TwentyFour7 Issue 17

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SERVICES Sat 18.30HRS Sun 08.30HRS SuN 10.30HRS CONTACT CARMEL:CENTRE 817a Bath Road, Brislington, Bristol BS4 5NL T: (0117) 977 5533 F: (0117) 977 5678 W:

‘He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.’ Luke 9:2

EXECUTIVE EditorS: GERRI AND Michelle Di Somma, PRODUCED BY: WWW.CRE8ION.CO.UK Printers: Yeomans Press Bible quotations are from the New King James Version unless stated otherwise. Full

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Further impact was made to touch people’s lives within the church and local community, releasing a children’s album (page 4), and opening a café (pages 14-15). None of this would have been possible without the body working together with one God, as one people, with one purpose. This was the theme of ‘aGODthing’ Conference ’07 featured in this issue. We thank God for the anointed teaching from our guest speakers which encouraged and exhorted us to fulfil our purpose. As we prepare for the coming year, we pray that you too will thank God for all He has done and share our anticipation and excitement for what He is going to do.

Gerri and Michelle Di Somma



JANUARY Mon 7 carmel: school reopens 8.30am Sun 13 Baby Dedication 10.30am Crown Course begins 6.30pm [10 weekly sessions] Wed 16 Home Groups restart 7.00pm Thu 17 – Sat19 Position for Blessing Registration 6.15pm 1st Session 6.30PM –10.00pm Fri 18 2nd Session 6.30PM –10.00pm Sat 19 Final Session 9.00am – 5.00pm Sat 19 – Sun 20 Vision Fri 25 Prayer Vigil 10.30pm – 3.30am Sun 27 Basics begins 9.00am [10 weekly sessions] FEBRUARY Sat 2 Wed 6 Sat 9 Fri 15 Sat 16 Mon 18 – Fri 22 Sat 23 Fri 29 – Sun 2

WOMEN’S Breakfast Home Group Training Men’s Breakfast Valentine Function Promise of Purity Intro Half Term Baptism WOMEN’S Conference

MARCH Sun 2 Wed 5 Mon 10 Fri 21 Sat 22 – Sun 23 Fri 28 Sat 29

Mother’s Day Partners’ Meeting Leaders’ Meeting Good Friday Easter Musical Prayer Vigil Promise of Purity POP Ceremony

Account Details

South Africa Anchor Ministries International First National Bank, Cresta Branch Sort Code: Account No: 25-49-05 51440080590

carmel: ministries international is a registered charity (Charity No. 1094052) with Luke 9:2 as its mission statement. All finances sown go into the work of establishing God’s Kingdom through evangelism and preparing labourers for the harvest.















Should you wish to donate by Gift Aid please contact the church office.

6.30pm (SEE BACK PAGE)







United Kingdom Allied Irish Carmel Christian Centre Sort Code: Account No: 23-85-85 00709260

8.30am 7.00pm 8.30am 7.30pm 9.00am – 10.30Am

10.30pm – 3.30am 9.30am – 4.30pm 6.30pm


Partnership in sharing – The whole ministry of sharing is to give oneself in the areas of love, time, talents and finances.


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Partnership in caring – We are instructed to watch over and take care of the partners in our charge (Acts 20:28).



Partnership in prayer – We believe it is vital for every partner to develop a strong personal prayer life, and to pray for the leadership for godly wisdom and direction from the Lord.



Partnership is important – It releases power to get the job done. We can accomplish the Great Commission together in unity.



We reflect on the past year and all that God has done through us and in us as a church as we focussed on our vision, ‘Multiply to occupy’. As we have multiplied the Word, church, Home Group and Mentoring Group attendance have increased as well as the numbers of the groups themselves. carmel: christian school has grown and more children from the community attend PEACHY after school club. ‘Word In Season’ + now provides teaching to church leaders in twenty - six different nations.

A partner is a sharer, an associate, one who engages with another in business, one who plays on the same side as another.


All teachings in this edition are abridged. versions are available to order on CD or DVD.








from Bath Follow A4 towards Bristol, bypassing Keynsham, to the Park-andRide (on your left) on the outskirts of Bristol, just before traffic lights. At these lights proceed straight (in outside lane) for approx. 150 yards (McDonald’s on your right). HSBC Bank follows on your right. Immediately before the Bank, take the driveway along its right, between the buildings. carmel:centre is behind HSBC. from M4 J19 Proceed towards Bristol along M32 to J3. Leave M32 at J3 heading left onto dual carriageway, following signs for A4 and Bath. Approach the next roundabout in left lane and continue to follow signs for A4 Bath, to traffic lights. Proceed straight on and over a high level bridge, descending to another roundabout. Proceed straight on, in right hand lane, to next roundabout. Leave this roundabout to the right with Sainsbury’s on your left. Keep in left hand lane and go straight on at next two sets of lights which come a short distance apart.




One could be forgiven for thinking that 2006 ‘Ten Days of Glory’ would be a hard act to follow. But there was no sense of disappointment in carmel: at the annual Conference in October 2007, because this too was ‘aGODthing’

There is one body and one Spirit, just as one baptism ; one God and you were called Father of all, in one hope who is above all, and throughof your calling; one Lord , one faith, all, and in you all. EPHESIA NS 4:4-6

In the past, carmel: conferences have been planned, prepared and publicised well in advance. This year however, the ministry teams working behind the scenes were stretched beyond their comfort zones when God did not reveal who the speakers would be right up to the eleventh hour, but simply instructed Pastor Gerri to hold a conference. Just ten days before the Conference opening, God began to reveal that He had everything under control. One by one, anointed speakers were prompted by the Holy Spirit to contact Pastor Gerri, sensing that God wanted them to attend the Conference during specific time slots. Pastor Gerri recognised that God was bringing His appointed speakers within His appointed time table, and invited them one by one as guest speakers. Every hour of every day of the schedule was covered, with no gaps and no duplications. It was clear that God had called His gifts to the body of Christ for this Conference, and that each of them could say, in line with Pastor Gerri’s teaching, ‘I AM has sent me’. MINISTRY The speakers came with a heart and a message not only for carmel: but for this nation. Their inspired ministry, their sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, their love for God, His Word and His Church was evident. Each of the teachings dovetailed together, in powerful demonstration of the theme and mandate of the Conference – ONE GOD, ONE PEOPLE, ONE PURPOSE. LAYING ON OF HANDS On the last night of the Conference, carmel: leadership laid hands on every individual, praying for the impartation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit, to enable the body to fulfil God’s purpose. There could be no doubt concerning the importance of unity among the body of Christ in serving one God as one people, with one purpose.




Balanced leadership

Equipping the church for tomorrow Wynne Lewis

Jesus commissioned the church to make disciples and teach them to obey ‘all things’ that He commanded. Matthew 28:20. It is equally dangerous to teach more than, or less than this ‘all’, because it distorts how the church functions, leading to imbalanced ‘movements’ in the church, which then require God’s correction. Leaders therefore need to know what the ‘all’ is and convey it accurately.

The main responsibility of Christian leaders is to equip the church to do the work of the Gospel. This necessitates plurality of leadership – apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers, helps, administrations and other gifts to the body. Ephesians 4:11-12; 1 Corinthians 12:28.

Chris Lodewyk

Jesus left us symbols of leadership. For example, He responded with a whip to the money changers in the temple; He performed a miracle at the wedding in Cana; He sat on the city wall and wept for Jerusalem. None of these responses should be adopted as leadership ‘styles’ to be followed indiscriminately, but should help leaders to assess and respond appropriately, though differently, to each situation. A leader who maintains passion for people remains sensitive and adaptable, maintaining balance while teaching the ‘all’. Salt and light do not replace each other and neither one will work where the other is needed. Don’t become a celebrity style leader, ‘untouchable’ and more concerned about outward success than the inward condition of your heart. When success comes, don’t depend upon that success but remember Who made you successful. The symbol of Jesus with towel and basin should motivate you to servant leadership, for you must first learn to follow before you are followed. Follow Jesus’ demonstration of the servant leader. Don’t exchange: boldness for arrogance/strength for dictatorship serving for being served/people for pennies contact for comfort/relevance for respect compassion for competition/humility for honour honesty for hypocrisy/principles for profiles meekness for weakness/Jesus for ‘just me’ If you’ve taught less than or more than the ‘all’, receive correction from God’s Word and be led by the Holy Spirit. Be a balanced leader!

Whatever job or position in the church you hold, you should prepare others to take your place so the church becomes equipped not just for today but for tomorrow. Find somebody with similar giftings to yours and train them in the things of God. Many gifts and talents are not immediately visible, so you must seek them. Don’t become so familiar with someone’s servant role that you don’t recognise their potential, their gifting and higher calling. Although Joshua was faithfully serving, Moses failed to discern that Joshua could do his job and was the successor he had prayed for. Then when Joshua died, he too failed to see that Caleb could take over, which resulted in the elders carrying out his job. Judges 2:7. When leaders are too busy sorting out problems, they fail to see they are responsible for the next generation of leadership. They don’t mentor their successors and their mandate dies. The ministry of Elijah and Elisha however set a different example. They apprenticed future prophets, with a school in Bethel and fifty in Jericho. 1 Kings 18:13,20:35; 2 Kings 2: 3-5. When seeking your successors, remember that God calls into leadership those with proven, reputable character. 1 Timothy 3:8-11. Check their attitudes and qualities in their secular jobs as well as within the church, ensure that character balances gifting and that their good qualities override the bad. As you raise up others, lead by example and sow seeds into their lives until they bring up your ideas as their own and God gets the glory. You are not a success until you have a successor.



For more information on the latest events at carmel: contact us. T: 0117 977 5533 E: CARMEL:MUSIC – GOD IS GOOD On the opening night of ‘aGODthing!’ conference 2007, carmel: ministries international launched its first children’s praise and worship CD, ‘God is Good!’ The songs were written by Helen Owens, carmel: children’s ministry leader, and produced by Kathy Bray, who gave all the songs a fresh, new and exciting mix. The children enthralled the congregation by singing, ‘I Worship You, My Jesus’ and ‘The Wombat Song’. They ministered to people’s lives as they wholeheartedly declared their love for Jesus and encouraged people to ‘tell the world, tell everybody, tell them what they need to know... Jesus loves them so...’ To honour the children’s commitment in spending many hours rehearsing and recording, they were each presented with a gift. ‘God is Good!’ is certain to enrich all who listen to it. Copies are available from carmel: BigBookShop. PSALM 34:8 Oh, taste and see that the LORD is good; blessed is the man who trusts in Him!

HELEN YOUSAF – CHILD OF MINE @ carmel: Guest singer Helen Yousaf and her team delighted carmel: with her first album, ‘Child of Mine’. The songs are a loving ‘call back’ from Father to child, for struggling Christians and lost souls. It is also a call to prayer and praise to the church. Helen led carmel: church in praise and worship, ministering to the body prophetically. Pastor Gerri Di Somma thanked Helen, saying, ‘These songs are as if they have come straight from the throne room of God.’ ‘Child of Mine’ is available from carmel: BigBookShop. and comes complete with lyrics confessing the Word of God and encouraging both the young and old.





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bernie mclaughlin, founder and pastor of cornerstone church, AYRSHIRE, SCOTLAND

Business people are focussed. They have a clear vision for their future and an established purpose. It should be the same in the church. During my ministry I travel the world and always ask Christians I meet, ‘What’s your vision for the next five years?’ Few can answer, so I ask, ‘Where will you be in a year?’ And the answer is the same. That is what I call ‘aimless Christianity.’ >>The power of one: Christians need a focus, a goal in life; they need to know the ‘power of one’. Throughout history, we see how one man can change a nation. Wilberforce fought against an entire government, resulting in the abolition of slavery worldwide. Alexander Dowie brought the bubonic plague to a halt in Australia, was jailed in America one hundred times for practising medicine without a licence, and brought healing back into the church. It was one person that made the difference to Hitler getting into power. The power of ‘one’ is massive. You must never say, ‘What can be done? I am only one’. You can be a world-shaker, a history-maker. The oneness that you have does not mean that you are on your own. God formed you, chose you, has plans for you, and has a purpose for you, John 15:16; Jeremiah 29:11-12. You need to know your purpose because purpose produces passion – passion to empower you to accomplish that purpose.


The mystery that has been hidden from ages and generations, but now has been revealed to His saints’ is ‘…Christ in you…’ You have Christ in you, with all His riches and revelation knowledge. He is your ‘…hope of glory’. because ‘…he who is joined to the Lord is one spirit with Him’. Colossians 1:26-27 and 1 Corinthians 6:17. Oneness of God with man is ‘the mystery’ revealed. Even with Christ in you, if you don’t take time to get to know Him, you could be among those ‘aimless Christians’ who do great things in His name yet to whom Jesus says, ‘Depart from me, I never knew you’. Matthew 7:23. Knowing God is what changes lives and gives us authority. You can’t know God through someone else’s experience – it has to be personal and real to you. Once God is in you, living through you, He renews everything about you. He becomes God as you. When you catch this ‘mystery revealed’ I believe you will never have another aimless day in your life. You will know that you have become flesh of His flesh, bone of His bone, know that He dwells in you, that the ‘rhema Word’ of life speaks through your mouth. He has provided His Son for you and will continue to provide all you need. With the revelation knowledge of Christ, the hope of glory, in you, your life will be punctuated with greater authority and results.

God’s purpose will prevail and be established in your life if you persevere so your passion does not diminish. But you must stop brainstorming your own options and recognise that He has thought of everything and provides everything that you need. Ephesians 1:7-11.

You will no longer experience lack but fruitfulness which glorifies God. John 15:8. You will lay hands on the sick and they will recover; when you sow, your harvest will be greater; you will speak to mountains and they will be removed.

>>One spirit with Christ: History shows that man has tried through religion and his own devices to become like God, and failed. Man cannot become like God, but God became man and became one with man.

Dominion will increase and the enemy will flee from you because he recognises Christ in you. You will step out of aimless Christianity and allow the One who lives in you and through you to fulfil His purpose, His plans and build His Kingdom, in oneness with you.


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THAN BLOOD DON PRICE, CAMPUS PASTOR OF DOXA DEO MINISTRIES, LONDON, ENGLAND If you knew you only had an hour left, what would you pray for? In Jesus’ final prayer, His intense burden was for others. He began, ‘Father the hour has come…’ John 17. He prayed:

understanding; perhaps we blame God for tragedy. But God is compassionate and loving; His heart breaks over sin, and though He has the power to control man’s evil, to do so would violate our free will.

>>1 For The Church: ‘…for those whom You have given Me…’ Five times Jesus expressed His burden for the church, the body; for it to be one; for oneness, not sameness; for unity, not uniformity, ‘…that they may be one just as We are one…that they be made perfect in one…’

>>The Spirit Of Adoption: Because it was medically impossible for my wife to become pregnant, we adopted three children. During the waiting process, some people said, ‘How do you know you can love an adopted child? Blood is thicker than water.’ They were saying blood ties are stronger.

He wanted the church united as perfectly as the Trinity is united. In such unity, God commands blessing. Psalm 133.

I asked God how to love a child and to understand the spirit of adoption. He asked, ‘Who do you love most on earth?’ When I replied, ‘My wife’ God responded, ‘Why? You’re not blood related.’

>>2 For The World: Jesus revealed His purpose for such oneness, ‘…that the world may know that You have sent Me. ’ He yearned for the church to represent Christ and carry God’s glory out from the church to the world, so all may know Jesus’ divinity and that He is alive. >>3 For Individuals: ‘…for all those who will believe in Me…’ Jesus was praying for all His future disciples, which includes you, to have God’s love. This should be revelation experience, not theological knowledge because it is the basis of unity and missions, of outreach to the world. Without God’s love, you can’t love yourself, receive love or be secure in God, and therefore can’t love others. Knowing God’s love is the most powerful, healing, restoring force in the universe. God loves you with a perfect, infinite love. Some find it difficult to accept God’s love, believing they must earn it. But God’s love is unconditional – He loves you because He loves you. And He loves you as much as He loves Jesus. These three points are summarised in verse 23, ‘I in them, and You in Me, that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me, and have loved them as You have loved Me.’ >>God As Father: Jesus always addressed God as ‘Father’. For twenty years I called myself a child of God, without knowing God as my Father. Sometimes human experience blocks that

God was showing me that the spirit of adoption is the spirit of acceptance, loving because you want to, with a spirit that is thicker than blood. That’s how God loves me, and you, and that’s why Jesus came - to help us know God’s love as our Father and help us receive the adoption as sons. Galatians 4:4-6. My wife defied medical science by becoming pregnant. God deepened my understanding further. ‘Don, you love your adopted children; you know that spirit is thicker than blood. What is your spiritual response to this blood relationship?’ I realised I had to choose to love and to adopt my own child, as I had done with the others. I then had to help my adopted children to do the same. I explained that Mummy was pregnant and asked them if our family had enough love to share with a new baby. Everyone agreed that all five of us would open our home and our hearts to adopt this new baby. And they know that their brother was just as much adopted as they were, because they adopted him – they accepted him in the spirit of adoption. I accept and love all my children by the spirit of adoption. If a mere human father can love his adopted children as much as his own son how much more does God? God loves you, His adopted child, as much as He loves Jesus, His own Son. I pray as Jesus did, that you will receive and embrace that love as individuals, as the church, so that it flows out to others to a world that also needs to know God’s love as Father and to know that spirit is thicker than blood. 7


>>01 GOD’S DESIRE FOR HIS PEOPLE >>TO BE MADE PERFECT‘ I in them, and You in Me; that they may be made perfect in one, and that the world may know that You have sent Me and have loved them as You have loved Me.’ John 17:23. ‘Perfect’ here means ‘complete’. The Bible talks about three facets of perfection: past, present and future:

>>TO HAVE A TESTIMONY i) The testimony of the world is that they don’t know Jesus. People search for God in the wrong places – the occult, spiritualism, all kinds of sin and perversion, because the church is not making God reality to them.

i) The saving perfection of the spirit man. 2000 years ago Jesus fulfilled the mandate for our perfection; God declared us perfect, complete in Him. Colossians 2:10.

ii) The testimony of Jesus is that He knew God and God’s plans. Through that relationship He was able to face atrocious suffering to His mortal body, and defeat death, taking the Father’s name and declaring it to the world.

ii) Maturing perfection of the soul. This is a process. We constantly renew our minds, not to conform to the world, but to be inwardly transformed. Romans 12:2. iii) Redemptive perfection. When Jesus returns, God will bring His reward of the new body, new heaven and earth where there will be no sin, sorrow or wars, for eternity. 2 Peter 3:13. The world needs to know how much God loves them, that in the past God made a way for them to be saved, in the present they can be cared for by Him, and that He has a plan for their future. >>TO KNOW GOD’S GLORY When you see God’s glory you will tell His story. John 17:24 holds a further key to enabling us to tell the world, ‘…I desire that they also whom You gave Me may be one with Me where I am, that they may behold My glory…’ Jesus wants us to be where He is – seated at the right hand of God. Ephesians 1:20. We too are seated in heavenly places. Ephesians 2:6. When we begin to look through Jesus’ eyes, we are automatically in heavenly places, and earthly things no longer captivate us. We then begin to walk in health, provision and power, no longer feeling we have no story to tell. 8

iii) The testimony of believers is that they know that God sent Jesus. >>TO KNOW OUR PURPOSE We see from Jesus’ words as He concludes His prayer, that our purpose is locked into the name of God, ‘…I have declared to them Your name, and will declare it, that the love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them’. John 17:26. When we become born again, we receive the nature of the name of the One who saves us. Inherent in God’s name is all power and all authority. It is therefore imperative that we do not remain ignorant of the full implication of what this actually means, if we are to declare it to the world. Exodus 3:9 describes a scene similar to the world today. The Israelites were oppressed, many were ignorant of God or had wandered away from Him, and many were serving the gods of Egypt. God heard their cry, just as He hears today, and desired to set them free. Moses was to deliver them, but God knew that their hearts were full of doubt, unbelief and ignorance. Moses asked God what he should say to them when they asked, ‘What is His name?’ Exodus 3:13. Some were probably wondering which god had sent him, and which god had the power to deliver them.



>>02 GOD’S REVELATION TO HIS PEOPLE How was Moses going to convey the full impact of God’s message to the Israelites? God’s instruction to Moses contained two elements – the first was to tell them who God is by using God’s name, ‘I AM WHO I AM…’ Exodus 3:14. >>GOD IS REVEALED THROUGH HIS NAME The word Jehovah or Yahweh comes from the verb ‘to be’, thus it means just as God said, ‘I AM – I AM who I AM’. This means that God is: > The Self-Existent One who exists and can never cease to exist. > The Eternal One > The Perfect One > The Absolute One > The Unchanging One >> There are two aspects to the name of Jehovah, ‘I AM’: i) Jehovah is the personal revelation of God to man. It is: > the name God chose for Himself when He revealed Himself to Moses. Exodus 3:14. > the name by which Adam and others of his day knew God. Genesis 4:26, 24:1. > the name which Christ claimed for Himself when He revealed Himself as God. John 8:24, 28, 58. ii) Jehovah is the personal relationship with man, caring and looking after his every need He is man’s guardian, completely dependable and utterly trustworthy and reliable. Jehovah is: > the redemptive name of God. Genesis 3:9-13, 21, 6:5-7, 8:20-21; Exodus 34:6-7; Leviticus 11:44-45, 19:1-2, 20:26; Deuteronomy 32:36-42; Habakkuk 3:1-13. > the covenant name of God. Exodus 19:3, 21:1-2; Jeremiah 31:33.

Jehovah, I AM, is sometimes combined with other words revealing the God of salvation, redemption and deliverance: Jehovah Elohim. Genesis 2:4-22-26. I AM the Eternal Creator and Redeemer. He created you and called you to salvation. Jehovah Adonai. Genesis 15:2-8. I AM the Sovereign Lord and Master. Jesus referred to God as Lord and Master, and so too should we. Jehovah Jireh. Genesis 22:14. I AM will provide; I AM has already seen the provision. He has already provided the sacrificial lamb, Jesus, so you can be free from the weight and burden of your sins. Even if you mess up, that same provision is available through your repentance and confession. When you fully grasp the significance of this eternal redemption, you will see that everything is made available to you through that and you will not focus your understanding of Jehovah Jireh on His provision of mere natural needs. Jehovah Raphe. Exodus 15:25. I AM who heals you. We lay hands on people for their healing as Jesus did. When I AM is in you, He calls the power and presence of the Father through the Son to declare, ‘Be healed’. When you understand Who is in you, your prayers will not be to ‘bind the power of darkness’ or anything else, nor to ‘call down ministering angels’. Jehovah Nissi. Exodus 17:15. I AM is my banner and gives me victory over my enemies. 1 John 5:4 confirms, ‘Whoever is born of God overcomes. When Jewish exorcists tried to cast a demon out, the demon said, ‘Jesus I know and Paul I know, but who are you?’ Acts 19:15. They did not have I AM – Jehovah Elohim, Adonai, Nissi – inside them. 9

GERRI DI SOMMA Jehovah Mekadesh. Exodus 31:13. I AM who sanctifies you. One aspect of perfection is spiritual perfection and the other is maturing perfection, the realm of the soul.

are never anxious about anything. Don’t just do this on Sundays – experience God’s peace every day of your life.

Your mind must align with what your spirit is already experiencing and receive the revelation that I AM Mekadesh is in you. Feelings of inadequacy or unworthiness will be dispelled, you will no longer aspire to sanctification because you will know that you are already sanctified.

Jehovah Roi. Psalm 23:1. I AM is my Shepherd. When we don’t know which way to go, we go nowhere or as Pastor Bernie put it, we wander aimlessly. When you know that I AM, the Shepherd, is in you, you will know that He will always guide you and lead you so that you will fulfil your purpose.

Jehovah Shalom. Judges 6:23-24. I AM is my peace. We live in a troubled world, but God guards our hearts and minds and wants us to cast our cares on Him, so that we

Jehovah Shammah. Isaiah 52:2, 60:14-22; Ezekiel 48:35; Revelation 21:2-3. I AM is there. He is there, now in the present and in the future.

>>If you know the Son, the whole nature and authority of God the Father, I AM, who is in the Son, is in you.<< >>03 GOD’S INSTRUCTION TO HIS PEOPLE We have looked at some of the many names of God. Moses was declaring that this is God, this is who He is. Now Moses wants to know what to say to the Israelites to tell them of their deliverance. >> TO BE BEARERS OF GOD’S NAME God gives the second element of His instruction, ‘…you shall say, “I AM has sent me to you”’. Exodus 3:14. If you know the Son, the whole nature and authority of God the Father, I AM, who is in the Son, is in you. You are complete and whole in Him, to fulfil your purpose to be a vessel that bears His name, I AM. I AM is sending you. You too should follow these same commands: i) Declare God’s name. Whenever something is named, that name bears something with it. When I AM sent Moses, He was sending him with the nature, the authority and power of God. Wherever you go in the world, you are a bearer of every aspect of the name and nature of God, of I AM. If you are born again, no longer is I AM out there but is in you; no longer do you go to church but you are the church; no longer do you need a priest to make representation for you before God, because you are the priest. Tell people that the creator of the whole of the universe wants to live in them. You talk to their spirit, which recognises the I AM in you. 10

ii) Declare God’s identity. Moses told the Israelites that God, I AM, is the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. They knew the history of promises, provision and supernatural miracles. They knew that was His identity – that He was constantly looking out for them. iii) Declare God’s memorial. We must do as Moses did, and tell people the name by which God is remembered forever, the Lord God who is and was and is to come, the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, and everything in between. iv) Declare God’s judgement and His assurance of deliverance. When people are struggling, tell them that I AM can help, that He’s already brought judgement upon the world and wants to deliver them. Tell them He wants to heal, deliver and set free. Tell them His power is in His name, show them what the Word says and let it testify. v) Declare God’s power. Testify of His works, reveal His identity, show people God’s plans and purposes, so that they understand Who God is, what He has done and that He has the power to deliver them. Understand God’s desire, receive His revelation and follow His instruction. If you have been born again, the nature, authority and love of I AM is in you. Fulfil your purpose, bear His name to those crying out for Him, declaring, ‘I AM has sent me’.




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Watch the news and you’ll see what the enemy is doing to the world. People are fearful, living in poverty, in wrong relationships. Everything in society is geared towards going to another level, through promotion, education or achievements. People seek fulfilment from having children, from emotional or sexual relationships. But, ‘…what profit is it to a man if he gains the whole world and loses his soul?’ Matthew 16:26. What people don’t understand is that without God, going to another level simply becomes an empty expedition. God wants to take you higher. The only person stopping you is yourself. I challenge you to be really honest as you consider what might be getting in the way, and be prepared to deal with every obstacle. >>01 FIND THE SOURCE OF TRUE FULFILMENT True and lasting fulfilment only comes through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Allow Him to change and fulfil your life instead of pursuing things that offer fleeting satisfaction. The Bible talks about the ‘fall’ of man. Genesis 3. Sin, disobedience to God, drags you down. Adam and Eve were created to live in the penthouse, but they chose to live in the basement. You can choose life in Christ. Romans 6:23. In Him you will discover your purpose and destiny. Ephesians 1:11. Once you are born again, God wants to take you still higher to fulfil that purpose. As you learn to live in Christ, He presents unexpected opportunities. Once, I agreed to a newspaper interview. The unexpected result was further interviews on TV and preaching the gospel across Ireland. As the church is raised higher, we will see greater manifestations of His power, greater outworking of the spiritual gifts. We become attractive and influential in drawing people to God for His glory.

>>02 GIVE GOD YOUR ATTENTION Distractions easily draw us away from the things of God, away from church, and we then fall from one level to another. We sometimes blame the enemy, when God is trying to get our attention. When you stop what you’re doing and give God your full attention, you will hear Him and be able to act on His Word in everything you do. When you take on the Word, you will no longer blend in but stand out from the crowd, like all the great men and women in the Bible, and people will take notice. As you draw near to God He will draw near to you. James 4:8. You may have to sacrifice some things, but it will take you to a higher level in your relationship with Him and as a result, with others. Genesis 22. >>03 DON’T COMPROMISE When you become born again, you are spiritually transferred to the kingdom of God. But you’ve got to live in that spiritual dimension for your life to be transformed. This means stepping up from the culture of the world to the culture of the kingdom, leaving behind the old habits, choosing to walk in holiness, righteousness and integrity. If your church or your friends don’t want you to go to another level, you must be strong and say, ‘NO! “As for me and my household, we are going to serve the Lord.’” Joshua 24:15. When you actively pursue God, His supernatural power flows; He meets your natural needs so you can focus on the work of the kingdom. Matthew 6:33. God wants you to operate in the dominion, authority and blessings He provided for Adam and for Abraham. >>04 SEEK OPPORTUNITIES TO SERVE Jesus said that He had not come to be served but to serve. Matthew 20:28. Before God will promote, you must learn to serve. Sadly, statistics reveal that 20% of Christians do all the work of the church, which means that 80% of Christians are not serving. If you are not serving, get involved. If you are already serving, go to the next level. God is already speaking to pastors and leaders; He has given Pastor Gerri a vision for carmel:, for the city and for the nation but the vision can only be fulfilled with the whole body playing its part. It is time for you, and for the church to rise up. 11 11

God changed Paul’s purpose, his world and his destiny, turning him from the old way of doing things to the new. ‘As he journeyed he came near Damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven. Then he fell to the ground, and heard a voice saying to him, “Saul, Saul why are you persecuting Me?” And he said, “Who are you Lord?” Then the Lord said, “I am Jesus, Whom you are persecuting.’” Acts 9:3-5. Other than Jesus Christ, Paul has been a foremost influencer of the gospel to the entire world. If God could do that through one man then what can God do through the rest of us? >>01 TO BE CONVERTED TO PURPOSE YOU NEED TO SEE THE LIGHT The light that appeared to Paul exposed the darkness in him.


Definitions of darkness: Demonic Chaos in our lives Ignorance of divine things and human duties. People who live in obscurity don’t know where they are going but they believe with all their heart they are doing the right thing. To get rid of the darkness in your life, begin to have an understanding and a revelation of the divine things that God has planned and purposed for you, and that He desires for you to accomplish. ‘…this is the condemnation, that the light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil…’ John 3:19. When we hear ‘evil deeds’ we think it refers to sins like adultery and fornication. But whenever we are not doing what God requires of us, our deeds are evil because they are of no value to anyone, least of all God, or even ourselves. They are without value, harmful to self and others. They are worthless.

Paul sincerely believed that what he was doing was of God, and that he was serving God with all of his heart, his soul and his being. He was actually doing an amazing job of it – yet he was killing Christians. It was only when he saw the light of God that there was realignment to his purpose. He could now see where he was going wrong.

Are you busy doing things which God considers worthless?

The benefits of light:

God confronts through many different ways:

>>02 THE LORD CONFRONTS TO CONVERT US TO PURPOSE Paul experienced a confrontation with the Lord. To effect eternal change in your life God will confront the things that you should be doing that you are not doing, and vice versa.

Helps us to see exactly where we are going

In our quiet times with Him

Realigns our purpose

Through His Word

Realigns the direction that we are going in.



God reaches out because He loves us. Look how much He loved Paul, and how much He reached out to him despite all of the terrible things he was doing.

Crucifixion requires absolute surrender. Have you submitted your will to His?

We must allow God to confront the darkness in us or else we inevitably harm the body of Christ. We need to make sure that the body functions as God desires and do nothing which would hinder that purpose.


Are you doing anything to harm this body, or to benefit the body of Christ? >>03 WE MUST SURRENDER TO GOD’S CONFRONTATION At some point, you will have to make a choice to surrender.

Complete surrender results in absolute obedience. Paul not only asked God what he must do, but he obeyed the instructions given. Acts 9:6. He also did exactly as he was told. Sometimes when the Lord says, ‘Do this,’ we add on or we don’t do enough. King Saul did that and God called it rebellion. Walk in that place of obedience; let your focus be on God and what He requires of you. Don’t allow people or circumstances to distract you or rob you of your purpose and destiny.

Paul’s surrender was recognition that what he was doing was not only sinful but not at all within God’s mandate. The more that you believe that you are doing right, the harder it is to surrender.

Obedience demonstrates love. ‘If anyone loves Me, he will keep my Word and My Father will love him, and We will come to him and make Our home with him.’ John 14:23.

Paul later wrote, ‘I have been crucified with Christ, it is no longer I who live but Christ who lives in me.’ Galatians 2:20. No wonder he could write that because he had experienced it.

The proof of conversion to purpose is a desire to obey. Because of God’s great and perfect love for us He is willing to reach out to us and bring illumination to our condition.

Are you truly dead to your own desires, passions, plans, and to those things you think God should be doing in your life?

Are you willing to surrender to that love? Are you willing to see the light, allow God to confront you with truth, to surrender to His purpose and obey His commands? The more we are converted to purpose, the more unbelievers will come; and as they are drawn to Christ, they will be convicted and we will see their hearts healed.

‘…unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it remains alone; but if it dies it produces much grain.’ John 12:24. Unless you die to self you will not produce life. Use Christ as your measure of comparison – He surrendered His own will to fulfil His Father’s will.

If you are willing, then I ask you, what can God do with you, in you, and through you? 13

hitting the target CARMEL: FULFILLS ITS MISSION STATEMENT WITHIN THE LOCAL COMMUNITY. ‘He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.’ Luke 9:2

For further information of any of these

carmel: OUTREACH CAMPUSES Central to the vision of carmel: ministries international is the establishing of satellite centres within a radius of about 45 minutes drive from carmel’s headquarters. carmel: outeach campuses are situated around the Greater Bristol area yet within easy reach of its headquarters enabling the people of Bristol and outlying areas the opportunity to study the Word of God and grow in gifting and leadership skills to effect revival in this City of Faith.

They are there to be a blessing in their local community and help people find answers to the problems and circumstances that are oppressing them.

Vision of carmel: Outreach Campuses

With faith for today and faith for the future, carmel: ministries international is eager to see this great city once more be the Bible belt of the West and be the instrument that will take the good news of the Gospel to the four corners of the world as did John Wesley and George Muller.

The outreach campuses are there to make an impact in the community, spiritually, relationally, socially and economically.

To find out more and how you can get involved please visit our website to discover a campus that will be starting near you.

CAFÉ CARMEL: In an age when going to church is far from many people’s thoughts, café carmel: is a practical way of taking church to people in the local community. Locals meet for breakfast or lunch, to play cards or simply chat to the volunteer staff. Everyone is welcomed. The café fulfils a need for good, home-cooked food and also meets spiritual needs. It is a place where the mission statement of carmel: ministries international, ‘…to preach the Kingdom of God and to heal the sick’. Luke 9:2, is being fulfilled daily. As a result, some of the customers have come to carmel: church services and lives are being changed. café carmel: is ‘Great for the body, great for the spirit.’ 14

Their focus is to bring about the release of people’s potential in spreading the gospel and to effect revival and reach destiny.


outreaches, see A QUESTION OF ETERNITY



‘Soup Run’ is a carmel: initiative making weekly provision for the homeless. Volunteers prepare and take flasks of soup, tea, coffee, sandwiches, crisps and biscuits to people living rough. Toiletries, socks and other basics are also offered, as well as warm clothing. A volunteer said, ‘For many years now, Soup Run has never missed a week – we always make sure people get that provision because it’s so important to them’.

The name and vision of this outreach ministry comes from Matthew 16:18, ‘Upon this rock I will build My church’. ‘PETRA’, from the Greek for ‘rock’, refers to the revelation knowledge that Jesus is the Son of God. It is this knowledge that the PETRA team takes to those who don’t know it.

People wait at the meeting points, knowing that the Soup Run will never miss this time with them. They come from all walks of life. Some, at the pinnacle of their careers, have been knocked down by life; others are dependent on alcohol or drugs. They can’t cope with life and don’t know how to get out of their situation. carmel: volunteers stand by them, listen to and pray for them, steering conversations to what God can do for them. Once trust has been built, some come to church. A volunteer said, ‘One of the most rewarding things about the Soup Run is seeing lives change when people apply God’s Word, when people who have been sleeping rough get their lives back on track, get married and start a family’.

‘PETRA’, the team’s name, stands for Personal Evangelism To Reach All. Doing the work of evangelists, the volunteers go weekly onto the streets in the local community to tell people about Jesus Christ and explain how they can have a personal relationship with Him. The volunteers are passionate and fully committed to sharing with others what God has freely given them. ‘God has work for us to do. Mark 16:15 tells us to “…preach the Gospel to every creature.” That’s why we’re here. People are very open to hear what we have to say and we see the fruit of our obedience when people hear about the wages of sin and the incredible grace of God.’

HAMPER: PROJECT Moved by compassion and God’s heart for the needy, carmel: ministries ‘Hamper Project’ first provided 100 hampers at Christmas four years ago. ‘The Hamper Project’ is an outreach of Mercy Ministries, through whose dedication nearly 2000 hampers have since been distributed to the local community. This Christmas, the entire project was organised by carmel: leadership academy. The leaders in training established the distribution list, purchased the food and assisted by volunteers packed all 500 hampers. They were given to the homeless and families in need, who welcomed this Christmas gift. 15




GUEST SPEAKERS AND TIMETABLE FOR ‘EXCEPTIONAL 08’ Today’s women face many challenges, pressures and changes within a life that is often busy and demanding: we sometimes feel unprepared for situations that confront us while longing to deal with everything in a godly manner. We all go through different seasons in our life and God tells us that everything has its time. It’s a time for you to be spiritually refreshed as you receive God’s Word, a time to be encouraged, a time to be stirred up to love and good works, a time to be touched, changed and empowered by God, a time to discover how God sees you and what He really wants from you, a time to learn to live by faith, whatever the season in your life. Make time for yourself and join us at this year’s Empowered Women’s Conference. Become an exceptional, empowered woman, making the most of every season.

Michelle Di Somma is the founder and head of Empowered Women’s Ministry, birthed to fulfil the God-given vision to see women reach their full potential through on-going discipleship, teaching and fellowship. YLVA HUNTER and her late husband, Ross Hunter, founded Grace Fellowship Family Church in S. Africa. With a heart to equip people for the work of ministry she has been involved in all areas and is anointed to teach. SALLY QUINTANILLA Sally and her husband John are committed to delivering relevant uncompromising messages that inspire faith for victorious, successful living at Hebron Christian Faith Church in Coventry. DONNA HOWELLS Donna and her husband Robbie Howells are Senior Pastors for Newport City Church. Her ultimate desire is to see the people of God living righteously and God’s church without spot or blemish, a Holy Church.

Friday 29th february (Registration 1.00pm – 1.30pm) 1.00pm — 4.30pm Guest Speaker 7.00pm service — open to all Guest speaker Saturday 1st March 9.30am ­—12.30pm Guest speaker 1.30pm — 4.30pm Various Speakers 6.30pm service - open to all SUNday 2nd March 8.30am —10.00am 10.30am — 12.30pm Mothers Day FOR DIRECTIONS, HOTELS AND THE LATEST INFORMATION PLEASE CHECK ONLINE AT WWW.CARMELCENTRE.ORG

‘To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven’ Ecclesiastes 3:1

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‘There is no retirement in the Bible and my assignment is to keep you in your calling and assist you in reaching the fullness of your mission in God. At 67 I have the joy of knowing my reason for living at last – What a joy every morning!’ (Dr Dean Radtke)



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