3 minute read



Avalon Women's Centre: 6042637177 ODYSSEY 11 (Youth): 6048798853 A&D Day Treatment: 6046383390 .


FREE OR LOW COST DENTAL SERVICES Portland Community Dental Clinic:

778-371-0060, 12 E Hastings: Low cost service for D.E. residents; Appts. Mon-Thur, 9-5pm, closed 1-2 Eastside Walk-In Dental Clinic 6042549900, 455 E Hastings: Emergency pain relief, non-profit. M&Fri 9-12:30 [VCC 6044438499 cleanings -$30 Strathcona Clinic 6047134485, 601 Keefer (Families) Reach Dental Cl 6042541331, 1145Commercial Welfare 1-866-866-0800 for information.


Evelyne Sailer Ctre 6046653075 320 Alexander Laundry taken at 9-11am M-F,10:30am S&S (daily limit); showers, de-lousing, first aid... Gathering Place 6046652391, 609 Helmcken 9-8 Showers, laundry Powell St Getaway 6042557026 528 Powell 9:30-7 Showers, emergency clothing and food First United 6048396880, 320 E.Hastings


MPA Resource Centre 6044823712,2275 Fir St: Showers for members, 10am-6pm M-F, 12-6 Sat & Sun. Laundry to 4pm Kettle Society 6042512801,1725 Venables: Shower 8:30-7 M-F, 10-4 S&S


PSYCHIATRIC Strathcona Mental Health Team

6042534401,330 Heatley, Suite 201. Coast Foundation 6048723502, 295 E.ll Ave Kettle Friendship Society 6042512801, 1725 Venables Street. Pier Health Resource Ctre 6048911480 233 Main Med management & outreach, delivery to disabled 8-5 Daily, 8-2 Stat holidays Emergency Access & assessment: 6046753700, 803 W 12Ave. 5

Community Care Teams 6048747626: Referrals, counselling; boarding homes & rehab programs. DRUG USERS VANDU (Vancouver Area Network of Drug Users) 6046836061,380 E.Hastings: Peer support, harm reduction, education, narcan training. Overdose Prevention Society 778-952-2015, 390 Columbia: Continuously active to empower drug users thru harm reduction, safe use places and dealing with stigma. Open ti18:30 Safe Injection Site 6046877483,139 E.Hastings Supervised by Health personnel; clean rigs. Drugs are not supplied. Referrals for treatment Powell St Getaway-528 Powell Drug User Liberation Front https:llwww.dulf.ca/ *Get your drugs tested-880 E.Hastings SEXWORKERS PACE (providing Alternatives Counselling & Education) 604~727651, 148 W Hastings: Help with housing, detox, welfare, food, clothing, shelter. Support services also provided. Drop in M-Th lOam - 4pm (Founded by former pros). WISH Drop-In Centre 330 Alexander: Safe place for women and gender-diverse people working the streets. Shower facilities, food, relax with various ongoing programs. 6pm-12pm everyday; 6046819244 for info.Intercomlentrance is in the alley south of Alexander *[OjJice at 334 Alexander; 606-669-WISH]* Some helpful phone numbers PACE Cellular 6047865437 W.I.S.H...............................................................604669-WISH CHILD PROTECTION................................ 6046604927 YOUTH DETOX..............................................6048724349 ADOLESCENT SERVICES UNIT............. 6046609376 COVENANT HOUSE................................... 6046857474 BATIERED WOMEN'S SUPPORT SERViCE.... 6046871867 CHILDREN'S HELP LlNE:.Dial 0 ask for Zenith 1234

WOMEN Downtown Eastside Women's Centre 604 6818480, 3302 Columbia(10-5) &25 E.Hastings (12:30-10): Counselling, free clothes, showers, laundry, workshops, programs, welfare & housing, advocacy. Safe, confidential. Crabtree Corner 6042161650,533 E.Hastings Emergency daycare, Single Moms Support Group. Resource & referrals Atira Women's Resource 6043311407101 ECordova Stopping the Violence counselling, legal, ~~~ 6

Sheway Program (POP) 6042161699, 533 E.Hastings: Pregnancy outreach program, maternity clinic, counselling and nutrition info, housing advoc, donated kids' clothing often available.

Battered Women's Support Services

6046871868(business ),6046871867( counselling) lO-week& drop-in group for heterosexuals & lesbians who've been emotionally and/or physically abused; counselling, legal advocacy. Date violence program for teens.

Vancouver Women's Health Collective

6047365262,29 W Hastings: Women only space. Services include resource centre, nurse practitioner clinic, yoga, and art therapy.


Helping Spirit Lodge 6048726649, 3965 Dumfries: Native family violence counselling.

Native Courtworkers & Counselling Associ-

ation 6049855355, 1999 Marine Dr. Aboriginal Friendship Centre 6042514844, 1607 E.Hastings: 9am-l0pm. Vancouver Native Health Society 604-2549949,449 E.Hastings: Walk-in clinic. Physician service for all with or without medical coverage. daily; evenings (4:30-8:30) Mon-Thur. Referrals and other services. Clinic # is 6042559766.

Aboriginal Child & Family Services

6048726723: Counselling for Native families. Advocacy and assistance with foster situations & apprehensions. Aboriginal Front Door 6046975662,384 Main: Mon to Fri 8:30-2:30. Restoring respect, dignity & pride to Aboriginal Peoples. Healing circles, workshops, street outreach. Residential School Survivors 1-800-689-2477 Counselling, services for those affected


BC Paraplegic Association 6043243611: Resource centres for people with disabilities. Disability Alliance BC 6048721278, 1450-605 Robson: Help with disability benefits and appeals.

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