Pathways to Healing 2011

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Welcome to Pathways to Healing 2011. It is my wish that this this little book will be reference and a guide for you throughout 2011, connecting you with some of the many amazing energy and lightworkers in South Africa. The list of modalities is not all inclusive because new ways of working with energy -healing evolve all the time. May 2011 be a blessed year for you all.

PO Box 33873, Jeppestown 2043 011 624 2127


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USING TACHYONS IN CONJUNCTION WITH OTHER THERAPEUTIC MODALI TIES Glass tachyon therapeutic tools lend themselves to being used in conjunction with various alternative therapies. As with many tools that are available, they were not designed to be used in isolation. The Healing Room Any of a variety of Tachyons can be used in any healing room to raise the vibrational level. This benefits the therapist as well as the client as the energy that they provide is always positive. Once the physical body is exposed to higher vibrations, any healing modality is accepted more easily. The benefit to the therapist is that they do not need to expend as much energy to achieve the same result. Tachyons can be placed in various strategic places to achieve different results. For example tachyons placed under a therapy bed envelope the client in an energy field which al-lows them to relax deeply and absorb the energy of the modality being used. Certain tachyons can be placed into the hands of the client which again facilitates any procedure being carried out. Modalities that are especially benefited are


Reiki, any Massage therapy, Reflexology, as well as any Energy treatment. Tachyons placed in the healing rooms of modalities using electrical diagnostic treatments are acceptable but they should not be placed on the body of the client during any procedure. For advice as which tachyons to use and where to place them please contact us via or email We will assist you or direct you to a therapist/consultant in your area. Should you be interested in becoming a consultant for these beautiful and life changing items please contact Mary at one of the above

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Pathways to Healing Competition sponsored by Hoogland Health Hydro

Win a fabulous 2 Day Weekend Package for two value: R1950 per person Including: A Full Body Massage and a Back & Neck Massage As well as: • Full access to our Private Game Reserve

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2 daily guided nature walks Accommodation in private room with en-suite bathroom Unlimited use of all facilities: Saunas, Sitzbaths, Steam Baths, Gym, Jacuzzis, Underwater Jet Massage Pool, Heated Pool and Cold Pool Daily health monitoring All meals form the health buffet Herbal teas and bottled mineral water available at all times. Stretch and aquarobic exercise classes every day Daily Lectures/Discussions/ Relaxations classes (Please enquire about the programmme during your stay)

Valid from 12 January to 20 April 2011 Excluding school holidays and public holidays Simply answer the following question and send your answer by email to with the subject line marked “Pathways to Healing Giveaway” Question: When was the Hoogland Health Hydro established?


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Hoogland Health Hydro was established in 1976 as one of the pioneers in the"Natural health" services in South Afica. It was the first to introduce several of the treatments now considered standard in the "spa" industry here. The facilities are located in a 400 Ha private game reserve of exquisite natural beauty dedicated to the hydro... a rejuvenating experience in itself. Professionals involved include inter alia * Medical doctor with a special interest in dealing with the typical afflictions of modern civilization. This includes stress, obesity, degenerative conditions and in particular the effects of synthetic chemicals in the food chain. * Nurse on duty for observations such as blood pressure, blood sugar, cholesterol, weight changes and a variety of clinical criteria. * Doctor in Biokinetics evaluating and adjusting holistically the nutritional and activity components of individuals' lifestyle. * Clinical Psychologist with a special interest in brief psychological intervention, equipping people to effectively deal with their problems. * Somatotherapists and beauticians offering an array of treatments such as aromatherapy, reflexology, specialized massages and care of the hands and feet. With free access to an array of Aquatic therapies such as jacuzzis, indoor and outdoor pools and steam facilities, patrons can achieve effective detoxification at their own pace. PATHWAYS 9

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A channelled message My Beloved Beings of Light It is with joy that we speak to you today. Your Light shines bright, as you include us into your Beings, for to do so allows us to shine into your Souls, and bring you to the point of ecstasy. This true Soul Connection has been missing for many of you of late as, over the passage of time, you have begun to release your old vibrations, to allow the unnecessary baggage that you have been carrying to pass through your Beings and out into the Cosmos, to be transmuted back to Light. It has not been an effortless process, in spite of the fact that we have been watching out for you and assisting in whatever way we could. It has been a tumultuous time for many, and you have been asking: “When will this be over?” It is now time to take charge of the process, and ensure that the changes that are occurring in such abundance, no longer affect you in such a dramatic manner. The time has come for you to pass back into Light, and for the Light to pass through you, without the trials and tribulations. The time has come for your Beings to transmute the Light into something akin to fairy dust. Our Beloveds, it is an effortless process, achieved quite simply. It may seem to you to be too simple, but we promise you that it will work. You will succeed. And so it is that we begin with today’s lesson, which we would ask that you practice on a daily basis for the next several months, or until such time as it becomes second nature to you, until it occurs spontaneously and without any effort. When you feel yourself sinking, when your energy dips or you begin to feel down or out of sorts, it is important that you do the following focusing exercise: Start by examining where in your life you may be blocked. This could translate as noticing where the energy is not flowing as it should. It may show up as a blocked drain, or a leaking pipe. Perhaps you 12 P A T H W A Y S

had an altercation with someone close to you, or even someone you do not know very well, but the interaction left you feeling troubled, and unable to carry on your daily life in a calm and collected manner. It could be anything that may have occurred to you in the last while that was unusual, or took you by surprise, or took you onto a different course in your life from the one you had been travelling on. To reflect on this we want you to go into as deep a state of meditation as you are capable of, and focus on your breathing. Gently scan your body, and begin to notice where the discomfort is, in your body or in your mind. You may experience it as a pressure, or a tingle, or a sharp or dull pain. It matters not. Just hold your attention there while breathing deeply, and give yourself permission to pour love into that space without judgement. Practise this until you feel that the energy begins to flow more easily, and then bless it and return to normal consciousness. Beloveds, we encourage you to do this exercise regularly in order to develop your intuitive side and grow in conscious awareness. In so doing you can more easily make contact with your Higher Self / Soul Self, which is part of growing your Spiritual Body and moving closer to the Light. May Peace, Love, Joy and Abundance become your Soul Companions. We bless you and leave you in a state of Grace. The Galactic Beings of Light Channelled on 30th October 2010 Zena Jacobson.

Zena can be contacted on 082 663 1669 or via e-mail on

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WHAT’S IN STORE IN 2011 CAPRICORN: 22ND DECEMBER 2010 TO 19TH JANUARY 2011. At this stage of life we are needing to find a way of expressing our own unique creative way of doing things. Maybe throughout our lives we’ve tried to be what people expect us to be, but different people want different things and we end up feeling obliged to live up to their expectations of us. Now we need boldness to express ourselves as the unobtrusive, quiet mouse image does not express us in all our strength. We need to be courageous and expressive. AQUARIUS: 20th January to 18th February 2011. Our relationships will present us with steep learning curves and we have to realize that others are a mirror image of ourselves. The difference lies in the choices that we make in life. If we see ourselves in our relationships as the big giver and benevolent one, we inevitably also come to the point where we become angry for all the things we spent and gave to others. We need to remember that when we gave in our generous way we felt good and liked ourselves as it gave us joy and pleasure. PISCES: 19TH FEBRUARY TO 20TH APRIL 2011 Monetary matters are so often a spring board for us to learn about what has value and what is non-essential in our lives. Money is a means of exchange and only has problems for us when we ascribe our fears and anxieties to it. 14 P A T H W A Y S

As we learn to live with what we need as opposed to what we desire and demand, we find that life can be much simpler without too many ‘things.’ It is time to embrace some inspiring changes that come to us in our dreams. ARIES: 21ST MARCH TO 19TH APRIL 2011 AUTUMN EQUINOX -- 21ST MARCH -- SUN AND URANUS CONJUNCT We need to enjoy our life and be brave enough to be different and unique…. we all have received many gifts that we can utilize in our earth walk. By embracing the rebel in ourselves we will have the courage to express our truth, as the quest for truth is essential to the expression of our Higher Self. We can look forward to some innovative and pioneering ideas to come drifting out of the haystacks. TAURUS: 20TH APRIL TO 20TH MAY 2011 Truth has got many different facets and it is not only the way we see things. As questing for truth is a strong propelling force in life, we’ll find we have to be open-minded and prepared to look at all the variety of ways that truth is expressed without discarding the way others see and communicate it. Avoid getting drawn into verbal confrontations and listen carefully to how things are said or we will be inclined to jump to conclusions and hear what we think we want to hear and maybe not what was actually said.

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Supplied By Lois Stahl. Lois can be contacted on

GEMINI: 21ST MAY TO 21ST JUNE 2011. By changing the inner attitudes of our minds, we can change the outer aspects of our lives. We are what we believe. In the province of the mind, what one believes to be true either is true or becomes true. Remember that what we believe will depend very much on our attitude. If our attitude is to persistently focus on the negative aspects of life we will find our beliefs support this negativity. Who we become is far more important than what we get. CANCER: 22ND JUNE TO 22ND JULY 2011 ….. WINTER SOLSTICE -- 22ND JUNE This is the beginning of a very intense period of learning about ourselves in order to be free of conditioning and obligations to others and seek our own truth. We have to discover a way of loosening the bonds, which requires firstly a close look at them. Structuring, controlling and bringing into the tangible world the subliminal and hidden aspects of ourselves is required in order to express our creativity. There will only be stress if you resist the process and refuse the growth. LEO; 23RD JULY TO 22ND AUGUST 2011 With an unerring ability to detect the emotional state of others even when they hide it well we need to avoid using this to drag others down into a hole. Breathing is the key to life and releases inner tensions to clear our mind of cobwebs and give us some clarity of

vision. Anger is a vehicle for the expression of our emotions, which is often hidden fears that get shown through our anger. If we address our anger with wisdom and truthfulness, we can own the emotion and deal with the true issues. VIRGO: 23RD AUGUST TO 22ND SEPTEMBER 2011 Our blind spot is where detached objectivity is inclined to miss the emotional scenario in a given situation. We sometimes can even overlook our own feelings until they become an issue that challenges our vision of how things ought to be. When we’re as quick at understanding people’s feelings as we are things of the mind, we are able to express our revolutionary ideas in a clear and appealing way. We need to allow our feelings to flow freely and accept them for what they are – our emotions. LIBRA: 23RD SEPTEMBER TO 23RD OCTOBER 2011 SPRING EQUINOX -- 23RD SEPTEMBER On the one hand we have a highly evolved sense of love as unconditional and of beauty as a healing property and on the other our fears and doubts as an ordinary, fallible human being are inclined to make us see love as something we need and beauty as something to get or to own. These doubts are due to our social and emotional conditioning and often times we lay ourselves open to being used or abused by others.

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SCORPIO: 24TH OCTOBER -- 22ND NOVEMBER 2011 We need to consciously focus our thoughts on the changes we would like to see the world enter into. Of course if there is no action after the mental gyrations then we still do not have changes that can make a difference. In this sense we need to express our generosity and abundance of material things towards those that we are in relationship with. Clinging to material wealth does not sit well and we need to give in order to receive in plentiful. SAGITTARIUS: 23RD NOVEMBER TO 21ST DECEMBER 2011 We may be predisposed to racing around as if there is some time limit set upon us and maybe there is but we are the ones to pace ourselves and to recognize our limits in order to keep cool and not burn out. We will initially

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try to repeat and recreate old habit patterns that worked in the past but are not going to work now. If we give ourselves time to reflect beforehand we will see the obvious and address the necessary changes. CAPRICORN 22ND DECEMBER 2011 TO 20 JANUARY 2012 SUMMER SOLSTICE – 22ND DECEMBER -SUN SQUARE URANUS IN ARIES It is not necessary to overly concern ourselves with always trying to be on top of others and everything. Alienation and emotional discomfort will result from our insistence on being right and our own growth will stagnate. From our viewpoint we tend to think we are absolutely right but in the long run it is not about who is right and who is wrong but rather the inclusion of other’s emotions and sensitivities.

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learning how to communicate with Cosmic Nature. The Sacred Valley of Machu Picchu Peru holds some of the most feminine and important energies for our planet. It has a simplicity and gentleness of the Heart that one cannot truly understand - until one has been there. This amazing feeling of peace and connection to the Cosmic Heart comes from an ancient heritage born in Peru where the indigenous people have always understood and communicated with the more subtle energies of Mother Nature. Being in tune with these cosmic energies of Pachamama - as they call her - they have always treated the Earth as a living energetic being that creates life for them and their children. But even more than that. Peru has the wonder of Machu Picchu. Mastering the elements Many are intrigued about why so many people are drawn to visit the lost city of Machu Picchu at this time in our world. Built as a place that is literally “above the clouds,� it is said that its purpose was to commune with the gods from above, sacred place where humans and the cosmic gods of Nature could safely meet without any interference. The concept of building a city of the size and magnitude of Machu Picchu even now seems ridiculous. Yet this was done painstakingly and with the most incredible amount of patience and aptitude. The builders of Machu Picchu knew what they were doing- they had a master plan that was so brilliantly conceived that we now need to find the same wisdom to build and create our own sustainable worlds for the future!

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When you look at the city of Machu Picchu, its ultimate genius is that of working with the hazards of the elements. High up on the top of a mountain, dealing safely with the force of the elements and most importantly rain, had to be a priority. And so structures were conceived and taken from even more ancient civilisations of the past to make sure that there was incredible security even in the face of extreme climate conditions such as heavy cloud bursts, earth quakes, torrential rain. For this was after all a place of the gods and with it came the raw elemental forces of nature! And so even today you will see a system of conducting water that ensures that the channels of water in Machu Picchu still function to this day. Stones were used to build structures that incorporated pyramids and using bedrock and so the entire city is still standing in very much the way it was built - after hundreds and hundreds of years in the most daunting of locations. In the face of so many natural disasters and the ever increasing threats of climate change, it is no wonder that many believe Machu Picchu holds a vital key to our future. The wonder of water And everywhere you look in Peru there is water! Waterfalls cascading down from the pure white snow on the magestic Andes Mountains, the rushing waters of the mighty Urubamba River that winds its way through the Sacred Valley to Machu Picchu, the ancient INCA waterways that are still functional and used by the local people on their farms and in the rural villages – it does not matter - wherever you look there is

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PERU water! With the water comes the most beautiful natural landscape, magestic peaks of mountains and fields filled with fresh produce and a busy cultivation of the land. The gift of how to communicate with the Earth Many travel the road along the Valley leading to Machu Picchu to soak up this wholeness in the landscape - making with each step a mindful exchange with cosmic nature that only knows one law – the law of always both giving and receiving to create perfect balance and harmony between human and nature. In the land of the Incas we can learn how to find a higher communication with the Earth and nature! And the history of this area of Machu Picchu goes much further back than the Inca - there are elements of connections to Atlantis, ancient Egypt and even the Maya to explore. This is the place where we can link into a cosmic knowledge of the Earth that can help us to also build a safe and secure future in our world- by truly understanding and learning what was achieved in Peru so very long ago. All we need to do, is open our hearts and come to listen to the Voice of Pachamama! She will help us to live in harmony by linking into that higher consciousness of Love for Cosmic Nature - so reverently remembered in Peru‌. (Elizabeth Bardin is the founder of SACRED EARTH RETREATS that facilitates spiritual trips to locations such a Peru, Egypt, Mexico and Guatemale- see for more information) P A T H W A Y S 19

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Therapists Classifieds ASTROLOGY AND TAROT Relationship, Career, Goals, Children. Astrology and Tarot combined aids in finding answers to your everyday problems. Monthly Astrology Workshops To discover your purpose in life as revealed in your horoscope, need to have had your reading done and bring the chart with you, gives more clarification. Heather Koutny (Diploma Astro-Psychology) Tel 021 4471012 cell 0780790200 Email: AYURVEDA THERAPIES Massage: Face and head abyanga, nasyam and shirodhara treatments. Stress relieving, relaxing and very effective for sinus and other headaches. Contact: Saskia Post @ 083-4555-314. Email BODYTALK / BREAKTHROUGH / BODYTALK FOR ANIMALS Jenny Smith (CBP; PaRama BP) Rietvalleirand, Pretoria 082 929 5349 CRANIO SACRAL THERAPY Open up to a path of deep inner healing. Process, release and harmonise physical, mental & emotional issues to shift your energy levels for a better state of wellbeing. It works especially well for headaches, migraines, insomnia, depression, stress, past trauma & lack of direction Cristina 082 975 0406 ERNESTINE MULLER BRAAF Therapeutic Aromatherapist Bodytalk Practitioner Facial Analyst & Tissue salts Consultant Email: Cell: 082 200 7011 22 P A T H W A Y S

HYPNOTHERAPIST & PSYCHOLOGIST Kerry Buchan Claremont, Cape Town. 0727201244. IMAGO RELATIONSHIP PRACTITIONERS Husband and wife, Barry and Ingrid Hoffman-Devlin, gently guide you through the mystery of conscious relationship, using astrological insights and Imago dialogue to mend ruptures and create a sacred space. Couples, singles, personal growth groups, weekdays, weekends and evenings. 021- 438-0748 or 076-922-1082. Camps Bay.

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SOUL PICTURE ARTIST Heather Martinho, based in Westville KZN 072 260 4077

NUTRITIONAL ANALYSIS USING THE KARNAK SENSOr A cerebral electromagnetic activity sensor which reads brainwaves to assess organ functionality Work out your optimum nutritional requirements Stress/Burnout recovery program Insulin Resistance/weight issues Allergies & Food Intolerances 10 day Medical Detox Vegan/vegetarian diets Lynne Natural Health & Nutritional Consultant 0787879387 Rolene Sher (RAWLEAN) Accredited Journey Therapist and Health Coach and Raw Food preparation Classes Western Cape and Cape Town 021 701 2973 SARAH JANE FARRELL Certified Parama Bodytalk practitioner, CBP adv, Animaltalk, Interspecies Gestaldt Communicator, Breakthrough facilitator, sports performance and rehab True Nature Bodytalk Practice for people and animals 17 Boekenhout Rd, Riverclub, Santon, Johannesburg, 083 256 5514/ 011 706 1533 or

SPIRITUAL TRAVEL SACRED EARTH RETREATS with ELIZABETH BARDIN MAYAN TEMPLES Mexico & GUATEMALE Feb &Nov 2011 MACHU PICCHU Peru- April 2011 tel 028-273-8277 or 078-371-6343 or TERA MAI REIKI/SEICHEM Treatment based on universal life force energy aiding energy renewal, inner calm, toxin clearing and re-balancing of the four body levels. Seichem supports all other therapies. For a treat in the Helderberg contact: Saskia Post (Practitioner/Master/Facilitator) 083-455-5314. Email: THE SPACE IN BETWEEN WENDY LEPPARD Matrix Energetics was discovered in the USA by Dr Richard Bartlett as a pathway to personal transformation. It is a ‘consciousness technology’ that combines science, subtle energy and quantum physics in a powerful way to facilitate change in all areas of your life. It is a complete system of healing and transformation based on the natural laws of subtle energy physics, consciousness and focused intent that creates quick, often dramatic, observable changes. It can be used to heal, to transform and to create new possibilities. It restores natural balance, harmony and inner peace. It is something we all naturally do and by participating in this ‘field’ of awareness, we remember how to access the information that opens the doorway for magic and miracles to occur in our lives and the results can be instantaneous. Matrix is about stepping into the ‘miracle mindset’ and being open to whatever shows up in the next moment. P A T H W A Y S 23

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Wendy Leppard of 'The Space In Between' is a Matrix Energetics Practitioner (USA) and a Matrix Energetics Study Group leader. Wendy is available for one on one sessions, in person, distance sessions or Skype sessions. email her at visit for further information on Matrix Energetics:

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AWAKENING ARTISTRY Explore the link between creativity and consciousness In a series of art courses designed to unleash the artist within Express yourself through: Clay, painting, drawing, mixed media, Collage, monoprinting and the exploration of texture and colour. No previous art experience required, just a willingness to surrender to the process. For more info please contact Hayley Manson on 084 444 7903 / 021 6866455 Hayley is an ASTAR trained facilitator (Awakening spirit through Art) Classes available Tuesday and Thursday mornings in each school term of 2011.

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Acupressure Acupressure makes use of subtle pressure on specific points on the body . It can alleviate conditions such as headaches, migraines, period pains, toothache, insomnia, depression, digestive disorders, dizziness, morning sickness and nausea, stress and exhaustion. Acupressure can be used for general preventative health care. Acupuncture Acupuncture originated in China over 2,000 years ago. The Acupuncturist seeks to restore the flow of Chi (energy) by inserting fine needles just under the skin at specific meridian points on the body. Acupuncture can help control pain, ease stress and anxiety, alleviate depression, insomnia, menstrual problems, menopausal problems and is beneficial in treating many diseases. Age of Aquarius In astrological terms the planet and its inhabitants are shifting from the age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius. Each age is based on one of the twelve signs of the zodiac and lasts approximately 2,000 years. The Age of Aquarius is considered to be the time for an elevation in the cosmic consciousness of every person and being on the planet. The exact date of transition is not agreed on but it is accepted to be about now. Ancient Crystal & Chanting Healing This modality uses ancient chanting & crystal healing from the magick of the ancient Mu to bring about deep renewal. it assists healing in a number of different areas, including: the mind emotions M physical body, M spatial perception (left & right) M relationship with time M libido M internal physical problems M empowerment M M

The Chanting healing is used to bring about the healing of new & old wounds and for good fortune! This is a profound healing that sends you deep into a theta brain state and you will awake refreshed and joyful to resume life! Angel Therapists Angel therapists work with the angelic realm to help patients deal with specific problems or illnesses. Angels form a central part in most of the world’s religions and it is generally accepted that angels will 26 P A T H W A Y S

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come to the assistance of human beings when called upon. Angel therapies are a type of New Age Therapy based on the overwhelming knowledge that communicating with angels is a major key to healing. Animal Behaviourists & Animal Communication Animal Communication is the exchange of intuitive or telepathic information between people and animals. Animal communicators are trained to use their natural abilities to create a link between themselves and both domestic and wild animals and thus can assist in dealing with both behavioural problems and physical health. Antaneea Technique Antaneea Technique is a new vibrational healing technique which was developed in South Africa by Penni du Plessis. Antaneea technique assists in releasing old traumas or emotional blockages, also known as a “time gateways” which prevent us from growing and reaching our full potential. Antaneea treatment locates these time gateways, releasing the traumatic and emotional memories from your body. This gentle, loving and nurturing massage pampers the body and acknowledges the soul. The combination of 12 coloured ‘Oils of Transformation’, sound vibrations and energy healing, leaves you feeling safe and supported on all levels. It unlocks your hidden potential by releasing the old baggage. An absolute must if you are ready to transform your life. Aromatherapy Aromatherapy has been used since the dawn of civilisation to benefit the mind and body and involves using essential oils for their healing and therapeutic qualities. Essential oils are extracted from flowers, fruit, stalks, roots, seeds or bark and specific oils can be used to treat a variety conditions. Care should be taken by pregnant women and always inform your therapist of any medical condition you may have or medication you may be taking. Ascension It is said that there are two ways to pass from this level of existence, either through death or through ascension. When a person becomes highly evolved and reaches the highest levels of spiritual consciousness they can choose to ascend from this reality. It is the goal of many to eventually ascend, whether it be in this lifetime or a future one. Astrology Astrology is based on the study of the stars and planets and their movements and positions, which affect

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both events and individuals. Understanding of the significance and influence of planets in a birth chart can assist a person in understanding challenges and difficulties in their life and also make positive change. It can be beneficial to consult an astrologer before making important decisions.

easily accessible to all. At this pivotal point in history, Aura-Soma speaks to you through 107 scintillatingly beautiful bottles of rainbow coloured equilibrium oils, pomanders, quintessences and special essences. It uses the visual and non-visual energies of colour, the energies of essential oils and herbal extracts, and the energies of crystals and gems. An incredible tool is at our fingertips!


Our choice of 4 bottles is a mirror of who we are at a deep level, a reflection of our inner essence and personality. We can discover so much about ourselves. Bringing to light that which needs to be worked with and overcome, that which may block our developing and expressing our talents and gifts.

Attunements are used in Reiki healing to "attune" a person to the healing energies of Reiki and open them up as a conduit for healing others. Many people who are energy healers and receive a Reiki Attunement find their ability to transmit healing energy heightened. See our Reiki Section for more information about Reiki healers. Aura healing (Modern Mystery School) This session heals damage in the aura, which diminish or block the flow of light. These holes and leaks are usually caused by traumatic experiences, but drugs like alcohol, prescription and illegal drugs, and even hot caffeine can also blow holes in the aura. The aura is scanned, and the holes and leaks are filled with light and healed. This helps the client release emotional attachments and clear past traumas and start to release the patterns of pain and suffering, moving towards accepting joy and positivity. Aura-Soma - Colour-Care-System ® Self discovery through Colour The power of colour and its positive influence on our lives cannot be underestimated. The energies of colour surround us for all to see and feel. As we respond to the colours around us, moment to moment we may become aware that colour is a key ingredient in how we form our feelings toward something. Think about it – you may be drawn to the vibrant sunshine yellows, yet your friend may prefer the refreshing shades of green. These choices that we make reflect how our gifts, challenges and character are all entirely unique. This is why we say ‘You are the colours you choose’ The Aura-Soma philosophy has universal appeal. Whatever religious, political. social or cultural background we are from, colour can speak to us. Colour is the key to this non-intrusive, self-selective system. It is an ancient knowledge that has been refound and revitalized into a system

Shows that which is right in front of us, that which we are drawing to us and creating for our next step of development and expression. Through consultation and regular use of the Aura-Soma colour products the “Window of the Soul” approach reveals aspects of self that you can begin to accept and understand, by inducing a destressing and harmonious flow within the subtle energy fields and chakra system. Aura therapy The Aura is the energy field surrounding a body. Sensitives can see this energy field with their own eyes and it can also be recorded with Kirlian photography. Aura therapists can treat conditions by reading and re-balancing this energy. It can be used to treat emotional and physical conditions by diagnosing and healing on an energy level. Aura readings look at your spiritual energy system as represented in the seven layers of your aura. Readings can help you identify and release blocks and also get in touch with your own energy, so you can know your own truth and make the highest choices for yourself. Bioenergetics Bioenergetics works on the premise that body and mind mirror each other. What is happening in the mind reflects what is happening in the body and vice versa. What one thinks can affect how one feels and how one is feeling affects ones thoughts. Biofeedback Biofeedback monitors the physiological responses of the body using a biofeedback machine. This can teach a person how to lower their stress levels and enter a meditative state more easily. The interactive cd-rom Journey into the Wild Divine is based on biofeedback principles. Biomagnetism Biomagnetism uses magnetic fields to promote the body’s own ability to heal more quickly. Magnetic P A T H W A Y S 27

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therapy has been used for thousands of years This therapy can be used to treat broken bones, relieve pain, arthritis, and help the body heal itself by manipulating the magnetic field back to a balanced healthy state. Blueprint Coaching Based on Debbie Ford's world renowned Shadow work, this profound journey will help to unveil the blueprint of your souls destiny by unconcealing, owning and embracing the very parts of yourself that have limited, blocked or prevented you from manifesting your greatest desires. Body Balance Activation Technique The Body Balance Activation Technique is a relatively new modality designed with the intention of restoring the body back to its healthy matrix. Every part of the body has its own resonant energy frequencies. By using the spoken word and directed energy, the body re-calibrates these patterns of energy back to their original blue prints. The facilitator hold specific areas of the body, gives the body and instruction and allows a period of time to pass before moving on to the next area, in effect clearing pathways of energy to assist the body in regaining balance and clarity. BBA consists of 3 facilitator assisted levels and 2 self healing levels.

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allowing the body to re-align, reset and heal itself. It can be used on anyone, from newborn infants to the elderly and can give long lasting relief from pain. Breathwork There are several different forms of Breathwork including Holotropic and Rebirthing. It can be used for a variety of purposes from an athlete wanting to increase endurance to an individual experiencing high stress levels. Everyone can benefit a regular routine of deep breathing exercises, whether healthy or ill. Byron Katie – The Work The Work is a simple yet powerful process of inquiry that teaches you to identify and question thoughts that cause suffering. It's a way to understand what's hurting you, and to address your problems with clarity. People who do The Work as an ongoing practice report life-changing results. Chakra Chakras are energy centres within the human body. There are seven main chakras, the root chakra, sacral chakra, solar plexus chakra, heart chakra, throat chakra, third eye chakra, and crown chakra. The word chakra is a sanskrit word which translates to wheel, vortex, or circle. Chakra Balancing

Body Stress Release Body Stress Release is a gentle procedure in which the practitioner assists the body to release tension by applying light but definite pressure to the parts of body where areas of body stress are located, such as along the spine, in the neck and head, even the buttocks and hips.

Chakras can become unbalanced through stress, physical and emotional traumas, stagnant energy, and unexpressed emotions and feelings. Many holistic practitioners balance a client's chakras through a variety of healing modalitiessuch as Reiki, Crystal Therapy, Color Therapy and QiGong, Colour therapy

BodyTalk BodyTalk is an astonishingly simple and effective holistic therapy that allows the body's energy systems to be re-synchronized so they can operate as nature intended. Each system, cell, and atom is in constant communication with each other at all times. Through exposure to the stresses of day-to-day life, however, these lines of communication can become compromised or disconnected, which then leads to a decline in physical, emotional and/or mental wellbeing. Reconnecting these lines of communication enables the body's internal mechanisms to function at optimal levels, thus repairing and preventing disease while rapidly accelerating the healing process. Bowen The Bowen Technique is a hands-on therapy which uses gentle moves over muscle and connective tissue,

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Colour therapy dates back thousands of years and uses the electromagnetic radiation of the visual spectrum of colours to cure diseases. Each of the seven colour spectrums has a specific radiation which resonates with one of the seven chakra or energy centres of the human body. Colour therapy can balance or stimulate the energy centres in the body thus leading to improved well being. Colour therapy is safe t use with children and animals. CoRe Inergetix The Inergetix CoRe system assists in enabling energetic frequency balancing by analysing the clients’ specific frequencies and balancing the body with frequencies that resonanate in context with the symptoms presented by the patient.

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Craniosacral Therapy-Emotional Regression Therapy Cranio Sacral Therapy is a gentle form of bodywork. Through a combination of traction grips it can help release headaches, migraines, insomnia, immune system imbalances, stress, mental and emotional blockages, restoring a healthy flow of energy for increased vitality and wellbeing. Crystal Healing Crystal Healing works by using crystals, to interact with the person’s aura (energy field) and energy points known as chakras. The therapist may use a pendulum and/or a method known as dowsing, to select the appropriate crystals for the client. During a healing session, universal energy is channelled through the healer – the crystals magnifying this energy. It is common to feel physical sensations during a treatment, which can range from tingling, sense of heat or cold, sensations of heaviness etc, when energy blockages are moved. Distance Healing When distance healing is offered, the therapist is not limited by time or space, but can send healing energies without having to be in contact with the patient. Various forms of healing such as Reiki may be utilized. Distance healing is often used coupled with prayer. Divination This is the receiving of information from higher sources. There are many divination methods and some of them have been in use for thousands of years. Common examples are tarot readings, rune readings, pendulum dowsing, divining rod dowsing, and tea leaf reading. DNA Activation Currently our DNA contains two active strands, containing the genetic codes for our physical evolvement. Within our DNA there is also an emotional code that is handed down from generation to generation and which is triggered through our belief systems and through life-altering events. We have the potential for more active strands of DNA and some of the elements for these extra strands may be found in what is know as the "junk" DNA that has yet to be scientifically explained. DNA activation is the process of healing and reassembling these fragments and connecting them to other, non-physical components that connect us with our higher dimensional selves

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ple are aware of the practice of dowsing to find water. The two most commonly used methods are with LRods or with a pendulum but other methods are also possible. Pendulum dowsing can be a useful diagnostic tool for healers and it is often incorporated in other therapies, i.e. dowsing in aromatherapy as a means of selecting the most applicable essential oil of that moment; or in Crystal healing to select the most applicable crystals for energy work. EMF Balancing Technique® An EMF Balancing Technique® session is a powerful experience of one's own electromagnetic energy field and the patterns within it.The recipient lies on a massage table, while the practitioner carries out a series of graceful movements, most of which involve the passing of the practitioner's hands through the portions of the Universal Calibration Lattice of the client that completely surround the body, to a distance of 2 feet all around. (energy field) Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) Meridian therapy is often known as Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) and is a very direct and effective therapy and it can be taught to people to use for themselves. Feeling or experiencing an unwanted negative emotion causes energy flow through the body’s energy system (the meridians) to be disrupted. Removing these energy blockages corrects imbalances and allow the individual to move beyond repetitive and/or negative cycles of behaviour. The method is simple and consists of tapping with the fingertips at the end points of the body’s energy meridians, working in a similar way to acupuncture. EFT can be applied to all negative emotions, including depression, guilt, anger, grief, post traumatic stress disorder, phobias, addictions and any other negative emotion. Energy Balancing (Modern Mystery School) An Energy Balancing session is used prior to a Life Activation but is also performed on its own. It includes the following: Removal of a crown chakra cap (if any) - this blocks access to the Light • • •

Dowsing Dowsing has been known and practised for thousands of years in many parts of the world. Most peo-

Clearing of the central core through toning a sacred name of G-d Balancing of the Central Core Balancing & opening the 16 energy gates (Lotus Petals) that result in increased energy flow Balancing and healing of 4 elemental bars and elemental energies in the aura (earth, water, air, fire) P A T H W A Y S 29

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• Balancing of magnetic and etheric energies • Balancing of the chakras • Negative crystal removal This session focuses on unblocking the energies that support the manifestation of your goals in life. Enneagram

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Facial Analysis Facial Analysis can to tell us which Tissue Salts our body is lacking or may need for prevention of an illness/disease rather than to cure. Tissue Salts help to support and encourage the body’s own natural healing process. With Facial Analysis we get a direct answer to the question “What is missing?”.

The Enneagram is an ancient symbol of unity and diversity, change and transformation and is one of the most powerful tools for understanding ourselves. Each Enneagram personality type expresses a distinctive and habitual pattern of thinking and emotions. By recognizing their personality pattern a person may be able to use the Enneagram as an effective method for self-understanding and self-development.

Feng shui

Essential Oils - See Aromatherapy

Floatation Tank

Egyptian Earth Healing

Also known as a sensory deprivation tank, it is a large tank filled with epsom salts and water that is heated to the exact human temperature. A person immerses themselves in the tank and feels as though they are "floating in air". Floatation tanks are often used for self-exploration, meditation, and discovery.

This healing has to do with the sacredness of the human body. There are seven levels in the astral part of existence and we do a deep and profound healing on these levels including the Spirit Level, Thinker Level, Soul Level, Astral Level, Planning Level, Dreamer Level & the Action Level. Benefits include liberation of old cell patterns, re-integration of parts that are underfunctioning, freedom of expression & creativity and a deepening of Spiritual Understanding. This healing draws on sacred geometry and ancient Egyptian energies to heal the sacredness of these astral aspects of the human body. Etheric Surgery (Modern Mystery School) Etheric Surgery is a multi-faceted discipline. Many areas are healed with this discipline. Etheric Surgery can clear released energies & old patterns including disease patterns completely from the etheric field. Removing core issues that have manifested physically in your etheric body can have a profound effect on your life and impact all your subsequent experiences and life views. Approximately 90% of all physical illnesses come directly from the negative energies held in the etheric field! Removing these negative energies allows one to move forward in life with fewer repeats of old patterns as well as with a healthier physical body. Etheric surgery also deals with removing outside negative influences that have lodged themselves in the Etheric Structure and so influence thought patterns and can exacerbate emotional wounding. The Etheric Surgery is sealed with ancient holy symbols and toning a Holy name of G-d.

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The Chinese art of arranging rooms, furniture, buildings, and belongings so that good "chi" or energy is present. Feng Shui is a way of bringing harmony and balance into your everyday life, so bringing about a balance between mind, body and spirit, by the strategic placement of furniture and other objects.

Flower Essences Flower Essences are prepared by immersing flowers in water, and then exposing this preparation to heat or sunlight.During this process the healing properties and spiritual elements of the flower are released and they can be used to nourish and help heal the physical body or encourage the minds natural healing abilities. Flower essences are taken by mouth, usually a few drops placed under the tongue. Footology Footology provides a conversation between the therapist and the feet of the patient, reflecting both the emotional issues of the past and those taking place in the present. Geopathic Balancing Geopathic stress is the name given to earth based sources of toxicity that rise up through the earth and which are distorted by weak electromagnetic fields created by subterranean streams, certain mineral concentrations, fault lines and underground cavitiesf . Often we do not realize that geopathic stress is present in our home or work place.

Human Pincode Douglas Forbes created of the Human Pin Code, which was developed after twenty years of case study of the

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scientific and mathematical relationship between numbers and the personality, character and life cycle of human beings, based on the date of birth. A pin code analysis can be useful when dealing with a crisis in life as it can promote understanding and therefore allow the individual to make informed choices. Indian Head Massage Indian Head Massage has been practiced in India for thousands of years. Working on the energy centres in the region of the shoulders, upper back, neck, upper arms and face, an Indian Head Massage can benefit the whole body. Isis Healing Isis was the Grand Queen of Egypt; her philosophy was to create abundance for the whole society by keeping the people healthy and happy. Isis realized that, while the people ate food, drank water, meditated and performed other tasks to gather energy, they still were tired and slept for long periods of time. So she brought this method of realigning the energies back to the brain region to create a happier and more vital being. This modality re-aligns the vibrational energies of the body and re-directs them into the brain region so that the energies that we collect everyday are not lost but rather used for our benefit. In redirecting the energies, we send the Powers to Be into the "old brain" and through the thalamus, hypothalamus, pituitary and pineal glands into the cerebral cortex. These energies will, in turn, create a vortex within your being that will enhance all parts of your life and start programming your mind for success and happiness. This modality will bring forth a death and rebirth within your emotional body, making it possible for you to embrace the next step in your evolution of consciousness. As a result of this realignment, people often experience •more available energy more usage of the brain capacity •more vitality for everyday life.

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• provides additional energy required to recover from injuries, illness and surgery • helps you deal with anxiety and depression • stimulates the immune system • accelerates cleansing of side effects of drug therapy • increases energy and vitality • heals and releases emotional and mental issues • relieves stress and provides deep relaxation Jin Shin Jyutsu® Jin Shin Jyutsu® is a gentle and non invasive form of acupressure, using finger tips, which brings about the balance of a persons physical, emotional, mental and spiritual state. It works by unblocking the twenty-six energy locks that nourish life within the body, thus promoting optimal health and wellbeing. Journey (The) Journey therapy can be described as a guided meditation and visualisation, which is designed to address the specific issues of the individual. All of us have parts of ourselves that give us discomfort, limiting our potential in some way, such as anger, depression, grief, low self esteem, anxiety, fear or any form of addiction. Journey therapy is a way of working at the very deepest level to help clear these long held physical and emotional blocks. Each Journey taken leads to ever deepening inner peace and harmony. Kaleidoscopic Light Journeys Kaleidoscopic Light Journeys combine the effects of light, sound and Reiki to provide an exciting new integrated healing modality. Resonant Reiki Kaleidoscopic Light Journeys in Muizenberg Village with Shireen Freeman and Lara Light invite you to awaken your inner-sense and be moved from within as you are bathed in the healing rays of Kaleidoscopic Light, Reiki and mesmerizing music. Kinesiology

Jikiden Reiki Jikiden reiki is a form of energy healing that is strikingly simple and effective. The original name in Japanese is shinshin kaizen usui reiki ryoho, meaning “usui treatment method for improvement of body and mind”. This particular tradition of Reiki is unique in that it is free from western influences & adaptations and is practiced in its original form with direct lineage from Japan. Some benefits of a Reiki treatment: • Removes energy blockages & detoxifies the body of toxins • relieves pain from illness and injuries

Kinesiology is a touch therapy linking Western muscle testing and anatomy and physiology with traditional Chinese acupuncture, meridians and energy balancing. It is a system of natural health care that treats the person as a whole and restores balance by releasing energy blocks, eliminating toxins, reducing tension and enhancing the body's natural healing ability. Kinesiology use muscle monitoring technique to access knowledge stored in our bodies on cellular and energetic levels and identifies areas of stress or imbalance, looking for the cause behind the symptoms. Life Activation The Life Activation is a sacred ancient process handed P A T H W A Y S 31

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down intact over the last 3000 years and is now available for all who are ready to jumpstart their lives. The session includes energy balancing, chakra balancing, lotus petal balancing, a mini reading and a Life activation. In a 2 hour session, this process will catalyze the unfolding of your hidden capabilities and expand your journey of self growth exponentially. It also:

Matrix Energetics

The key to change is through ‘Heart Space’. Scientists have discovered neurological tissue in the Heart and that its electromagnetic field is 5000 times more powerful than that of the brain. Ideally the Heart should form the centre of one’s awareness and focus. Illness or emotional stress develops when there is a lack of coherence in Heart Space which compromises the health of the cells of the body.

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opens pathways and opportunities for your potential, life path & purpose awakens and unlocks unused DNA enables you to hold more light in your physical body attracts more of what you want in your life strengthens your immune system increases your brain capacity and aligns you with previously unrealized gifts, creativity and abilities clears 3-5 generations of genetic and ancestral debris in your DNA brings joy into your life and lightens depression and sadness

Life Alignment “Life Alignment is a life transforming experience. It is an integrated collection of energy healing systems including the well known Body Alignment Technique and Home/Organisation Alignment. Life Alignment can be applied to balance and transform your life by neutralizing blockages and negative influences in your physical and subtle bodies, your relationships and your home or business. After our practitioners have balanced you and the environments in which you live and work you will feel lighter, in harmony with your surroundings and ready to take on any challenges life throws at you. Your home and business will become pleasurable places to be in. Your relationships will become more harmonious. People in your business will work more harmoniously and effectively. What seemed difficult before a Life Alignment session will flow easily after a balance. The impact on your life, your relationships and the profitability of your business will be profound. Our unique Vortex technology supports the balances and offers protection from harmful electro magnetic frequencies. Louise L Hay Louise L Hay is a metaphysical teacher and best selling author who has helped thousands of people to discover and use the full potential of their own creative powers for personal growth and self-healing. According to Louise L Hay limiting beliefs and ideas can often be the cause of illness. A trained therapist can help you change the way you think and help you improve your quality of life. Magnet therapy – see Biomagnetism.

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Matrix Energetics was discovered in the USA by Dr Richard Bartlett as a pathway for personal transformation. This transformation happens through accessing wave fronts of energy and information that naturally exist in the electromagnetic fields around us.

Meditation The art of meditation has been practiced for thousands of years and it is considered by many therapists to be the ultimate in self-help. Meditation is a process of letting go of feelings and thoughts, to reach a deep state of relaxation, and therefore to become more focused and creative. Mind Region Healing This Modality brings about a true healing of the various physical, energetic, spiritual and perceptual aspects of the mind resulting in greater mental / emotional stability and serenity. It is the original healing modality on which Carl Jung based modern psychotherapy. As such it re-introduces 90% of the healing modality that was omitted for the popular consciousness at the time. The healing of the mind re-integrates pieces of the mind existing in Spiritual bodies that are fractured and not fully connected through trauma and pain; and re-integrates pieces that are not healed through talk therapy alone. This healing is yielding incredible results and it is very stabilizing for all age groups! As such, it is a major healing and consists of 10 healing sessions and over 15 hours of healing. Each session is between 1.5-2.5 hours. Modern Mystery School The MMS offers advanced spiritual training to guide you towards the highest level of spiritual growth and fulfillment that is available in the world today. Once reserved only for the few this lineage is now open to the public and their unique way of teaching is directed towards bringing you to a level of self knowledge that will enable you to re-create your reality as you want it to be. Numerology A common method of numerology is to find one's birth

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number. It is similar to the astrological zodiac symbols in that each number is associated with certain character traits. By studying the character traits of your birth number, an individual gains insights into their behaviour and personality. Palmistry A method of divination using lines, shapes, and textures on a person's hand, also known as palm reading. The most frequent characteristics discovered during a palm reading are health, life expectancy, and periods of time in a person's future that will be traumatic or easy. Gifted palm readers can go deeper into the reading and use the palm as a divination tool to access all kinds of information about the individual. Past Life Past Life Therapy is based on the principle that events that have occurred in a person’s previous lifetimes can affect the present. During therapy, past life traumas and experiences are explored and the therapist assists the client in resolving any remaining emotional issues or unfinished business in that life, and aids the integration of the experience into the present life situation. Many emotional problems and conflicts can be quickly and effectively resolved through past life regression therapy. Because many physical conditions are considered to be psychosomatic, it is found that symptoms may subside or disappear through this therapy.

Pranic Healing Pranic Healing is a non touch energy healing system that works on the energy body (aura) and the energy points on the aura (chakras). Every chakra is responsible for a part or process in your body. It is through the chakras and energy body that prana or life energy is absorbed and distributed throughout the whole physical and mental body. By cleaning out the chakras and putting in healing energy, the body can start restoring itself. Prana is a Sanskrit word meaning ÂŤlife-forceÂť This vital energy can be found in various forms: air prana, earth prana, solar prana and divine prana. Pranic Healing is based on the principle that the body is able to heal itself, given the necessary biochemical changes to make this possible. Psychic Healing Psychic healing uses spiritual energy, the healers

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intuition and connection to the higher realms. Psychic Protection Healing (Modern Mystery School) This healing is truly unique and is well over 3000 years old. The benefits are different for each person and for time they participate in the session. What has been received in these sessions includes: • Enhanced psychic awareness • New level of psychic self-defence & protection • Greater sense of well-being in the world • Emotional healing including release of hidden anger, sorrow, & frustration • Detoxification of negative energies in the body • And much, much more Qigong Qigong is one of the earliest systems of self-healing ever recorded, around 2,700 years ago. Qigong is a way of working with the vital Qi energy that exists and flows through all of nature and it promotes self-healing and self-development through a combination of breathing techniques, simple movements and postures, meditation and visualisation. Quantum Touch Quantum-Touch is a gentle method of natural healing that works with the Life Force Energy (L of the body to promote optimal wellness. Quantum-Touch allows us to focus, amplify, and direct this energy, for a wide range of benefits, often with extraordinary results. Using Quantum-Touch techniques, the practitioner can hold an extraordinarily high vibration which not only influences the client, but also provides healing energy for the practitioner. Radionics Radionics is a method of diagnosis and treatment that can be used at a distance. Using equipment designed by Malcolm Rae and other pioneers in the field it is possible to ´broadcast´ healing energy patterns to the individual in need. Rebirthing Rebirthing involves re-experiencing your own birth. An experience brought on by the use of specific breathing techniques and supervised by trained rebirthers. It is based on the theory that the trauma of being born can remain within one at some level throughout life. The experience can bring about the healing of long standing physical or emotional conditions.

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necting to the universe that allows for Reconnective Healing to take place. These healings and evolutionary frequencies are of a new bandwidth and are brought in via a spectrum of light and information that has never before been present on Earth. In both informal and clinical settings, patients (and physicians!) have witnessed the results of these healings that occur through Eric simply by holding his hands near them. Reflexology In ancient history, pressure therapies were recognized as preventive and therapeutic. It is believed that that the feet and hands are a mirror image the organs of the body. A reflexologist applies gentle pressure, usually to the feet, working around the zones of the body. Imbalances (a build up of uric crystals) can usually be found and gentle pressure is applied to break down these imbalances and so restore the flow of energy around the body bringing about Homeostasis- the balance between mind, body and spirit. Reiki Reiki is a simple, natural and safe method of spiritual healing and self-improvement that everyone can use. It has been effective in helping virtually every known illness and malady and always creates a beneficial effect. It is administered by "laying on hands" and is based on the idea that an unseen "life force energy" flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. Reiki treats the whole person including body, emotions, mind and spirit creating many beneficial effects that include relaxation and feelings of peace, security and wellbeing. Remap The REMAP process utilizes the pathways and treatment points of the entire acupressure/acupuncture system to relieve emotional distress. It provides a complete map of this system and also includes, brain balancing eye movement techniques and other leading edge interventions. The goal of this approach is to eliminate trauma, stress and self-limiting patterns while promoting wholeness, inner harmony and higher levels of functioning. Retreats To retreat means to get away from the stresses of everyday life for the purpose of relaxation, contemplation or meditation. This enables one to rebalance and re-energize ones body system. Retreats are often run by specific religious orders but can also be secular.

Reconnection The Rosen Method Reconnective Healingwas developed by Dr. Eric Pearl. The Reconnection is the umbrella process of recon34 P A T H W A Y S

Rosen Method bodywork, deeply relaxing, is distinguished by its gentle, direct touch. Using hands that

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listen rather than manipulate the work takes place on a massage table in a quiet supportive environment. The practitioner focuses on chronic muscle tension and the clients’ natural breathing pattern Scenar SCENAR technology was invented and further developed by RITM OKB ZAO, Russia – the only manufacturer of the original SCENAR devices. SCENAR is a hand held device that stimulates the skin surface with specifically shaped electric impulses, based on the patterns of natural nervous discharges. SCENAR is a medical technology that can have a profound effect on both acute and chronic painful conditions and physical dysfunction that may not respond to other forms of treatment. SCENAR does not treat a particular disease or condition, it stimulates the body’s own healing recourses. ScioBio Feedback This miraculous technology is able to energetically scan the body’s stresses and imbalances and return the body back to health by reducing these stressors that caused the disease in the first place. Quantum medicine (The SCIO) demonstrates that the same bodily intelligence that knows how to heal a cut finger without even thinking about it can heal you of almost any pathology. Seichem Experience the safe, wholistic and powerful energies of the Angels of the Violet Flame and the four Elemental Rays as a pathway to your healing. Sekhem Ankh Sekhem Ankh healing is a spiritual & wholistic healing modality that is very ancient and dates back to Pharonic Egypt. It was practiced in the Healing temples of the goddesses Isis and Sekhmet and still has practitioners to this current day – Shadow Work And Integrative Coaching "What’s possible in the next evolution of my life?" Integrative coaching, developed by Debbie Ford and using the concepts of Shadow work, is designed to awaken and enhance your ability to access your own resources of inner wisdom, acceptance and compassion. Emphasizing responsibility, self-knowledge and the value of becoming a whole and integrated human being, these coaching models are designed to support you to reveal and release limiting beliefs and behaviours, so you can experience greater levels of self-acceptance, self-assurance, achievement, peace and extraordinary outcomes. Through deep internal

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exploration you will awaken to a new vision of possibility for yourself and be provided with skills and tools to support life-long personal, spiritual and emotional transformation. By embracing all aspects of who you are as well as all of your life experiences, you become open to receiving the wisdom of your life's lessons and claiming the magnificence of who you truly are. Spiritual Divorce coaching. Are you ready to heal your heart and ignite your right to have the love you desire and deserve? Divorce, separation or loss (which can include any close relationship, not only spouses) rocks the foundation of your being. Could the end of a relationship be the first step toward reclaiming your personal power and joyfully living the life of your dreams? Based on Debbie Ford's influential book, Spiritual Divorce, this coaching empowers you to use the ending of a relationship as the catalyst to create and live your most extraordinary life. Shamanism True Shamans are men or women from ancient tribal communities who are blessed with special knowledge of plants, herbs and animals. In recent years Shamanism has undergone a revival of interest in Western countries.Shamanic practices are a way of living more respectfully on the earth and communing directly with the spirit that animates all life. Shiatsu Shiatsu is a Japanese massage technique. The Shiatsu therapist applies comfortable pressure to parts of the body using hands, thumbs, elbows knees and feet. The aim of the therapist, through this pressure work, is to balance or unblock the flow of «chi» energy through the meridians of the body. Sound Healing Sound as a healing modality is found in most ancient cultures and religions, and it is believed to be the oldest form of healing. Most religions teach us that the universe was created by sound. All things in nature vibrate to sound, light and colour. Sound frequencies affect everything about us. Everything that is in a state of vibration has a natural rate at which it vibrates, an optimum range, and that rate is called resonance. When we are in resonance, we are in balance. Sound healing works on the belief that the human body is not solid. Rather it is energy that is held together by sound. Any disease therefore indicates that some sound has gone out of tune. When parts of the body become diseased, they are no longer vibrating at their resonant frequency.

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Spell Removal Spells are negative thought energies or negative intentions that are sent to you. In some cultures, negative thoughts are enhanced by using objects and various rituals. This process elimantes negative thoughts such as jealousy, anger that are sent to you as well as more serious spells. Spiral Release Spiral Release Bodywork consists of deep tissue bodywork and neuromuscular therapy. While most massage therapists can incorporate deep pressure during a massage, SRB is a special therapy that encourages the permanent release of physical pain, trauma and stiffness. Just like neuromuscular therapy, SRB addresses chronic conditions affecting muscle/nerve interaction like carpal tunnel syndrome, sciatica or tennis elbow. In addition, SRB releases the energetic holding patterns at a cellular level allowing the individual to release limiting emotional and behavioural patterns. The purpose of SRB is to facilitate the release of physical, emotional and spiritual pain through the body. When you release this kind of pain, the greatest ally you have is your body. Releasing the body at this deep fundamental level assists in physical, personal and spiritual transformation. Spiritual Healing Spiritual healing is the channelling of healing energies through the therapist to the client, relaxing the client to enable them to use their own natural resources to deal with illness or injury in the best possible way. Starseed Healing The purpose of this healing is to totally energetically cleanse the system, including the chakras and layers of energy on the body. It redirects otherwise lost vibrations on the body by correcting the vibrational state of the body. It cleans out the "mind clutter". It connects you in a Galactic way to all living things. Wonderfully cleansing and balancing, this healing is very calming and is especially helpful if you have been doing a lot of emotional release work and if you have experienced deep emotions like grief and you are needing balance. This distinctive healing utilizes crystals, chimes and a tuning fork to cleanse and harmonize your body's energetic system at 50 different points on the body. Tachyons A tachyon is said to resonate with extremely high vibrational frequencies of energy They have an extraordinary healing and harmonizing effect which positively affects our physical health and well-being. Tachyons also harrmonize all electromagnetic emis36 P A T H W A Y S

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sions and can be used on cellphones, computers and other electronic equipment as a protection against all forms of electrosmog. Tachyon energy is “Intelligent”, and therefore understands how and where we need it, helping us to clear blockages on the mental and emotional levels, providing physical energy and ultimately growing us spiritually back to God. Tai Chi An exercise in both physical and mental relaxation, which has an extremely revitalising effect on mind and body.The movements are slow, controlled and continuously flowing. Tai Chi reduces stress and develops a centering of your own self to maintain and improve your health. Tarot Tarot cards are used in tarot divinations also commonly referred to as tarot readings. There are a multitude of different tarot card decks available on the market, some following traditional meanings, and some varying greatly from the traditional. The Laying of Hands for Comfort and Healing This offers the client the healing and comfort of the embrace of Jesus the Christ and his Mother the Holy Virgin Mary. It is powerful for anyone but especially if you need to feel the peace, calm and love from this Office and restore any shocks or imbalances in your life. This is deeply healing. Tera Mai Reiki & Seichem Experience the safe, wholistic and powerful energies of the Angels of the Violet Flame and the four Elemental Rays as a pathway to your healing. The Spirit Infusion The Spirit Infusion is a deep and profound healing that brings in the rays of Ensof (The Almighty or the highest aspect of G-d) into your life, re-aligning you to the highest light. This light will keep you infused with this light to direct your life in accordance with that energy. This is deeply healing and the high vibration of this healing deeply transformational. Therapeutic Touch Therapeutic touch (TT) is a type of energy medicine whereby the therapist moves his or her hands over the patient’s “energy field,” directing the flow of chi or prana so the patient can heal. Triangles Working to heal humanity. The need to reconnect, to recreate the circuit through which soul energy can flow is a crucial step in the healing process. Triangles

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is an initiative that uses the Great Invocation and involves tens of thousands of people Wholism Healing- see spiritual healing Yoga

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stress, boosts self esteem, improves concentration, lowers fat, improves circulation, stimulates the immune system and creates an overall sense of calm and well being. Practising the postures, breathing techniques and meditation associated with yoga can make you healthier in mind, body and spirit.

Yoga improves muscle tone and flexibility, reduces

EXPLORING CONSCIOUNESS FILMS & EVENTS Thought-provoking films featuring humanity's spiritual search. Regular screenings in Cape Town at Labia on Orange. To subscribe to our newsletter, please visit our website,

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