TwentyFour7 Issue 13

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published by carmel: ministries international

PROVISION IN A HARD PLACE finding help and hope



For a full list of carmel: events see our website

‘He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.’ Luke 9:2 As I read Pastor Gerri’s teaching ‘Provision in a hard place’ I was reminded that some of the toughest times we have experienced have ultimately produced the greatest benefits – but only when we have tuned in to hear God in that very place. Whether you are in a hard place at this precise moment or you find yourself experiencing a hard place in the future, Pastor Gerri’s teaching shows how you can always find help and hope through applying God’s principles (pages 8-10). Catch up on carmel: news in c:view (pages 4-5). Be encouraged as you read how prayer worked in two completely different situations (page 11). Share our excitement about a new website launched showing Christians’ testimonies from around the world. Find out how you can include your own testimony to encourage others (pages 14-15). This year our annual conference promises to be extra special as we are celebrating the 10th anniversary of carmel:ministries international. It’s going to be an awesome time with powerful teaching, ministry and fellowship. We sincerely hope you will join us.

Michelle Di Somma


c:view latest news 4-5

rooted and grounded?




For comments and suggestions for the next twentyfour7 please email us on




All the teachings are available to order on cassette or CD


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carmel: twentyfour 7 is published by carmel: ministries international. Reproduction of this publication in part or whole is prohibited.






Michelle Di Somma

Associate Editors:

Lyn Birdsall Julian Clarke

accent: Copywriters: Transcribers/Proofreaders: accent: Design/Art Direction:

cre8ION and Rosie Isbell


cre8ION and Rosie Isbell


Yeomans Press

Bible quotations are from the New King James Version unless stated otherwise.







Promise of Purity

Sun 15

New partners

Fri 20

cbc:/cla:/ccs: half-term break

Sat 21 Valiant Men and Empowered Women’s Breakfast

9.30am – 4.30pm

Saturday night Sunday morning Sunday morning

6.30pm 8.30am 10.30am


817a Bath Road, Brislington, Bristol BS4 5NL 8.30am – 11.30am

Fri 20 – Sun 29


Mon 30

cbc:/cla: resumes


contactus Tel: Fax: Web:

(0117) 977 5533 (0117) 977 5678


Wed 1

ccs: resumes

Fri 3

All Night Prayer

10.30pm – 6.00am

Fri 10 Sat 11

Fireworks Night


Valiant Men’s Breakfast

8.30am – 11.30am

Sat 18

Promise of Purity

9.30am – 4.30pm

Sun 19

New partners

Thur 23 & 24

cbc: exams

Sat 25

Child Training Conference


All night prayer

Fri 15

cbc:/cla:/ccs: Christmas Break

Sun 17

New Partners

Fri 22

carmel: office closed Christmas break (Back 2nd Jan)

Sat 23

Christmas Production


Mon 25

Christmas Day Service

9.00am – 10.00am

Sun 31

New Year’s Eve Celebration


becomingapartner A partner is a sharer, an associate, one who engages with another in business, one who plays on the same side as another. Partnership is important – It releases power to get the job done. We can accomplish the Great Commission together in unity. Partnership in prayer – We believe it is vital for every partner to develop a strong personal prayer life, and to pray for the leadership for godly wisdom and direction from the Lord. Partnership in caring – We are instructed to watch over and take care of the partners in our charge (Acts 20:28). Partnership in sharing – The whole ministry of sharing is to give oneself in the areas of love, time, talents and finances.

10.30pm – 6.00am

Account Details United Kingdom Allied Irish Carmel Christian Centre Sort Code: Account No: 23-85-85 00709260 Should you wish to donate by Gift Aid please contact the church office.

South Africa Anchor Ministries International First National Bank, Cresta Branch Sort Code: Account No: 25-49-05 51440080590

carmel: ministries international is a registered charity (Charity No. 1094052) with Luke 9:2 as its mission statement. All finances sown go into the work of establishing God’s Kingdom through evangelism and preparing labourers for the harvest.

Directions from Bath: Follow A4 Bath Road towards Bristol, past Keynsham to the Park and Ride on the left hand side. At the traffic lights go straight ahead past McDonald’s on your right and turn right into the forecourt of HSBC bank. We’re just behind. Directions from the M4: Take Junction 19 into Bristol on the M32. Take Junction 1, the A4174 [signposted Ring Road and (Bath A4)]. Go straight on at traffic lights at Frenchay Hospital. At the tenth roundabout [Hicks Gate] take the third exit onto the A4 [signposted Bristol]. Continue up the rise towards the Brislington Park & Ride, continuing through the crossroads towards Bristol on the A4. Within 200 yards you will see a Honda car salesroom on the left, and an HSBC bank on the right. Turn into the road leading to the HSBC and carmel:centre is located behind the bank. Directions from Bristol City Centre: Follow Temple Way towards Temple Meads Railway Station passing it on the left. Follow the A4 Bath Road passing a Kwik Fit garage on the left. At traffic lights with HTV Studios on the right and Burger King on the left, follow the road round to the right uphill and continue down the other side. You should see a petrol station at the bottom then shops on the left. Continue up the hill under a bridge. You will come to a retail complex (JJB Sports) on your right hand side and a Jaguar garage on the left. Keep going past this and turn left into HSBC bank forecourt and we’re just behind it. 3


Dr Jesse Duplantis’ first inter-continental flight in his new jet was threatened by a technical fault the night before he and his wife Cathy were due to visit carmel:. After calling engineers, the problem was easily overridden and Dr Jesse was able to minister to us before flying to Russia. carmel: was packed with people hungry for the Word from this well known evangelist who appears on 2700 different TV stations broadcast in 14 different languages, preaching to 2.5 billion people. Some may have been surprised to hear Dr Jesse tell us that God doesn’t own everything and that if he did we would have no seed to sow and no harvest to grow. However, we were directed to Psalm 115:16, which states that the heavens are God’s but the earth is man’s. God made man in His image and commanded him to have dominion over it. Revelation 1:5-6. It is our nature and prerogative to rule, not to be ruled over, but if we don’t know what we own, or fail to take ownership of it, the devil can steal what is ours. This is of course what happened to Adam in the garden of Eden. Dr Jesse revealed how God spoke to him about his personal ownership and belief that the Jesse Duplantis ministry buildings belonged to God. God pointed out that the buildings have Dr Jesse’s name on them and therefore belong to him.

This powerfully revealed to him that man is an owner. The more clearly we understand this the more fully we will complete our destiny and prevent the devil from stealing what we have. Dr Jesse gave a personal example… Hurricane Katrina brought New Orleans to a halt when its high winds sucked bricks off buildings. Dr Jesse applied the principle he had learnt and took ownership over his house; he told the devil that he had no right or authority over him and his property. The Duplantis’ house was completely untouched while all other properties in the vicinity were destroyed. Dr Jesse was then able to help and to bless other families by providing rent-free homes for a year, give them new computers, clothes and much more. He said that prosperity glorifies God’s name and is a great thing. Psalm 35:27. He told us that he is rich because he is a giver and encouraged us in our giving. carmel: was encouraged to take ownership of our church. Dr Jesse said that ownership is directly related to responsibility, and that the congregation should take responsibility to make the church grow, freeing Rev Di Somma so that he can concentrate on fulfilling his particular calling and responsibilities. If this has whetted your appetite for more of God’s Word from Dr Jesse Duplantis, then look forward to his next visit in March 2007 – carmel: is the first stop on his European tour.

the WORD TO THE NATIONS Monthly messages – fresh manna delivered to your door

>> carmel:missions initiative – listeners’ comments! Germany: ‘I listen while driving my car.’ India:‘We translate and send to about 40 pastors in the villages.’ South Africa: ‘A great listen with a cup of coffee.’ UK: ‘We are blessed and encouraged by the Word in Season’

latest news c:view highlights some of the major events in carmel: ministries international since our previous issue of twentyfour7. For more information contact carmel: on 0117 977 5533 or email



After the successful launch in 2005, Get Sported blasted back this year at Bristol’s biggest school – Brislington Enterprise College.

For one week every year the fields of a farm in Ross-onWye host an event that challenges the senses, tests the nerves and fires up the spirit. This year’s youth camp was the biggest yet with over eighty young people heading out from carmel: for five unforgettable days. Generous sponsorship by members of the congregation enabled many to participate, build new friendships and have fun but most importantly to have an encounter with God. Swimming in the river, air rifle shooting and other challenging activities featured on the agenda. Evening meetings were very powerful with the Wash Band pumping while the crowd were jumping. The presence of God was tangible with the prophetic in full operation and the preaching of the Word Spirit led and penetrating every heart. Six young people from Get Sported all made Jesus Lord of their lives. On the penultimate day six were baptised in the River Wye, one of whom had only given his life to Jesus the night before. Wash Away 2007– make it – or miss out!

Between thirty and forty young people each day attended the two week programme of multi-sports activities and a Bible based curriculum to introduce young people to biblical truth which resulted in most of the participants making a personal decision to follow Jesus. carmel: Youth Leader, John Pearce, headed up the project, co-ordinating over twenty volunteers from carmel: as well as others from the USA and Palestine. Sports coaches were provided by World Sports Ministries led by founder Grant Sheppard. A high standard of football, cricket, basketball, rugby and volleyball was evident throughout the two weeks. Special guest Bristol City Football Club goal-keeper Adriano Basso was involved in a penalty shootout before sharing his faith with the teams. Tommy Baker, professional sports entertainer and world record holder for spinning a baskeball on his head, dazzled us with his juggling. Football coach Paul Sevier showed us he could rap as well as he can play. Get Sported would like to thank: Mr John Matthews, Head Teacher of Brislington Enterprise College and all the support staff for allowing this event to take place; Stancold Ltd for their financial support and all the volunteers and praying people who enabled this project to become reality..


To register please contact us and ask for carmel:missions or alternatively email to be part of Word in Season.

If you do not know Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, we invite you to take a step of faith to change your life!

Steps to salvation: >>01 Acknowledge: that you’re a sinner and need Jesus

What the Bible says: God made you in His image Genesis 1:27 The sin of unbelief separates you from God Isaiah 59:2 God provided the way back through giving His Son Jesus Christ John 3:16 The way back is through the cross 1 Peter 2:24 You receive Jesus by faith as a free gift, not earned or deserved Romans 6:23

>>02 Repent: ask God for His forgiveness >>03 Believe: that Jesus paid the price for your sins >>04 Receive: invite Jesus to come into your heart and life >>05 Confess: that Jesus is your Lord and Saviour >>06 Thank Him!

Simply pray the following prayer: Dear Heavenly Father, I confess that I am a sinner and I ask for your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God and was sent to die and be raised again so I could be forgiven and have eternal life. I ask you into my heart and life. I thank you this is the beginning of a new life with you and I confess you as my Lord and Saviour. If you prayed this for the first time, contact us and let us know. We would love to help you with your new life! Contact us using the details on the inside cover (page 3). 5

NEVERFORGOTTEN The bright colours of over thirty national flags, a packed auditorium and a great sense of anticipation set the scene for the students of anchor: bible training centre and anchor: international leadership academy, as they celebrated their achievements of the past year.

The tenth Graduation service was an impressive occasion, worthy of celebration. On Saturday 8th July at carmel:centre, family and friends witnessed the graduation of twenty-seven First Year students, twenty-six Second Year students and twelve students from anchor: international leadership academy. Rev Sarah Stockinger led the evening which included the flag procession, anthems and certificate presentations. In his opening address, Rev Gerri Di Somma exhorted the students to keep faith at the core of their lives, reminding them that this is the mandate they have been given over the last year. Guest speaker Rev Wynne Lewis challenged the students to be the best they could be, referring them to the accomplishments of Elijah. A moving addition to the service was the ordination of three couples to the ministry 6

at carmel:centre. Rev Gerri Di Somma explained that ordination is firstly recognising the giftings and divine call on people’s lives, and secondly releasing them into the next phase of their destiny. The anointing in the auditorium was tangible as Ken and Claire Suckling, Sean and Michelle Leask, and Osien and Fatima Sibanda were publicly recognised, then prayed for by Rev Wynne Lewis. Most of those ordained have either lectured or been students at abtc: which provided a fitting link to the Graduation service. The evening was additionally significant in that it marked the last Graduation service for anchor: bible training centre. From September, the college will be known as carmel: bible college, and the leadership year as carmel: leadership academy. We pray God’s continued favour and anointing on the lecturers and students as they strive for excellence in the calling God has placed on their lives.


Taken from the address by Rev Wynne Lewis to the students: I would like to speak to you tonight about Elijah, a servant of God who accomplished amazing things, not because of his own ability but because of his faith in the God of the miraculous. We can see from 1 Kings 16 that the nation of Israel was experiencing a time of being governed by rulers of great depravity. King Ahab and his wife Jezebel worshipped Baal and led Israel down the slippery slope of godlessness. Boundaries were broken and many prophets had been killed by Jezebel. Elijah, an unknown young man from Gilead, prone to depression and with many weaknesses, was going to confront this dangerous situation despite his own inabilities.

>>04 ELIJAH WAS NOT AFRAID TO CONFRONT BAAL Elijah stepped out in faith at God’s command to confront Ahab and God took care of the repercussions. 1 Kings 17:1. Do not worry about your source of supply when doing God’s work; if you are truly called by Him, He will provide for you – though perhaps not in the way you expect. When I was pastoring a church in Derby, the boiler broke down before the Sunday service and the church was freezing. I spoke in faith saying the church would be hot before the next service, knowing we had no extra money. Just before that service, an old lady came to my office and gave me the exact amount to buy a new boiler! The evidence of the eye is not decisive, and what you hear and know is not final when operating in God’s kingdom.

>>01 ELIJAH WAS A MAN OF PRAYER James 5:17 reminds us that ‘Elijah was a man with a nature like ours…’ He was a flawed instrument but was willing to stand up and be counted. He was also powerful in prayer: ‘...he prayed earnestly that it would not rain; and it did not rain on the land for three years and six months.’ He is your example in using the prayer of faith, believing in God even when everything is against you. >>02 ELIJAH HEARD AND OBEYED THE WORD OF THE LORD The first we hear of Elijah is when ‘the word of the Lord came to him.’ 1 Kings 17:2. When did you last hear the Word of the Lord and act on it, as Elijah did? In 1982 I was in hospital, paralysed following a car crash. I asked God: ‘Could I have prevented this if I had listened to you?’ The answer was, ‘Yes’, as God spoke clearly to me, calling me to build a church of many thousands in London. God is looking for people to do the impossible – that which has not been done before – as Elijah did. Do not under-estimate what God expects you to do.

>>05 ELIJAH WAS A MAN PRONE TO WEAKNESSES Elijah’s finest hour was his confrontation with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel. 1 Kings 18. However, after a great victory, Elijah allowed fear to cause him to flee when he could have accomplished even more for God. Beware of the devil’s tactics after you have experienced victory in ministry. Be vigilant and do not allow negative emotions to determine your future. Do not quit too soon. >>06 ELIJAH WAS A POWERFUL SERVANT OF GOD WHO RAISED UP OTHERS Elijah was a powerful servant of God but he was unable to master his weaknesses and eventually God sent him back the way he had come to anoint Elisha as his successor. 1 Kings19:15-16. Encourage people to work with you who have strengths where you are weak, and complement each other in the ministry. Don’t revisit past failures in ministry – you will make lots of mistakes but press on! My prayer for you as graduates is that you will finish the job and be full of faith to the very end.

>>03 ELIJAH WAS A MAN OF FAITH Elijah needed to be strong in faith to save the nation, and this strength came from time spent in God’s presence. This is vital for you all; your public performance depends on your private time with God. 7

We all face challenges. While waiting for provision, whether it’s guidance, healing or the salvation of loved ones, we may struggle, feeling discouraged. Life becomes a hard place. God wants us to remain faithful in that hard place while He takes us through to the place of provision. John Calvin said: ‘Whatever sort of tribulation we suffer, we should always remember that its purpose is to make us spurn the present and reach out to the future.’ In order to achieve this we need to weather the storms of crisis. Weathering the Storms of Crisis Every crisis presents a choice: to avoid it or to recognise it and realise its potential to take us to another level of faith and victory. Crisis should not be viewed negatively – some of the greatest rewards come when we weather its storms – and sometimes it is God changing the season.


A hard place is a lonely place

Jacob was away from his natural family and thought he was alone. In hard times it may seem that God has deserted us. We may feel lonely even among people, believing no-one understands. But ‘nothing can separate us from the love of God…’ Romans 8:35-39. However insurmountable the circumstances, when we realise this, seek God and connect with Him, we will know we are not alone and we will receive His comfort and become aware of God’s love, presence and protection.

Genesis 27 onwards unfolds the life of Jacob. He left home as a young man, travelling alone. In the depths of hardship he discovered the incredible presence and promises of God but it still took about twenty-five years before the fulfillment of the promise.

• Focus less on the natural and more on the spiritual. While Jacob focused on his natural family, he was blind to the knowledge that he was connected to the greatest family ever – the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac his father and the God who was waiting to be Jacob’s God.

A closer look in Genesis 28:10-22 reveals key principles that Jacob learned in a hard place – principles that were to sustain him while he waited, and lessons we should learn from his experience.

• Stop trying to understand why bad things happen. Give it to God, allow Him to be the righteous judge, to protect, encourage and keep you. >>02

God gets our attention in solitude

Our cry of despair is the connection that God has been waiting for. Jacob was alone, pursued by his brother, unsure where he was going, vulnerable and had a stone for a pillow. God gave Jacob a prophetic dream, revealing that He was the real answer to Jacob’s problem. Genesis 28:12. Elijah was in a similar place when God spoke to him. Elijah had performed amazing miracles, destroying five hundred prophets of Baal.


Yet when he heard that Jezebel was pursuing him, he fled in fear, wanting to die. There, God spoke to him and reassured him. 1 Kings 19:9-18.


This is an abridged version of teaching by Gerri Di Somma. Audio cassettes, CDs and DVDs are available to order.

Finding Help and Hope BY REV GERRI DI SOMMA • Look for solutions in the spiritual not the natural. Don’t become so caught up dealing with the circumstances themselves that you fail to let God in to help you overcome the circumstances. •

Be anxious for nothing. Give your problems to God, leave them with Him and rest in Him. Jacob was asleep when God spoke to him – follow his example to switch off and rest.

• Hold fast to the words God has spoken to you – He will fulfill His promises if you press in and trust Him, expecting the crisis to prove your faith, that you may be complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4. >>03

God’s voice is heard in the hard place

One of the blessings of the hard place is the ability to hear God’s voice, as Jacob did. In the infancy of carmel: there wasn’t even enough money for rent and we wanted to start the Bible school. All our props had been removed – we were in a place of solitude and unfamiliarity. There, in our hard place, God spoke clearly, telling us to double our giving, which in the natural was impossible and seemed insane but it was to be our breakthrough. • Don’t be distracted by any other voices. In crisis it is easier to listen to well-meant advice rather than seeking God, to become confused by the many apparent solutions. God does not want us to listen to the voice of a stranger but to Him. John 10:5. >>04 >>04

God releases promises in the hard place

When we lean on and depend on God in the hard place, He releases promises. Psalm 47:4 reveals: ‘He will choose our inheritance for us….’ God made promises to Jacob concerning land for him and his future descendents, giving him answers and direction. Genesis 28:14. • Let God choose your inheritance. Don’t choose your own inheritance by implementing your own solutions. Recognise and implement the strategies God reveals. >>05

God gives assurance in the hard place

When God speaks directly to you, gives a prophetic word through a messenger or reveals truth to you in intimacy with Him, He stands over His Word until it is performed. Isaiah 55:11.

This is vital to understand so you hold on when you can’t see the answer. Faith concerns the promises of God received without the evidence of fact. Hebrews 11:1. • Hold on to God’s Word. God’s given Word is as good as done however long it might take. It carries the integrity of heaven and is a settled fact. • Hold on to your inheritance. The enemy will try to sway you from the assurance of God’s promise. Esau was swayed, rebelled and lost his inheritance. He and his whole family suffered as a result. Satan’s power is in his ability to deceive.

Once you doubt, feel sorry for yourself, believe you shouldn’t suffer or you are tempted to shortcut God through ungodly means, deception will rob you: first of your assurance and ultimately of God’s promises and provision.

Don’t be swayed by the enemy. Jesus was in a hard place when the Spirit took Him to the desert where He wrestled with principalities and powers using the Word of God, remaining steadfast. Ephesians 6:10-12. Do likewise, making war with each prophecy while waiting for fulfillment.

Receive the Word. Jacob, like Jesus, was on his father’s instructions. He heard the Word and had to receive it in order for it to empower him to do God’s will.

Let the hard place become awesome. After Jacob awoke from his dream, that hard and lonely place suddenly took on a new dimension. Realising God’s presence, Jacob exclaimed, ‘How awesome is this place! This is none other than the house of God, and this is the gate of heaven!’ Genesis 28:17. Recognise God at work in the midst of every crisis!


God is worshipped in the hard place

After this revelation Jacob immediately worshipped God. The stone he had slept on symbolised the hard place; he anointed it with oil as an act of worship, recognising that there he had received the promise of God. He honoured and worshipped God IN the hard place – he didn’t wait until God’s promises were fulfilled or he had left it.


TEACHING The most difficult and the last thing we tend to do is to worship God in tough times, when it should be the first. Worship creates intimacy with God. It builds faith, without which it is impossible to please God. Hebrews 11:6. Worship builds faith in God’s Word. If you abide in Him and His Word abides in you, you can ask anything and it will be done for you. John 15:7. • Don’t seek the solution – seek God. God is the solution. Before He called me into the ministry, I had a lucrative job, a secure and comfortable living and a promising future. The infancy of the ministry was challenging, but I would not be able to demonstrate God’s faithfulness nor teach faith today if my own faith had not been proven in the hard place. I would be unable to give assurance and encourage people to await with certainty God’s timing. • No matter how hard it is, worship God. Quieten your mind, fight your own doubt and insecurities by entering His presence through worship. Take the Word, the calling, whatever promise God has given you and praise Him for it. •

The pivotal point of the hard place is worship. When you don’t feel like it, lack motivation, feel discouraged and feel that all hell has broken loose against you, when you feel that God has abandoned you – worship!

A Word of promise without worship is like a seed without soil where the birds of the air devour it. Mark 4:3-20. Let your crisis produce fruitfulness.


>>‘Character is not made in a crisis – it is only exhibited.’<<

God gives generational blessings in the hard place.

The fruit of Jacob’s crisis was generational blessing. If he had not pulled through to worship God, there would be no Israel today; no David, no Solomon, no Messiah. God told Jacob that not only would he receive the very land where he experienced his crisis, but through him all following generations would be blessed. Genesis 28:14. • Generations depend on you to pull through. Pull through your hard place, waiting for God’s blessings, power, inheritance and provision. •

God makes a way. Before Jacob left the hard place, God was making a way through. Jacob returned many years later, triumphant and prosperous. God is making a way for you.

Whatever challenges you face, let God make provision in your hard place for you and future generations.


>>‘No faith is as precious as that which lives and triumphs in adversity.’ Charles Spurgeon <<


As Second Year Bible College students we were preparing to go on a mission trip. We both have South African passports so we had applied for the necessary visas long before. Telephone enquiries had repeatedly been made. Every requirement made by the Home Office had been fulfilled. Despite this, no visas arrived. By the morning of the day of departure our visas had still not even been approved. Ready to step out in faith, we had packed and were prepared to go to London to fetch our visas. In our prayer group that morning Jeremiah 29:11 was spoken over us and we knew that our visas would be granted. We headed for London, leaving our fellow students praying for us as they prepared for the start of the mission trip later that day.

‘But without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him.’ Hebrews 11:6

In London, we were on our way to find the visa office when we received a phone call to say that the visas had been granted and were ready for collection. We met the rest of the students later that same day and travelled with them to Romania to do the work of the Gospel. STEVE AND JACQUI BIRCH In February 2005 I was rushed to hospital for an emergency hernia operation which was successful but I stopped breathing. I was resuscitated but was very ill and the doctors told my family that they didn’t think I would survive. My family refused to accept this and contacted members of carmel: who immediately started praying for my recovery. At my bedside my children continuously prayed and quoted scripture, especially Isaiah 53:5. I started to recover slowly but surely and two months later I left hospital with an oxygen machine. I had to use it for at least 8 hours a day and the doctors said I would need it for the rest of my life. Daily I could feel myself improving and after two months I knew I didn’t need the oxygen any more. The Respiratory Nurse came to visit me at home and was so concerned to find me breathing without the oxygen that she made a hospital appointment for me. In July 2006 I went back to the hospital for tests. When the Doctor read the results, he reminded me how ill I had been and shook his head in disbelief – they could find NOTHING WRONG. Praise the Lord. MARGARET STOLTZ 11

This is an abridged version of teaching by Michelle Di Somma. Audio cassettes, CDs and DVDs are available to order.

ROOTEDAND GROUNDED? EMPOWERED WOMEN While I was digging and prodding in my garden, trying everything I could to uproot an unwanted plant, God spoke to me about being rooted and grounded in Him. He said that He wanted us, His Body, to be so rooted and grounded in Him and His Word that nothing could uproot us. Are You Rooted and Grounded? According to Ephesians 3:16-19 and Colossians 2:7 the key to being rooted and grounded lies in being ‘strengthened (reinforced) with might through the spirit’ with the result that we ‘know the love of God’ and are ‘filled with all the fullness of God’. 12


This is a process which has several vital stages. >>01 Invite Jesus in permanently Christians have already opened the door and Jesus has entered their lives. Revelation 3:20. To many however Jesus remains no more than a visitor. There is no relationship, no intimacy, no evidence of being ‘rooted and grounded in love’ with God. Instead of allowing Him freedom of access in our life, we restrict Him– often to just our Sunday service. >>02 Abide with and in Him intimately

In his book ‘Drawing Near’ John Bevere makes a powerful statement: ‘If…your hunger has subsided…throughout the day, find little opportunities that you can go and feast on the Word, even if it is only one scripture.…your hunger will begin to increase.’ The more we feed our hunger, the stronger our root system becomes. >>04 Strengthen the foundation of your relationship

We need to understand that we will experience storms. They come to try and sway us to doubt God. They are not comfortable and they may frighten us. However, if we are rooted, grounded and feeding constantly on the Word of God we will become stable in Christ Jesus. As we develop When we allow Him to abide in us through intimacy with Him, we bear fruit as John shows in the continuing scripture: strong roots we become established and enabled to ‘…and My words abide in you, you will ask what you desire, and endure the storms. Matthew 7: 24-27. The Bible says to it shall be done for you. By this My Father is glorified, that you give thanks in the midst of a storm. When we praise and worship God continually it helps to anchor us and cause us bear much fruit; so you will be My disciples.’ John 15:7-8. to become strong. Pastor Gerri and I had become Christians but we backslid When our first daughter Tash became ill it was a major when circumstances became tough because we were not storm for me. But as I began to grow, I understood that rooted and grounded. Our lives went downhill for four years until we opened that door and began to abide, to be intimate, God wanted to ‘perfect, establish, strengthen and settle’ me in His Word. (See 1 Peter 5:10). to develop a continual awareness of God. Colossians 2:6-7. God wants us to abide, or dwell, in Him. When we live in the same house as God without relating or communicating with Him, we treat Him like a lodger.

As we abide with God this process of being rooted and grounded continues. We must next learn to feed our spirit. >>03 Eat the bread of life Our natural bodies were designed to consume food and our spirit to consume spiritual food. We do ourselves a great disservice when we have one spiritual meal on Sundays. Feeding builds us up but it takes effort and the right food. Just as roots need water, we need to be continually watered and fed by the Word, which will energise and sustain. People who don’t feed on the Word remain empty, ignorant and weak. If you feed on things other than the Word, for example television, worldly people, worldly values or your problems, these things will influence and drive you. Roots provide food and energy as well as stability for plants. Photosynthesis, which means ‘being exposed to the light’, is a further food source. Jesus is the Light of our lives. We need to be grounded in God and exposed to Him. Psalm 34:8 exhorts us, ‘Oh taste and see that the Lord is good...’ Psalm 119:103 says, ‘How sweet are Your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!’

The Word says that we are to put God in remembrance of His Word. He wants to know that WE know it. God’s ability is revealed to us through His Word. Now, whenever storms come into my life they do not uproot me; I go immediately to the Bible and declare what the Word says about the situation and not what the circumstances say about it. >>05 Raising God’s standard defeats the enemy’s strategy Even though the enemy may come in like a flood, God raises up a standard against him in the Word. God wants you to raise up the standard of the Word in your life so that you will not be uprooted in your relationship with Him. Stand firm and become established so that your roots will give you a sure anchor. Then, no matter what happens around you, it will not affect you. You will have become ‘…strong in the Lord and in the power of His might.’ Ephesians 6:10. Are you rooted and grounded in Christ and His Word? Have you opened the door and invited Him into your life? Is He abiding with you? If not, do it right now. Then, choose to feed on the Word and become strong in God, rooted and grounded in Him so that you may be able to raise up the standard of God’s Word in your life. 13



Darrell, why ‘foundheaven’, what is it all about? Each person who is a Christian has a story to tell about what God has done in their life which can have a great impact on other people. Scripture says, ‘…. they overcame him (Satan) by the blood of the Lamb and by the word of their testimony…’. Revelation 12:11. Foundheaven is a website full of these stories connecting non-Christians to a bank of evidence for Christianity. Imagine having a flyer containing thousands of stories of people from various backgrounds, nationalities and circumstances all validating the good news concerning Jesus. You’d need more than a suitcase to carry them all. But a website!…unlimited evidence at your fingertips. You can ask someone, ‘Have you found heaven?’ and point them to those who have. How are you collecting all this material, then? It seems you’ve given yourself a mammoth task. We are already collecting stories from those we know personally and contacts we have with others. At carmel: we have a great publications and editorial team which we call cre8ION It’s a team which honours God with the excellence of its work. Through this we’ve not only been able to produce the website but also to put the systems in place to manage it. There will be certain checks on the material because we don’t want people putting rubbish on the site and dishonouring God.

Sometimes the tracts Christians use for witnessing are dated and, quite frankly, visually uninspiring, but I believe you have a professionally designed flyer to go with ‘’ Tracts can only contain a limited amount of material. Because of this, the contents must be as effective as possible. Also, the whole thing must be designed to a standard which will attract people who are used to reading quality material. That’s what we believe we have done with our ‘foundheaven’ flyer. We produce them in large quantities and have designed them specifically so we can adapt them to the material supplied by those who buy them. Something happened to you and your family a few months ago where ‘foundheaven’ found royalty, didn’t it? Yes, it was amazing. My wife Clare and I were with my parents when we pulled into a petrol station… and there was Prince William. We immediately thought, ‘foundheaven!’ Clare took one out of her handbag and ran over to him saying, ‘Please read this.’ The Prince said, ‘Oh, this looks a bit dodgy,’ but she insisted, ‘No, read it, find out about it.’ And he took it and read it. So we can truthfully say that a future King of England has now read the Gospel story through ‘foundheaven.’ Just one last thing, how about telling us a little of your story.

From what I understand, ‘’ offers other facilities. Yes. Basically, people can either read each real life story on screen or they can watch a video of some people telling their story.


Well, I have qualifications in Graphic Communication and I’ve graduated from the two year anchor: bible training course and the one year anchor: international leadership academy.

Also, when someone wants to upload their own story, there is an explanation of how to do it.

Though I became a Christian at the age of 12, I went my own way when I was 16. I guess my early life could be categorised as one of wine, women and song.

Ultimately this will allow the website to expand worldwide because the site is designed to enable Christians from around the world to type in their story.

I was driven by selfish ambition and there was a stage when I was all set to head to London to pursue my dream of being a director in a marketing agency.


Homepage: The stories begin here! Find out how many others have foundheaven

YOUR PAGE: Enter your story. Line upon line to reveal how you foundheaven.

THEIR PAGE: View your own story and see how others foundheaven. You can also watch a few selected video stories.

But God had other ideas. I was confronted with the choice – His way or my own. I chose His way. As a result, He fulfilled my dreams beyond anything I could have hoped for, giving me more than I ever had before. Today, I head up a marketing agency as creative director of cre8ION, based at carmel: in Bristol. I lecture in what is now called carmel: bible college and carmel: leadership academy. And I have a wonderful wife, Clare, my helpmeet and best friend. Together we share the joy of living the life of faith.

For more information or how you get involved just email us on 15

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