Otro curso escolar llega a su fin. Por delante, nos quedan dos meses de verano donde seguir poniendo en práctica nuestro inglés aprovechando este tiempo libre que tenemos. A lo largo de este primer año con Livin’ Madrid nos hemos hecho eco de actividades en inglés a realizar en nuestra ciudad, pero sobre todo a intentar que esta lengua se adentrara en vuestros hogares por la gran cantidad de beneficios que podría conllevar. ¿Y qué mejor que dar voz a nuestros alumnos para que os hablen de todas las ventajas de seguir practicando inglés aun estando de vacaciones? Tenéis a vuestra mano varias opciones: películas, música, radio, campamentos, estancias en países… ¿A qué esperáis para leer lo que os quieren contar? DEPARTAMENTO DE INGLÉS – COLEGIO NAZARET OPORTO (MADRID)
Why is important to keep in touch with English (reading, listening…) even if we are on holidays? Being able to speak and hold a conversation in another language is one of the most asked requirements in our world. When the lessons are finished, most students do not continue practicing a language. At school, they learn different parts of the language that they do not put into practice and consequently, are forgotten. Being on holidays can be a good opportunity to develop other skills and practice everything they have learnt, but in other ways such as watching series or movies or going to an English camp. These different methods may be not only for entertainment, but also a way of learning. Providing students new tools and several approaches to a language can increase their motivation and willingness towards it. In order to achieve it, teachers play an important role in it, as well as families. To sum up, being on holidays can be an ideal opportunity to keep in touch with English but in more practical ways which can allow students to begin the new course with ease. Raquel D. (1º Bachillerato A)
Importance of listening to music in English Listening to music in English is so important because if you only study English without practicing your listening skills with some videos or talking with another person (especially if s/he is native) it will be difficult to follow a conversation in real life. Perhaps, he will understand you but you will not understand anything. In my opinion, it’s better listening to music than watching videos or something like that because the singers don’t pronounce the language as in a normal conversation when there is always the same rhythm at every time. If you don’t believe me, please listen to some songs of Eminem and if you really understand everything, it is because you have trained your hearing and you will have achieved this by listening to music in English. Pablo G. (1º Bachillerato A)
Importance of listening to the radio in English Listening to the radio in English is one of the things that will help you improve your level, because when you are listening, you get the words faster. If you do it every day, your ear will get used to it. In addition, it allows you to incorporate a large variety of vocabulary that you will remember to use in your conversations. In addition, listening to people speaking in English will motivate you to study more and to speak more. We know that this language is very important and essential to get a job. In conclusion, if you want to improve and make progress in the language, you need to listen to the radio. In this way, your pronunciation will be better too. Alejandra S. (1º Bachillerato B)