RUGBY TOWN CENTRE The Next Five Years 2015 – 2020
We have come a long way together Rugby First is an organisation that is focussed on ensuring Rugby town centre performs both economically and aesthetically under the slogan “Clean, Safe and friendly”. It operates a range of core services within the agreed BID mandate, voted for by the majority of town centre businesses in 2010, along with other services in partnership with the Borough Council. Steered by a voluntary board of local business people it ensures decisions made within the company are relevant to the business occupiers in the town centre. The Rugby BID was the first in this region and one of the first in the country in 2005. In 2010, after five years of delivery local businesses showed their confidence and trust in our programme by voting “YES” again. It is time to ask you again for another five year mandate to ensure our work continues. We have gone from strength to strength and are recognised as one of the best performing BIDs of its kind in the country and wish to build on what we have always done well and look to develop a number of new areas. The Rugby BID, when it began and to this day, was a direct response to your ideas to improve your trading environment, encourage footfall and enhance profitability. Our core objectives have always been to make the town centre safer, cleaner and friendlier so that customers will come and your business has the chance to prosper. It is now recognised as a force for good in the town centre and through the BID businesses will continue to genuinely control their trading environment driven by a private sector management approach. The Rugby BID team strives every day to make sure they are working to better your business. You have entrusted us with your support and ideas and in our most recent surveys told us that we have made a real difference to the town centre trading environment. Together, over the last 10 years, we have come along way and we hope that our record demonstrates not only our commitment to your business, the town centre but also highlights what can be achieved by working together. It is my view, that the importance of the BID, in being able to engage and involve the whole town centre business community, not just retailers, for the betterment of the town has never been so relevant. Town centres are changing across the country and the ability to provide an organisation focussed on the demands and needs of existing and potential occupiers, with the capacity to engage with other organisations including Rugby Borough Council, in my opinion is paramount. We are now asking you to carefully consider and help us shape our plans for the next 5 years as it is only by you voting ‘YES’ that we can continue to transform Rugby town centre. Alistair George Bsc (Hons) MRICS Chairman Rugby First
This is your chance to continue investing in the town centre to make it a better place to do business for you and your customers.
“It is extremely reassuring to know that there is someone we can call who can respond immediately and at no cost if we have concerns about anti-social behaviour or an issue with litter, chewing gum or graffiti.” Vicky Nelson, Manager, WH Smith
Working for You Vote YES for Rugby BID 3 and make sure that the projects and services you use continue including:
n The award winning and nationally recognised Rugby Rangers service
n A cutting edge CCTV operation n A deep cleansing, graffiti and gum removal
operation with one of the highest satisfaction ratings in the country
n A comprehensive marketing and promotions
programme that drives footfall, raises awareness and increases spend
“As a business in the BID area I think Rugby First have done a great job. They are helping to improve all the important aspects of our town centre from cleanliness and atmosphere to safety and security and these in turn are good for visitors and businesses ”
Let Us Know What You Want We want to know what works and what doesn’t as the starting point for planning our next five years. With that in mind we would be grateful if you could complete our survey and return it by 17th April 2015. You can also complete the survey online by visiting our website Turn over to find out more about the BID and what has already been achieved.
Andy Salter, Owner, Salters 3
Rugby Town Centre In 2010 Rugby businesses voted yes on a second Business Improvement District (BID). Since then the BID has done remarkably well. It continues to listen and serve the needs of a diverse range of town centre businesses and has delivered what the business community wanted and much more. Rugby, in comparison to most town centres has done well, but it is also now facing tough challenges from online shopping and out of town retail parks. Over the last five years, the BID in partnership with Rugby Borough Council, the police and other organisations, has ensured the town centre remains clean, safe, friendly and welcoming and a place where shoppers and visitors return on a regular basis. Through BID promotions, events and other marketing activity town centre footfall has been maintained, new visitors have been attracted, the number of vacant shops remains well below the national average, and new businesses continue to be drawn to the town centre along with significant new investment. To ensure the town centre’s long term growth and prosperity Rugby must become a hub for local communities to shop, work, relax and do business. It must attract more people from further afield and compete with neighbouring centres. When visiting, people need to feel safe, enjoy clean and attractive surroundings, be entertained, receive excellent customer service and enjoy the whole experience. Businesses, public bodies and residents must all work together to achieve this and only if all these are in place will businesses and the town centre flourish. BIDS are a proven mechanism for businesses to work together in improving their local environment and in tackling problems such as crime, safety, graffiti and indeed raising the profile of the town. Without these foundations in place trade, staff retention, void rates, profit, growth and investment are all affected. The success of the Rugby BID, recognised nationally as an example of ‘Best Practice’, is a reflection of the support of the business community and partnership working with Rugby Borough Council and other stakeholders. In ten years a tremendous amount has been achieved but there is still much more to be done. There is no doubt in my mind that Rugby is a great place to live and do business. A quality 21st century town centre is not a dream, it is a reality. To achieve this though we must continue to work together, listen and be innovative in whatever we do ensuring our town centre prospers and is one businesses, organisations, communities, customers and individuals can be proud of. The town centre BID is the mechanism through which this can be achieved. It’s your town centre, your future and your decision. Make your vote count – vote YES to retain the existing BID services and develop new ones that will benefit your business and the town centre! Aftab Gaffar Managing Director Rugby First
The works and achievements of Rugby First over 10 years means that Over 75% of customers feel safer in Rugby town centre compared to 45% when the BID started. Nearly 90% of businesses see the CCTV and ranger service as important. Over 70% of customers think the town centre is clean compared to 33% when the BID started. Over 90% of businesses think the BID cleaning service is important. Over 75% of customers tell us they visit the town centre more frequently now. Over 80% of businesses think the marketing activities are important.
To continue this work we need the support of businesses by voting yes in the forthcoming ballot otherwise it will cease completely on 31 October 2015. 5
How the BID works? What is a Business Improvement District (BID) A Business Improvement District or BID is an arrangement under which you plan how to improve your own trading environment. Businesses identify projects or services that will add value to their business and agree how to manage it and how much they are prepared to pay. The funds collected are ring-fenced and used only to deliver a structured and guaranteed set of activities voted on by the businesses within the BID. The BID and the projects it will carry out DO NOT and CANNOT replace those services statutorily provided by the public agencies such as the Police and the Council. The BID can only provide projects and services over and above those and lasts for a maximum of five years.
The Opportunity This is your chance to continue investing over £3.5m over five years to maintain and improve footfall, sales and values in the town centre, reduce business costs and simply make the town centre a better place to do business for you and your customers.
The Funding The Rugby BID is funded by those in the area paying a levy based on the rateable value of their business. The levy is all ring fenced and spent by the BID on projects and services agreed by you. It is actually nothing to do with your normal business rates which pass straight to the Government. It is simply a fair way to decide who pays what.
The Management The Rugby BID is a private, not for profit and independent company run by a Board of Directors chosen from those businesses that actually pay the BID levy, including both small and large companies.
The Vote If you have to pay the levy, you will get a vote so you decide. Of those that vote, if a majority of businesses vote in favour by number and by total rateable value, the levy will be mandatory on all businesses in the BID area apart from those that are exempt.
What Happens if it is a ‘NO’ vote. If the vote is ‘NO’ then Rugby First will cease to exist on 31 October 2015. All the services including the Rugby Rangers, the CCTV operation, the deep cleansing, graffiti and gum removal services along with all the marketing, events and promotional activities provided by it will stop immediately at that time.
Map of the BID area 7
Town Rangers Ensuring Rugby town centre is safe, friendly and welcoming to all! The most recognisable, visible, high profile and friendly face of Rugby First is the Rangers in their red uniform. Patrolling the town centre their presence and services have made a real difference to businesses and customers - ensuring Rugby is safe, friendly and welcoming for all and a great place to do business! n A high profile uniformed presence that acts as a deterrent to criminals with direct radio links to CCTV operators that has led to a significant reduction in town centre crime levels. n Regular and static security patrols in areas of high footfall, businesses and car parks to deter criminals and reduce theft from cars. n Assisting businesses tackle crime with floor, tag, changing room checks as well as free security advice, training and tailored workshops for managers and staff.
Marketing activities Event support
n Targeting criminal activity in partnership with businesses, the Police and CCTV operators in the prevention, detection, apprehension of criminals, gathering of evidence, securing the crime scene and assisting businesses where required. n Reducing theft from vehicles in conjunction with the Police and CCTV operators and actively reminding members of the public not to leave valuables on display. n Tackling anti-social behaviour, graffiti and incidents quickly, professionally and effectively before they escalate. n High quality customer service providing help, support, information and directions to visitors, enhancing the town centre experience for all and encouraging repeat visits. n A trusted face dealing with first aid incidents, vulnerable persons and lost children. n Reporting Highway defects to the relevant authority, keeping businesses updated and pursuing them on businesses behalf until they are fixed. n Managing street traders and rough sleepers professionally and sensitively. n Supporting marketing activitiea in the town centre.
“The Town Rangers are excellent, polite and well informed. They are true professionals and a real credit to the town providing peace of mind to me as a business owner and my customers� Nick Turner, Manager, Shoezone
Free shredding
“The town centre is now a much safer place to shop thanks to the Rangers. They are friendly, welcoming and always on hand to help provide a real proactive approach to fighting crime and criminal activity.� First Aid
Rachael Bowman, Manager, Topshop
Making a real difference to your town centre‌ n Assisted with 1500 shoplifting incidents averaging 25 per month n Dealt with 1800 cases of anti-social behaviour averaging 30 per month n Administered First Aid to 1200 people averaging 20 per month n Provided graffiti intelligence on 360 tags averaging 6 per month n 72,000 customer service visits averaging
Customer service A friendly face
1200 per month (recorded visits to businesses) n Involved with 300 lost/vulnerable persons incidents averaging 5 per month n 60 people at anyone time on our target list of criminals n Servicing 85 businesses with our convenient free shredding service 9
CCTV Operation
Watching over your businesses and customers A state of the art CCTV system and award winning control room operating 365 days of the year, 24/7, has seen town centre crime levels fall significantly. The high definition cameras, including ANPR and talking cameras, have proved invaluable in crime prevention and criminal arrests keeping the town centre safe for businesses and their customers. n Highly skilled Rugby First CCTV operators work closely with the Police and Rangers, sharing information, to target criminal activity quickly and decisively. n Town Centre Radio Link allows CCTV operators to work closely with businesses and the Police, through the ShopNet and Pubwatch schemes, to share information, track offenders and proactively target and prosecute criminal activity. n Talking cameras and speakers that issue verbal warnings have proved particularly effective and successful in discouraging anti-social behaviour and fights before they escalate. n Cameras record live and use the most up-to-date digital equipment increasing the likelihood of arrest and prosecution. n Direct radio links to the Police mean quicker response times to security threats or incidents. n High definition cameras enable criminals and their activity to be easily identified and ultimately prosecuted. n ANPR technology used to track vehicles and stop those involved in criminal activity. The technology has proved particularly effective in targeting travelling gangs that use the motorway network to target our town!
Working with the Police 10 RUGBY TOWN CENTRE
“The CCTV service, coupled with the ShopNet/Pubwatch services, is a great example of how Rugby First is really helping improve our town centre and in turn our business. They are helping us tackle crime head on and making a real difference for us as a business and are customers.� David Handy, General Manager, ASDA
Control room
“We have a great working relationship with Rugby First CCTV operators and the town Rangers. They are an invaluable part of the town centre crime prevention team and have made a real difference to the security of the town centre with their cameras and physical presence.” Keith Newell, Cummunity Safety Partnership
CCTV, Retail Radio & Pubwatch making your town safer….. n 1332 CCTV arrests averaging 22 per month n 828 Police arrests averaging 14 per month via our CCTV control room n 360 Pubwatch arrests averaging 30 per
Home Secretary, Teresa May visits control room with MP Mark Pawsey
month via our CCTV control room n 1044 ShopNet arrests averaging 18 per month via our CCTV control room n 190 retail radio’s in town centre in Pubwatch and ShopNet n 84 members being part of Warwickshire Retail Crime Initiative (target packs) n 60 targets being watched n 10 targets on banned watch list from town centre pubs n 27,000 incidents/occurrences recorded out of the ordinary which require action to be taken by the CCTV operator averaging 450 per month
Retail radios 11
Cleaning Services A clean and fresh approach at your service A dedicated cleaning team at your service providing a range of specialist cleaning services – helping to ensure the town centre is a clean place to visit, a fresh place to do business and somewhere we can all be proud of! n A ‘Hit Squad’ that responds to your cleaning request within five minutes and tackles a range of cleaning challenges at no cost on your behalf! n Graffiti removal from a variety of surfaces by an experienced team who also collect evidence for potential prosecutions on your behalf. n Removing gum as it appears on the streets and responding quickly to your requests to remove it from around your premises. n Regular deep cleaning of town centre block paving, bus shelters, high footfall areas, takeaways, car parks and other areas using specialised equipment to ensure the town centre is clean, welcoming and fit for purpose. n Working behind the scenes to keep on top of litter and dog waste and cleaning up after those who have enjoyed a late night on the town. Much of our work is carried out in the early hours so you won’t see us, just the clean streets as you arrive for work.
Removing gum
Dedicated cleaning team 12 RUGBY TOWN CENTRE
“The cleaning services provided by Rugby First are first class and make a real difference to the customer experience.” Mike Hill, Owner, Hills Goldsmiths
Hit squad
A clean sweep for your town centre… n 12,000 pieces of gum removed averaging 200 per month n 4,200 steam-cleans carried out averaging 70 per month n 18,000 shop fronts cleaned averaging 300 per month (early morning clean up before shops open) n 4,800 incidents dealt with by ‘Hit Squad’ averaging 80 per month n 600 pieces of graffiti removed averaging 10 per month
Shop fronts
We should not forget that none of the cleaning services provided by Rugby First would be delivered through Rugby Borough Council if the BID ceased to exist.” Abby George, Manager, Abraxas Cookshop
Deep cleaning 13
Rugby Festival of Culture
Marketing, Promotions & Events Increasing footfall, spend and raising the profile of Rugby town centre Rugby First in partnership with businesses, Rugby Borough Council and other organisations deliver an exciting programme of high quality marketing, promotions and events which have proved extremely effective in increasing town centre footfall, spend, raising the profile of Rugby and local businesses, and attracting new customers and businesses to the town.
“It was great to be involved with the ‘Rugby Festival of Culture’ again. We were packed out. ‘The Alexandra Arms’ had a cracking week. The festival promotion and guide were excellent.“ Nick Pugh, The Alexandra Arms
26 June to 12 July
n High quality events developed and delivered to drive footfall, spend and put Rugby on the map including St George’s Day, Rugby Bikefest, Family Fun Days, Rugby Festival of Culture, Rugby Food & Drink Festival and the Christmas Light Switch on. n Diverse and innovative marketing campaigns and targeted promotions that use the full marketing mix and include the very popular ‘Grab A Smile Deal’ and ‘Rugby Town Gift Vouchers’. n Regular proactive press releases and PR campaigns that help raise the profile of the town centre, the business community; its stories, initiatives, challenges and successes. n Promoting the town, its businesses and offers through Rugby town centre website, social media and You Tube videos.
Rugby Festival of Culture Rugby Food & Drink Festival
Food & Drink Festival 2015
te m b e r
Rugby Food & Drink Festival
“A fantastic idea which really gives people a reason to come into the town centre and see what great produce and local businesses have to offer.” Adrian Sarin, The Rugby Hotel
Rugby Bikefest
“We were thoroughly impressed with the organisation of the day. The event attracted many people from all over Warwickshire, and therefore was a very profitable day for us.” Steve Hirschfeild, Manager, The Lawrence Sheriff
Bringing visitors into town… n Over 15 events delivered annually n The ‘Smile’ card with over 6,000 members n The Rugby Town Centre Gift Voucher n The ‘Christmas Voucher’ mailed out to nearly
30,000 people annually n Provision of comprehensive Online and Social Media presence for the town centre n One stop PR and Communications service for the town centre n Free and Discounted car parking initiatives
Christmas lights
Free parking
Family Fun Day 15
Further Information
If you have any questions or require further information please call Aftab Gaffar on 01788 569 436 or email For general information, please visit our website