Pathwyas to Healing 3

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Pathways to Healing


a guide to energy medicine in South Africa 2012

e e w t n e b n i Th e space Step into pure awareness. Experience The space in between ^OLYL YLHSP[` PZ ^V]LU HSS WVZZPIPSP[PLZ HYL IVYU JYLH[P]P[` Ă…V^Z and inspiration calls. Learn how to unlock the power and natural talent that resides within and transform your world in every imaginable way. For more information or to book a consultation contact: Wendy Leppard on 082 455 5067 or visit

TRAUMA RELEASING EXERCISES TRE, through specific exercises, initiates the tremoring mechanism, which is organically natural to us, but which we have ‘switched off’ through centuries of believing it to be pathological. TRE is safe, easy to do, does NOT involve talking about the trauma and restores the body to harmony and balance within 3 months. QUALIFIED TRE PRACTITIONERS CAPE Aneta Shaw Dr Melanie Salmon Lawrence Dreyer Melanie Silberbauer

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Welcome to Pathways to Healing 2012.

It is my wish that this this little book will be a reference,a guide and a source of inspiration for you throughout 2012, connecting you with some of the many amazing energy healers and lightworkers in South Africa. Exciting things are happening as we continue on our journey towards greater consciousness. May 2012 be a blessed year for you all. PO Box 181, Newlands 7725 For enquiries re the next Pathways to Healing contact Allan Tel : +27 (0)11 624 2127 Email :


Is There an End to Pain??? The 21st century has shed new light on how to deal with pain. The painful situations we find ourselves in take control of us, whether it is emotional, mental or spiritual pain, it ultimately manifests into physical disease or illness in the body. The two major causes of physical pain are fear and anger. People are searching for ways in which to release pain and frequent trips to the doctor where we mask the pain with medication and treatments have proved to be fruitless as it is temporary for many of us.

At age fifteen my mother was dying, I felt at the time useless and hopeless watching the woman that mattered to me the most in so much pain and there was nothing that could be done to relieve her of her pain. After two and a half months of searching for a way to help her, I sat in prayer and asked for some guidance to release my mom’s pain. Based on an innate sense of intuition, I went to the hospital the next day to do what I thought would ease her pain. I promised her that I will take care of the children, my siblings, if that was what she was holding on to. My mom died the next day. After her funeral, there was no time to mourn; I had two children to take care of, I had to be strong for them and I suppressed all that I so wanted to feel because I had a responsibility.

In the interim, I got married, had two children and was divorced by the age of twenty four. By this time, I had four children to take care of, I had lost my father as well and my financial debt was insurmountable. I was faced with more tragedy and yet I again felt like there was no time for grieving, I had to be strong for my children and provide a safe, comfortable and happy environment. A few years later after having changed jobs many times, I was retrenched. Fear gripped me for the first time since my mom’s death, or perhaps that was the first time I had noticed it. The questions plaguing me were how would I take care of my children; pay my mortgage, what would we eat? I decided to take


the time off, be a stay at home mom for a month, a month was what I could afford and I just had to trust that I would soon get a job. I applied for every job that was advertised even to the University of KwaZulu Natal despite being told that it was a waste of time because I had no tertiary education. I was appointed a year later. During my employment at the University I studied and obtained tertiary degrees in business up to Masters Level and by the time I left the University in 2010, I had made my life a success as the Director of Housing.

At age 34, I was diagnosed with a rare disease called Sarcoidosis, many practitioners and specialists told me that there was no cure, but corticosteroids will keep the lesions suppressed. A few years after being on prednisone; I decided that I was not going to continue with the medication due to the harmful side effects. I was told by a specialist in 2005 that if I did not go back on the prednisone (80mg) a day, I will only live for three months before my organs start to weaken and eventually fail. That was a very devastating thought, but being no stranger to difficulty and trauma, I was willing to take that chance. No one knows after experiencing traumatic event after event, having experienced death of loved ones, divorce, huge financial debt, retrenchment and then an incurable disease, how to survive. When I decided to stop the steroids, the suppression came to the surface, not just the disease, but all the fear and emotions that I had buried for so long. At the beginning of 2005, I was referred to a Life Alignment Practitioner. After having tried many complementary therapies for the previous two years and spending time and money with no positive results, I didn’t want to give up so I tried it. Life Alignment is a holistic complementary modality designed by Dr. Jeff Levin, South African

born, now living in Canada, who travels to various parts of the world teaching and training. My real problems surfaced when I started therapy with Mrs. Merle Westcott. It was only then that I realized how angry and cheated I felt and that life had dealt me a very poor hand. My physical symptoms did not improve at all for the first three months but I was starting to release emotions that I had suppressed and as I continued to do so, I started feeling better. I returned to exercising and feeling hopeful about life. I started studying in 2006; I am now a certified Life Alignment Practitioner

My spiritual journey commenced in 2003, often there is this perception that a spiritual journey is about trying to evoke a power so great that it almost seems out of reach, but the essence of a spiritual journey, something I discovered, is within you, when pain takes over, that inner light does not shine, you are met with an emptiness that only you can explain. I had many days when all I wanted was for someone to listen, not to give me instruction about what to do and where to go, and Merle had provided me with what I wanted and more importantly what I needed. I was able to express all my anger, fear and pain without subjecting myself to anything that would

compromise me.

How often do we make decisions that are uncomfortable for us, just to please others, to keep the peace, being in fear, enslaving ourselves to be judged in a world created by other people? We make excuses and blame it on the environment in which we were raised, our cultural beliefs and even attribute it to something we may have inherited from our predecessor because the pain is so deeply ingrained in our DNA. The fear of positive change or happiness, getting out of a dysfunctional situation becomes unbearable and that’s when the relentless struggle with who we are and who we want o be never ends.

Do you have question or would you like more information: h t t p / / : w w w. l i f e - a l i g n m e n t . c o m Author: Ms. Vasanthie Naidoo



A foundation created for the healing of our planet through the elevation of consciousness by creating the awareness that our thoughts not only count, they also profoundly influence and shape our reality…

Brainchild of Yvette de Villiers (PhD Metaphysical Philosophy)

In 1952 on the island of Koshima a strange and interesting phenomenon was observed by a group of behavioral scientists observing a troupe of Japanese monkeys. They were providing the monkeys with raw sweet potatoes, dropped in the sand for them to find. An 18 month old female named Imo started washing her sweet potatoes in a nearby stream before eating them and soon taught the trick to her mother as well as her playmates. Gradually some of the other monkeys on the island learned to wash their sweet potatoes before eating them, mostly by observing their children, who were by far the quickest to grasp the concept!

At a certain point in the autumn of 1958, when a specific number of monkeys were consistently washing their sweet potatoes before eating them, all the monkeys of the island suddenly started washing their sweet potatoes before eating them. By the next day other monkeys on other islands and also on the mainland were spontaneously going to the water and washing their sweet potatoes before eating them.

This has become known as the 100th Monkey Phenomenon and means that although the exact number may vary, when a critical mass number is reached within a group, the whole group will instantaneously experience a behavioral change initiated by only a few. Variations of this phenomenon have since been observed and documented to occur without fail in subsequent studies done on group behavior.

There is an ancient Hawaiian practice called Ho’oponopono based on the principal that all things are connected, the name meaning ‘self-love expressed as taking total responsibility’. The practice first attracted mainstream attention when Dr Ihaleakala Hew Len healed an entire ward of criminally insane patients without ever seeing one of them. When asked how he did it, he replied that he sat every day with each one’s file and repeated the words: “I love you, I am sorry, please forgive me, I thank you…” over and over again.

If we want to Heal Our Earth we need to understand and acknowledge that we are all connected to one another and that the things we think and do have a profound effect on everything around us.

Every time we respond in anger we create imbalance. Every time we act out of fear we create imbalance. Every time we refuse to understand and forgive we create imbalance. “Personal transformation can and does have global effects. As we go, so goes the world, for the world is us. The revolution that will save the world is ultimately a personal one.” Marianne Williamson. To read more about HealOurEarth email us on PATHWAYS


WESTERN CAPE Beaconvale Ruwadi Adams • 021 932 6704 / 082 759 7680 • Durbanville Heleen Loubser • 021 975 6363 / 073 141 1153 • Edgemead Jenni Hodder • 082 787 8458 • Kuils River Edith Mathysen • 071 86 80252 • Melkbos/Table View Veronica Sleigh • 021 553 3618 / 082 468 7357 • Milnerton Joy Sher • 073 285 2600 • Philadelphia/Melkbos/Northern Suburbs/Paarl/Malmesbury/Wellington/Melkbos/Tableview Sharon Sinclair-Blake • 082 577 7790 • Plettenberg Bay vicinity (Knysna and The Crags) Rain Martin • 082 774 5911 • • Table View Tanya Harris • 021 557 5529 / 082 390 4865 • • GAUTENG Jukskei Park Katrina Evans • 083 378 1909 • Kensington/ Bedfordview Michael Coyle • 082 784 8419 • • Sandton Allan Price • 082 601 0866 • KZN Pietermaritzburg Vasanthie Naidoo • 033-346 0584 / 083 490 0820 •

What is Life Alignment?

It all started in 1983 when Dr. Jeff Levin gave up his Architecture Practice to start a holistic clinic in Toronto. After using his intuitive knowledge of healing, Jeff healed himself of Irritable Bowel Syndrome which he suffered from for many years. Life Alignment (LA) is not intended to diagnose or treat disease, nor does it replace a health physician’s care. LA is a healing technique which makes use of the body’s vibrational energy or frequency, as the flow of energy through the various levels become blocked or imbalanced, the physical body begins to malfunction and we experience fatigue, pain and disease. LA practitioners facilitate the removal of blockages and assist in raising the body’s

frequency so that the body’s instinctive intelligence can do the healing. The essence of Life Alignment is that everything is energy and the cause of all imbalance and disease is found within the subtle anatomy in the energy realm. For healing to occur one has to integrate all levels, physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. The technique accesses an intelligence that incidentally preexists in the body’s bio-computer known as the human brain. LA goes right to the root cause of any imbalance; we identify the story and the energy flow around any imbalance. LA is a holistic approach, looking at the total picture of your life, including the emotions surrounding every event that has occurred PATHWAYS 9

Did you know?

Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) is a psycho-therapeutic modality which includes music-listening, visualization and non-verbal processing using mandala drawing and other art materials. The process assists in stress reduction, depression and grief, facilitating deep personal growth and transformation. It can be used individually and in groups.

MANDALA ASSESSMENT RESEARCH INSTRUMENT (MARI) is a visual and intuitive process using symbols and colours to assess a person’s current psychological and emotional state. The relationship of this tool to the cycle of life provides a wondrous back-drop for self-understanding and rapid transformation through accessing the unconscious via the creative impulse. . Diane Maris: Guided Imagery and Music (GIM) Practitioner. MARI Practitioner and Trainer Musician and Process Art Facilitator 021 683 9009/ 082 926 0548 10 P A T H W A Y S

A channelled message for 2012

Beloved Beings of Light

It is with joy that we speak to you today. We are delighted to join with you again in this way. We spread our wings around you, and hug you from within. Feel our love and support, for when you do so, we feel your love too. We are delighted to see the extent to which you have already succeeded in your journeys as Light Beings, and the extent to which you have brought Light to those around you. In our message to you today we would like to continue with this theme. We trust that this will help you to uplift others, and in this way to assist with the ascension of the Planet. Now is the time to set the intention to make this into a reality, for you to take on your roles as co-creators, and assist us with this task. The first step is to check the extent to which you are living your lives in a conscious manner. How will you know this, you may well ask? We tell you that the answer lies in your hearts, and that the more you listen, the easier it will become. Take the time every day to tune in to the essence of your heart energy. Make a point of focusing on what you have to feel grateful for in your life, and watch it multiply. We can also not stress enough the importance of remembering that we are all connected. This may not be evident to some of you, but the more conscious you become, the more you tune in to the synchronicities in your daily life, the more you will fine tune to this knowing. The key is to notice when things work out, and also when they do not. The latter is “proof” for you that you are in a state of resistance, and that you are not in alignment with your Higher Self. The first thing to do when this happens, whenever you feel out of sorts, or uncomfortable, is to breathe. Take a deep breath into your belly, and then consciously breathe out. It would also help to notice what the colour is of your breath, as you breathe in and breathe out. Go into your mind’s eye, and have a look. Wait until a colour appears. And then ask yourself if that colour is harmonious for you. If 12 P A T H W A Y S

it is not, ask yourself what colour would be more pleasant for you in that moment, and then use your will or your imagination to change the colour to the one that you would prefer. It is a simple exercise and yet very powerful. It helps you to change your vibration from one of dis-ease to one of alignment with Source energy, and with your Higher Self, to help you to slip into the stream of the greater good. If you want to become enlightened, and assist with the transformation process on your beloved planet, we suggest that you work towards this in your everyday reality. It may also help you to visualise yourself in a field of flowers. Notice what colour the flowers are, and how they smell, and breathe that in, as deeply as you can. Hold that image (and that smell) for as long as is comfortable for you. And recall your field of flowers whenever you want to bring back the vibration of that state of being. If you find that it is difficult for you to do this exercise, it may be useful to ask yourself what it is that you need to let go of in order to bring in more Light. Do not give up until you have found what this is, because it may well be what is holding you back in your life, on more than one level. Go into a state of meditation to help yourself with this process and wait for an image to pop into your awareness. This may give you a “clue” about what it is that you need to let go of. Work with this, until you feel ready to move on. You may also feel drawn to read this message more than once, to connect with Source energy. Practice these exercises until they feel seamless to you. This will happen over time May Peace, Love, Joy and Abundance become your Soul Companions. We bless you and leave you in a state of Grace.

The Galactic Beings of Light Channelled on 30th September 2011 by Zena Jacobson.

Zena can be contacted on 082 663 1669 or email on

DURBAN 1st - 4th March 2012 What are Family Constellations?

Brigitte Sztab, C.C. Testimonial "A short note to say a big thank you, Brigitte, for the Chelan Family Constellation Workshop. I have benefited deeply. I am feeling so much lighter and easier inside...

Family Constellations allow us to understand how traumatic events that occurred in past generations impact our present life experience. Hidden family dynamics, often affecting many generations, create suffering or disharmony in the family system. Gain insight into professional conflicts Find a solid foundation for a new direction in life!

For More Information Contact : Zakir Mahomedy

Cell: 0792868879 P A T H W A Y S 13

WHAT’S IN STORE IN The year 2011 ends with a loud bang in a certain way, preparing us for the year 2012. I think it is common knowledge that 2012 is going to be a significant year no matter what our beliefs are and the main focus are going to be on Earth events. In our dynamic universe all things change, from the farthest reaches of outer space to the movement of continents but what is needed mostly now is a change in our sense of direction and purpose – an alternative vision for a sustainable new world civilization unlike any in the past. 24TH JANUARY Mars will turn retrograde. Mars retrograde has more difficulty externalizing aggressive impulses towards an outer objective. It propels us to instigate new starts of activity and can spark exciting events to prevent us falling into a rut. During this period it appears as if our new plans back-fire, lose expected momentum or develop too slowly. The need is for reflection upon previous actions and creating opportunity to re-channel the efforts with new ways of mobilizing the vital forces.

4TH FEBRUARY NEPTUNE MOVES INTO PISCES. The most beautiful thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the source of all true art and science. When we have done our part within, our exterior world will unfold itself automatically. On a spiritual level this will be the awakening of our psychic and spiritual powers.

7TH FEBRUARY SATURN TURNS RETROGRADE. With Saturn retrograde it is mostly a time of 'UNFINISHED BUSINESS" to attend to.

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Because it is the planet of "self-preservation" it urges us to create safety boundaries. The normal rate of current activity gets slowed down so that we are given a better chance to assimilate and restructure a plan or method enabling us to make the most out of opportunities. Feelings of self-doubt and inferiority are more inwardly experienced than is apparent on the surface. This can cause the feeling of personal guilt and selfcriticalness.

8TH FEBRUARY VENUS MOVES INTO ARIES. From the 8th and onwards until the 15th Venus will conjunct Uranus and square Pluto. These planetary transits can bring about some changes and challenge our notions of right and wrong, and our concepts of morality which are also part of our cultural heritage and experiences. Nevertheless this will also be a time of rebelliousness and it is not to be expected that we will just happily carry on with our lives where things are no longer applicable to our spiritual growth.

12TH OF MARCH MERCURY TURNS RETROGRADE. Outward communication is less direct and to-the-point especially when it directly concerns the self. Mercury affects socialinteractive communications differently. The reason and logic are often directed towards the observation of subtleties and less obvious factors that are otherwise overlooked. However on a practical level it can be difficult for our private thoughts to clearly structure them to be understood by others. The rational mind establishes a closer connection with the unconscious and makes this a more occult mental position.


Supplied By Lois Stahl. Lois can be contacted on masonwaspstudio@te

20TH OF APRIL IT IS THE AUTUMN EQUINOX. This is a point of new beginnings and to bring about these changes we need a vision that will act as a catalyst for creating, enabling and facilitating initiatives that restore links between nature and human wellbeing.

15TH OF MAY VENUS TURNS RETROGRADE. Our emotions have a deeper impact on our nature, but they are harder to express and demonstrate and the social instincts operate along less extrovert channels. Outwardly we may appear reclusive and stand-offish and love is a more abstract, universal viewpoint. Partnerships and monetary affairs are prone to altering during this period.

THERE IS A SOLAR ECLIPSE ON THE 20TH OF MAY AND A PARTIAL LUNAR ECLIPSE ON THE 4TH OF JUNE. With the solar and lunar eclipses we can be prepared for changes to come about in our way of thinking. One of the basic laws of metaphysics is that action follows thought. Needless to say then – we need to focus our thoughts on what we want to manifest in life. We also will feel the need to gather information in order to weave it into a comprehensive whole that can give us understanding.

12TH OF JUNE JUPITER MOVES INTO GEMINI. We may get caught up in endless attractions and distraction and then we forget the vital point. If we focus on negative thought patterns then the outcome will be negative but through focusing on the positive we can create changes that are beneficial to all


IT IS THE WINTER SOLSTICE ON THE 21ST OF JUNE. Each negative thought creates a negative response and these responses are an ongoing ripple in the vast lake of consciousness. Our mission is to sustain and take care of life on earth as we are the caretakers of earth.

24TH OF AUGUST MARS MOVES INTO SCORPIO. As long as we allow our heads to be cut off from our bodies through ignoring our emotions, we are colluding with the madness of our age in attempting to cure physical ills without making the necessary psychic corrections.

THE SPRING EQUINOX 22ND OF SEPTEMBER. Looking for re-enforcements from outside rather than waiting for our own inner authority to come up we invariably shift into pleasing others which creates that we try constantly to justify our existence instead of just being and accepting ourselves.

4TH OF OCTOBER JUPITER TURNS RETROGRADE Abundance and expansion will not be sought in the mundane world. Instead the search is inspired inward towards growth. This can mean that the spiritual and abstract mental objectives are easier than strictly material aims. 7TH OF OCTOBER MARS MOVES INTO SAGITTARIUS. With Mars in Sagittarius there comes a built-in sense of freedom of movement (turn to next page) P A T H W A Y S 15

which can take us to any distant horizon or direction we want to go.

16TH OF NOVEMBER MARS MOVES INTO CAPRICORN We will move forward to get what we want in a deliberate and pragmatic way if we base our actions on firm foundations and not try to take short cuts. 13TH OF NOVEMBER TOTAL SOLAR ECLIPSE We now need more creative freedom outside the constraints of mainstream opinions and its hierarchies as there are some things we need to look at in our lives in order to possibly shift our attitude

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28TH OF NOVEMBER PENUMBRAL LUNAR ECLIPSE This is when the moon enters only the penumbra of the earth. Even if some apparently chaotic conditions prevail it is better to keep order and internal peace that cannot be affected by external means. Surrender and let go rather than go the same old route of loosing control.

SUMMER SOLSTICE 21ST OF DECEMBER AT 13:13 HOURS This is the time that many predictions say will be the end of the world, meaning possibly our senses will be honed to perceive more than we are accustomed to taking in which will also in many ways diffuse our customary way of looking at reality. It’s important to stay optimistic and not to allow situations to get the better of us.


Sometimes scientists who conduct intricate experiments in their labs for many years cannot replicate the outcomes of these experiments in other labs or places. The reason being something termed “space conditioning”. For all those years that scientist’s mind, intent and focus has been on creating something or a specific outcome to his experiment and this focussed intent seems to actually “programme” the very “space” where it has been taking place. Not only is the observer (the scientist) affecting the experiment but the actual space itself has been unconsciously programmed by the same observer. We can also see this in many different ways, for example in an area where many people have suffered or have died horrible deaths there is a “residue” left behind that can be felt if you are sensitive enough. When you enter an old Cathedral there may be a sense of heightened joy because for hundreds of years everyone that has entered it has been at their best in thought and action.

What was interesting in South Africa, with its high crime rate, is that having spoken to different people who have had their homes burgled and have done “spiritual” or mediation work in a specific room or area, was that the burglar avoided those areas. So it would once again seem that those areas have been “space conditioned” in these cases, to higher frequencies. These are the very frequencies that will not tolerate or allow for example “robbery” to take place, which is of a lower resonance. We can see that we have a useful tool here and we can consciously start to “space-condition” certain areas for whatever we desire from those areas, for now and into the future.

Many have concerns about the impact of the Earth Changes and other events on our lives, so why not “space condition” your homes or safe places, to be “SAFE PLACES”. When you enter these areas always stay pure in thought, don’t forget you are now consciously programming that area with specific intents. Allow only thoughts of joy, abundance, happiness, prosperity, longevity, survival, knowingness and completion. We can drastically increase this programming exercise by doing focussed disciplines or meditations, regularly in these areas. If something catastrophic were to happen, just by returning to these place, even if in a state of fear, the place itself would give something back to you in the same way that you have been given to it for some time. (Just like when you charge a battery for use at a later date!) An example would be if a major tornado were to rip through your town, destroy all the buildings in the entire town, but “miraculously” leave your home totally intact. In effect you have created a “frequency specific bubble” within the greater social collective consciousness bubble, the Earth. The bottom-line is to take some time to “space condition” YOUR OWN special places and homes! (The more you do this the greater the results).

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Who or What is The word ‘witch’ appears to be derived from the Anglo-Saxon words, ‘witan’ (to observe) and ‘wicce’ (to bend and shape). The Germanic word ‘wit’ means to know. Through this lens a witch is someone who observes energy patterns and knows how to deliberately shape what the matrix delivers next.

‘Witch’ has meant different things to different people throughout history and today it is still considered taboo in many cultures. The philosophy of Witchcraft is very personal and intimate to the practitioner. There are a many paths and labels for individual practises as there are witches in the world. In my opinion, a witch is someone who is; Wise Inspired Timeless Centred Happy.

A Wise One is awake to her/his ability to direct and shape energy through a heartfelt relationship with natural rhythm, cosmic energy flow and Self to live on purpose with purpose. Instead of responding to what life throws your way on default, being wise in the workings of the universe lets you sail energy currents to your advantage.

A witch is aware of her/his vibrational beacon and knows how to alter it to match a goal or intention s/he wishes to give form to on the physical plane. To practise the Craft is to embrace a very empowering approach to living life since you accept your role in bringing all manners of experiences about whilst recognising that you alone have the power to alchemise whatever occurs.

An Inspired One taps into the omnipresent creative power that pervades the core of everything. By aspiring to create better for ourselves or others on this dimension, witches flow life force through their beings 18 P A T H W A Y S

and radiate it into the ether.

Increased life force results in greater delight and fulfilment in life because the energy centres and atoms of your body open up to receiving blessings. Your frequency becomes one of ease and allowing which sustains your true Self, neutralising and resolving any misaligned cellular memory. Sometimes witches charge their intentions with ritual (deliberate symbolic gestures) such as lighting a candle, burying a crystal, burning incense or flinging a shell back into the ocean. These actions are fuelled by mental, emotional and energetic transmutation encompassed by a sense of oneness with collective consciousness.

Timeless Ones know that magick is not held in any object, place or manifestation, it is part and parcel of Self. Witches live backwards. That is to say, they revel in the beauty of the present moment as if they have already reached their destination.

Holding a vibrationally resonant space for your manifestation nonchalantly albeit confidently allows you to calibrate your energy to match that of what you seek to bring it into form. By being fully present in the current moment you remain grounded, composed and focused. As such, you are better equipped to craft a sustainable etheric structure that suits your purpose.

Centeredness grants the ability to navigate a path that is in a constant state of flux by preserving a centre of calm within from which one weathers the eye of any storm. Witches aim to experience equilibrium by consciously harmonising with All That Is on a daily basis.



Responding to life’s twists from this innate power centre gives you a higher perspective and greater clarity so you avoid getting caught up in the drama of extremes. Instead of reacting from a place of raw emotion, energy-crafters choose how they will accept, direct and mould the energy to elicit a desirable outcome. Happiness is a decision witches make to be content with what is and appreciate the crux of it. In doing so, you release expectations, pressure and effort and instead allow for universal flow to stream effortlessly around you and through you. You can only bring your manifestations to fruition if you decide to create a resonant starting point in the Now.


C H?

Witches disengage from people and experiences that leave them feeling less than, because they ARE. Living magically is about being not doing. By embracing your Witchiness (ability to create magical results at will) you get in touch with your natural essence which is pure magic.

As the moon waxes I create. As the moon wanes I reflect. As the seasons turn I evaluate and appreciate. What I was falls behind me and what I will become rises before me. Cosmic dust is intermingled within my DNA. Original Substance flows around me and through me. I Am Witch. And so it is. 'Stella Seaspirit is the creator of The Sparkling Witch Tribe, an online sanctum to foster your witchiness. Sashay over to to learn more'

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If you could lie perfectly still for an hour while someone gently touched your head, and you achieved a deeper relaxation and peace than you had yet experienced from meditation or a great massage, would you be interested?

If you felt more refreshed than after 8 hours’ sleep, your insomnia disappeared, and things and people that bothered you before the session no longer upset you, would you be interested?

If this same technique offered ways to change anything in your life that wasn’t working as you’d like it to, so that you could have the life you’ve always known was possible even though you hadn’t yet managed to achieve it, then would you be interested?

If you could learn to do this technique in one easy, fun, relaxing day, without any prior anatomy knowledge or training in healing or other modalities, so you could do it on your family, friends and clients, then would you be interested? Good news! Such a technique does exist. It’s called “the Bars.” It’s the introduction to a practical philosophy of life called Access Consciousness, and it’s coming to South Africa.

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In fact, the introductory class in Access Consciousness is already here in South Africa, in the form of Sarah-Jane Farrell, Body Talk energy practitioner and animal communicator. Farrell is already a licensed Bars Facilitator, which means she can both provide individual sessions in the Bars, as well as teach classes.

The Bars class includes providing two full sessions to a fellow student, receiving two complete sessions yourself, as well as a brief introduction to some of the tools of Access. (Every class is different, and so is the material included in each class. EVERY class includes thorough instruction in the Bars.)

Further classes include 4 days of verbal instruction rich in tools you can use right away to change what you’d like to change in your life. Some people come to Access Consciousness classes because they’d like to know what else is possible in their lives. Others come to handle issues involving money, relationships, body image, and body pain and illness.

Licensed Access Consciousness facilitator Dr. Kacie Crisp will be coming to South Africa in March to offer Bars, Foundation, and Level 1, as well as additional bodywork classes including the Access Energetic Facelift.

The two classes that follow the Bars, called “Foundation” and “Level 1,” introduce a totally different approach that its founder, best-selling author Gary Douglas, describes as “wild, weird, wacky and it works!” In addition to new ways of looking at common problems that can resolve what’s previously been unresolvable, Access classes including the Bars class include what’scalled the “clearing statement.” The clearing statement is a set of phrases which ask the universe energetically to go to the source of creation of the problem, wherever it is. Or as one journalist described it, “It’s like scooping up everything that’s been bothering you into a huge pile of garbage on the rug and hoovering it up so it goes away forever.” Because it goes to the source of the problem and changes what’s stuck about it, that problem goes away forever. The integration time and processing time that are required by

many other techniques are not required by Access.

Of course you can re-create the same old problems, but it will never be from the same source and it will be much more work.

Could this new approach, using consciousness to create the life you’d like to have, be for you? How many things have you tried that haven’t worked? Does what you’ve read seem light to you? What feels light to you is a truth, says Access founder Gary Douglas, while what feels heavy is a lie. If this feels light, you might wish to check it out. –classes : bars- South Africa 083 256 5514

Be kinder than necessary - because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Irene Graupner The Will of God will never take you where the Grace of God does not protect you" Vasanthie Naidoo

Rainbow Remedies Rain Martin

Counselor, Educator, Holistic Therapist (energy medicine / energy psychology / healing arts)

Based in Plettenberg Bay, South Africa, practicing in Knysna, and The Crags. email: call 0 (+27) 82 77 45 911 P A T H W A Y S 21

The Secret Ingredient. By Caroline Chaplin

Of all the medicines, both allopathic and natural, I think the most underestimated is loving kindness. In our busy western culture, with its emphasis on cell phone, email and telephone communication, we have a tendency to stay cocooned in our own worlds and out of touch with other people around us. We have forgotten the importance of feeling loved and cared for; of the link between loving interaction with others and the will to live. Life in smaller communities still encourages this link, there is always someone who remembers old Mrs Jones who lives alone, or Fred who has been ill and needs a cooked meal taking along. The growth of large cities has created a tendency towards nuclear,

isolated living. I am as guilty of this kind of living as the next person. My mother in law lives in a small village in England in a retirement complex with her daughter a mere two kilometers down the road. She is surrounded by company, she sees her daughter every day and her grandchildren frequently. Having moved out to South Africa many years ago, my husband and I have to content ourselves with phone calls, skype and letters, which are not the same thing. I read an article recently about a man who died in his car (of natural causes) on a busy street in a city in the USA. He was there for over a week, people passed by, traffic wardens stuck tickets on the window screen, but no one noticed his body. I found this incredibly sad.

It is so easy to

administer the medicine of loving kindness with a smile, a touch or a hug. It lets us know that we are of value and that we exist. I have a Peugeot car and a lot of the car attendants in shopping center car parks are from up country and French speaking. They invariably comment on my French car, at which I launch into my appallingly bad few phrases of schoolgirl French. Silly, but it creates a link from one human being to another. Someone once told me that the biggest complaint street vendors have is that passers-by don’t make eye contact with them. We don’t want to acknowledge their existence because we feel uncomfortable about the high levels of poverty in South Africa, but we leave them feeling dehumanized and lacking dignity.

Studies show that children in orphanages who are picked up, hugged and given affection respond and develop better than those left unattended. When our children fall down and hurt themselves we give then a hug and a kiss to “make it better”. With loving kindness we fare better, live longer and get ill less often. Medical Aids schemes need to promote generous doses of this medicine. The bonus is that loving kindness is free and requires only a little effort. So, how about a smile for the lady at the supermarket checkout till? You don’t know her home circumstances and that smile may be what will get her through the day. How about a hug for a friend or a bit of assistance for someone struggling with a disability? Make it your resolution to freely dispense the secret ingredient !

Your words, your expressions will reflect your attitude. Be conscious of how and what you say Catherine Pulsifer

P A T H W A Y S 23

Basic Principles Bio Energy Healing is based upon the Chinese practice of “Chi Kung” which literally translated means “energy movement”. Its basic principle is that the body is essentially self healing and all issues start with blockages in our energy field/aura through everyday stress and strain or a specific event or trauma. The energy field acts as a blueprint or template from which regenerating cells take their instruction, if there are blocks then cells will replicate the faulty/ diseased pattern. If the blocks are removed it allows the original healthy blueprint to be restored and cells will regenerate to a new healthy pattern eliminating all ailments including chronic and long term. Like a river, if there are boulders in the river then the current does not flow as smoothly, in the same way our energy field becomes sluggish when it is blocked.The energy field feeds the seven main energy centres of the body also referred to as the Chakra’s ie points of high energy within the body. The Chakra systems energy vibration comes from two sources; cosmic energy- from the sun and planets and earth energy from the ground, trees and plants. Each Chakra feeds specific organs which in turn feed every cell

in the body. Therefore a blocked energy field has a knock on effect on the whole body system. Over time the energy becomes sluggish and stagnant leading to ill health, fatigue etc due to the energy imbalance. The Bio Energy Healing Practitioner uses the technique to identify the issues in the energy field, remove the stagnant energy and re establish the natural flow of the energy field enabling the body to adjust and heal itself.

How it works It is a non invasive treatment with minimal touch, the client remains fully clothed during the treatment. Initially, standing then seated then stands again for the final part of the session. A series of 12 basic hand techniques are used to identify problems in the body and remove the energy blockages. Consultations typically last about an hour with a 10 minute initial consultation followed by a 40 minute treatment session and then feedback at the end. During the session clients may feel heat or cold, tingling sensations or movement of the body. After the session some clients immediately begin to feel remarkable

changes in their health. Others become aware of their illness for a few days as their body starts to release years of stagnant energy. Some may initially notice little happening but find their illnesses have disappeared over the weeks. Like a traffic jam, once the problem has been removed the cars at the back of the line still have to wait to get moving. It is recommended that a course of treatment is undertaken to gain the maximum benefit. Either once a week for 4 weeks, or every day for 4 days with a follow up session 3-4 weeks later How Can It Help You? Bio Energy Healing works on the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual level - reconnecting the mind, body and spirit. It restores health & vitality Revitalises and Re Energises Helps regain clarity and focus Helps with emotional issues Enables Manifestation of positive things Helps you achieve the life you desire Encourages the client to focus their energy on health and well being and not their sickness, creating the life they desire, for whatever we focus on expands.

Contact:Esther for further details on Bio Energy Healing sessions and course of treatment. Also available- half day workshops on “Bio Energy Healing – Basic Toolkit for everyday Use”- a series of tools and techniques that you can incorporate into your daily life to keep you revitalized, re- energized and your energy grounded.

The Birth of the Divine

By Michele Slabbert of Green Energy Herbals From the moment we birth on this sparkling blue planet we call Earth, we begin a personal journey that enters once again upon the pathway that our collective soul began so long ago. There are many expressions through many ages that we have chosen to live through and they are all asked for experiences. We are so much like trees. We start from a seed and slowly grow towards blooming, fruiting and then harvesting. Somewhere along the line we grew mobile, first in the physical, then in the mental and then the spiritual. Phew, maybe we grew too fast.

Standing at the crossroads staring at all the possibilities we forget to turn around and look at where we’ve come from. Throughout our time that which is best gets lost so that which is the greatest can be found.

26 P A T H W A Y S

Our ancestors travelled far across many universes to create the you that stares back at you in the mirror. There is a growing sense of the need for more f reedom from archaic practises that have overstayed their allotted time. We are sometimes childlike in our consciousness, at other times wise and at other times, very foolish. Yet each one of these facets of a much larger whole are vital to maintain a creative balance and framework within which we can grow and learn to love. This is probably the reason we are all here now. Perhaps this is the time of the great manifestation. Not that any of us have ever perceived it. As we travel through the year of 2012 many are welcoming an ending of an age and the dawn of a new way of being. We will be challenged by ourselves as never

“When you are deluded and full of doubt, even a thousand books of scripture are not enough. When you have realised understanding, even one word is too much”. (Fen-Yang) before in this consciousness. Let us not get caught up in the hype, but rather meditate on letting go of the outdated ideas that have held us in bondage for so long. Nature is one, but has different windows. We have become unaware of the ancient elements of nature that are the elements of life. This is what makes us survivors. Not one of us can exist without earth, which provides food, water and air, without which life would not exist, and without the fire that nurtures or destroys us. On a lighter note, do you find that on certain days you are weighed down, while others leave you breathless? I have noticed that some patients communicate with me only on specific days, either in a state of anxiety or over energetic uplifted spirits. There are energies that self

responds to differently on each day. Here’s a short guide to lifting or guiding self spirit for each day.

Sunday quiet time draws in the energy of protection for the week ahead. Self healing is possible, which activates the strength to self awareness, where adjustments can be made to body, mind and spirit. The heart of you is open more on this day as decades of relaxation have manifested in our being. Wearing white, orange or yellow or having flowers of these colours around you is highly beneficial. Try a marigold flower or St. Johns Wort tea. Amber, topaz or sunstone jewellery is a good choice for the day ruled by the Sun.

Monday is often a day we neglect that quiet time. The beginning of the working week for most is when we draw on that sun filled

P A T H W A Y S 27

“What is important in our life is that we all matter. The soul that enlivens us existed prior to our birth and will continue to exist well after we depart this existence. When we are taken aback by why we die, let us consider a moment why we were born� (Rabbi Green).

energy of Sunday and energetically approach the tasks at hand. It is the day of friendship and purification. Before having that quiet time on Monday, have a cup of warm chamomile tea, especially if you have extra need to psychic awareness. White flowers in your bathroom. Try some clary sage essential oil in your bath. Pearl, moonstone or beryl jewellery for this day of the Moon.

Tuesday is the day of movement. The day when the energetic approach of Monday has taken hold, the day when we have the courage to shift within self. Energy is running high; make sure to balance this, as the end of the day could see you drained. Keep something either red or orange at hand. A mild tea of either Basil or Thyme helps to balance runaway energy. Keep

28 P A T H W A Y S

these plants in your kitchen in a light space. Add a few drops of Patchouli to the bath. Wear red jasper, garnet or bloodstone jewellery for the day of Mars.

Wednesday is the mid working week reflection day. It is when we can join together in harmony of ideas and communicate on many levels with each other. The need for knowledge activates on this day so a lavender tea is ideal for opening the inner you. Lavender dries so well and holds scent for ages, so a dried arrangement in your bedroom will ensure good dreaming. Adding a touch of lavender keeps a sense of calm around yourself and others as does wearing an amethyst , purple quartz or mica. This day of Mercury is all about communication and initiation.

Thursday and we see the approaching weekend. The day of hope, expansion of ideas and assimilation. If you are concerned about your health then Thursday is the day to quest physical self in your quiet time. A tea of lemon balm is ideal for this quest. Surround yourself in hues of blue and burn sage with cinnamon and nutmeg. This is a good day for cleansing in preparation for some you time. A still night offers a way paved with harmony .Amethyst, Lepidolite or sugalite jewellery works well on this day of Jupiter.

Friday ushers in romantic notions, awareness of the beauty around us and just being with friends. It is the day of harmony, when greens and pinks should surround us, so a bunch of pink roses is just right for the day of Venus. Sandalwood or Rose scent for the home invites beneficial and highly uplifting energy. This is the day of catching up and letting go; when we can combine the energies of the past few days and sort through them, allowing each their own path. Chrysoprase, jade or Unakite jewellery keeps you open and balanced.

Saturday is all about the home. After a week at work this is your sanctum, the place where you can finally let go of the world and be just in self. It is the time for evaluating where you have been on your journey to the future. A bunch of white, maroon or purple coloured flowers is good for the main living area. Try a violet scented bath or shower preparation for calm direction. Wear an item in a deep green colour, such as a serpentine necklace. Black tourmaline, obsidian and hematite are all good choices for this day of Saturn.

May 2012 be the year where endless cycles of joyous consciousness bring together the past and the present and move us on into a bright and fulfilling future where we truly birth the Divine.. Contact Michele Slabbert – Herbalist – email: Web pages:

P A T H W A Y S 29

Therapists Classifieds Antaneea Technique Soul Massage Healing and release happens through a combination of gentle massage, colour, sound, visualisation, geometry and fragrance. This is a divine multi sensory experience, aligning you with your true path. This workshop offers you a safe space to go through your own healin process, while giving you the skills to become a therapist if you choose. Penni 082 900-8024

Bio-Resonance & Quantum-Resonance -bringing balance and wholeness naturally Anne Van Goethem Linksfield North (close to Bedford view and Edenvale) Contact : 011 485 1767 / 083 327 2969 www.

From SCARS to STARS'....... 30 P A T H W A Y S

Body Alignment, Home Alignment Reflexology For treatments to rebalance, relax and heal your life of past hurts, pain and blockages. Contact Edith in Kuils River @ 0718680252 Chetna Madoo (T/a Divine Healing) Reiki Master, Crystal Healing, Intuitive Healing, Meditations and Workshops 082 717 6669 Area: West Rand, Gauteng

Colour Therapy : Healing and workshop Learn how to do colour readings, where your choice of coloured oils offers insight into your challenges, gifts, talents and hidden potential. Using the divine oils and sprays, helps you to navigate and overcome the barriers on your path to fulfillment Penni 082 900-8024

Creative Healing Joy Sifren-Sher Milnerton area. My training and experience as a special needs learner facilitator combined with my body alignment training

Veronica Sleigh

provides me with the tools to assist both children and adults, working in a safe and contained environment. Body alignment assists in building confidence and self-esteem, realizing self-worth, achieving clarity and overcoming issues that prevent one from moving forward in ones life, so that one can reach ones full potential. It also accesses and releases trauma layer by layer. It works in so many positive ways on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. I also have many years experience working with bi-polar. When working with children I use this modality in a playful and creative way. Additional benefits for children include improved concentration, focus and grounding. I am blessed to be doing this work. 073 2852 600

Eliza James Reconnective Healing Practitioner™ Reconnective Healing is like stepping into a space that allows you to experience the wonder and healing touch of God/the Universe. The Reconnection is when you make a concious decision to open yourself up to receiving God/the Universe’s Grace every day of your life. Clients’ responses: “Wow, I don’t know what to say”; “I could feel like tingles moving down both my arms into my hands and out of my fingers – same with my legs”; “I did not feel any sensations, but I feel very relaxed and peaceful”; “I could feel that you took something out of my ear”; “I felt the hands of many people – even children,

working all over my body”; “were you working on my feet, because I felt a lot of heat under my feet” 082 926 9851 (+ 27 82

Glynnis Steyn BodyTalk practitioner, Wellness Coach, Reflexologist. Kwa Zulu Natal 0726078789 HOMOEOPATH: Rebecca Sturgeon 17 years experience. Mother of 2 un-vaccinated children. I give Homoeopathic consultations, courses, kits to order and advise on the telephone. 072 259 6815

Ingrid Pollak Reiki Master (Usui, Karuna, Lighterian) and Crystal Healing (RASA Accredited) Orange Grove & surrounding 082 331 8424

Janine Chauveau (Morningstar) Spiritual Healing, Soul Retrieval, Soul Rescue, Neuro-Linguistic Programming, Egyptian Healing, Spiritual Hypnotherapy, Native American Healing, Shamanic Healing, Past Life Regression, 9 Munay-Ki Rites, Reiki, Aura Cleanse, Chakra Balancing, Crystal Healing, Ayahuasca Ceremonies, Space Clearing,

P A T H W A Y S 31

Home Cleansings, Business Cleansings, Sacred Smoke Blessing, Walk-ins, Poltergeists, Possessions, Exorcisms, Cord cutting, Psychic Attacks. Supplier of African Herbal products. Supplier of Spiritual books, cards and tarot decks by Llewellyn, Findhorn Press, Blue Angel, and US Games Systems Inc +27 (0)82 652 6816: +27 (0)11 475 7306

Lesley Pascoe Certified Body Talk Practitioner Reconnection Healing & The Reconnectioin Pietermaritzburg KZN 084 765 62 43

Lotus Therapies Ruwadi Adams Life Alignment / Home Alignment / Reiki / Sole Reiki – Reflexology / Pranashakti – SSS / Solar-Aura Healing 77 Spencer Street Goodwood 083 229 5019 Louise Stanton Dragonfly Reiki Reiki Master/Teacher Edgemead 072 1493147

Metaphysical Counsellor Susan Greeff •Dipl. Counselling & Communication (SACAP) •Accredited Journey Therapist •EFT Level 3 & Matrix Reimprinting Practitioner •Chakra Energy Reading

32 P A T H W A Y S

& Re-Balancing (Reiki Master) 0836440490

Nia draws from disciplines of the martial arts, dance arts and healing arts. It is a joyful, low impact, uplifting dancing experience which leads to health, wellness and fitness by connecting to the body, mind, spirit and emotions. Nia is suitable for all shapes, sizes, ages and fitness levels. For more information and to see Nia in action visit Call Wendy on 084 782 3571 for class times and fees.

Pathway to Wellness Stress management workshops, Pathway to Freedom Spiritual Transformation workshops Yoga workshop and retreats Energy balancing therapy Yoga classes Pathway to Wellness book on emotional and mental balance in our world of tension available with voice guided meditation cd’s yoga dvd’s available Jennifer Fitzsimmons Based in Amanzimtoti, KZN but offering most services country wide 083 695 1360 Facebook:Jennifer Fitzsimmons, Pathway 2 a new you and Pathway to wellness

PaRama BodyTalk Therapy; TRE; Sound Therapy Christina Auerbach George Western Cape Tel. +27 (0)44 873 4108 Cell: 0845845689 Fax: 0865715406

Rain Martin counselor, educator, holistic therapist (energy medicine / energy psychology / healing arts) Life Alignment, Polarity Therapy, LaStone Therapy, Crystal Healing, Flower Essences email: 0 (+27) 82 77 45 911

Sarah-Jane Farrell True Nature Bodytalk Practice: Energy medicine incl Adv CBP Parama Bodytalk, Bars Access Consciousness facilitator for people and animals 083 256 5514 Susan Greeff Sacred Circles Workshop Vision Board Dreaming Your World into Being •EFT Borrowing Benefits •The Artist Way & EFT Cell: 0836440490 Email:

SHANTHI SANCTUARY A haven of peace in Bedfordview and all are welcome. We offer a wide variety of Spiritual teachings, talks, healings, yoga, and readings; also ISSA Metaphysical School of Ascension. Wendy:

Specialised kinesiologist Tracy du Plessis Western Cape Situated at De Pakhuys Farm outside Clanwilliam (also working in Clanwilliam) Serving Clanwilliam, Algeria, Citrudal, Leipoldville, Lamberts Bay, Vredendal

The Reconnection (III) and Reconnective Healing (I/II) Rain Martin counselor, educator, holistic therapist (energy medicine / energy psychology / healing arts) call 0 (+27) 82 77 45 911

The Sim-ONE Way Centre for Body,Mind & Soul COURSES & MEDITATION Transformational mini-workshops COUNSELLING & HEALING READINGS Channelled through automatic writing SIMONE 0123461935 / 0827853051

The Unicorn Sanctuary Leigh-Anne Slazus Reiki Master,Medium Roosevelt Park Gauteng 0721294373 Leigh-Anne Slazus 0721294373

Natural Products Tahini, olives, pita, felafel mix; sprouter jars and seeds, spices, herb teas and dried fruit and nuts. Essential oils, frankincense, dipped incense and teacandles. Delivery can be arranged. Phone 072 755 9659

Bioscience Natural Health Centre Based in Ermelo, Mpumalanga Now offers: Naturopathy, Herbalism, SCIO Biofeedback therapy, Ozone therapy, Reiki, Aura-soma®, Thai Massage, NLP Life Coach, Darkfield Liveblood analysis, Health shop, Crystals, Crystal jewellery, CD’s, Books, DVD’s 017 811 1136, 0730527793


Health Shops and Healing Centres

Effleurage Health & Well Being Centre We also specialized in Iridology, Life Blood Analysis & hormonal problems (With a difference) 39 Bashee Street, West. Shop 10, J & B Building Three Rivers Vereeniging Tel/Fax 016-423-7599 083-265-8202 / 082-876-7303

Mayfair Cottage, 3 Bright Street, Somerset West, 7130

Offering on site advice with a combined 14 years experience in the health and wellness industry are Andrea Mills and Lesley-Ann Green. Andrea is an Australian trained Naturopath, Nutritional Therapist and FLT practitioner. Lesley-Ann is a Traditional Chinese Medicine practitioner and Tai Chi and Qi Gong instructor. Tel: 021 - 8013959 Cell: 072 493 6151 / 083 431 0640

Be present to your own Being- the rest is letting go" Michael Lubowitz 34 P A T H W A Y S

A great attitude does much more than turn on the lights in our worlds; it seems to magically connect us to all sorts of serendipitous opportunities that were somehow absent before the change. Earl Nightingale You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you. Brian Tracy

There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle. – Albert Einstein All our dreams can come true – if we have the courage to pursue them. – Walt Disney

Don’t say you don’t have enough time. You have exactly the same number of hours per day that were given to Helen Keller, Pasteur, Michaelangelo, Mother Teresea, Leonardo da Vinci, Thomas Jefferson, and Albert Einstein. – Life’s Little Instruction Book, compiled by H. Jackson Brown, Jr.

P A T H W A Y S 35


Boksburg • Oliver Naundorf • 071 226 9034 •

Edenvale • Colleen Bain • 083 700 3408 / 011 609 2542 •

Johannesburg & surrounds • Lee Davenport Brown •083 391 1311 •

Johannesburg • Leigh-Anne Slazus • 011 782 8289 / 072 129 4373 • Magaliesburg • Carol Mulrooney • 014 577 1779 / 083 721 8861 • Roodepoort • Corne Jooste • 011 763 8899 / 073 254 0336 •

Victory Park • Maureen Ferreira • 011 782 0088 / 082 877 3815 • WESTERN CAPE

Edgemead • Louise Stanton • 021 558 1756 / 072 1493147 •

Somerset West • Dawn Myburg • 021842 3186 / 083 765 0726 • Somerset West • Stephen Cox • 021 852 6512 / 083 703 7593 • KZN

Pietermaritzburg • Amelda Paltu • 084 710 5827 • FREE STATE

Bloemfontein • Sue van Heerden • 051 451 1424 / 083 262 0833 •

36 P A T H W A Y S

The Journey has helped thousands of people worldwide free themselves from issues like fear, anxiety, stress, depression, low self esteem, chronic anger and rage, physical illnesses and disease and those relating to addictions and unhealthy behaviours, sexual abuse, relationship problems and career performance.


Blackheath / Northcliff / Randburg Michael Lubowitz • 083 660 1896 • Bryanston Kate Bailey • 011463 9778 / 082 657 2541 • Centurion Penny Patrick • 012 667 5988 / 083 2671493 • Johannesburg Dr. Rita van den Berg • 083 457 8880 •


Nelspruit Michael Lubowitz • 083 660 1896 •


Kimberley Buddy Richards • 053 832 5256 / 082 867 3467•


Cape Town Zeenat Parker • 082 824 8797 • zeenatparker03@gm Blouberg Sibylle Stehli • 082 560 5218 • Parklands & Cape Town Ellie Lawrence • 072 261 5777 • Plettenberg Bay & Garden Route area Carol Surya • 072 7791025 • Somerset West Susan Greeff • 083 644 0490 •

Tel: 0861 10 22 23 (SA only) or +27 (0)11 458 6117. E-mail: or visit us at for more information.



WESTERN CAPE Cape Town Fatima Ely •021 633 2351 / 072 223 7553 • Kenilworth/Wynberg Teresa King • 082 774 4600 • George Christina Auerbach • 044 873 4108 / 084 584 5689 • Gordon's Bay Karen McFarlane • 072 310 5983 • Plettenberg Bay vicinity Rain Martin • 082 77 45 911 • Somerset West Monica Wills • 021 851 8164 / 082 396 2622 • Southern Suburbs Heather Proudfoot •083 444 8807 • Rondebosch Eliza James • 082 926 9851 • KZN Denise Basson • 083 324 1256 • Pietermaritzburg Lesley Pascoe • 084 765 6243 •

EASTERN CAPE Port Elizabeth Lee Morgutti • 041 368 7068 / 078 845 7562 •

GAUTENG Johannesburg Tamsynn Lipchick • 083 326 1112 • Johannesburg North Helen Randal-Smith • 011 462 3110 / 082 9012305 • Lynnwood/Pretoria Marjanne Korver • 083 259 9432 • Northcliff/Johannesburg Claire Osborn • 073 629 1417 •



BodyTalk South Africa

GAUTENG Benoni Irene Graupner • 082 558 8101 • Bryanston Kerryn Varrie • 071 685 9682 • Fourways Christine Conradie • 082 256 6997 • Johannesburg/ Blairgowrie Sue Kneen • 083 266 0807 • Kyalami/Midrand Valeta Leigh • 082 496 8910 • Lynnwood Ridge Julia Hastie • 073 665 6319 • Mnandi Arjen Faanhof • 083 285 8033 • Rietvalleirand Jenny Smith • 082 929 5349 • Sandton Sarah-Jane Farrell • 083 256 5514 • • • Vereeniging Nico de Beer • 082 876 7303 / 016 423 7599 • Wierda Park Beatrice du Plessis • 082 821 6564 •

WESTERN CAPE Cape Town Emma Williams • 082 826 6551/021715 8795 • • Dawn Pilatowicz • 083 226 8250 • KZN Glynnis Steyn • 072 607 8789 • • Durban Andrew Smith • 076 030 8998 • Pietermaritzburg Lesley Pascoe • 084 765 6243 • Westville Chris Lowe • 083 265 0756 • •

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