in some streets. Mechanisms of displacement proceed. In the project area artists are to work on analytical, critical and in many cases participatory projects, with a view to shedding light on the processes and transformations on site and discussing them. Exhibitions, guided tours, workshops, presentations, conference, radio RESULTS/IMPACT broadcasts, participation projects. For a detailed description of results and outcomes see:‐eng.html 9


Project Operation Vote Graz, Austria, Europe 2 years

Immigrants' Council of the City of Graz

COSPE ‐ Cooperazione per lo Sviluppo dei Paesi Emergenti, Florenz, Italien (Leadpartner), Fundación Asistencial para la Formación, Investigación y Estudio (AFIES), Sevilla, Spanien, Stiftelsen Cesam, Örebro, Schweden, Númena ‐ Centro de Investigação em Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Porto Salvo, Portugal. TARGET GROUPS EU citizens living in partner countries of which they are not nationals; public authorities at both local and national levels and other stakeholders that have an interest in higher levels of political participation by EU movers. The overall objective of the project is to improve and stimulate through DESCRIPTION campaigning the participation of EU citizens in the political and public life of the countries where they reside and of which they are not nationals. Specific objectives are to understand better whether and to what extent EU movers are involved in the political life of their countries of residence, to raise awareness among them of their electoral rights in EP elections and local elections, to increase their participation in the political life, to promote interaction and cooperation between EU citizens’ organizations, NGOs and local authorities in order to maximise the impact of the actions undertaken. Research in each partner country to map and analyse the political RESULTS/IMPACT participation of resident EU movers Meetings with organisations of EU movers aimed at spreading information among them and their members and identifying the best ways to reach resident EU movers. Production of a video on the topic, to be used as a tool of the European campaign. National campaigns aimed at informing EU citizens about their political rights and the requirements for registration to participate. A final European conference that will analyse the first results of the campaigns and disseminate the results of the entire project. Further information:



SHARED SPACE SONNENFELSPLATZ Graz AT November 2009 komobile Gmunden GmbH

City of Graz

Residents, property owners and companies in the planning area, advocacy groups (e.g. unions, employees' and employers' organizations, disability rights groups), interested citizens, the relevant departments of the city of Graz and the Province of Steiermark, public transport operators DESCRIPTION Shared Space is a relatively new form of street arrangement aimed at allocating road space better and improving social interaction between road users. Traditional rules for road use are abolished or reduced to a minimum. This provokes road users into changing their attitude. That was one of the challenges during the planning process for the square and during citizen participation. Questions regarding Shared Space took up a considerable part of the participation effort. Apart from residents and interested citizens, all the municipal and provincial departments of relevance for implementation should be involved, as well as other stakeholders. The main method chosen in the process, charrette, combined a compressed planning process inside the team with intense citizen participation. Three public discussion/info events were conducted as part of the process. The Sonnenfelsplatz charrette was conducted between 24 and 28 November 2009. It included three public events for citizens and any number of one‐on‐one discussions. The charette was successfully concluded and resulted in a draft proposal which met with general approval from participants and stakeholders. In particular, a satisfactory solution was found for sight‐impaired citizens. RESULTS/IMPACT The result was a proposal for replanning Sonnenfelsplatz as a Shared Space. The draft proposal met with broad approval from the participants. The very positive response of the sight‐impaired community regarding the proposal is worthy of note.‐sonnenfels‐en.html 11


Tamara Grčić: Randlagen – Peripheral Regions Graz and surrounding regions, AT 09/2014 – 12/2015 The Institute for Art in Public Space Styria

Natural History Museum, Joanneum District

Residents, the general public of Graz and the surrounding regions of the Styrian capital. Teachers and students in Graz. DESCRIPTION The Institute for Art in Public Space invited Tamara Grčić to develop an art project for the city of Graz and Styria Province. Her project consists of three parts and will be on show in three different places: at the Natural History Museum (Joanneum District), in a closed‐down quarry near the south‐east Styrian municipality of Gossendorf, and in urban space in Graz. Starting out from the idea of Randlagen, or peripheral regions, which can be regarded in the general context of city and countryside, centre and periphery, Graz and its proximity to the border, and regional development, Tamara Grčić undertook several working visits, eventually focusing on aspects of language and earth science. For the third part of the art project she returns to urban, public space in Graz. In cooperation with teachers, the project will be presented and communicated to classes and/or groups of young people. The young people are asked to write the colour terms from the mineral collection in chalk on walls or roads at different public locations of their choosing over a period of time. The aim is to spread the colour terms out around urban space in Graz, with the students taking photographs of them. In this way, the young people will disseminate the poetry of mineralogical language, in a manner which is as casual as it is ephemeral, in urban spaces which are most accessible, popular or uncanny to them. With the aid of the photographs, the places and words become symbols of open meaning. RESULTS/IMPACT The Institute for Art in Public Space Styria will collect these pictures and publish them on the Internet. 12




Plastic Manifesto’ ‐ Rame Peninsula Beach Care Community Environmental Acton Group Local activities – Regional, National, European, Worldwide reach and following Started January 2012 – on going


Primary Schools – Fourlanesend School, Kingsand Cornwall

TARGET GROUPS Volunteers Schools

All community members Community project aiming to clean up our beaches and raise awareness about the damage being done to the marine environment by the ever‐ growing tide of plastic pollution. Local activism using volunteers to clear our public spaces, including our local beaches of rubbish and environmental pollution. Active use of Facebook and social media to organise events and people, and activate communities. A great deal of engagement with local schools to educate children, teachers and parents – to raise awareness and recruit volunteers. RESULTS/IMPACT Raising awareness at local, regional, national and European level. Education in schools. Organising guest speakers in schools and practical activities (boat building from plastic bottles, turning plastic waste into art/sculptures) to raise awareness and seek to change behaviours. Community Events – beach clearing events, setting up patrols of local volunteers to educate beach users. Film showings (80‐100 people going to community film showings ‘Trashed’, ‘The Wrecking Season’, ‘Wasteland’ and ‘Plastic Shores’. Providing statistics for other relevant organisations; universities Lobbying Government for changes to policy, and raising awareness by using the press. Good practice with regard to local level activism and the use of volunteers to mobilise a community into action.




“Respect” Boat Cawsand, Cornwall, UK March 2013 ‐ ongoing

Rame Peninsula Beach Care Trust – Claire Wallerstein Mount Edgcumbe Youth Centre (MEYC) Primary Schools; Fourlanesend School, Kingsand Cornwall

TARGET GROUPS Volunteers, schools, all community members. Community project aiming to clean up our beaches and raise awareness DESCRIPTION about the damage being done to the marine environment by the ever‐ growing tide of plastic pollution. Local activism with volunteers to clear our public spaces, including our local beaches of rubbish and environmental plastic pollution. Looking at beaches as public participatory spaces; incorporating education for sustainability for adults and children within these public spaces as well as art, culture, marine engineering. Active use of Facebook and social media to organise events, people, and activate community participation. A great deal of engagement with local schools to educate children, teachers and parents to raise awareness and recruit volunteers. The aim is to use the plastic collected from the beach for art and other projects. One project was the creation of the boat “Respect” made from plastic milk bottles and other plastic. The boat was created by a local boat builder involved in creating the “Plastiki” boat which sailed the Atlantic Ocean. Local school children, volunteers and community activists helped create and build the boat. RESULTS/IMPACT Raising awareness at local, regional, national and European level. Education in schools. Organising guest speakers in schools and practical activities (boat building from plastic bottles, turning plastic waste into art/sculptures) to raise awareness and seek to change behaviours about sustainability and the marine environment. Community Events – beach clearing events, setting up patrols of local volunteers to educate beach users. Film showings (80‐100 people going to community film showings ‘Trashed’, ‘The Wrecking Season’, 15

‘Wasteland’ and ‘Plastic Shores’. Providing statistics for other relevant organisations; universities Lobbying Government for changes to policy, and raising awareness by using the press. Good practice with regard to local level activism and the use of volunteers to mobilise a community into action.


Marine Heroes; film Cawsand, Cornwall, UK September 2013‐May 2014

Fourlanesend School, Kingsand, Cornwall Mount Edgcumbe Youth Centre (MEYC) Primary Schools; Plymouth University; MEYC volunteer film makers – Phil Shingler and Byrony Stokes. Maker with Rame Parish Council.

TARGET GROUPS Schools, Adults. Community action groups; environmental campaign groups A film made by and starring local school children to raise awareness DESCRIPTION about plastic pollution in our oceans and having a detrimental impact on our local marine environment. Local film making experts helped the children to create the film, which was entered into a European wide competition and the film won the first prize for Best Primary School and best UK entry. Twenty children with staff went to the awards ceremony in Bremen, Germany to spread the word across Europe. The children have been learning through practical application; film making, activism, social and environmental awareness, community cohesion, citizenship, friendly public open spaces and education for sustainable development. Encouraging and promoting sustainable use of our public spaces; participatory and inclusive.


RESULTS/IMPACT The children have been learning through practical application; film making, activism, social and environmental awareness, community cohesion, citizenship, friendly public open spaces and education for sustainable development.


Tanyard Millbrook Millbrook, Cornwall, UK September 2012 ‐ ongoing

MEYC Tanyard Millbrook Millbrook Parish Council

TARGET GROUPS Schools, adults. Community action groups, Parish Council – policy makers Volunteer groups “greening” public open spaces. DESCRIPTION Millbrook “Tanyard” is a small open space in rural village in Cornwall. Volunteers have been promoting gardening, growing and improving the public open space. Volunteer groups have planted trees; and are raising the profile of the importance of the space for community cohesion. A small local market is held once a month for small local home producers to sell their produce. The volunteers are seeking to protect the space from proposals to use it for car parking. The Space is also being promoted as a use for a monthly market and this is being developed at a local level. RESULTS/IMPACT The open spaces have become more friendly places to use for the local community. More work needs to be done, but much has been achieved by the “greening” of these spaces. Raising awareness of sustainable development, citizenship and community development with children and Young people as well as 17

community as a whole; raising profile of small local business and entrepreneurship. Encouraging care for the local environment, sustainable development and civic participation to create people friendly spaces, receptive to use for education, art and community activities.


Kingfisher Pre School, Kingsand Kingsand, Cornwall, UK September 2012 ‐ ongoing

Kingfisher Pre School, Kingsand Mount Edgcumbe Youth Centre (MEYC)

TARGET GROUPS Schools, Children and Adults. Community action groups; environmental campaign groups Volunteer groups “greening” public open spaces. DESCRIPTION Volunteers are involved in developing the open space at Mount Edgcumbe Youth Centre for Kingfisher Pre School and the local Youth Club. The Pre School has an outdoor education ethos, using nature and Forest school techniques and methodology. The aspiration is to promote sustainability and care for the environment in the thoughts and actions of children and young people; encouraging active participation in our local public spaces, encouraging care and consideration through “ownership” of the space – involvement of Young people is key to the Success of the space. Developing willow domes; nature trails, natural dens. RESULTS/IMPACT The open spaces have become more friendly places to use for the local community. More work needs to be done, but much has been achieved by the “greening” of these spaces. Raising awareness of sustainable development, citizenship and community development with children and Young people as well as community as a whole. Starting at a young age (from 2yrs old) to encourage care for the local environment, sustainable development and civic participation to create people friendly spaces, receptive to use for education, art and community activities. 18



Library under the Treetops Ljubljana, Slovenia Since 2005

Divja misel Institute (The institute's name translates to "wild thought" or "wild mind")

In organizing Library under the Treetops, the institute cooperates with the Research Centre of the Slovene Academy of Sciences and Arts and its Azil Bookshop. The reading material is donated by Slovene publishing house, embassies, and foreign cultural representative offices. TARGET GROUPS There is no limit – library invites everyone to stop and indulge yourself in free outdoor reading. Library under Treetops is a project aimed at adding variety to the range DESCRIPTION of Ljubljana's leisure activities. This 100% natural library offers visitors a handy collection of books, newspapers and magazines of various styles and languages. In Ljubljana, although the library operates also in several other cities in Slovenia, readers may experience the shadow on 6 islands with free reading policy. They are strategically positioned in the loveliest parts of town: Tivoli park, Ljubljana Botanical garden, Tabor park, Breg enbankment, Trnovski pristan enbankmen and Ljubljana Castle. The diversity of the islands is primarily guaranteed by set of books, newspapers and magazines, divided in the six substantially different units, as well as a thematic set of literary treats. Reading in the summer shade is accompanied by recitals given by up‐and‐coming authors and even music performances. RESULTS/IMPACT 12 libraries under the Treetops and Library Programs & Events: discussions with interesting people, workshops, presentation of books, public readings, mini concerts Reading live music. Further information: 20


Taborniški feštival (Scout festival) Ljubljana, Slovenia One day, every year, since 1997

Mestna zveza tabornikov Ljubljana (City Scout Association of Ljubljana)

In organising Scout festival, the City Scout Association of Ljubljana cooperates with all Scout groups from Ljubljana and with different partners (Police, Slovenia Armed Forces, Fire brigade Ljubljana, ZOO, Slovenia forest service, Slovenian Society for therapy with dogs, Red cross, Societas herpetologica Slovenica, Association of students of biology, Special Education Centre Janez Levec, Society for the conservation, research and sustainable development of the Dinarides, City library Ljubljana, Slovene Philanthropy, and others). TARGET GROUPS Scouts, their families and general public. Scout Festival is an event, every year visited by 1,200 participants from DESCRIPTION Ljubljana and other Slovenian towns. City Scout Association of Ljubljana, Scout groups from Ljubljana and other partners prepare more than 40 different workshops. Young people will be able to participate in workshops of different themes, such as scout, nature, sports, educational and cultural topics,… Participants always circulate freely according to their own interests. RESULTS/IMPACT Promotion of volunteering, intergenerational cooperation, integration of different organizations at the national level, attracting new members, the organization of various activities that help to discover new interests, …




Bachcelievler Park using rate Increasement Ankara, Cankaya/Ankara/Turkey 2012‐2013

Cankaya Municipality

Bahcelievler Guzellestirme Association and the citizens, who are living in this quarter Citizens in that area

Cankaya Municipality decided to add a sport area in Bahcelievler Park Place after the request of the citizens. This park is established in 1973 in this quarter and all citizens, old people, children, young people, retired people and the animals are using this Park as a Green Place, enjoyment place. Cankaya Municipality add some sport equipment in this park to increase the usage of this area by citizens. Now Park area is used by  Retired people at 07‐09 am for sport  By house women between 08:30‐09:00 for sports  By Old people any time during day  By children any free time after school  By animals in the morning and in the evening time RESULTS/IMPACT The citizens, who are living in this quarter are more happy and healthy



Nazım Hikmet Congress and Cultural Centre Using Rate Increasement Yenimahalle quarter/ Ankara/Turkey 2013‐2014



Yenimahalle Municipality/Ankara‐Turkey


Ankara Citizens

The giant plant “The Congress & Cultural Centre”, which is named as Nazım Hikmet, a worldwide famous poet, has a total area of 33 thousand square meters of usable. The construction started in 2008 at the centre; Centre was opened in 2013 for the Cultural activities and Congress. Ankara citizens are participating to the free Cultural activities with a huge number. Centre has  1,600 seat multi‐purpose room,  400 people Yıldız Kenter Theatre Hall,  Hikmet Cetinkaya and Bedri Kora financing Exhibition Halls,  100‐seat seminar room,  Wedding hall with a capacity of 250 people,  350 people cafeteria. RESULTS/IMPACT Ankara citizens are now much more interested with Cultural activities, theatres, dance presentations and exhibitions





Uličník Scamp initiative Prague, Czech Republic Beginning of 2012 ‐ continues

Private partnership of 3 people

City parts, other organizations when necessary according to the needs of the initiative Citizens of Prague Uličník is a wordplay and therefore hard to translate. The founders have yet to choose it’s own name in English. Originally, in Czech it has two meanings 1) a person, usually young boy, who did a little wickedness, e.g. broke window. 2) it is very often used in a positive way as if when granny would say “My little nasty boy”. The root of the word uličník comes from the word ulice (street). Since the initiative is focused on changing streets and public spaces of Prague it was given this double meaning name. The initial idea of the Uličník is to maintain a website where all the citizens can suggest their idea how to improve public spaces. This idea is formulated as a project. This means that a proposer has to define tasks, estimate duration, mandays and main milestones. Other visitors of the portal can browse through these ideas then and when they get excited, they can opt in and became volunteers. If there are enough volunteers the project can be realized and the portal is continually updated with the news. Besides the portal part of the project, the Uličník team operates in the streets by actively campaigning with noticeboards and walls and other promotional events.


RESULTS/IMPACT The bottom up initiative evolved as a non‐profit project which has no major funding and works rather on the basis of volunteers and enthusiast who can offer their high expertise services for free. The real results involve 5 finished projects, 4 already running, 8 actually proposed ideas. E.g. Pink bikes, Herbs inside block of flats, community gardens, etc.




VÁŠ NÁZOR (YOUR OPINION) Vysočina Region, Czech Republic Beginning of 2011 ‐ continues

The regional authority of the Vysocina region

Region, cities and town in the region

Citizens of the Vysocina Region http://www.vas‐ VÁŠ NÁZOR is an on‐line participation platform for municipalities. Each municipality can pin a question on its wall to be consulted by citizens who can freely express their opinion. The question is accompanied with important materials such as urban plans, map layers, suggested solutions etc. Once the consultation itself is finished, the municipal employee responsible for the question elaborates a report which summarizes citizens’ discussion. This report is then taken into consideration during the meeting of municipal assembly/council board. Users of this on‐line participation platform are registered through a central registration facility and linked to a specific municipality in order to read all the documents suggested for discussion of the topic. A uniqueness of this platform is that the registration is connected with national registers. This ensures that the users are verified and assigned to specific territory of their municipality (they can still choose whether to express themself anonymously or publically). This ensures there is no spam and useless flame topics. The web application VÁŠ NÁZOR is based on Open Source technology and is linked to the regular agendas at each municipality and to the internal document system of the public administration. It is also linked to the social networks, mostly to Facebook.


RESULTS/IMPACT Initially, there were 7 starting municipalities. Currently there are 10 municipalities and the negotiations with other municipalities to join the system are running Rare example of successful top‐bottom approach driven by the regional authority New inspirations and examples about changes in decision‐making process. Advanced supportive ICT solution for public administration and success cases of its use. Many issues and controversial points connected with the life in municipalities as well as local planning and public spaces were discussed and adjusted according to citizens’ recommendations.




E tu cosa ci vedi? San Pio X Vicenza, Italy 7 months

Vicenza Muncipality Fram_menti www.fram‐

Civil society organisations involved in the participatory process (Forum San Pio X, Progetto sulla Soglia, Comitato vicentino handicap, Centro culturale italo tedesco, Gruppo Giovani del Quartiere, Assogevi ONLUS, Istituto comprensivo Barolini, U.S.D. Altair, Gruppo Pensionati “La Rondine”); single citizens. TARGET GROUPS Citizens, civil society organisations, all the stakeholders interested in the future layout of one of the biggest quarters of Vicenza. E tu cosa ci vedi? San Pio X is a project driven by the Municipality of DESCRIPTION Vicenza with an agreement with a set of private land owners and investors that aim to push for a urban development of their properties. The operative staff of the project was made up of multidisciplinary team of experts and a set of internal technicians that work within the urban planning department of the city. The aim of the project was to actively involve as much public as possible in the definition of the future configuration of the interested area of Vicenza (S. Pio X). We can sum up the whole experience in 8 main phases: A. Proposal between professionals and local administration; building of the network of local organisations and players. B. Presentation of the project during a public forum, with the following series of workshops in which all citizens involved get more aware about the target area and about all the human activities linked to it; C. Signature of an Agreement among the all players involved – local administration included ‐ stating the common decision to accept the results of the participatory phase, without interfering in its evolution; D. Series of workshops in which all citizens involved drafted together – driven by the experts ‐ needs, desires, problems and solutions about the target area, so to design together a potential sustainable layout; E. Presentation of the shared scenario and further discussion; F. Public presentation of the results achieved through the participatory process; G. Guidelines on how to insert the drafted scenario within the “Interventions Plan” of the local administration; H. Design phase of the Operational Plan, with involvement and check by the local administration and the local community. RESULTS/IMPACT From a qualitative point of view, the project let the local community play a key role in the design of the future urban configuration of the quarter. Being involved in the different phases of the project, made it also aware about which are the problems linked to the several ideas and 32

proposals that common citizens are used to propose. Furthermore, a stronger network of organisations and single citizens had the chance to grow, as well as a stronger relationship with the local administration, in this occasion felt closer than the usual. The bet will be to really commit in putting into practice the scenario commonly proposed. From a quantitative point of view, the following numbers can be underlined: 212 total participants registered in the different meetings; 40 local civil society organisations involved; 12 structured interviews run; 350 cards distributed during the outreach meetings; 59 cards received back with feedbacks; 104 phone contacts with local stakeholders; 800 families reached with leaflets through the schools channel; 48 essays written by middle school students; 16 paintings done by students of the art school having its seat in S. Pio X; 1.781 visits at the initiative’s website; 70 direct advisories from the web; 93 downloads of documents from the web; 63 “likes” on the facebook page.


RUNNING SCHOOL 2013 Vicenza area (North East of Italy) 10 months each year

Atletica Vicentina (the local association for athletics)

Local authorities (Vicenza municipalities, Chamber of Commerce, trade associations, schools, etc.) All the citizens (from young people to elderly) RUNNING SCHOOL project supports people that: ‐ want to start running, ‐ who already runs and look for a reference group, ‐ who has the dream of running the first marathon, ‐ who would like to improve the performance in the race. There are several programs: basic (light training in outdoor); training for a marathon, maintain the fitness and improving my performances. RUNNIN SCHOOL affects in a very positive way “the use of public space” 33

and “wellness approaches in general”. In fact the paths are organized in Vicenza historical centre, in the green areas (i.e. city parks) and in the neighbourhoods (in particular in small towns with low intensity of traffic). The promoter, Atletica Vicentina, also offers several benefits and services to the participants and members (). RESULTS/IMPACT There are several benefits/impacts for the participants: ‐ aware about healthy behaviours; ‐ socialization; ‐ know more about the local area and the landscape; ‐ active use of public spaces; ‐ positive intergenerational exchange In term of results the last edition has involved around 100 people (the same like the last 4/5 years).


OASI DEL LETTORE (in English “The Reader’s Oasis”) Vicenza area (North East of Italy) Every year during the summer (May‐September)

Vicenza Municipality (responsible for the space to be entrusted) and the Cultural Association “Spritz Letteriario” (in charge of managing the space and promoting activities) Local authorities (Vicenza municipalities, Chamber of Commerce, trade associations, schools, book shops, children, young and elderly associations, etc.) All the citizens (from children to elderly people) Oasi del Lettore is the summer library point in Campo Marzo Park (Vicenza), started in August 2009. The small detachment of the Civic library “Bertoliana” is managed promoting initiatives and programs to enhance the environment. In addition to classic books‐loan service, the initiative aims at offering interesting activities, such as the presentation of books with authors, literary games, chess competitions, theatre performances drawn from literary works, art expositions, creative writing and poetry meetings, guided tours of the park and evenings of music and writing. It will be also possible to practice “bookcrossing”, so anyone will have the chance to leave his/her books, properly labelled and marked with the appropriate symbols, then to be read, freely exchanged and followed in 34

their path. The initiative is particularly interesting also as a way to regenerate Campo Marzo Park, which is unfortunately subject to a blight phenomenon due to the presence of persons practicing illegal businesses (especially drug dealing). Therefore, the aim of this “oasis” is to make the Park more and more populated from local citizens and tourists. RESULTS/IMPACT There are several benefits/impacts for the beneficiaries: ‐ cultural learning; ‐ socialization; ‐ active use of public spaces; ‐ positive intergenerational exchange; ‐ participation in the regeneration of a degraded area. In term of results, citizens directly reached are thousands, and the final benefit is for the whole City (120.00 inhabitants). 35



Graffiti Competition "8 in a spray1"


Poland, Krakow


Since 2012 (in 2013 there is a second edition of competition)

Krakow District VIII named Dębniki Culture Centre "Podgórze" Municipal Police of the Krakow City Association Siemacha Youth Centre for Social Development Municipal Buildings Management in Krakow

Pupils of secondary schools located within the Krakow Districts VIII – XIII Participants in educational activities in the Culture Centre "Podgórze" Pupils in the Association "Siemacha" The inhabitants of Cracow Since 2012 the Council of Krakow City District VIII in collaboration with DESCRIPTION other partners, is hosting a graffiti competition called “Eight in the spray". The aim of the competition is:  preventing illegal graffiti street art by promoting art‐in and improve the aesthetic appearance of the city;  draw attention to youth, residents, authorities of Krakow City to the problem of destruction of property by placing inscriptions on the facades of buildings and walls and the necessity for increasing actions against these occurrence.  Presenting the beauty of nature, interesting places and ecological phenomena in the Krakow District VIII Dębniki as well as the promotion of relevant topics in the field of Healthy Lifestyle  Promoting young talent, develop artistic and aesthetic interests The competition is addressed primarily to pupils of schools in the district, at the age of 16‐21 years. The main activity of the competition is to create a mural with graffiti in a specific topic (eg, the nature 1 Krakow Municipality is divided into eighteen auxiliary units called districts. Separation of districts was based on the historical division of Krakow. Each district has been identified by a number. District No. 8 Dębniki is located on the west and south outskirts of Krakow. The competition is organized in District 8, which is why in the name of competition appears eight.



protection) in the special localization of the city. The competition organizers provide all materials (paint) needed for the graffiti project realization as well as supporting of artist how to make graffiti. They also provide is a special instruction to the authors of the best projects. Graffiti projects are evaluated by the special commission according to the following criteria:  topic of the graffiti in accordance with the subject of the Competition;  aesthetic and artistic values;  colours selection;  originality and ingenuity. The award for the best design of graffiti is the ability to implement the project in a designated area. Promotion of the positive activities idea for legal graffiti Education activities addressed to young people Integration of inhabitants In 2013 the next district in Krakow start with the similar competition

The part of the mural "Wawel Dragon” on the Volyn Boulevard in Krakow


The example of the graffiti project in the competition edition 2012

The next example of the graffiti project in the competition edition 2012 Sources: 39


Lodz4 Culture Festival

Lodz4 Culture Festival 2013 LOCATION


Homage to Germans, Russians, Jews and Poles who built this wonderful city Lodz

10‐19.05.2013, every year since 1994.



Miasto Łódź



The Embassy of Israel in Warsaw The Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in Warsaw Residents Tourists Descendants of former residents around the world Lodz4 Cultures Festival is a festival about a multicultural city who intends to build again its creative, open and civic community. During the Festival, dark and shady well‐like yards of tenement houses will sound again with long‐forgotten music revived by outstanding musicians. These yards will be also the main characters of performance given by the Theatre of the Eight Day and Krzysztof Garbaczewski and, one of them, with kind assistance of Joanna Rajkowska, will be transformed into an exceptional civic work of art – the diamond of Lodz. The yard of the former Izrael Poznanski’s manufacturing plan will become the birthplace of the world in the large open‐air performance by Plasticien Volants theatre “Big Bang”. The walls of the former tobacco plant will hear contemporary songs which sound as if they came straight from 1930. Cabarets, sung by the world’s masters of the genre: the English from The Tiger Lilies… Small corners of Lodz will tell their stores in the film language and artists will paint the town red: singing, playing and dancing for it…(see the website Lodz is a city in central Poland, the third largest city in terms of population. It is well‐known for its industrial character and, for years, referred to as Manchester of the East. Its fame was built on the power of “the kings of cotton”. The history of the city divides into four main stages – from its founding to 1820, the second stage ended with the eruption of the WW2, the third one ended with 1980. and the fourth one which continues. Lodz was first mentioned in the history of Poland in 1332. From a small rural settlement it then transformed into a city on the main trade route from the south to the north of Poland (Krakow to Gdańsk). The rapid growth of the city began in 1820 when, by the virtue of a decision made by the government of the Kingdom of Poland, weaving looms were placed there. It was not long 41

before the poorest farmers from neighbour villages began flocking to Lodz to work in the industry followed by a growing stream of people of various professions and backgrounds. For this reason, Lodz was proclaimed „the Promised Land”, a virgin place on the Earth, conveniently located, a perfect place for making (but also losing) a fortune. The textile industry of Lodz was developed by Jews and Germans who settled there, whose huge and, at the time (the turn of 19th and 20th century) modern manufacturing plants employed mainly poor Russians and Poles. All these developments saw the city managed by Russians because of the historical époque in the history of Poland. In 1332, Lodz had nearly 100 inhabitants and 800 inhabitants in mid‐14th century. The rapid growth of its population in 19th century resulted from migrations from villages and small towns. Settlers from neighbouring countries, mainly from Saxony and Czech were coming in big numbers, as well as some settlers from England, France and Switzerland. In terms of the population growth rate, Lodz was breaking all records of its time, doubling the number of its population every 10 years (32,000 people in 1860 and 314,000 people in 1987). Lodz was also the city with the highest population density ratio in the world. In mid 19th century, Poles represented approximately 15% of all residents and the rest of the population was Jewish, German and Russian, the latter representing the smallest percentage in Lodz population structure. The structure changed deeply as late as after the WW2 with 99% of its population being Polish. At the birth of the phenomenon of industrial Lodz, it was almost entirely a product of foreign capital. Owing to the support of the local authorities, German and Jewish industrialists had the opportunity to see their plans implemented. It is them who fast‐tracked the city and built its infrastructure. At the time, the city was developing supported by the right strategy of the authorities, who realised the huge potential of a little settlement just in time. 19th‐century growth of Lodz came from the economics. The future creators of large textile empires were coming to the city stimulated by economy and driven by calculation of future profits. As soon as their own interests had become the source of their personal satisfaction, they would move their activity to the social arena. They were founding hospitals, churches and synagogues, theatres; they represented the driving force of the regional development. The tangible heritage of the times and the rapid growth of the city remains hardly changed for us to see. Contemporary residents of Lodz live and work in tenement houses and former production plants of the “kings of cotton” whose heirs live around the world and often are happy to come and see the city and buildings owned by their ancestors (e.g. Scheibler). The heritage of co‐existence of four cultures, religion and tradition in spite of clear economic differences is the essential part of the spirit of Lodz, its genius loci, which must be revived. This approach fits perfectly into the ideas of open, tolerant Europe focused on developing its potentials. In Lodz, the most important potential is multiculturalism and conditions for developing creativity. Here let us mention two names of world‐famous artists, born in Lodz, Poles who were not ethnically Polish. We mean the outstanding pianist Artur Rubinstein and the outstanding writer Jerzy Kosiński. Let’s not forget about 42

Roman Polański, the world‐famous film director, who studied in Lodz in one in the most famous film schools of the world. These are just three examples of Lodz multiculturalism. Today, Lodz is literally a multicultural city. Although Germans, Jews or Russian left in search of new, better life opportunities; let’s not forget about many signs of their presence left, both material and spiritual traces. Today, is a one‐in‐a‐million opportunity to create its image of a society supporting wonderful traditions of tolerance and openness to progress on the international arena. According to Richard Florida’s idea, Lodz has the opportunity to create a brand of sensitive people who remember about their roots and their past and this could be the driving force both in the world of culture and the world of business. Lodz4 Culture Dialogue Festival fits perfectly into the European offer of cultural tourist and is a passport to the new image of the city. Lodz, a city which came into existence thanks to collaboration above divisions, cooperation supported by a dialogue and the ability to reach a consensus is a wonderful venue where representatives of different nations can meet, discuss and exchange their views. Lodz 4 Culture Dialogue Festival is a cultural project aimed at reaching these objectives. It fits perfectly in the local context and brings a message responding to the current needs of today’s world. (after as of 19.06.2013). Lodz4 Culture Festival evolves every year, while it remains faithful to its ideas of creating new artistic phenomena and a dialogue between inhabitants and artists and between various artistic expressions based on the memory of co‐existence of the 4 cultures which created the city. According to this year’s director of the Festival, Zbigniew Brzoza (Gazeta Wyborcza daily, Lodz issue, 8th May 2013, „Lodz is the most urban city of Poland and one of the most urban cities in Europe”. And „Lodz has a different rhythm resembling the rhythm of (…) Berlin.” The third important characteristic feature of Lodz s that „people representing different cultures ‐ nations – religions, social groups – met and were able to reach an agreement. Over an incredibly short period, they built a large, dynamic city. Contrary to appearances, Lodz has been very well planned; one can see it in the fantastic space of parks and public buildings… Lodz residents of the time of different nationalities created common civic space. This year’s Festival refers to the tradition by „building Lodz narration by outstanding artistes of two theatrical currents – repertoire and off theatres”. As an outcome of dozens of hours of discussion and learning one another’s life stores, the Theatre of the Eight Day prepared a theatrical installation together with residents of a tenement house in Lodz. These stories led to creating a theatrical legend of people’s lives. Using the scenery of the same tenement house yard of a old, shabby Lodz, Krzysztof Garbaczewski, another outstanding Polish director, together with the Russian theatre stages a musical based on Izaak Babel’s “Sunset”. This Jewish‐Russian story taking place in old Odessa perfectly corresponds to stories from Lodz. Another interesting project of the Festival is a joint music project of Steven Berstein, a trumpeter and Marcin Masecki, a Polish piano player, to play works composed by Lodz ghetto composers from the period of the WW2 on 43


another tenement house yard. They will give the concert with five young musicians from Lodz. There is also another project, which consists of signing Yiddish songs by three generations of musicians in the main street of the city the way it was done in the period until the WW2. The project is interesting and unusual to the extent that it was prepared by Sara Tenenberg‐Białas, a Jewish artist, who had been 13 when, during the WW2 she had been placed in Gross‐Rosen concentration camp and there learnt songs sung by women in barracks next to her barrack. After the WW2, she gathered the songs and, to save them from destruction and oblivion, she taught the songs to a German actor, Karsten Troyke and then, together, they taught the songs to students of Lodz universities. This short description is only a glimpse at the artistic programme of the Festival. It manifests the good practice of the need to start a real dialogue between people, societies and nations in contemporary Europe torn by the crisis, in spite of economic difficulties, historical tensions and resentiments. The best way to achieve it is to work on the basis of tradition, culture and the heritage we have and which surrounds us and shapes us, often without us being aware of the influence. Learning about and respecting the difficult and tempestuous history of Lodz as well as understanding its current problems. Developing the identity and pride of Lodz residents of the city’s history and culture. Understanding that different cultures and nations may co‐exist in the atmosphere of understanding, tolerance and respect. Reviving various spots and sights of the old city of Lodz. Coming to terms with serious social issues and poverty spots located in the very heart of the city. Increasing participation in the culture, in particular of the residents excluded from the mainstream. Strengthening the civic dialogue in the urban space as a pre‐condition to implement various civic initiatives supporting development of the city.




EUTOKIA (Center of Social Innovation of Bilbao) Bilbao (North of Spain) Since 2010 up to know

Eutokia is a public initiative of Bilbao Ekintza (Public Society of Bilbao Townhall) Local authorities and municipality services

All the citizens, specially people who wants to develop new ideas for the common good of our society The center is integrated into the strategy of the City of Bilbao in promoting social innovation, occupying the apex of the pyramid of services for entrepreneurs and acting as a prominent focus of high‐level activities in the field of social innovation and prioritizing intervention in strategic sectors Bilbao: art, technology and design, eco‐technologies and urban solutions and tourism, health and quality of life. Eutokia, Center for Social Innovation of Bilbao, provides the conditions to develop new ideas for the common good of our society. Ideas become real projects and provide answers to current challenges, whether large or small, related to areas such as employment, education, immigration, health, culture, environment, ... Eutokia becomes in a meeting point dynamic and open where generate and share community connections and content on initiatives, projects, ideas, agents and innovative practices. RESULTS/IMPACT Eutokia means an urban space integrated in the city of connection between people, organizations and sectors. A wide range of ways of thinking and do, different projects and initiatives. Connecting people and organizations. Its develops dynamics of connecting people, ideas and projects. Networking Events. 46



INTERGENERATIONAL PARKS Getxo (North of Spain) 2012

Getxo Town hall

Local authorities and municipality services

All the citizens, specially kids and elderly people

Getxo town hall promotes a local initiative, consisting of designing specific intergenerational areas in the different parks of the city. The main objective of these areas is to promote the intergenerational coexistence in the leisure areas, This initiative gives the opportunity to different intergenerational groups of the municipality, of socializing and learning together in a public space. Understand how to manage intergenerational coexistence Offer new services for different target groups Offer new services adapted to new needs Generate transversal synergies between different groups of citizens



ALHONDIGA BILBAO CULTURE CENTRE Bilbao, Spain, local 1999 Bilbao Town hall and Basque Government

A wide range of cultural organizations at regional level

The different neighborhoods of Bilbao, people and social and cultural institutions, policymakers… Alhóndiga Bilbao is a former Wine warehouse, recovered by Bilbao municipality as one of the city's most representative buildings as a cultural and leisure space with a varied offering for everyone visiting it. It’s a meeting point for shares, learns and enjoys different cultural, leisure and sporting proposals, individually or in groups, which are suitable for all publics. The 43,000 sq. m of Alhóndiga Bilbao are located in a building with a modernist air, declared an "Asset of Cultural Interest" by the Basque Government in 1999, where past, present and future all merge into one. The outside classic style contrasts with the interior urban space, designed in a singular, innovative and sober way by Philippe Starck, which crystallizes the life and energy of the city of Bilbao. RESULTS/IMPACT Exhibitions, concerts, lectures, children’s workshops, physical activities of all kinds, a reading area, a meeting point… Alhóndiga Bilbao celebrates a wide variety of events every day



GETXOPHOTO Getxo, Spain, local Anual

Getxo Town hall and Begihandi collective

Local authors and international associations

Every people interested in the exploration and experimentation through the photography GETXOPHOTO is a cultural event dedicated to photography that takes DESCRIPTION place in Getxo (Basque Country) and supports the exploration of format and stands and unconventional exhibition spaces to show different images. This is a thematic festival that every year works together with a different curator who understands the photography as a tool of knowledge, communication, and of course artistic enjoyment. GETXOPHOTO supports the exploration and experimentation of formats, materials and unconventional exhibition spaces, mainly public places. This is one of its main identity signs. It is not about decorating the city but cutting it to tell stories through especially chosen images. From walls to shops windows, containers, bars, yards or buildings, GETXOPHOTO wants to approach different looks to the citizens and not only arrange the pictures like works to be observed, but to create emotions around them: complicity, questioning, links between people and images, neighbors and visitors. RESULTS/IMPACT GETXOPHOTO joins local authors and international ones at the same time. It looks for the active involvement of the local community. That is why, apart from its expositive part, the festival has a strong pedagogical component consisting of workshops, guided visits, launches, projections and talks.


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