Carpaccio Magazine Issue #10: "The impossible is possible, tonight"

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Carpaccio magazine

the impossible is possible, tonight

# 10

“Allò impossible és possible, aqu “Lo imposible es posible, esta noche


invited cow by: Martin Schmidt

Carpaccio Magazine Issue #10: “the impossible is possible, tonight”* Get a copy of this uesta nit” issue here: e” USA, CANADA, UK (for the rest of the world: soon available.) (Para el resto de países próximamente disponible) “tonight, tonight”, Smashing Pumpkins. Carpacciomagazine

: s r ito


Maria Cerezo Emma Llensa


Front cover: Illustration: Caitlin Gallupe

Back cover: Design: Emma Llensa

Collaborators: (thanks to): Estudio Bosque, Hollis Brown Thornton, Iván Sanjuán, Alex Wein, Emmanuel Lafont, José Manuel Hortelano *pi*, José Gallego, Sammuel Pritzker, Charmagne Coe, Shirley Yu, Anna Shelton, Yoda Navarrete *Lady Orlando*, Abo & Ooli *INKINK*, Laina Briedis *eros turannos*, Martin Schmidit, Sarah Mazzetti, Chris Jones, Theo Firmo, Levan Kakabadze, Ángela Jiménez, Tereza Zelenkova, Delaney Allen, Caitlin Gallupe, Steven Beckly, Jamie Reid & Brad Jay, and Jessica Tremp. Interview with: Laina Briedis (eros turannos) and José Manuel Hortelano (Pi). ISSN: 2013-4517

All artwork shown on Carpaccio Magazine is copyrighted and protected material and may not be reproduced, adapted or altered w/o the consent of the original artist(s). Carpacciomagazine

Bosque Buenos Aires Bosque es un nuevo estudio multidisciplinario de creación de gráfica y productos con variedad de técnicas y soportes. Con base en Buenos Aires, fue creado en inicios de 2008 por la fusión de Maybe y Bolsa de Osos. Actualmente su trabajo incluye ilustraciones además de gráficas para diferentes marcas nacionales e internacionales como Vans, Blackfin, Motorola, Nike y proyectos artísticos como el desarrollo de la imagen para el sello discográfico independiente Mamushka Dogs Records. En constante busqueda de diversidad en las opciones que ofrece el diseño grafico ,la ilustracion, fotografia y el arte.Combinadas para generar una imagen original en cada caso especifico de trabajo. Carpacciomagazine


Hollis Brown Thornton 33, South Carolina, USA



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Iván Sanjuán

“Around The House”

30, Cádiz, Spain

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Alex Wein Baltimore, Maryland

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Emmanuel Lafont Mรกlaga, Spain 16 Carpacciomagazine

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Manuel Hortelano “Pi”

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Carpaccio Magazine: Cuéntanos algo sobre ti.

Soy Ilustrador. Empecé a dibujar casi por casualidad y poco a poco me dí cuenta de que era lo único que quería hacer en la vida. He vivido en Valencia más de una década y ahora estoy a punto de irme a vivir a Madrid para empezar otra etapa en mi vida. CM: Ahora que ya has publicado Onán, ¿tienes algún otro proyecto en mente?

Casi al principio de empezar Onán ya tenía en mente hacer su versión femenina, pero es un proyecto a largo plazo. Tengo algún proyecto por ahí que no acaba de cuajar y estoy esperando que se me ocurra algo nuevo y totalmente diferente para empezar de nuevo. 20 Carpacciomagazine

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CM: ¿Cuáles son tus influencias? ¿De dónde sacas inspiración?

Artistas como Francis Bacon, David Hockney, Marlene Dumas, Peter Doig, Rodrigo, Bubi Canal, Marina Abramovic o Erwin Olaf.

Encuentro la inspiración hojeando un cómic (Maruo, Daniel Clowes, Tezuka, Burns) o viendo una película (Fassbinder, Haneke, Lynch). Pero de donde más saco es de las horas que estoy en internet viendo páginas y páginas cargadas de imágenes. El mundo blog ha abierto una puerta cargada de millones de imágenes de donde siempre se puede sacar algo.

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CM: En un mundo en el que no pudieras dibujar, ¿Qué harías?

Cine, sin pensarlo.

CM: ¿Podrías dar algún consejo a ilustradores emergentes?

Que dibujen todo lo que puedan y que lo enseñen al máximo de gente posible. Nunca se sabe donde puede haber un cliente o un trabajo que te apetezca hacer.

José Manuel Hortelano (Pi) Spain 24 Carpacciomagazine

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JosĂŠ Gallego Buenos Aires, Mar de Plata, 16

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Samuel Pritzker 16, San Francisco, California

I strive to capture frightening, yet also nostalgic moments in time that are often left unnoticed. Typically, each still frame of mine encompasses an aged, cinematic quality, which I would like to believe adds a peculiar level of connectivity between my work and the viewer. I create photographs to later recall emotions of distant memories that would otherwise be abandoned. I find that I am most drawn towards film and Polaroids in my work, though I do occasionally work in digital photography. Photography is a pastime that I will cherish for the rest of my existence, and through it, I can be a visual storyteller.

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Charmagne Coe Northern Arizona, USA

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Shirley Yu

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Anna Shelton 34, Portland, USA

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Lady Orlando “I’m not an artist, a painter, a singer, a photographer, a poet, a human, a child, a man, a woman, a cat, animal, mineral, vegetal, a ghost or a dream. I’m not nothing of this and I am all.”

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INKINK INKINK consists of two people - Abo (Kiev) & Ooli (Saint-Petersburg). They work in the area of design, illustation, typography and street art.

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Laina Briedis Carpaccio Magazine: Tell us something about you. Anything? Oh man, I wouldn’t know where to start! Well, I love going on adventures- road trips & long drives out to beautiful nowheres, with adventure music blasting, the windows open, and my hair flying all over the place. I think going on adventures may be my favourite thing to do besides taking pictures- but then again, you could say they go hand in hand! CM: What’s photography for you? Photography is the ultimate source of my happiness. It provides me with a way to preserve feelings, emotions, and memories in something infinite, concrete and beautiful- and it’s a wonderful means of self-expression :) I feel like most of what photography means to me cannot be adequately expressed through words, though. Carpacciomagazine 47

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CM: Where do you find inspiration? Goodness, I find inspiration in so many things! In our infinite universe, in nature and the changing of seasons- I actually feel like there is a direct connection between the core of myself and the seasons. But I find inspiration in all sorts of little connections as well- even in simpler things like cold air coming in through the window and giving me the chills, or the sound of someone’s voice, or the many lovely shapes the human body can take on. Everything can be so beautiful if you take the time to really appreciate it, I think. I’m also inspired by other artists- it’s a wonderful feeling being able to see someone else’s art and relate to it so deeply, or be moved by it in some way.

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CM: What are your influences? My influences are much the same as what inspires me, I’d say- little and big things in the world around me, nature & the human body- all different kinds of connections that I try my very hardest not to take for granted. CM: In a world where you can’t take photos... What do you do? It’s hard to imagine not being able to take photographsthat would be awful! It’s weird thinking of the time before photography was discovered / invented, I really don’t know what I’d do with myself- probably the same sorts of things I do now, only without taking pictures- even saying that feels really sad and empty, though. I’d probably spend more time painting and writing, or maybe I’d take my harp into the woods everyday and play music for all the woodland creatures! 54 Carpacciomagazine

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Laina Briedis Carpacciomagazine 57

Martin Schmidt 26, Frankfurt, Germany

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Sarah Mazzetti 24, Milan, Italy “I currently live in Milan, where I attend the last year of the Illustration course at the European Institute of Design. As illustrator, apart from school-projects, I have been collaborating mostly with musicians, doing artworks for CDs and drawing posters...I have had a couple of shows so far, the first one was a collective show of the selected artist at the Bolzano No-Words Comics Festival [my story was one of the chosen], the second one was just me and my works in a space called Bar Mercato, in Bologna [Italy].�

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Chris Jones 33, Isle of Wight, UK

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Theo Firmo Theo Firmo is a Brazlian-born, Madrid-living artist who explores the realms of memory and expectation in his drawings. He sometimes wishes he had become a writer, for his drawings and animations are more focused in generating fiction than in creating beautiful imagery. You should never ask him what’s behind each picture – ask yourself. 66 Carpacciomagazine

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Levan Kakabadze 1984, Georgia graduated with the Bachelor’s degree in Art with a major in Directing from Batumi Shota Rustaveli State University. 70 Carpacciomagazine

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Ángela Jiménez 21, B: Málaga (Spain). L: London (UK)

“tonight you can touch my heart tonight you can touch my soul, tonight” 74 Carpacciomagazine

Tereza Zelenkova 24, London, UK Carpacciomagazine 75

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Delaney Allen 31, Portland, Oregon, USA

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Caitlin Gallupe 24, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada 80 Carpacciomagazine

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Steven Beckly Toronto, Canada

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Jamie Reid & Brad Jay They both (20 years old) study at the University of Brighton. Jamie is in second year BA(hons) Graphic Design, while Brad is on BA(hons) illustration.

Jamie Reid : Brad Jay: 84 Carpacciomagazine

Jessica Tremp 28, Melbourne, VIC, Australia Carpacciomagazine 85

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