==== ==== REDUCE YOUR ELECTRIC BILL WHILE GOING GREEN (CLICK ON BLUE LINE BELOW) http://507e2-0h8bs-sj6boh12dqezc0.hop.clickbank.net/ ==== ==== Home Energy Assistance Program Types of Home Energy Assistance Program You Can Avail With the rising household demand for electricity, particularly during winter and summer, many low earners and widows could not afford the price they have to pay for keeping the house either warn or cold. The matter gets worst with the increasing cost of electricity on every state around the nation. Now, any family with little income or widows who receive small pension have nowhere to go but to seek help. Good thing, there are several institutions who are willing to take care of households electric bills or do some makeovers on homes in order to make them electric efficient. These are called home energy assistance program. There are several types of home energy assistance program. If you fall on the category of those who need help on electric bill, here are the things you need to know: Note: Several institutions use different names on the programs they offer. Each state across America also uses own terms. Thus, the terms below may not be available on your State but the descriptions may be similar or the same. (We will try to be as general as possible.) The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program In general terms, the LIHEAP subsidizes the energy consumption of households with low income. Some programs cover only a specific period, usually during winter or summer. On some STATES, LIHEAP helps households to pay past due electric bills, pay current electric bills, and even improve the home to become energy efficient. To further reduce future electric bills. Those who want to afford the Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program should fall on the categories stated. Remember that every State has their own criteria in selecting households that qualify to the program. You may want to check on these from your local government. Weatherization Homes should be built and adapt to the particular climate to maximize home energy consumption. This program covers the cost of home improvement to adapt for the coming winter or summer. Normally, the wetherization programs include changing the homes windows, installing window plastic covering and weather stripping among others. Subsidizations Some states shoulder a portion of the electric consumption of households who cannot afford the high cost of heating during the winter season. Low-income earners are the usual beneficiaries of this program. Energy Budgets and Energy Conservation Counseling On some states like Wisconsin, program