Class of 2024 Baccalaureate Mass
Commencement Ceremony
May 24, 2024
School Leadership
Board of Members
Rev. Carl Markelz, O.Carm., Chair
Rev. Robert Colaresi, O.Carm.
Br. Daryl Moresco, O.Carm.
Dr. Daniel Abben
Mrs. Lori Cerwin
Mr. Jeff Del Carmen
Mr. Ric Elert
Sr. Margaret Geraghty, BVM
Mr. Robert Hickey
Mr. Kenya Jackson
Ms. Amy (Johnson ’87) Junge
Sr. LaDonna Manternach, BVM
Sr. Karen Conover, BVM
Sr. Kate Hendel, BVM
Board of Directors
Br. Thomas Murphy, O.Carm.
Hon. Michael Nerheim
Dr. Genice Reed-Daniels ‘86
Mr. Christopher Salvi ‘08
Rev. Jeffery Smialek, O.Carm.
Mr. William Sturm
Mrs. Barb Sullivan
Dr. Lori (Van Erden ’88) Ventura
Dr. Bradley Bonham
Mr. Jason Huther
Centered in Jesus Christ, Carmel Catholic is a college preparatory high school, empowering students to be servant leaders filled with zeal for faith and scholarship. Rooted in the charisms of the Order of Carmelites and the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, our Catholic community embraces a tradition of dignity, diversity, and justice.
Mrs. Haley Adams ‘12
Dr. John Ahlgrim ‘83
Mrs. Jennifer Arvidson ‘00
Mr. Chris Avgerin
Mr. Steve Ballerine ‘89
Mr. Tim Barclay
Mrs. Elia Barrera-Valdes
Ms. Kathryn Battista
Mr. Benjamin Berg
Ms. Carolyn Berger
Mrs. Michele Bertaud
Mrs. Kathleen Bidstrup
Mrs. Virginia Biegel
Mr. Brian Blaszczyk
Mrs. Kirsten Bobber
Dr. Bradley Bonham
Ms. Kristin Borrino
Mr. Nate Brill
Ms. Laura Budris ‘90
Mr. Mike Burback
Mrs. Jennifer Burkhalter ‘90
Mrs. Gina Carmody
Ms. Angelina Castillo
Ms. Katherine Collin ‘18
Mrs. Elizabeth Coppins
Mr. Robert Covek
Ms. Molly Daluga ‘06
Mrs. Julie Donner ‘99
Mr. Phil Donner
Ms. Theresa Donohoo
Mrs. Sarah Doyle ‘93
Mrs. Jessica Eccles
Mrs. Debbie Eppel
Mr. Eric Etherton
Mrs. Amelia Faulstick
Mrs. Andrea Fitzpatrick
Mr. Eric Franklin
Mrs. Kambra French
Mr. Brad Geary ‘81
Mrs. Susan Gille
Ms. Tara Gille ‘07
Ms. Shannon Gomez
Ms. Anastasia Gustafson
Mrs. Ana Gutierrez
Mr. Jose Gutierrez
Mr. Jim Halford
Mr. John Halloran
Dr. Peggy Halloran
Faculty and Staff
Mr. Benjamin Halverson ‘18
Mr. Carl Hansel
Mrs. Laura Hansen
Mrs. Joyce Haqq ‘89
Mrs. Christine Hartnett
Ms. Kristina Heerdegen
Mr. Dan Henrichs ‘92
Mr. Ryan Hornung
Ms. Suzanne Huntemann
Mr. Jason Huther
Ms. Erin Kerger
Ms. Krista Koellner
Mr. Raymond Krawzak
Mr. Joe Kreppein
Ms. Alanna Kurek
Mr. Robert Kuykendall
Mrs. Marisue Lacher
Ms. Lydia Lang
Mrs. Shannon Lanphier ‘11
Ms. Christina Lara
Mrs. Caitlin Lees
Mr. Brendan Leetch
Mrs. Ewelina Lenczewski
Ms. Kendra Lindell
Mrs. Shelley Lindgren
Ms. Erin LoBue ‘00
Ms. Christine Long
Mr. Mike Looby ‘75
Ms. Muriel Mamone
Mr. Manuel Marinez Garcia
Mr. Michael Masterton
Ms. Olivia McAleer
Mr. Billy McCormick
Mr. Jason McKie
Mr. Tim Meister
Mrs. Susan Meyle
Mr. Billy Moore
Ms. Esmeralda Mora
Mr. Cesar Morales
Mr. Ariel Mozes
Ms. Maria Murczek
Ms. Billie Nickerson
Mrs. Rebecca Norton ‘02
Mrs. Bianca Nowaczyk
Mr. Kevin Nylen ‘98
Ms. Sarah O’Donnell
Mrs. Kacey O’Keeffe
Sr. Blessing Okere
Ms. Michelle Orth
Mr. Mark Paluga
Mr. David Pazely ‘01
Mrs. Anne Phoenix
Mrs. Rina Pietrantonio
Mr. John Plaiss
Mr. Mark Plaiss
Mr. Mark Pos
Mrs. Lois Poulos
Mr. Michael Poulos ‘80
Mr. Jeffrey Ptacek
Mrs. Michelle Ptasienski ‘92
Mrs. Wanda Pucci
Mr. Alex Rafferty
Mr. Sean Rank
Ms. Tylee Resetich ‘11
Ms. Sydney Rovik
Mrs. Rita Salit
Mr. Joe Schultz
Mr. Gregory Schwab
Mr. John Sheehy
Fr. Christian Shiu
Mr. Brian Smithe
Mr. Thomas Smithe
Mrs. Emily Solarz ‘09
Mr. Jacob Solarz
Mrs. Elizabeth Spagna
Mrs. Denise Spokas
Mr. Colin Spude ‘05
Mrs. Milena Stanimirova
Mr. Brian Stith ‘01
Mrs. Kathy Szamocki
Mr. John Titterton
Ms. Patricia Van Spankeren ‘95
Mr. Ricardo Villalobos
Mr. Jack Waddle
Mrs. Kathy Weber
Mr. Mike Weeks
Mrs. Gail Wegener ‘71
Ms. Carla Wehrheim
Mrs. Jaime White
Mr. Bradley Wiegold
Mrs. Adriana Young
Mr. Matthew Zell
Procession of the Graduates
“Pomp and Circumstance” Edward Elgar, Composer
Procession of Symbols “Reckless Love” Cory Asbury
Baccalaureate Mass
Introductory Rites
Liturgical Procession
Now Is The Time
Entrance Hymn Now Is The Time (Kendzia)
& # 4 4 Refrain
Greeting Now Is the Time
“Iwillnotfor- getyou.”
Tom KendziaBewithus,you & # œ œ œ whosay,
˙ “Donotbe a- fraid.”
Take holdofus,ourhearts,our & # œ œ
nowisthetime. & # Verses 2 3. 1. 2. œ Cantor
SpirSpirSpirit it it of of of love, peace, faith,
crush sirise the lence apain tongues bove of of our haandoubttred. ger. ing. & # 3. 1. 2. œ Cantor œ œ œ ˙ SpirSpirSpirit it it of of of hope, life, truth,
Cantor œ œ œ ˙ SpirSpirSpirit it it of of of light, joy, God, & # 1. 2. 3. œ All œ œ œ œ œ dance owalk withverain come mong our our your darksadpeoness. ness. ple.
˙ stand break save bethe us fore chains from our of our eyes. death. lies.
œ œ œ ˙ Make Make Make us us us your your your own, own, own, to Refrain
œ œ œ œ Œ now now now is is is the the the time. time. time. © 1998, Tom Kendzia. Published by OCP. All rights reserved.
& b 8 6
‰Œ . Glo-ry!
Godinthe j
Glo-rytoGodinthe j
‰ high-est.
Glo-ryto &
Godinthe j
will. & b VERSE 1
will. & b VERSE 1
you, &
1.we .
LordGod, &
LordGod, &
‰‰ & b VERSE 2
2.LordJe-sus .
Fa-ther. To Refrain .
Fa-ther. To Refrain
LambofGod, &
LambofGod, &
2. havemer-cyon . ˙ us;
waythesinsoftheworld, &
2. havemer-cyon . ˙ us;
2. re-ceiveour œ ‰
To Refrain . œ Œ . & b VERSE 3 Œ
2. re-ceiveour
2.handoftheFa-ther, Œ j
seat-edattheright &
œ havemer-cyon . ˙ us. To Refrain . œ Œ &
2.handoftheFa-ther, Œ j
œ œ havemer-cyon . ˙ us.
3.For œ J œœ
Ho- lyOne,
. Ho- lyOne,
Christ, &
Je-sus . ˙ Christ, & b
Liturgy of the Word
First Reading
The Lord Is My Light/P salm 27
Responsorial Psalm The Lord is My Light (Ed Bolduc)
& b j
- uge.
1.There is one thing I ask: to live with you, Lord, all of my days and all of my life.
2.And he keeps me secure in times of great fear. He shelters my soul, and lifts me high.
3.I believe that I shall see the goodness of my God in the land of the living, in the land of the living.
Second Reading
Gospel Acclamation Alle, Alle (Angotti)
Gospel Acclamation—Alle, Alle & # 4 4
Gospel Homily
Prayers of the Faithful
All: Lord, hear our prayer & b 4 4 REFRAIN
1.Speak, O Lord, your servant is listening; you have the words of everlasting life.
2.Come, Holy Spirit, fill the hearts of the faithful and kindle in them the fire of your love.
3.I am the living bread that came down from heaven; whoever eats this bread will live forever.
Liturgy of the Eucharist
Offertory Hymn Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel (Bird, Powers)
Virgin Mary of Mount Carmel, whom in ancient prophecy God revealed to Saint Elias by a far off distant Sea. Rise again on God’s creation, bring to bloom this arid place With the white cloud of thy beauty and the rainfall of thy grace.
Prayer over the Gifts
Eucharistic Prayer
Holy, Holy, Holy Mass of St. Ann (Ed Bolduc)
Memorial Acclamation Mass of St. Ann (Ed Bolduc)
Great Amen Mass of St. Ann (Ed Bolduc)
The Lord’s Prayer
Sign of Peace
Lamb of God Mass of St. Ann (Ed Bolduc)
Communion Rite
Communion Hymns
With This Bread (Kate Cuddy)

Do Not Fear To Hope (Rory Cooney), Sung by Terry Donahoo
Oceans (Daniel Galbraith)
Prayer after Communion
Concluding Rites
Final Blessing
Recessional Hymn I Send You Out (Angotti)
287 I Send You Out
1.I baptize you in the name of the Father. I baptize you in the name of the Son. I baptize you with the Holy Spirit. Go out and spread Good News!
John Angotti Text and music © 2000, WLP & # 4 4 ‰ . r
2.Well, it’s time for us to become people with spirit. It’s time for us to become people of love. It’s time for us to know that Jesus Christ is risen, forgives our sins, and brings new life!
288 I Say “Yes,” Lord/Digo “Sí,” Señor
“Yes,” “Sí,” my SeLord. ñor.
“Sí,” my SeLord. ñor. I Disay go
Instrumental Music performed by members of the Jazz Combo, directed by Mr. Tim Barclay
Commencement Program
Principal Address
Mr. Jason Huther, Principal
Commencement Address
Mr. Alex Rafferty
Presentation of the Graduates
Mrs. Jennifer Burkhalter, Assistant Principal for Teaching and Learning
Mrs. Jaime White, Assistant Principal for Student Services
Mr. Phil Donner, Senior Division Moderator
Ms. Laura Budris, Senior Division Moderator
Conferring of Diplomas
Dr. Bradley Bonham, President
Mr. Jason Huther, Principal
Valedictorian Address
Arabella Mallari
Blessing of the Graduates
Faculty and Staff
Closing Remarks
Mr. Jason Huther, Principal
Class of 2024
Abai Tanais Serikkyzy
Marisa Alexandra Abt
Keira Mary Kate Ackerson
Maria Adylina
Princess Zubaydah A. Akorede
Isaac Alvarez
Alejandro Aparicio, Jr.
Sarah E. Arends
Jonathan Isaiah Arias
Caitlyn Lee Armstrong
Axel T. Arreola
Luis Arreola
Samuel Arroyo, III
Darlene Bahena-Torres
Sofia Belen Barros
Avery Susanna Beck
Alexis Katherine Belyaev
Patrick James Xavier Biegel
Raymond Olivier Henri Bourgeois
Michael Bowes, Jr.
Joseph Anthony Brandt
Jacob Savion Brown
Julia Geraldine Bukowski
Javaiah N. Bunch
Brigid Elizabeth Burke
Lucas Dale Burkhalter
Jacqueline Ela Caglar
Mariana Guadalupe Callejas-Principe
Jorge Alejandro Camargo
Tyshaun Kamontae Campbell
Joaquín Alexander Cárdenas
David Christopher Carnes
Emma Caitlin Carney
Peyton Nicole Carney
Alison Elizabeth Carroll
Daniel Siju Chacko
Jacob Leo Chajet
Hyunwoo Cho
Isabella Kathlin Chorazy
Nicholas Cianci
Kristan Leon Coleman
Rolando Ronaldinho Colin
Sofia Collazo Loya
Kennedy Nicole Corman
Bill Jack Couvall
Elliot James Cowart
Madison Cox
Kevin Michael Crow
DaSean Crudup
Grant Teera Curry
Jacob Cyhaniuk
Cecelia Xuan Wei Dam
Isabella Gloria D’Amore
Paul Z. Danguilan
Sofia Grace Day
Audrey Marina Deck
John Edward Del Carmen
Colsen Robert Del Re
Grace Anne Dugo
Kenneth Duron
Cadel Scott Emmons
Talia Maria Engstrom
Andres Esquina-Vara
Cailyn Morgan Esteban
Macaire Marianna Everett
Natalie Farias
Jarrett Alan Feldman
Jericho Jo Figueroa
Abrielle Carys Fitzpatrick
Grace Julianne Fortune
Jaylen French
Torey Sinaj French
Nicole G. Gant
Isabella Garcia
Itzel Araceli Garcia Clemente
Emma R. Gaughran
Krishan Gauri
Christopher Neith George, Jr.
Lucas B. Gera
Zachary J. Gera
Adriana Lily Gerstung
Mollie Gibbons
Griffin Gillespie
Ethan Thomas Giunta
Nikita Glokke
Byron D. Gonzalez
Anthony John Greco
Sean Patrick Green
Lavender Skyy Griffin
Caroline Grochowska
Angelo Ryan Guerzon
Sydney Hope Guin
Kaylin Grace Hagel
Delaney Quinn Haley
Tatyana Harrington
Ryan William Harris
Anna Jane Hartman
Abigail Angeline Hartzer
Mia Evangeline Helfers
Rosevelt Chea Henderson, Jr.
Nicholas Martin Herbick
Fabian Hernandez
Lauren Alexis Hernandez
Kurt Joseph Hidalgo
Kal-El Michael Horton
Harley Jeff Hoselton
Jonathon Augustas Hoy
Evelyn A. Hoyne
Natalia Gabrielle Hoyte
Eva Iakovleva
Nancy Lizbeth Ibarra
Alexander James Ikusz
Nicolas Todd Ippen
Kaleb Joshua Jackson
Rachel Marie Jané
Axel L. Janicke-Añorve
Sarah Grace Jenkins
Sadie Ruthann Johnson
Brooklyn McLain Jones
Davion E. Jones
Emil Louis Jones
Samuel Curtis Judd
Anna Sophia Junge
Nicholas Junge
Alyssa Lilian Kamins
Niko Carlos Kertscher-Flores
Sean Liston King
Maria Kirby
Angelina Rose Kmiec
Allison Mary Kolber
Alyson Grace Krogman
Tierney Lynn Krupka
Angelina Lucia Lagori
Noah Christian LaMora
Camren Nathanial Lang
Kilee M. Lasky
Juan Andres Ledezma
Matthew Michael Lichtenauer
Abigail Therese Lindemann
Scarlett Maye Lindgren
Jennifer Marie Lochner
Matthew Dean Lochner
Liam J. Luby
Patrick A Lucansky
Isabella Susan Lucero
Ashton James Lutz
Susan Kathleen Lutzke
Kyle Benjamin Lynch
Roman Matthew Lynch
Arabella Elyse Mallari
Matthew Connor Marotta
Rafael Emilio Martinez
Brayden Joel Marusich
Cody John Marusich
Zackary D. Massoni
Vinny N. Matundu
Harlon J. May
Maxwell A. Mazzocco
Colin H. McClain
Diego Medina
Julian Carlo Medina
Keara Anne Medved
Evan J. Mehrholz
William G. Meier
Benedictus D.E. Mensah, Jr.
Adam Joseph Miller
Jillian Marie Miller
Catherine Elizabeth Minogue
Greg Ethan Mitten
Jessica Alessandra Moctezuma
Syenna Montoya Lopez
Gabriel Allan Morabito
Manuel Alexander Morales-Ortiz
Kaden Marcus Moulton
Venec S. Moy
Brianna Marie Mullally
Elijah J. Neumeyer
Cameron James Newton
Luke N. Nichol
Chanel Mia Nieves
Nathan Gabriel Nunez
Mary-Keely Caitlin Nuzzo
Bryan Orozco
Erick D. Orozco
Claire Elizabeth Parker
Andrew Donald Pelfresne
Sophia Jane Peters
Zachary Dean Han-Bin Peterson
Morgan Vera Pitcher
Dylan J. Potts
Thomas Ryan Preda
Andrew Thomas Preston
Elizabeth Jane Pucin
Caden Marc Pulido
Xinyang Qian
Victoria Rabinovich
Arya Krishna Raheja
Ariane Rae Rajcevich
Sinthura Rajendram
Alejandro Ramirez
Calista Rose Rangel
Jacob Tomas Rangel-Mata
Ainsley Grace Rastovac
Jackson Robert Reasoner
Janelle Rentería
Dev’ion A Reynolds
Ashley Diane Ribordy
Katherine Ann Roberts
Benjamin Francisco Rodriguez
Fabian Alexander Rudd
Linda Renee Ruiz
Brian Michael Rutz
Ava Josephine Saikin
Grace Anne Acebedo Salandanan
Gabriel Julian Salinas
Izetta Erika Sanchez
Steven Julian Sanchez
Charlotte Avery Scarlatos
Mila Rebecca Schachelmayer
Ashley Schlabowske
Leah Catherine Schneider
Michael Joseph Schofield
Darren Emanuelle Simanullang
Bryce Oliver Smith
Joshua Mark Smith
Maria Rose Smyth
Barbara Elizabeth Soudan
Lawrence Jamison Stackhouse
Kyle A. Steckenrider
Lilian Jane Stegemann
Aidan J. Stensrud
Christian Alexander Stevens
Ian A. Steward
Nathan Stuart
Abigail Lee Sullivan
Sean Michael Sullivan, Jr.
Isa Rose Swiatkowski
Elizabeth V. Taraday
Julia Rose Taylor
Lizzie Thompson
Anne Claire Titterton
Sajan Dema Toms
Carolina Toro Delgado
Michael Van Wiltenburg, III
Michelle E. Van Wiltenburg
Luciana Marie Ventura
Ashley Grace Villalobos
Mia Sally Volpentesta
Vu Xuan Mai
Elena Joely Wach
Noelle Terese Waldschmidt
Jacqueline Elizabeth Ward
Johnathon E. Weber
Nicholas Mark Wegener
Blake J. Wendt
Sophie Belle Wesclitz
Trevor Steven Winandy
Conor MacMillan Winkin
Rhett Jameson Wolf
Zihan Zhu
Mark Ronald Zitella
Lauren Grace Zomchek
Gabriela M. Zunzunegui
Honor Regalia
Valedictorians and Salutatorians
Golden medallions
Members of Carmel Catholic Honor Societies are adorned with Honor Cords for our Graduation Ceremonies.
International Thespian Society
A royal blue strand and tassel with a gold strand and tassel
Mu Alpha Theta
A light blue strand and tassel with a gold strand and tassel
National Business Honor Society
Intertwined hunter green and white cord and tassel
National Chinese Honor Society
A deep purple and metallic gold cord and tassel with a light purple and metallic gold cord and tassel - royalty, prosperity, power
A Twin Coin Knot - wealth and peace
Two Lucky Clover Knots - good luck and a bright future
National English Honor Society
A royal blue strand and tassel with a gold strand and tassel
National Honor Society
Two Year Members - a royal blue strand and tassel with a gold strand and tassel
One Year Members - gold cord and tassel
National Honor Society for Dance Arts
A light blue strand and tassel with a white strand and tassel
National Latin Honor Society
Purple cord and tassel
Quill & Scroll International Honor Society
Intertwined royal blue and gold cord and tassel
Science National Honor Society
Intertwined gold, green, and purple cord with a gold tassel
Sociedad Honoraria Hispánica
Intertwined red and gold cord and tassel
Société Honoraire de Français
Intertwined red, white, and blue cord and tassel
St. Damien of Molokai Honor Society
Intertwined royal blue and white cord and tassel
St. Kateri Tekakwitha
Green cord and tassel
St. Thérèse of Lisieux Honor Society
Intertwined brown and gold cord and tassel
Tri M Music Honor Society
Light pink cord and tassel
Alumni Parents and Alumni Grandparents of the Class of 2024
Michael Bowes ‘88
James Lucchesi ‘80
Jennifer (Slater ‘90) Burkhalter
Matthew Carroll ‘92
Rebecca (Straka ‘95) Chorazy
Lucas Chorazy ‘96
Daniel Dugo ‘89
Joseph Heilgeist ‘73
Peter Tortorice ‘75
Colleen (Scully ‘92) Green
Jennifer (Depperschmidt ’95) Haley
Gerard Haley ‘66
Jennifer (Spaulding ‘88) Harris
Mark Herbick ‘84
Diane Hoselton ‘80
Susan (Larsen ‘88) Hoyne
Amy (Johnson ‘87) Junge
Steve Lucero ‘90
Tina (Gattuso ‘99) Lutzke
Carrie (Cohen ‘96) Marusich
Venessa (Gerstenbrand ‘97) Medved
Anne-Marie (Schommer ‘89) Miller
Sandra Montoya ‘95
Kerick Morabito ‘83
Maureen (O’Leary ‘99) Nuzzo
Elizabeth (Tambourine ‘97) Huckins
Jessica (Gundrum ‘94) Schachelmayer
Karl Schachelmayer ‘94
Jennifer (Kocen ‘88) Sullivan
Lori (Van Erden ‘88) Ventura
David Waldschmidt ‘88
Father of Michael Bowes, Jr.
Father of Joseph Brandt
Mother of Lucas Burkhalter
Father of Alison Carroll
Mother of Isabella Chorazy
Father of Isabella Chorazy
Father of Grace Dugo
Grandfather of Cailyn Esteban
Father of Adriana Gerstung
Mother of Sean Green
Mother of Delaney Haley
Grandfather of Delaney Haley
Mother of Ryan Harris
Father of Nicholas Herbick
Mother of Harley Hoselton
Mother of Evelyn Hoyne
Mother of Nicholas Junge
Father of Isabella Lucero
Mother of Susan Lutzke
Mother of Brayden Marusich and Cody Marusich
Mother of Keara Medved
Mother of Adam Miller
Mother of Syenna Montoya Lopez
Father of Gabriel Morabito
Mother of Mary-Keely Nuzzo
Mother of Morgan Pitcher
Mother of Mila Schachelmayer
Father of Mila Schachelmayer
Mother of Abigail Sullivan
Mother of Luciana Ventura
Father of Noelle Waldschmidt
James Weber ‘85
Father of Johnathon Weber
Danielle (Saladino ‘97) Wegener Mother of Nicholas Wegener
Jason Wegener ‘95
Gail (Hoffmann ‘71) Wegener
Mark Wegener ‘68
Randy Zitella ‘91
Father of Nicholas Wegener
Grandmother of Nicholas Wegener
Grandfather of Nicholas Wegener
Father of Mark Zitella
Elizabeth (Downes ‘97) Zomchek Mother of Lauren Zomchek
Gregory Zomchek ‘97
Father of Lauren Zomchek
Board of Directors Family of the Graduates
Jeff Del Carmen, Father of Jack Del Carmen
Kenya Jackson, Father of Kaleb Jackson
Amy (Johnson ‘87) Junge, Mother of Nicholas Junge
Barb Sullivan, Mother of Sean Sullivan
Lori (Van Erden ‘88) Ventura, Mother of Luciana Ventura
Faculty and Staff Parents of the Graduates
Virginia Biegel, Mother of Patrick Biegel
Jennifer (Slater ‘90) Burkhalter, Mother of Lucas Burkhalter
Andrea Fitzpatrick, Mother of Abrielle Fitzpatrick
Shelley Lindgren, Mother of Scarlett Lindgren
John Titterton, Father of Anne Titterton
Gail (Hoffmann ‘71) Wegener, Grandmother of Nicholas Wegener
Faculty and Staff Blessing of the Graduates
Grateful for the blessing of our years together, and with great hope in the future open before you, we ask God our Father to bless you.
Together we have shared life and lived life; we have grown and loved.
Together we have learned that sharing is the greatest form of learning. And love of others is wisdom itself.
You always have our support and encouragement.
Take with you your great gifts –your youth and vitality, your kindness and decency, your humor and great zest for life. Give them to all you meet.
Color your life with –
A zest for Christian living.
A commitment to goals that are noble and true.
A fortitude to accept the challenge of life.
A humility that says, “God, I need you.”
A love expressed wholesomely in deed and truth.
We pray that you always walk in the friendship of Christ, guided by the Holy Spirit, today and all days until eternity.
Carmel Catholic High School Faculty and Staff
Carmel Catholic High School Maintenance Personnel
Mr. Tim Barclay, Band Director
Ms. Laura Budris, Director of Student Activities, Senior Class Moderator
Mr. Phil Donner, Senior Class Moderator
Mr. Eric Franklin, Broadcast
Mrs. Amelia Faulstick, Administrative Assistant for Mission and Ministry
Mrs. Kambra French, Chief Mission Officer
Mr. Brad Geary, Technical Support Specialist
Mrs. Laura Hansen, Director of Annual Giving
Mrs. Joyce Haqq, Director of Choral and Liturgical Music
Ms. Erin Kerger, Campus Minister
Mr. Joe Kreppein, Security
Mrs. Caitlin Lees, Associate Director of Communications
Mr. Tim Meister, Chief Building Engineer
Ms. Sarah O’Donnell, Publications Coordinator
Mrs. Rina Pietrantonio, Office Manager, Principal’s Office
Mr. Mark Plaiss, Deacon and Faculty Member
Mr. Mike Poulos, Campus Ministry/Mission Effectiveness Team
Fr. Christian Shiu, Chaplain
Mr. Brian Stith, Executive Director of Marketing and Admissions
As a gift, electronic access to the graduate photographs taken upon stage departure will be emailed directly from VIP to parents of the graduates.
Carmel Catholic High School Faculty and Staff send congratulations to the graduates and their families.
Best wishes for a bright future!