Daventry TC BID Doc1_online

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Daventry Town Centre BID

DAVENTRY TOWN CENTRE well connected for business, leisure and living


“We believe that BIDs can be an important tool in coordinating collective investment to improve the trading environment.� British Retail Consortium

2 www.daventry.co.uk

well connected for business, leisure and living

BIDDING TO BE EVEN BETTER In March 2008 Daventry businesses voted yes to forming a Town Centre Business Improvement District (BID). Since then the BID has done remarkably well. It has delivered what the business community wanted and more. In a difficult economic climate, Daventry, in comparison to most town centres is doing well. Thanks to the cleaning, graffiti, security and customer services provided by the BID wardens, in partnership with the Police, the town is clean, safe, friendly and welcoming. Through BID promotion, events and other marketing activity town centre footfall has grown, the number of vacant shops remains well below the national average and over a quarter of a million pounds of in-kind and financial contributions have been levered in, increasing town centre investment by more than 42%. The initial BID business plan was set at a time when the economy was very different. It has served us well but now is the time to build on that plan to ensure we are ready for the next five years. Daventry is growing with planning applications in-place for new shops, restaurants and a cinema. The report by Mary Portas has highlighted the importance of service in town centres. To ensure the town centre’s long term growth and prosperity Daventry must become a hub for local communities to shop, work, relax and do business. It must attract more people from further afield. When visiting, people need to feel safe, enjoy clean and attractive surroundings, be entertained, receive excellent customer service and enjoy the whole experience. Businesses, public bodies and residents must all work together to achieve this and have a clear and unified vision for the town. Only if all these are in place will businesses and the town centre flourish. Town Centre BIDs are a proven mechanism for businesses to work together in improving their local environment and in tackling problems such as crime, safety, graffiti, vegetation management, litter and indeed raising the profile of the town, all of which affect trade, staff retention, void rates, profit and growth. The BID provides a collective voice for businesses and allows new and existing businesses to work together, building on a strong foundation, with new and existing businesses investing in the promotion and management of their area of operation. Keeping costs down is key to the success of any business, particularly in the current economic climate. The introduction of group buying and sharing of services, such as waste disposal, recycling and insurances, can help achieve this. The BID levy, although an added cost, is small in comparison to the potential savings that you can make and to the continued long term growth, viability and sustainability of the town centre. In the first five years the foundations have been laid and a tremendous amount has been achieved. Initiatives for the next BID include business cost savings, more promotional activity and a Daventry loyalty card, in addition to the existing warden, crime, safety, promotion and cleaning services. There is no doubt in my mind that Daventry is well connected for business, leisure and living. A quality 21st century town centre is not a dream, it is a reality, but to achieve this we must work together. The Town Centre BID is the mechanism through which this can be achieved. It’s your town centre, your future and your decision. Make your vote count – vote YES to retain the existing BID services and develop new ones that will benefit your business and town centre!

EUAN TEMPLE Chairman of the Daventry Business Partnership

3 www.daventry.co.uk


BACKGROUND What is a BID? It is a Business Improvement District – an arrangement under which local businesses plan and deliver additional improvements to benefit the trading area, in which they are located. These additional services are funded through a levy and delivered by a not for profit private sector company. Development of those services is headed up by businesses in the area that contribute to the levy.

“From our experience to date, IBRF members consider that BIDs are quickly becoming a “must have” as a means of delivering added value to the business environment.” Inter Bank Rating Forum

4 www.daventry.co.uk

What does the Business Improvement District mean for Daventry Town Centre? Daventry is a changing town. The BID will ensure that new and existing businesses live and thrive side by side, and support one another through joint initiatives. If agreed, from April 2013 the BID will generate in excess of £750,000 through local investment and grants over the next 5 years. All of this funding will be spent on services and improvements in the Town Centre BID area. This will be greater once the new developments in the town centre come to fruition enabling more initiatives to be delivered, at no extra cost to the existing businesses. This is why there is no proposed annual uplift in the levy over the five year period. The services and spend of the public sector in the same period will be maintained and not replaced by any aspect of the BID activities or resources.

well connected for business, leisure and living


How the BID will be managed

That Daventry town centre has a positive and heightened profile, is accessible and well managed, where businesses wish to locate to, and where employees want to work. Where existing and new businesses live side by side supporting one another to create a town centre that is vibrant. Where businesses collaborate to reduce cost and are actively involved in the management of the town centre.

A dedicated Town Centre BID Board will be responsible for developing and delivering projects. This board will comprise of nine elected business members. All businesses will be encouraged to be involved with the working groups of the Town Centre BID Board.

Aims of Daventry Town Centre BID • To enhance the image and prestige of the town centre to reflect the values of the businesses which operate within it. • To ensure a clean, safe and welcoming town centre for all to enjoy, including visitors and employees, through the provision of cleaning services, wardens and events. • To provide services to the businesses located in Daventry town centre including support regarding business crime, training and other trading initiatives. • To optimise resources through group buying and sharing of support services and products such as energy, waste management and discount schemes.

Three board members will be elected by the Town Centre BID Board as Directors of the BID Company Management Board (Daventry Business Partnership Ltd). Daventry Business Partnership Ltd has managed the Town Centre BID for five years delivering a range of services. It will continue to bring that experience to the management of Daventry Town Centre BID but with an increased drive and focus on reducing business costs.

Who will make the BID happen? YOU! – All that stands between the continuation and further development of the current BID, is for a majority of businesses to vote in favour. So if you want the BID to continue, all that is needed is for a majority to vote YES.

5 www.daventry.co.uk



What were the aims of the consultation?

The BID proposal was developed following a series of extensive consultation exercises with businesses located within the town centre. This included face to face interviews, open meetings, and a survey questionnaire regarding issues, activities and levy. Statutory agencies located within the BID area were also given the opportunity to complete the questionnaire.

Who was involved? Daventry has a vibrant and balanced range of businesses located in the town centre BID area. While retail is still the largest single block, it is evident that there is a similar proportional split with the service industries and food and drink. The final quarter is made up of office and public sector businesses. Service businesses

Food and drink

Office based businesses

Public services, health and education

Retail in charity shops

Types of Business in the BID area All businesses in the proposed BID area, were invited to complete a questionnaire seeking their opinions on a range of services that the BID could offer and the levy rate that would be required to support these. Businesses of different types, across the BID area also participated in detailed one to one interviews exploring and discussing in detail how the BID and other issues impacted upon their ability to operate effectively (see plan of Daventry Town Centre and BID area on page 13). 6 www.daventry.co.uk

• To identify the views of the current levy payers as to their opinions of the services they are currently receiving from the BID and those they would like to see in the future.

• To identify the key issues which directly impact upon the businesses in the town centre and to develop and achieve remedies that help businesses realise their own internal objectives.

• To understand the views of people who work in the area on a daily basis and what might encourage others to come to the town to work and shop.

• To identify what factors deter new businesses from investing in the town centre and what would increase the ability of the Daventry Town Centre BID to reduce property vacancy levels.

well connected for business, leisure and living

RESEARCH RESULTS Initial face to face interviews From face to face interviews and discussions the following initiatives were identified as still being important and businesses want them to continue. • Appearance, cleanliness and general management • Promotion and visitor attractions • Crime and safety New initiatives requested were: • Business cost saving initiatives • More promotional activity • Daventry loyalty card With this in mind a number of options were developed and these were sent as a survey to all businesses together with the related levy for their consideration. From the surveys returned a levy of 2.6% was identified as being the generally accepted preferred rate for those supporting the BID.

“The Business Partnership are a key partner we work closely with to keep people safe and make Daventry a place people choose to work and do their business in. In particular the police accredited wardens and the town centre radio system add real ‘on the street’ value to community safety every day through their close working with PCSO’s and officers.” Chief Inspector Dave Spencer Northamptonshire Police

7 www.daventry.co.uk


HOW WILL THE BID RESPOND If the Town Centre BID is agreed, the following services will be delivered.

Project one

Project two



What’s included?

What’s included?

• Deep cleaning of open spaces (over and

• Provision of a business crime scheme.

above that provided by the District Council).

• Removal of graffiti on privately owned business property and other property in the public space.

• Removal of undergrowth where property owners approval has been given.

• Monitoring of the public open space and reporting of issues to those responsible when repair is necessary.

• Gritting of footpaths during periods of prolonged ice and snow. What will be invested? £25,000 per annum. £125,000 over 5 years. Our pledge to you To continue to make a visible difference to the town centre by deep-cleaning, including hotwashing pavements, cleaning street furniture, removal of graffiti and by informing and holding others responsible for repair of their furniture and services in the town centre.

8 www.daventry.co.uk

• Provision of street based wardens to assist visitors and deal with anti-social behaviour.

• Radio link scheme connecting businesses and wardens to CCTV and the Police.

• Support for Daventry Pubwatch Scheme. What will be invested? £75,000 per annum. £375,000 over 5 years. Our pledge to you To support a safe and welcoming town centre where people wish to work, where they feel safe and business crime is kept in check and businesses wish to locate.

Additional Projects PROJECTS IDENTIFIED OVER THE LIFE OF THE BID What’s included? Where additional services or initiatives are identified and supported by business, and where funding can be identified or attracted this will be used to support additional services.

well connected for business, leisure and living

Project three

Project four



What’s included?

What’s included?

• To raise the profile of the town centre and

• To host a minimum of four events per annum

the businesses located here, through a web based business directory.

• Promote availability of vacant units via a dedicated section within the Daventry website and maintain a void rate below the regional average.

• Provision of business and networking events to increase business opportunities.

• To establish a buying group for waste

increasing footfall to Daventry town centre.

• To provide two shopping initiatives per annum encouraging the public to shop in Daventry.

• Promote Daventry business via a dedicated website.

• Ongoing radio campaign reaching out to towns and villages beyond the confines of Daventry.

disposal and recycling of materials.

• To establish discount purchasing initiatives on behalf of businesses located in the town centre.

• Link to the potential Daventry Commercial BID and have an even greater voice for business – with a combined total of 900 members. What will be invested? £25,000 per annum. £125,000 over 5 years.

• A Daventry dedicated loyalty card encouraging repeat visits. What will be invested? £31,000 per annum. £155,000 over 5 years. Our pledge to you To further raise the profile of Daventry as a hub for the community, increase awareness of the businesses in the town centre, and to provide reasons for the public to visit.

Our pledge to you To act in the interest of all businesses in the town centre BID area, reducing costs and providing practical support direct to business.

9 www.daventry.co.uk


VALUE FOR MONEY COST OF THE BID PROPOSAL None of the costs that have been incurred in developing the BID proposals or for carrying out the ballot, are to be recovered from the levy. These have been met by investment from Daventry Business Partnership Ltd.

HOW THE BID WILL BE FUNDED The cost of providing, managing and promoting the additional services as set out in this proposal, has been estimated over a five year period. This has been apportioned between businesses and other non-domestic rate payers in the Town Centre BID area, based on a percentage of the rateable value (RV) assessment as a guide.

Over the life of the Town Centre BID, there will be a few modifications to the levy under the BID rules:

• Any change of use, or ownership (or the creation of a new business within the BID boundary) will be liable to the levy rate current at the time of change.

• Any change to the RV of premises due to revaluation, change in size or reconfiguration will result in a change to the levy payable. This will remain proportionate to the new rateable value.

• Any premises from which charitable services, or organisations providing statutory education for children aged between 4 and 16, (including local authority funded schools, free schools and academies) will be exempt of the levy and as such will not be included in the ballot (charity shops or trading arms will be subject to the levy in line with other trading businesses).

On this basis all business rate payers will contribute an additional 2.6% of their rateable value for each set premises (hereditament) in the BID area at the set time to a maximum RV limit of £1,000,000.

Other income will be generated by way of voluntary contributions from those not liable for the levy, together with grants and trading income. This income will be invested into supporting additional projects and services. More detail regarding the levy is available in the full proposal at www.daventry.co.uk. Alternatively call 01327 828391 to request a hard copy.

“The cooperation of the police and town centre wardens have made Daventry a more friendly and safer place to shop.” Graham Larner, TESCO

10 www.daventry.co.uk

well connected for business, leisure and living








BID Levy



Voluntary contributions and grants






Non collected levy






Total Income


177,000.00 177,000.00


173,150.00 173,150.00 173,150.00 173,150.00

Expenditure Project management and admin






Appearance, cleanliness and general management






Promotion and events






Crime and public safety






Cost savings, business support and 25,000.00 retail training opportunities










Total Expenditure

2,150.00 173,150.00

173,150.00 173,150.00 173,150.00 173,150.00

Any additional income over and above that predicted will be dedicated to supporting the projects and new initiatives. All levy income is ring-fenced and only attributable to initiatives that benefit the Town Centre BID.

HOW WILL EXPENDITURE BE REPORTED? The Daventry Town Centre BID operation will be independently audited annually and the effectiveness of the measures taken will be gauged by key performance indicators for each project area. An annual report will be sent to levy payers at the end of each financial year.

11 www.daventry.co.uk


HOW THE BID WORKS Ballot papers for the vote will be posted to all ratepayers of non-domestic properties identified to be within the Town Centre BID area in January 2013. The businesses are asked to return their completed vote by 14th February 2013. No ballot papers received after 5pm on that date will be counted. The result of the ballot will be announced immediately after this date.

HOW LONG WILL THE BID LAST? The new service delivery will commence April 2013, with the first levy due from 1st April 2013. The bills for the levy payment will be sent out as soon as is practicable following this date, by Daventry District Council rating section. All monies collected will be passed to the BID management company (Daventry Business Partnership Ltd) to be administered in line with the Daventry Town Centre BID business plan. The Town Centre BID will be for a minimum of five years, after which renewal will require further endorsement by those then paying the BID levy.

HOW WILL EXISTING SERVICES BE AFFECTED? The BID will not pay for services that are already covered by existing business rate contributions. The Daventry Town Centre BID will generate projects and services that meet the needs of businesses in the town centre, but are not possible via the existing services. A very high standard is set within the commercial world and the aim is to see that the same level of excellence exists in the services provided to the businesses in Daventry town centre.

HOW TO HAVE YOUR SAY In January 2013 levy paying businesses will be sent a ballot paper and asked to vote on whether they wish the BID to continue and for new additional services to begin. This ballot paper needs to be returned by 5pm on 14th February 2013. To be successful, the BID must clear two electoral tests: 1. A simple majority of those that vote is required. 2. The aggregate rateable vale (RV) of those that vote in favour must be greater than those that register a ‘no’ vote.

A non-vote does not count, so make sure your voice is heard and your views are known.

12 www.daventry.co.uk

well connected for business, leisure and living

WHERE WILL THE BID OPERATE Abbey Street Ashby Road Badby Road East Belmont Road Bishops Court Bowen Square Braunston Road Brook Street Chapel Lane

Chaucer Way Church Walk Eastern Way Foundry Court Foundry Place Foundry Walk Friary Court Golding Close High Street

Little Lane Lodge Road London Road Market Square Millennium Way New Street Newlands North Street Oxford Close

The Daventry Town Centre BID is aligned with the current and expanding town centre as identified within the Daventry Vision and Master Plan for the Daventry growth area.

Oxford Street Primrose Hill Prince William Walk Ridley Court Sheaf Street South Way St James Close St James Street St Johns Square

Station Close Tavern Lane The Hollows Vicar Lane Warwick Street Waterloo Welton Road West Court

“Daventry is more of a community, friendlier and with businesses working together.” Louise Parkin, Global Communications

13 www.daventry.co.uk


THE BENEFITS FOR YOU AND YOUR BUSINESS Your business stands to benefit from this investment and the investment by others, in a range of additional services that businesses and their employees have identified as crucial to the future of this area. These include:

• Daventry focused promotion for business and the town centre as a place to shop and do business.

• A single point of contact to support your business in addressing issues normally outside your own control.

• Group buying of services including energy, waste and insurance, creating financial savings.

14 www.daventry.co.uk

• Encouragement of new investment into the area to reduce property vacancy levels and provide amenities for the people who work in the town centre.

• A strong and effective voice with real influence over the management and development of the environment and the future of Daventry town centre.

• Deep cleaning of paved areas, free grafitti removal for businesses and general environmental work (not carried out by DDC).

• Town centre wardens providing high quality customer care and service for shoppers, visitors and businesses.

well connected for business, leisure and living

• Town centre wardens working closely with the police, patrolling the town centre to help reduce shoplifting, fight business crime, tackle anti-social behaviour and ensure the town centre is a safe place for people to shop, relax and do business.

• Low cost radio schemes linking businesses with wardens, the police and CCTV, ensuring support when required.

• Support for the evening economy via Pubwatch and funded campaigns.

• Town centre events designed to increase footfall.

• Regular training and networking events. As time progresses any additional investment will be used to support services and activities that are highlighted and developed with the input of you and your business. BIDs make a real difference to town centres so make your vote count – vote YES to retain the existing BID services and develop new ones to benefit your business and town centre.

“The BID ensures the businesses of Daventry work together and the wardens help to provide a safe and friendly welcome to shoppers.” Jim Dunn, Waitrose 15 www.daventry.co.uk

DAVENTRY well connected for business, leisure and living

Further information If you have any questions or require further information please call Sally Halson on 01327 828391 or email Sally.Halson@daventrybp.co.uk

www.daventry.co.uk Daventry Business Partnership Limited, 2 Sheaf House, Sheaf Street, Daventry, Northamptonshire NN11 4AA

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