front cover
Artist Analysis Artist AnalyStatement of intent i plan to work in the style of Michael Betts. I will use inspiration from his work to create somethiung of my own, linming back to his photgraphy, and his compositional techniques. I will be looking at modern architecture with glass panelling and metal frame works, and capturing then from abstract and differant camera angles ro crewate something like Michael Betts. I will be using the skew tool on photo shop to get a clear staright line on the buildingfor a more proffesional look. I will also be using the curves tool to create differant tones of blue in the image to make the picture more visually attractive.
the sky has a very tonal range to it, from light blue to dark blue.
I will keep the location of my shoot in mind as this is a very important aspect, i will be shooting my photos in major cities like Leeds, Manchester and Liverpool, as all these are modern cities with modern buildings and architecture. I will need to plan ahead before i go out for the shoot, as i need to make sure that the weather is appropiate need nice, crisp and clear, blue skies. I will keep the natural light in mind, and work with this to create the best possible image. I will use interesting compositional techniques for my photographs, and try to create an abstract picture using my photograph skills and using differant methods on photoshop. Simple editing skills, like using cures tool, can make a lot of differance and enhance the total image; also using the crop tool can turn the image into a very abstarct composition.
the blue tones in the image give off a very calm and peacfull atmosphere. The blue tone of the sky continues through into the building creating a smooth transition between the two. The building is very abstract, the angle it has been photographed enthasises this.
The diagonal lines create a strong perspective and lead your eye from the bottom of the page to the top.
this is my original photograph, as you can see, some areas of the building are over exposed.
as you can see i have changed the photograpgh drastically, i added a more vibrant blue sky and altered the building using colour balance, and by cropping it like so, i have created a more visually atractive outcome.
this is the original image