Each poem has been written in a unique style and minimalist form to produce this profound and spiritual book. Simply opening to a page or choosing a title that feels right has the mystical or spiritual sense that esoteric knowledge is being imparted and is aligned to your needs at this time.
2 Don’t worry 4 Your guide to life fulfilled 8 In my life
42. Joy of life
10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32
Be sincere
48. Heart
Love sent
50. God within
52. Forget not
54. Self-healing
Love is free
56. My future
Hidden agenda
58. Life
Falling in love
60. Friends
62. Choose
64. Take the middle road
Sharing joy
66. Change
Celebration of life and woman
68. Coming back
70. Grant me wisdom
44. Rhythm of old 46. Sunshine
34 Wisdom passed on 36 Past, present and future 38 What is real?
72. Tolerance
40 Knowledge
78. Division
74. Impermanence 76. Conflict
80 Joy 82 Inner being 84 Know peace 86 Judgement 88 Hidden mountain 90 Human nature 92 Friend 94 A different way 96 Create the future 98. The price of love 102. What love knows 104. Hope
don’t worry.
Just because you’re not Messiah material in this life, Does not mean the hell realms await. Just because you stumble on the path to ‘right ways,’ Does not mean you should not progress. Just because some thoughts are not pure, Does not mean you are defiled. Just because you have faltered in the practice of non-judgemental ways, Does not mean you are unworthy in the eyes of spiritual masters. Just because your past has caused you problems in the present, Does not mean your future is damned. Just because you have thoughts of anger or revenge, Does not mark you for eternal damnation. Just because your ego has driven the senses, Does not make you imperfect. Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just Just them Just
observe negative thoughts as they arise and let them go. pause before you act. act in a manner that causes no mental or physical harm. give what you would like to receive. listen without forming judgemental thoughts. cultivate compassion when hostility finds you. live by your own moral code but do not force it on others. live as though tomorrow will be your judgement day. live a life that your child should know and you would want to imitate. open the senses to the suffering of others and try to help.
Just don’t worry.
your guide to life fulfilled
In this life that you behold, I live. In this time that possesses your identity, I know you best. Within every emotion displayed, I express my being. Within those tender feelings I show my nature. Within love that conquers all I show you the truth of compassion. Through all your ups and downs, I supported you. Through every happening that marked your childhood, I gave you hope. Through child to adult, I alone knew who you would be, And I carry the torch that illuminates all your potential futures. If I know you so well, it is because I am part of you. If I care for your happiness then I do so for us. If you knew me as I know you then we would be as one united in truth. Many times I have called your name in your own voice, But you do not hear amongst the mind’s chatter. Many times you have called upon my mercy, And many more times have you called my name for want, desire or need, But for the chatter of the inner mind would you know my reply. O young of heart, in all ages, Enjoy the gift of life whilst it shines bright. O young apprentice of my ways, Study hard the book of wisdom and find the purpose of your existence. O young master of destiny, Shake loose the fear that limits your freedom and become fulfilled. Which choice will you choose? Which truth will you know? Which part of your being will free you to know the inner being in all its glory? Which will you choose when presented with many ways to inner wisdom beyond experience gained? Which teacher will guide you better than the one who knows you best? And which story of religious men do you cling to in fear?
When religion or masters fail you, When stress or poverty engulf you, Who shall be left to lift you out of the mire? Who shall guide you in the fog of family preservation but inner wisdom and hope? Of hope is born a future, Of choices made is a future set into motion, And in motion, life’s choices are presented. If choice be made, then consequences follow, And neither good nor bad are distinguished by the one who chooses all experience to know. If good or bad is life in motion then choose what to desire, Choose what to experience and choose to be guided or not. In guidance is direction, In direction a law from the lawgiver protects harm befalling you, So know this truth and be guided to love, happiness and fulfilment, Or guide yourself into harmony of short duration. If love be constant, happiness with you and fulfilment enjoyed throughout your days, Then teach others the secret. If one of these is missing, Then you are neglecting yourself, You are missing the purpose of your life, And if this is so, then what purpose is there to this life? If you know your purpose, Then you have found it through desire. If desire to know your purpose is innermost in your thoughts, Then who put it there? Knowing this is knowing who you are. God has been found within the person who knows they have been guided.
God has been found within the person who knows they have been guided.
In my life My life was not fulfilled but was complete, All that I did had no meaning, but for friends and sharing. My life was short but not in vain, All that I did had no meaning, but for love and compassion. My life was not as I desired but was busy, All that I did had no meaning, but for joy and children. My life was not lived in fear but in faith, All that I did had no meaning, but for duty and service. My life was all that I had.
be sincere
Slowly do I come to know thy ways,
Slowly do I change to be perfect in your eyes, Slowly do I bring home all that it needs, Slowly do I fulfil your dreams.
Slowly do I compromise if it brings peace, Slowly do I lose my single-minded ways,
Slowly do I meld into your mould,
Slowly do I resent not being me.
Slowly do I harbour anger at your dominance, Slowly do I seek solace in solitude,
Slowly do I withdraw from your sight, Slowly do I return to my ways,
Slowly do I realise that I was not sincere.
love sent
So often does man reach out with his heart, So often is it met with silence. So often does his desire become a means for gain, So often does his love begin with a price. So often does he pay the price for companionship that it has become the way, So often has he paid for love to be known that he believes it to be owned. For a man, the price of a wife must be; Commitment, dedication, faithfulness and without love for another, For a man who has given his all to serve his spouse then he is in need of her. For the man who paid to know love, love cannot be known, Love cannot be found to be lasting, And for the woman that received all she could gain then desertion wil follow. For a man must give altruistically and woman too. This done, then equal terms should follow, This done and love wil stay.
Cry tears of joy and be involved, in tune with love, life, compassion and hope. Cry tears of fear, believe that man is wrong to harm others and feel compassion, But hollow are they if change is not attempted. Cry tears of sadness because of abuse, violence, poverty, desperation and pain, But pointless are they if you watch and declare impartiality. Cry tears of grief and believe in the illusion of loss, But for time and more time do others grieve for you. Cry tears of loneliness at how alone you are but look at the cause, Look at who caused it, look to yourself for blame but choose a better future. Cry tears of frustration because life offers no hope, If circumstances are ones of destitution then hope for others to see your plight, Keep hoping, Hope that others like you are also lifted, And hope that time will be brief before help arrives. Hope you don’t have to cry any tears except those of Joy. 14
Of dreams is life set into motion,
And of necessity is motion directed. Of desire to behold beauty is Mankind focussed, And of all things beautiful none is more so than His desire for love.
Of driven passion, Mankind shows diversity, And of creative thinking does He pursue His passion.
Of steadfast belief in His right to dominate life does He take life in abundance,
And of god He claims it was given. Of Spirit, Mankind joins His creator,
And of action through choice He is evil. Of judgement, Mankind offers considered compassion,
And of brotherly love kills for considered reasons.
Of peace, love, happiness does Man dream,
And of a reality of His own making do they elude Him.
Distance is far or near, Happiness is all or none, Satisfaction is temporary or lasting, But only love is constant and known when she is free. If free to be known then she cannot be bound, If love is bound then she cannot be found, So enjoy how she makes you feel, Enjoy her while she dances with your Soul, Enjoy her gift that brings new life, And hope to know love until the music of life can be heard no longer.
love is free
hidden agenda Of the choices before thee, there are many. Of the problems that face thee, there are doubts whether solutions exist. Of the uncertainty before thee, there seems a life of turmoil. Of age that is not youthful, there seems little hope of recovery to a good body. Of skills acquired, there seems to be no demand – there are doubts for the future. Of children growing, their independance seems so far away – of which you despair. Of peace and relaxation that you need, there seems not time enough – which you desperately need. Of friends that have not the time to visit there are many – or is it the other way round?
Of stress, the threshold is reached quickly. There are days when the world seems to conspire against you. Of guardian angels that once favoured you, their protection seems to have trickled to a stop as mishaps mount. Of God and compassion for others that was once foremost, There seems now only room in your life for survival and keeping together. Of choice, I choose a better way to live. There is another Soul with whom I can share my woes, But I shall not let them be seen until they love me!
Define love, You cannot. Describe love, But still you know it not. Be in love and love can be known, Feel love and love can be felt, But hold her and she lets go. Free love and love is free. See love, know love and love can be yours, But covet her and see love go. Know love and love knows who she is, Be in love and love be in you. Falling in love is falling for love, For her smile seduces all who see. Love all who you encounter, And love will conquer your foes, But encounter your foes and love goes. When love goes, the beginning of the end is known, But begin love again and all is known. Count the times that love passes your way, Count the weeks that she stays, Count the ecstasy that she shows, And show her the truth of her nature.
falling in love
All that can be seen is not known, All that is known cannot be seen,
All that the future holds is not known, All that is known is not of the future, All that is of the past is gone,
All that has gone has become now, All that is life must die,
All that is dead gave meaning to life, All that are asleep are not awake to know they are dreaming,
All that are dreaming are not living.
Whilst you toil for success, You taint the essence of that part of the body that desires peace. Whilst you dwell in the realms of lust, You taint the essence of that part of the body that desires love. Whilst you seek distraction in everyday common ways, You taint the essence of that part of the body that desires to commune with the Soul. Whilst you are pulled this way and that by the senses, You taint the essence of that part of the body that seeks solace in silence. Whilst you dwell in a body that is tainted by disharmony, You cannot hear the inner guiding voice that seeks to show you love, happiness & fulfilment. Whilst you suffer in your inner mind through fear of all that is fearful, Then you see not the beauty but the distasteful. Whilst the heart is closed to the needs of others it cannot receive what it needs. Whilst you live like this you are not alive as you were meant to be, But for the desire to change, you will die like this. To die without knowing who you were meant to be is but a wasted life.
sharing joy Describe how you feel about all of your worries, And you describe the uncertainty that causes fear. Describe how you feel about death, And you describe the empty feeling invoked and your own anxiety. Describe joy and you express words that can find commonality in the listener, But show feelings with actions, and the joy is best understood. Share the joy that you feel and the feeling of joy is shared, But share how you feel about your worries and the listener is not moved. What better way to live is there than sharing joy?
Celebratiandon ofwomenlife ForFor ltorvuste,, hope, and compassi o n do women bl o ssom, honour, and gl o ry do men l i v e , ForFor perfect i o n, admi r at i o n, and fame does t h e art i s t l i v e , peace, God, and resurrection does the priest live, For words, meaning, and expression does the poet live.
But for l i f e does v a ri e t y exi s t , But for change does speci e s di v e rsi f y, But for observation does the rhythm of life go unobserved. InIn alalll lliiffee tthhereere iiss aa begi n ni n g, a mi d dl e and an end, desi r e t o reproduce or spawn anew, But onl y women know who t h ey t r ul y are, Onl y women l o v e uncondi t i o nal l y , Oonl y women gi v e so much for so l i t l e , Onl y women know pai n and j o y of bi r t h , And only women can understand themselves. 30
Perfection is found in acceptance, Tolerance is found through observation, Stillness is found through detachment, Enjoyment is found in the moment, Happiness is found in receiving what was given. Forgiveness is found in love of life, Sadness is found in loneliness, Loneliness is found in selfishness, Selfishness is found in fear, Fear is found in greed, Greed is found in closed hearts. Closed heart is perfection unseen.
Recognise yourself in others if like you they be. Prefer the company of your preference in all that you do. Stay in circles of same point of view and know all they do, But challenge you will not have. Venture forth into unknown places, unfamiliar territory, And broaden your horizons. Listen to the music of bird song, dance to the sound of life, Take food, wine, spices and sweetness of fruit – happy be in life. Change direction once again, Seek knowledge of the inner being, Find wisdom from experience, Knowledge from application, and truth of self. Bring clarity of spirit, Man and God into view, Find peace, stillness, love, and be the master seen by few. Study now the path of riches and money will die with you, Study the path of short cuts and emptiness will die with you, But study who you truly are and the wisdom of the ancients will live on through you.
Follow the seasons, Sow the corn seed of tomorrow day. Retreat inwards and take stock of your potential, Seek to obtain truth of your being and reap the harvest of your desires. Strive to produce only what you need, Make small steps in the right time, Sleep when times produce little, Rush in times of plenty, But know the seasons of mind, body and spirit so you act correctly in the moment. Understand what thoughts have brought you into this moment, Understand what actions have created what reactions that cause your emotions to be this or that, Understand peace through being in tune with nature, And experience life as it should be. Move not away from riches, Seek not to be withdrawn, Strive not to save the whole world, Fear not failure and neglect not yourself or your family, But find the middle way. Being in flow with the seasons is knowing how to live, Living without anxiety is life in the moment, Each moment is all there is, So enjoy things now and not what the future may or may not bring. Step in time with what you have sown, Live with what you have harvested, But prepare now for the next season, Prepare now with the truth of who you are and what you want, Or the potential of your being cannot be experienced. How can you fulfil your potential if you are trapped by the past? How can you find time for discovery if past actions and deeds hold you back? How can you know what lies within if the heart is shackled and you do not know how to break them? Start anew, now in the moment, Plan on paper what you desire, Note what prevents you, Note what action is needed, Seek in books or people or God for help, And never give up on your dream unless you realise that your desires are the dream.
Is life an illusion in which we place our expectations and then wait for them to manifest, or is it a mirror of our fears from which there are moments of relief? Can you live life with a constant love when all around you is sadness and change? Can you see the road that has brought you to this point in your life and do you know how to find the best road to your future? If the illusion in which you live is seen for what it is, do you know how to change it for a better one? If peace of mind is not a constant companion, do you know where to be or what to do to find it? If love, happiness and fulfilment delude you, do you know anybody that can bring them to you other than yourself? If misery, poverty and strife meet you at each dawn, do you know how or who will break the bonds that hold you in their grip? If all the love in the world came your way, would you, could you, give it, or some of it, to a stranger? When you have the answer – share it!
Establish a link with your Higher Consciousness and know what it knows,
Establish a link with your sixth sense and see what it sees,
Establish a link with the universe and see your beginnings,
But establish a link with all that seek peace and see happiness unfold.
Find happiness through constancy,
Find constancy through acceptance of change,
And find time to change things for the better.
Find peace through understanding the true nature of the ego, And then find the path on which humanity is heading or be carried along by unseen forces.
Find peace by understanding the subtle causes of fear, And see then what drives you on your chosen path.
When you see the true nature of the ego and know its shadow – tell everyone.
When a summer breeze is the solution to the midday sun, When spring is the solution to a winter freeze and life feels good,
Then joy of seasons is known. When steady work makes survival into plenty for the family,
When a modest home becomes fillled with luxury items and fine clothes adorn your body, Then you know the joy of success.
But when love is constant, happiness is in each hour
and spiritual nature combines with physical nature, Then you know how life should be.
When you know these things do not covet them, Do not take them for granted,
Do not hold tight for fear of loss, Do not show them with pride,
Do not hide them with modesty,
Do not do anything that would cause you to lose them, Do not do anything but enjoy them.
When you know how to live like this – teach others
joy of life
rhythm of old
Of ages past have people danced to the heartbeat of nature’s chorus; Of the dawn we stir from deep slumber, Of midday sun we slow, Of evening we tend to young family, Of night we seek love and so the rhythm plays. Toil has been our way, Enough food for the day, Race from start, again to home, Begin over and over and over again. Is life so complex that all dances to its own rhythm, automated, unseen, without intervention or even concern? Does the rhythm have only lovers in time to its beat or spiritual masters at its feet? Does the rhythm escape the attention of the commuter who hears only replays of other sounds, sights and distractions or would they say, “Such things don’t matter”? When they neither know nor care, Then who they are is life caught in the first level of consciousness, But when this is seen and effort is made to stand aloof without aloofness, Then the second level of consciousness is found. In this level all answers to all questions are found. When you find the answer to your questions, And you feel the rhythm of life, Help others to do the same or you will be alone.
When the morning sun rises, When the tide turns, When the flower unfolds, When the dawn chorus is heard and the deep slumber subsides, Then God is present and can be known, But who knows He is with you? Who knows He watched over you when you slept but the believer? To believe is the choice of the believer, But still He watches over you. To hear only your inner dialogue is not all that can be heard, To see only what is in front of you is not all that can be seen, And to use only five senses is not all that can be sensed. But knowing there is more, is knowing God, Knowing God through experience means the sleeper and the watcher are as one. As one, you shall unfold all your senses so that they are in tune with the rhythm of life. Your heart will open like the flower, Your mind will turn like the tide, Pulled towards new possibilities, And the senses will be ready for the new dawn. In tune with life is in tune with God, In tune with God is to follow His ebbs and flows, As He washes you into the waiting arms of Fate. Fate is a jealous guardian of all who find her. She will take hold of your senses, And, like a team of wild horses, Will steer you into happiness, love and fulfilment.
There, Fate shall leave you. There, you shall stay until the sun sets for the last time, There you shall be until time has no purpose and then God will be known. Let Him be your senses, Let you be that part of His creation that loves life, So both of you will know the purpose of His creation. In knowing God, He shall know choice, And if choice to know Him was made freely, Then you will know true freedom. Freedom of choice cannot be found unless there is nothing preventing it, But who can know all things about you? Who can know all deeds ever in all lives of all people? Who can know what choices have limited freedom and perfection but the living God in which you dwell? Wake this coming dawn in the knowledge that He waits for you to truly awaken, Rise like the sun into the new day, Brighten the lives of the forms of life that you exist with, And be prepared for life to give you all your desires. Spend an eternity in search of pleasure, money, happiness and love if you so choose, Or choose God to guide you. Before you sleep, ask that the Higher Consciousness in your being finds connectivity to the Soul, And the Soul finds connectivity to God, So that all may be as they once were. Ask before you sleep that the coming dawn, Shall see you united with love, life, the creator as one and it shall be so, It shall be so.
Let your heart be open, Let your smile be seen, Do what feels good, Satisfy your desires. Bring joy to others, Spread happiness, Give gifts that would have been of the heart rather than the wallet. Give gifts of things that have no true value any longer. Give gifts of money when appropriate so friendship is not bought. Swallow pride when you are wrong, Bully nobody into doing things your way, Force nobody to endure negative emotion, Speak without harshness, Apologise when you know you have acted wrongly or accused falsely. Slander nobody lest they slander you falsely and the problem is worsened. Act in haste and troubles follow, Act with peace in the heart and problems are resolved, Act with violence and violence returns, Act with compassion and lives can be changed, Act with intent and greatness or evil can be achieved. Forget others and they are lost, Forget to give back what you have borrowed and you are lost, Forget to carry out a promise and the friend is hurt, Forget again and you are not a friend, Break a promise by permission and no hurt or negative emotion will be done.
HEART Beauty is pleasure or desire in the beholder, Beauty is natural and everything is beautiful, Look to the heart not the face, Look to the deeds not the words, Look to the depths of a person and not what they possess. Marriage can be for life or for now, but make happiness the goal. Marriage can be as wrong as it is right, but make what you can of it or part friends. Choose to make others happy and do not think only one person is deserving. Do not choose to help only your own family, because Mankind is a family. Ask nothing of those who have nothing, Give with compassion and give what you can afford. Choose wisely who you give to, as many shall ask. Give little and often but seek those at the back of the queue, For their needs are greatest and their strength is least. Behold he who gives eternal words that empower or heal, For he is a servant of God. Behold and respect the messenger of God, For he is your salvation and spiritual guide if you accept him. Be true to yourself, Be true to your beliefs as long as they hurt no-one, And enjoy the game of life.
god within You are part of this creation, creation a part of you. This dance of life whose flame burns within, giving rise to hopes and desires. God’s desires are causal, His deeds are subtle and His love manifest, but for choice this would not be known. When you choose to know God, you do so out of choice and not fear of not knowing, when you find God it is because it is his choice. God chose love to experience life and does so through you, He knew all that love had to offer, but cannot know it unless love is given freely. It is the freedom of choice that binds you to love, and love that binds you to God, but it is love from God that lets you know Him, if you so choose. Knowing God is knowing true freedom of choice, through true service with love. By God alone can you know true freedom of choice.
forget not
Run from thy enemy but make not more, Flee from persecution, But remember the experience so you do not become the persecutor. Stop running, Stop hiding, Fight for justice, But ensure your views are based on democracy, free choice, Love of human beings no matter how they live, and equality. Try to instil courage and bravery in young men, But first teach them compassion and understanding. Try to teach respect in children, So that “no” is a reasonable conclusion by a caring parent and not a punishment. Teach young parents to say “no” with kindness and love, So that a child does not feel rejected. Run from your old ways that do not serve you well, Run from despair but return to prevent others from finding it, Run from poverty but remember those who could not, Run from lust and greed but do not return, Run from lies about who you truly are, Because the truth cannot be contained any longer. Sacrifice others in the heat of revenge and the flames of revenge will be felt. Suffer not acts of violence, terror or wanton destruction, Lest they be perpetrated against your nation, And if they are, then look at the cause. If the cause is born of suffering and your nation is a cause, Then talk terms of truce prior to terms of cessation. Humble be he who recognises the truth of his being. Humble be he who sees atrocities as a storm before the new dawn. Humble be he who regains his faith and lives by his beliefs and convictions. Humble be he who has seen the cause of suffering, And knows how to be aloof yet a part of it, And humble be he who knows joy equally at the sight of death or birth.
self healing
The heart that knows another has opened. The mind that has let go has found peace. The ego that has lost its grip on illusion has found reality. If the heart is open to love, compassion and hope, The mind is still and the ego lost then healing has happened. The mind that is still, has let go of the past, Has no fear for the future and clings not to past memories. The ego that accepts a fall from grace, Has let go of delusional imaginings of self-importance. What you observe now is where the past has led you. What you have achieved now is not all that can be achieved in the future. An inner fear of being unworthy is a conditioning received and accepted, But is not who you are. It is you that holds the key to your future, You also hold the key to self-healing. Through your efforts and through belief that healing is being given, You will heal to a point where you will regain control, And over time will learn that ‘whole’ is a measure of peace and happiness, Rather than a measure of achievements based on comparison. Know this experientially. For it is your Soul’s purpose to be enlightened to this reality and to teach others.
my future
It is difficult to know that nature, nurture, and conditioned responses, Drive our senses in unison with the unseen spirit that connects all life. It is difficult to know that beyond need, the desire for knowledge and understanding, Drives our evolution from which we derive a sense of purpose and order. It is difficult to know that our purpose has no bounds, But for time in which we make discoveries that will broaden our horizons. It is difficult to know that fear knows only the beat of nature, From which the source of strife and unhappiness arise, And love knows only the beat of spirit from which peace and joy arise. It is difficult to know that strife is our nature, fear also, And that imbalance causes uncertainty, But it does not have to be this way.
Happiness is living in the moment with your choices, If your choices are “pure of heart.� Happiness is knowing you are living according to your desires based on truth. Truth is knowing God has been found. Satisfy lust by giving love. Control desire by giving charity. Quiet the mind by focussing the attention . Understand pleasure by uniting the senses. Place loyalty at the top of the heart, Place compassion next, Love of self after that and tolerance will follow. With tolerance known , peace will be yours, And in peace can you choose the path that will be your future. A future based on decisions born of fear, Will bind you to non-action in spiritual ways. Non-spiritual ways will lead to repetition that will feed your fears. Fears fed is sickness of mind, Which leads to action that binds you further and limits freedom . Limited freedom leads to limited choice. Limited choice means poverty of spirit. Poverty of spirit leads to stagnation of the senses, And this leads to desires for stimulation . Desire for stimulation leads to harmony of short duration and a pulling of the senses. Senses pulled leads to unhappiness and away from the truth of who you are. If you do not now who you truly are, Then you have not known life as it was meant to be. If this is so then you did not find the purpose of this life, Nor did you know the harmony of being at one with all of the creation and the creator.
friends Decide on who your friends are but choose wisely. Wise choices are clear with hindsight. Hindsight is a luxury that good fortune affords. If your friends have your interests at heart and theirs in your heart, Then you are blessed. If wealth is found by one, then share it with all. If happiness is found by one, then share it with all. If love is found by one, then all be happy. If bad times befall one, then all should rally. When one should leave the friendship, Then bless them for parting and making anew friendship.
Woe is the heart heavy, Fear is the heart without confidence, Sad is the heart at loss, Tears is the heart expressed, Compassion is the heart pulled, Love is the heart open, Caring is the heart seen, New-born life is the heart full, Running is the heart in motion, Death is the heart silenced. In freedom you have choice, In choice you have expression, Let the heart express its desires without harm to others, Harming others is the heart closed. An open heart realises that good and bad are life in motion, An open heart knows how life is meant to be, Knows the purpose of life, How God is connected to it. Does yours?
take the middle road
Carry your fears on your sleeve and fear wil be found, Carry your heart on your sleeve and love wil be found. Carry intent on your sleeve and your mind wil be known, Be stil in the face of confusion and peace wil be found. Be like the humble sparrow and you wil know freedom, Be like the bear or the lion and you wil be noticed. Stay indoors and you wil not know experience, Stay outdoors and you wil not know family. Stay on the high ground and you wil be defensive, Stay on the low ground and you wil know shyness. Hurry to know who you truly are or waste a lifetime.
Follow your heart as it pulls, And you will know the ways of man. Follow your heart as it seeks love, And you will understand loneliness. Follow your heart in the way of the masters And you will see stillness. Follow the stillness and Self will be found. Follow nothing but what appears and you will be still. If stillness of mind is known then the heart and Soul are one.
coming back
When Summer blossoms are, but for the few, all gone, When winter nears and fire warms the body, Who knows the day when the Spring air will thaw the ice of the Poles? Who knows all the plants that wait for life and who knows what your future holds? Who knows how the Soul communes with its creator and who knows the Soul? Who has known God whilst still in life and who shall say He is this or that? Who wants to waste a life in search of only money but those who know nothing about themselves? Who wants to live a life without knowing who they truly are or what the purpose of their life is? Who wants to know the meaning and purpose of life without knowing if God exists? Who said their life was happy and fulfilled, full of love with consistent peace? Who knows harmony with the creation and strives for nothing because they have found the truth of freedom? Who knows the difference between freedom of choice and free choice but the One who has given you both choices? Hear the sound of the heart as it beats to the rhythm of life. In every moment life is renewed or lost, but only He who is a part of the whole, Can know which shall end and which shall begin. Was it His will that you chose this life or His will to let you choose? Could it be both? In life you may choose which path to take, And in death you may choose life, But the creator sustains you in or out of embodiments.
grant me wisdom
Open the heart to understanding, Consider first what effect your actions will have on others. Listen to the angry voice, Ask yourself what you would do given their circumstances, And let your hardening heart mellow. Think before you speak, consider your words carefully and speak only the truth. Stay calm in the face of adversity, And thank God for the opportunity to rectify an old debt, Because problems are actions revisited. A tone of misery is created likewise. A tone of optimism is contagious. A tone of enthusiasm creates enthusiasm. A tone of compassion aids healing. A tone of affection reflects the heart. The man who knows what tone to use is in control, And the man who uses harshness to motivate cannot listen. A man who does not listen does not care, A non-caring man is alone. He who is alone knows silence and knows only his own voice. Can a man alone know love? Can he know compassion if none is given? Can a man alone know happiness? Can he know laughter and can he know love? All men are born through woman. All men know their mother’s love but not all can share, not all can give. So judge not, be considerate and equal in your dealings. 70
Change your ways to be tolerant of all others. Do not let personal likes, dislikes or sensibilities dull your happiness. If those around you exhibit behaviour that offends you then move away. If those around you speak without wisdom then hear but do not judge them. If they speak harsh words then they have known harshness or injustices. If they are profane in context then listen to what they struggle to say, But if profane language is common to all sentences then move away. If love was known and now it is not, then look to yourself for the reason. If love cannot be found again, then look towards yourself for this to happen. Spend your days in search of what is good, By avoiding what makes you unhappy, unwell or apathetic. Seek like-minded people but expect what you find. Do not put your values onto others where your values are too high even for you. Forget the small differences, And see the things that have kept you interested in each other. If friendship is what you desire then offer it first, If love is what you desire then offer it first, if nothing is desired and nothing is required then you shall be at peace. Let peace hurry your legs in its direction, Let serenity call your name, And marry life until death do you part. It is in life that you can know all that life knows, It is in life that you can know love and it is love that gives you reason to live. Spend your waking hours in love with life, And spend your sleeping hours with the love of your life, But spend all hours in the company of the Soul, For she is the love of God and the cause of life.
In all that matters there is impermanence, In impermanence there is nothing that matters, If nothing matters then there is nothing to cling to. If clinging to something matters then impermanence is not known, If it not known then everything matters except what does not. What does matter therefore is what matters, And what does not matter therefore is what does not matter. If everything matters and later does not, Then there is only impermanence, Therefore only impermanence should matter! If all things are impermanent, Then be still and enjoy the impermanent nature of what matters, As all that can be is in the moment. Live as though there is all there is in the moment, And know that it will pass, And be at peace.
Justify killing, sanctify and condone slaughter if your conscience allows it, Don’t, if it does not, But ask; why am I this way or that? If you approve under certain circumstances, Then you are looking at death and destruction with a closed heart, But when the heart abhors and the mind justifies then there is conflict in your life. If conflict is in your life then you are not at peace. If true peace is not known then war, insurrection or protest is common. If these are common or sanitised due to exposure through media or entertainment, Then justification for acts of violence will easily come to mind. If they come to mind easily, then the head rules the heart. If the heart is missing in decision-making, Then your life is missing peace, harmony and fulfilment. If these are absent then conflict will remain.
ision Dwell in misery by choice and consider the effect, But dwell not in misery and see the effect it has on others. Dwell in the luxury of excess, But dwell not at the expenses of others. Dwell in the comfort and security of a rich nation, But dwell not in complacency while despair is the home of others. Dwell in abundance of hope and prosperity for your children, But dwell not without mind of others. Dwell upon the shore of ocean lapped beauty, But dwell not there while poverty is the only view for others.
Live in this world however you choose, But be gentle, compassionate and give charity. Be happy in this world, But give happiness, love and consideration to the needs of others. Be thankful for family and friends that support you, But remember them also in their hour of need. Be thankful for the choice of food that adorns your table, But do not forget those who have little, And do not forget the animals who gave everything so that you could live. Be grateful and humble before your creator, if you choose to believe in Him, But do not belittle others if you do not. Be wise after the event and guide others where you have stumbled, But do not carry them. Look to science as your future, or look to God - or choose both.
inner being
Come to terms with who you are and the terms for your life will be set, Come into acceptance of ageing and age will be met at each stage, Come into acceptance of your looks and others will see your beauty, Look at others as you would be looked at and happiness of acceptance will bring peace of mind. Forge friendships were none exist and inner happiness will be known, Forge bonds of trust by being trustworthy and inner freedom will be known. Find stillness in chaos, Silence in noise, Love in hate, Peace in violence, And you shall know harmony, wisdom of the ancients, and the meaning of life.
Do not be pulled by desire, Do not seek attention, Do not give in order to receive and care before others care for you. Wait not for god to visit, Wait not for love to shine, But give charity and love and both shall visit you soon. Look after your family, And the family will look after you, But extend your family to include your neighbours and your family will be at peace. Hold the hand of life and life will sustain you. Hold the heart of Mother Earth and she will hold yours.
Thank the creation for caring for your needs, As she thanks you for the experience of sustaining life. Create your future and consider all, Create with open heart and peace will be known, But create the future for yourself and the small self will be known. The greater self, The selfless self, must be known, Else your future will be uncertain. Uncertainty is fear, Fear causes separateness and separateness causes fear. Know fear, no god. Know god, no fear.
Let the past be in its place, Let now be your focus, and worry not about things done. Say what you have to say and forget it, but be kind and considerate to all. In each environment there is each type, In every social gathering there is every social type, All types make the world, All worlds make the universe. When two men meet they suspect each other, When they talk they know each other, But until a crisis, the two have no measure of their friendship. Listen to your heart and go where it wants. If it is in separate ways to others that are considered friends, then let you part, And if it fears parting, then talk, Because then the mind will know what the heart knew. When a troubled mind leads the heart, The truth may never be known, But when the mind is still, The problem that caused the disharmony is seen. When a problem is seen it is judged, And if the judgement is harsh then the problem is worse. But strive to judge not, And strive to see what caused your difficulty, And strive to see things from the other person’s point of view. Is it your place to judge others when you do not have clear understanding from another’s perspective? Is it right that condemnation becomes an attribute of a person’s personality? And do you want to be judged by others when you are living life by the way you have been shown? No man has the right to judge another unless he has committed a crime, No man should commit a crime if he does not want to be judged, But no man should be put into a position where he is taught wrong. If a man steals for himself then his deeds follow him, If he steals food for his family then he is doing wrong, But no man should be put into circumstances that make him steal. If crime and punishment are partners, then so are love and compassion. If punishment is the solution to crime and compassion is not given, Then love has no place. If love has no place in man and crime without compassion becomes his way, Then love has no place. If love has no place in society then society has no future. If there is no future that is secure or safe then there is fear, And if the heart has fear it will judge. A heart that judges, is a heart that has no compassion.
Let go of who you have become and be that which you could be! When the fog masks the mountaintop, the height is unknown, And if the fog cannot lift, Who shall direct you to its summit but the one who has been there? Who truly knows who has been there as many say they have? Many say there is nobody who truly knows, And there are many who do not care to know. Life is discovery, And if you desire to know your potential, As if to know the height of the mountain, Then start now. One day the fog may lift to reveal the truth, One day the truth of your potential may be seen,
The mountaintop and your potential can be known, But first you must realize that neither are important. Then you must realize that discovery on the path of knowledge, Is found at each point, and not when you get there. Then you must realize that one path only is an illusion, Because one path is a pre fixation that will cause failure. Then you must realize that one path only is an illusion and will cause failure. Then you must realize what the purpose of the journey is, Or you may stumble before in has begun. Then you must realize what part of your being desires to know it’s true nature, Otherwise the ego may become your guide. Then you must realize that the mountaintop may kill you.
hidden mountain
When you see who you are now, You will have seen the path that has brought you to where you are. When you see the choices made that have shaped who you have become, Then you will see what choices can be made, So that the future may be known. In the future is your potential, It is important to choose wisely, As the path can lead to deep gorges on the mountain. So too can impassable obstacles in life prevent you from finding your true being. If you believe in yourself and desire wisdom then journey now, Do not wait for a clear day, A ‘right’ moment or a guide to appear, Because these are illusions that hold you back.
human nature
Mysteries, fairy tales, legends and folklores are the hearts of children, Strength, competition, grooming and preparation are the bodies of teenagers, Study, expansion, comprehension and opinions are the minds of adults, So shall each inherit these qualities, So shall each seek to be different and yet alike for comfort. So shall each endure their life through trial and error, So shall each carry the blood of their ancestor until death, And so shall each be true to human nature. I am the created, I desire life to find the creator, And therefore I am that part of the creation that experiences the self. As I choose I shall live, As I live I shall know choice. Through choice I choose to experience connecting with the creator, And in doing so, I find true freedom of choice. Truth of who I am comes from the experiences gained from choice, I am the sum total of my ancestors and the sum total of my actions, I am adrift in the sea of cause and effect, Unless in stillness I choose to be guided by the creator.
Ensure that what they say is truthful, What they do is honest, That they are true to their word, They are reliable, Sincerity is genuine, Sharing is reciprocal. Ensure that company is invited, Peace respected, Loans have real need, Conversations are private, Loyalty is not misplaced, Motive of friendship is clear, Friendship does not bring danger. Ensure that a smile does not hide the past, And every action has no adverse reaction. Ensure these are your traits before you call yourself a friend. 92
a different way
Driven by desire is different to being driven by fear, Acting without consideration is different to acting after consideration, Working in harmony is different to harmony in work, Considering a future road is different to taking one, As all roads do not lead in the right direction. Holding on to the past is different to the past holding you, Being spiritually aware is different to the spirit being aware of you, Choosing to live spiritually is different to the spirit choosing to live in you. Remaining in solitude through circumstances, Is different to introspection and solitude, Counting your blessings is different to spending them, Returning to ways of old is different to old ways returning, Seeking new options is different to option seeking. Being connected and in harmony with universal intelligence, Is different to being fearful, To being on the wrong road, To being held in the past, To being without spirit living in you, To being in solitude, To being without blessings, To being returned to old ways, To being without options, To being without spirit to guide you. Try connectivity and guidance to love, peace and fulfilment.
Let the jealous arms of fate loosen their grip
so the truth of the inner Divine being can shine Let the divinity of thy being illuminate the path that the ego has hidden
Let go of fate’s choice for your life,
which the Divine inner being knows to be false See the truth of the illusion that drives the senses, feeds the ego and has blinded you to reality Know that letting go is creating If these words resonate within, enlightenment beckons and the veil of illusion is lifted
Revealed and your servant; Soul will now lead you on the path to home
Home is the truth that the created and the creator are one together and Soul shall unite
As One, share thy heart’s joy and lift others to the truth so that enlightenment may unfold
Create the future that reveals your purpose
The price of love
Passion of heart true Loving life through you Take heed of every word, gesture, movement of eye Smell of scent Savour the lingering smile This is the price of love. Neither dollar nor gold shall time buy to be parted Neither ocean, mountain high, nor desert dry Shall come between until you shall die That’s the price of love. Caress, kiss and hold tight Make love through the night Share a thought without words Look at life with bright eyes That’s the price of love. Magic moments make time still Joyous, frivolous play fills the day But serious work gets in the way That’s the price of love. Summer breeze gives way to winter freeze Spring is near and fruit of their loins bears forth Now they are three Passion filled nights shall all be gone Sweet dreams broken by the new Son But that’s the price of love.
Many months hurry by Child sleeps and bed is Passion high, mind set, But love fades Lust must satisfy urges But that’s the price of
dry dreaming of love before dusk that brings boy to life love.
Morning comes from night They seem to blur Teeth from gum, cries for Mum No peace, no sleep Heaps more around the house to be done But that’s the price of love. Seasons more Child walks the floor Dad sad, hair thinning Mum slimming, clothes threadbare Money tight, causes fights Dad takes flight, Mum takes fright But that’s the price of love. Mum alone, junior too Child to boy Demanding, expecting, tantrums till blue Toy seen, wanted now One parent alone, feeling guilty Cries but tries to please Dad sees plight and tries to ease Difficult to do, takes Sunday to visit zoo Takes son once weekly Mum so sleepy But that’s the price of love. School starts Mum works, has tea with chum He’s fun! Cinema Saturday when junior’s away O’ time again to play Dad becomes distant memory, Mum too As he has somebody new But that’s the price of love. Events repeat Baby two under feet Boy to man, and without hair Mum wrinkles still fair in looks Passion replaced by books Contentment sought Time for thought Contemplation introspection Is this the price of love?
Is there more? Something I saw pass by? Who am I? A reflection of more? A being in time? A moment without pause? Life by love I lived Love I lost Child I bore, again more Man brought by love, lost my desire, he too! Alone and sad, tears Sometimes glad Who has not been here? Who has not had desire for more? But that’s the price of love. Of time, of life of choice More I choose Of love, of passion More I choose to know Son of love grown Left home Child two too Both with friends soon to wed Perhaps knowledge of things past can help their future? Perhaps my life has meaning? Leaning towards death I stare This I share with all Never too late if I care To know missed things Never too late for experience Now is my time to live Gave all of self For the price of love.
Love received is love by choice given The sender expresses love and gives freely of it The receiver accepts graciously or otherwise And chooses to reciprocate But if it is not wanted, then it is an unwanted gift Unwanted gifts remain the property of the owner Love unwanted is but empty words Like an arrow that misses it’s mark Love of many kinds do people know But non-reciprocated love can change it’s form To desire or desperation and obsession Love Love Love Love
cannot cannot can be can be
be owned be personalised, contained or given offered demonstrated, observed or shared
Personalised, she ceases to be open and without limit Contained, she ceases to be free and serves no purpose Given she ceases to be yours and is not known But offered, she is pure and unspoilt Demonstrated, she is deemed unconditional And worthy of acceptance Shared, she is steadfast as intended And with one other heart she can be experienced Desire, desperation, obsession and fear Are equal to love within the ego Happiness, fulfilment and love of life Is the ego under control Which do you choose? How shall you live?
what love knows
To have a heart is to have hope, To have a mind is to have options, To have opportunities is to have choice, And in choice, you may choose to know the truth of wisdom. Wisdom is where the paths of experience and understanding through repetition cross. At this point you shall connect to the essence of the spiritual masters who have gone before you, And in doing so you will find your own truth, And your own purpose in this life.
2016 Paul Warren Goldstein. All rights reserved.