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Approximately twice per month, CCS elementary schools will delay the school start time from 7:40 a.m. to 8:20 a.m. On these select days, ESE will offer before school programming at no cost to CCS elementary school enrolled families. In order to receive care for your student on those days, please sign the child up for the ESE Late Start Before School program prior to the start of the specific program date. ESE will not allow participants to attend the late start before school program without prior enrollment in the program.
Behavior Expectations
We expect staff and participants alike to demonstrate the R.I.C.H.E.R. principles of RESPECT, INTEGRITY, CARING, HARMONY, EXCELLENCE and RESPONSIBILITY. Children who fail to exhibit these character traits will be counseled by our staff. We have trained all employees to use positive discipline approaches to modify behavior including redirection, personal reflection time, mindfulness exercises, and removal from activity until more positive choices can be displayed. We deeply respect children and will never participate in any forms of physical or corporal punishment, including spanking, hitting, using exercise as a punishment, etc.
Our goal is to keep you informed of your child’s behavior choices, both positive and areas for improvement. When a child makes a positive choice, they will receive a R.I.C.H.E.R. “Right”-Up and you will be notified with details. Chronic or severe behaviors that require improvement to safely participate in ESE programs will also be shared through an emailed behavior report and subsequent phone call, if warranted.
Please see our Behavior Consequence Rubric for a more thorough explanation of how we hold participants accountable for their actions.
Academic Assistance Statement
The Extended School Enrichment program will provide time for your child(ren) to work on homework while at ESE. ESE will provide supplies and a quiet space to students during the academic assistance portion of the afterschool program. ESE will provide alternative activities and options to students who do not have homework or have already completed their homework.
Students are responsible for bringing the necessary homework with them to the ESE program. Trips back to the classroom to retrieve work that was left behind is not always an option. Students are responsible for knowing what homework needs to be completed. Please ask your child’s Site Supervisor about their policy on using Chromebooks during Academic Assistance time.
Please note that ESE does not offer one-on-one tutoring for participants. Parents and guardians, please check your child’s homework at home to ensure completion and accuracy of work. Communicate with your child’s ESE Site Supervisor if you have any questions or concerns regarding your child’s homework.
Beginning in the 2023–24 school year, ESE will honor CCS free and reduced lunch status as documentation of financial (scholarship) need, with students receiving free lunch qualifying for a 90% fee waiver and those receiving reduced lunch qualifying for a 45% fee waiver. Scholarship awards will be based on enrollment availability within the program as well as funding. The annual registration fee must be satisfied regardless of lunch status. Families who apply for financial assistance for ESE afterschool program must provide proof that parents/guardians are employed and/or are full-time students and need afterschool care while they work or go to school. If financial assistance is awarded, the ESE account must remain current. If not, services will be cancelled after 60 days, and future enrollment may not be possible.
ESE afterschool scholarship status does NOT include School’s Out camps or Summer Camp Series. Separate scholarship applications must be submitted for each of these programs.
In the event a participant becomes ill or needs to be picked up for any reason (e.g. not meeting behavior expectations), the parents/guardians will be called and are expected to pick-up within one hour (60 minutes). If the parents/guardians cannot be reached, or have not arrived within an hour, staff will contact individuals on the participant’s authorized pick-up list, requesting immediate pick-up.
Requesting Modifications
ESE is committed to being an inclusive program. We are dedicated to compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA). By making reasonable modifications, our inclusion model allows participants of many ability levels to join our ESE programs. Please visit our website to view our full inclusion statement and request a reasonable modification for your child.
For general questions about our program process and inclusive services, please contact Aimee Rich, Inclusion + Engagement Supervisor, at 317.843.3866 or arich@carmelclayparks.com
• Drop Off: Please walk your child to the ESE parent table for drop off.
• Authorized Pick Up: CCPR recognizes the need to provide a safe and secure site for all children in our ESE program. As a result, CCPR will only release a child to an adult who is listed on the “Authorized Pick-up List” provided on EZChildTrack. Please ask your child’s Site Supervisor if you need to make any changes to your authorized pick-up list. All requests must be made through the EZChildTrack system. Authorized adults picking up children must provide picture identification that matches the name in the EZChildTrack system.
• Please see pick-up procedures above. We cannot allow a parent/guardian to remain on-site with their child once they have been signed out of ESE. If the child is picked up during the school day, they may be signed back into ESE except for illness or undesired behaviors.
• Please note that you are free to pick up your child at any point in time during hours of operation.
• In the event of a difficult/dangerous custody situation where a court order is in place, please contact the ESE Administrative Office or your child’s Site Supervisor. Our office must receive a copy of any court documents regarding the restrictions of release of children in our care. Parents/guardians are responsible for resolving any issues that may arise from their child’s participation in our programs. ESE will not get involved in financial, custody or personal disputes between parents/guardians.
• CCPR staff will encourage any adult who appears intoxicated or under the influence of drugs to call the emergency contact or a ride service to take the adult and child home. If the adult chooses to leave the program site, staff will call the police immediately.
Restroom Needs
Participants will take regularly scheduled restroom breaks. Restroom breaks are always monitored by staff, and participants will never be put in a one-to-one situation.
Our expectation is that participants are able to take care of their respective restroom needs.
• All account holders are responsible for payment of fees + ensuring all balances are paid in full.
• There will be one account for the child attending our programs.
• If an account is delinquent past 30 days, the account will be placed in suspension, and student’s attendance will be prohibited until past due fees are paid in full. If the past due balance exceeds 60 days, the student will be de-enrolled.
Adult Code Of Conduct
Adult Code Of Conduct
ESE requires adults of enrolled children to behave in a manner consistent with the R.I.C.H.E.R. principles. Our goal is to provide students with the most appropriate environment in which a child can grow, learn, and develop. Any violations to the stated code of conduct may result in adults being asked not to return to the program. ESE reserves the right to remove a participant from the program based on inappropriate behavior of the parent or guardian.
• Swearing/cursing: Adults must not curse or use inappropriate language in ESE programs, whether children are present or not. This includes phone conversations and written communication with staff.
• Threats: Threats of any kind toward staff, children or other adults will not be tolerated.
• Confrontational interactions: While parents may not always agree with staff or the parents of other participants, it is our expectation that all disagreements will be handled in a calm, respectful manner.
• Addressing program participants: Adults are prohibited from addressing, for the purpose of correction or discipline, a child that is not their own.
• Confidentiality: It is inappropriate for one adult to seek another adult to discuss their child’s inappropriate behavior. All behavior concerns should be brought to the attention of staff. Staff will address the issue with the other adult. Staff is strictly prohibited from discussing anything about another child with you.
• Violations of safety procedures: Adults are required to follow all safety policies and procedures as these are designed to protect the welfare and best interest of the children and staff.
Reporting Child Abuse Or Neglect
Staff are trained to look out for the signs and symptoms of child abuse or neglect. If abuse or neglect is suspected, CCPR staff are required to call the Department of Child Services to make a report.
Due to limited space within ESE program, student enrollment cannot be put “on hold” due to family travel or extended absence. When a participant is enrolled in the ESE afterschool program, the parent/guardian is securing their spot for the entire school year. If de-enrolled from the program, the parent/guardian will be required to re-enroll, and there is no guarantee the spot will still be available.
All cancellation requests will require a 3-week notice. The effective date for any changes will coincide with the 1st of the following month and will allow for billing to be changed prior to any auto-payment.
All transfer requests must be submitted at least 3 weeks prior to the start of enrollment for a new calendar month. Transfer requests will be based on current openings and waiting lists for both school year and occasional care programs. Transfers between the two program options will be limited to once per semester. If transferring from school year to occasional care, the parent/guardian will be required to pay the $25/student difference between the registration fees. If transferring from occasional care to school year, no refund will be issued.
All cancellation/refund requests must be submitted via the form on our website, carmelclayparks.com/ese.
• All cancellation/refund requests must be submitted via the form on our website, carmelclayparks.com/ese.
• CCPR will issue a full refund if the department cancels a camp/class.
• Cancellations for a camp date or class must be requested a minimum of three weeks from the respective start date. A refund of the camp fee, less a $10 service charge per cancellation, per participant will be issued.
• Daily camp or class fee will not be prorated.
• All refunds are subject to the State Board of Accounts claim procedure and may take three to five weeks. Refunds may be issued in the form of a check.
ESE after school program will not run if school is canceled and will work closely with the school personnel to ensure all students are sent home by way of the method in which their parent/guardian has indicated.
ESE will NOT operate a Late Start Before School program in the event of a delayed school opening on a designated late start school day. Parents/guardians will follow CCS guidance on school start time for a delayed school opening on a Late Start day.
School Is Canceled And Students Do Not Report
In the event of CCS school closure, the ESE program will not run.
Since School’s Out camps do not occur around the school day, the decision to delay or cancel rests with the ESE Director. ESE staff will alert families of enrolled participants via email in the event of a delay or cancellation. Information can also be found on CCPR website and social media.
If you suspect your child lost an item, please contact your Site Supervisor with a description of the lost item as soon as possible. We will make every effort to return lost and found items while your child is at ESE. Please mark all items with the child’s full name so they can easily be returned. If something is missing please contact us to check lost and found immediately.