Inspired Living Caroline’s E-Mag
Contents Page 3. Who is Isha Judd? 7. Help needed at Hugh’s Haven 8. On Optimism 11. African Ginger 12. Montesuenos 14. The Art of Francine Hart 16. The Sacred Human 18.The Values of Creating Your Own Mandalas 20. Horoscope 22. A Venetian Affair with Food 24. Who is Your Healer? 26. The Great Invocation 27. Love in Couples Relationships 30. About Medieval Astrology 32. Damanhur - a blueprint for the future 35. Great CD’s to listen to
Who is Isha Judd?
Some international leaders of opinion consider Isha Judd to be an ambassador of peace. Her conferences and seminars are becoming increasingly sought after throughout the world. She imposes no political opinions, dogmas or intellectual concepts, yet she is viewed as a modern day visionary. What is it about her message that reaches beyond all differences, moving so many irrespective of their nationality, age or creed? Isha talks about love-consciousness. She says that it is our essence, who we truly are. She says that consciousness is love: a love that is unconditional, different from all the kinds of "love" we are accustomed to, and that this love is within ourselves. "There is nothing more fulfilling than unconditional love of self, and when we experience it we can extend that love to every aspect of creation. When we love ourselves unconditionally, all fear disappears, and we experience union with everything. This isn't a subtle experience; it's absolute. It is the greatest thing that can happen to any human." Born in Australia, where she lived a wide spectrum of human experiences that shook her structures from the very beginning, Isha was motivated to push the boundaries of life to the limit. After learning of her adoption at a very early age, she found solace in the company of animals. Her great love for horses would eventually lead her to a fulfilling career as a racehorse breaker and trainer. After great personal losses, she developed another facet, as a singer-songwriter of soft rock. But her inner journey was motivated by something greater than external success: by the yearning to break free from the fears that still held her prisoner. “Although I presented myself as someone who
was successful and self assured, deep inside I was increasingly aware that this was just a social pretense. The face I showed to the world around me denied the profound fear of abandonment that shadowed this image.� Isha began to dive deep within herself, searching for that which she had always desired. Although she did not know exactly what she was looking for, a voice whispered to her, "It's time to wake up. It's time to wake up." Guided by an inner conviction that seemed to speak to her from her heart, Isha integrated a series of components that began bringing her back home to herself, taking her beyond the confusions and preoccupations of the intellect, into an internal state of increasing peace and fullness. As she continued expanding this internal experience, she left behind her addictions, attachments and fears, until reaching enlightenment: the awakening she had so yearned for. So it was that this experience, often considered in our culture to be almost impossible to achieve only for the chosen few, and only after many years of abstinence and disconnection from society – that today emanates from an impacting, moving being, who is at the same time grounded and modern; someone who lives in the world, not distanced from it. How can we feel that peace, that wellbeing, in a world of increasing uncertainty and change? Isha assures us that it is absolutely possible, and that it can happen in our own lives: her experience serves as a vibrant example of what we are all capable of achieving. Her system has no beliefs. It is not a religion, yet neither does it go against any. Maybe this is why INSPIRED LIVING
amongst others, she has taught nuns, rabbis and priests, as well as atheists, skeptics and modernists: she quenches a thirst that every human shares, and that unites us beyond all apparent differences: the search for love. The Isha Judd System© shares the basis of all philosophies: the root source of love that is within all humans, regardless of age, creed or conditioning. Today, it is changing the lives of thousands around the world. BENEFITS - Teaches us to live in the moment, anchored in a place of peace - Expands consciousness and connects us with a deeper understanding of life - Allows us to take responsibility for our own choices and happiness - Improves physical, mental and emotional health - Greater self-confidence and an enhanced ability to relate to others - Increased creativity and decision-making skills - Establishes an inner experience of joy, freeing us from addictions, dissolving depression, insecurity and anxiety - Eliminates fear, heals insomnia and panic attacks COMPONENTS The Isha Judd System© consists of the practice of seven components: - The Facets of the Diamond Portal - Focusing on Love-Consciousness - Feeling your emotions - Physical exercise - Drinking water - Being real and completely human (made clearer in advanced meetings and intensives) - Always speaking your truth (made clearer in advanced meetings and intensives) 1. THE FACETS OF THE DIAMOND PORTAL The facets of the Diamond Portal are practical tools that you can apply in daily life to expand internal consciousness. Through their practice, you will immediately start to feel more peace and joy in the present moment. They develop personal experience rather than concepts and theory, providing a direct route to anyone wishing to explore their true nature. The facets themselves are profound expressions 4 INSPIRED LIVING
of unconditional love. They bring our attention away from the concerns and preoccupations of the intellect, anchoring our awareness in the silent depths of our being. Established in this internal experience, we begin to live life from the heart. When this happens, everything changes, from the inside out. 2. FOCUSING ON LOVE-CONSCIOUSNESS The Facets of the Diamond Portal bring our awareness directly into the experience of love-consciousness, every time we think them. Love-consciousness is the unconditional love within all beings, an experience that keeps expanding when we dive deep within ourselves. It is not strange or ethereal, but something very concrete and natural. By focusing on this experience when using the facets, it begins to permeate every aspect of our lives. When our inner state no longer depends on the shifting sands of the world around us, we find true freedom, letting go of the need to control or manipulate our surroundings in order to be happy. ìTo sit in love-consciousness is to sit in the silence. I call it the roaring silence, because sometimes itís so silent, itís loud. When you are sitting in love-consciousness, even in the midst of great noise, the silence will be louder.î - Isha 3. FEELING YOUR EMOTIONS Many of us have learnt to abandon our feelings from a very early age. Maybe our parents told us that crying was a sign of weakness, or that it was
inappropriate to get angry. These suppressed emotions have not disappeared: they lie deep within us, slowly building up until they explode in bursts of rage or drawn out depressions. As your experience of love-consciousness expands, your emotions will start to flow more spontaneously. When this happens, it is important to allow yourself to feel them, without judgment. This is quite different to getting caught up in the drama or the suffering. For example, if we are sad, we allow ourselves to cry! If we are angry, we scream in a pillow, punch a punching bag or mattress, or do physical exercise to move the energy. It is by embracing the shifting extremes of our emotions that we find true peace, not through repression or denial. Children are a perfect example of this. They live totally in the moment, and they never judge themselves. They are real, vulnerable and innocent. Because of this, most of the time, they are happy and they don’t hold on to their emotions, so they move very quickly. 4. PHYSICAL EXERCISE When we are unifying, it is not only our perception that is changing. The vibratory shift that occurs when we think the facets affects the entire nervous system. As the frequency of love-consciousness enhances the nature of our molecular structure, the body starts to upgrade. In the presence of a high vibration, any low vibrations naturally move towards the higher. When this happens during unification, everything that vibrates on a low frequency within the body, toxins, stress and physical tension begins to fall away naturally.
least one and a half liters of water per day. This will help your body eliminate the stress that is leaving. If you are not used to drinking a lot of water, try keeping a bottle on your desk or bedside table, and drinking from it every time you remember. In any case, you will find that your body naturally starts asking for water, and you will start to feel thirsty, as you become more aware of its needs. 6. BEING REAL The experience of love-consciousness vibrates in truth. When we live from this space, the masks and false postures we have adopted from society to protect what we perceive as our inherent imperfections, feel increasingly uncomfortable. In order to experience unconditional love of self, they must be removed. By allowing ourselves to be vulnerable, we return to this state of acceptance, embracing our humanity in its perfection. 7. ALWAYS SPEAKING YOUR TRUTH In modern society, we have learnt to often lie. We lie in order to please others and receive their approval. We lie in order to defend ourselves, to hide the parts of ourselves we have learnt to judge as wrong or inappropriate. We think it Ăs just a little lie but there are hundreds of them! Our greatest fear is to not receive approval. We so desperately want to be loved. When we start the journey back home to ourselves, we start to speak our truth. Speaking the truth is like a muscle: the more you use it, the stronger your awareness of being truthful will become.
You can help your body remove the stress and toxins that are surfacing by getting some exercise. Any kind of exercise is valid- walking, running, dancing, swimming, yoga . . . any sport or physical activity that you enjoy. 5. DRINKING WATER Another way to help the body in its healing process is to drink water. The body uses liquid to flush out the toxins that are being released during unification, and so it dehydrates quicker than usual. Because of this, it is important to drink at INSPIRED LIVING
What you focus on grows. Our focus creates our reality. If we are focused on what is wrong in our lives and our worlds, what are we going to see? What’s wrong. But if we are focused on the things we love, the things that inspire us and fill us with joy, we start to see the beauty we were so blind to before. You can transform your experience of life in an instant, just by choosing to focus inwards. Just by bringing your attention deep into yourself, instead of getting caught up in the dramas and worries of the world around, you can break lifelong patterns of discontent and preoccupation. So if it’s so simple, why don’t we do it? I know why: because we don’t want to. We don’t want to be happy: we’d prefer to fight for what we think should be fixed. We don’t want to surrender: we want to win. We don’t want to embrace our reality: we want to chase our ideas of how things should be, instead of accepting them as they are. Why? Because we are convinced we know best how our lives should be. The truth is, our idea of the perfect world has been forged by the opinions of so many, by the fears and insecurities caused by so many life experiences, that it is not really our idea at all. Children don’t do this. They embrace what they have without question. When I lived on the Colombian coast, the local boys would play football barefoot with coconuts. They weren’t moping around thinking, If only I had some Nike runners! Then I could play much better. If only we had a real ball instead of this coconut! They don’t think like that: they are having so much fun as it is, enjoying what they have. I am not denying the importance of working towards a better world. I admire any activity that helps unite humanity and improve the quality of life on this planet. But if we are focused on what’s wrong, even with the intention of making it right, we are perpetuating discontent and inconformity.
Let’s focus on what we have achieved, on the wonderful, incredible world we live in and the passionate and inspired individuals who are giving their best to humanity every day. Let’s focus on what we can give: on the ways we can lead more joyful, fulfilling lives. Let’s focus on being fully present, on knowing ourselves, accepting ourselves, embracing ourselves. Then naturally we will share that love with those around us. What are you focused on right now? On the frustrations of the past, or the worries of the future? Why don’t you try, just for today, to focus on enjoying each moment? On giving the best you can in each situation that is presented to you? Give it a try. Discover the power of focus, and in doing so, take responsibility for your own happiness. Isha Judd will be touring Europe in April 2010, presenting her latest book and movie, Why Walk When You Can Fly? Which explain her system for self-love and the expansion of consciousness. Learn more at
HUGH’S HAVEN “The Angel’s Educare Centre” NPO: 050-021 62 WEBB STREET,CNR KENMERE, YEOVILLE, 2198 072 626 0373; e-mail:; web site:
24 March 2010 Hi Everyone, We are back after a long break. WE WOULD LIKE TO SAY A HUGE THANK YOU TO EVERY SINGLE PERSON THAT HAS ASSISTED US IN ANY WAY. We really appreciate it very much. January found us getting our ‘big’ kiddies off to ‘big’ school, and settling our high school kids into their new schools, this being a new experience all round. (I must be getting old – high school already). We have a wonderful sponsor for all of Elias’ schooling needs and partly towards Wayne, we however still need sponsors for Wayne, Nico and our primary school children (there are 12 of them). Any amounts towards helping these children would be greatly appreciated by all. February came with a bang (quite literally) as someone smashed into the back of my car and she has now gone to ‘car heaven’. This left us pretty much in a tremendous predicament, as I have been unable to collect any of the foods donated by Woolworths, etc, since. I have also had to send one of my staff to take the children to Alexandra clinic by public transport and have not been able to fetch the kids from school etc. We have really been battling without transport. My parents (who are pensioners and assist us greatly with the centre) have now borrowed money to buy a car for us, which I have to repay. We are therefore going to be doing a lot of fundraising throughout the year. Please I urge you to try and support us in these events, please try to sell tickets for us and ‘advertise’ for us with everyone that you have contact with. FIRST FUNDRAISER: Diamonds and Dust Date: 5 MAY 2010 Venue: BARNYARD THEATRE at BROADACRES (Fourways) Time: 20h00 Cost: R145 per ticket We need to sell 500 tickets, SOOO PLEASE SUPPORT US IN EVERY WAY POSSIBLE. Our current needs are as follows: We REALLY need help with payment towards our rent, electricity and water on an ongoing monthly basis. This can be paid directly into the landlords account; any amount will help (even R100 or 2). Microwave, TV & Video/DVD player. We also collect any unwanted used clothing, toys, baby goods, household goods, blankets, furniture, etc. that we distribute to the children and their families With lots of love & G-d bless Chaya and all at Hugh’s Haven
On Optimism The themes for discussion at dinner parties shape our lives! It has been proven that what we focus our attention on is what we manifest in our lives. If you had attended dinner parties in suburban South Africa 8 years ago you would have been forced to hear reports on rampant crime, hijackings and armed robberies. Two years ago you would have been discussing corruption and incompetence in the government and civil service. A month ago you would have been forced to listen to theories on the credit crunch and global recession. An interesting phenomenon is that when speaking to successful people, the majority have said that they chose to ignore the so called recession and continued to find customers who were willing to buy their products and services. There is a school of opinion that says that our thoughts and words create our realities. If this is true, then what kind of reality are we creating and is it possible to change the reality that seems so firmly entrenched around us? The answer seems to be that it is indeed possible to change our reality by changing our thoughts and language. Before you write this notion off as wishful thinking, let me remind you of a time in South Africa when we did just this. You will recall the doom and gloom that existed in the early nineties before our first democratic elections. The country was balanced on a knife-edge with violence and massive scepticism about the future
new government. Nelson Mandela became our first democratically elected president and things changed quite dramatically for the better after 1994 when we entered into a golden age for South Africa. It would appear that great and inspiring leaders have the ability to change the world, but they can only achieve this if each one of us takes full and personal responsibility for our thoughts, words and actions. The future generations in South Africa and indeed the world require us to step up to the plate and to take full responsibility for our own lives. We can no longer afford to sit back and wait for someone else to make all of the decisions for us we are responsible for our own destiny. Ultimately it ends, or should I say it all begins, with the legacy that each one of creates in our own lives and the example that we set for those in our close circle. That is to say, the leadership qualities that we display, particularly when we are under pressure, are paramount. So here are some simple ideas that can help us create a better life: -Make your language positive and be true to your word -Focus on the positive and tell your story as you want it to be -Silence is a far more effective response to the negativity of the doomsday prophet -Be aware of what you focus your energy on -The past is as it is, but this does not mean that
Lesley McKnight, a Leadership Architect and Lesley Witt, a Coach, trainer and keynote speaker discuss simple ideas that can help us create a better life:
the future has to be this way too
- Focus your energy on the positive things around you and bring significantly more positivity into your life, creating a better environment for all of us.
-Always do your best to leave people better than you found them.
So now we ask, how do we do all of this? -Be true to your word by doing what you say and say what you do. How often have you bumped into an acquaintance who said, “We must do coffee” and never followed up on that promise? So the next time that you are that acquaintance, either remain silent or make sure that you do make that coffee date. You will be amazed at how something as simple as being true to your word can improve your life. -Do not take things personally. We can never really know what is going on in someone else’s head and we are not able to read their thoughts or most of us are unable to anyway! So don’t make assumptions, rather ask questions until you are sure of your facts before reaching the wrong conclusion and leaping off the cliff! -Always do your best, regardless of the circumstances. One of the most effective ways of reaching mastery and excellence is to strive for small incremental improvements on a daily basis, which will translate to exceptional improvements over time. Doing your best requires being fully present in the moment giving your undivided attention to what you are doing at that point in time. This level of awareness will ensure that you always make the best possible decisions in your life creating the legacy that you choose to create
We will find that negative thoughts can and do creep in and loop in our thought processes. We tend to be judgemental toward ourselves and hence toward others. Awareness, mindfulness or being in the moment enables us to identify a not so “lekker” thought. What we resist often persists. So allow the thought in, become conscious of the thought and imagine gently scooping up that thought with a butterfly net. Do not damage the thought’s wings. Now commend yourself for recognising the thought and re-shape this thought. Make it realistic. “Look how awful my hair looks today” And the re-shape: “My hair is awful today but tomorrow is another day” The word “but” will automatically delete the first part of the statement where an “and” would embellish it. There is technique in how we talk to ourselves. Words stated in the positive enable the subconscious mind to get a clear message. We often hear mothers saying - “Don’t do that or this will happen to you”
This is a very confusing message.
congratulated her and said:
“Please do it that way which will help you”
“Enjoy this wedding because the wheel always turns”
We are now talking in the affirmative and there is no threat with an attached stick. In this way we educate children to grow up with a great sense of self.Is there any gift more valuable? Commending oneself does not only happen in the mind. As we know mind/body is one system, so how does the body get the message? Practice your own form of validation. It might be a pat on the shoulder for the small incremental steps along the way. How evident is this when we pat a dog? He knows he’s being a good boy/girl. The story goes that we have two hungry wolves inside of us. One thrives on doom and gloom and the other on possibility thinking and expanding our world. Which wolf is it that you would like to feed? Directness and clarity cut through all the dung and in essence, saves time and allows for space and creativity. Being direct is often a contentious issue. And of course the clarity is in the “how”. Asking a question will make the other person accountable. “Do you notice that you are focusing on the worst scenario?” We are looking for a “yes” or “no” answer and not a story. “Well how would it be to balance this with another scenario?” Here we are adopting a coaching style of operating in our world. This of course applies to self first. The safety airline announcement reminds us of this: “Take your oxygen first before helping others” So are we manifesting what it is we want in our world? We know that very little is co-incidental. Look out for synchronicity, often it arrives as a prime parking spot just at the right time. Other times a person that we have been thinking of appears. They might say something hurtful or unfair but look for the gift. A friend told me that when she was 16 years old, her older sister had died tragically. Some years later at her other sister’s wedding, a guest 10 INSPIRED LIVING
She personalised this message at a subconscious level and her deepest fear was activated as her own daughter was now 16. Would she loose her own life as her sister had? She felt angry at this lady, until it was pointed out to her that the comment had assisted her in realising her deepest fear of which she was unaware. Now uncovered, she has the ability to acknowledge, work with it and let it go. So when we really find someone is in our face pressing our irritation button, know that this person is being our mirror, or reminding us that such traits need to be recognised as what we need more of. We are all inter-connected. Imagine a world where we talked to ourselves and others with respect and dignity at all times. What a Pleasantville world! People, who focus on what’s wrong, are often avoiding themselves and their own feelings, and so their world unfolds on the “what’s wrong premise”. Choose how you choose to think and feel. Be your own immaculate butterfly!
Lesley McKnight - Leadership Architect and Lesley Witt - Coach, trainer and keynote speaker
African Ginger by Jean-Pierre Le Roux of the African Herbal Medicine group! This rare African plant of the Ginger family is regarded as Africa’s natural anti-inflammatory. The smell of ginger is aromatic and penetrating, the taste spicy, pungent, hot and biting. African Ginger is a deciduous plant with large, hairless leaves, developing annually from a small, distinctive cone-shaped rhizome. The spectacular flowers appear at ground level in early summer. Ginger has a stimulating effect on the heart and circulation, creating a feeling of warmth and well-being and restoring vitality, especially for those feeling the cold in winter. Hot ginger tea promotes perspiration, brings down a fever and helps to clear catarrh. Ginger has a stimulating and expectorant action in the lungs, expelling phlegm and relieving catarrhal coughs and chest infections. Ginger is a wonderful aid to digestion. It invigorates the stomach and intestines, stimulating the appetite and enhancing digestion by encouraging secretion of digestive enzymes. It moves stagnation of food and subsequent accumulation of toxins, which has a far-reaching effect throughout the body, increasing general health, vitality and enhancing immunity. Ginger is well researched, and its therapeutic benefits are largely due to its volatile oil and oleoresin content. Gingerol is an acrid constituent, responsible for much of the herb's hot taste and stimulating properties. The shogaols, formed as the plant dries, are more strongly irritant and acrid
than the constituents present in the fresh rhizome. Ginger is rich in minerals and contains Vitamins B3 & B5. It has a long history of use in African traditional medicine for a range of conditions, such as: * Headaches * Influenza * Mild asthma * Sinusitis and throat infections * PMS, Menstrual cramps * Candida albicans, Thrush * Mild sedative * Mood swings and hysteria * Colds, flu & coughs * Digestive complaints * Antiseptic * Circulatory Stimulant * Reducing high blood pressure * Helps reduce body temperature in fevers * Inhibits clotting and thins the blood * Lowers cholesterol * Heartburn & halitosis (bad breath) * Relieve vomiting * Vascular stimulant and body cleanser About 200mg of dried, powdered herb is taken three or more times per day. In traditional medicines, the fresh rhizome and roots are chewed. For topical use, chewed rhizome or rhizome decoctions are applied. Good sources of African Ginger are:
Montesueños: A center for peace, sustainability, the arts and new science
Along with his artist-wife Meredith, Dr Brian O’Leary is in the process of founding Montesueños, a retreat centre and botanical garden in the Ecuadorian Andes dedicated to finding deep peaceful and sustainable solutions to humankind's war on nature and to implementing these at local, regional and global levels of action. Brian O’Leary is an author, world teacher and activist. He was a NASA astronaut during the Apollo program and served on the faculties of Cornell, Princeton, Hampshire College, and U.C. Berkeley in astronomy, energy science and science policy assessment. A leading enrironmental and peace activist during the Vietnam War and a citizen diplomat during Soviet Glasnost, Brian O’Leary is author of many popular books, most recently Re- Inheriting the Earth: Awakening to Sustainable Solutions and Greater Truths, now out in Spanish. His wife Meredith Milleris an internationally acclaimed, prize-winning visionary artist and has been an art teacher for over forty years. Meredith’s contributions to beautifying the Centre can be felt throughout the land and the buildings. Brian’s vision was to create a retreat whose purpose is to transform the current ethos of global wars and ecocide into a new context of preservation, restoration and sustinence of the Earth’s biosphere for future generations. Montesuenos is a mountainside retreat which is located on more than two acres of lush tropical gardens, with clean air, waterfalls, rainbows, and spectacular views of the Andes of Podocarpus National Park. Below lies the village of Vilcabamba, one mile away in the Valley of Longevity, famed for its healing waters. It is situated a mile above sea level, blessed by an ideal year-round climate, with day temperatures in the seventies and dropping into the sixties at night. Food is local fresh organic produce. The hotels and restaurants in the area are affordable and good. The natural ambiance and friendly spirit here are contagious. Their mission is to emphasize education, activism, research, think-tanks, project incubators, and informed cross-cultural dialogues on new paradigms that will lift us out of our global morass. They welcome conscious teachers, leaders and students to come to the Centre to participate in forums on creating sensible transition scenarios and goals for a global paradigm shift in an spiring and nurturing setting.
The Art of
Francene Hart is a internationally recognized visionary artist whose work has been widely published in books and magazines and hangs in the homes of art collectors and the offices of healers and seekers around the planet. She was summoned by spirit in 2001 to the Big Island of Hawaii and is now painting, swimming and living her bliss in bless'ed Hawaii.
“I have developed a love of Sacred Geometry that has become, in a sense, a pilgrimage. It is a vast and fascinating field of study. It has added another layer to the artmaking I have done before, and a piece of left brained information that has brought great excitement and balance into my life and constant inspiration to my artmaking. I now live on an active volcano named Hualalai on the Big Island of Hawaii. I know that I was summoned by spirit to this incredibly activated pinnacle on the earth grid to be a part of birthing new consciousness. I honor that sacred responsibility. Exploration of the culture and beauty of this island paradise unfolds as daily wonder.� "Reverence for the natural environment, and experiencing the interconnectedness between all things has long guided me to create watercolor paintings of beauty and spirit. Life's continuing adventure 14 INSPIRED LIVING
Francine Hart
has led me into an exciting exploration into the wisdom and symbolic imagery of Sacred Geometry. These paintings act as a bridge between this reality and a metaphorical world of healing, continuity, and transformation. I use multiple transparent watercolor glazes coupled with image overlapping techniques, and sacred geometry to produce visions of a multi-dimensional reality. It is my intention to create art that embodies the vibration of Universal Love and expresses the joy and gratitude I feel for the honor of being part of this earthwalk." “Sacred Geometry is the language of creation which exists as the foundation of all matter. It shape and form, wave and vibration moving us beyond the constraints of third dimensional "reality" into realms of healing and transformation. It is the new "science of compassion" which will aid in our path toward conscious evolution into unity and grace. We will play with the information and light of this amazing language by constructing some of the basic shapes then use art materials to explore this information as it flows through you. This is an easy, gentle, joyous exploration which asks you only to open heart and mind.� Read more at
The Sacred Human: From Ego There comes a time on our spiritual journey when a shift occurs from being driven by the ego to being divinely guided by our soul. This does not happen overnight – it occurs through earning spiritual merit points. Getting there is challenging as the ego resists this transformation. The negative ego actually has to die for this process to occur. While this is a metaphorical death, it often mimics some of the symbolic transitions of physical death. It is worth the effort, however, since the guidance of the soul is sublime – the pot of gold for all the hard work done on your path. The Art of Loving The death of the negative egoic self occurs through two main processes – love and suffering. When we truly love another we cannot be self-absorbed, self-indulgent and selfish if we want our relationships to work. Certain compromises need to be made for the well-being of our relationships. We need to embrace the spiritual qualities of compassion, empathy, non-judgment, acceptance, forgiveness and gratitude for others and ourselves. This is a tall order that can take decades to master. One of the main reasons we are here on this planet is to learn how to love, and understand that love is the most powerful energy in the universe. The burning off of my (Kathy) egoic selves has come through love, the suffering of the dark night of the soul and the deaths of loved ones. I went through a profound mystical experience with the loss of my first dog, Chakra, who was like a soul companion. My grief was equally as intense as my deep love for her. The day after she passed, miraculously, I was catapulted from grief into an elated, mystical state of love, since I could feel 16 INSPIRED LIVING
her soothing energy all around me. I realized at a soul level that love is more important than anything else in life. The driven aspects of my sub-personalities felt as if they were transmuted through the flames of eternal, divine love. It took me into a process of just truly being. When we experience the pain of our wounds and shadow, we really do suffer. The purpose of examining our wounds is to expose them to the light, transforming us into a healthier way of being. Pain can be an extreme motivator that takes us into transformation. When we bang our heads against a brick wall enough, hopefully we know we need to change. A lot of suffering occurs in our relationships from the pain of our negative ego: the need to control; fear of abandonment, engulfment and intimacy; not owning our stuff; blaming; needing be right and never admitting we are wrong. Drama also happens in our lives and relationships due to our ‘pain body,’ which only feeds off of more pain from our shadow. A sign that one is coming from their shadow is the constant drama that is associated with it. Sometimes the negative ego creates drama to feel excited and alive, since we are not connected enough to Source energy to fill up from within. The Soul’s Dark Night The dark night of the soul can be an excruciating process to go through. A disconnection to our soul occurs so that our darkness surfaces to be healed by the light. We will feel every ounce of shame that is at the core of our being so that it can be transformed. We never go through this
o Driven to Soul Guided by Kathy Ryndak and Gord Riddell
process until our higher self is ready, for we need soul strength and stamina to see it through. During this time we burn off a lot of shadow energy and lose some of the egoic self. Some call it an ‘egoic death,’ although it is really a dying of unhealthy, old personality structures that no longer work for us. Although it is painful, the rewards are immense as we emerge into an expanded way of being. It is a misnomer to say that we must annihilate our ego to become more spiritual. We want the positive ego to remain since it is the vehicle which carries your soul through life. It makes choices, decisions and sets boundaries which are all necessary for healthy living. Instead, we want the ego to become the soul’s willing servant. The ego becomes decentralized and our soul becomes the main guiding source, providing joy, peace and serenity. We also need to learn the art of detachment so that we are not sucked in by the drama of the ego. In the course of becoming soul guided, we can feel some emptiness with the loss of the egoic selves and the false sense of excitement experienced from chaos, crisis and drama. This is how a crisis junkie fills up and it is really a cover for their emptiness. It is through connecting to Source and the Source energy of others that we replenish our spiritual tank. When we are in Source energy, we will always feel good and that all is well. We will also be able to sit in our beingness with ease and not have to do, do, do to feel full. We go from existing as ‘human doing’ to becoming human being.
the Sacred Human is born. It is very 2012 to say that we are Sacred Humans or Earth Angels, and are bringing heaven to earth. While this all sounds very lovely it requires a lot of inner, challenging work. We are not entitled to it unless we earn it! We cannot move into this state if we are still centred in our egoic selves. This can be tricky since your ego also knows that language of spirituality and can deceive you. The Sacred Human is a beautiful archetype that is aligned with higher octave states of gratitude, compassion, harmony, unity, integrity, respect for all, abundance, joy and peace. As a co-creator, it manifests a sacred way of living through the New Earth energies that are now accessible. It is anchored in the Mystical Heart which experiences universal love for all of humankind, the Earth and all her species. We have brought more heaven to Earth since we see beauty and divinity all around us in even the most simple of things. Love, indeed, is the most powerful energy of the universe!
Gord Riddell and Kathy Ryndak are therapists and co-founders of Transformational Arts College in Toronto which offers personal and professional courses in spiritual development, psychotherapy, spiritual direction, holistic health/spa and coaching. visit
The Birth of the Sacred Human It is through the death of the negative ego that INSPIRED LIVING
What is a Mandala? The Collins English dictionary gives the following meanings; 1. 2.
Hindu and / or Buddhist art, any of various designs symbolizing the universe, usually circular. Psychological, such a symbol expressing a person’s striving for unity of the self.
Mandala is a Sanskrit word meaning sacred circle. The Mandala pattern represents the universe, wholeness and cycles. Some Mandalas are composed of circles and squares, and some just circles. The Mandala can be used as a tool to explore all aspects of life – one’s physical, emotional and mental states. The Mandala pattern encompasses geometry and math (sacred geometry). We can see Mandalas in nature; plants, flowers, fruit, shells etc., and also man-made Mandalas; Rose windows in cathedrals, labyrinths, circular designs on the floors of shopping malls, all you need do is open your awareness and you will see Mandala patterns everywhere. Generally the Western world uses logic to solve problems. Westerners like to think things through, analyze their thoughts, and events etc. Whereas the Eastern cultures are more likely to accept what is, the belief being that it’s one’s attitude that is important when dealing with problems. My journey with Mandalas started in 2005. I have always doodled; at school, on the phone, when I’m stressed etc., etc. I would fill page after page with doodled symbols. I graduated to crayons and coloured pens and pencils and this led me to become more aware of the colours I was using. It was a natural progression to start drawing Mandalas. In 2005 I went on a spiritual journey to Mozambique and had a very uncomfortable time. Lots of old trauma came up for me and at the end of the week I felt that something had ‘loosened’ inside of me, even though it wasn’t resolved. On my return home I felt compelled to record my experiences. I drew a circular design of the trip as a means to explore my inner turmoil. It was only sometime later that I realized I had drawn my first Mandala. After that I drew lots of Mandalas, many depicting the old painful emotions I had carried for so long – over 50 years. I remember one of my mentors asking me about an early life event – I couldn’t talk about it without becoming very emotional – she asked if I could draw it for her, I did. Unconsciously I drew a Mandala, and it reflected my pain and anguish. She understood immediately she saw it. I was then taught how to use water colours and this really opened up a whole new world for me. Since 2005 and my first Mandala experience, I have drawn and painted many Mandalas and they have helped bring inner peace, serenity and healing into my life. I have experienced many forms of healing over the past 15 years, but Mandalas for me are one of the easiest and gentlest forms of healing I know. One can actually see the 18 INSPIRED LIVING
healing take place over a period of time, and the more one works with Mandalas, the more self knowledge one gains and the more one releases past events that are no longer serves us. The very act of drawing a Mandala quiets the mind. I usually start by lighting a candle and asking my Guides and Angels to be with me, to help me sort out whatever problem or issue I happen to be dealing with.
When one sits down to draw and paint a Mandala, something wonderful happens between the body, mind and soul – they all work in unison and this brings about healing. All the mind chatter stops, the ‘Inner Child’ comes out to play and the ‘Inner Critic’ is silenced. The Mandala just is what it is, and whatever needs to be released or worked through seems to ‘just happen’. The centre of the Mandala represents one’s inner self and as one draws the patterns or symbols from the centre towards the outer edges of the Mandala, one automatically moves one’s energies also, hence the healing nature of Mandalas. Symbols and colours are an important part of the Mandala journey which one learns to read over time. Apart from the healing aspects, I have used Mandalas as a form of meditation; by the physical act of drawing and painting them, and also by using a completed Mandala to meditate upon. One can construct a physical Mandala in the garden and stand, sit or lie in the centre and meditate on the energies – this is always an awesome experience, or one can walk the constructed Mandala mindfully, as you would a labyrinth. I have also built Mandalas as a form of protection around my house. You could also use your fingers to ‘walk’ a painted Mandala just as you would a ‘finger labyrinth’ – another form of meditation. And Mandalas can also be used in rituals as part of a celebration. And if you feel ready to release something, put one of your painted Mandalas outside in the garden and let the elements work on it, a perfect way to let go of baggage. Anyone can draw a Mandala, you do not need to be an artist or even have good drawing skills. All one needs is a compass, a pencil, a protractor, a ruler and some paper. I draw and paint Mandalas when I have ‘work’ or healing to do, when I’m sad, or when I want to celebrate something and when I’m happy, in fact I don’t even need a reason to draw and paint a Mandala. I never set out to draw a particular design, this just happens. If you allow your Inner Child to draw and paint a Mandala, it will work its magic on you; it will help you to evolve. Drawing and painting a Mandala is a wonderful way to just ‘Be’. INSPIRED LIVING
Lois can be contacted on for horoscopes and readings Horsocope for April by Lois Stahl :
ARIES: Your role is simply to get things started as Aries are the pioneers of the Zodiac. You could be doing this is some form of leadership or by forcing others to look at themselves in a new way. You could also accomplish this either consciously by carrying out a deliberate act in the name of some cause or unconsciously by making it hard for others to resist a new way of life. Although this can be objectionable to some you must have the freedom to act rather than just thinking of it and getting pent-up in the process. You need to avoid negative emotions like resentment, regret and self-pity for they would deny you what is essential to your nature. You have to decide what your priorities are and act accordingly. TAURUS: One of your solid virtues is the ability to endure change while at the same time conserving those habits and traditions that are so important to a healthy and wholesome physical life. You have to be careful not to let this talent become blunted into merely the ability to resist change, even when it is for your own good. Your broad back can carry more than you sometimes believe. To grow into your greater destiny you need to have great courage, you need fearlessness. If you are full of fear you cannot move beyond the known. The known gives comfort, security and an illusion of safety. You are perfectly at home in the known and you know how to deal with it. GEMINI: A really significant fusion of your dual consciousness will undoubtedly carry with it magical powers and a tremendous increase in understanding, reducing the necessity for so much inductive learning. Hope, springing from the emotional center is depicted by the nurturing flow of water. If your aim is merely for money and status, hope departs when these aims are achieved whereas hope is always available to any who aim at providing ever more scope for self-expression to every aspect of their being and the being of those around them. If you choose to remain unaware of the abuse and misuse of the life force within you and your unique creative gifts, then you are creating situations of destruction within yourself, which will rob you of your joy and happiness. CANCER: With the equinox there is the opportunity to create balance and equality for if you choose to be influenced by justice and balance the soul can strive for inner harmony and happiness. This can be achieved by expressing the principle of integrity and honesty with the Self. However your justice needs to be tempered with mercy, compassion and understanding at all times because without mercy this can lead to prejudice and narrow- minded self-righteousness. The word ‘evil’ really is synonymous with ignorance, which leads to an anti-life attitude and behavior pattern. You cannot banish dangers, but you can banish fears. You must not demean life by standing in awe of failure LEO: Imagination leads the way for the intellect and you need to access your imagination to be inspired to create your spiritual destiny. So very often your thinking patterns get stuck in a groove of repetitive design that you no longer see the real world around you, but only what is going around in your head. Abstruse anger and partnership issues will surface and you’ll be compelled to bend your head to understand the sometimes more emotional and sensitive feelings of those you are dealing with. An angry, bombastic attitude is definitely not going to give you desired results. Once you have tasted the joys of freedom and fearlessness you will never repent, because then you know what it is like to live life at the optimum. VIRGO: Give a listening ear and some of your empathy to others needs and show the gentle disarming side of your Virgo nature. This is a priority, as you’ll find if your relationship goes smoothly you are more able to pace yourself and deal with the pressure of work overload. Also have the courage to be independent and individualistic and accept the unconventional way of doing things by accepting and trusting your own understanding and ideas, despite the differing reality consensus while surrendering completely to the Divine within and trusting the flow of life. As you discover aspects of yourself that have been dormant and un-used and find creative ways to give voice and expression to them you will find you attract those that can assist you in this time of change and growth.
LIBRA: Your security is sought through feeling socially involved and having relationships. The ability to respond makes you real and human while the journey through ecstasy, despair and the countless nuances in-between, keeps life from being mechanical and sterile imbuing your earthly experience with soul and spirit. Excitement or anticipation causes you to brim with lively curiosity and creativity but the shadow sides of these feelings also need a creative outlet to stay in balance. As the need for balance is essential this need can manifest itself negatively in the form of abortive relationships and fickleness. Your reluctance in looking at and expressing your darker urges and feelings can keep you from living to your fullest potential. SCORPIO: As your emotional experiences strike right to your heart and soul with great intensity, it is understandable that you make great attempts to control your emotional environment. Unfortunately the need for control can lead to your using underhand means and possibly creating disturbances where there would have been none. The moment you cross the boundary of the known, fear arises, because then you will be ignorant, and you will not know what to do and what not to do. Now you will not be so sure of yourself, now mistakes can be made, you can go astray. That is the fear that keeps you anchored to the known, and once you are anchored to the known, you are lost to this great adventure of life. SAGITTARIUS: This is a fiery time for you with lots of action and energy to go with it. However in this world there is always danger for those who are afraid of it. Don't play for safety - it's the most dangerous thing in the world. Life can only be lived dangerously - there is no other way to live it. It is only through danger that life matures and grows. You need to be an adventurer, always ready to risk the known for the unknown. Venturing boldly into the unknown will create the freedom that will drive fear away. Even a single moment of that intensity is more gratifying than a whole eternity of mediocre living. You need to create a spiritual as well as physical bonding with the earth while you enjoy the seasonal interplay of Mother Nature. CAPRICORN: You will feel as if you are facing a wall of pragmatic necessities, which is solid as earth and you cannot just passionately burn your way through them. Consequently the best advice would be to slow down and deal with the practical necessities in life. Although you will be feeling optimistic and more energetic than usual but there will be some hidden issues to deal with in your relationships. The good news is that this is a very conducive time to sort out uncomfortable issues and if you heed this advice you will be pleased with the results in your affiliations with others. Remember life does not owe you anything but you owe it to yourself to stay within your own center and not get tangled in others network of needs and wants. AQUARIUS: At times Aquarians think that everything just happens after the word has been spoken, especially their word. Unfortunately during this time frame the lessons are about dealing with the hardcore, practical issues of life and you are the one that has to do the hands-on application. You will find with practical application every task can be accomplished if you don’t over extend your services, but stay within the parameters of what you feel comfortable with. It is a time to seek beauty and harmony and value the possessions you have got. Your relationships are expansive but you have to take responsibility for your own actions and not seek a scapegoat to carry them for you. PISCES: With the Autumn Equinox the emotions are more fluidly expressed and eventually there is opportunity to delve into the inner psyche to discover the hidden hurts you have buried away. Often times you are so busy and caught up in your daily routines that you neglect to process the aches and pains on an emotional as well as physical level. Consequently these get placed in the attic of your consciousness until they become magnified. You may feel subjected to rapid and sometimes constant changing emotions and desires. However these continual emotional responses could be a mechanism for not facing emotional needs that need extra work and attention. If you are always looking for something new your relationship is bound to be shallow and although your experiences will be varied they will not have sufficient depth.. INSPIRED LIVING
Good Food the Venetian Way A visit to Venice turns into a love affair. The colours, the people, the history and the richness of life will haunt you long after you return home. A visit to the market near the Rialto bridge was an indulgence of the senses. Stalls are laid out with an abundance f shiny ripe fruit and vegetables. There are fish from the Mediterranean and wines from nearby vineyards. Here are some classic Italian recipes for you to try out at home.
Zuppa Inglese Ingredients 30g/1oz cornflour, 570ml/1 pint milk, 2 eggs, 30g/1 oz sugar, grated lemon rind, nutmeg, punnet of strawberries, 16 sponge finger biscuits, amaretto liqueur, 150ml/quarter pint double cream Mix the cornflour with a little milk. Beat the eggs, sugar, lemon rind and nutmeg together and pour in the remaining milk. Mix both the cornflour mixture and the egg mixture together in a pan and stir over a gentle heat to thicken. Let it come to the boil for 1 minute. Place a sheet of greaseproof paper directly onto the custard and allow it to cool slightly. Place half of the sponge fingers in the bottom of a glass bowl and sprinkle with amaretto. Cut the strawberries in half and place a layer on top of the sponge fingers. Pour a layer of custard over the top and repeat the custard/strawberry process until the top of the bowl. Top with custard and allow to cool. Whip the cream and spread a thin layer over the top of the set custard. Pipe the remaining cream around the edge and place a few left over strawberries into the middle. Serve chilled with a bottle of Prosecco.
Egg and Asparagus recipe Ingredients 1,5 kg asparagus, 4 eggs, extra virgin olive oil, vinegar, salt, pepper Bind the asparagus in bunches and boil them in salted water with the tops upwards for about twenty minutes. Boil then eggs for about five minutes, hatch, mince them with a fork and add oil, vinegar, salt and pepper. The sauce serves either to die the asparagus, or to dress them lying on a plate.
Fegato alla Veneziana Ingredients 500g of calf liver cut into slices, 350g of onions, 150g of butter, 1 lemon, parsley, salt and pepper. Chop the onions and cook them in a frying pan with half the butter and a touch of salt and pepper. Cook the slices of liver in another frying pan with the remaining butter; again with salt and pepper. Add the onions to the liver and squeeze the lemon juice over them. Place the finished preparation on a plate laid with finely chopped parsley.
Venetian Risotto Ingredients: 3 cups Vialone Nano or other risotto rice 2 ounces bacon, minced 1 onion, minced 2 1/2 pounds shelled fresh peas, reserve the pods 1/2 pound green asparagus 3 tablespoons butter 4 tablespoons grated parmesan Pinch of parsley 1 bay leaf 1 quart vegetable broth Salt and pepper to taste Directions: Place the pea pods and bay leaf in a pot, add 1/2 quart salted water and bring to a boil. Reduce heat and let simmer for about 30 minutes. Discard the pods and keep the broth warm. Fill another pot with one quart salted water, bring to a boil, and add both the peas and the asparagus. Simmer for several minutes, drain the vegetables, and dice the asparagus. Melt two tablespoons butter in a medium pot and add the onion and bacon. Stir until golden, about ten minutes. Add the asparagus and peas. Stir for five more minutes, then add the rice and stir to coat well. When the rice is translucent, pour one big spoonful of the peapod broth into the pan and stir constantly until the broth has been absorbed, then add more broth. Continue for about 18 minutes. When the risotto is tender it should look soupy but not watery. Remove from heat, season with salt and pepper, stir in the parmesan cheese and the remaining butter, and allow to rest for two minutes. Sprinkle with parsley and serve. Servings: Serves four.
Who is your healer? by HeinĂŠ de Waal
There are so many healing modalities to choose from and to study, but being qualified in one of these healing modalities, does not necessarily make you healers. And the fact that you are mastering a technique does not mean you are a healer either. Anybody can be a practitioner of some sort of therapy, but not all people are “good� healers. Some people are naturals, while others have to work hard to reach that level. It all depends on what you choose for this life time, but remember we all have healing abilities. Spiritual healing - unlike the medical model - means healing one-self. A healer does not do the actual healing, but only facilitates the process of healing to the receiver. In other words, no person can heal another person - you can only heal yourself. By constantly working on your own issues - thus healing yourself - we heal the world. The best gift you can give someone (the world) is to heal yourself. This means giving someone bodily comfort and freedom from disease, in addition to giving emotional health, peace if mind and spiritual joy. Reiki is an ancient Japanese art that can help us to start this process, support it and maintain it. Reiki comes to us by the grace of God and it is this same Grace that heals us and fosters our personal growth. Yet development does not take place automatically. Reiki respects our free will and does not force development upon us, but if we seek it; intend it; and use it for this purpose, then we will be guided into a greater healing experience. 24 INSPIRED LIVING
Reiki is not a magical cure, but it can guide you in certain ways to make your own healing powers more effective and thus help you to heal on deeper levels. Reiki may also guide you towards changes you need to introduce that may require you to take some action so that healing can be effective. Our ability to make decisions can improve, making it easier to decide exactly what we need, who to associate with and where to work as a healer. This could result in an entirely new direction for your life! Imagine a life of peace and harmony with your environment, living a life of abundance! Being a healer does not necessarily mean you have to work as a therapist. When you are involved in a healing process, a good way to determine your progress is to use your outer world as an indication of your inner development. We manifest our entire experience through our thoughts and intentions, both conscious and unconscious. When we experience something in our lives, it is because some part of our being has created it. When we accept this idea, and take complete responsibility for what takes place in our lives we enter a very powerful place. We can then change the things that are not healthy and improve every aspect of our lives. If your outer world contains positive experiences and you are enjoying your life, it is an indication that you are at the same place on your inner world. The reverse is also true - when we encounter painful things like having experiences that foster fear, worry or doubt, is because some part of our inner being is out of balance and
About the author: Heiné de Waal is currently practicing as a wellness facilitator trained and skilled in several different healing modalities including Reiki, Therapeutic Body Massage, Reflexology and Shiatsu. An additional qualification as counsellor allows him the opportunity to complement his healing work by facilitating healing on emotional and mental levels.
needs healing. If something unpleasant or unwanted takes place in your life, stop blaming other people or circumstances outside yourself and rather direct your attention inwards and start looking for that part of yourself that has created this unpleasant event. Then use your healing skills to nurture and heal this part. When you do this, the unpleasant experiences will stop and be replaced by healthy, positive experiences. Reiki can help with this process.
Heiné is in essence an artist and Reiki provides yet another wonderful medium, apart from painting and Bonsai. Although his practice (Solaris Health) operates as a multi-modality practice, the focus remains Reiki. Heiné also teaches Reiki.
As we continue on our path of healing, we will become aware of a level of consciousness that resides deep within each of us. It creates a new attitude that is entirely positive and brings with it the ability to solve many problems and create positive results that we previously did not think were possible. This higher consciousness is what Jesus, in his Christ consciousness, was experiencing when he performed miracles and when he had a profoundly positive effect on those around him. This Christ consciousness is not limited to those of the Christian religion, but is available to members of all religions and spiritual paths. Let us release all our desires to hold onto negative thinking patterns that limit our happiness, but instead, embrace the inner light of our authentic Self. Within the source of that resides the love of the Universe. Those who focus on this Love and surrender to its healing power are opening up to wonderful changes that will lead not only to peace within, but also to peace on the whole earth.
The Great Invocation
From the point of Light within the Mind of God Let light stream forth into the minds of men. Let Light descend on Earth. From the point of Love within the Heart of God Let love stream forth into the hearts of men. May Christ return to Earth. From the centre where the Will of God is known Let purpose guide the little wills of men – The purpose which the Masters know and serve. From the centre which we call the race of men Let the Plan of Love and Light work out And may it seal the door where evil dwells. Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth.
Triangles is a service activity for men and women of goodwill who believe in the power of thought. Working in groups of three, they establish right human relationships by creating a worldwide network of light and goodwill.
Love in Couples Relationships Finding the way back to love through the method of Family Constellations work. Most of us are familiar with the love relationship cycle and have probably experienced it many times in their lives. The cycle has a flow from dynamic explosive love, into the day to day love of a familiar face and environment. The honeymoon phase (as it is commonly called) carries our relationships in the early months and for the lucky ones, this honey moon phase can last a couple of years. During this phase of the cycle, everyone deals with each other in a good way and is able to express tolerance and unconditional love for the other. This first phase of love is built on the foundation of good intentions. These good intentions are to love our partner, support them through all of life’s circumstances and to love the one we are with till death do us part. Well, as we all know sometimes these good intentions are not enough to survive the test of time. As we know, after the honeymoon phase is over, this unconditional love and tolerance is tested at every corner and at every unpredictable moment.
So why does this happen and how can we break this cycle. Well, let’s put things into some kind of perspective. We all know that when two people come together, they bring a certain amount of….well, let’s call it baggage. They come from two different families, maybe even different countries and cultures. They each have their own set of ideals, customs, ethics, morals etc (let’s call these patterns). They also carry with them an energy that belongs to their family system. We can look at it as a strong force which belongs to any Family System. These force's that hold and support a family system is with us always and is in a constant motion towards creating balance in the system. The system is in balance when everyone who belongs to the wider family (including the one’s who have past) is acknowledged, integrated and able to take his/her rightful place and if there is a fair exchange of giving and receiving. When looking into events happening in our families most of us will realize that this is INSPIRED LIVING
often not the case. Family members are excluded, forgotten and not talked about. This has consequences for the rest of the family members which are often felt in a negative and unhealthy way (see the case study below). With all the existing patterns and forces of a human system coming together in one person it is not easy to create a stable human being, let alone combining them from two whole family systems. No matter how spiritually evolved we may seem, or claim to be, we all carry with us the patterns, habits, idiosyncrasies and burdens belonging to our parents, our grandparents and other ancestors and we are all influenced by the strong forces that rules the wellbeing of our families. Like we carry their DNA, we also carry there patterns. Whether we like it or not, we are like our mothers and fathers. At the start of a relationship, most of these entrenched family patterns are hidden and maybe not activated. Over time, as we relax into our relationships these patterns begin to play out and get trigged by some of the patterns our partners carry. Most of these patterns activate deep unconscious dynamics. These unconscious dynamics play out time and time again in different relationships. We have all experienced this in our lives. The habit of always attracting the same kind of men or women. With so many influences on both sides of a relationship, it’s no wonder that we always get ourselves into trouble. We know our patterns…but where do they come from and why can we not change them? The most common solution has always been to go for therapy or separate to resolve relationship conflict. Although most common therapies have some effect and are helpful to a point….if the un-known dynamics are not seen, we will continue to play out our family relationship patterns and will continue to disrupt the natural flow of love in all our relationships. As a parent it is our responsibility to look at theses patterns to ensure that our children do not have to carry them. An effective powerful method that can help you see these dynamics in an easy and astonishing quick way is the therapeutic work of Family Constellations. Family Constellations was founded by a German Psychotherapist called Bert Hellinger in the 80’s and has spread around the world since the early 90’s. Over the past 5 28 INSPIRED LIVING
years Constellations Work has established itself here in South Africa with facilitators now in almost all its major cities. Family Constellations is an experiential process work done in a group or in an individual session. This method allows us to see our family system in a clear way, revealing the dynamics and the forces of the system that disrupt the flow of love in our lives today. The root of a dynamic or pattern that we carry can lie anywhere in our family line going back 7 generations. Through the method of Family Constellations you will be able to identify the root cause of your problem and through a deep process of acknowledgement and acceptance we are able to heal the cause. By working at the core of the problem we are able to end the cycle and allow love to flow again. The method of Family Constellations has proven to be very effective and healing around the world for more than 20 years. Over many years of working with couples, Bert Hellinger discovered some very common patterns and dynamics which when resolved is able to bring love and harmony back into any relationship. If of course the relationship is not to be reconciled, the method of Family Constellations can help to ensure that a couple separate in a good way. Separating in a good way, means minimal impact on children and has the effect of creating space for a new and loving relationship to emerge. Family Constellations has revealed different influences coming out of our Family Systems: These include: Early important relationships of parents or grandparents Any excluded family members Family members who suffered a difficult fate (physical or mental illness, early death) All unborn children (abortions, still born, miscarriages) To illustrate this method in motion, let’s look at a short case study about Susan and Michael: “Susan and Michael have been married for 6 years and have 2 children aged 11 and 9. They came for a constellation workshop because they experience tension in their relationship. Susan has the feeling her Michael doesn’t appreciate her anymore and Michael feels not seen. They
also experience problems with their older son who Susan describes as very angry and full of resistance towards her. She can not cope with him. Details out of both of their families of origin reveal no clear facts that could have an influence of their present family. We asked about important previous partners. Susan was in a relationship with a man for 4 years from whom she was pregnant but they decided to have an abortion. One year after the abortion she broke up the relationship. She never spoke about the abortion. In the Constellation Susan experienced the unconscious bond that still existed between her and her previous partner. To break this bond we let her say the sentence towards him: ”I acknowledge the time we had together but it is over now” and “I take my own responsibility towards the abortion and what belongs to you in this matter I leave with you” This felt good for Susan to say that and Michael gave the feedback that he had a feeling of relaxation in his body. We then asked the son’s representative to say to the aborted child’s representative: ”It is good to see you “ and
“You would have been the first born, I am your younger brother”. These sentences created an at ease feeling in Susan and Michael and they both give a deep exhalation. This is a clear indicator that the body system relaxes on a deep level. We ended the Constellation. Susan contacted us about 2 month later to let us know that she is feeling so much more at ease. The tension between her and Michael was gone and she experiences Michael as much more attending towards her. The anger in her son had disappeared and he was much more playful then before.” No matter how BIG or small the patterns are, let us free our children today by doing our work so that they won’t have to continue to carry the family burdens. The time is now. For more information about Family Constellations Work contact Helen and Claudio Celestino on 021 785 7071 / 083 656 2580/
About Me The earliest origins for the Western tradition of astrology stems from Mesopotamia in the late third millennium BC, where astrological documents first linked celestial occurrences, such as eclipses, with public events, including political changes and natural catastrophes. The first surviving Natal horoscope, recounting the position of the planets at an individual's birth, is also Mesopotamian and dates from the late fifth century BC. The Greek interest in astrology began in the Hellenistic period, when Alexander the Great’s conquered Mesopotamia and the Greek philosophers were exposed to its culture. It was the Greeks who first put astrology into a cosmological framework, which emphasised the movement of the planets rather than the static correlations used by the Mesopotamians. Alexandria became the centre of astrology after that and the Hermetic texts reveal that the Greeks had incorporated astrology into their magical and religious systems. The first evidence of Jews embracing astrology, a practice that traditional Judaism had condemned, also dates back to the Hellenistic period. In his work “On Divination� circa 106 to 43 BC, Marcus Tllius states that the Roman upper classes also initially condemned astrology, which they associated with popular divination and superstition. However following the Roman conquest of the Hellenistic east in the first century BC and their exposure to the astrology of ancient Greece, their interest in astrology increased significantly and the earliest evidence of Roman astrologers dates to this period. The Stoic school of philosophy, popular among the Roman elite, endorsed astrology along with other forms of divination and Astrology became particularly prominent in the Roman Empire, as Augustus Caesar Circa 63 BC to 14 AD employed it in his propaganda. Interestingly the Roman emperors that followed Augustus Caesar employed astrologers to advise the 30 INSPIRED LIVING
court. There is evidence to suggest that rebels and aspirants to the imperial throne also consulted astrologers to estimate their chances for success. Medieval Astrology continued to thrive until it declined as a result of the Scientific Revolution in 17th century Europe. It was reborn in the mid 19th century but was met with hostility and scepticism. The strong need to explain the mysticism of medieval astrology under the social, educational and intellectual demands of 17th Century Europe resulted in its connections to its sister sciences of alchemy and magic being lost. As a result of these disciplines having been left out of medieval astrology the beauty of its formerly natural proportions were thrown out of balance and its mystical analogies could no longer provide an accurate measure of embodied existence. The student of astrology must therefore work extremely hard to rectify this deficiency. We should not see Medieval Astrology merely as being a system for predicting the future, nor should we see it as a science that is devoid of spiritual meaning. Rather, it should be seen as divination in the ancient and true sense, of communicating with and ultimately coming to know the Divine. Medieval Astrology is the practical application of the ancient Neoplatonic and Hermetic philosophy and therefore it requires both practical and theoretical Wisdom. This means that the student is taught the theoretical principals and the rules of astrology but only learns them once she has observed them in her in daily life. As human beings we are all different, males
dieval Astrology cannot give birth to children, we have different intellects, we have different talents and skills, we have different interests and the according to Medieval Astrology, our horoscope is the key to all of these differences. Apparently our horoscope also directs whether we will achieve Self-Knowledge, or not. As a result of our charts only a few of us will achieve Self-Knowledge, as only a few of us will value this sufficiently to put in the effort, to achieve the Dignification that is necessary to rise above the Natural state, to achieve the Supernatural state. The key to this Dignification is the Ruler of the Chart. On the debate regarding whether we have free will or whether our lives are pre-destined (or fated), the Medieval Astrologer’s view on fate is that if you believe that the future is predictable and that people behave in predictable ways, you are saying that it is fated. Medieval Astrologers believe that laws, that operate with mathematical precision, govern our Cosmos (the ordered world in which we live) and that these laws are a part of a much greater Divine Law within which everything exists as a part of the Divine Plan. It is considered impossible for us as individual human beings to understand the Divine Plan as we are not capable of doing so and therefore our lives are deemed to be fated. In understanding that our lives are fated it is necessary to conceptualise this further by saying that we have many layers of our fate. We have our own fate, the fate of the family, community, society and nation to which we
belong and then we are boun also by the fate of humanity as a whole – and this we cannot escape. Although our lives are fated we do not have to be tortured by our fate, by developing our Divine Knowledge. By understanding that we are so much more than our physical bodies, and embracing the fact that we are spiritual beings who are here to have a physical experience, we can transcend the limitations of the flesh and we can set ourselves free and rise above our fate. Astrology teaches us about the structure of reality, Astronomy embodies the mathematical sciences of arithmetic, geometry and music that give rise to other arts such as architecture, geography and navigation. Alchemy teaches metallurgy, enamelling and jewellery making, chemistry and medicine. Magic encompasses all writing the effects of geometrical patterns on spirits, the use of sound, perfumes and colours for divination. The combination of the lessons of mathematics (arising form astrology) with metallurgy (arising from alchemy) and the production of miracles (arising from magic) has allowed us to produce the modern devices of our technological world. In order to accurately cast the charts for their clients, Medieval Astrologers read the glyphs of the planets (only the first 7 that are visible with the naked eye), the signs of the zodiac, the aspects and the houses. The astrologer reads only these specifics and does not attempt in any way to intuit or bring any other esoteric means to reading the chart and then seeks to express the reading in practical and concrete terms and judges only the chart and never the client. Unlike modern astrology Medieval Astrology is deterministic and uses very little psychology. Anita Noyes-Smith The Soul Zentre Tel: 011-447 1055 INSPIRED LIVING
Damanhur – Situated in Northern Italy, the Federation of Damanhur is an eco-society which was founded in 1975, when a group of people came together around the philosopher and healer Oberto Airaudi, to plan the creation of a new society where everyday life could be the practical application of spiritual values. The goals of Damanhur are, in fact: freedom and the re-awakening of the human being as a divine, spiritual and material creation. The residents of Damanhur aim to develop a model of life based upon ethical principles of living together well and with love. The work towards the harmonious integration and collaboration with all the Forces linked to the evolution of Humankind. There are about 1000 permanent occupants of Damanhur at any given time, as well as a constant stream of visitors or short term residents seeking the learn more or attend workshops. Damanhur operates as a federation of communities and eco-villages, each with their own social and political structure and is a centre for spiritual, artistic and social research which is known throughout the whole world. Its philosophy is based on the idea that every human being needs to leave something of themselves to the others and to contribute towards the growth and evolution of the whole of humanity. Every year thousands of people visit Damanhur 32 INSPIRED LIVING
a blue print for the to try out the social model, study the philosophy and to meditate in the Temples, that great underground construction excavated by hand into the rock by the citizens of Damanhur and which many have called the ‘Eighth wonder of the world’. These temples are a source of fascination and the influence of the Ancient Egyptians and Greeks can be seen in the design and decoration The Temples The Temples of Humankind are an underground work of art, created entirely by hand and dedicated to the divine nature of humanity and consist of the Water Hall, the Earth Hall, the Hall of Spheres, the Hall of Mirrors, the Metal Hall, the Blue Temple and the Labyrinth. In the Temples, every aspect has a meaning: the colours, the measurements and every detail follow a precise code of forms and proportions; every Hall has its specific resonance and its own sound.
Everyone is unique. In Damanhur the uniqueness of each person is considered important and of value. The talents of each person add towards the realisation of an innovative and complex society in constant evolution and growth, where kindness, a sense of
future of mankind? humour and creativity are the foundations of its values. In 1981 the community developed a constitution that emphasized the notion that Damanhur was a separate state. To further this belief a government was organized and a currency issued. This created tension with the local Italian authorities which increased when community members founded their own day school, elementary school, and high school. The local authorities finally relented on the school issue and it was discovered from standardized tests that students were scoring above the national average. Belief System Damanhur’s belief system is based on modified Gnostic/theosophical ideas. God is unknowable and approached only through a number of intermediate deities. The universe is also populated with a number of lesser entities, including angels, nature spirits, and demons. In the prehistoric past human beings fell into matter, and one of the objects of spiritual esoteric work is the return to the primeval state. As well as the more common arts of alchemy and magic, the community also promotes Selfica, the science of the accumulation and use of subtle energies. The ancient arts related to Selfica have been enhanced in the modern context through the use of various contemporary technologies. The citizens of Damanhur also have developed a special relationship to the animal world, and each person takes a second name as an animal. Damanhur may be visited on the Internet at INSPIRED LIVING
Great CD’s to listen to Virus of the Mind by Richard Brodie (Hay House) Virus of the Mind is the first popular work devoted to the science of memetics, a controversial new field that transcends psychology, biology, anthropology and cognitive science. Memetics is the science of memes, the invisible but very real DNA of human society. The author carefully builds on the work of Dawkins, Hofstedter, Dennett and others who have become fascinated with memes and their potential impact on human society. Mind viruses have already infected governments, educational systems and inner cities, leading to some of the most pervasive and troublesome problems of society today: youth gangs, the welfare cycle, the deterioration of public schools and ever growing government bureaucracy. This thought provoking CD I will challenge you to re-evaluate your own thought systems and analyse how much your thoughts are in fact viruses of the mind. Fractal Time by Gregg Braden (Hay House) In this fascinating work, Gregg Braden merges the modern discoveries of nature’s patterns (fractals) with the ancient view of a cyclical universe. The result is a powerful model of time – fractal time – and a realistic window into what we can expect for the mysterious year 2012 and beyond. Applying fractal time to the history of the world and life, he proposes that everything from the war and peace between nations to the patterns of human relationships mirror the returning cycles of our past. As each cycle repeats, it carries a more powerful amplified version of itself. Gregg suggests that if we can see time from this perspective the past reveals the great secret of our moment in history and what we can expect as we approach December 31 2012.