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Emergency Procedures
ESE staff and students will practice live emergency drills throughout the school year simulating various emergencies to ensure proper preparation in the case of an actual crisis during the ESE program.
Medication Procedure
Whether a participant needs to take a medication regularly after-school or needs their emergency medicine close at hand during the program, our staff have it covered. We will request a parent/guardian to complete our Medication Permission Log which will serve as the parents/guardians permission to give the medication as well as serve as a log for when staff administer the medication. Any medication participants need while enrolled in ESE should be provided in the original container. Unless the medication is utilized for quick-relief, emergency purposes, the medication will be locked and stored on-site at ESE. Emergency medications will stay with the adults supervising the child for whom the medication belongs. With the parents/guardians permission, older children may self-carry emergency medications. ESE must receive a child’s medication for exclusive use during the program. We are unable to access the nurse’s station after school hours.
Children’s allergies are disclosed by the parent/guardian at the time of enrollment. Staff keep a running list of all participants with allergies and are diligent in keeping these children safe by monitoring them and all their ESE activities.
Please contact the Site Supervisor if your child has any outstanding medical needs and/or allergies. We work with each family on a case-by-case basis to ensure safe participation.
ESE appreciates parents/guardians providing the Site Supervisor any school forms related to health (i.e., asthma action plan, seizure action plan, etc.).
ESE does not provide over-the-counter (OTC) medication (e.g. Benadryl, Tylenol, etc.). Parents/guardians may provide OTC medication for their child’s exclusive use at ESE with a completed Medication Permission Log.