Practical Planned Giving 2022 | Technology and Data to Lay the Groundwork for Major Gift Fundraising

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Lilly Family School of Philanthropy, Indiana University | January 2022

Donors will give to organizations that demonstrate impact and efficacy, those actively engaged in communication and education, and personalized donor engagement.

They will contribute to organizations with clear and consistent communication.

Donors acknowledge the shift to virtual interactions and the need to use more digital technologies was framed as inevitable.

They understand the perceived lack of impact can be responsible for a decline in giving.

Donors believe strong, compelling marketing communicating impact, and follow-up communication with donors after a gift was made, helped participants feel that an organization was reputable.

“Data Is Worthless Without Context” by Adam Blue, Forbes Technology Council (2022)

“Over the past 10 years, there’s been an explosion of data, but there are challenges to working with data that are being ignored. Namely, data without context is very confusing.”

Does your CRM integrate with a wealth screening and evaluation platform?

Be sure to check!

“Our mission is to make it easy to build meaningful legacies while making legacy giving the norm, not the exception.”

Building an estate plan with a charity … increases volunteering, doubles lifetime giving, and helps them feel a greater sense of purpose.

Yet more than half of people die without creating a will, leaving behind conflicted families, wasted money in legal fees, and missed opportunities to leave meaningful, wellconsidered legacies.

Giving Docs works with organizations to launch planned giving awareness campaigns.

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