Cornelis Van Staalduinen & Sons Certified Wholesale Growers and Distributors Since 1943 Members of NAFWA, NCAN, NCLA, and SNA Prices effective through January 2021
WELCOME Dear Customer, February 2020 Greetings from Terra Ceia. I hope this letter finds you in good health and ready to get in the garden! As I write this we are trudging through the mud trying to finish up our fall planting tasks (yes, I know it’s February) in order to switch over to our spring lifting schedule. It has been a mild winter so far and it will be challenging to stay ahead of spring but we will do our best. The family is doing well and I am proud of my children for their accomplishments. I have been writing this letter for a long time: before marriage, children, school and college. Now they are working at internships and beginning new careers. I should definitely mention that I am proud of my wife for putting up with all of us during this time too! My mother made her octogenarian debut in December, marking this milestone by hitching a ride to Phoenix to celebrate with her brothers and sisters. That’s her in the picture making septuagenarians look bad. Keep on trucking mom! Thanks again for your business and support in 2019. We are thankful for our faithful customers and look forward to serving you this upcoming shipping season. Let us know how we can help. God bless you all. Sincerely,
Carl Van Staalduinen
Using the Zone Map We want you to get the best results from bulbs you select. That is why we have provided this Hardiness Zone Map. The Hardiness Zones are based on the average minimum temperatures for each area. Once you determine the zone you live in, you can use the chart, along with the zone listings in our product descriptions, to determine which varieties are best for you.
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
TABLE OF CONTENTS Name Notes: To organize the varieties, we are using the botanical names but We are including a list of the common names as well.
Acidanthera (Gladiolus calianthus) 9 Agapanthus 4 Alocasia 10 Amarcrinum (Crinodonna) 4 Amaryllis (Garden) 4-5 Eucharis 11 Amazon Lily (Eucharis) 4 Babiana 5 Baboon Flower (Babiana) 5 Bletilla 5 Blazing Star 15 Blood Lily (Hemanthus) 12 Bush Lily (Clivia miniata) 8 Caladium 6 Calla Lily (Zantedeschia) 16 Canna 7-8 Cape Lily (Crinum) 9 Clivia miniata 8 Crinum 9 Colocasia 10-11 Crocosmia 9 Dahlia 10 Elephant Ears 10-11 Eucharis 11 Gayfeather 15 Ginger Lily (Hedychium) 13-14 Gladiolus 12 Gladiolus calianthus 12 Gloriosa 13 Glory Lily (Gloriosa) 13 Hardy Orchid 5 Hedychium 13-14 Hemanthus 12 Hippeastrelia 14 Hymenocallis 14 Liatris 15 Lily, Amazon (Eucharis) 11 Lily, Blood (Hemanthus_ 12 Lily, Bush (Clivia miniata) 8 Lily, Cape (Crinum) 9 Lily, Ginger (Hedychium) 13-14 Lily, Glory (Gloriosa) 12 Lily, Rain (Zephyranthes) 16 Lily of the Nile (Agapanthus) 4 Lily, Voodoo (Amorphophallus) 4 Peruvian Daffodil (Hymenocallis) 14 Polianthes 15 Rain Lily (Zephyranthes) 16 Sprekelia 15 Tuberose (Polianthes) 15 Voodoo Lily (Amorphophallus) 4 Zantedeschia 16 Zephyranthes 16 Bulbs by the Bushel Caladium 17 Canna 17 Gladiolus 17
Spring/Fall Clump Specials
Daylily (Hemerocallis) Hemerocallis Hosta Iris Ensata Lir iope
Anemone Astilbe Daylily (Hemerocallis) False Shamrock False Spirea (Astilbe) Gladiolus specie Hemerocallis Hosta Iris ensata Iris sibirica Japanese Iris Lily Lily-turf (Liriope) Lily, Spider Liriope Lycoris Oxalis Persian Buttercups (Ranunculus) Ranunculus Siberian Iris Spider Lily Spiderword (Tradescantia) Tradescantia Windflower (Anemone) Bulbs by the Bushel Daylily Hemerocallis Hosta Iris Ensata Iris Siberica Lily Liriope
19 19 19 19 19
20 20-21 21-22 25 20-21 21 21-22 23 23 23 23 24 24 25 24 25 25 26 26 23 25 26 26 20 26 26 27 27 27 27 27
African Corn Lily (Ixia) 35 Allium 28-29 Arum 29 Bearded Iris (Iris Germanica) 34-35 Bluebells (Hyacinthoids) 33 Caladium, Winter (Arum) 29 Camassia 30 Chionodoxa 30 Crocus 30-31 Cyclamen 31 Daffodil (Narcissus) 37-40 Dutch Hyacinth 32-33 Dutch Iris 35 Dwarf Iris 34 Eranthis 231 Flowering Onion (Allium) 28-29 Frittalaria 32 Galanthus 32 German Iris (Iris Germanica) 34-35 Glory of the Snow (Chionodoxa) 30 Grape Hyacinth 36 Harlequin Flower (Sparaxis) 43 Hyacinth, Dutch 32-33 Hyacinth, Grape (Muscari) 36 Hyacinth, Indian (Camassia) 30
Hyacinthoides 33 Indian Hyacinth (Camassia) 30 Ipheon 33 Iris, Bearded (Iris Germanica) 34-35 Iris, Dutch (Iris Hollandica) 35 Lily, African Corn (Ixia) 35 Iris Dwarf 34 Iris Germanica 34-35 Iris Hollandica 35 Ixia 35 Ixiolirion 36 Leucojum 36 Lily of the Altai (Ixiolirion) 36 Muscari 36 Narcissus 37-40 Ornithogalum 41 Peony 41-42 Puschkinia 42 Scilla 42 Snowdrop (Galanthus) 32 Snowflake (Leucojum) 36 Sparaxis 43 Squill, Striped (Puschkinia) 42 Squill (Scilla) 42 Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum) 41 Starflower (Ipheon) 33 Striped Squill (Puschkinia) 42 Triteleia 43 Tulip 43-48 Winter aconite (Eranthis) 31 Winter Caladium (Arum) 29 Bulbs by the Bushel Daffodil (Narcissi) 49 Iris Germanica 49 Narcissi 49 Peony 49 Tulip 49
Forcing vase Amaryllis Potted Bulb Kit Forcing Vase Gift Kit Amaryllis Narcissus Paperwhite (Narcissi)
50 50 50 51 51 51
Fall Bulbs: Ships October 1 to January 15 Spring /Fall Bulbs: Ships March 15 to June 15 & October 1 to January 15 Spring Bulbs: Ships March 15 to June 15 Š 2020 Terra Ceia Farms Cover Image by: Carl Van Staalduinen Select images courtesy of: Gerald Adams- N.C. Department of Administration; Andy Cabe- Riverbanks Zoo & Garden; other photos by Carl Van Staalduinen, The Terra Ceia Farms, Pantego, NC
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
SPRING SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15
Agapanthus Common: Lily of the Nile Zone: 8 Sugg. planting rate: 1-1.5 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: 2-3 eye plants Blooms: Early summer
Twelve to thirty bell-shaped flowers. Attractive amaryllis-like foliage. Very good container plant. Pack x3
1-4 $17.20
5-14 $14.00
15-29 $12.40
30+ $10.80
Agapanthus Alba 1AG015 Height: 36”
Agapanthus Blue Donau 1AG010 Height: 36”
Amarcrinum Zone: 7 Sugg. planting rate: 1-1.5 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: 22/24 cm bulbs Blooms: Late summer
Crinum moorei x Amaryllis belladonna. Frangrant pink flowers. Pack x1
1-2 $11.00
3-14 $8.20
15-44 $6.90
45+ $5.40
Amarcrinum Crinodonna 1AC100 Height: 24”
Amorphophallus Common: Voodoo Lily Zone: 7-9 Sugg. planting rate: 1-1.5 ft2
Light: Partial shade Size: 16+ cm Blooms: Mid summer
Stalks emerge in June with large leaf at the top. In late June an 18” tall flower will bloom from the stalk. Pack x3
Amorphophallus Bulbifer 1AM010 Height: 48”
Amaryllis for the Garden Zone: 7 Sugg. planting rate: 1-1.5 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: 24/26 cm Blooms: Early Summer
If you live in an area colder then zone 7 try these in containers! See pages 44-45 for indoor forcing Amaryllis.
Amaryllis (Garden) Pink 3AM125 Height: 24”
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
Amaryllis (Garden) Red 3AM100 Height: 24”
SPRING SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15 Collection:
2 Double White 2 Pink 2 Red _____________________ 6 Total Amaryllis Individually packaged and labeled.
Amaryllis (Garden) White 3AM112 Height: 24”
Amaryllis (Garden) White/Red 3AM040 Height: 24”
Amaryllis (Garden) Collection 3AM198 Height: 24” $30.00
Babiana Common: Baboon Flower Zone: 7 Sugg. planting rate: 3 ft2
Light: Sun Size: 5+ cm bulbs Blooms: Early Spring
A mix of purple, blue, yellow & white flowers that grow on gladiolus like stems. Pack
Babiana stricta 2BB010 Height: 24”
Bletilla Common: Hardy Orchid Zone: 6 Sugg. planting rate: 1ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: 2-3 eye plant Blooms: Mid Summer
Miniature orchid flowers with attractive sword-like foliage. A very good container plant. Pack
Bletilla Striata 1BL010 Height: 12-16”
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
Bletilla Striata Alba 1BL020 Height: 12-16”
SPRING SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15
Caladium Zone: 10 Sugg. planting rate: 1 ft2
Standard Varieties 18” tall.
Light: Partial shade to shade Size: #1 size tubers
One of the finest shade plants for the South. Plant when soil is at least 65 degrees and after danger of frost. Pack A x5 B x5
1-4 $7.80 $11.70
Caladium Florida Elise 1CL050 Price Code: A Height: 18” Collection:
10 June Bride 10 Florida Elise 10 Postman Joyner _____________________ 30 Total Caladiums
5-9 $5.90 $8.80
Caladium June Bride 1CL030 Price Code: A Height: 18”
10-19 $4.90 $7.40
Caladium Mixed 1CL099 Price Code: A Height: 18”
20+ $3.90 $6.00
Caladium Postman Joyner 1CL035 Price Code: A Height: 18”
Caladium Red Flash 1CL075 Price Code: A Height: 24”
Caladium White Queen 1CL015 Price Code: A Height: 18”
Caladium Candidum Jr. 1CL130 Price Code: B Height: 12”
Caladium Gingerland 1CL150 Price Code: B Height: 12”
Caladium Ms. Muffet 1CL135 Price Code: B Height: 12”
Dwarf Varieties Height: 12”
Individually packaged and labeled.
Caladium Collection 1CL098 Height: 18” $35.20
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (252)943-3382 www.terraceiafarms.com
SPRING SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15
Canna Zone: 8 Sugg. planting rate: 1-3 ft2
Standard Varieties Height: 4-5’
Light: Full sun Size: 2-3 eye plants Blooms: Summer to fall
Large leaves with loose spikes of flowers. Pack A x5
1-4 $9.10
5-9 $6.90
10-19 $5.70
20+ $4.60
B x5
Canna Standard Mix 1CN070 Price Code: A Height: 60”
Canna Ambassador 1CN047 Price Code: A Height: 60”
Canna Crimson Beauty 1CN205 Price Code: A Height: 60”
Canna Eureka 1CN048 Price Code: A Height: 60”
Canna Harvest Yellow 1CN100 Price Code: A Height: 60”
Canna Ms Oklahoma 1CN020 Price Code: A Height: 60”
Canna Pretoria 1CN234 Price Code: B Height: 48”
Canna Red King Humbert 1CN046 Price Code: A Height: 60”
Canna Richard Wallace 1CN040 Price Code: A Height: 60”
Canna Wyoming 1CN043 Price Code: A Height: 60”
Canna Yellow King Humbert 1CN045 Price Code: A Height: 60”
5 Crimson Beauty 5 Eureka 5 Ms. Oklahoma _____________________ 15 Total Cannas Individually packaged and labeled.
Canna Standard Collection 1CN198 Height: 60” $16.40
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
SPRING SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15
Dwarf Varieties Height: 2-3’
Pack A x5
1-4 $9.10
5-9 $6.90
10-19 $5.70
20+ $4.60
B x5
Canna Picasso 1CN215 Price Code: A Height: 24-48”
Canna Tangelo 1CN228 Price Code: A Height: 24-48”
Canna Red Futurity 1CN224 Price Code: A Height: 24-48”
Canna Firebird 1CN015 Price Code: A Height: 24-48”
Canna Tropical Sunrise 1CN233 Price Code: A Height: 24-48”
5 Tropical Sunrise 5 Firebird 5 Yellow Futurity _____________________ 15 Total Cannas Individually packaged and labeled.
Canna Dwarf Collection 1CN199 Height: 24-48” $20.50
Clivia miniata Common: Bush Lily Zone: 10 Sugg. planting rate: 1 ft2
Light: Shade or houseplant Size: Top Size Blooms: Late spring/summer
Grown in containers as a houseplant. Kaffir lily plant will not tolerate any frost.
Clivia miniata Orange 1CL505 Height: 18”
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
Canna Yellow Futurity 1CN235 Price Code: A Height: 24-48”
SPRING SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15
Crinum Common: Cape Lily Zone: 7 Sugg. planting rate: 1-3 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: 20+ cm bulbs Blooms: Mid summer
15-20 large flowers on thick stems. Pack A x1 B x1
1-4 $11.00
5-14 $8.20
15-44 $6.90
45+ $5.40
Crinum ‘Ellen Bosanquet’ 1CR212 Price Code: B Height: 36”
Crinum x Powellii 1CR200 Price Code: A Height: 36”
Crocosmia Zone: 7 Sugg. planting rate: 3 ft2
Light: Full sun Size: 10+ cm bulbs Blooms: Mid summer
Delicate flowers above arching stems. Crinum x Powellii ‘Album’ 1CR202 Price Code: A Height: 36”
Crocosmia Lucifer 1CR010 Height: 36”
Crocosmia George Davidson 1CR015 Height: 36”
Crocosmia Emily McKenzie 1CR017 Height: 36”
Crocosmia Orange Lucifer 1CR025 Height: 36”
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
SPRING SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15
Dahlia Zone: 7 Sugg. planting rate: 2 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: #1 tuber Blooms: Summer to fall
Profuse blooms from Summer until Frost. For best flowering, pinch first buds to encourage lateral growth Pack x3
1-4 $12.90
5-14 $9.70
15-29 $8.00
Dahlia Peaches and Cream 1DH065 Height: 36-48”
Dahlia Otto’s Thrill 1DH060 Height: 36-48”
30+ $6.50
Dahlia Purple Taiheijo 1DH070 Height: 36-48”
Dahlia Barbarosa 1DH050 Height: 36-48”
Dahlia Duet 1DH055 Height: 36-48”
Dahlia Show and Tell 1DH075 Height: 36-48”
Elephant Ears Zone: 7 Sugg. planting rate: 1-3 ft2
Light: Sun to shade
Tolerates moist, shady places. Pack A x3 B x3
1-4 $12.30
5-14 $9.20
15-29 $7.70
30+ $6.20
Alocasia macrorrhiza 1EE020 Price Code: B Height: 60” 7/9” bulb
Colocasia esculenta 1EE010 Price Code: A Height: 60” Size 9/11” bulb
Colocasia esculenta Jack’s Giant 1EE017 Price Code: B Height: 5-8’ |5/7” bulb
Colocasia esculenta Mojito 1EE019 Price Code: B Height: 48” | 5/7” bulb
Not Available Spring 2020
Colocasia esculenta Diamond Head 1EE016 Price Code: B Height: 48” | 5/7” bulb
Colocasia esculenta Hawaiian Punch 1EE018 Price Code: B Height: 36” | 5/7” bulb
Colocasia esculenta Hilo Beauty 1EE021 Price Code: B Height: 36” |5/7” bulb
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
SPRING SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15
Colocasia esculenta Kona Coffee 1EE022 Price Code: B Height: 24” | 5/7” bulb
Colocasia esculenta Tea Cup 1EE023 Price Code: B Height: 60” | 5/7” bulb
Colocasia esculenta White Lava 1EE024 Price Code: B Height: 48” | 5/7” bulb
Colocasia Violacea 1EE012 Price Code: B Height: 48” 5/7” bulb
Eucharis Common: Amazon Lily Zone: 10 Sugg. planting rate: 10 ft2
Light: Shade or houseplant Size: 14+ Blooms: Summer
Grown in containers as a houseplant. Amazon lily plant will not tolerate any frost. Pack
Eucharis x grandiflora grandiflora 1EC100 Height: 36”
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
SPRING SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15
Gladioli Zone: 8 Zone: 7 (where marked with *) Sugg. planting rate: 3 ft2
Light: Full sun Size: 16/18 cm bulbs Blooms: Early summer
Plant every 3 weeks for cut flowers all summer. Blooms in 80 to 100 days. Gladiolus make excellent cut flowers for tall arrangements. Pack A x25 B x25
Gladioli Orange 1GL080 Price Code: A Height: 48”
1-3 $16.70 $12.80
4-7 $12.30 $9.70
8-15 $10.20 $8.30
16+ $8.00 $6.00
Gladioli Purple 1GL040 Price Code: A Height: 48”
Gladioli Pink 1GL072 Price Code: A Height: 48”
Gladioli Mixed 1GL199 Price Code: A Height: 48”
Gladioli Lavender 1GL106 Price Code: A Height: 48”
Gladioli Red 1GL010 Price Code: A Height: 48”
Gladioli White 1GL020 Price Code: A Height: 48”
25 Red 25 Orange 25 White _____________________ 75 Total Gladioli Individually packaged and labeled.
Gladioli Yellow 1GL030 Price Code: A Height: 48”
Gladiolus Collection 1GL198 Height: 48” $34.80
Gladiolus callianthus Acidanthera 1GL301 Price Code: B Height: 36” Size 10+ cm
Haemanthus Common: Blood Lily Zone: 8 Sugg. planting rate: 1 ft2
Light: Sun/partial shade Size: 10/12cm Blooms: Late spring
(Scadoxus) Beautiful ‘Blood Red’ star shaped flowers Enjoy these spectacular flowers in pots or in the garden in warmer climates.
Haemanthus multiflorus 1HM010 Height: 48”
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (252)943-3382 www.terraceiafarms.com
SPRING SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15
Gloriosa Common: Glory Lily Zone: 7 Sugg. planting rate: 1-3ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: Topsize tuber Blooms: Early summer
Stunning vine with unique flowers. Looks great on a fence or in a container. Pack
Gloriosa lutea 1GL606 Vine
Gloriosa plantii 1GL608 Vine
Gloriosa rothschildiana 1GL605 Vine
Gloriosa carsonii 1GL603 Vine
Gloriosa greenii 1GL610 Vine
Gloriosa s. Himalayan Select 1GL604 Vine
Hedychium Common: Ginger Lily Zone: 7 Sugg. planting rate: 1-3ft2
Light: Partial shade to shade Size: 2-3 eye plant Blooms: Late summer-fall
Loved by hummingbirds and butterflies. Tolerates moist soil. Pack
Hedychium densiflorum 1HD020 Height: 60”
Hedychium ellipticum 1HD050 Height: 48”
Hedychium flavum 1HD030 Height: 60”
Hedychium coccineum 1HD040 Height: 60”
Hedychium coronarium 1HD005 Height: 60”
Hedychium Gardnerianum 1HD010 Height: 60”
Hedychium greenii 1HD060 Height: 48”
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
SPRING SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15
Hedychium griffithianum 1HD080 Height: 60”
Hedychium thyrsiforme 1HD070 Height: 48”
Hedychium speciosum 1HD090 Height: 60”
Hippeastrelia Zone: 7 Sugg. planting rate: 1-1.5ft2
Light: Sun / Part shade Size: 18 cm bulbs Blooms: Early summer
An intergeneric cross between Hippeastrum and Sprekelia. Pack x1
1-2 $11.00
3-14 $8.20
15-44 $6.90
45+ $5.40
Hippeastrelia 1HP010 Height: 24”
Hymenocallis Common: Peruvian Daffodil Zone: 8 Sugg. planting rate: 1 ft2
Light: Full sun Size: 16+ cm bulbs Blooms: Mid summer
Three to five large, sweet scented flowers on a 2’ stalk. Pack A x3 B x3
Hymenocallis Sulfur Queen 1PR020 Price Code: A Height: 36”
1-4 $10.10
5-14 $7.60
15-29 $6.20
30+ $5.10
Hymenocallis Advance 1PR010 Price Code: A Height: 36”
Hymenocallis Tropical Giant 1PR030 Price Code: B Height: 36”
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
Hymenocallis littoralis 1PR040 Price Code: B Height: 36”
SPRING SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15
Liatris Common: Blazing Star Zone: 3 Sugg. planting rate: 3 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: 8/10+ cm bulbs Blooms: Mid summer
Flower spikes bloom from the top down, and are covered with grasslike foliage. Pack
Liatris spicata 3BL010 Height: 36”
Liatris spicata Alba 3BL020 Height: 36”
Polianthes Cinderella 1TB030 Price Code: B Height: 36”
Polianthes Mexican Single 1TB020 Price Code: A Height: 36”
Polianthes ‘The Pearl’ 1TB010 Price Code: A Height: 36”
Polianthes Yellow Baby 1TB070 Price Code: B Height: 36”
Polianthes Common: Tuberosa Zone: 8 Sugg. planting rate: 1 ft2
Light: Full sun Size: 16+ bulbs Blooms: Mid summer
Sweetly scented flowers with grass-like foliage. Flowers best when lifted annually, even in areas where they are hardy. Pack A x5 B x5
Polianthes Pink Sapphire 1TB050 Price Code: B Height: 36”
1-4 $11.30 $22.60
5-9 $8.50 $17.10
10-19 $7.20 $14.30
20+ $5.80 $11.60
Polianthes Super Gold 1TB040 Price Code: B Height: 36”
Polianthes Sensation 1TB060 Price Code: B Height: 36”
Sprekelia Zone: 8 Sugg. planting rate: 1-1.5 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: 14/16 cm Blooms: Early summer
A wonderful pot plant that will do well outside in zone 7 or warmer. Pack
Sprekelia formosissima 1SP010 Height: 12”
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
SPRING SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15
Zantedeschia Common: Calla Lily Zone: 7 Sugg. planting rate: 1-1.5 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: 14/16 cm Blooms: Early summer
The unusual shape of these blooms make them very popular as cut flowers. Pack x3
1-4 $15.90
5-14 $14.30
15-29 $12.60
30+ $11.70
Zantedeschia Mix Zantedeschia Mixed 1ZN999 Height: 36”
Zantedeschia Lavender 1ZN050 Height: 36”
3 Pink 3 White 3 Yellow _____________________ 9 Total Anemone Individually packaged and labeled.
Zantedeschia Pink 1ZN010 Height: 36”
Zantedeschia Yellow 1ZN030 Height: 36”
Zantedeschia White 1ZN020 Height: 36”
Zantedeschia Collection 1ZN198 Height: 36” $39.10
Zephyranthes Common: Rain Lily Zone: 7 Sugg. planting rate: 5 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: Topsize bulbs Blooms: Late summer
Zephyranthes Mix
When these are ready to bloom in late summer and early fall, you will find a flush of flowers after you water (thus the name, Rain Lily). Pack
Zephyranthes Mixed 1ZP999 Height: 6”
25 Candida 25 Citrina 25 Robustus _____________________ 75 Total Anemone Individually packaged and labeled.
Zephyranthes citrina 1ZP030 Height: 6”
Zephyranthes robustus 1ZP010 Height: 6”
Zephyranthes rosea 1ZP040 Height: 6”
Zephyranthes Collection 1ZP198 Height: 12” $29.90
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
Zephyranthes candida 1ZP020 Height: 6”
SPRING SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15
Bulbs By the Bushel Available in 1/2 bushel sizes! About graded blooming size bulbs… Bulbs in these bushels are comprised of all sizes that will bloom reliably (aka ‘field run grade’). Because the size of the flower is directly related to bulb size, we suggest that you purchase our largest blooming size bulbs for formal plantings. However, if you want bulbs for naturalizing, perennializing, or large-scale informal plantings, the items listed below are your best value.
Caladium 300 average plant count per bushel, #1 size. One bushel will cover an average of 300 square feet. 1/2 Bu $111.20 ea 1-2 Bu $182.60 ea 3-4 Bu $175.20 ea 5+ Bu $168.00 ea
Caladium Mixed 1CLB11 Height: 18” Shade/Part shade Summer-Fall
Caladium Pink 1CLB13 Red 1CLB15 White 1CLB17 Height: 18” Shade/Part shade
Canna 120 average plant count per bushel, 2-3 eye divisions. One bushel will cover an average of 250 square feet. 1/2 Bu $42.10 ea 1-2 Bu $67.80 ea Summer-Fall 3-4 Bu $65.80 ea 5+ Bu $64.00 ea
Canna Mixed 1CNB41 Height: 60” Sun/Part Shade Summer-Fall
Canna Pink 1CNB21 Red 1CNB11 Yellow 1CNB31 Height: 60” Sun/Part Shade Summer-Fall
Gladiolus Mixed 1GLB11 Height: 48” Sun Early Summer
Gladiolus Red 1GLB010 White 1GLB020 Yellow 1GLB030 Purple 1GLB04 Height: 48” Sun | Early Summer
Gladiolus 300 average bulb count per bushel, sizes, 12/16 cm. One bushel will cover an average of 100 square feet. 1/2 Bu 1-2 Bu 3-4 Bu 5+ Bu
$50.60 ea $86.20 ea $82.40 ea $78.80 ea
Gladiolus Pink 1GLB072 Orange 1GLB080 Lavender 1GLB106 Height: 48” Sun | Early Summer
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
Bulb Fundraising
Fundraising with Bulbs This is a unique way of raising money for your organization that will bring years of pleasure. With profit margins ranging from 40 to 50 percent of sales, this program is set up to be profitable, easy to administrate and risk-free. Full-color sales material with over 18 items to choose from. Call Carol at (800) 858-2852 for more details, or to request an information packet.
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
SPRING/FALL SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15 & October 1 to January 15
Clump Specials
Hemerocallis Light: Sun 3 year old field grown plants (comperable to 3 gallon container size, 7-10 fan average.)
About graded blooming size bulbs… Are you an impatient gardener? Are you tired of waiting years for your plants to look ‘established’ in the garden? If so, we have the remedy for you. All plants below are offered as mature, undivided, field-grown Clumps! Plant some in your garden and you will be amazed at the results the first growing season. Available Fall 2020
Hemerocallis Bengaleer 3DYC061 Height: 24” $13.00 Iris Light: Sun/ Part Shade 3 year old field grown plants (comperable to 3 gallon container size, 7-10 fan average.)
Available Fall 2020
Hemerocallis Erin Prarie 3DYC082 Height: 24” $13.00 Available Fall 2020
Iris siberica Caesar’s Brother 3SBC010 Height: 36” $13.00
Available Fall 2020
Hemerocallis Grape Magic 3DYC083 Height: 18” $13.00
Available Fall 2020
Hemerocallis My Melinda 3DYC046 Height: 24” $13.00
Available Fall 2020
Hemerocallis Rose Red 3DYC11 Height: 24” $13.00
Liriope Light: Sun/Shade 3 year old field grown plants (comperable to 3 gallon container size, 7-10 fan average.)
Liriope spicata 3LRC040 Height: 12” $13.00
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
SPRING/FALL SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15 & October 1 to January 15
Anemone Common: Windflower Zone: 7 Sugg. planting rate: 3 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: 8/9 cm bulb Blooms: Early/mid Spring
These very showy, poppy-like flowers are fine for gardens, cut flowers and are wonderful for border plants, pots or window boxes. If you live in zone 6 or cooler, store tubers over the Winter and plant in the Spring after last frost date. Pack x25
Anemone blanda Mixed 2AN199 Height: 12”
1-3 $10.80
4-9 $8.40
10-19 $7.20
Anemone blanda Blue Shades 2AN195 Height: 12”
20+ $5.70
Anemone blanda White Splendour 2AN190 Height: 12”
Anemone De Caen Mixed 2AN030 Height: 12”
Anemone St. Brigid Mixed 2AN050 Height: 12”
Anemone Blue Poppy 2AN010 Height: 12”
Anemone Governor 2AN080 Height: 12”
25 Blanda 25 De Caen Mix 25 St. Brigid Mix _____________________ 75 Total Anemone Individually packaged and labeled.
Anemone Hollandia 2AN040 Height: 12”
Anemone Lord Lieutenant 2AN070 Height: 12”
Anemone Sylphide 2AN060 Height: 12”
Anemone The Bride 2AN020 Height: 12”
Anemone Collection 2AN099 Height: 12” $25.30
Astilbe Mixed 3AS299 Height: 24”
Astilbe Lilac 3AS210 Height: 24”
Astilbe Common: False Spirea Zone: 5-9 Sugg. planting rate: 1 ft2
Light: Partial shade to shade Size: 2-3 eye plants Blooms: Mid Spring
‘False Goatsbeard’. This perennial thrives in tough situations. Plumes of delicate flowers are born above attractive dark green foliage late in spring. Foliage remains attractive throughout the growing season. Shipped dormant in quart containers. Pack x3
1-4 $15.20
5-14 $12.70
15-29 $11.50
30+ $10.20
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
SPRING/FALL SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15 & October 1 to January 15
Gladiolus Specie Zone: 7 Sugg. planting rate: 3 ft2
Light: Sun Size: 10+ cm bulb Blooms: Fall
15-20 flowers on 36 - 40” spikes. Loose flowering precursor to modern hybrid gladioulus. Astilbe Red 3AS225 Height: 24”
Astilbe White 3AS230 Height: 24”
Hemerocallis Common: Daylily Zone: 3 Sugg. planting rate: 1-1.5 ft2
Light: Full sun Size: 1-2 fan divisions Blooms: Early summer
Daylilies can be planted in every kind of soil, giving pleasure from year to year. Plant with spring-flowering bulbs to hide the bulb’s foliage as it matures naturally, while adding late spring and summer color. Gladiolus specie byzantinus 1GL305 Height: 36”
Pack A x5 B x5
1-4 $12.00 $18.50
5-9 $9.80 $16.30
10-19 $8.70 $14.10
20+ $6.50 $13.00
Hemerocallis Mixed 3DY999 Price Code: A Height: 24”
Hemerocallis Aztec Gold 3DY230 Price Code: A Height: 24”
Hemerocallis Bonanza 3DY070 Price Code: A Height: 30”
Hemerocallis Breathless Beauty 3DY042 Price Code: B Height: 36”
Hemerocallis Chicago Apache 3DY080 Price Code: B Height: 24”
Hemerocallis Erin Prairie 3DY160 Price Code: B Height: 24”
Hemerocallis Frans Hals 3DY010 Price Code: A Height: 24”
Hemerocallis Grape Magic 3DY150 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Hemerocallis Jolyene Nichole 3DY226 Price Code: B Height: 24”
Hemerocallis Mary Reed 3DY168 Price Code: B Height: 30”
Hemerocallis Mary Todd 3DY167 Price Code: B Height: 24”
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
SPRING/FALL SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15 & October 1 to January 15
Hemerocallis Continued...
Pack A x5 B x5
Hemerocallis Strawberry Candy 3DY045 Price Code: B Height: 24”
1-4 $12.00 $18.50
5-9 $9.80 $16.30
Hemerocallis Stella De Oro 3DY180 Price Code: B Height: 18”
10-19 $8.70 $14.10
20+ $6.50 $13.00
Hemerocallis Strutter’s Ball 3DY183 Price Code: B Height: 24”
Hemerocallis Mauna Loa 3DY185 Price Code: B Height: 24”
Hemerocallis My Melinda 3DY046 Price Code: B Height: 24”
Hemerocallis Wilson’s Yellow 3DY195 Price Code: A Height: 30”
Hemerocallis Yellowstone 3DY205 Price Code: A Height: 30”
Hemerocallis Wilson’s Yellow 3DY195 Price Code: A Height: 30”
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
SPRING/FALL SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15 & October 1 to January 15
Hosta Zone: 3-9 Sugg. planting rate: 1-1.5 ft2
Light: Partial shade to shade Size: 2-3 eye plants Blooms: Late Spring-Fall
Notable for their foliage, hostas will thrive in damp, shaded areas. Pack x5
1-4 $19.70
Hosta Francee 3HS045 Height: 18”
5-9 $16.70
10-19 $15.10
Hosta Gold Standard 3HS090 Height: 24”
20+ $13.40
Hosta Halcyon 3HS020 Height: 18”
Hosta Mixed 3HS099 Height: 24”
Hosta ‘Albo-Marginata’ 3HS060 Height: 18”
Hosta Minuteman 3HS047 Height: 18”
Hosta Royal Standard 3HS015 Height: 24”
Iris Ensata & Siberica Common: Japanese Iris (Ensata) Light: Sun and Siberian Iris (Siberica) Size: 3-5 eye plants Zone: 4 (Ensata) & 5 (Siberica) Blooms: Early Summer 2 Sugg. planting rate: 1-2 ft Rugged plant, perfect for any location- even water gardens! Hosta Sieboldiana Elegans 3HS010 Height: 30”
Hosta Wide Brim 3HS075 Height: 18”
10 ‘Caesar’s Brother 10 ‘Snow Queen’ _____________________ 20 Total Iris Siberica Individually packaged and labeled.
Iris ensata ‘Rising Sun’ 3JP010 Height: 36”
Iris siberica ‘Ceasar’s Brother’ 3SB010 Height: 36”
Iris siberica ‘Snow Queen’ 3SB020 Height: 36”
Iris Collection 3SB099 Height: 36” $44.20
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
SPRING/FALL SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15 & October 1 to January 15
Lily Zone: 3-9 Sugg. planting rate: 1-1.5 ft2
Light: Sun Size: 14/16 cm bulbs Blooms: Early summer
Asiatic 4-8 showy, upright facing flowers per stem.
Excellent perennial and cut flower. Pack A x5 B x5
1-4 $9.80
5-9 $7.30
10-19 $6.20
20+ $5.10
Lily Pink 3AS080 Price Code: A Height: 24”
Lily Orange 3AS042 Price Code: A Height: 24” Collection:
10 Orange 10 Yellow 10 White _____________________ 30 Total Asiatic Lilies
Lily Mixed 3AS099 Price Code: A Height: 24”
Lily Red 3AS065 Price Code: A Height: 24”
Lily White 3AS076 Price Code: A Height: 24”
Lily ‘Siberia’ 3OR060 Price Code: B Height: 30”
Lily Stargazer 3OR010 Price Code: B Height: 30”
Oriental 6-10 exotic, sweet scented blooms per stem. Great for pots.
Individually packaged and labeled.
Lily Asiatic Collection 3AS098 Height: 24” $37.10
Liriope Common: Lily-turf Zone: 6-9 Sugg. planting rate: 1 ft2
Light: Sun to shade Size: 3-5 eye plants Blooms: Late Spring-Fall
Popular groundcover with grass like leaves.
Pack x10
1-4 $20.80
5-9 $17.10
10-24 $14.80
25+ $12.40
Liriope spicata 3LR040 Height: 12”
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
Lily Yellow 3AS025 Price Code: A Height: 24”
SPRING/FALL SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15 & October 1 to January 15 Available Fall 2020
Lycoris Common: Spider Lily Zone: 7 Sugg. planting rate: 3 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Blooms: Fall
Fall flowering with foliage appearing afterwards in winter or spring. * Albiflora are only available for fall shipping Pack A x3 B x3 C x3
Lycoris radiata 2LY020 Price Code: A Height: 16” Size: 12/14 cm
1-4 $7.00
5-14 $5.90
15-29 $5.30
30+ $4.70
Lycoris africana (aurea) 2LY030 Price Code: C Height: 16” Size: 14/16 cm
Lycoris albiflora* 2LY040 Price Code: C Height: 16” Size: 12/14 cm
Oxalis regnellii 1OX010 Height: 6-12”
Oxalis regnellii var. triangularis 1OX020 Height: 6-12”
Lycoris squamigera 2LY010 Price Code: B Height: 24” Size: 14/16 cm
Oxalis Common: False Shamrock Zone: 5 Sugg. planting rate: 5 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: topsize bulbs Blooms: Spring
Clover-like foliage with masses of spring flowers. Easily grown in containers. Pack
Oxalis tetraphylla (Iron Cross) 1OX030 Height: 6-12”
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
SPRING/FALL SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15 & October 1 to January 15
Ranunculus Common: Persian Buttercups Zone: 8 Sugg. planting rate: 5 ft2
Light: Sun Size: 8+ cm bulb Blooms: Early Spring
Excellent for a cutting garden.
Pack x10
Ranunculus Pink 2RN902 Height: 18”
1-4 $10.30
5-9 $7.90
10-24 $6.70
25+ $6.10
Ranunculus Red 2RN907 Height: 18”
Ranunculus Purple 2RN903 Height: 18”
Ranunculus Tecelote Mixed 2RN999 Height: 18”
Ranunculus Orange 2RN905 Height: 18”
Ranunculus White 2RN910 Height: 18”
Ranunculus Yellow 2RN930 Height: 18”
Tradescantia Common: Spiderwort Zone: 4 Sugg. planting rate: 1-2 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Blooms: Summer
Late blooming native perennial that prefers some shade and and moist soils. Pack x5
1-4 $10.30
5-9 $8.90
10-19 $8.00
Bulbs By the Bushel Available in 1/2 bushel sizes! About graded blooming size bulbs… Bulbs in these bushels are comprised of all sizes that will bloom reliably (aka ‘field run grade’). Because the size of the flower is directly related to bulb size, we suggest that you purchase our largest blooming size bulbs for formal plantings. However, if you want bulbs for naturalizing, perennializing, or large-scale informal plantings, the items listed below are your best value.
20+ $7.10
Tradescantia virginiana 3TR010 Height: 36” Size: 3-5 pip
Hemerocallis 100 average plant count per bushel, 1-2 eye divisions. One bushel will cover an average of 150 square feet. 1/2 Bu $77.50 ea 1-2 Bu $122.60 ea 3-4 Bu $116.00 ea 5+ Bu $109.60 ea
Hemerocallis Mixed 3DYB21 Height: 24”
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
Hemerocallis Pink 3DYB31 Red 3DYB26 Yellow 3DYB36 Height: 24”
SPRING/FALL SELECTION - Ships March 15 to June 15 & October 1 to January 15 Hosta 100 average plant count per bushel, 1-2 eye divisions. One bushel will cover an average of 150 square feet. 1/2 Bu $77.50 ea 1-2 Bu $122.60 ea 3-4 Bu $116.00 ea 5+ Bu $109.20 ea
Iris Ensata 100 average plant count per bushel. One bushel will cover an average of 150 square feet.
Hosta Mixed 3HSB31 Height: 24”
Hosta Green Leaf 3HSB21 Height: 24”
Lily 300 average plant count per bushel, 11/12 cm bulbs. One bushel will cover an average of 160 square feet.
Iris Siberica 100 average plant count per bushel. One bushel will cover an average of 150 square feet.
Iris ensata ‘Rising Sun’ 3JPB11 Height: 36”
Lily Orange 3ASB42 Height: 24”
1/2 Bu $92.20 ea 1-2 Bu $143.00 ea 3-4 Bu $135.20 ea 5+ Bu $127.40 ea
Lily Pink 3ASB80 Height: 24”
Hosta Variegated Leaf 3HSB41 Height: 24”
1/2 Bu $77.50 ea 1-2 Bu $122.60 ea 3-4 Bu $116.00 ea 5+ Bu $109.20 ea
Iris siberica ‘Ceasar’s Brother’ 3SB012 Height: 36”
Lily Red 3ASB65 Height: 24”
1/2 Bu $125.60 ea 1-2 Bu $224.60 ea 3-4 Bu $207.60 ea 5+ Bu $194.80 ea
Lily White 3ASB76 Height: 24”
Lily Asiatic Mixed 3ASB21 Height: 24”
Lily Yellow 3ASB25 Height: 24”
Liriope 100 average plant count per bushel, 2-3 eye plants. One bushel will cover an average of 100 square feet. 1/2 Bu $77.50 ea 1-2 Bu $122.60 ea 3-4 Bu $116.00 ea 5+ Bu $109.20 ea
Liriope spicata 3LRB21 Height: 12”
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
Alliums Sugg. planting rate: varies Light: Sun to partial shade
Common: Flowering Onion Zone: 5
Pack A x25 Pack B x10
Ornamental cousins of the garden onion. Excellent for naturalizing or pots.
Blooms: Mid spring
1-3 $9.00
4-9 $6.90
10-19 $5.70
20+ $3.30
1-4 $11.90
5-9 $10.80
10-24 $10.40
25+ $10.10
D x3
C x3 E x3
1-4 $9.00
5-14 $6.90
15-29 $5.70
30+ $3.30
Allium Mixed 2AL999 Price Code: A Height: 12-24” Size: varies
Allium aeruleum (azureum) 2AL105 Price Code: A Height: 12” Size: 6+ cm
Allium Ambassador 2AL027 Price Code: D Height: 48” Size: 20/22 cm
Allium atropurpureum 2AL103 Price Code: B Height: 24” Size: 8+ cm
Allium Bulgaricum 2AL060 Price Code: A Height: 24” Size: 10 cm
Allium cristophii (A. albopilosum) 2AL100 Price Code: B Height: 24” Size: 14/16 cm
Allium Gladiator 2AL110 Price Code: D Height: 36” Size: 20+ cm
Allium Globemaster 2AL025 Price Code: E Height: 48” Size: 20/22 cm
Allium karataviense 2AL113 Price Code: B Height: 6” Size: 12/14 cm
Allium moly 2AL020 Price Code: A Height: 12” Size: 5+ cm
Allium Mt. Everest 2AL112 Price Code: D Height: 12” Size: 5+ cm
Allium multiblosum 2AL115 Price Code: B Height: 24” Size: 10/12 cm
Allium neapolitanum 2AL030 Price Code: A Height: 12” Size: 5+ cm
Allium Ostrowskianum 2AL040 Price Code: A Height: 12” Size: 5+ cm
Allium Purple Sensation 2AL035 Price Code: B Height: 36” Size: 12/14 cm
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
Allium roseum 2AL010 Price Code: A Height: 16” Size: 6+ cm
Allium schubertii 2AL055 Price Code: C Height: 12” Size: 12+ cm
Allium sphaerocephalum 2AL120 Price Code: A Height: 36” Size: 8+ cm
Allium triquetrum 2AL117 Price Code: A Height: 12” Size: 5+cm
Allium unifolium 2AL045 Price Code: A Height: 12” Size: 5+cm
10 Albopilosum 10 Multibulbosum 25 Sphaerocephalum _____________________ 45 Total Allium Tall
50 Moly 50 Neapolitanum 50 Ostrowskianum _____________________ 150 Total Allium Low
Individually packaged and labeled.
Individually packaged and labeled.
Allium Tall Growing Collection 2AL099 Height: 24-36” Size: varies $21.00
Allium Low Growing Collection 2AL098 Height: 12-24” Size: varies $16.80
Arum Common: Winter Caladium Zone: 5-9 Sugg. planting rate: 1 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: #1 bulbs Blooms: Early Spring
Caladium like foliage from fall to winter.
Pack x10
1-4 $12.60
5-8 $9.50
10-24 $7.90
25+ $6.30
Arum italicum 3AR210 Height: 12”
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
Camassia Common: Indian Hyacinth Zone: 4 Sugg. planting rate: varies
Light: Sun to partial shade Blooms: Early Spring
Naturalizes well in moist areas. Pack A x25 Pack B x3
1-3 $11.10
4-9 $8.70
10-19 $7.50
20+ $6.00
1-4 $8.80
5-14 $7.20
15-29 $6.40
30+ $5.50
Camassia cusickii 2CM015 Price Code: B Height: 30” Size: 16/18 cm
Camassia leichtlinii ‘Alba’ 2CM020 Price Code: B Height: 30” Size: 14/16 cm
Chionodoxa Common: Glory of the Snow Zone: 4 Sugg. planting rate: 10 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: 5+ cm bulbs Blooms: Early Spring
One of the earliest bulbs to bloom. Excellent naturalized with daffodils, muscari or scilla. Camassia Quamash 2CM010 Price Code: A Height: 16” 6+ cm
Pack x25
1-3 $10.40
4-9 $7.80
10-19 $6.60
Chionodoxa forbesii 2CH010 Height: 6”
20+ $5.10
Crocus Zone: 4 Sugg. planting rate: 10 ft2
Chionodoxa Gigantea Alba 2CH020 Height: 6”
Chionodoxa Pink Giant 2CH015 Height: 6”
Pack x25
1-3 $10.80
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: 9/10 cm bulbs Blooms: varies
4-9 $8.40
10-19 $7.20
20+ $5.70
Vernus One of the earliest spring flowers. Has many vibrant colors. Excellent for mass planting, naturalizing and borders. Crocus Mixed 2CR999 Height: 4” Size: 9/10 cm Blooms: Early Spring
Crocus Flower Record 2CR020 Height: 4” Size: 9/10 cm Blooms: Early Spring
Crocus Jeanne De Arc 2CR060 Height: 4” Size: 9/10 cm Blooms: Early Spring
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
Crocus Pickwick 2CR030 Height: 4” Size: 9/10 cm Blooms: Early Spring
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15 Collection:
Specie Earliest springblooming crocus, often noted as “squirrel-resistant”, although I can’t guarantee it!
50 Flower Record 50 Jeanne de Arc 50 Mammoth Yellow _____________________ 150 Total Crocus Vernus Individually packaged and labeled.
Crocus Yellow Mammoth 2CR040 Height: 4” Size: 9/10 cm Blooms: Early Spring
Crocus Collection 2CR098 Height: 4” Size: 9/10 cm $36.10
Crocus t. ‘Barr’s Purple’ 2CR150 Height: 4” Size: 5+ cm Blooms: Early Spring
Crocus t. ‘Ruby Giant’ 2CR155 Height: 4” Size: 5+ cm Blooms: Early Spring
Crocus sativus 2CR100 Height: 6” Size: 9/10 cm Blooms: Fall
Crocus tommasinianus Mix 2CR199 Height: 4” Size: 5+ cm Blooms: Early Spring
Cyclamen Coum 2CY050 Height: 6” Blooms: Winter-Spring Zone: 5
Cyclamen hederifolium 2CY010 Height: 6” Blooms: Summer-Fall Zone: 7
Crocus t. ‘Whitewell Purple’ 2CR160 Height: 4” Size: 5+ cm Blooms: Early Spring
Cyclamen Sugg. planting rate: 3 ft2
Light: Partial shade to shade Size: 12/14 cm tubers
Naturalizes well in moist areas. Pack x3
1-4 $11.50
5-14 $8.60
15-29 $7.20
30+ $5.80
Eranthis Common: Winter aconite Zone: 3-7 Sugg. planting rate: 10 ft2
Light: Partial shade to shade Size: 4/+cm
Winter Aconite. Late winter flowering. Excellent for mass planting or naturalizing in shaded woodland areas.
Pack x25
1-4 $10.80
5-9 $8.40
10-19 $7.20
20+ $5.70
Eranthis cilicia 2ER010 Height: 4”
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
Fritillaria Zone: 3-8 Sugg. planting rate: varies
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: varies Blooms: Early Spring
Deer and rodent resistant. Pack A x10 Pack B x3
1-4 $6.00
5-9 $4.80
10-24 $4.00
25+ $3.40
1-4 $10.00
5-14 $8.50
15-29 $7.70
30+ $7.00
Fritillaria meleagris 2FR100 Price Code: A Height: 12” Size: 7+ cm
Fritillaria persica 2FR103 Price Code: B Height: 24” Size: 20 cm
Galanthus elwesii 2GL015 Price Code: A Height: 6”
Galanthus woronowii 2GL010 Price Code: A Height: 6”
Galanthus Common: Snowdrop Zone: 4-6 Sugg. planting rate: 10 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: 6+ cm bulb Blooms: Early Spring
Excellent for naturalizing. Pack A x10 B x10
1-4 $7.90 $11.70
5-9 $5.80 $9.10
10-24 $4.80 $7.90
25+ $3.80 $6.60
30 Nivalis 30 Flore Pleno _____________________ 60 Total Galanthus Individually packaged and labeled.
Hyacinth Common: Dutch Hyacinth Zone: 4-8 Sugg. planting rate: 3 ft2
Light: Sun Size: 16/17+ cm bulb Blooms: Early Spring
Fragrant bulb that is great for forcing in pots. Galanthus nivalis ‘Flore Pleno’ 2GL020 Price Code: B Height: 6”
Galanthus Collection 2GL199 Height: 6” $30.60
Hyacinth Mixed 2HY999 Height: 12”
Hyacinth ‘Blue Jacket’ 2HY035 Height: 12”
Pack x5
Hyacinth ‘City of Haarlem’ 2HY020 Height: 12”
1-4 $7.20
5-9 $5.30
Hyacinth ‘Carnegie’ 2HY010 Height: 12”
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
10-19 $4.70
20+ $3.90
Hyacinth ‘Delft Blue’ 2HY030 Height: 12”
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
Hyacinth ‘Fondant’ 2HY033 Height: 12”
Hyacinth ‘Jan Bos’ 2HY040 Height: 12”
Hyacinth Gypsy Queen’ 2HY070 Height: 12” Collection:
Hyacinth ‘Peter Stuyvesant’ 2HY075 Height: 12”
Hyacinth ‘Marie’ 2HY050 Height: 12”
10 Marie 10 Pink Pearl 10 Carnegie _____________________ 30 Total Hyacinth
Common: Bluebells Zone: 3-8 Sugg. planting rate: 3 ft2
Individually packaged and labeled.
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: 9/10 cm bulb Blooms: Mid Spring
‘Spanish Bluebells’ or ‘Wood Hyacinths’. Bell shaped flowers on thick stems with lush foliage. The bulbs will not rot even in moist conditions. Blooms for years. Best for borders, edging, or naturalizing. Leave in to form thick colonies. Tolerates shade.
Hyacinth ‘Pink Pearl’ 2HY080 Height: 12”
Hyacinth Collection 2HY099 Height: 12” $26.40
Hyacinthoides hispanica Mixed 2SC990 Height: 12”
Hyacinthoides hispanica Blue 2SC010 Height: 12”
Pack x10
Hyacinthoides hispanica Pink 2SC020 Height: 12”
1-4 $7.70
5-9 $5.70
10-24 $4.80
Hyacinthoides hispanica White 2SC030 Height: 12”
25+ $3.80
Hyacinthoides non-scripta 2SC400 Height: 16” Zone: 5-8
Ipheon Common: Starflower Zone: 5-9 Sugg. planting rate: 10 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: 6+ cm bulb Blooms: Mid Spring
Excellent for naturalizing. Pack x25
1-3 8.00
4-9 $6.00
10-19 $5.10
20+ $4.20
Ipheon uniflorum 2IP100 Height: 4”
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
Iris Dwarf Zone: 5-9 Sugg. planting rate: 10 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: Topsize bulb Blooms: Early Spring
For borders, rock gardens and naturalizing. Also very easy to force in pots. Dainty, early blooming and fragrant, specie Iris multiply readily and form colonies. Plant in groups for the best effect. Pack
Iris Dwarf Mixed 2DW099 Height: 6”
Iris Dwarf danfordiae 2DW010 Height: 6”
25 Danfordiae 25 Reticulata 25 J.S. Dijt _____________________ 75 Total Iris Dwarf Individually packaged and labeled.
Iris Dwarf reticulata ‘J. S. Dijt’ 2DW030 Height: 6”
Iris Dwarf reticulata 2DW020 Height: 6”
Iris Dwarf reticulata ‘Pixie’ 2DW025 Height: 6”
Iris Dwarf Collection 2DW199 Height: 6” $20.50
Iris Germanica Common: Bearded Iris Zone: 3 Sugg. planting rate: 1-2 ft2
Light: Sun Size: 3-5 eye rhizomes Blooms: Mid Spring
These rhizomes will multiply rapidly once established to bring many years of pleasure. Pack x5
Iris Germanica Lavender 2BR020 Height: 36”
1-4 $12.90
Iris Germanica Orange 2BR120 Height: 36”
30+ $6.50
Iris Germanica Pink 2BR050 Height: 36”
Iris Germanica Mixed 2BR999 Height: 36”
Iris Germanica Blue 2BR010 Height: 36”
Iris Germanica Purple 2BR040 Height: 36”
Iris Germanica White 2BR070 Height: 36”
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
Iris Hollandica
5 Yellow 5 Pink 5 Purple 5 White _____________________ 20 Total Iris Germanica
Common: Dutch Iris Zone: 5 Sugg. planting rate: 10 ft2
Individually packaged and labeled.
Iris Germanica Yellow 2BR095 Height: 36”
Iris Germanica Collection 2BR199 Height: 36” $45.50
Iris Hollandica Mixed 2DT110 Height: 30”
Iris Hollandica Apollo 2DT080 Height: 30”
Light: Sun Size: Topsize bulb Blooms: Early Spring
Dutch Iris are a long-lasting, excellent cut flower or border item. If you can resist cutting the flowers for indoor use, they will come back faithfully in moderate Southern climates. Pack x10
Iris Hollandica Blue Ribbon 2DT020 Height: 30”
1-4 $7.40
5-9 $5.40
10-24 $4.50
Iris Hollandica Casa Blanca 2DT100 Height: 30”
25+ $3.60
Iris Hollandica Golden Giant 2DT060 Height: 30”
30 Apollo 30 Telstar 30 Casa Blanca _____________________ 90 Total Iris Hollandica Individually packaged and labeled.
Iris Hollandica Hildegarde 2DT050 Height: 30”
Iris Hollandica Telstar 2DT010 Height: 30”
Iris Hollandica Symphony 2DT085 Height: 30”
Iris Hollandica Collection 2DT199 Height: 30” $34.20
Ixia Common: African Corn Lily Zone: 7 Sugg. planting rate: 3 ft2
Light: Sun Size: 6+ cm bulb Blooms: Late Spring
Excellent cut flower, border or potting item. Pack x25
1-3 $8.00
4-9 $6.00
10-19 $5.10
20+ $4.20
Ixia Mixed 2IX010 Height: 12”
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
Ixiolirion Common: Lily of the Altai Zone: 5 Sugg. planting rate: 3 ft2
Light: Sun Size: 16/17+ cm bulb Blooms: Early Spring
Fragrant bulb that is great for forcing in pots. Pack
Ixiolirion tataricum 2IX100 Height: 12”
Leucojum Common: Snowflake Zone: 4-8 Sugg. planting rate: 5 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: 16+ cm bulb Blooms: Early Spring
The sunnier the spot, the more flowers. Great for cut flowers, borders and naturalizing. Pack x10
1-4 $12.90
5-9 $9.60
10-24 $7.80
25+ $6.00
Leucojum aestivum ‘Gravetye Giant’ 2LC010 Height: 18”
Muscari Common: Grape Hyacinth Zone: 4 Sugg. planting rate: 10 ft2
Light: Sun Size: Topsize Bulbs Blooms: Early Spring
Popular for mass planting in rock gardens or borders. Used for underplant Daffodils and Tulips for a spring show. Foliage appears in late summer in temperate climates. Pack A x25 B x25
1-3 $9.00
4-9 $6.90
10-19 $5.70
20+ $4.50
Muscari armeniacum 2GR010 Price Code: A Height: 4” Collection:
25 Armeniacum 25 botryoides ‘Album’ 25 latifolium _____________________ 75 Total Muscari Individually packaged and labeled.
Muscari botryoides ‘Album’ 2GR020 Price Code: B Height: 4”
Muscari cumosum ‘Plumosum’ 2GR030 Price Code: B Height: 4”
Muscari latifolium 2GR040 Price Code: A Height: 4”
Muscari Collection 2GR199 Height: 4” $22.50
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
Muscari rmeniacum ‘Fantasy Creation’ 2GR050 Price Code: B Height: 4”
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
Narcissus Common: Daffodil Zone: 4 Sugg. planting rate: 3 ft2 Pack A x10 B x10 C x10
1-4 $8.00
Light: Sun Size: 14/16 cm bulb* Blooms: Early Spring 5-9 $5.50
10-24 $4.20
Trumpet Division 1 corona (trumpet or cup) as long or longer than the perianth segments (petals). One flower per stem. Blooms: Early Spring (early-late)
Narcissus Councillor 2DF0102 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Daffodils are some of the easiest bulbs to grow. They begin welcoming Spring to our farm in mid-February. One can see them all along the ditchbanks at first, the direct result of spills during our harvesting and replanting. * Unless noted
25+ $2.80
Narcissus Dutch Master 2DF0104 Price Code: B Height: 18” Collection:
20 Dutch Master 20 Holland Sensation 20 Mount Hood _____________________ 60 Total Trumpet Narcissi Individually packaged and labeled.
Narcissus Rijnveld’s Early Sensation 2DF0115 Price Code: B Height: 6”
Narcissus Unsurpassable 2DF0110 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus Trumpet Collection 2DF0198 Height: 18” $41.90
Narcissus Fortissimo 2DF0205 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus Fortune 2DF0206 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus Gigantic Star 2DF0208 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus Holland Sensation 2DF0100 Price Code: C Height: 18” Large Cup Division 2 Corona (cup) more than one third but less than equal to the length of the perianth segments (petals). One flower per stem. Blooms: Early Spring (mid-late)
Narcissus Ice Follies 2DF0210 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
Narcissus Mount Hood 2DF0106 Price Code: C Height: 18”
Narcissus Carlton 2DF0200 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus Pink Pride 2DF0217 Price Code: B Height: 18”
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
Narcissus Continued...
Pack A x10 B x10
1-4 $8.00 $10.30
5-9 $5.50 $7.60
10-24 $4.20 $6.20
25+ $2.80 $4.80
C x10
Narcissus Professor Einstein 2DF0219 Price Code: B Height: 18” Collection:
20 Carlton 20 Ice Follies 20 Salome _____________________ 60 Total Large Cup Narcissi Individually packaged and labeled.
Narcissus Saint Patrick’s Day 2DF0226 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus Salome 2DF0218 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus Slim Whitman 2DF0222 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus Saint Keverne 2DF0220 Price Code: B Height: 18” Small Cup Division 3 Corona (cup) not more than one third the height of the perianth segments (petals). Blooms: Early Spring (early)
Narcissus Large Cup Collection 2DF0298 Height: 18” $41.90
Double Division 4 One or more double flowers per stem. Blooms: Early Spring (late)
Narcissus Altruist 2DF0305 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus Barrett Browning 2DF0302 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus Flower Drift 2DF0404 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus Golden Ducate 2DF0401 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus Replete 2DF0411 Price Code: B Height: 18” Size: 12/14 cm
Narcissus Cheerfulness 2DF0402 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus Erlicheer 2DF0403 Price Code: C Height: 12”
Narcissus Rip van Winkle 2DF0416 Price Code: A Height: 6”
Narcissus Sir Winston Churchill 2DF0413 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15 Triandrus Division 5 2 to 3 pendulous flowers per stem. Blooms: Early Spring (early-late)
Narcissus Tahiti 2DF0410 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus White Lion 2DF0412 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus Hawera 2DF0502 Price Code: A Height: 6”
Narcissus Yellow Cheerfulness 2DF0414 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Cyclamineus Division 6 One pendulous flower per stem with reflexed petals. Blooms: Early Spring (early) Narcissus February Gold 2DF0600 Price Code: B Height: 6”
Narcissus Thalia 2DF0506 Price Code: B Height: 12” Size: 12/14 c
Narcissus Jack Snipe 2DF0603 Price Code: A Height: 6”
Narcissus Jenny 2DF0605 Price Code: B Height: 6” Size: 10 cm
Narcissus Baby Moon 2DF0705 Price Code: A Height: 12” Size: 6 cm
Narcissus Bell Song 2DF0701 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus Sun Disc 2DF0702 Price Code: A Height: 12”
Narcissus Trevithian 2DF0700 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Jonquilla Division 7 Multiple, small flowers on a single stem. Well known for their fragrance. Blooms: Early Spring (early-late) Narcissus Jetfire 2DF0606 Price Code: A Height: 6”
Narcissus Tete a Tete 2DF0604 Price Code: A Height: 6” Size: 12/14 cm
Narcissus Hillstar 2DF0720 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus Quail 2DF0703 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus Stratosphere 2DF0715 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
Narcissus Continued...
Pack A x10 B x10
1-4 $8.00 $10.30
5-9 $5.50 $7.60
10-24 $4.20 $6.20
25+ $2.80 $4.80
C x10
Tazetta Division 8 Clusters of many, extremely fragrant flowers. Excellent forcers. Blooms: Early Spring (very earlylate) Narcissus Canaliculatus 2DF0803 Price Code: A Height: 12” Assorted Sometimes it’s nice to mix it up.
Narcissus Geranium 2DF0802 Price Code: B Height: 18” Collection:
20 Baby Moon 20 Minnow 20 Tete a tete _____________________ 60 Total Miniature Narcissi Individually packaged and labeled.
Narcissus Miniature Collection 2DF0998 Height: 12” $28.50
Narcissus Grand Soleil d’ Or 2DF0804 Price Code: C Height: 18”
Narcissus Minnow 2DF0805 Price Code: A Height: 6” Size: 8+ cm
Poeticus Division 9 Very fragrant. Small, red rimmed cups. Blooms: Early Spring (late)
Narcissus Scilly White 2DF0801 Price Code: C Height: 18” Split Cup/Corona Division 11 cup is split - usually for more than half its length Blooms: Spring
Narcissus Actaea 2DF0900 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Narcissus Tripartite 2DF1120 Price Code: C Height: 18”
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
Narcissus Orangery 2DF1110 Price Code: C Height: 18”
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
Ornithogalum Common: Star of Bethlehem Zone: 4
Light: Sun to partial shade Blooms: Early-Mid Spring
Versatile bulb that can tolerate some shade as well as moisture. Best lends itself to naturalizing as it is very aggressive in the garden. Pack A x25 Pack
1-3 $8.00
4-9 $6.00
10-19 $5.10
20+ $4.20
B x10
Ornithogalum arabicum 2OR030 Price Code: B Height: 24” | Size: 14/+cm Sugg. planting rate: 3/ft2
Ornithogalum umbellatum 2OR090 Price Code: A Height: 6” | Size: 5/+cm Sugg. planting rate: 10/ft2
Peony Edulis 2PN015 Height: 24”
Peony Felix Supreme 2PN020 Height: 24”
Peony Sarah Bernhardt 2PN050 Height: 36”
Peony Shirley Temple 2PN025 Height: 24”
Peony Zone: 3-8 Sugg. planting rate: 1-2 ft2
Light: Sun Size: 3-5 eye plants Blooms: Early-Late Spring
Huge flowers, up to 6 inches across, on strong stems with green foliage. A cut flower without comparison. We have freshly dug roots in good varieties adapted to the North and Southeast. Plants take one to two years to establish. When planting in areas with partial shade, staking may be necessary for support once blooming begins. Pack x3
Peony Festiva Maxima 2PN030 Height: 36”
1-4 $21.70
5-14 $17.40
15-29 $15.20
Peony Jules Elie 2PN040 Height: 36”
1 Edulus 1 Felix Supreme 1 Festiva Maxima 1 Jules Elie 1 Sarah Bernhardt _____________________ 5 Total Peonies
30+ $13.00
Peony J Red 2PN042 Height: 41” Peony Clumps Available on next page
Individually packaged and labeled.
Peony Sorbet 2PN049 Height: 26”
Peony Collection 2PN099 Height: 36” $32.60
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15 Peony Clumps 10 year old field grown plants (comperable to 5 gallon container size, 1520 eye average.)
Peony Box Set
Peony Felix Supreme 2PNC035 Height: 24” Sun $43.50
Festiva Maxima (1) & Sarah Bernhardt (1)
2PNC100 Height: 36” | Sun 1 set for $76.10
Peony Sarah Bernhardt 2PNC050 Height: 36” Sun $43.50
Puschkinia Common: Striped Squill Zone: 4 Sugg. planting rate: 5 ft2
Light: Sun to partial shade Size: 5+ cm bulb Blooms: Early Spring
Useful plant for the border or naturalizing as it multiplies readily. A great forcer. Not good in warm climates. Pack
libanotica 2PS010 Early Spring Height: 6”
Scilla Common: Squill
Light: Sun to partial shade Blooms: Early-Late Spring
Multiple bell-shaped flowers. Amaryllis-like foliage. Good container plant. Pack A x25 Pack B x10 Pack C x3
1-3 $9.90
4-9 $7.50
10-19 $6.30
20+ $5.10
1-4 $9.00
5-14 $7.00
10-24 $5.90
25+ $4.80
1-4 $16.40
5-14 $14.30
15-29 $12.60
30+ $10.80
Scilla sibirica Blue 2SC100 | Price Code: A Zone: 5 Height: 6” | Size: 6+/ cm Sugg. planting rate: 10/ft2
Scilla peruviana 2SC200 | Price Code: C Zone: 5 Height: 6” | Size: 16+/ cm Sugg. planting rate: 1/ft2
Scilla tubergeniana 2SC300 | Price Code: B Zone: 5 Height: 6” | Size: 6+/ cm Sugg. planting rate: 10/ft2
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
Scilla sibirica Alba 2SC110 | Price Code: A Zone: 5 Height: 6” | Size: 6+/ cm Sugg. planting rate: 10/ft2
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
Sparaxis Common: Harlequin Flower Zone: 7 Sugg. planting rate: 10 ft2
Light: Sun Size: 6+ cm bulb Blooms: Late Spring
Use for mixed border plantings, cut flowers or potting. Plant as late as possible. Pack x25
1-3 $8.00
4-9 $6.00
10-19 $5.10
20+ $4.20
Sparaxis 2SP010 Height: 18”
Triteleia Zone: 6 Sugg. planting rate: 5 ft2
Light: Sun Size: 6+ cm bulb Blooms: Mid Spring
Deep purple blue flowers. Pack
Triteleia Queen Fabiola 2TR100 Height: 12”
Tulip Size: 12+ cm bulb Blooms: Varies
Zone: 4 Sugg. planting rate: 5 ft2 Light: Sun
Pack A x10 B x10
Triumph Division 3 These are some of the best varieties around for forcing, and their shorter Height: works well in the front border. Blooms: Mid Spring (mid) \
1-4 $9.80 $11.70
5-9 $7.20 $9.10
Tulip Triumph Mixed 2TL0399 Price Code: A Height: 16”
10-24 $6.00 $7.90
25+ $4.80 $6.60
Tulip Apricot Beauty 2TL0302 Price Code: B Height: 16”
Tulips are unparalleled for their vibrant colors, so it only takes a few to make a bold statement in the landscape. They do not, however, perennialize well in warm southern climates. If you happen to live in such an area, lifting your bulbs annually or treating them as annuals is the only way to overcome this. Most gardeners feel it is worth it, as we have been shipping them for over 50 years now!
Tulip Don Quichotte 2TL0305 Price Code: A Height: 16”
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
Tulip Hollandia 2TL0310 Price Code: A Height: 16”
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
Tulips Continued...
Pack A x10 B x10
1-4 $9.80 $11.70
5-9 $7.20 $9.10
10-24 $6.00 $7.90
25+ $4.80 $6.60
Tulip Kees Nelis 2TL0309 Price Code: A Height: 16”
Tulip Lucky Strike 2TL0315 Price Code: A Height: 16” Collection:
20 Hollandia 20 Strong Gold 20 Wildhof _____________________ 60 Total Triumph Tulips Individually packaged and labeled.
Tulip Strong Gold 2TL0306 Price Code: A Height: 16”
Tulip Negrita 2TL0316 Price Code: B Height: 16”
Tulip Princess Irene 2TL0317 Price Code: B Height: 16”
Tulip Wildhof 2TL0308 Price Code: B Height: 16”
Tulip Triumph Collection 2TL0398 Height: 16” $38.80
Tulip Darwin Hybrid Mixed 2TL0499 Price Code: A Height: 18”
Tulip Apeldoorn Elite 2TL0402 Price Code: A Height: 18”
Tulip Big Chief 2TL0424 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Tulip Daydream 2TL0403 Price Code: A Height: 18”
Tulip Ivory Floradale 2TL0412 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Tulip Ollioules 2TL0413 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Tulip Orange Sun 2TL0414 Price Code: B Height: 18”
Tulip Parade 2TL0418 Price Code: A Height: 18”
Darwin Hybrid Division 4 This group of tulips is known for its large blooms and strong stems. Blooms: Mid Spring (mid)
Tulip Golden Parade 2TL0410 Price Code: A Height: 18”
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15 Collection:
20 Parade 20 Golden Parade 20 Apeldoorn Elite _____________________ 60 Total Darwin Hybrid Tulips Individually packaged and labeled.
Tulip Pink Impression 2TL0420 Price Code: A Height: 18”
Tulip Darwin Hybrid Collection 2TL0498 Height: 18” $38.80
Tulip Big Smile 2TL0500 Price Code: A Height: 20”
Tulip Blushing Beauty 2TL0518 Price Code: B Height: 20”
Tulip Maureen 2TL0510 Price Code: B Height: 20”
Tulip Menton 2TL0511 Price Code: A Height: 20”
Single Late Division 5 The tallest garden tulips available belong to this catagory. Blooms: Mid Spring (late) Tulip Single Late Mixed 2TL0599 Price Code: A Height: 20”
Tulip Avignon 2TL0507 Price Code: B Height: 20”
Tulip Cum Laude 2TL0503 Price Code: A Height: 20”
Tulip Esther 2TL0514 Price Code: B Height: 20”
Tulip Kingsblood 2TL0504 Price Code: A Height: 20”
Tulip Queen of the Night 2TL0516 Price Code: A Height: 20”
Tulip Renown 2TL0501 Price Code: A Height: 20”
Tulip Shirley 2TL0508 Price Code: A Height: 20”
20 Big Smile 20 Kingsblood 20 Menton _____________________ 60 Total Single Late Tulips Individually packaged and labeled.
Tulip Toyota 2TL0523 Price Code: B Height: 20”
Tulip Violet Beauty 2TL0530 Price Code: B Height: 20”
Tulip World Expression 2TL0525 Price Code: B Height: 20”
Tulip Single Late Collection 2TL0598 Height: 20” $38.80
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
Lily-Flowering Division 6 This group of tall tulips is comprised of slender, urn shaped flowers with pointed tips. They known for their long-lasting flowers. Blooms: Mid Spring (late) On next page...
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
Tulips Continued...
Pack A x10 B x10
Tulip Ballade 2TL0610 Price Code: A Height: 20”
1-4 $9.80 $11.70
5-9 $7.20 $9.10
10-24 $6.00 $7.90
Tulip Ballerina 2TL0608 Price Code: A Height: 20” Collection:
20 Mariette 20 West Point 20 White Triumphator _____________________ 60 Total Lily-Flowering Tulips Individually packaged and labeled.
Tulip White Triumphator 2TL0606 Price Code: A Height: 20”
25+ $4.80 $6.60
Tulip Mariette 2TL0600 Price Code: A Height: 20”
Tulip Lily-Flowering Collection 2TL0698 Height: 20” $38.80 20 Burgundy Lace 20 Maja 20 Swan Wings _____________________ 60 Total Fringed Tulips Individually packaged and labeled.
Tulip Swan Wings 2TL0704 Price Code: B Height: 20”
Tulip Aladdins Record 2TL0601 Price Code: A Height: 20”
Tulip Maytime 2TL0612 Price Code: A Height: 20”
Tulip West Point 2TL0604 Price Code: A Height: 20”
Tulip Burgundy Lace 2TL0700 Price Code: B Height: 20”
Tulip Blue Heron 2TL0701 Price Code: B Height: 20”
Fringed Division 7 These tulips have delicately fringed edges. They are also quite tall. Blooms: Mid Spring (late)
Tulip Maja 2TL0702 Price Code: B Height: 20”
Tulip Lily-Flowering Mixed 2TL0699 Price Code: A Height: 20”
Viridiflora Division 8 Viridiflora tulips have striking green marks on the flower. Blooms: Mid Spring (late)
Tulip Fringed Collection 2TL0798 Height: 20” $38.80
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
Tulip Esperanto 2TL0800 Price Code: B Height: 20”
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15 Collection:
20 Esperanto 20 Greenland 20 Spring Green _____________________ 60 Total Viridiflora Tulips Individually packaged and labeled.
TTulip Greenland 2TL0802 Price Code: B Height: 20”
Tulip Spring Green 2TL0804 Price Code: B Height: 20”
Tulip Viridiflora Collection 2TL0898 Height: 20” $38.80
Tulip Apricot Parrot 2TL1009 Price Code: B Height: 14”
Tulip Blue Parrot 2TL1000 Price Code: B Height: 14”
Tulip Estelle Rijnveldt 2TL1002 Price Code: B Height: 14”
20 Blue 20 Red 20 White _____________________ 60 Total Parrot Tulips Individually packaged and labeled.
Tulip White Parrot 2TL1008 Price Code: B Height: 14”
Tulip Parrot Collection 2TL1098 Height: 14” $38.80
Tulip Canaval de Nice 2TL1110 Price Code: B Height: 12”
Tulip Foxtrot 2TL1100 Price Code: B Height: 12”
Peony Flowering Division 11 This division is made up of some of the most elegant, fully double tulips available. Slightly shorter stems support the huge blooms. Blooms: Mid Spring (late)
Tulip Lilac Perfection 2TL1101 Price Code: B Height: 12”
Parrot Division 10 As the name suggests, these tulips are best known for their exotic ruffled petals and color accents. Blooms: Mid Spring (mid)
Parrot Mixed Tulip Parrot Mixed 2TL1099 Price Code: B Height: 14”
Tulip Flaming Parrot 2TL1004 Price Code: B Height: 14”
Tulip Rococco 2TL1006 Price Code: B Height: 14”
Tulip Peony Flowering Mixed 2TL1199 Price Code: B Height: 12”
Tulip Abba 2TL1106 Price Code: B Height: 12”
Tulip Monsella 2TL1102 Price Code: B Height: 12”
Tulip Mount Tacoma 2TL1104 Price Code: B Height: 12”
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
20 Foxtrot 20 Monsella 20 Mount Tacoma _____________________ 60 Total Peony Flowering Tulips
Continued... Pack A x10 Pack A x10 Pack B x10 Pack B x10
Tulip Fosteriana Mixed 2TL1399 Price Code: A Height: 16”
1-4 $9.80
5-9 $7.20
10-24 $6.00
25+ $4.80
1-4 $11.70
5-9 $9.10
10-24 $7.90
25+ $6.60
Tulip Mme. Lefeber 2TL1302 Price Code: A Height: 16” Collection:
20 Red Emperor 20 Yellow Emperor 20 White Emperor _____________________ 60 Total Fosteriana Tulips Individually packaged and labeled.
Tulip Yellow Emperor 2TL1306 Price Code: A Height: 16”
Tulip Fosteriana Collection 2TL1398 Height: 16” $38.80
Tulip clusiana Cynthia 2TL1503 Price Code: A Height: 8”
Tulip clusiana var. chrysantha 2TL1502 Price Code: A Height: 8”
Individually packaged and labeled.
Fosteriana Division 13 The varieties in this group are known for their early blooms and large flowers. Blooms: Mid Spring (early)
Tulip Yellow Pompanette 2TL1107 Price Code: B Height: 12”
Tulip Peony Flowering Collection 2TL1198 Height: 12” $38.80
Tulip Orange Emperor 2TL1300 Price Code: A Height: 16”
Tulip Pink Emperor 2TL1308 Price Code: A Height: 16”
Tulip Purissima 2TL1304 Price Code: A Height: 16”
Tulip bakeri Lilac Wonder 2TL1504 Price Code: A Height: 6”
Tulip batalinii Bright Gem 2TL1510 Price Code: A Height: 6”
Tulip Red Riding Hood 2TL1400 Price Code: A Height: 8”
Tulip Tarda 2TL1512 Price Code: A Height: 8”
Greigii & Specie Divisions 14 & 15 These groups of tulips will perennialize in southern climates. They are ideal for borders and rock gardens. Blooms: Mid Spring (early)
Tulip Hearts Delight 2TL1410 Price Code: A Height: 8”
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
FALL SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
Bulbs By the Bushel Available in 1/2 bushel sizes! About graded blooming size bulbs… Bulbs in these bushels are comprised of all sizes that will bloom reliably (aka ‘field run grade’). Because the size of the flower is directly related to bulb size, we suggest that you purchase our largest blooming size bulbs for formal plantings. However, if you want bulbs for naturalizing, perennializing, or large-scale informal plantings, the items listed below are your best value.
Iris Germanica 100 average bulb count per bushel, #1 size divisions. One bushel will cover an average of 200 square feet. 1/2 Bu $92.20 ea 1-2 Bu $143.00 ea 3-4 Bu $135.20 ea 5+ Bu $127.40 ea
Leucojum 600 average bulb count per bushe l , 16 + c m s i z e divisions. One bushel will cover an average of 100 square feet. Iris Germanica Mixed 2BRB15 Height: 36” Sun/Part Shade Mid Spring
1/2 Bu $130.00 ea 1-2 Bu $230.00 ea 3-4 Bu $210.00 ea 5+ Bu $200.00 ea
Narcissi (Daffodil) 400 average bulb count per bushel, 10-16 cm bulbs. A bushel will cover an average of 75 ft2 in sweeps or 125 ft2 naturalising.
1/2 Bu $84.30
1-2 Bu $127.40
3-4 Bu $122.60
5+ Bu $117.60
Leucojum aestivum 2LCB010 Early Spring (mid) Height: 18”
Narcissi Naturalizing Mix 2DFB41 Early Spring (early-late) Height: 18” Peony 100 average plant count per bushel, 2-3 eye divisions. One bushel will cover an average of 300 square feet.
Narcissi Yellow Trumpet Mixed 2DFB51 Early Spring (mid-late) Height: 18”
Narcissi Carlton 2DFB46 Early Spring (mid) Height: 18”
Narcissi Fortune 2DFB21 Early Spring (mid) Height: 18”
Narcissi Ice Follies 2DFB31 Early Spring (mid) Height: 18”
1/2 Bu $113.60 ea 1-2 Bu $202.80 ea 3-4 Bu $194.80 ea 5+ Bu $186.80 ea
Tulip 500 average bulb count per bushel, 11 / + c m b u l b s . One bushel will cover an average of 100 square feet.
Peony Mixed 2PNB21 Late Spring Height: 36”
Peony Pink 2PNB23 Red 2PNB25 White 2PNB27 Late Spring Height: 36”
1/2 Bu $113.60 ea 1-2 Bu $193.20 ea 3-4 Bu $183.20 ea 5+ Bu $174.60 ea
Tulip Mixed 2TLB21 Mid Spring (mid) Height: 18”
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
Tulip Pink 2TLB22 Red 2TLB23 Yellow 2TLB25 Mid Spring (mid) Height: 18”
FORCING SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
Gift Kits & Forcing Vases Potted Amaryllis gift kit comes boxed and ready to ship or give as gifts. Each kit contains one Amaryllis bulb planted in a sturdy pot suitable for shipping. We can provide direct shipping to your mail list. Kits for Christmas gifts will be shipped first week in December, unless otherwise requested. $27.00 per kit (+ standard s&h charges per shipping address). Varieties are listed on page 45 as price code A.
A x1 B x1
1 $29.30 $10.90
C x1
1-11 $5.40
12-35 $4.60
36-71 $4.10
72+ $3.80
JUMBO Amaryllis Potted Gift Kit Price Code: A Varieties listed on p. 45 price code A
Vase Gift Kit with (1) Paperwhite & (1) Hyacinth Delft Blue 2FR105 Price Code: B
Forcing Vase (no bulb) 2FR030 Price Code: C
Phone (800) 858-2852 | Fax (704) 257-2079 www.terraceiafarms.com
FORCING SELECTION - Ships October 1 to January 15
Amaryllis Zone: 8 Light: Sun Size: 34+ cm bulb
Blooms: 6-8 Weeks After Planting
Amaryllis growers know that bulb size is everything when it comes to bud count. We select the largest bulbs and prepare them for early blooming. Each hand selected jumbo bulb (34cm & up) is guaranteed to please. Potted gift kit item numbers listed. Kit A x1
1 $29.30
Amaryllis Charisma A: 2AMK080 B: 2AM120 Height: 30”
Bulb B x1
1-2 $14.10
3-14 $12.60
Amaryllis Double Delicious A: 2AMK110 B: 2AM110 Height: 30”
15-44 $11.90
45+ $11.10
Amaryllis Lady Jane A: 2AMK070 B: 2AM105 Height: 30” Collection:
1 Apple Blossom 1 Hercules 1 Minerva 1 Red Lion 1 Rilona _____________________ 5 Total Amaryllis Individually packaged and labeled.
Amaryllis Red Lion A: 2AMK010 B: 2AM060 Height: 30”
Narcissi Inbal 2PP020 Height: 14” For Soil Forcing
Amaryllis Rilona A: 2AMK030 B: 2AM065 Height: 30”
Narcissi Nony 2PP015 Height: 18” For Soil Forcing
Amaryllis Collection 2AM099 Height: 30” $52.60
Narcissi Ziva 2PP010 Height: 18” For Water Forcing
Amaryllis Apple Blossom A: 2AMK020 B: 2AM010 Height: 30”
Amaryllis Brazza A: 2AMK060 B: 2AM015 Height: 30”
Amaryllis Minerva A: 2AMK040 B: 2AM070 Height: 30”
Amaryllis Mont Blanc A: 2AMK050 B: 2AM045 Height: 30”
Paperwhites Common: Narcissi Zone: 4 Light: Sun
Size: 17+ cm bulb Blooms: 3-6 Weeks After Planting
Choose these bulbs based on how you plan to force them: in soil or in water. Pack
Note: To ensure Christmas blooming, we suggest using bottom heat. Because Amaryllis thrive at an air temperature of 68 to 70 degrees with a soil temperature of 75 degrees, bottom heat is essential to getting your bulbs off to an early start. To provide these conditions without the expense of a high-tech glasshouse, simply place your pots on a standard heating pad. Heating pads enable you to leave the thermostat at a comfortable temperature while providing sufficient heat in the root zone. It should be noted that Amaryllis will grow fine in the absence of bottom heat, only not as fast.
Free Shipping & Handling on Orders over $750 All Price Tables Are Now Per Package
Licensed landscapers, nurseries and wholesalers: Contact us with your license number for additional discount information sales@terraceiafarms.com
• We guarantee our plants to be completely healthy and properly sized when they arrive at your location. • We also guarantee them to be true-to-name when they bloom. • Should one of the above conditions not be met, our liability is limited to replacement (subject to availability), a credit to be used against other purchases, or a prompt refund of the purchase price - whichever option the customer prefers.
Our Guarantee
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Have you tried shopping on our website yet? Our online store is always open with up to date inventory. As always, we will ship your plants at the optimum planting time for your growing zone.
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3810 Terra Ceia Road Pantego, NC 27860