17 October 2017
Japanese: every Day A basic in Japanese Language Alphabet
Japanese language it is considered one of the most difficult idiom in the world for the following reasons: 1) Structure of the sentence 2) Mixed Syllabic and ideogram system 3) A lot of words with the same sounds 4) Some ideogram (kanji) with two different pronunciation 5) Vowel/consonant harmony
Hiragana e Katakana Hiragana “A”
あ Katakana “A”
17 October 2017
ア Hiragana “E”
え Katakana “E”
エ What is really funny is that the same sign used for Katakana E in Chinese means work and it is spelled gong. You can find this radical in many related concepts but the most famous is kung fu (gong fu) spelled as 功夫 Please note the Katakana E as fragment of the letter
Kanji 漢字 We have some 漢字 derived from images and we call them pictograms we start with them
漢漢字, ⽇日
that means Sun or day and have 2 pronunciation 1) Hi 2) Nichi We now see some application in the day of the week ⽇曜⽇ - > Sunday , NIchiyobi ⽉曜⽇ -> Monday spelled as getsuyobi where ⽉ means moon or month . ⽉ is vocalised as tsuki ⽕曜⽇ -> Tuesday kaiyobi where ⽕ (hi) means fire Very often you can omit the final ⽇ in the pronunciation or in the writing as meaning is clear Please note the nice change from the pronunciation HI to BI