the rise of the fashion blogger. “Heralding the death of style” is how Sally Singer of US Vogue described bloggers this month, so just in case you were not aware the apocalypse is apparently here. Where do bloggers fit into the mix in 2016? They are the middle-man in the fashion world, communicating and connecting the latest trends to the masses, just as much as a magazine, or perhaps more so would. The influence of the blogger is one that is hard to ignore, Zoella has landed a Cosmo cover, Fleur De Force has just celebrated her 7 year blogging anniversary and Sarah Ashcroft has more clothing ranges coming and going than buses. British blogger Susie Bubble, who boasts 277.2k followers on Twitter, tweeted in response “bloggers who wear borrowed clothes are merely doing the more overt equivalent of that editorial-credit system”. Ok where to start- Bubble has a point here. Bloggers are paid to wear clothes quite similarly to brands that pay for their collections to be sandwiched in a glossy editorial; both are advertisements. British Vogue however credit Bubble as a contributor, so US Vogue probably should not be quick to ostracise the millennials that follow these blogs like the bible. Blogging street style is gritty & honest.
They bring clothes alive, they are literally walking mannequins, piecing outfits together to influence and encourage you to spend money on things lets be honest you probably do not even need. They are very much in the now, with many bloggers uploading articles at least twice a week, in comparison to the monthly wait for your fashion subscriptions to arrive squashed from the postman’s haste. That’s not to say the magazine has no place, they are both worthy in their own right, blogging is just a reinvention. Although posts may be sponsored, style is style and a blogger is not going to jeopardise their following with an unsavoury outfit that even an amaro filter cannot save. In an age where social media saturates our living existence, blogging has become a multi-channel business, spanning beyond blogs themselves to Snapchat, YouTube and Instagram. I feel like I know these people, I trust their opinions and will suffer the painful YouTube ads to watch their vlogs. Bloggers are innovative and rolling with the times, and from the comments made this month are given the big guys in the editorial offices some competition.
The top 3 blogs to follow: 1. Fleur De Force. For all of your make up needs, Fleur is your girl. With 2 books, a range with Eyelure, and I do not know how many brand collaborations, the world domination is still pending. She will mix a designer statement piece with high street so her style is always somewhat achievable – be warned though her bag collection is one to be envied. 2. Hannah Gale. Hannah covers all your essentials, fashion, lifestyle, beauty and food. Her past in journalism shows and her writing is witty, at times selfdeprecating but ultimately fun. After reading her self-help posts you will wonder how you ever survived without her. 3. Megan Ellaby. Megan started off as an Asos stylist and her popularity has spanned from there. Her style is diverse, and with reoccurring metallics and leopard prints her outfits are never dull. Look out for her post on fashion careers, a must read for those looking for some guidance and inspiration.