Carmel Life Issue 36

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covenant favour Article by Pastor Gerri Di Somma making tough times count Teaching by Pastor Michelle Di Somma carmel: MINISTRIES INTERNATIONAL






A partner is a sharer An associate, one who engages with another in business, one who plays on the same side as another. Partnership is important It releases power to get the job done. We can accomplish the Great Commission together in unity.

I took a year out and studied at cbc: which has helped me with the challenges of university life.

Partnership in prayer We believe it is vital for every partner to develop a strong personal prayer life, and to pray for the leadership for godly wisdom and direction from the Lord. Partnership in caring We are instructed to watch over and take care of the partners in our charge (Acts 20:28).

Jonathan, 19

Partnership in sharing The whole ministry of sharing is to give oneself in the areas of love, time, talents and finances.

IBAN GB67 BOFS 8011 0006 0851 91 Should you wish to donate by Gift Aid please contact the church office.

equipped for life



South Africa Anchor Ministries International First National Bank, Cresta Branch Sort Code: Account No: 25-49-05 51440080590 Carmel Ministries International is a registered charity (Charity No. 1094052) with Luke 9:2 as its mission statement. All finances sown go into the work of establishing God’s kingdom through evangelism and preparing labourers for the harvest.







Account Details

United Kingdom Bank of Scotland Carmel Christian Centre Sort Code: Account No: 80-11-00 06085191







EXECUTIVE EditorS GERRI AND Michelle Di Somma PRODUCED BY WWW.CRE8ION.CO.UK Printers yeomans Bible quotations are from the New King James Version unless stated otherwise. All teachings in this edition are abridged. Full versions are available to order on CD or DVD.

TAKING THE NEXT STEP INTO DESTINY Carmel Bible College is renowned for imparting life skills that equip believers to discover and fulfil their purpose and destiny in God. This internationally recognised and accredited college is now taking applications for the new academic year 2012-2013. You can download an application form from our website, and join us on registration day.






He sent them to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. Luke 9:2

WELCOME We extend a very warm welcome to all our readers around the world to our first edition of Carmel: Life. We are excited about this new development as we continue to equip believers with life changing principles from God’s Word. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank you for your participation in the vision of Carmel. Whether local or international, we recognise and appreciate our many readers who pray faithfully for us to fulfil God’s purposes in Bristol. We trust that you are uplifted and inspired to fulfil your own potential in God as you read this magazine.

CONTENTS God told us at the beginning of the year that 2012 will be a year of fruitfulness and favour. In that line, we have been teaching the congregation about God’s favour and encouraging them to expect it in everything they do. The main article, ‘Covenant Favour’ is the teaching we selected to share with you. This edition also includes highlights from our Prayer and Prophecy Conference ‘Three Nights of Glory’, our Valiant Men’s Conference ‘Warrior’ and the citywide event ‘Arise Bristol’ that called all Christians to repentance and unity of purpose. In addition, there are other powerful teachings for you to delve into as you enjoy the journey with us.


C:VIEW Three Nights of Glory Arise Bristol Valiant Men’s Conference


ARTICLE Covenant Favour By Pastor Gerri Di Somma


TEACHING Making Tough Times Count By Pastor Michelle Di Somma


TEACHING What Kind Of Fool Am I? By Pastor Gerri Di Somma


TEACHING The Way Of The Warrior By Pastor Gerri Di Somma


FOUND HEAVEN Testimonies CONTACT CARMEL CENTRE 817a Bath Road, Brislington Bristol BS4 5NL T: (0117) 977 5533 F: (0117) 977 5678 W:

Gerri and Michelle Di Somma

SERVICES Sun 09:00am – SuN 11:00am – sun 6:00pm


SEPTEMBER Sun 2nd - 6.00pm

OCTOBER Thurs 4th - Sat 6th

NOVEMBER DECEMBER Fri 23rd – Sat 24 - 8.30am Sat 1st - 8.30am

Dunamis Gospel Choir

Thurs & Fri: 7.00pm Sat: 9.30am – 4.00pm Worship Seminar

Valiant Men’s Advance

Exceptional Women’s Breakfast

Sun 11th – all services

Sat 15th - 8.30am

Guest speakers: Guy and Ilke Peh

Valiant Men’s Christmas Breakfast, Royal Marriot Hotel

Sat 8th - 8.30am Exceptional Women’s Breakfast

Mon 17th - 9.00am Carmel Bible College Registration

Sat 13th - 8.30am Valiant Men’s Breakfast

Wed 31st – Sun 4th Nov 7.00pm nightly Thurs - Sat: 9.00am - 12.30pm aGODthing! Conference, ‘Life’ Please note some of the dates and times of up-and-coming events may be subject to change. See Carmel’s website for all the latest information.


Tues 25th - 9.00am Christmas Day Service

Mon 24th - Fri 4th Jan ’13 Carmel offices closed

Three Nights

of Glory Carmel welcomed Pastor Paul Brady, senior Pastor of Living Rivers, Northern Ireland, for three evenings in May to host a Prayer and Prophecy Conference named ‘Three Nights of Glory’.


astor Gerri Di Somma described his initial meeting with Pastor Paul four years ago as a ‘divine connection’. Since then, Pastor Paul has been a regular guest speaker at Carmel’s annual aGODthing! Conferences and he and his wife Karon have become personal friends of Pastors Gerri and Michelle. Pastor Paul’s love for Jesus was evident as he ministered God’s Word through teaching and prophecy.


He told how he has learned to embrace his individuality as God’s minister, to not conform his actions or speech merely to satisfy others’ expectations. Hence, he ministered boldly with godly passion and individual flair, yet humbly submitted to the Holy Spirit’s leading. Each night, Carmel’s Worship Team led the congregation into praise and worship. Throughout the Conference, Pastor Paul taught and demonstrated the importance of prayer,

with particular focus on a believer’s individual relationship with God. The following is a summary of the three evenings. Break out and break free On the opening night, Pastor Paul urged everyone to put aside preconceived ideas about the Conference. “These meetings may seem radical,” he said. “That’s because religion has failed us, to the extent that

when there is a move of God, we are skeptical about it.” He stated that the Worship Team had set the platform for what God wanted to do that weekend: “They sang it – break out and break free.” He dared the congregation to allow God to work in their lives so that they could break out from problem areas that had hindered them and break free into Christ’s liberty. In the atmosphere of worship, Pastors Gerri and Michelle and Pastor Paul prophesied about the coming revival in Bristol: “This revival is not going to be something that is worked up in emotional hype. This is going to be a sweeping move of Almighty God that will not be contained to a Church but will be mobilised in the highways and byways.” Believers were encouraged that God had confirmed His word regarding His will for the city. Making reference to a prophecy given by Kenneth E Hagin saying that a new breed would rise, Pastor Paul prayed for the young people. He laid his hands on them to receive the fire of the Holy Spirit. Prophesying, he said of the young people, “This is an army that will do things differently; they will be unstoppable; they will not be overthrown; they will be bold in their faith.” Addressing the whole congregation, Pastor Paul emphasised the importance of a private relationship with Jesus, out of which comes public demonstration of God’s power. He taught that the Holy Spirit was not given to Christians for them to keep Him to themselves. “God did not hide Himself in the upper room,” he declared. “The outpouring of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost was seen and heard by all those gathered in Jerusalem.” Pastor Paul also used the example of the prophet Elijah who called down fire from heaven. At the display of God’s power, the false prophets had no choice but to confess, “The Lord, He is God!” (1 Kings 18:17-39). “Nowhere in Scripture did God hide Himself from humanity,” explained Pastor Paul. “God wants Christians to demonstrate His life through them.” Exhorting believers that Jesus dwells in them, he said, “Do not imprison Jesus inside you so that the world cannot see

or know Him. The world should see that Christians are different; they should see the power of God.”

the Father is doing and releases great power (Luke 6:12-13; Matthew 26:35-44; Luke 4:42-43; Philippians 4:6-7; John 5:19; Acts 2:1-4).

Prayerparation avoids imitation

Go for gold “There is power in relationship,” Pastor Paul taught on the second night. “Communication is vital for any relationship to be strong.” Pastor Paul explained that Christians who don’t communicate regularly with God through prayer settle for an imitation of a real relationship with God. Externally, they have the appearance of being genuine Christians, but the appearance is false, covering up the fact that their relationship with God is lacking in intimacy. Explaining that preparation helps people accomplish their assignment, Pastor Paul combined the words ‘prayer’ and ‘preparation’ saying, “Prayerparation will help you avoid imitation.” He used the example of designer named items that have been copied but are not the real thing. At a glance, the fake can look real; only experts can distinguish between fake and real. Likewise, Christians can appear ‘real’ when they are not. Pastor Paul encouraged everyone to know Jesus personally, not just know about Him. He brought the following points concerning the fake and real to challenge the congregation to this end: 1. A fake looks the same as the real, but it’s not real because it has no value. 2. Everyone wants the real thing but not everyone can pay the price. They therefore settle for an imitation. 3. Many accept the fake at a lesser cost in order to look like they have the real thing. 4. Others might be fooled, but the real fool is the one who accepts the fake. Pastor Paul encouraged the congregation that prayer is the price to be paid for a genuine intimate relationship with God. He said that prayer helps Christians make the right decisions, gives strength to not yield to temptation, brings clarity of God’s assignment, produces peace that passes understanding, reveals what

Corporate prayer marked the final night of the Conference. Pastor Paul urged everyone to pray with conviction, saying, “Get feisty in your prayer life.” He encouraged believers that prayer should not take place only at Church, but should be a way of life. Pastor Paul warned that distractions prevent Christians from praying. He explained that distractions take away the gold, a genuine relationship with God, and replace it with brass, something that can have a shiny appearance but has less inherent value. Referring to Romans 8:26, Pastor Paul taught that Christians should allow the Holy Spirit to lead them when they pray: “When you pray by the Spirit, you and He are a winning team.” He cautioned the congregation to not pray from their soul, which is the mind and emotions, but to pray from their spirit, from the heart. The earnest (heartfelt, continued) prayer of a righteous man makes tremendous power available [dynamic in its working]. James 5:16 Amplified. Pastor Paul concluded the Conference by saying, “Prayer causes you to walk differently.” He used the biblical examples of Jacob and the disciples. Jacob’s life manifested the evidence of his encounter with God (Genesis 32:24-32). The disciples, who had little education or social standing, “turned the world upside down.” The disciples were effective because they knew Jesus (Acts 4:13; 17:6). Pastor Paul encouraged the congregation that they too should encounter Jesus daily, and as a result, to walk with confidence in the power and demonstration of God. Many people have testified that this Conference was instrumental in bringing them back to their first love for Jesus. Christians have embraced the individual call of God for their lives and have been inspired to pray continually.


ARISE BRISTOL On Pentecost Sunday, Carmel joined with other Churches from Bristol and the surrounding areas at Ashton Gate football stadium for ‘Arise Bristol’. The purpose was for the Body of Christ in Bristol to repent publicly for divisions and prejudices that had prevented unity, to reconcile differences, and for individuals to recommit their lives to God and receive His call to reform society. An estimated 5,500 – 6,000 Christians gathered for repentance, prayer, declaration and worship, taking inspiration from God’s promise: “If My people who are called by My name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.” 2 Chronicles 7:14. The beginnings Arise Bristol was instigated by Dr Sheena Tranter. On a temporary stage erected in one section of the football stands, Sheena told how God led her to organise a gathering for Christians in Bristol from every denomination to unite in prayer for key areas of influence in society: sport, healthcare, education and young people, family, politics and social action, arts, media, business and the work place. Repentance and declaration

From the mouths of babes Christian children gathered in a separate room with volunteer workers to pray and ask God to speak to them. The youngsters drew pictures representing what God had said. Some children came onto stage to share what God had spoken to them.

Recognising the importance of repentance, leaders from the spheres of influence repented on behalf of Christians in their sector for neglecting God’s truth in their industry and everyday lives. These leaders then publicly declared their commitment to live God’s standards.

Bristol, a blessed city!

Church leaders also repented on behalf of the Churches for their part in hindering God’s plan for the city. The senior leaders of the denominations declared that they and their Churches would work in unity to tell the good news of Jesus.

Carmel believes that Arise Bristol was an important and necessary turning point for the Churches of Bristol. It is significant that it took place on the day of Pentecost, the day commemorating when the first Church began. Knowing that God blesses unity, the Churches in Bristol are arising, reconciled and united with the common purpose to preach God’s kingdom. The crowd sang, “Greater things are still to be done in this city”. As these words echoed through the stadium, the truth reverberated in Christian hearts, that God had heard their prayers and will heal Bristol.

The Wesleyan prayer A time of personal repentance allowed all Christians to consider their own responsibilities and response to God’s calling. The crowd confessed the prayer of John Wesley, the eighteenth century evangelist who 6

preached extensively in Bristol: I am no longer my own, but Yours. Put me to what You will: rank me with whom You will. Put me to doing: put me to suffering. Let me be employed for You, or laid aside for You, exalted for You, or brought low for You. Let me be full, let me be empty, let me have all things, let me have nothing. I freely and completely yield all that I have and all that I am for Your pleasure and disposal. And now, O glorious and blessed God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, You are mine and I am Yours, so be it. And the covenant which I have made on earth let it be ratified in heaven. Amen.

Church leaders declared: Bristol is a city of faith, healing, mission, sanctuary, reconciliation, life and liberty, welcome, pioneers, creativity and resource. Together with the crowd, a prayer of blessing was said for Bristol.

a gathering for Christians in Bristol from every denomination to unite in prayer




The sound of worship, the sight of fellowship and the smell of food became the norm at this year’s Valiant Men’s Conference. Men of all ages and backgrounds gathered at Carmel Centre to enjoy the atmosphere and above all, to receive a touch from God.

With the theme ‘Warrior’, a full size wrestling ring and large images of MMA fighters acted as a backdrop for Carmel’s Worship Team and the Conference speakers, Pastors Gerri Di Somma, Jim Schmitt and Robbie Howells. Each speaker brought an aspect of what it means to be Christian warriors, teaching the men how to fight against apathy, wrestle back their identity and live out their victory. Pastor Gerri’s first teaching ‘The Way Of The Warrior’ can be found on pages 16-17. The following is a taster from the rest of the Conference: Contend For The Faith Pastor Jim drew attention to the first battle that ever happened: between Adam, Eve and the devil. “The devil wanted Adam and Eve’s position and he wants yours too,” explained Pastor Jim. He warned of the devil’s scheme to displace Christian men in their beliefs concerning God in order that they don’t fulfil their God given role: “If the devil causes your faith in God to sway, he will steal your position.” The men were exhorted to fight for their rightful position by being fully convinced that God will perform His Word (Romans 4:20-21). Pastor Jim explained that Christians have a

responsibility to contend earnestly for the faith. Jude verse 3. He urged the men to recall what God had spoken and to be certain that God will fulfill His Word. Prayer Warriors Taking inspiration from the life of Nehemiah, Pastor Robbie spoke about the importance of being a ‘prayer warrior’. He said, “Prayer should be our first resource not our last resort.” “Nehemiah was a man of prayer. When he heard about the destruction of Jerusalem and its walls, he prayed,” taught Pastor Robbie. “Nehemiah lived in exile, but his prayer gained him the necessary favour to travel to Jerusalem and rebuild the walls. Nehemiah later brought spiritual reform to Judah.” Pastor Robbie taught how men today can become prayer warriors: “Commit to pray and make it a priority; be confident that God answers prayer according to His will; cast your cares upon God because worry neutralises the effect of prayer.” My Own Worst Enemy Pastor Gerri’s second teaching addressed the biggest giant that any Christian warrior will face: “That giant

resides in you. You created it through your experiences, fears, obsessions and even victories.” “You must defeat any giants within you before you can defeat the giants in the world,” explained Pastor Gerri. Using the biblical story of David, he showed how men conquer their giants, “David chose five specific stones to use against Goliath. They each represent a truth we must implement to destroy our giants.” The five truths were given: “make God your first priority; align your truth with God’s; fight with tested faith; make the right confession and have no plan B’s.” Become A Warrior The men also watched ‘Warrior’, a film portraying two brothers who fought for good causes. However, one brother did so legitimately and the other illegally. The film highlighted values worth fighting for and the importance of men fulfilling their responsibilities without violating principles. The Warrior Conference has prepared Christian men for battle. They have been armed with God’s Word to live the life of a champion through the power of the Holy Spirit. “No one is born a warrior, but you can become one,” concluded Pastor Gerri. 7



Ever wondered about the blessings of covenant? 8

The entire Bible is a love story. Many of its authors depict God as a husband to mankind. We, His creation, are depicted as the wife whom God pursues relentlessly with His love.


arried to God

God is married to us forever. He told His chosen people, the Children of Israel, “I will make you My wife forever, showing you righteousness and justice, unfailing love and compassion.” Hosea 2:19 NLT. As born again Christians we are God’s children and can partake fully of God’s promises to the Children of Israel. In fact, when we gave our lives to Jesus, we entered into a covenant relationship with God. A covenant is a binding agreement that cannot be revoked. Our covenant relationship with God can be understood in terms of a human marriage. The Apostle Paul likened the relationship of a husband and wife to that of Christ and the Church (Ephesians 5:30-32). When Jesus came, He referred to Himself as the bridegroom (Mark 2:19-20). From these and other scriptures we understand that Christ is the groom; we, both as individuals and the corporate Body of Christ, are His bride.


ovenant Privileges

There are certain privileges husbands and wives benefit from in their marriage covenant. One privilege is

that assets are combined; everything the husband has belongs to his wife and vice versa. When we became Christians we ‘married’ God. As His bride, all that He has becomes ours, and all that we have becomes His. He takes away our sinful nature and gives us His righteous nature to live in us through the Holy Spirit.


avoured through Covenant

Scripture reveals that God’s favour is released in many ways. For instance, those who live righteously, apply wisdom and obey God find His favour (Psalm 5:12; Proverbs 3:1-4, 8:35). The Bible also tells us that the covenant of marriage brings God’s favour: He who finds a wife finds a good thing, and obtains favour from the Lord. Proverbs 18:22. Just as this applies to a human marriage, it applies to our covenant relationship with God. Because we are God’s bride through a relationship with Him, we gain His favour. Favour means to be approved, esteemed and treated with partiality or favouritism. God’s favour cannot be earned; we are favoured simply because of our covenant relationship with Him. Therefore, we can expect God’s favour in all areas of our lives. Unfortunately, we often don’t realise

that God’s favour is available to us and consequently don’t walk in the fullness of it.


sther’s Story

The book of Esther describes a love relationship between a king and his bride. The story is a type and shadow of Christ and the Church; remember that Jesus is the King and we are His bride. Through Esther’s story we can understand God’s favour available to us. Esther was a Jewish girl raised by her cousin, Mordecai, following her parents’ death. She and the nation of Israel were in captivity in Persia. During a particular feast held by the king, his wife, the Queen of Persia, publicly dishonoured him by refusing his command. The king took advice from his counsellors to “give her royal position to another who is better than she.” Esther 1:19. Thus, began the search for a new queen: “Let beautiful young virgins be sought for the king… then let the woman who pleases the king be queen.” Esther 2:2-4. Esther was amongst the many women selected to partake of beauty preparations and be presented before the king. The ensuing story tells of instances where Esther received favour:


You are the bride of Christ. You are married to the greatest King who causes you to be favoured.

1. Her enemies favoured her. Esther was in captivity with her people. Although there were elements of tolerance towards the Jews, we must recognise that she was living in the land of her enemies. However, God caused her to be favoured in their sight. Hegai, the king’s eunuch was custodian of all the women from whom the king would choose a bride. God caused Esther to be noticed above the other women. Esther pleased Hegai and obtained his favour. Esther 2:9. Christians today can expect God’s favour, even in the midst of their enemies. God is the same yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8). 2. She received preferential treatment. Each woman under Hegai’s care had been allotted a specific amount of beauty preparations. As a result of Hegai’s favour toward Esther, he readily gave beauty preparations to her, besides her allowance. Only Esther received additional. Furthermore, Hegai elevated Esther to the best place in the house of the women. Esther 2:9. The beauty preparations consisted of, six months with oil of myrrh, and six months with perfumes and preparations for beautifying women. Esther 2:12. It is significant that myrrh was used in the beautification process. Myrrh was one ingredient of the anointing oil used in the Old Testament tabernacle (Exodus 30:23-25). The anointing oil of the Old Testament is symbolic of the Holy Spirit given to born again believers. God has given us preferential treatment by giving us His Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit perfects us, transforming us into Christ’s image, thus making us ‘beautiful’ to others. 10

This beauty doesn’t concern outward physical features; any Christian who demonstrates the fruits of the Holy Spirit is beautiful. Allowing this inner beauty to be developed in our lives by the Holy Spirit will cause us to be favoured and preferred. 3. She gained special advice. Once the beauty preparations were completed, the women in turn were presented before the king. Each woman was given whatever she desired to take with her. When Esther’s time came she requested nothing but what Hegai the king’s eunuch, the custodian of the women, advised. And Esther obtained favour in the sight of all who saw her. Esther 2:13-15. Hegai’s favour toward Esther went beyond the external privileges of extra beauty preparations and the best place in the house. As the king’s eunuch, Hegai had inside information regarding how to approach the king. He disclosed these secrets only to Esther. As believers, we have access to the counsel and wisdom of God through His Spirit (John 14:26; James 1:5). When we listen to the Holy Spirit and obey His instructions, we too will have inside information for our lives. 4. She received prominence and promotion. The king loved Esther more than all the other women, and she obtained grace and favour in his sight more than all the virgins; so he set the royal crown upon her head and made her queen. Esther 2:17. Out of all the women, Esther was chosen to be queen. Previously, Esther had been a widely unknown Jewish girl; upon becoming queen, Esther became the second most powerful person in the land. Esther received the crown representing her new authority as the king’s wife.

We are God’s bride, married to the King of kings. As such, we are royalty and possess authority. Consider this: we are seated in heavenly places with Christ and we are co-heirs with Him (1 Peter 2:9; Ephesians 2:6; Romans 8:17). Therefore, we have the same authority as Christ Himself.

Esther’s story doesn’t end here. Haman, a noble of the king, undertook a conspiracy to kill all the Jews in Persia. Esther’s uncle, Mordecai, notified and directed her to approach the king to make supplication to him and plead before him for her people. Esther 4:8. Esther knew that approaching the king without being summoned was against Persian law and incurred the death penalty if the king didn’t extend his sceptre. 5. She had access to authority to overcome. Esther was in a unique position. As queen, she had access to the king and his authority. However, due to protocol, Esther needed God’s favour to succeed in her mission. Therefore, Esther and the Jews fasted for three days. On the third day she approached the king: So it was, when the king saw Queen Esther standing in the court, that she found favour in his sight, and the king held out to Esther the golden sceptre that was in his hand. Then Esther went near and touched the top of the sceptre. Esther 5:2. The king’s sceptre was a symbol of his royal power and authority. By holding out his sceptre to Esther, the king secured her life and extended his authority to her. Esther acknowledged and received the authority offered to her by touching the top of the sceptre. Likewise, Christ has given us authority (Matthew 28:18). It is our

responsibility to take hold of the authority that has been made available. 6. Ungodly civil authority granted her petition. Such was the favour that Esther received from her husband, the king, she could have asked for half the kingdom (Esther 5:3, 7:2). However, Esther requested to hold a banquet for the king and Haman, where she would make her petition known. Remember that the king was not Jewish and Haman had dispatched an edict to annihilate all Jews in the king’s provinces. In the midst of this, the king, who didn’t know God, granted Esther’s petition. A second banquet was held where Esther made her appeal on behalf of the Jews and exposed Haman as the adversary and enemy of her people. Haman was then hung on the gallows that he had prepared for Mordecai (Esther 7).

7. Policies, rules and regulations were reversed to her advantage.

hand of the Lord, like the rivers of water; He turns it wherever He wishes. Proverbs 21:1.

Esther further appealed to the king: let it be written to revoke the letters devised by Haman… which he wrote to annihilate the Jews who are in the king’s provinces. Esther 8:5.

8. Her family was promoted to a position of prominence.

In addition to granting Esther’s request, the king gave her and Mordecai the authority to write a decree concerning the Jews, as you please, in the king’s name, and seal it with the king’s signet ring; for whatever is written in the king’s name and sealed with the king’s signet ring no one can revoke. Esther 8:8. When today’s legislation opposes God’s Word, we shouldn’t fear. We must declare the truth in the face of opposition, knowing that God’s favour surrounds us. God can change any situation: The king’s heart is in the

With Haman’s plot exposed and his execution rendered, the king promoted Mordecai to the position of second in the kingdom (Esther 8:1-2; 10:3). God’s favour is not just for us; God wants His favour to pour from our lives to others. We must recognise that God’s favour goes with us everywhere through the Holy Spirit living in us. For example, our employers should be favoured because of God’s presence in us. You are the bride of Christ. You are married to the greatest King who causes you to be favoured. Realise your position of authority and let your life demonstrate God’s favour.


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guSt Au 2012










God’s Word is the sword of the Spirit and ‘A Word in Season’ is God’s vehicle for proclaiming the power of the Gospel to the nations. This monthly message on CD is available AUGUST for you today. Contact the ‘A Word in Season’ office at Carmel Centre. You can also view our catalogue online at FAVOUR OF GOD











hen difficult times assail us, we often ask God, “When will this end?” It is challenging for us to accept trials, especially when we don’t understand why they happened or why they remain.

Habakkuk’s Question

When The Going Gets Tough

The prophet Habakkuk experienced this challenge. He questioned God regarding the injustice and wickedness amongst Judah: O Lord, how long shall I cry, and You will not hear? Habakkuk 1:2. Habakkuk’s complaint was the seeming lack of action from God: why do You tolerate those who deal treacherously, and keep silent when the wicked swallows up the man who is more righteous than he? Habakkuk 1:13 WEB.

Many Christians can identify with Habakkuk’s situation. They have asked God to change their circumstances but the trial has continued. Habakkuk didn’t like or understand God’s answer and his trial didn’t disappear, but Habakkuk learned to deal with his trial positively. As a result, his story shows his progression from questioning God’s judgement to trusting completely in God and His sovereignty.

God’s Answer God’s response was that the situation would get worse, not better: God would cause Judah’s enemies to conquer them (Habakkuk 1:5-11). Habakkuk was unhappy with this answer. His reaction is not unique; we too feel displeasure when trials persist or increase. Often, we mistakenly think God should answer us according to our own desires and earthly wisdom. However, His ways and thoughts are higher than ours; He is sovereign and knows the big picture. In Habakkuk’s instance, God had predetermined the future defeat of Judah’s oppressors. (Habakkuk 2:8-9). 12

There are certain lessons we can learn from Habakkuk’s life. They will help us to deal with our trials positively and to develop unwavering faith in God: 1. Write The Vision God instructed Habakkuk to, “Write the vision and make it plain on tablets… at the end it will speak, and it will not lie… it will surely come.” Habakkuk 2:2-3. The written vision was for Habakkuk’s benefit, not God’s. It reminded Habakkuk of God’s purposes and the certainty that they would happen. God is not liar. God only speaks truth and is faithful to do what He says (Numbers 23:19). The Bible contains

all of God’s truth and is the final word on every subject. For example, the Bible says we are healed; therefore, we are healed. Our physical body may show contrary evidence, but we must never elevate our situations above the absolute truth of God’s Word. Nor should we base our beliefs on feelings or experiences, which are changeable and subjective; only the Word of God is unchanging and therefore trustworthy. When we face trials, it is wise for us to search the scripture and discover God’s truth relating to that situation. We mustn’t leave it there; we should write out the scripture and declare it regularly. The declaration helps us to focus on God’s promises and trust God that He will fulfill His Word. 2. Wait In Faith Christians must recognise the danger of allowing trials to overwhelm them. Habakkuk’s trial could have crushed him, drawing him away from God’s plan and purpose. However, Habakkuk learned that, the just shall live by his faith. Habakkuk 2:4. That is, he realised his life wasn’t determined by circumstances, but by his relationship of faith with God.

Waiting in faith helps change our perspective. The Apostle Paul also understood this. His perspective regarding tribulations was unconventional. He said to, glory in tribulations. Romans 5:3. The Greek word translated as ‘glory’ also means: boast and rejoice. To boast or rejoice about tribulations is not instinctive and defies logic. Nevertheless, Paul boasted in his tribulations knowing that they caused him to mature into Christ-likeness. James had this same perspective. He wrote to the churches in Galatia explaining that tribulations would come to test their faith. James exhorted them to rejoice at these times: count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience. But let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing. James 1:2-4. Instead of despising or complaining about trials, we must respond to them with a new outlook, confident that God’s grace will sustain us in the process of maturity. (2 Corinthians 12:9-10). 3. Worship In Hope When Habakkuk heard that Judah would be defeated, he was afraid: my body trembled; my lips quivered at the voice; rottenness entered my bones; and I trembled in myself.

Habakkuk 3:16. Although this was his initial response, he didn’t remain fearful. Despite the situation, Habakkuk rejoiced in God: Though the fig tree may not blossom, nor fruit be on the vines; though the labour of the olive may fail, and the fields yield no food; though the flock may be cut off from the fold, and there be no herd in the stalls – I will rejoice in the Lord, I will joy in the God of my salvation. Habakkuk 3:17-18. In this scripture, the word ‘rejoice’ in Hebrew also means exult and triumph; ‘joy’ also means to be glad and spin around. This expressive rejoicing is not based upon our feelings, otherwise we would only rejoice when we felt good. Yet, Habakkuk said he rejoiced in God even when the situation wasn’t good. Again, we can take inspiration from the Apostle Paul’s life. His circumstances were often unpleasant. Even so, he exhorted: Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice! Philippians 4:4. When Paul and Silas were beaten and thrown into jail for doing God’s will, they sang God’s praises. God delivered them from prison and the jailor came to salvation (Acts 16:16-34). Whatever the situation, we must choose to rejoice and praise God, for the joy of the Lord is your strength. Nehemiah 8:10. 4. Walk In Confidence Habakkuk confessed: the Lord God is my strength. Habakkuk 3:19.

Habakkuk drew strength from God, not his circumstances. He described God’s strength in him using the example of deer’s feet: He will make my feet like deer’s feet, and He will make me walk on my high hills. This is significant because deer are known for their surefootedness, balance and stability. Their feet enable them to move easily across uneven terrain and to climb great heights. Through this analogy, Habakkuk declared that God’s strength caused him to be sure and steadfast regardless of the situation. As Christians, we must stand strong in the Lord and the victory that He purchased for us. This will enable us to successfully navigate the difficulties of life. The Apostle Paul exhorted all Christians to remain steadfast: But thanks be to God, who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable... 1 Corinthians 15:57-58. Rise above your trials by trusting God in every situation. Determine to not allow circumstances to overwhelm you; choose to praise God in everything. Take your eyes off the trial and look to God, your helper: I will lift up my eyes to the hills – from whence comes my help? My help comes from the Lord. Psalm 121:1-2. Then you will shine as a light in the midst of trials, giving hope to those around you. 13

Nobody wants to entertain the idea that they are a fool, but if we are honest we can all identify times we’ve behaved foolishly. Thankfully, we don’t have to remain as fools; we can move from foolishness to wisdom.



What Is A Fool? The dictionary defines a fool as someone who lacks wisdom, judgement or sense. As Christians, when we reject God’s wisdom, we make unwise choices and behave foolishly. The book of Proverbs says that destruction, distress, failure and shame follow the foolish. It is therefore to our advantage that we allow God, the source of all wisdom, to mature us. His wisdom leads us to make the right decisions, resulting in health, riches, promotion, strength and deliverance (Proverbs 12:28; 14:24; 15:24; 24:5; 28:26). Five Types Of Fools The Old Testament reveals five types of fools; looking at the original Hebrew language helps our understanding about the varying degrees of being a fool.

Not every ‘fool’ is a helpless case; those willing to be corrected can receive God’s wisdom. The following will help us evaluate whether we are fools, and if so, what kind of fool. Once identified, we can make the required changes to become wise: 1. The Simple Fool (Hebrew: Pethiy) Simple fools are naïve, lacking discernment and insight. Consequently, they are easily influenced and enticed into sin. However, simple fools respond quickly to correction. Their prompt repentance restores their relationship with God and they gain wisdom from His Word: The law of the Lord is perfect, converting the soul; the testimony of the Lord is sure, making wise the simple (pethiy – fool). Psalm 9:7.

King David is a biblical example of a simple fool. When confronted with his sin of adultery and murder, he took responsibility for his actions and repented immediately. David exhibited a humble readiness to receive correction and change his ways; because of this, God forgave David and continued to be with him and bless him (2 Samuel 12:13; Psalm 51:1-2, 10-11). When we sin, we mustn’t blame others thus removing ourselves from God’s mercy. Rather, we must be quick to take responsibility, repent, receive God’s forgiveness, and abide in His counsel. 2. The Ignorant Fool (Hebrew: Kesiyl) Those who are unwilling to take responsibility for their actions despise spiritual discipline and become ignorant fools. This type of fool is sincere about changing their ways, but when circumstances become difficult, instead of implementing the necessary spiritual disciplines, they revert to old behavioural patterns. The Apostle Paul explained that before we knew God, we all conducted ourselves according to our ignorance, and he exhorted that we should no longer live that way, but to put on the new man which was created according to God, in true righteousness and holiness. Ephesians 4:17-24. Ignorant fools must put into practice biblical disciplines: to be transformed by the renewing of the mind; to not merely hear the instruction of God’s Word, but to obey it also; to look into the perfect law of liberty and continue in it (Romans 12:1-2; James 1:22-25). We must be willing to take responsibility for our lives and apply the spiritual disciplines in God’s Word. Those who do so are blessed (James 1:25). 3. The Hardened Fool (Hebrew: Eviyl) The progression continues: those who refuse to apply biblical discipline never change their ways and become hardened fools. Believing they are right, they ignore God’s counsel and choose

their own way of living: fools (eviyl) despise wisdom and instruction. Proverbs 1:7. The way of a fool (eviyl) is right in his own eyes. Proverbs 12:15. This attitude causes the hardened fool to disregard that each one is tempted when he is drawn away from his own desires and enticed. James 1:14. Therefore, they don’t safeguard themselves from temptations but repeat the same failures and mistakes, never learning from them. For example, someone’s track record may prove that one alcoholic beverage leads to another and another until they are inebriated, yet this person claims they can stop at one drink. Every time they return to their drinking behaviour they believe the outcome will be different, but it never is. They haven’t learned from their previous mistakes and they’ve become hardened fools. There is still hope for this kind of fool: left to their own devises they will reap the consequences of their decisions and when circumstances become unbearable, they may repent and turn to God and His way of living. 4. The Mocking Fool (Hebrew: Lûts) Mocking fools ridicule God, His people and His precepts. These scoffers and scorners don’t merely do as they please, as the hardened fool does, they also persecute Christians who live God’s standards. Mocking fools would like to have the benefits these Christians enjoy, but are not willing to choose God’s way. Instead, they intentionally belittle and humiliate Christians who are flourishing in God’s purposes. We cannot debate with mocking fools because they have no desire to learn or change. They attack Christians who attempt to discuss their faith with them: He who corrects a scoffer (lûts – fool) gets shame for himself… do not correct a scoffer (lûts – fool), lest he hate you. Proverbs 9:7-8. We mustn’t allow mockers to ridicule what is sacred and precious in our lives; we are blessed when we do not keep company with such fools: Blessed is the man who walks not in the counsel of the ungodly, nor stands in the path

of sinners, nor sits in the seat of the scornful (lûts – fool). Psalm 1:1. 5. The God-denying Fool (Hebrew: Nabal) This final type of fool denies God. The fool (nabal) has said in his heart, “There is no God.” Psalm 53:1-2. God-denying fools are senseless and vile, despising holiness. They reject God and deny His presence and power. They devise wickedness, attempting to silence God’s truth. For the foolish (nabal) person will speak foolishness, and his heart will work iniquity: to practice ungodliness, to utter error against the Lord. Isaiah 32:6. Evolution is an example. This theory, now taught as fact in schools, colleges and universities has created generations of people who deny God’s existence and truth. The sad reality is that such God-deniers have no hope. By embracing evolution, they reject the creation and fall of mankind, and the need of redemption through Jesus Christ. As Christians, our responsibility remains to unashamedly and confidently declare God’s truth. Whenever government releases legislation that denies God’s truth, we mustn’t remain silent but protest peacefully using the channels provided. Don’t Be A Fool I have been each one of these fools at different stages in my life. I denied God and tried to be god of my own life; I mocked Christians and their faith; I failed in my attempts to control my life and the lives of others. Only when life’s circumstances brought me very low, did I acknowledge God and call upon Him for help. Don’t let life’s circumstances be your teacher. If you recognise that you are one or more of these five types of fools, make the necessary changes in your life to become wise. Accept Jesus as your Saviour, take responsibility for your actions and discipline yourself according to God’s Word.


THE WAY OF THE TEACHING BY GERRI DI SOMMA The fight is on, the battle has commenced, but are we ready for victory? Success happens when preparation meets opportunity. Preparation is crucial to a warrior’s life; specific disciplines must be perfected and maintained. Only those who prepare thoroughly are ready to obtain victory at the given opportunity. Opportunities for success will come. As warriors in God’s Kingdom, there are certain disciplines we must employ in order to enjoy the success these opportunities offer. Two Warrior Kings King Saul and King David were both warriors who were presented with opportunities to succeed. Only one king prepared; only one was a victorious warrior. Saul’s disobedience revealed that he did not prepare. When given opportunities to do the right thing, he failed, disqualifying himself from being king (1 Samuel 10-15). In contrast, David exhibited many qualities that prepared him to seize his opportunity to do something great, that is, to defeat Goliath. Following Saul’s disobedience, God rejected Saul as king, choosing David as his successor. However, Saul did not relinquish control of Israel; he remained king even though God’s anointing had been removed from him and given to David. Subsequently, a ‘distressing spirit’ troubled Saul. An Opportunity Seized Saul’s servants advised that the skilful playing of the harp would relieve his torment and David was recommended to this position. David may have thought this was the opportunity he had prepared for. However, God merely positioned him for the real opportunity: to be Saul’s champion, not his musician. David’s reputation as a godly man had been established before he was presented with this opportunity. Saul’s servant acknowledged the characteristics David displayed, “Look, I have seen a son of Jesse the Bethlehemite, who is skilful in playing, a mighty man of valour, a man of war, prudent in speech, and a handsome 16

person; and the Lord is with him.” 1 Samuel 16:18. This scripture shows us key areas where David prepared himself for his opportunity to succeed: 1. Skilful In Playing ‘Skill’ is defined as an aptitude to do something well, to excel in performance, to practice and be competent. Becoming skilled takes practice; practice requires discipline. David was not merely a skilful musician, the Psalms evidence that he was a worshipper. As Christians, we are worshippers before we are warriors. David understood this. Every victory he accomplished was because he loved and depended upon God. However, David also prepared to excel as a warrior. When shepherding, he fought off lions and bears that attacked his father’s sheep. Through this he practiced and perfected his skills. Then, when the opportunity came to confront Goliath, David only needed one stone to defeat him. To be a successful Christian warrior, we must be disciplined and practiced in the areas that matter: in daily devotions with God, in worship, prayer and Bible study. 2. A Mighty Man of Valour ‘Valour’ is defined as bravery, being bold and determined to face great danger. The book of Joshua records God’s instruction for success: to abide in His Word and obey it (Joshua 1:8). When we do so, we will be confronted with areas in our lives that need to change. In these instances, Christians must be courageous to face these

challenges and to change. It takes courage to accept responsibility and do the right thing. David determined to do what was right. He demonstrated this by taking care of Mephibosheth, his covenant friend’s son. Mephibosheth attempted to betray David, but David was blessed. He obtained God’s promise to those who abide in His Word and obey it: then you will make your way prosperous, and then you will have good success. Joshua 1:8. Christian warriors will prosper and have good success when they are valiant, courageous to change. 3. A Man Of War ‘War’ is defined as: methods or principles of waging armed conflict; armed fighting as a science. In other words, a strategy is involved. Warriors have a strategy for success. It’s part of their discipline to study their opponent’s movements and plan how they will triumph in any possible scenario. David had a strategy. That’s why he didn’t meet Goliath’s challenge wearing another man’s armour. He used a method he had tried and tested, his sling. Perhaps Goliath’s sneering at the sight of a young man with a sling was part of David’s strategy. Goliath believed David was weak and insignificant; he was tricked into thinking that David could be overthrown easily (1 Samuel 16:38-51). As Christian warriors, it’s essential to have a strategy for success. For example, how do we deal with the enemy when he brings temptation? In the Bible, Joseph had a good strategy – he ran! Strategy is necessary to succeed; otherwise circumstances will determine our life’s direction. 4. Prudent In Speech Prudence is defined as being wise in practical affairs, sagacious (acute mental discernment), and circumspect. Prudent speech accompanies a renewed mind. By maintaining a positive and biblical mental perception, our words will be wise. I, wisdom, dwell with prudence. Proverbs 8:12. David’s Psalms reveal that he controlled his thoughts and kept his mind and heart focused on God. Discipline of the mind is essential. A warrior’s thoughts determine the outcome of their fight, even before it

has begun. In sport, ‘choking at the crucial moment’ is when an athlete is just about to succeed, but they stiffen and are defeated. They stiffen because they didn’t believe they could win, and therefore lost. Winning starts in the mind. Like David, we must control our thoughts, renewing our minds to God’s Word (Romans 12:1-2). 5. A Handsome Man ‘Handsome’ is defined as having an attractive, well-proportioned and imposing appearance suggestive of health and strength, exhibiting skill, taste and refinement. Although we consider ‘handsome’ in terms of appearance, it actually relates to how we present ourselves. Nowadays, some clothes are designed to look old and worn; they are considered fashionable. However, we could miss opportunities for success if we dress inappropriately. For example, a business executive is more likely to invest money with someone who is dressed smartly than someone wearing tatty clothes. It is probable that the executive would not consider risking finances on someone who takes no time with their appearance. Champions don’t dress like beggars, they dress like the champions they are. Likewise, we must dress for success; if we want to be champions, we must look like champions. The Winning Principle Above all the qualities that David exhibited, his primary focus was God. Other people recognised that he had God’s presence and anointing: the Lord is with him.” 1 Samuel 16:18. We see another difference between David and Saul: David didn’t hide from God’s anointing and mission. Saul did. David made himself available to receive God’s anointing and became the most successful king in biblical history. David knew that his life and success was dependent upon God ability working through him. We too must receive the fullness of God’s presence and depend upon Him in everything. Step Into Destiny David stepped into his destiny, and you can too. Prepare yourself for the greatness God has ordained for you as His warrior: Be responsible in your disciplines, be courageous to change, have a strategy for success, renew your mind, dress for success and depend upon God’s presence. 17

Christianity is unique. It is not a religion; it is a relationship with God. Religion dem ands that its followers do good; the Bible says that Christians are good because Jesus’ natu re lives in them. Both Derek and Jessica discovered that being born into Christian families and rais ed according to its standards was not enough. It didn’t mak e them Christians. Their stories show how they rejected religion in order to enjoy a relationship with God, to be a Christian in reality, not just in title. Watch their stories and others at www

ily, went to a Christian I was raised in a Christian fam a young age. ingly, I gave my life to Jesus at pris sur t No rly. ula reg rch Chu school, and attended ents are strong my relationship with God. My par elop dev or y pra to nts me age to say and do, However, I didn’t heed encour h them. I knew all the right things oug thr life n istia Chr my live ld ing to change. Christians and I believed that I cou ing wasn’t right, but I wasn’t will eth som t tha re awa was I . God ething different. but I wasn’t completely living for internally I was crying out for som but , illed fulf was life my , ally Extern develop my own had plans for my life, but I had to God t tha ing say er lett a d eive my Christian life. While at a Christian camp, I rec iously consider the condition of ser to d rte sta I rk. ma the hit ds pletely for Him. relationship with God. These wor the centre of my life and live com at God e plac to ice cho the de During the evening rally, I ma I’ve experienced growing every day. Even though is Him with ship tion rela My y. would be unfulfilled; Now I walk with God dail relationship with Jesus, my life al son per a t hou Wit . me future. ed with no direction or hope for the tough times, God has always help I would be a lukewarm Christian very excited ment course at Bible College. I’m elop dev rial iste min r -yea two a g ney with Him. This year I am startin to teach me as I continue my jour ts wan God t tha ing ryth eve n to lear

I grew up in Zambia where my Mu m took me to Church every week. Externally, I did all the right things, and over time I developed the belief that I was a good person and had no need for salvatio

n. One Sunday at Church, the preacher was talking about the wicked heart of man and I heard a voice inside me say, “You may be outwardly good, but are you inwardly clean?” I realised som ething needed to change; I knew I needed a Saviour. I experienced inne r turmoil because all my friends thou ght I was already a Christian. I didn’t want them to know that I had merely acted like a Christian outwardly, but inwardly my heart had been proud not accepted Jesus as Saviour. How and ever, I gave my life to Jesus that day and immediately the turmoil disappe and I received incredible peace. It felt ared like somebody had poured refreshing water on me. It was like nothing I had experienced before. Since that day my life has been full of meaning and purpose. I know my destiny and who I am in Christ. Without Jesus my life would have bee n empty and meaningless; I would hav e had no hope for the future. Today, I’m happily married with thre e wonderful children and I serve acti vely in my Church. I am passionate reaching others with the Gospel of about Jesus. One way I do this is through our monthly outreach into local pris ons.


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