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One of the biggest challenges for any new site is marketing to the right customers. With a Groupon clone site, this is actually a pretty easy task. A group buying script makes a practical addition to any site that emphasizes local content. The idea behind these sites is to work up enough interest in the offers put forth by the businesses on them to get people to sign up for the discount. Because the businesses are, by and large, brick and mortar establishments, there is a natural market among locals. You can advertise a Groupon clone site outside of the usual venues that Internet sites advertise on. For instance, there's nothing automatically bad about advertising your site in local print publications. Some Groupon users will almost certainly be people who don't usually use online resources because they prefer to buy local. Because a Groupon clone site can provide local discounts, information and placement for advertisers, these sites can be made attractive to such users. A Groupon clone site can also be marketed online, of course. Because many of them are local, you may want to consider pitching yours on local sites and, thereby, creating networks within your local community that can help sustain your business. A Groupon site can be a lot of fun to run, especially for those who do like doing business with a local flair. There's nothing preventing you from expanding, however, and from offering Groupon offers from businesses that might be outside your city. These sites are surprisingly easy to get up and running. Even if your strength is selling ads, not administering websites, you may find a good niche for your skills with a Groupon clone site. There are many different ways you can creatively market and promote these sites.
Find the Couponic - Groupon Clone at http://uniprogy.com
Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Ralph_Fox