4 October 2017
My first Sanskrit steps Introduction and beginning with alphabet Why do you need to study Sanskrit?
Sanskrit is one of the most common ancient language used in all area of Indo river, mainly it was used for liturgical purposes. Hinduism and Buddhism they share some ancient texts in this languages. There are many reason because we need to study this language. First reason is linked to the root, being an old language we can find link with both German, Slavic and also element of old Greek. These elements will help to develop a better skills in modern languages. India is becoming more and more a super power in terms of services and this will help us to understand the Indian culture and mindset by mean on learning the root language Hindi, Urdu and other contemporary languages are based on Sanskrit and still they use its basic alphabet: Devanagari, that it is literally the alphabet of the city of god.
4 October 2017
My Second Sanskrit letter
आ When used not at the beginning of a word, this letters is shortened as
ा This is very similar in pronunciation to “a” in father or the standard Italian “A” As in आप्त -AApta = friend or आप्तवगर्- aptavarga - acquaintance Please note that in hindi friend is translated as दोस्त - dost
Dictionary ambaa : अंबा (mother) -> in hindi मां maan