Manual SEO verses SEO Software

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==== ==== SEO SOFTWARE FOR 99 CENTS ==== ====

Are you sick and tired with endless days and weeks of boring SEO work? Thousands of people find themselves completely bogged down in on and on checking of their website rankings, sending numerous requests for link exchange and trying to find the right keywords for optimization in the hope of making their goods sell like hot cakes or attracting flows of targeted traffic. SEO takes all their time, but no results are still seen after a considerable period of this agony. Sounds familiar, doesn't it? To tell you the truth, I was near giving up the idea of site promotion and even of my online business itself, but for these simple calculations. Remember the multiplication table? 450,000 people search, for example, for "pizza delivery" in Google monthly. The first website in Google search results page gets 60% of all users' clicks. The site that ranks 1st for "pizza delivery" gets, therefore, 270,000 clicks and 270,000 prospective sales every month. Aren't these 270,000 worth sweating for? The figures kept me trying to find the solution for my SEO problem. And, finally, I've found one. Here are 10 reasons why to set your choice on SEO software: 1. SEO tools save your time The first and the most obvious benefit is time-saving. A good SEO tool does your 3-hour manual work in 3 minutes. Time is money, they say. Save your time, save your money. 2. SEO tools make your SEO convenient SEO software automates your SEO work at every step, so that it becomes more effective and better organized. 3. SEO tools let you perform different tasks simultaneously SEO software is an indispensable assistant that lets you perform numerous tasks simultaneously, making your work many times more productive. 4. SEO tools use proven SEO techniques that give results SEO software is based on time-proven SEO techniques that really give results. You won't spend your time in vain using ineffective methods of SEO promotion. 5. They save your work from human factor related mistakes

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