Onboarding - Welcome to Carlsbad

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Welcome to the Team


About Carlsbad

City Government

Mission & Vision

Community Values

Organizational Values

Employee Connections

Training & Development

Tech Help

Employee Tips

Staying in the Know

Communication & Outreach

Glossary of Terms

Bragging Rights

Words of Wisdom

City Map


Congratulations! You are joining a group of people passionate about public service and committed to enhancing the lives of all who live, work and play in our wonderful city.

We’ve put together this orientation guide to help you get acquainted with your new organization and the place you’ll call home (at least during working hours!). Please check it out and let us know what else we can do to make your new job at the City of Carlsbad the very best experience it can possibly be.

About Carlsbad

Our History

Named for a famed 19th Century European spa whose mineral springs were found to be remarkably similar to those found here, Carlsbad’s history reflects the heritage of many cultures. The shoreline of Carlsbad’s Agua Hedionda Lagoon was home to the indigenous Luiseño and Diegueños Indians for centuries before the arrival of the Spaniards. The area known today as Carlsbad was once a territory of Spain and then Mexico.

The City of Carlsbad was incorporated in 1952 and today is home to more than 100,000 people. Guided by an award-winning growth management plan approved by voters in 1986, Carlsbad has matured into a well-rounded community where parks, roads and other infrastructure have kept pace with development. Now that most of the growth in Carlsbad has already occurred, the city is focused on sustaining an excellent quality of life for residents and continuing to foster a strong sense of community.

For more local history visit the Carlsbad History Collection located at the Georgina Cole Library.

Fast Facts

Trails .....................................................

Percent open space ...........................


Carlsbad is the 59th largest city in California and the fifth largest city in San Diego County.

........................................... 114,000 (ish)
miles .............................. 39
of employees
1,100 Miles of coastline .............................. 7
Total square
parks ................................ 41
6 Number
Number of
Number of libraries ...........................
Number of fire stations .....................
of lagoons ............................


Average Temperature (°F) High Low 80° 72° 64° 56° 48° 40° 45 49 61 56 64 63 60 56 51 48 47 45 65 68 71 73 74 72 69 66 65 64 64 64 Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec

City Government

The City of Carlsbad is a municipal corporation following the council-manager form of government. The City Council, the city’s legislative body, defines the policy direction of the city. The city manager oversees the day to day operations of the city. In 2008, Carlsbad became a charter city, which provides the city with greater authority over local issues.

Elected Officials Carlsbad has four City Council members elected by district and a mayor elected citywide. The city also has an elected city clerk and treasurer.

Terms Elected officials serve staggered four year terms. The City of Carlsbad does not have term limits.

Appointed Officials

The City Council appoints the city manager and city attorney, as well as members of city boards, committees and commissions.

The City Council typically meets at City Hall three times a month on Tuesdays. Livestreams and recordings of past City Council meetings and agendas are available on the city website.

Budget The City Council approves an annual budget in late spring for the fiscal year that starts July 1.

Learn about the City Council



The City of Carlsbad enhances the lives of all who live, work and play in our city by setting the standard for providing top quality, efficient local government services.


A world class city.

Small town feel, beach community character and connectedness

Enhance Carlsbad’s defining attributes – its small town feel and beach community character. Build on the city’s culture of civic engagement, volunteerism and philanthropy.

Open space and the natural environment

Prioritize protection and enhancement of open space and the natural environment. Support and protect Carlsbad’s unique open space and agricultural heritage.

Access to recreation and active, healthy lifestyles

Promote active lifestyle and community health by furthering access to trails, parks, beaches and other recreation opportunities.

The local economy, business diversity and tourism

Strengthen the city’s strong and diverse economy and its position as an employment hub in north San Diego County. Promote business diversity, increased specialty retail and dining opportunities, and Carlsbad’s tourism.

High quality education and community services

Support quality, comprehensive education and lifelong learning opportunities, provide housing and community services for a changing population, and maintain a high standard for citywide public safety.

Walking, biking, public transportation and connectivity

Increase travel options through enhanced walking, bicycling and public transportation systems. Enhance mobility through increased connectivity and intelligent transportation management.

History, the arts and cultural resources

Emphasize the arts by promoting a multitude of events and productions year-round, cuttingedge venues to host world class performances, and celebrate Carlsbad’s cultural heritage in dedicated facilities and programs.

Neighborhood revitalization, community design and livability

Revitalize neighborhoods and enhance citywide community design and livability. Promote a greater mix of uses citywide, more activities along the coastline and link density to public transportation. Revitalize the downtown Village as a community focal point and a unique and memorable center for visitors, and rejuvenate the historic Barrio neighborhood.


Build on the city’s sustainability initiatives to emerge as a leader in green development and sustainability. Pursue public/ private partnerships, particularly on sustainable water, energy, recycling and foods.

Organizational Values


We conduct ourselves with integrity, openness, courage and professionalism, driven by a calling to serve others.


We are thoughtful, resourceful and creative in our quest for continuous improvement, always looking for better, faster ways to get things done.


We responsibly manage the public resources entrusted to us and provide the best value to our community.


We responsibly manage the public resources entrusted to us and provide the best value to our community.


We help people achieve their personal best by creating an environment where they feel trusted, valued and inspired.


We communicate openly and directly. Promoting engagement and collaboration makes our organization better and our community stronger.

Employee Connections

PAL Program

Full time employees have the opportunity to participate in the Peer Advisory Liaison program. Your PAL will help you get settled in, show you around and be a resource for you during your first months (and beyond).

Employee BBQs

Yes, we like to have fun. And we like to eat. Keep an eye out for an invitation and be sure to save the date. Barbeques are held at a city park where you can get to know your fellow city employees during a “friendly” game of tug o’ war, try your skills at the bean bag toss or participate in an epic squirt gun fight. Find those ideas cringy? That’s okay. You can also just find a nice spot in the shade, enjoy a good meal and take in the scenery.

Annual Holiday Breakfast and Service Award Recognition

We’re all about service to others, and we celebrate this service commitment every December during a special ceremony recognizing those who have reached career milestones with the City of Carlsbad. Join about 400 of your co-workers for a fun and festive buffet breakfast and celebration guaranteed to feature at least one moment people will be talking about all year long. You don’t want to miss it.

Experience Carlsbad

Whether you’re new to our city or a Carlsbad native, we promise you’ll see things in a new light after taking a city bus tour with one of our most experienced city leaders. During the 2.5 hour excursion, you’ll get to meet staff from other departments while learning about city history, little known points of interest and big projects in the works. Each tour ends with a box lunch and Q&A with a special guest (hey, if we tell you who it is, we’ll ruin the surprise).

Training & Development

No matter what your role and wherever you are in your career, we support your ongoing training and development. Check out Carlsbad Learn for upcoming special seminars, workshops and programs, and participate in on-demand learning.

Have something specific in mind? Talk to your supervisor about your goals and work together on a personal plan.

Carlsbad Apps

The city uses the Microsoft Office suite of applications plus a number of specialized apps for specific business needs. Here’s a list of some of the tech tools you may be hearing about as you come up to speed:

Office365: MS Office and email

MyTimecard: Timesheets, time off requests

Microsoft Teams: Team collaboration

EnerGov: Permits and business licenses

MyPaycheck: Paystubs, direct deposit, tax withholding

Finance Enterprise Budgets and purchasing

ServiceNow: IT help desk

LaserFiche: Search for City Records (contracts, staff reports, etc.)

Okta: Password reset

Carlsbad Learn: Employee training

Tech Help

One of the most frequent questions new employees ask is about technology. The City of Carlsbad is committed to providing the tools you need to do your job as efficiently as possible.

If you need help with technology, contact the service desk – it’s fast and easy.

Call 442-339-5555 Visit http://service.carlsbadca.gov

Dress Code

Generally speaking, the City of Carlsbad follows a business casual dress code. However, our employees do so many different kinds of work, it’s really not a one size-fits all approach (pun intended).

Talk to your supervisor about the dress code for the area of the city where you’ll be working. And, remember, whatever you wear, you are representing the City of Carlsbad, so keep it professional and classy.

Tips for Government Employees

Working for a government agency brings rewards and expectations not found in the private sector. As a government employee, your role is to serve our community and help make their lives better. That’s the reward part. Because we are using public resources to do our jobs, we also need to be aware of certain laws and expectations.

Open records: The city’s business is the public’s business. That means every document, photo and other work product you create is probably considered a public record, as are your emails and calendar.

Use of city resources: City resources, which include your time, city buildings, your computer, office supplies and anything else paid for with city funds, must be utilized with the utmost respect for taxpayers. Don’t use city resources for personal business and never engage in political activities with city resources.

Pace: People like to joke about the pace of government work. Frankly, that’s fair. Government faces a lot more regulations, processes and rules than many other organizations. The public is often invited to weigh in on our work and decisions. All of this takes time and is a normal part of the government process. Be patient and know that it’s all intended to produce the very best outcome for those we serve.

Community expectations: The City of Carlsbad prides itself on providing a very high level of service to our community. They deserve it, and they expect it. They love us for it. City of Carlsbad employees never say, “That’s not my department.” They say, “I’d be happy to help.”

Staying in the Know

There’s a lot going on in our city. We encourage all staff to stay up to date on city issues and work in other departments. You are, after all, now a city ambassador in addition to a city employee. People you know will ask you what’s going on and, if you wear a city uniform or apparel, you’ll even be asked by people you don’t know from time to time.

Weekly update

Everyone with a city email address will get an update from the City Manager every week about what our different departments are working on. It’s a great way to get the inside scoop and keep up to date with what is happening across the city.

Weekly enews

All city employees also get a “complimentary” subscription to our weekly enewsletter, which is sent to city residents. This usually recaps major City Council decisions, highlights new services, and provides updates on city issues and events.


If you want to get updates on specific topics or see what the City Council and our boards, committees and commissions are up to, you can sign up for e-alerts from the home page of our city website.

City website

Speaking of the website, if you need to know something, chances are you can enter the key words in the search bar and find it in just a few clicks. If you have suggestions for our website, contact communications@carlsbadca.gov.


Our Intranet is an employee’s-only website where you can find forms, policies and other info just for city staff.

City social media

The city uses all the usual social media channels to keep in touch with our community. Follow us to see what people are talking about and keep your fingers on the pulse of hot topics. Or, just enjoy the pretty pictures that remind us why we love Carlsbad.

cityofcarlsbadca carlsbadcagov cityofcarlsbad cityofcarlsbad

Communication & Engagement

The city’s Communication & Engagement Department, part of the Office of the City Manager, is here to help you with your communication needs, including:

• Getting input from the public on your project

• Dealing with sensitive or controversial topics

• Promoting your program or service

• Creating fliers, brochures and signs

• Responding to media requests

• Developing website and social media content

• Designing ads

Templates and Other Resources

The city’s intranet has loads of resources for city employees:

• PowerPoint templates

• Eletterhead and memo templates

• Policies and guidelines for city communication

• Templates for presentations

• How to order city apparel

• Communication training opportunities


Thousandsofcommunitymembershaveparticipated inthecity-sponsoredEnvisionCarlsbadprogramtocreate community visionforCarlsbad’sfuture.Thecorevaluesandvisionstatementsemerging fromthisprocessserveasaguideforcityleadersastheycarryouttheir servicetoallwholive,workandplayintheCityofCarlsbad.


EnhanceCarlsbad’sdefiningattributes—itssmalltownfeelandbeachcommunitycharacter.Buildonthecity’sculture ofcivicengagement,volunteerismandphilanthropy. Openspaceandthenaturalenvironment Prioritizeprotectionandenhancementofopenspaceandthenaturalenvironment.SupportandprotectCarlsbad’s uniqueopenspaceandagriculturalheritage. Accesstorecreationandactive,healthylifestyles

Promoteactivelifestylesandcommunityhealthbyfurtheringaccesstotrails,parks,beachesandotherrecreation opportunities. Thelocaleconomy,businessdiversityandtourism Strengthenthecity’sstronganddiverseeconomyanditspositionasanemploymenthubinnorthSanDiegoCounty. Promotebusinessdiversity,increasedspecialtyretailanddiningopportunities,andCarlsbad’stourism. Walking,biking,publictransportationandconnectivity Increasetraveloptionsthroughenhancedwalking,bicyclingandpublictransportationsystems.Enhancemobility throughincreasedconnectivityandintelligenttransportationmanagement.


Buildonthecity’ssustainabilityinitiativestoemergeasaleaderingreendevelopmentandsustainability.Pursuepublic/ privatepartnerships,particularlyonsustainablewater,energy,recyclingandfoods.



Highqualityeducationandcommunityservices Supportquality,comprehensiveeducationandlife-longlearningopportunities,providehousingandcommunity servicesforachangingpopulation,andmaintain highstandardforcitywidepublicsafety. Neighborhoodrevitalization,communitydesignandlivability Revitalizeneighborhoodsandenhancecitywidecommunitydesignandlivability.Promote greatermixofusescitywide,moreactivitiesalongthecoastlineandlinkdensitytopublictransportation.RevitalizethedowntownVillageasa communityfocalpointandauniqueandmemorablecenterforvisitors,andrejuvenatethehistoricBarrioneighborhood.

Your Role as a City Ambassador

Communication is one of our core organizational values. And you’re a big part of that. Everything you do, everything you say (and even what you don’t say) sends a message about our organization.

You don’t have to be an expert on city issues to be an brand ambassador

– you just have to represent those things most important to our organizational culture. And, guess what? You already do.

Email us at communications@carlsbadca.gov if you need help or have questions about city communication.

Whether you’re doing some spring cleaning, updating your garden or looking for new ways to save energy, the City of Carlsbad can help you protect our natural resources. Check inside for events and special environmental services just for Carlsbad residents. And, when you’re all done, get out and enjoy a hike or just take in the scenery. After all, isn’t that why we love to call Carlsbad home? Go Green This Spring Earth Month Events Spring Cleaning Tips Fun Things To Do Protecting Habitat IN THIS ISSUE KEEPS YOU CONNECTED Currents Carlsbad March/April 2018

Glossary of Terms

Here in Carlsbad, we try to avoid government-speak. But, hey, we do work in government after all, so a little slips in now and then. Keep this glossary handy your first few weeks on the job (alas, not all of these terms are available through Google Translate as of yet)

173A/173B n. 1. Largest meeting rooms at the city’s Faraday Administrating Center 2. Where most staff trainings are held. 3.173 A is the smaller side; 173B is the larger (remember this because “b” stands for big). I’m going to be at 173B all afternoon at a training. 3.Can be combined into one large meeting room. 173A + 173B = 173

Administrative order n. 1. Policies and procedures specified by the city manager. 2. Rules for employees | The admin order on social media use is up to date.

Box [baw · x] n. 1. This is what people in the Fire Department call ambulances. We called a box to transport the victim.

Buildings (Oak, Faraday, CMWD, Dove) n. 1. City facilities are usually shortened to one word among city staff. 2. Check your city guide to buildings to find locations and official names when needed.

CMC n. (also “Muni Code”) 1. Stands for Carlsbad Municipal Code. 2. The collection of ordinances that govern city affairs. 3. City laws | The Muni Code update is on the website.

Internet [in · ter · net ] 1. Public wifi network available at city facilities. The best wireless network when you are using your own device at work.

LT [el · tee] n. 1. Stands for Leadership Team, a group of department and division directors that meets on Wednesday mornings to set the City Council agenda and discuss other important stuff. 2. Leaders of the organization | Here are some updates from today’s LT meeting.

Motor [mow · ter] n. adj 1. What the Police Department calls motorcycle officers. | A motor officer gave me a ticket.

Lawson n. (also “MyPaycheck”) 1. Application where you can view your paystubs, manage your tax withholdings, direct deposit and more.

Quick Links

City org chart

List of city departments

City newsroom

City Council meeting calendar

Hot topics

City trails maps

Live traffic map

Bragging Rights

One of the top 10 digital cities

Center for Digital Government, 2022

Beach Honor Roll

Heal the Bay, 2022

Golden Watchdog Award

San Diego Taxpayers Association, 2022

One of the best beach towns in the United States Stacker.com, 2021

One of the best cities to live in the United States Insider, 2019

Words of Wisdom

“Always keep yourself open to the possibilities around you. Where you start your career does not have to be where you end it. There are many opportunities for enrichment and education here, both on a personal and professional level. Take advantage of them. Learn. Grow. Be curious about what your colleagues do. That knowledge will lead to a better understanding of the organization as a whole.”

Senior Management Analyst

“There are so many great things about working for the City of Carlsbad. As an employee, it is fulfilling to make a positive difference in our community on a daily basis. I also enjoy coaching and mentoring colleagues on my team to reach their potential with the city.”

Public Works Supervisor

“Please share your ideas and show your creativity. We welcome new ideas and perspectives that often come from our newest team members who have worked outside the organization.

Safety Training Center Manager

„ “

Getting Around


Airport State Beach Campground Coaster Station Central Carlsbad Downtown
48 47 11 5 4 Cougar Dr Impala Dr P almer Wy ElCaminoReal PriestlyDr Faraday Ave Rutherford Rd Orion Rd Orion Wy Wash i n gt on S t DavisAve KnowlesAve Davis Ave BuenaPl J e erson S t BuenaVistaWy R oo s e v el t S t Roosevel t S t S t at e S t Grand Ave M ad i s o n S t Home Ave LagunaDr yTl er S t Walnut Ave Pine Ave Oak Ave Carlsbad Village Dr Walnut Ave O c e a n S t C a r l sb ad B l Beech Ave Wash i n gt on S t O c e a n S t CypressAve Paci c Ave Ocean St LasFloresDr P i o P i c o D r P i o P i c o D r Adams St Oak Ave BasswoodAve Grand Ave H a r d i n g S t Chestnut Ave Chestnut Ave Pine Ave G a r el d S t G a r eld S t L i ncol n S t BuenaVistaWy Palm Ave Palm Ave W o o d l a n d yW Pine Ave H gih l and A ve CynthiaLn KnowlesAveElmwoodSt 6 26 15 16 35 27 36 38 7 31 17 29 25 13 1 A L 39/ 42 Central Carlsbad See inset Downtown Carlsbad See inset I 44 40 10 M 20 18 14 8 32 22 12 43 G 2 21 N 33 9 23 19 28 37 H 30 C 24 45 46 K J E D F O 34 B

1. City of Carlsbad

City Hall

1200 Carlsbad Village Drive

2. City of Carlsbad

Faraday Center 1635 Faraday Ave.

3. City of Carlsbad Safety Center 2560 Orion Way

4. City of Carlsbad Utilities/ Carlsbad Municipal Water District 5950 El Camino Real

5. Chamber of Commerce* 5934 Priestly Drive

6. Visit Carlsbad*

400 Carlsbad Village Drive

Fire Stations

7. Fire Station #1 1275 Carlsbad Village Drive

8. Fire Station #2

1906 Arenal Road

9. Fire Station #3 3465 Trailblazer Way

10. Fire Station #4

6885 Batiquitos Drive

11. Fire Station #5 2540 Orion Way

12. Fire Station #6 7201 Rancho Santa Fe Road

Housing & Homeless Services

13. City of Carlsbad

Housing & Homeless Services 1200 Carlsbad Village Drive

Library & Cultural Arts

14. Carlsbad City Library

Ruby G. Schulman Auditorium

William D. Cannon Art Gallery

City of Carlsbad Cultural Arts Office 1775 Dove Lane

15. City of Carlsbad Sculpture Garden 2955 Elmwood St.

16. Georgina Cole Library 1250 Carlsbad Village Drive

17. Library Learning Center 3368 Eureka Place

Parks & Recreation

18 . Alga Norte Community Park

Alga Norte Aquatic Center

Alga Norte Dog Park

Alga Norte Skate Park 6565 Alicante Road

19. Ann D. L’Heureux Dog Park 2700 Carlsbad Village Drive

20. Aviara Community Park 6435 Ambrosia Lane

21. Business Park Recreational Facility Zone Faraday Avenue and Camino Hills Drive

22. Cadencia Park 3310 Cadencia St.

23. Calavera Hills Community Center and Park 2997 Glasgow Drive

24. Cannon Park

Carlsbad Boulevard and Cannon Road

25. Chase Field 3349 Harding St.

26. Harding Community Center 3096 Harding St.

27. Heritage Hall 2650 Garfield St.

28. Hidden Canyon Park 2685 Vancouver St.

29. Holiday Park Chestnut Street and Pio Pico Drive

30. Hosp Gove Park Jefferson Street and Marron Road

31. Kruger House 3251 Eureka Place

32. La Costa Canyon Park

Pueblo Street and Rana Court

33. Laguna Riviera Park

Kelly Drive and Park Drive

34. Leo Carrillo Ranch Historic Park

6200 Flying LC Lane

35. Magee Park 258 Beech Ave.

36. Maxton Brown Park 500 Laguna Drive

37. Monroe Street Pool

3401 Monroe St.

38. Pine Avenue Community Park 3333 Harding St.

39. Parks & Recreation Administration

799 Pine Ave., Ste. 200

40. Poinsettia Community Park 6600 Hidden Valley Road

41. City of Carlsbad Skate Park 2560 Orion Way

42. Carlsbad Senior Center 799 Pine Ave.

43. Stagecoach Community Center and Park

3420 Camino de los Coches

44. The Crossings at Carlsbad Golf Course

5800 The Crossings Drive

45. Encina Water Pollution Control Facility

6200 Avenida Encinas

46. Carlsbad Water Recycling Facility

6220 Avenida Encinas

47. Safety Training Center 5750 Orion Street

48. Fleet Maintenance 2480 Impala Drive

Other Places*

Post Offices

A. 2772 Roosevelt St. northern Carlsbad)

B. 1700 Aviara Parkway (southern Carlsbad)


C. Tri-City Medical Center

4002 Vista Way, Oceanside

D. Scripps Memorial Hospital

354 Santa Fe Drive, Encinitas


E. Carlsbad Premium Outlets

5620 Paseo Del Norte

F. Carlsbad Village Carlsbad Village Drive, west of Interstate 5

G. The Forum

1932 Calle Barcelona

H. The Shoppes at Carlsbad

2525 El Camino Real


I. LEGOLAND California Resort

One Legoland Drive

J. The Flower Fields

5704 Paseo del Norte

K. Museum of Making Music

5790 Armada Drive

L. New Village Arts Theatre

2787 State St., Ste. B

M. Batiquitos Lagoon Foundation

Nature Center

7380 Gabbiano Lane

N. Agua Hedionda Lagoon Foundation Discovery Center

1500 Cannon Road

O. Buena Vista Lagoon Foundation

2202 S. Coast Highway, Oceanside

* Non-city


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