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Your Mindset Will Determine Your Future
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EXECUTIVE EditorS: GERRI AND Michelle Di Somma PRODUCED BY: WWW.CRE8ION.CO.UK Printers: Yeomans Press Bible quotations are from the New King James Version unless stated otherwise.
All teachings in this edition are abridged. Full versions are available to order on CD or DVD.
‘He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick.’ Luke 9:2
HI FRIENDS... We have given more space to our ‘aGODthing’ Conference this year because of its importance, not just to the people here at Carmel, but to all Christians who want to see the power of God in their lives and in the Church. Our main article is a summary of the first message brought by Mark Hankins, our key-note speaker: ‘Faith in the Blood’. Just applying this message alone could make a world of difference to your life. Jim Schmitt’s article relates to the courage needed in leadership, how it’s developed and applied. If our Christianity does not impact the world around us, then questions must be asked concerning what we are all about. Pastor Gerri’s article addresses this and he gives us many practical pointers to follow. Pastor Michelle confronts the issue of mindsets which control our lives and shows a clear path which leads to victorious living. Visit our website for more information. There you will find out more about what God is going through Carmel, and the opportunities available that will encourage you in your Christian walk.
Gerri and Michelle Di Somma
C:VIEW ‘aGodthing!’ 2010
TEACHING Faith In The Blood By Mark Hankins
TEACHING Fan or Follower? By Pastor Gerri Di Somma
Sat 11
Jan Eriksson 7.00pm
Sun 12
Jan Eriksson 11.00am
Sat 18
Christmas Carol Concert 7.00pm
Thurs 23 to Fri 31 Carmel Offices closed
Sat 25
Christmas Day Service 9.00am
Sun 26
Boxing Day Service 10.00am (one service only)
Sat 1
Worship Unplugged 7.00pm
Sun 23
Vision Sunday 9.00am and 11.00am
Sat 29
Empowered Women’s Breakfast 8.30am
TEACHING Godly Leadership Calls For Courage By Jim Schmitt
TEACHING Your Mindset Will Determine Your Future By Michelle Di Somma
ADVERTISING Conferences 2011
PRAYER WORKS Testimonies
FEBRUARY Wed 24 to Fri 26
Youth Conference: ‘The J-Team’
Valiant Men’s Breakfast 8.30am
Wed 17 to Fri 19
Empowered Women’s Conference ‘Embrace’
Please note some of the dates and times of up and coming events may be subject to change. See carmel: website for all the latest information.
Facebook: carmelcentre.org
MONDAY 25TH – SUNDAY 31ST OCTOBER 2010 This year, the theme and title of Carmel’s annual Conference was ‘VICTORY’. The Conference logo designed by Carmel’s Cre8ion team contained the Roman numeral for seven, it being the seventh ‘aGODthing!’ Conference. The Conference proved to be the biggest and most significant yet. For the first time, the programme of events was extended to a whole week, providing sixteen meetings during which people were able to soak up and allow the Word of God to empower them. It’s impossible to detail all sixteen meetings or give full credit to the wealth of teaching in the limited space of c:view. This brief overview is to remind those who were present what an awesome and significant time it was, and encourage those who missed it to get the CDs or DVDs and to make sure they earmark their diaries for next year. The aim of the ‘VICTORY’ Conference was to equip people to live a life of victory, no matter what struggles and difficulties they experience and despite the uncertainties, instability and fickleness of the social and political systems in the world around us. It was to demonstrate that victory is possible through Jesus, who came to redeem and bless those who believe in and trust Him, because through Him we inherit the promise: “Blessing I will bless you, and multiplying I will multiply your descendants as the stars of the heaven and as the sand which is on the seashore; and your descendants shall possess the gate of their enemies.” Genesis 22:17. But how are we blessed? How are we multiplied? How do we possess the gate of our enemies? Why
are many churches and believers not living in these blessings and in victory over their circumstances? These questions were addressed through the teaching, preaching and ministry. The entire Conference focussed on a particular blessing to the church which is often not fully understood, frequently squashed or rejected and rarely received, rarely welcomed or drawn on as God intended: the purpose and gifts of the Holy Spirit. Pastor Gerri said, “Many are called but few attend. There should be so many attendees to conferences like this that there’s hardly room for them. It’s a sad reflection on the church that this is not the case. Believers should take every opportunity to be in God’s presence and learn from Him. Believers need the Holy Spirit’s anointing in everything.” Biblical teaching explained and clarified the work of the Holy Spirit in individuals and as God’s gift to the church to impact the lost and hurting in the world around them. All nine gifts of the Spirit were explained and the Holy Spirit Himself demonstrated in power: people were filled with the Holy Spirit and many started to operate in the various gifts for the first time. The ‘VICTORY’ Conference made it abundantly clear that there is only one way to receive all of God’s blessings, to lead a victorious life and impact others
with the Gospel truth so that they too lead a victorious life. The only way is through the Holy Spirit as individual believers and the church allow the Holy Spirit to lead and empower them in every area of life. Many people took annual leave to attend the Conference, travelling from far and wide, from other churches in the UK, Europe and beyond. It provided the opportunity to enjoy fellowship with one another and experience the work and the uniting power of the Holy Spirit as He moved among and upon us. The ministers laid hands on and prayed for nearly everyone present, including the children, at different times throughout the Conference, imparting God’s love and goodness under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The Conference equipped people to be victorious. Those who hear what the Spirit is saying to them individually and to the church cannot fail but declare: Thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. 1 Corinthians 15:57.
From Monday to Friday of the Conference two teaching sessions took place each morning called ‘Equip’. These provided people with spiritual tools to bring victory in their lives whatever their circumstances. Equip followed Paul’s teaching in 1 Corinthians 12 which begins: Now concerning spiritual gifts, brethren, I do not want you to be ignorant. Equip focussed on the person and purpose of the Holy Spirit, as revealed in 1 Corinthians 12, 13 and 14. Key points were outlined in a comprehensive, biblically based teaching manual called ‘The Nine Gifts of the Holy Spirit’ written by Pastor Gerri, now available from Carmel Bookshop. It helps people understand the gifts, why they were given and how believers can function in them when led by the Spirit. Pastor Gerri writes: ‘As you study this manual, we believe the anointed Word will fill your spirit and you will fully realise the significance of the Holy Spirit’s gifts and that you will be empowered, changed and equipped for life. As you allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through you, you will be able to touch, change, equip and empower the lives of others.’
The Holy Spirit gave gifts of knowledge through the speakers for members of the congregation who were encouraged to come forward for prayer. This continued throughout the morning teaching sessions, as people responded, experiencing release from chains of anxiety, fear, depression, addiction, infirmity and hurts from the past.
LEADERS’ DAY: 30TH OCTOBER The invitation to Leaders’ Day was open to all because we all lead in some capacity, whether at work, in the church or the home. The event was organised by Carmel Leadership Academy (CLA) students, as a project in which they could demonstrate their own leadership skills. Following praise and worship led by CLA, Pastors Bernie and Nan McLaughlin ministered on ‘How to Flow in the Anointing’. The experiences of establishing their church in Scotland, where they confronted opposition and negativity to their vision, provided clear illustrations of the power available when you flow in the anointing. There followed a lunch after this which had been prepared by CLA students for those who had tickets. In a beautifully prepared dining room, delegates were treated to a most satisfying meal, which was voted the best Leaders’ Lunch yet. And a yet more satisfying experience followed when Jim Schmitt spoke to the delegates about courage in leadership. (See pages 14 and 15.)
VALIANT MEN COMMISSIONING: Sunday 31st October The commissioning of Carmel’s ‘Valiant Men’ was a recognition and tribute to the men who had completed the course written by Ed Cole, ‘Majoring in Men’. The ceremony was seen as a ‘right of passage’ to maturity, similar to the Jewish tradition. The Valiant Men walked through an arch of swords held by those previously commissioned and made a public declaration of their decision to live Christ-like lives as instruments of revelation and truth to others. Using God’s words to Jesus upon His baptism, Pastor Gerri affirmed God’s pleasure in each man as God’s beloved son. (Matthew 3:17.) These men are now prepared to teach others through mentoring, giving wisdom, guidance and instruction to the next generation, according to the purpose of Carmel’s ‘Valiant Men’.
MARK HANKINS CONFERENCE MINISTRY WED 27TH - SUN 31ST OCTOBER During the evenings and Sunday morning, Mark Hankins was the main speaker. Following his preaching, the gifts of the Spirit flowed through the Conference speakers and the congregation to bless, encourage and impact others.
On the opening evening, Mark spoke on the gift of faith, emphasising the importance of faith in the blood of Jesus and the role the tongue plays in activating that faith. (See pages 8-11.) Thursday evening he focussed on being and staying filled with the Spirit, without which no gifts can operate. On Friday evening, Mark reminded us that we are not fighting for victory but that we already have it through Jesus. To really know and believe it positions us to experience and demonstrate to others Christ’s triumph through the ‘unusual phenomenon’ of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit (Romans 14:17) despite the circumstances. Mark said, “Don’t make light of trials or tribulations but recognize that grief has an expiration date and is replaced by peace and joy, because the anointing of the Holy Spirit breaks even the most grievous situation.” Belief leads to joy if we follow Paul’s example. Although shipwrecked, stoned and beaten many times, and then forsaken, bound and on trial before King Agrippa, he declared that he thought himself a happy man. (Acts 26:2.) Mark concluded, “Joy arises when we know our Redeemer lives and has given us the victory. Smile, laugh and never stop praying without a note of victory.” And the Spirit of joy flooded through the meeting.
During the final evening, Mark encouraged the congregation to remain filled with the Spirit by speaking in tongues, “the secret behind the apostle Paul and Smith Wigglesworth.” Remaining filled helps us pray, hear God, be led by the Spirit, understand the Word; it is the only safeguard against natural thinking, the only way to receive spiritual gifts and is essential to keeping the enemy out of our lives. Mark said when nothing seems to happen, remain in faith, humble yourself before God who strengthens and makes you bold, and be filled with all God’s fullness. (Ephesians 3:1-21.) Sunday 31st October, morning service At the final meeting of the Conference, Mark ministered once again, turning to Hebrews 10:19-23 on the blood of Jesus, without which none of us would be saved and there would be no Spirit gifts. The blood gives us access to Jesus and everything God has for us. Mark said the devil tries to keep us from gaining access to God, but Jesus’ blood makes us bold to enter; once there, we are hidden from the devil who has no access. The veil referred to in Hebrews was the curtain in the Temple which in Old Testament times separated man from God. We are no longer separated, because through Jesus’ sacrificial death and torn flesh, the curtain was also literally torn open. A way was made for us, through the natural to the supernatural, so we can live beyond the natural and temporary. Inside the veil, we become God-conscious, in the highest intimacy of His presence. This is our anchor in the storms of life, our sure, steadfast hope, expectation, to hold us steady, cheerful, in confident expectation that goes beyond circumstances and beyond our worst moments. This hope, this faith in the blood of Jesus, is an anchor for your soul. Jesus’ blood is divine covering and protection to prevent the devil’s deception. It purges us continually from all sin, cleansing our hearts and giving us full assurance and boldness to access God’s throne to find grace in times of need. We must exercise our right of access, because the closer we get to God, the more we hear and know Him. Then, we can apply the blood, lifting our voices and declaring faith in the blood in every situation. Speak, don’t just believe the Word. God has done His part; now do yours.
He clarified the difference between the gift of tongues and ‘personal’ tongues. The latter is given to believers as initial evidence of submission to God upon belief in Jesus and the presence of the Holy Spirit within. It is for personal prayer and intercession and is a means of personal edification and communion with God, not for casting out demons. The gift of tongues is to edify the church. Gordon Simmonds spoke on the discerning of spirits which gives supernatural insight into the spirit realm to help and benefit others. Love, not carnal desire such as insecurity, must motivate the desire for the gift, which God gives when it is needed and for His specific purpose.
Gerri Di Somma highlighted key principles to undergird all the Conference teaching: the whole Gospel work is through the Holy Spirit, who was sent to dwell with and in us and everything we do should be through Him. His gifts are as He wills and His purpose is to unite believers and bring them to the full maturity and wholeness Christ intended. (Ephesians 3:19.) Believers must change wrong attitudes which grieve the Holy Spirit and block His flow. Love meets people’s needs, not the gifts in themselves. Religion pursues performance and the gifts; love pursues God and His love. Sean Leask explained that the nine gifts of the Spirit fall into three categories: revelation, power and inspiration. Revelation gifts supernaturally reveal something to the church that can’t be known naturally; words of wisdom reveal something future; words of knowledge reveal something present or past and discerning of spirits reveals the spirit operating in someone. Power gifts channel God’s power: special faith in something specific; the gift of healings in instant healing. The working of miracles is the momentary gifted authority to intervene in the ordinary course of nature. Inspirational gifts supernaturally speak to build up, strengthen or encourage the church and include: prophecy in a known language, the gift of tongues in an unknown language and the gift of interpretation of tongues of an unknown language.
Michelle Di Somma spoke on the gift of prophecy. Prophecy edifies, exhorts and comforts individuals and the church, establishes God’s mind for His people and helps us stay motivated to fulfil God’s given mandate. Prophecy is not an opportunity to correct or rebuke others. Michelle warned that prophecy should not become revelation; it should always confirm the Word and what God has already revealed, because we have the Holy Spirit to guide us. Prophecy is drawn from God. False prophecy is drawn from our own carnality and compassion, and from demonic inspiration. (Jeremiah 23:31-32; Genesis 3:4-5.) Prophecy should always be judged by others, and must line up with the Word and the Spirit, having correct content and context. (1 Corinthians 14:29; 1 Thessalonians 1:5.) Bernie McLaughlin emphasised the importance of desiring the gifts and that the ‘best’ gift is the gift that is needed at any given time to meet a person’s need. (1 Corinthians 12:31.) Believers must build up their faith for signs, wonders and miracles to happen and become the tools to change nations to believe in God. Jim Schmitt spoke on the gifts of wisdom and knowledge and the importance of operating in the gifts in godly order. The Holy Spirit determines the occasion, not us, so we remain prepared for whatever the Lord wants to do through us by spending time in the Word and prayer and developing our relationship with Him.
Gerri Di Somma spoke on the gift of tongues and interpretation, which should always be together.
The apostle Paul wrote about redemption through Jesus whom God set forth as a propitiation by His blood, through faith, to demonstrate His righteousness. Romans 3:25. Paul wrote to the Romans concerning the gospel that in it the righteousness of God is revealed from faith to faith; as it is written, “The just shall live by faith.” Romans 1:17. Smith Wigglesworth said that if the enemy can move you from a place of faith, he can get you outside the plan of God for your life. He also said that any person can be changed by faith no matter how they may be bound. It takes faith to do the will of God and without faith it is impossible to please Him, for he who comes to God must believe that He is, and that He is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him. Hebrews 11:6. Once you please God it opens up the supernatural.
Jesus Looks For Faith Jesus was looking for faith in Him among the people. To the woman with the issue of blood, He said: your faith has made you well. Matthew 9:22. The centurion was so confident in Jesus’ authority, he asked Him to just speak the word and his servant
would be healed. Jesus commented: I have not found such great faith, not even in Israel! Matthew 8:10. And Jesus saw the faith of the men carrying the paralytic by their actions. (Matthew 9:2.) God applied His faith by speaking. Things came into being that way. (Genesis 1.) Now Paul tells us that God has dealt to each one a measure of faith. Romans 12:3. The seed of faith can move mountains, (Matthew 17:20.) and faith sown in the ground of a receptive heart can increasingly grow. (Romans 1:17.)
Faith And The Word Are Synonymous So how does faith come? Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17. Thus faith is planted, watered and God gives the increase. (1 Corinthians 3:6.) Though the Bible is
not all about faith, it has the capacity to produce faith in whatever area that you need it. But a seed sown must be watered if it’s to bear fruit, and by repeatedly receiving and speaking the word of faith you water the seed: if you don’t, you won’t see the increase. Since God determined that a person must live by faith, there is no plan or purpose of God for your life which does not require faith to be applied. Faith in God is the answer to every situation. So first of all there must be faith in God, but how does this faith work, or get applied?
Faith Needs The Word To Express Itself Jesus answered the question by saying: “Whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Therefore I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. Mark 11:23-24. Not long before Jesus said this to the disciples, He had spoken to a fig tree and it had died. They’d seen Him do it, so the meaning of what He was saying couldn’t be clearer. He demonstrated the law of faith, that believing has to result in saying if the desired outcome is to happen. For us to speak such God inspired words, we must continually feed on His Word to live by faith. Jesus said to the devil who wanted Him to act independently of His Father: “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.” Matthew 4:4. Man’s body needs food, yes, but man’s spirit needs every word that proceeds from the mouth of God to bring faith’s life-giving power to any situation. (John 6:63.)
Faith Must Move Your Mouth Before It Can Move Your Mountain Many faith experts would say that it is all about ‘believing’, but Jesus gives more emphasis to
‘saying’. In Mark 11:23 there are three ‘sayings’ to one ‘believing’: whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says. Jesus is saying that if your faith does not move your mouth, you know where your problem lies. If you are not happy in your life, check out what you’ve been saying. A man came to Jesus whose son had a mute spirit which the disciples couldn’t cast out, so He came to Jesus who said: “If you can believe, all things are possible to him who believes.” The man responded: “Lord, I believe; help my unbelief!” Mark 9:23. Lord, help me get rid of my unbelief!
It Is Faith That Opens The Door To The Supernatural ‘Believe’ is a verb and ‘faith’ is a noun. James says that faith without corresponding action is dead. Some people have faith that’s dead. (James 2:20.) Dead faith produces nothing. Faith with corresponding action is productive. Act on the Word of God, as though it is true. Mental assent is not action. Believing and speaking opens the door to the supernatural and you can have what you say. In other words, the initial act of faith in your life must be your voice, not the pastor’s or anyone else’s. Whenever God wanted to change a person’s life He touched their mouth. With Jeremiah, for example, He touched Jeremiah’s mouth and put His words in his mouth and those words were going to affect nations. (Jeremiah 1:9-10.) Reinhardt Bonke said he was just an ordinary preacher until Jesus told him that God’s Word in his mouth was just as powerful as God’s Word in His own mouth. Just imagine what God’s Word can do in your mouth! Your plea for action in your life should first be addressed to your own mouth because the righteousness of faith speaks in this way, “Do not say in your heart, ‘who will ascend into heaven?’” (That is to bring Christ down from above) or, ‘Who will descend into the abyss?’” (That is to bring Christ up from the dead). But what does it say?
It takes faith to do the will of God and without faith it is impossible to please Him 9
“The word is near you, in your mouth and in your heart” (That is the word of faith which we preach). Romans 10:6-8. Jesus has conquered sin and Satan. Now you need to do something with your mouth: put God’s words in your mouth. Your tongue will determine the direction and destiny of your life. It is a powerful member of your body, but it is unruly and cannot be tamed and you will get what you say. It needs the supernatural discipline of the Word of God if it’s going to place you where God wants you: for we all stumble in many things. If anyone does not stumble in word, he is a perfect man, able also to bridle the whole body. James 3:2.
Through Faith In The Blood We Are Guaranteed God’s Attention So God designed us that way. Put God’s thoughts and God’s ways in your mouth. Meditate on them and speak them out. The anointed word is full of life and power; it is God breathed, spirit and life. God changes the way you think and the way you talk. We’ve talked about the law of faith, and at the beginning referred to faith in His blood through which we have propitiation, which means reconciliation and restoration of fellowship and favour with God. Through faith in His blood sin has gone into remission, which means we have forgiveness, cancellation of penalty and removal of guilt. The word propitiation means a mercy seat. What’s the mercy seat? God says: there I will meet with you, and I will speak with you from above the mercy seat. Exodus 25:22. Why there? Because that’s where the blood is applied. In the Old Testament that meeting was at a specific geographical location. In the New Testament it’s through faith in the blood. Faith requires believing and speaking, speaking, speaking. If you want to have a meeting with God, you mix faith with the blood. That means you find out what the blood has done for you, what it is doing for you and what it will do in you. Then you take scriptures on it and you say it and say it, speak it,
thread it through your conversation and it will bring you into a meeting place with God. There you can access the holiest, because the holiest is not just a place in heaven; it’s a place in the spirit, which means it with us and in us. You can meet with God through faith in the blood wherever you are.
By Pleading The Blood You Bring Victory To Your Life So through faith in His blood we have a propitiation and the blood that has prevailed in heaven and over hell prevails over us. The blood opens heaven, it prevails over hell, and the same blood reaches in to the heart and cleanses your conscience from guilt and from sin consciousness, so that know you have a full assurance of faith. It restores your fellowship with God and then it restores to you the favour and the blessing of God. The apostle Paul linked God’s blessing with the blood: The cup of blessing which we bless, is it not the communion of the blood of Christ? 1 Corinthians 10:16. This drink that represents the blood of Christ reaches deep inside of us, and as the High Priest could bless the people after the sprinkling of the blood on the Mercy Seat, so God’s blessing and favour are inseparable from His blood applied to us. Your heart is restored to confidence with God and you are blood blessed. So, confidently declare: “I am blood blessed. I am redeemed from the curse because I am blood blessed.” In the Old Testament the blood was applied with a branch of an aromatic herb called hyssop. In the New Testament it’s applied with the hyssop of your tongue. As Jesus said: Whosoever says… This means the authority you have been given as a believer must be exercised. It is not an option. Believe and speak; as Paul wrote: Since we have the same spirit of faith, according to what is written, “I believed and therefore I spoke,” we also believe and therefore speak. 2 Corinthians 4:13. Don’t let your circumstances be at the centre of your conversation. By faith speak the victory that is in the blood of Jesus. Boldly come to the throne of grace; boldly say “The Lord is my helper, I will not fear.” (Hebrews 4:16; 13:6.)
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FOLLOWER? Are you a fan or a follower of Jesus? Jesus made a real difference in the lives of others. Followers of Jesus focus their lives on God’s Word and do what He says, and they make a difference in people’s lives as Jesus did.
Realise that fans are observers, followers are participators. In the world of football there are millions of fans who are observers, but not team players. They enjoy the experience, but their contribution does little more than satisfy their own pleasure in life. For many Christians, their lives are lived much the same way, as observers to enjoy the experience more than participants in the purposes of God to make a difference.
Christians are called to make a difference in the world Jesus put it this way: “You are the salt of the earth,” and “You are the light of the world.” Matthew 5:1314. God, the Father of all, desires to bless all. Jesus said, “He makes His sun rise on the evil and on the good, and sends rain on the just and the unjust.” Matthew 5:45. And “He is kind to the unthankful and evil.” Luke 6:35. How then do we make a real difference in the lives of others in a way that draws them to Christ? Certainly not by condemning them for their ‘ungodliness’ or the choices they’ve made which have brought them to where they are.
The power of grace and law The religious leaders wanted the adulterous woman to die, as the Law directed, and were using her to discredit Jesus. But Jesus, without contradicting the Law, applied the power of grace. He said to them: “He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.” Then, when all had been disarmed
and left them, He said to the woman: “Neither do I condemn you; go and sin no more.” John 8:7-11. Jesus gave her back her life with the opportunity to get things right with God; for God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved. John 3:17.
To make a difference in the lives of others, there are certain things we need to understand: Everyone deserves love and respect, irrespective of their choices. People will be judged by their behaviour, but as a person made in the image of God they deserve love and respect. That’s why Jesus commended those who made a real difference to others as having done it to Him. (Matthew 25:34-46.) How these people came to be in their position was not the point; but how we commend the love of God to them is very much the point. Everyone has a God-given right to life and living. Our choices govern our behaviour and how we live. We may not approve of a person’s choices and may need to point out the probable consequences of their choices, though they still have the right to make them. But those choices and what we say will be evidence upon which we will ultimately be judged. (Matthew 12:35-37.) Everyone has a right to salvation. No matter how different another person’s belief system may be, they still have a right to the salvation which comes through Jesus Christ. We must not pass by on the other side as if they are beyond redemption. Christ died for all.
Everyone has a right to feel safe and secure. In dealing with the woman caught in adultery, Jesus saved her from immediate judgement in order that she could come under the covering of God. “Go and sin no more.” John 8:7-11. As we come alongside people they must also feel safe and secure with us.
To make a difference in the lives of others, there are certain things we must determine to do: 1. I will first remove all my weaknesses and failures before I tell others about theirs. Jesus said: “First remove the plank from your own eye, and then you will see clearly to remove the speck from your brother’s eye.” Matthew 7:1-5. Don’t be a hypocrite. Don’t deceive yourself. If anyone thinks himself to be something, when he is nothing, he deceives himself. Galatians 6:1-3. 2. I will make myself available and valuable to someone else.
speak favourably to a person or find qualities in a person that can be praised costs nothing, except our pride. To think how God desires to express His grace towards that person serves well as a basis for our communication with them. 5. I will make everything I say and do an apology free zone. Since God, by the word of truth made us His children, it means that we must discipline what we say or do according to His truth. Therefore: let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath; for the wrath of man does not produce the righteousness of God. James 1:18-20. If my communication, whatever I said or did, necessitates an apology, then it was outside the truth which expresses the character and heart of God. 6. I will be willing and available to share the joys and heartaches of others.
The Philippians were a prime example of this as far as Paul was concerned. (Philippians 4:10-23.) To be really valuable, we need to curtail our self-indulgence and make resources available to others. Also, it’s not just a question of money or possessions; our ‘time’ could be valuable to others.
Paul wrote: Rejoice with those who rejoice, and weep with those who weep. Romans 12:15. In his obedience to God, Paul approached others for the Gospel’s sake according to who they were and the condition in which he found them. (1 Corinthians 9:19-23.) We are to make ourselves available to come alongside and help, whatever the situation.
3. I will extend myself beyond my comfort zone to be a blessing.
7. I will leave everyone better off than where I found them.
This is where we become generous and go beyond what is necessary in order to increase the blessing to others. (Matthew 5:38-42.) However undeserving we may think a person to be, they are not disqualified from being blessed and encouraged by us. If my rights and preferences govern my heart, my capacity to bless is severely limited. Instead, why not give away what others admire, your possessions or your skills?
Everyone needs hope, but not as a general expectation that could fail them at any time. Believers have the most powerful evidence within them which gives them the greatest hope anyone could have, which is Christ in you, the hope of glory. Colossians 1:27. Our ultimate aim is always to lead others to Christ, but first we must come alongside and demonstrate that our faith is genuine by leaving them better off that where we found them.
4. I will compliment as many people as possible. Paul wrote: Let your speech always be with grace, seasoned with salt, that you may know how you ought to answer each one. Colossians 4:6. To
So, judge each day, not by the harvest of gratitude or the pleasure of being found useful, but by the seeds of the Gospel sown into the heart of every person you meet.
Encouragement builds strength into us. It enables us to press on and endure whatever the circumstances and helps us keep a clear head to hear God’s voice in our situation.
Courage Begins With Deliberate Obedience When told by an ex-US Army Special Forces soldier to clean toilets when I offered to serve at a new church I attended, he made clear the standard of service he expected: “Be here next Sunday at 7.00am: not 7.01am.” He obviously was not impressed by the fact that I had been an associate pastor and worship leader at my previous church. However, I chose to do it as unto the Lord and ended up cleaning toilets for the next sixteen months. It only ended when the worship leader, through the pastor, called on my help. Since then, the Lord has frequently shown me that if I hadn’t cleaned toilets, I would not be doing what I’m doing now. I learned something so valuable: that if you walk outside the will of God for your life, you walk right out from underneath His covering, right out from underneath His anointing and right from underneath everything He ever had for you.
CALLS FOR COURAGE To be a leader in the Church takes courage. This courage unrelentingly contends for the truth and is built on the humility gained through an obedient life.
Courage Is Made Strong Through Humility God is good, God only is good; Jesus said so. (Matthew 19:17.) He only is good and He is light, He is faithful, He’s the covenant-keeper, He is truth, He is love, He is holy: it’s absolutely impossible for him to be anything other than ‘good’. So you are entirely safe when obeying Him. It is bound to result in your good. Serve God and be consumed by His will, like the apostle Paul, who called himself a bondservant of Jesus Christ. (Romans 1:1.) The anointing to do this is an endowment by the Spirit of God for the duties of the office to which you are consecrated. I was consecrated to clean toilets, whatever my ego told me.
Courage Serves Through Apprenticeship Joshua was first consecrated and anointed for leadership in public so the people knew he would lead the nation after Moses. In the meantime some authority was passed over to him. (Numbers 27:1823.) He was anointed, appointed, empowered, but continued to serve Moses, and as a leader in training, God commanded Moses to encourage him. (Deuteronomy 3:28.) Joshua’s testimony was one of a life of completed obedience. (Joshua 11:15.) At his life’s end, Moses told Joshua that he would need to be strong and of good courage to do what
God had called him to. He wasn’t to be fearful because God would be with him. (Deuteronomy 31:7-8.) In their declaration of loyalty to Joshua once Moses had died, the people said that anyone rebelling against Joshua’s leadership or disobeying his word should be put to death! (Joshua 1: 16-18.)
Courage Is Revealed Through Our Obedience Jesus said, “How can you call me Lord, Lord, and not do the things I say? If you love me you’ll keep my commandments.” Undelayed, full obedience is what Jesus calls for. We must in this way humble ourselves under the hand of God. Anything less is disobedience. If your anointing is going to rise to leadership level, you’re going to have to be more obedient and more humble. You’re going to have to get so low that your face is buried in the rug.
Courage is the Character of Leadership Being ‘strong and of good courage’ as spoken to Joshua requires an obstinate, unyielding and fearless commitment to the purposes of God. As a man of courage Joshua had the character that God’s calling required. Courage is the willingness to deny your own flesh and desires to do what is right and noble before God, regardless of the cost. We can know the truth, but for it to make us free we must be courageous in our response to it. (John 8:32.) Courage is the motivator that causes you to make the right choices and be the right person at the right time.
Courage Is Not Afraid Nor Avoids Confrontation Here I come to something most leaders find difficult and often want to avoid: and that is ‘confrontation’. It takes courage. We all need to caution ourselves with this instruction: Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself. Philippians 2:3. However, confrontation comes, particularly because Satan works on people to elevate them to do things their own way so they act independently of God: and a leader must confront this. The ex-Special Forces soldier who commanded me, ‘7.00am: not 7.01am’, taught me a lot. He was in charge of the entire maintenance and management
of the church building. This was his responsibility before God and he wasn’t going to let anyone mess around with him any more than he would mess around with God. That takes courage.
Godly Leadership Courageously Confronts Anything Raised Up Against God If you are not courageous, you will not confront. I have had to dismiss people because they’ve been disloyal. This takes courage. There was someone who was great at his work, had a family and was a good Baptist, but he was late for work all the time. I gave him plenty of opportunity to put this right, but no, it continued. Being late all the time is a sign of disloyalty, disrespect and pride. It says: ‘I’m more important than you. Wait on me’. That’s the genesis of ambition, that’s a killer. Eventually I dismissed him. The devil aims to prevent you being a courageous leader and will more than often use people in the church to do it. (2 Corinthians 3:6.) Be gentle with them. Warn them, and warn them; but there is a time when enough is enough. For a divisive person, two warnings are quite enough. (Titus 3:10.) If someone is told to leave church and others follow, it only means that at some time you would probably have had to confront them as well. As leaders we devalue church and misrepresent God if we are not courageous in pursuing His calling. (1 Thessalonians 5:11-15.)
No One Is Exempt from Being Confronted No one is so great or in such a high position in church that they should escape confrontation if necessary. Paul had to confront Peter in the early days of the church. (Galatians 2:11-21.) We must understand that the fear of man brings a snare, but whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe. Proverbs 29:25. If we are not straightforward with the truth, we are more likely to succumb to the spirit of fear instead of courageously acting in the spirit of love, power and a sound mind. (2 Timothy 1:7.) There can be no messing with what God has said and called us to do. Obey Him. Humble yourself under the hand of God and He will lift you up. Jesus did that in the days of His flesh. (1 Peter 5:6; Hebrews 5:8.) Be courageous in your leadership. Be strong and very courageous.
YOUR FUTURE What we think or set our minds on will take us as far as God wants us to go, or hinder us so we stay in a place where God doesn’t want us to be. Our mindsets are powerful. To be captivated by the wrong mindset can, even without realising it, turn us away from God and wreck our lives. What we think is the true expression of what is in us, even if our words say otherwise because as a man thinks in his heart, so is he. “Eat and drink!” he says to you, but his heart is not with you. Proverbs 23:7. But having a God-centred mindset makes a world of difference to everything we do and say.
Word at all times. This ‘captivity’ is true freedom. If our thoughts are out of control or centred elsewhere, we become imprisoned by anything and everything that comes our way; and this gives Satan an opportunity to influence our lives to take us away from God.
What is your mind set on?
Be very honest and answer this question: What or who is your mind set on?
A mindset is an attitude, disposition or mood, good or bad; it’s an inclination, tendency or habit; and to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life and peace. Romans 8:6-7. Here’s the challenge: What is your mind set on? If it’s set on an opinion, disappointment, hurt, frustration or on the past, you cannot live a Spirit led life. We must bring every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ. 2 Corinthians 10:3-5. The verse means ‘every thought’. You do not get to pick and choose to suit your ideas or objectives. Our thinking must come under the influence of God’s
The focus of your thoughts determines your destiny The mind set on the Spirit is life and peace. Romans 8:6 (NASB). This means that the Spirit is the influence and efficient source which governs your mind and affections in whatever you do or say. But note: this is not dictatorial control by some arbitrary power. However, it does call for a willing submission to Him who will bring you life and peace and anchor you in heaven for eternity. To be carnally minded means to let our minds be governed by our earthly nature apart from God’s influence. It is death to us because God’s life is not in it. We need continually to ask: Is what I’m thinking expressing God’s way of thinking? If I am thinking God’s way I will honour Him with my first fruits and do everything to His glory. God’s thoughts tell me that healing is for all and that I am blessed (not just will be) with every spiritual blessing in heavenly places. The Word tells me what He thinks, and I must confess and declare the same thing until all doubt is driven away and the Word is manifest in my life.
Let the Spirit control your thinking so Christ is revealed in you Among all the scriptures that concern our minds and thinking, here are four that need particular attention:
1. We have the mind of Christ For “who has known the mind of the Lord that he may instruct him?” but we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:16. Our human minds do not have the capacity to relate to God, who is Spirit, but as God’s children being led by the Holy Spirit we can relate to Him as having the mind of Christ. Thank God for this. Your life can be Spirit led in every way. For example, take everything He says about how you are wonderfully made and the apple of His eye and meditate on these things. You’re not useless or worthless. You will be changed by the Spirit who knows the mind of God.
2. God has given us a sound mind For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind. 2 Timothy 1:7. God brings a discipline to our minds which is essential for our stability and ability to do what He says. Fear disturbs us and brings chaos to our minds; but God gives us the ability to control our emotions, feelings and thoughts in all situations and in the midst of trials. God has given you a sound, disciplined mind so that you can always be led by the Spirit. Without this our lives become subject to whatever we allow to influence us.
3. We must have an unencumbered God-centred thought life Gird up the loins of your mind. 1 Peter 1:13. In Peter’s time people wore loose, flowing robes, but when they wanted to run, fight, or apply themselves to any hard work, they had to bind their garments close around them, usually tucking them into a belt around their middle. There were no loose ends to stumble over; their movement unencumbered. This means we need to actively set aside those things which cause us to stumble - what we do, what we think - so we’re not distracted from God’s purposes.
4. Our thinking must express the character of God Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things
are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy - meditate on these things. Philippians 4:8 What are we to meditate on? How are we to apply our thoughts? Each aspect of what the apostle Paul says here has a particular application: Whatsoever is true: something is true when nothing is hidden. It is vital that we develop a mindset of truth. Is what we are hearing or saying actually true? If not, our minds will be misdirected and lead into a place which is not of God. Whatsoever is noble: that which promotes worship and honour towards God; that which glorifies Him. Whatsoever is just: that which is right and promotes righteousness among people whoever and wherever they are. Whatsoever is pure: that which is clean and inoffensive, whether things, thoughts, words or deeds. Whatsoever is lovely: that which is pleasing and promotes genuine affection and friendship between people. Whatsoever is of good report: that which is attractive, speaks fairly and with kind consideration of others. So, let’s develop a mindset that reveals Jesus, the way, the truth and the life. Let us live a life where every thought is captive to Christ, so that Christ is formed in us. Then we will be His witnesses in the world because of the love of God that is in us by His Spirit. (Romans 5:5.) Gird up your mind, let nothing distract you from the purpose for which God gave you life. Check your thinking. Meditate on and obey God’s Word and, whatever happens, the life and peace of God will fill your heart and you will know that you are complete in Him, for those who are led by the Spirit are the sons of God. (Romans 8:14.)
let’s develop a mindset that reveals Jesus, the way, the truth and the life.
James & Natalie Daniell
My responsibilities had increased at work, but having had no pay increase for almost two years, except a bonus at the beginning of the year and a promise of more to come, I prayed for wisdom in approaching my managers. I prayed and believed I should ask for a 9% increase. I told my immediate manager and he promised that he would do his very best, and at the directors’ meeting later on I was awarded 7% which, including the bonus I had received, came to the 9% I prayed for.
Michaela ABRAHams Following a car accident about 6 years ago, I frequently experienced spasms of really bad pain in my lower back. At this year’s Youth Camp my back spasmed again, and everyone prayed as we believed the scripture that says by Jesus’ stripes we are healed (Isaiah 53:5). During praise and worship that evening, a leader laid hands on my back and prayed. I felt the warmth of God’s power and in faith worshipped, leaping and praising God; but the pain came back. Later, a Pastor came and prayed the same thing, and I knew God was speaking. Again, I stepped out in faith that I was healed, leaping and praising God. As I did, my back clicked, and I was able to go on freely worshipping and thanking my Father for healing me.
Simon & Emma Cowling We found a perfect reception venue for our wedding, but there was a provisional booking for the day we wanted it. So we prayed for God’s favour and that the other couple would find a better venue for themselves so we could make a firm booking. We experienced great peace as we waited to hear, and, praise God, a few weeks later the venue became available for our wedding.
James and I were driving away from Bristol for a weekend holiday when our car broke down completely. We called the AA and tried to work out what to do, but we thought of nothing that would work. So we prayed and stood in faith together believing that God would provide a solution. The AA engineer couldn’t fix our car, but said our rescue cover included 72 hours of free car hire. So God completely exceeded all of our expectations by providing a very nice, economical and air conditioned car for the whole weekend, including the Bank Holiday Monday.
Janet Fraser In July 2005 the Court ruled that my two boys should live with their father in Cheshire. As a result, I only saw them for about three hours each month. I continually prayed that the allegations which had brought about this situation would fall away and the boys restored to me in Bristol. Many at Carmel prayed with me, and as I prayed, God told me to trust in Him with all my heart and lean not on my own understanding (Proverbs 3:5). Exactly 5 years to the day, the 23rd July 2010, the Court gave me full custody of the boys, who are now with me in Bristol.
Basharat Masih For eight months after I arrived in the UK I couldn’t get a job. I asked God why, and He told me to honour Him and start giving my tithe. I had little money, but obeyed God, by bringing my tithe to my local church. The next day when I was shopping in a store, the manager approached me and offered me a job. When we pray and obey God’s instruction, prayer works.
Psalm 118:21 I will praise You, For You have answered me, And have become my salvation. 19
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