CARTIF Annual Report 2020

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INDEX 01.GENERAL DATA -What is CARTIF? -Members of the board -CARTIF in figures -Excellence -Platforms, networks and associations

02.RESEARCH AREAS -Agrifood Technologies -Biotechnology. Sustainable Chemistry -Environment and Climate. Natural resources -Ecological Processes. Circular Economy -Innovation Processes. Industry 4.0 -Edification -Culture and Nature


-Health and Wellness -Industrial Solutions -Energy Systems -Energy Saves -Intelligent Cities -Energy Saves -Intelligent Grids



-Transforming Transport











Horizontal Technology specialized in giving solutions to companies.

Centre integral

Its objective is innovate to improve the productivity of the spanish and european tissue.



Research to improve the life quality of people.

With 26 years of experience till twelve are the research areas in which CARTIF has a huge experience: agrifood technologies, industrial solutions or energy and climate among others.

MEMBERS OF THE BOARD Technological Advisors Dr. Fernando Aldama. Ex General Secretary of CYTED Programme Dr. José Ramón Perán. CARTIF CEO Board Presidency. HUERCASA 5ª GAMA S.L Vicepresidency. CECALE Secretary. Universidad de Valladolid Members. Quesería Entrepinares, S.A.,Galletas Gullón, S.A.,Dragados, Productos Solubles, S.A., Bodegas Matarromera

Associated Companies. Acciona, Aciturri, Ayuntamiento de Boecillo,

Carburos Metálicos, Divisa IT, Iberdrola, Industrias Río, Unicaja Banco.













38,9 %































In CARTIF we count with own accredited laboratories to carry out test of compound materials, paintings, varnishes, sealants, resins and wood pellets and test of non-metallic materials in accordance to the aerospacial standard AS 7003. Along with it, CARTIF counts with the quality, environmental management, R&D management and ecodesign certifications.




PROMETIA·Mineral processing and extractive metallurgy for mining and recycling Innovation Association

GBC· Green Building Council España EERA AISBL· European Energy Research Alliance EFFRA· European Factories of the Future Research Association ECTPS· European Construction Technology Platform EU ROBOTICS· EU ROBOTICS Association ISES· International Solar Energy Society SPIRE· Sustainable Process Industry through Resource and Energy Efficiency

BDVA· Big Data Value Association CIGRE Comité España· International Council of Large Electric Systems AITADIS· Ibero-american of support technologies for disability AVEBIOM· Spanish Association of energy valorization of biomass AEC· Spanish Association of the Road CBECYL· Capital Goods of Castilla y León Cluster



AEICE· Efficient Construction Innovative Business Association SIVI· Innovative Solutions for the Independent Life of Castilla y León


AEI CIBERSEGURIDAD· Cibersecurity and Advanced Technologies Cluster AER-ATP· Robotics and Automation of Production Technologies Spanish


FACYL· Castilla y León Automotive Cluster AEDIVE· Electric Vehicle Infrastructure AEI ADABE· Association for the Diffusion of Biomass in Spain AIF· Iberian Association of Photocatalysis PTV· Technological Platform of Wine in Spain PTEA· Spanish Water Technology Platform PTEC· Spanish Technological Platform for Construction HISPAROB· Spanish Technological Platform for Construction SMART CITY VYP· Association for the Promotion of the Samrt City

Valladolid and Palencia

CONFEDEM· Confederation of Mining and Metallurgy Entrepeneurs


LOGISTOP· Technological Platform in Integral Logistics, Intermodality and Mobility

PTC· Spanish Road Platform THINKTUR· Tourism Technology Platform BIOTECYL· Castilla y León Health Cluster PTEEE· Spanish Technological Platform for Energy Efficiency FOOD FOR LIFE MANUKET· Spanish Technological Platform for Advanced Manufacturing BIOPLAT· Spanish Technological Platform for Biomass






With more than 20 years of experience at the food and drink industry, the Food area of CARTIF offers a specialised, unique service tailored to process and product needs. The work on this area is focused, mainly, in the framework of healthy and sustainable food. Throughout all its projects, this team collaborates with various companies throughout the project process: from the generation of ideas and implementation, to the research results, development and innovation.



Food and health: guided nutrition, functional products, reformulation, clean label, transformation of ingredientes and modification of dietary fibre structure. Incorporation of agrifood subproducts in products of human and animal nutrition. Incorporation of new proteic sources and bioactives to increase the health in aquaculture. Assurance of the food availability, new proteic sources, texturisation of proteins (insects, substitutes of meat and fish).


Development of experimental test of extrusion. Reformulation of new food, improvement of the nutritional quality. Valorization of agrifood subproducts. REFERENCE CLIENTS

Entrepinares, Grupo Matarromera, Gullón, Cerealto Siro, Prosol.



With a clear vocation for the research and implementation of solutions applied, both to the industrial sector (agrifood, chemistry, materiasl) and to the protection and improvement of the environment, the biotechnology and chemistry area marks a turning point for research in both branches. It combines in an integrated manner several areas of knowledge and tools based on biotechnology and Green Chemistry for the improvement and sustainability of the industrial, environmental and life quality processes.



Integrated biorefinery and process scaling upstream/downstream. Biomass pretreatment processes, chemistry/enzymathic hydrolisis. Biodegradation of plastics and obtaining molecules of interest to the chemical sector. Conversion technologies of CO2/syngas in products of added value. Thermo-catalytic processes and high pressure processes. CAPACITIES

Experimental studies of bioprocesses of advanced fermentation for the transformation of biomass. Development of new processes of biodiesel obtention. Viability studies of catalytic reactions and their kinetics. Design and scaling of chemistry processes. Utilisation of plastics and valorisation of residues through bioprocesses. REFERENCE CLIENTS

Novamont, Tecnalia, FCC, Bio Base Europe Plant, Hellenic Petroleum, Resinas Naturales, CPERI, CERTH



With the spotlight in those aspects that contribute to mitigate the climate change effects, the Natural Resources and Climate area has as a main mission the research and development of technologies and processes that contribute to the handling and sustainable management of natural resources and protection of the environment. The team of this area contributes to the scientific comprehension of the planet and the beings that inhabit it, studying the structure and function of the nature and promoting the sustainability in the use of resources.



Bio-urbanism, nature based solutions, environmental sustainability. Agronomic processes, sustrates and intelligent fertilisers, bioremediation. Sustainable processes of aircleaning and water purification, biofilters. Climate planification, urban and rural, air quality, modernization of atmospheres. Environmental modelling of the territory. CAPACITIES

Renaturalization of urban and industrial spaces. Development of new biofertilisers and biostimulants. Improvement evaluation of forest and agricultural cropland. Diagnoses of mining productivity. Test and development of new photocatalytic materials. REFERENCE CLIENTS

GMV, Singular Green, IBERTEC, EPTISA, COLLOSA, ACCIONA, Elssan, Ayto. de Madrid, CSIC, Ayuntamiento de Badajoz, Ayto. de Valladolid, The Mersey Forest.



The Circular Economy has become a key piece in nowadays society, and CARTIF has been working on it during years. The objective of this area is to reach out and implement the concept of zero-residues throughout the sustainable management of residual currents and subproducts, as well as the research in new alternatives of products that includes such and approach. The valorisation of residues, the implementation of treatment techniques and renaturalization of effluents, or the minimization of polluting atmospheric emissions, are some of the activities treated in the circular economy area to put in value each of its purposes.



Valorisation of organic/waste high-load waste effluents. Nutrients recycling: cycle closure. Valorisation of plastic residues. Recovering and valorisation of marine residues. Thermochemistry treatments: pyrolysis, torrefaction, gasification, hydrothermal. Generation and utilisation of biogas, biomethane and syngas. Integral management of municipal residues. CAPACITIES

Test of recycling and thermic processes of plastics. Optimization of processes of anaerobic digestion in pilot plant: biogas. Viability of upgrading biogas plants: biomethane. Microalgae for effluents treatment and recovering of subproducts. Characterization of solid residues for the control of drying processes. Deployment of sustainable good practices in hospitals: energy, water and residues. REFERENCE CLIENTS

TURQUEPLAST, Biotran, Aguambiente, Greene, Opus RSE



Industry 4.0 or the named fourth industrial revolution, pretends to maintain interconnected both to the factory media, and to the value chain. Its implementation has as a unique aim succeed in giving a more agile and concrete response to different changes such as unexpected breakdowns or variations in the specifications of the product by the customer. CARTIF, as a technology transfer centre, works in the development of innovative enabling technologies that allows companies feed off of "Industry 4.0" philosophy and inculcate it in this way in their environments and improve the work quality of their processes and its collaborators.



Enablers for the future factories. Development of predictive maintenance systems. CAPACITIES

Diagnosis and failures pronostic in industrial processes. Artificial intelligence for the manufacture. Simulation of productive processes troughout discrete events. Advanced automatic control of processes (MPC). Traceability in the agrifood industry. Advanced sensorization of productive processes. Optimising performance of the control systems of processing plants. REFERENCE CLIENTS

The Engineering Group, Industrias Maxi, EXIDE, EIFFAGE, Huercasa, Iberdrola, Gullón, Renault



With the aim of giving answer to the needs of the construction sector, integrating it in the global concept of urban and territorial regeneration (Smart Cities/Smart Territories), the Infrastructure and Edification area dedicates its effort in developing technological solutions focused on the Sustainable and Intelligent Construction. This area works on the focus and special emphasis in different fields of application and with special emphasis in the sensorization and monitoring of infrastructures, integration of renewable energies in edification, 3D printing technologies in construction, devices and IoT grids for the intelligent house, rehabilitation and predictive maintenance in buildings, digitalization and 3D measurement, FEM simulation, development of new materials with innovative properties and solutions for the logistic and transport.



Monitoring and control of the infrastructures. Digitalization of infrastructures. Development of new cosntructive technologies. CAPACITIES

Building and sustainable and intelligent civil work. Inspection, sensorization and monitoring of infrastructures of inland transport. 3D printing in construction. Digitalization and 3D measurement in buildings and civil works. Rehabilitation, conservation and preventive maintenance. IoT devices and communications grids in buildings and infrastructures. Control and management of infrastructures. REFERENCE CLIENTS

VIAS, DRAGADOS, GEOCISA, Placo Saint-Globain



Our heritage, in any of its meanings, must be cared for and maintained,and CARTIF´s Heritage area provides innovative solutions for its research, protection, conservation, restoration and dissemination. Both cultural heritage, which refers to the heritage of our ancestors and the legacy for future generations (such as objects or pieces susceptible of musealisation, buildings or monuments, non-material creations, or digitised materials for their conservation), and natural heritage, referring to natural monuments, geological formations, places and natural landscapes, are the main characters of this area.



Digitalization of cultural and natural heritage. Rural and urban regeneration. TICS applied to the data heritage. CAPACITIES

Image analysis and pattern extraction. Digitalization, modelling and 3D simulation. CAD/CAM/CAE/H-BIM. Artificial Intelligence. Big data and data analytics. Sensorization and monitoring for the preventive conservation. Web platforms and computer tools for the interpretation of data and decision making. Rural and urban regeneration strategies based in heritage. REFERENCE CLIENTS

TRYCSA, Fundación Santa María la Real, Junta de Castilla y León, GEOCISA



Divided in two differentiated branches, the Health and Wellnes area of CARTIF address their research lines applied in two lines: robotic and "decision support". The robotic line integrates social interaction and forces between robots and people for the latest development of services of social and health care. On the other hand, the line of "Decision support" is situated in the SocioAssistance area and the management of resources and processes.



Development of robotic systems of social interaction. Development of robotic systems for the rehabilitation assistance. TICs for hospital systems. CAPACITIES

Development of applications and social interaction robotics. Interaction robotics of man-robot power (rehabilitation, toning). Support to the socio-assitance decision (processing of biomedic signals, Machine Learning). Support to the decision in the field of resources management and processes (interoperability based in standards, discrete modeling of processes or Digital Twins). REFERENCE CLIENTS

Sacyl, Complejo Asistencial Universitario de León, Hospital Clínico Universitario de Valladolid, Hospital Nacional de Para pléjicos (Toledo)



Efficient manufacturing and transition through the factory of the future is possible, and the area of industrial solutions in CARTIF works daily to reach it. In order to provide industrial solutions to all clients, through different research lines it is about being always updated and adapted to the new needs of the market in each moment. Since flexible manufacture, efficiency of the manufacture processes, intelligent manufacture processes, collaborative robotics to the advance automatization are some of the solutions that we treat to solve without removing the focus of rentability and positioning the market in profit of our customers.



Automatization of machinery and productive lines. Design of mechanic and structural systems. Development of solutions based in artificial vision. CAPACITIES

Design, simulation and calculation of mechanical components. Automatization and processes control. Visual computation. Predictive maintenance. Industrial robotics. REFERENCE CLIENTS

ADIENT, Renault, Gestamp, PROSOL



Energy systems area lends solutions that help to the management of heat and cold grids, enabling an improvement of generation elements operation, distribution or consume, including the power exploitation of the recovery of residual industrial heat. The main axe of this area revolves around the hybridisation of technologies and the development of solutions that integrate generation with renewables to different scales. These solutions allows optimizing the communication and operation of renewable generation plants through the identification and characterization of defects of the electrical grid in generation or indsutrial plants. In addition, green hydrogen is another of our maxims as we develop solutions for its integration in the transition through the decarbonization of energy global model.



Exploitation and efficient conversion of renewable energy sources. Recovery of residual heat. Heat and cold grids. Sustainability around the water-energy nexus. Electric grids quality. Utilisation of hydrogen as a energetic vector. CAPACITIES

Modeling of dynamic simulation of energetic solutions. Design of management strategies of innovative energy systems in buildings and local sustainable grids. Design and analysis of saving measures and energy efficiency (MAEs), including measure and verification of savings in accordance to IMPVP protocol. Support to the design of solutions of monitoring and application of measure techniques in energy facilities. Quality analysis of electric grids. REFERENCE CLIENTS

ENEL, SIEMENS Gamesa, VEOLIA, Comisión Europea



Focusing on buildings in new construction or refurbishment projects, nearzero energy buildings and energy positive districts, the Energy Efficiency Area focuses its forces, knowledge and ICT tools to improve each of them. All this integrated with innovative technologies to model, characterise and propose advanced solutions that combine technologies (passive and active) available on the market. In addition, each process allows buildings to be managed more efficiently by modelling and digitising their information, and implementing advanced control energies to optimise the use of energy resources and improve comfort conditions.



Buildings and more efficient districts. Integration of innovative technologies. Intelligent management of buildings. Measure and verification of savings (IPMVP) Energetic audits in buildings and industry. Fiabilization of actives of renewable generation. CAPACITIES

Design and optimization of energy conservation measures (ECMs). Digital twin of buildings and energy systems: BIM, IFC, CityGML. Monitoring solutions for energy and comfort. Interoperability in building, management systems (IFC, SAREF). Energetic management (HEM, BEMS, DEMS). Smart Contracts for energy transformations (blockchain). Big Data for decision making (KPIs, ISO 50001) REFERENCE CLIENTS

ENEL, SIEMENS Gamesa, VEOLIA, Comisión Europea, Sedical, Universidad de Burgos, Ayto. de Valladolid, Acciona



Smart Cities area works to help cities improve their sustainability by adequately planning an energy transition in the medium and long term (2030 - 2050). It also develops and evaluates the subsequent effectiveness of Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plans (SECAPs) and Integrated Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans (ISMPs) for municipalities. It helps to deploy each of the solutions as urban platforms fostering interoperability between city infrastructures and seeking informed decision making by applying advanced machine learning and Big Data technologies. It encourages the deployment of urban mobility solutions that are less harmful to the environment.



Integrated urban energy planification. Action plans for the climate and sustainable energy. Intelligent urban strategies. Urban platforms of management. Sustainable urban mobility. CAPACITIES

Leadership of urban transformation processes in Smart City projects. Diagnostics of the initial status of the city, through the realisation of an audit that allows knowing the initial Smart level. Promotion of new governance models through the deployment of coaching-mentoring and capacity building strategies. Development, analysis, monitoring and evaluation of action plans for energy and sustainable climate (PACES). Development of models of open specifications for city TIC platforms. Deployment of a set of more than 200 indicators based in standards to evaluate and validate the impact of the Smart initiatives in our cities. REFERENCE CLIENTS

Ayto. de Valladolid, Ayto. de Valencia, Comisión Europea, Ayto. de Dresde



Public entities are the institutions that have to show example in climate and energy matter, the Energy and Climate area of CARTIF is working for its implementation and following. The development of models of integrated evaluation (IAM) allow us to advance in the definition of climate and energy policies for a better planification at a national an european level. All of that by the use and exploitation of georeferrenced information in public bases, we elaborate GIS maps and geolocalized studies with various detail levels that allow us evaluate climate and energy parameters, as well as the potential use of the territory.



Support on the application of European Directives. Adptation and climate change mitigation strategies. Strategies in matter of energy transition. Integrated evaluation models (IAMs). Decision making support tools. Exploitation of geographic information. CAPACITIES

GIS Desktop: Geographic information system of free software. CityGML: Information model for the representation of set of 3D urban objects. INSPIER: Data models of spacial information in Europe. VENSIM: Modeling software to simulate, anile and optimize dynamic models of systems. Resources management models (territory, energy...) for analysis and elaboration of policies in matter of energy and climate. REFERENCE CLIENTS

Ayto. de Valladolid, Cotesa, GEOCYL, Ayto. de Laguna de Duero, Valladolid Adelante, EREN, Comisión Europea,Joint Research Centre, Junta de CyL



From the Smart grids area of CARTIF the research and development is focused in optimal management systems of electric microgrids with renewable regeneration and storage in batteries, in the integration of electric microgids with thermal grids and the hybridation of battery systems. With these studies it is intended to manage the flexibility of electric charge sets and industrial processes to open the door to suppliers of auxiliary services or the participation in future flexibility markets.



Energy communities. Characterization and energy prediction. Control and planification of local grids. Flexibility management. CAPACITIES

Optimal control of the energy systems. Predictive control of energy systems. Demand and flexibility management in electric systems. Virtual storage. Management and modeling of stationary batteries. Demand and generation prediction of electric energy in local systems of generation and consume. Development of tools for the planification and management of energy communities. Self-consumers management to optimize local resources of renewable generation and storage.


SIEMENS Gamesa, Horizon 2020, ICE Junta de Castilla y León




CARTIF ANTISPLASH MASKS: PREPARED TO STOP COVID-19 COVID-19 appears without advise, it force us to change our lifes rhythm and to stop any activity; however, the health sector suffers the opposite; a frenetic work rhythm, an adaptation to change totally in record time and a disproportionate scarcity of Individual Protection Equipment (EPIs). In view of this situation, from CARTIF we adopt a totally clear position, and was to focus all our forces on helping this sector, one of the most injured and more solidary during those hard months. We join our efforts and capacities to respond to the untiring request from the health collective of more and better means to minimise the risk of contagion during their daily labour. Hospitals, residences, associations for the care of people and pharmacies were the pillars on which we lead our efforts, and it is that more than 400 antisplash masks landed between various of these Castilla y León health centres. .


During these months we made our 3D printing capabilities available to the community, with the collaboration of other entities such as ZF Group and the Escuela Superior de Diseño of Valladolid, to manufacture thousands of masks that served as shield for those who needed them most at the moment. The need of protect yourself from a virus each time it was more necessary, and from CARTIF we wanted to make it real. One of the first health centres in receiving one of the entries of antisplash masks was the Complejo Hospitalario San Luis from Palencia, who were able to test them in their isolation unit for infected persons by the virus and protect themselves from this invisible threat.



The ASPRONA association, located in Viana de Cega, was also one of the first care centres to receive this protective equipment. Likewise, other health centre to whom it was delivered various individual protection equipment was the Hospital Clínico Universitario from Valladolid. Both doctors, nurses, auxiliaries and any staff that belongs to those space, received another entrie of antisplahs masks, with a donation of more than 2,500 gloves, protective gowns and masks with reservoir for connection to respirators from the Test and Analysis Laboratory of CARTIF. From CARTIF we assign all our effort in helping one of the most injured and solidary sector during these hard months. We join our forces and capacities to respond to the untiring request from the health collective of more and better means to minimise the risk of contagion during their daily labour.




2020 PROJECTS 57


The climate change is one of the majors environmental problems nowadays, and from the CITyFieD project pretends to face this cause from the cities point of view. This european project rise to convert the existent cities in more sustainable and intelligent cities. The main objective of this project is to develop innovative and efficient methodologies to mitigate the nocive effects of the cities and be able to maximize their replicability, exploitation and difussion of the results to awareness and commitment with the sustainability. With the looks at the impacts and energetic demand originated from the building parks of the cities, with this research pretends to reduce and mitigate the Green house gas emissions through renewable energy sources.

04. 2020 PROJECTS

Laguna de Duero (Spain), Lund (Sweden) and Soma (Turkey) have been the cities chosen to test these new initiatives on a large scale and to set the example for many more in the hopefully not too distant future. Thanks to this project, energy consumption has been reduced by 35%, lower greenhouse gas emissions (a saving of 2,453 tCO2/year), greater use of renewable energy and high social acceptance. This initiative has been implemented in the refurbishment of 190, 462 m2, involving 2,067 homes and more than 5,700 citizens.



REMOURBAN project, led by CARTIF, aims to change the direction of cities by turning them into more sustainable and intelligent areas. To achieve this, its actions are based on three main axes: energy, mobility and ICTs. The main objective of the project is to develop and validate urban regeneration models in three lighthouse cities. With this, it is expected to create a catalogue of innovative technologies and solutions that can be replicated in any locality. Valladolid (Spain), Nottingham (United Kingdom) and Tepebasi (Turkey) have been the three lighthouse cities chosen to carry out each of the three, and participating in this project has served as a guide to Seraing (Belgium) and Miskolc (Hungary), the two follower cities that have been also participated in the project.

04. 2020 PROJECTS

The model integrates actions based on three priority areas. The energy area has worked on the energy rehabilitation of districts and distributed energy generation through renewables; on the other hand, the mobility area has focused on motivating citizens to acquire electric vehicles and improving urban infrastructures for public transport; the ICT area has focused on the development of advanced energy management systems, development of monitoring tools, etc. With all this work, the aim was to reduce CO2 emissions by 50% in districts and 5% in urban mobility, and to reduce energy consumption by 34% in districts and 5.1% in urban mobility. 1927 variables have been collected on the global REMOURBAN platform and 6 services have been developed involving a total of almost 20,000 citizens.



Improving education and social buildings in the face of climate change has become a necessity, and the LIFE myBUILDINGisGREEN project has been tasked with making it happen. The impacts of climate change are affecting the health and well-being of children and the elderly, who use these facilities. The main objective of the project is to improve and increase the resilience of the facilities of our young and old through Nature Based Solutions. Through different prototypes, the aim is to achieve their climate adaptation and improve their well-being. Heat waves, or changes in annual and seasonal rainfall patterns, are some of the causes that are currently having the greatest impact on these buildings and which need to be remedied as soon as possible.

04. 2020 PROJECTS

One of the schools in Extremadura already enjoys one of the pilot tests of the project in its facilities. From sustainable roofs and bioclimatic roofs, through sustainable and efficient green areas, to the implementation of natural ventilation formulas and seasonal shading structures, are some of the proposals that have been carried out within the project. This initiative aims to monitor and evaluate the NBS as a climate adaptation measure in these pilot buildings, the LCA and Carbon Footprint of each of them, the collection of information and design of technical criteria for the selection of pilot buildings and the drafting of projects in NBS and the carrying out of works. The expected outcome of this project is the climate adaptation of two more pilot buildings through the implementation of NBS prototypes.



URBAN GreenUP project, included in the European Horizon 2020 programme and led by CARTIF, has a clear premise: the renaturalisation of cities. This sustainable project aims to mitigate the effects of climate change and improve air quality and water management with different 'green' proposals. The main objective of this project is to improve the quality of life in cities and give back to their inhabitants the importance of preserving the environment through the installation of green areas in urban areas or the implementation of NBS in pilot cities. Urban areas are becoming more and more populated and busier, and therefore more polluted and polluting. Climate change is one of the most important problems in these areas, and from URBAN GreenUP we try to stop, as far as possible, its rapid advance.

04. 2020 PROJECTS

Valladolid (Spain), Liverpool (UK) and Izmir (Turkey) are the 3 demonstration cities to test different NBS between their streets to bring back green spaces to these urban centres. Mantova (Italy), Ludwigsburg (Germany) and Medellin (Colombia) will be among the next cities to replicate their own action plans based on the project strategies. Some of the actions have been carried out to improve urban air quality range from vertical gardens to the installation of floating islands. The project missions aims to implement more than 100 different NBS in the 3 leading cities, not forgetting to involve citizens in the co-design of their city renewal plans. These actions are intended to improve rainwater management, reduce the heat island effect, among other impacts.



48 experts partners in transport, logistics and ICT have the way to analyse mobility and logistics in a realistic, measurable and replicable way. Based on these parameters obtained by Big Data in both trades, 13 pilot projects have been developed in 7 different domains. The main objectives of the Transforming Transport project are focus on improving the management of load-unload areas, reducing the impact of load-unload areas on traffic congestion in the city centre, and, lastly, increasing citizens satisfaction. This project focuses on the development of an integrated urban mobility framework based on the analysis of traffic management and logistics information system data. In Valladolid (Spain) and Tampere (Finlandia) has been carried out some of the actions as generating traffic simulation models of the

04. 2020 PROJECTS

city centre that include real information from vehicles on the road and behaviour from logistic companies, or the analyse of different freight delivery scenarios to predict the impact of future traffic regulation and lastmile delivery policies, among others. After all the actions implemented in the Valladolid pilot project is expected, after the final data-driven knowledge extraction, to discover the data volume and behvaiour on delivery routes, the development of urban delivery planning tools and dashboard displaying the key information obtained, and the creation of microsimulation traffic models and scenario simulation to know in advance the impact of future new regulations related to last mile delivery.



REPLACE project arises from the need to change course of the destruction of oil-based plastic waste. Being a critical environmental problem nowadays, this project aims to develop new methodologies to try to solve it. Focused on traditional treatments and their environmental inefficiency, CARTIF investigates other possible ways to improve this situation: environmentally sound and less energy-intensive thermochemical treatments. The main objectives of the project are based on the optimization of time and resources during this process. One of the keys to this research is the revalorization of the compounds obtianed in the destruction of plastics by means of a biotechnological process to obtain high added value bioproducts suitable for synthesising environmentally friendly materials.

04. 2020 PROJECTS

In order to solve one of the problems with the greatest environmental impact, this project aims to study the different process conditions to optimise thermochemical and biotechnological techniques by means of work coordinated by four working groups with analytical monitoring using a variety of techniques. All of these processes are expected to achieve a total degradation of plastic waste under energetically viable conditions,a total consumption of the compounds from the plastic degradation of plastics by microorganisms, an optimization of the amounts of bioproducts obtained from the biotechnological treatments and the developing of a process with a negative carbon footprint.



Spain is one of the countries with the highest number of wind turbines in the world, both at European and globally. Although being a positive development in terms of renewable energies, this represent an amount of 142,000 glass fibre tons (2015), a fact with a high negative impact on the environment at the end of its lifecycle. In line with the European Union´s environmental policies and priorities through the implementation of Directive 2008/98/CE on waste management, the LIFE REFIBRE project gives a second life to the glass fibre waste from wind turbine blades. The main objective of the LIFE REFIBRE project is focus on reduce the environmental impact of the waste from these devices by incorporating recovered glass fibre in asphalt mixes, thus improving their mechanical properties and closing their life cycle.

04. 2020 PROJECTS

Thanks to the sustainable management of glass fibre from wind turbine blades at the end of their lifecycle, LIFE REFIBRE is trying to realise several options to give a second life to this wastes. Some of the actions carried out in this project have included the design and construction of an innovative prototype for the mechanical recycling of wind turbine blades, incorporating the recycling of fibreglass in the surface road and the feasibility study for its industrial implementation, among others. All these actions are expected to result in the design and actual construction of an innovative prototype for the mechanical recycling of wind turbine blades, the construction of a demonstrator road section (1,5 km) with various oercentages of glass fibre added (0,5 1,5%) and the improvement of the mechanical properties of the demonstrator road section.



The current initiative of the Fetilizer Regulation Review policiy in the EU is focus on encourage large-scale fertilizer production from domestic or organic raw materials. In line with the principles of the Circular Economy, the NUTRIMAN project comes up to add value to the agricultural sector with lesser-know organic products that are advantageous for crops. The main objective of NUTRIMAN project is to make an inventory of innovative research results for the agricultural sector with low outreach, but great value in their application, together with the evaluation of the innovative technologies for nutrient recovery and new fertilization products, and their subsequent dissemination.

04. 2020 PROJECTS

NUTRIMAN project has carried out a number of actions to meet its objective as the collection of practiceoriented knowledge on nutrient recycling, the preparation of practical summaries and training material for farmers and industry professionals, as well as the demonstration of best pratices and the online dissemination. As a result of all these actions the project aims to identify around 100 practical solutions that cover the most urgent needs of the agricultural production sectors such as innovative fertilizer supply. In addition, it tries to increase the flow of information among European farmers on nutrient management and recovery and the contribution to a more competitive and sustainable agriculture ensuring minimizing the use of non-renewable raw materials and their replacement with secondary raw materials.



Rural areas in Europe embody unique examples of cultural and natural heritage and need to be safeguard and recognised as drivers for sustainable development, and to kick-start and add value comes the RURITAGE project. 13 rural areas have been selected according their heritage divided Innovation Areas (SIA): pilgrimage, food, landscape, management, art&festivals.

as role models in 6 Systemic resilience, local migration and

The main objective of the RURITAGE project is to increase knowledge in heritage-led rural regeneration based by monitoring performance and providing evidence of the regeneration strategies implemented. In turn, it aims to achieve a participatory decision-making process to encourage innovation and develop a sense of ownership and responsability of rural communities.

04. 2020 PROJECTS

The best practices gained from this project will be transferred to the 6 replicators, one from each systemic innovation area, in rural areas that are building regeneration strategies, but need to improve their abilities, knowledge and capacity building. To carry out all the objectives of this project all the actions focus on fostering, networking and exchange and good practices through knowledge transfer and mentoring with local actors, and mobilising both public and private investments by using available resources and assessing ways to tap into new sources of funding. RURITAGE aims to establish a Rural Heritage Hub of each Role Model and Replicator, where co-creation activities take place.



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