Architecture Portfolio

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architecture portfolio

Carmen Simone

Table of Contents

Curriculum Vitae


Experiences and proficiencies

March-June 2017 I Cloud Hostel, Porta Genova, Milano, Italy


Architectural Design Studio, Professors Cino Zucchi

February-May 2018 I The Posibilities of Voids,


Itinerant exhibition pavillon

July 2019 I das grune herzt, Innsbruck, Austria


Europan runner-up Prize

February 2019 I Residence Nádraží Žižkov


arenas basabe palacios arquitectos

June-September 2019 I Wunnerquarter,Luxembourg


arenas basabe palacios arquitectos &

April 2018-December 2018 I Master Thesis Project


Horizontal Landscapes: a new agricultural park and economic district

May 2019 I Münchner Nordosten


arenas basabe palacios arquitectos & LandLab

January 2019 I Central Park, Kaliningrad, Russia


Openfabric LS Studio

February-March 2018 I Mare Parco Urbano, Puglia, Italy

Openfabric LS Studio


Car men Simone

Educational Experiences January 2020 Qualification to exercise the profession of Architect (Esame di Stato) at Politecnico di Milano From 2016 to 2018 Master of Science degree in Architecture at Politecnico di Milano (ENG) 110 cum laude/110 From 2013 to 2016 Bachelor of Science degree in Architectural Design at Politecnico di Milano

Work Experiences November 2019 -January 2020

About me As a young architect, I have a various and eclectic background, thanks to my strong commitment and passionate approach to all the fields of architecture. I pushed myself to attend international expierences in Europe and Ameirca, in order to grow personally and professionally, convinced by the strong enrichment that those international interchanges can give. Used to work both alone and in groups I am able to orginze the work and collaborate with people from different fields of knowlendge and countries.

pasquali giaume architetti associati Milan, Italy Sector: Architecture/Interiors Organization and management of all the executive phases of the built projects, website, graphic issues and collaboration in the concept and design phases of some residential projects and a showroom in Milan. January 2019 - October 2019

arenas basabe palacios arquitectos Madrid, Spain Sector: Architecture/Urban planning Participation in all the phases and dynamics of the studio, focusing more on the developemnt of Urban Planning competitions (Residential developments in Germany) I was actively involved both in the formulation of the concept and the management of the main graphic/drawings issues. Development of the Landscape features of the projects in collaboration with LandLab Barcellona. Participation in the executive phase of some building construction sites. November2017 - February 2018; January 2019

Born in Milan (MI), Italy 19/10/1994 Citizenship: Italian Via San Bartolomeo 4 22076 Mozzate (CO) +39 3341522485 carmensimone1910

Openfabric Landscape studio Rotterdam, Netherlands / Milan, Italy Sector: Urban planning/Landscape deisgn Work as intern and young architect following the develpoment of two international competitions in the South of Italy and development of a Park in Russia (Kaliningrad) from the formulation of the concept, the part of meeting and discussion, till the development of the detailed design of all the parts and the final steps for the delivery. Moreover I followed the executive part of a Park and public Plaza in Dubai, in collaboration with X Architects. December 2016 - february 2017

Internship at ADR Studio Milano, Italy Sector: Construction/Building/Interior Design Collaboration in both the fields of Architecture and Civil Engineering partcipating in many projects of interior (from the deisgn of the living spaces to the the design of customized furniture). The experience also comprhended the realization of buliding appraisals and several architectural surveys.

Exhibitions /Publications


30 Janauary 2020

General good proficency in terms of Architectural Softwares and programs, graphics, visualizations and phisical model making

13-16 December 2017 “Tirana Regenerating”-Urban Toolbox, Held in the Pyramid of Tirana. “TIRANA_REgenerating”

Academic Experiences

Language Skills Italian

Europan15 Austria, winners exhibition, Palais Thinnfel Graz, Austria

February 2020



Fluent (C1)


Fluent (C1)


Basic (A2)

Academic Tutor at Politecnico di Milano, Master course “Open Territorial Landscape Design” 23 February-3 March 2016 George Brown College, Toronto, Balancing Continuity&Chagnge 20- 25 April 2016 PoliMI trip to Tirana, Albania, Workshop for Town planning Studio project 14-25 April 2017


NYIT, New York, New York, Metabolism of a City: Urban Planning design in Bronx

Microsoft Office

6-14 October 2017


KEA University, Copenaghen, Denmark, Urban Health, Transforming city life


11-18 November 2017


TU Delft, Delft, The Netherlands, Urban Development Strategy for Za’atari


Refugee Camp, Athens Program at Delft Univeristy


Lightroom Rhinoceros

December 2019


Runner-up Prize at Europan15, Productive Cities 2, City of Innsbruck


Mentioned for “Best Architectural Thesis 2018”, Albo degli Architetti di Milano June-July 2019 Wunnerquarter, Luxembourg, Invited competition, ABP &

Personal Skills Organization Communication Time Management Team Player

May 2019 Münchner Nordosten, Open competition, Munich ABP & LandLab February-May 2019 New Development in Ausburg, Invited Competition, Germany, ABP February 2019 Residence Nádraží Žižkov,Open International competition, Prague, ABP


February-March 2018

Problem solving

Mare Parco Urbano, Open International competition, Puglia, OF November 2017 Greenway Palermo Monreale,Open International competition, Palermo, OF October 2017 Transforming city life 1st prize of Popular vote, Urban Health, , at KEA I authorize the processing of my personal information under Legislative Decree 196/03

2017 A new hostel for Milan Porta Genova Railway yard, Milan, Italy with: Carlo Mazzeri Yi Ji

The Cloud Hostel | Portfolio | 03

graphic deisgn

product deisgn

interior deisgn



urban deisgn

Ai Microsoft OfďŹ ce



Ita Mothertongue





EngThe Cloud Fr Hostel Fluent B2

Basic A1

The Cloud hostel was designed starting from the necessity of Milano to have a new public center and community space, bringing new flows in a fundamental area as Porta Genova. During the Design Week it becomes one of the main centres of exhibitions, activities and events. The international character that Milan is gradually having recalls the need of new spaces to welcome tourists, designers, architects but also students from all over the world. The idea to leave the wider space passible devoted to public vocation was the first choice, that consequently led us to develop the building in vertical. The hostel is designed to have many different kind of rooms, going from the bigger ones (hosting from 6 to 12 people) that can be subdivided thanks to some sliding forniture, to the smallest ones for 2 or 3 people with private bathroom. The common spaces are the real parts giving identity to the building: double or triple heights give the possibility to structure the common spaces in really several different ways, having indoor gardens, colourful spaces to stay and study and also a funny climbing wall. The complex and playful organisation of the inside spaces is then controlled by the homogeneous facades where the reflective glass is able to make it perceived evanescent and lighter, changing the facade as the sky changes.

The Cloud Hostel | Portfolio | 04




Floors are characterized by different room accomodations (hosting from 12 to 2 people) and the common space has always different themes and activities (study and quiet spaces, fun and recreational facilities)

Main Section showing the vertical development of programs and functions

12th/13th Floor

Some examples of room typlogies with a flexible plan and design to guarantee a wider response to clients’ needs 10th/11th Floor

8th/9th Floor

6th/7th Floor The Cloud Hostel | Portfolio | 05

view from Via Tortona

interior View

Axonometry of the whole area showing the continuity of common spaces raising up from the ground The Cloud Hostel | Portfolio | 06

1:200 maquette

2018 Itinerant exhibition pavillon The work of MGCC with: Lara Puricelli Beatrice Balducci Chiara Torregrossa

PossibilitiesofVoids | Portfolio | 07

graphic deisgn

product deisgn

interior deisgn



urban deisgn

Ai Microsoft Office



Ita Mothertongue





Eng Possibility Fr The of Voids Fluent B2

Basic A1

The exhibition is an engaging journey across the complex personality and works of Maria Giuseppina Grasso Cannizzo, Sicilian architect who, although several awards received, is still unexplored by most and an insider tip. Four implicit themes in the architect’s work (No Language, Active Void, Theatre, Smallness) will be presented in a way in which the visitors can experience the thinking of MGGC through her temporary past exhibitions and permanent works. In a big but light infrastructure of a scaffolding, a sequence of spaces apparently unlinked from a clear itinerary will mirror the irregular and multi-perspective approach that characterize MGGC. The chaotic but controlled presence of both the temporary (Circuito Chiuso, Loose Ends, Entrance, Onore Perduto) and the permanent works (RBT Torino, FCN Noto, SBR Ragusa, GNS Scoglitti) will allow the visitors to have a direct experience of what are the foundations of MGGC’s approach. In the confusionary pièce teatrale of architecture, the role played by the architect leaves the stage when the users become protagonists.

PossibilitiesofVoids | Portfolio | 08




Exhibition inspired by the work of Arch. MGGC

Maria Giuseppina Grasso Cannizzo is a brilliant and unconventional Italian Architect whose practise is based in Vittoria, close to Ragusa, Sicily. Her architectural works are not so numerous but well designed, thought with care in every detail. She was mainly used to deal with the small scale, interiors and restorations but also exhibitions and temporary installations. Nominated for the Mies van Der Rohe Awards in 2003 and 2013, she won twice the RIBA Awards (2005 and 2012). Then in 2012 she obtained the Gold metal to the carrier by the jury of Triennale of Milano.

PossibilitiesofVoids | Portfolio | 09

Itinearant intallation with a removable structure

FCN Noto

GNS Scoglitti

Onore perduto

Second Floor

Loose Ends Circuito Chiuso Circuito Chiuso

GNS Scoglitti

Loose Ends

RBT Torino

First Floor

RBT Torino

Ground Floor

SBR Ragusa


Don’t be afraid to cross barriers!

How to play!

You decide where to start!

Touch whatever catches your eyes

Create new spaces as you wish

PossibilitiesofVoids | Portfolio |10

2019 Urban planning/riverfront design Innsbruck, Austria Europan15 international competition Runner up Prize Collaboration with: Jorge Lopez Sacristan Javier Ortiz Temprado Lucia Anderica Recio studio.alt

dasgrunehertz | Portfolio | 11

graphic deisgn

product deisgn

interior deisgn



urban deisgn

Ai Microsoft Office







Ita dasEng Fr Innsbruck grune hertz, Mothertongue

Fluent B2

Basic A1

The aim of the project is to unlock the potential of the city centre (the river, the site) as a catalyst for urban regeneration processes. The site has an incredible potential due to the existing architecture and activities and the fascinating landscape values given by the closeness to the mountains and the presence of the river Inn. It’s indeed the river the backbone of the entire project, on which is built an expansive public space network: the riverside is a continuous linear space that can expand and create a complex network of urban open spaces, of different character and scale. To stress the idea of a common, continuous public ground belonging to the citizen, uses and activities hosted in each building tend to extend and overflow to the outside public space. This way, there is no longer a clear differentiation between inside and outside, engaging pedestrians into the activities proposed, blurring the lines between public and private, close and open and fostering the mix of uses both vertical and horizontally. This can’t take place without the reactivation of the riverbank: the project turns the river-bank into a pedestrian, cycling, carfree and ecological “high street” of Innsbruck, where people can participate more actively with the river. It should attract visitors thanks to its lively atmosphere and recognizable character.The existing relationship between the city and the river is limited. Our main strategy is to free as much space as possible on the ground floor to promote a good connection in order to bring people and water closer together. Thus, the Marktplatz and the Markthalle are the main elements giving identity to the place: the project aims to reactivate them, to make the plaza become a “tabula rasa” where to host events and unify all the functions related to the mobility interchange by means of a light-structured canopy, also functioning as a “portal” to the area. .

dasgrunehertz | Portfolio | 12




dasgrunehertz | Portfolio | 13

dasgrunehertz | Portfolio | 14

dasgrunehertz | Portfolio | 15

dasgrunehertz | Portfolio | 16

2019 Residential Development Prague, Czech Republic Open competition with: arenas basabe palacios arq.

ResidenceZizkov | Portfolio | 17

graphic deisgn

product deisgn

interior deisgn



urban deisgn

Ai Microsoft Office







Ita EngNádraží Fr Žižkov, Prague Residence Mothertongue

Fluent B2

Basic A1

The international competition was asking for the design of a residential complex in Nádraží Žižkov, area nowadays immersed in a deep process of regeneration and densification. The area shows an evident duality: on one hand the more urban street Malešická, with high traffic flow and plenty of activities and, on the other hand, the interior part, where there is a completely open space delimited by a marked topography. The project wants to stress this dual character of urban and rural realities with a strategy of vertical superposition: diversity of the residential blocks are superposed on a continuous basement hosting commercial and social activities, which, at the same time, “protect” the internal part, where greenery is the main protagonist. The area is supposed to be mainly pedestrian, the cars to be parked in common undergpund parkings and the user can identify himself, appropriate and manage his own green space, as a real “Garden City 2.0”.

ResidenceZizkov | Portfolio | 18




Phase 01

Phase 02.a

Phase 02.b

Continuous front along the main axes and more green spaces in the inside

Higher density with the front on the secondary street pulled back to create an urban plaza

Masterplan at the second phase with different residential typologies

ResidenceZizkov | Portfolio | 19

Permeable urbanization_

3D Free space_

Free space managment_ Phase1

Grenn density_


Green roofs and landscape colonization of spaces

ResidenceZizkov | Portfolio | 20


Efficent infrastructure_

2019 Residential development Open space deisgn Luxembourg, Grand Duchy of Luxembourg Invited competition with: arenas basabe palacios arq.

Yinyang | Portfolio | 21

graphic deisgn

product deisgn

interior deisgn



urban deisgn

Ai Microsoft Office



Ita Mothertongue





Eng YinFryang

Basic city and nature Balance between

Fluent B2


The project was the result of an invited competition asking to design a Residential dense district in one of the most beautiful places in Luxembourg. The Landscape values of the existing context are evident: the area is on top of one of the highest hills of Luxembourg and is delimited by a steep topography which makes the area one of the most panoramic of the city. the idea to leave this beautiful space to the inhabitants and so to keep it public and not privatise makes us follow the philosophy of “Landscape first” leaving a huge meadow where to host activities, events, concerts in the middle of the residential development. The footprint of the urban fabric and the permeability and design of open space recall the yin yang symbol, trying to balance the built/unbuilt environment. Route d’Arlon, highly used to reach the city center, has a more urban facade: the residential uses are thought to be in the upper floors leading on a continuous basement of commercial and social uses, such as libraries, markets… Furthermore, the entire area is supposed to be totally car-free and with a clear pedestrian priority. This is possibile thanks to the placement of some underground parkings, reachable from the main streets and directly connected to the residential blocks.

Yinyang | Portfolio | 22




Masterplan with residential typlogies and open space deisgn

Density_How to reach a balance between built environment and open space?

Diversity_how to create a more durable and democratic urbanisation?

Activities poles_How to define attractive poles fundamental to guarantee a good lifestyle? Yinyang | Portfolio | 23

District without cars_Which is the role of cars in the new residential development?

Combination of typlogies and facades with activities flows

Game rules_Can some fixed rules help in designing and developing the district?

Porosity_How to have a dens residential settlement while preserving the porosity?

Ecologic Hotspot_How the Yin yang phenomena can react to climate change?

Productive City_How to make residential and productive activities coexist?

Respect-Reuse-Recycling_ How to integrate the existing building environment?

Development&Phases_ The “Wunnerquartier State� should be built in only one phase?

Diversified mobility_ How to integrate mobility in a mainly pedestrian environment?

Allemende_ How to manage the public/semipublic/private open spaces?

Animated City_ Is a good design enough to guarantee the success of a new habitat?

Yinyang | Portfolio | 24

2019 Urban Planning Development Munich, Germany Open competition with: arenas basabe palacios arq. LandLab landscape studio

MunichNordosten | Portfolio | 25

graphic deisgn

product deisgn

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urban deisgn

Ai Microsoft Office








Eng MunichFrNordosten

Fluent resilient Basic Democrathic, and innovative development




The project deals with a huge and territorial scale trying to imagine three different scenarios for Munich. The aim is to imagine how it can develop in the future, how the fragments of residential blocks now isolated in the countryside can become part of the city and how the border between built and natural environment can be treated and designed in order to not be just a juxtaposition of different layers, but an integrated system of different landscapes. The existing linear system of green and public parks allowed us to start from it and implement the system of public green designing a “green ring” able to keep together all the fragments and diverse elements, becoming the main public infrastructure both in ecological and sustainable mobility terms (tram line and cycle paths) The value of the project is that the three possibile scenarios (with different density and number of inhabitants: 10.000, 20.000, 30.000 inhab) can also be considered three different phases of the same development vision, in order to guarantee the maximum flexibility within a well structured frame of open space system and landscape integration.

MunichNordosten | Portfolio | 26




Scenarios and Rules VEKTOREN für eine demokratische, resiliente und innovative Entwicklung des Münchner Nordosten. Plakat 2 - Szenario ca. 20.000 EW, Plan 1:7500 _FRAGMENTE


Szenario 20.000 EW Kompaktheit Grosse Ausnutzung des Grundgerüstes Produktive Korridore auch im Zentrum Trotz grössere Dichte gibt es noch Fenster in die Landschaft

The three possible scenarios of Munich future develpment can also be phases of the same vision, starting from the existing fragments and sweing them up in a more consolitaed urban structure. At the same time it guarantes an ecological continuity by means of the green ring, working as a buffer zone, as a border and as a slow mobility circuit holding everything together.

MunichNordosten | Portfolio | 27

Green ring as a city connector and continuous corridor

Infrastrctural network implementation

Integration among the different landscapes and the existing values

Insertion of productive poles and activties in the district

Urban environment and ecological continuity

Dual character: Urban front and green integrated

Different architectural typlogies forming the urban settlment

Multiplayer city: different typologies & different investors

Car circulation kept outside the blocks and pedestrian priority

2-storey common parkings as a pole for social activities

Multimobility and pole of mobility interchange

Phases process for possible future developements

Participative porcess of planning and design

Comunity management of the district

Open design to the several possible users

Allemende as a sponateous process of space apropriation

Borders sewn up by means of green buffers

Isolated biotopes connected with continuous green corridor

Integration between the new and old urban strcture

MunichNordosten | Portfolio | 28

2019 Open space Landscape design Metropolitan City of Milan, Italy Master Thesis - tutor: Privileggio Secchi AU with Lara Puricelli

HorizontalLandscapes | Portfolio | 29

graphic deisgn

product deisgn

interior deisgn



urban deisgn

Ai Microsoft Office



Ita Mothertongue





Eng Fr Landscapes Horizontal

Basicpark and economic district A Fluent new agricultural B2


The project is the result of a careful study on the reality of the peri-urban agriculture of the Metropolitan City of Milan. Nowadays it appears as strongly fragmented and compromised, under-exploited and undervalued, especially in the the North. On the other hand, in the Southern part, where the Parco Agricolo Sud plays the main role in the maintaining and protecting the Agricultural processes, the problems of monocolture and lack of biodiversity are still evident. Therefore, starting form and analysis at the macroscale of the Metropolitan City of Milan, the project focuses on a more limited area in the North, included between the city of Busto Arsizio (VA) and the Ticino Park. The agricultural pattern is structured along horizontal axes and secondary infrastructures, “white” and unpaved roads connecting the area to the Ticino Park. Moreover the existing agricultural productions are mainly low quality crops (e.g. forage) and many fields are now unused and uncultivated. This process of “disposal” of agriculture also increases the continuous change of land use, transforming all those areas which are not productive anymore in blocks of residential units. The design strategy then is going to make the best use of the existing opportunities, stressing the reactivation of all the unused spaces, holding together all these fragments through the implementation of the very extensive system of horizontal axes. Moreover, the growing attention to good food and biological systems of production is the opportunity to create an experimental Bio-District where the use of high-tech systems and the return to some traditional agricultural practises is going to develop a new kind of economical model, based on circular economical processes and becoming productive enough to be competitive.

HorizontalLandscapes | Portfolio | 30




A Metropolitan Scenario 45° 36’ 40 N 8° 50’ 56 E



Northen Milan: fragmented landscape Before

Southern Milan: monocultural landscape



HorizontalLandscapes | Portfolio | 31


Strategic Map 45° 36’ 40 N 8° 50’ 56 E



Infrastructural axes

Green axes

Landscape strcuture Rotating crops

Permanent crops Apricot tree

Plum tree


Triticum aestivum


Jan Apr



Pear tree

Cherry tree


Medicago sativa L.


Zea mays L.

Apr Jun

Jan Apr



Apr Jun


40 m 30 m 20 m 10 m

1. 1. Quercus robur 2.Quercus petraea

HorizontalLandscapes | Portfolio | 32




3.Quercus pubescens 4.Populus L




5. Robinia 6.Prunus Serotina 7.Vinca minor

How to create a Biodistrict?

45° 36’ 40 N 8° 50’ 56 E



Animals’ forage

Ex Biowaste as fuel for tractors

Biowast Energy

Bio Orchards 430.000 Kg 2-6 €/kg 2/3 kg/mq

Woodland Mushrooms 14 - 25 €/kg Chestnut 6 €/kg

Animals’ forage

Energy Trees Biowaste/Manure

HorizontalLandscapes | Portfolio | 33




Biogas Waste form bovines 10-15 m3 Waste from porks 15-23 m3 Corn 124 m3 Compost 15 m3

xcess Heat


Green Tunnel for Medical Herbs 40.000 plants = 4.000 kg 8 €/kg

Km 0 Market

Combinations of plants

Change of Mobility

Three Sisters Squash 6 kg/mq Beans 1,8 kg/mq Squash 2-3 €/kg Beans 5-7 €/kg

Vertical farm 2.485.000 Kg 2-5 €/kg 35 kg/mq

Greenhouse 1.130.500 Kg 2-5 €/kg 35 kg/mq

HorizontalLandscapes | Portfolio | 34

Livestock 1 bovine produces 0,75 m3 biogas/ day 1 pork produces 0,10 m3 biogas/day

Desmodium 180.000 kg 0,20 €/kg 10 kg/mq

A landscape-integrated housing proposal 45° 36’ 40 N 8° 50’ 56 E



HorizontalLandscapes | Portfolio | 35

Km 0 market, restaurant and foresteria 45° 36’ 40 N 8° 50’ 56 E



HorizontalLandscapes | Portfolio | 36

2019 Public space design Kaliningrad, Russia Commission Collaborating with: Openfabric LS Client: Strelka KB

CentralPark | Portfolio | 37

graphic deisgn

product deisgn

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urban deisgn

Ai Microsoft Office



Ita Mothertongue





Eng Park, Fr Kailingrad Central Fluent B2

Basic A1

Central Parks are green islands within cities, where a natural landscape contrasts with the surrounding urban setting. The proposal for Central Park Kaliningrad, is an “Island in an Island”, where the insular identity of the park is maximized by digging a new canal, transforming the edge in a new rich and diverse urban experience. The excavated land from the perimetrical canal, is reused in order to form landforms, unique symbols of the future park. The current acid soil, is diversified (by adding layers of alkaline one) in order to create a neutral and basic soils, in addition to the acid one. The resulting landscapes will follow the soil chemical composition avoiding a mere top-down, neopastoral approach but, rather generating a park genuinely part of the site ecosystem. The varying acidity of the different layers provide the conditions for different habitats responding to the ground conditions, rather that recreating a fictitious scenography. The transition becomes here not only a separation between city and park but, through the digging of a canal and the formation of an island, the edge becomes simultaneously city, waterfront, canal and park. Bridges are not meant as simple infrastructures, but they are public spaces able to intercept the different target groups of Kaliningrad. The 4 main bridges (Cloud, Net, Triple, Smart) create the ground for specific social practices and recreational activities, while becoming new landmarks of accessibility. Oktyabrsky island, is a partially artificial land which demanded massive investment to be realized. The project of the Park aims to be sustainable both financially and technically. The excavated land from the perimetrical canal, is reused in order to form a hill, unique symbol of the future park

CentralPark | Portfolio | 38




PH-based planting The ground of the park will be defined by varying PH levels with soils ranging from very alkaline to very acid.

Island within an island

The ground typology leads the planting choice, therefore the landscapes and the atmospheres of a park, which concept is based on a circular approach towards soil management.

Main poles and activiets connection Triple bridge Cloud bridge

#1 bridge

#3 bridge

#2 bridge

#4 bridge

#7 bridge

Net bridge

#6 bridge

#5 bridge Smart bridge

Bridges as experiences of the park

Cloud Bridge


a’ CentralPark | Portfolio | 39

Natural Water Edge Water resistant species create an elongated garden and, in the same time, consolidate the water edge.




Natural edge

Artificial hill with seats and sport activities


Green hill with pedestrian path reaching the top





Market Deck

b Active waterfront woth wooden deck Natural edge

Natural hills with different degrees of ph soils

Triple Bridge

Smart Bridge



CentralPark | Portfolio | 40

The varying acidity of the different layers provide the conditions for different habitats responding to the ground conditions

CentralPark | Portfolio | 41

Shared space


Natural stone

Natural stone

Wood waterfront

Jet water fountains

Junction between the active waterfront in wood and the shared space made out of stone.

Junction area in main square between paving (natural stone) and pyramid (granite).

Steel bridge

Concrete panels


Stabilized gravel

Natural edge

Green hills

Junction area between the metal grid (special bridges) primary path (concrete slab) and boulevard (bricks paving)

The market pavement is made out of red bricks, framed by a in situ cast concrete edge.

Stabilized gravel

Natural edge

Green hills

Wooden bridge

Concrete panels

Concrete panels

Junction area between primary path (made of concrete slab) and secondary path (with a drenant stabilized gravel).

The wooden bridge is partly leaning on the concrete path.

CentralPark | Portfolio | 42

2019 Landscape design Bat Province, Puglia, Italy invited comptetion with: Openfabric LS

MareParcoUrbano | Portfolio | 43

graphic deisgn

product deisgn

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urban deisgn

Ai Microsoft Office



Ita Mothertongue





EngMare Parco Fr Urbano Fluent B2

Basic A1

BAT Province presents important and strategic connections with Eastern Europe thanks to the Barletta arbour, whose the implementation can help in repositioning this Province in the International scenario, boosting new development strategies of a city which dare to be a kind of “Territorial Hinge.” The ending and the expansion of the Ciclovia Adriatica along the coast should be understood in a bigger scale, inserting it the wide and complex net of European paths and slow mobility systems. Thus the cycle path along the coast becomes an intermodal axes useful to reconnect the different flows from the “metròmare” and the systems of slow mobility already existing transversal to the new one. This complete network of mobility and accesses gives value to the local activities and productions promoting new work activities in the research centres existing in the area between Foggia and Bari.

MareParcoUrbano | Portfolio | 44




10 parks for 5 landscapes The coast is a huge and continuous agro-marine parke characterized by 5 landscapes (salt, river, energy, ston, posidonia) composing 10 different parks MareParcoUrbano | Portfolio | 45

Integration of the cycle path in the landscape: a deLL’oFanTo | PAESAGGIO FLUVIALE continuous sign connecting the main ecological and historical values.

Salty landscape and artificial pools reegulating the “CONCORSO DI PROGETTAZIONE IL MARE GRANDE PAR coast erosion

ella lettura interpretativa e progettuale proposta. e della Puglia per lunghezza, bacino e ricchezza ura e qualità. Secondo quanto emerge dal PTCP Nella bassa valle sono ancora evidenti i segni partire dalla metà dell’Ottocento, con l’impianto o. In questo contesto «il fiume, completamente la lieve serpentina di vegetazione ripariale che

e per la sua biodiversità: la fauna ittica del fiume palmente le seguenti specie di pesci autoctone: che, e che necessitano di particolare tutela, si cardafa. pido arretramento verso un estuario. Il fiume ha per le precipitazioni, e magre notevolissime in battaglia di Canne del 2 agosto (seconda guerra Torre Ofanto, situata presso la foce del fiume in

1.Rivestimento in legno, sp. 30 mm 2.Trave reticolare in acciaio, D. 193,7 mm

1. Terreno stabilizzato drenante, sp. 150 mm 2.Misto Granulare Stabilizzato, sp. 50 mm 3.Tessuto non tessuto, sp 2 mm 4.Misto Naturale di fiume, sp. 400 mm 1.Corteccia sp. 100 mm 2.Telo pacciamante, sp. 2 mm 3.Ghiaia vagliata, sp 130 mm 4.Misto naturale di fiume, sp.400mm lmm 1.tappeto d’usura, sp.0.00 40 mm 2.Massetto in cls, sp. 50 mm 3.Ghiaia vagliata,, sp 100 mm 4.Misto Naturale di fiume, sp. 400 mm


torri e/o in generali esistenti zioni sono dotati in sommità e verticale, proporzionati in patto visivo ed ambientale.

Social activators and community involvement ATTRACCO METRO-MARE


L’implementazione della ciclovia prevede una ricucitura tra Margherita di Savoia e Barletta. È questa l’occasione per caratterizzare maggiormente l’esperienza di attraversamento in bici, non realizzando un anonimo punto di passaggio sul fiume, ma un elemento che si ancora nel paesaggio e diventa un luogo simbolico. Il ponte ciclo-pedonale rappresenta l’immagine specchiata del nuovo delta dell’Ofanto: una “prua” da cui osservare la valle ed il paesaggio fluviale.

Reconstructing the delta of the river



Torre costiera di avvistamento nei press di alto valore storico-culturale e paes di riqualificazione, si intende riattivarl servizio del percorso ciclabile e della f un fulcro visivo di pregio e un punto di

La fermata del metrò-mare, che darà ancora più importanza al delta del fiume, è stata localizzata a nord-ovest di Fiumara. L’attracco costituisce il nuovo punto terminale di una strada esistente che collegherà così il percorso ciclabile con il sistema di trasporto pubblico marino.



MareParcoUrbano | Portfolio | 46

CF Sviluppo

Priorità di investimento POR: 4e-7c

Realizzazione di un nuovo attracco in mare aperto attrezzato come fermata della MetroMare. La struttura è da localizzarsi nella zona Fiumara caratterizzata da bassi fondali che potrebbero rappresentare una criticità per il pescaggio della imbarcazione. Per assicurare un attracco in sicurezza dell’imbarcazione si prevede la messa in posa di cassoni unicellulari poggiati sul fondo ad una distanza opportuna dalla costa ed il collegamento a terra con una passerella con caratteristiche di buona amovibilità e funzionalità per il trasferimento dei passeggeri. Gli arredi di banchina (e.g., parabordi, bitte, paraspigoli, scalette alla marinara) completeranno l’intervento.

CF Consolidamento

Priorità di investimento POR: 6c-6d

Ofanto Park

Productive pillars of the Telephicle

High Vertical Eolic

Pedicylable Bridge

The traces of the cableway that carried the salt from Margherita di Savoia to Barletta are wonderful traces of a heritage of industrial archeology that is important to enhance. The intervention proposes the redevelopment of existing pylons and the installation of a wind system able to guarantee an energy surplus, respecting the naturalistic context.

The recovery operations of the towers and / or in existing general structures of a certain elevation are provided at the top of vertical axis wind elements, proportioned in order to minimize its visual and environmental impact.

The implementation of the cycle route can rehabilitate all the area between Margherita di Savoia and Barletta. This is the opportunity to further characterize the experience of passing by with the bike, not creating an anonymous point of passage on the river, but an element that is still in the landscape and becomes a symbolic place. The bridge cycle-pedestrian represents the mirror image of the new delta of the Ofanto.


MareParcoUrbano | Portfolio | 47

River Landscape

Requalification of the Building of the harbour Inside the port of Margherita di Savoia it is planned to create a new pier equipped as a Metro-Mare stop. The structure is supposed to be located on the west side of the port’s quay and offers the opportunity to reconvert the existing structure as a facility for passengers.


Ofanto Tower

The structure, located in the Fiumara area, is characterised by shallow waters that could represent a critical issue for the boat’s draft. To ensure a mooring in safety is thought the installation of single-cell caissons resting on the bottom at a suitable distance from the coast. Thus, a ground connection with a walkway with characteristics of good removability and functionality. The quay furniture (e.g., fenders, bollards, corner guards, ladders to the seafaring) will then complete the intervention.

Coastal watchtower, this is a peculiar element of high historical-cultural and landscape value. Through an intervention of requalification, we intend to reactivate it to transforming it into a place where people can stop and rest along the cycle path, as well as a prestigious visual fulcrum and a point of view on the coast.


MareParcoUrbano | Portfolio | 48

Carmen Simone | Portfolio | 2020

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