SMART FACTORY WATCH Avoid unexpected stops and supervise production machines from everywhere anytime
SMART FACTORY HELPS TO ‌ Take the best decisions in your factory, based on the actual data and information of what is happening in your machines. A smooth transition from preventive to predictive maintenance. Knowing the critical points of your machines respect power consumption and performance.
...WHEN IN YOUR FACTORY A failure of some elements or machines stops the whole or a significant part of the process generating substantial associated costs. The replacement or repair of faulty machines requires a medium term scheduling and a long stop time Preventive maintenance requires the replacement of elements that are far from the end of their useful life. there exist proceses and machines that need to be continuously supervised in relation to their condition or power consumption.
FEATURES • Predictive Maintenance based on vibration and process measurements. • Automatic generation of malfunction alarms. • On-line web supervision of critical variables (tablet, smartphone, PC...). • Automatic configuration of alarm thresholds. • Remaining useful life prediction of the machine components. • Adaptability of the system to your factory needs. • Option for external supervision and system maintenance by CARTIF.
SPECIFICATIONS Sensors and signals: accelerometers, voltage (0-10 V), current (4-20 mA), RTD, thermocouple, encoder. Sample rate: maximum 50 kS/s/channel. Total sample rate: 400 kS/s. Unlimited acquisition time (batch processes, continuous process or scheduled acquisition). Up to 256 acquisition nodes with a maximum of 256 channels per node. Ethernet network for nodes connection. Statistical measurements of the variables: mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis, maximum, minimum, percentiles... Spectral analysis of variable speed rotating machinery. Energy of the power spectrum bands calculated in frequency and orders. Option for developing customized big data and computational intelligence algorithms adapted to specific processes.
CARTIF is a horizontally integrated technology centre specialized in offering global solutions to companies. It provides them with its 20 years of experience in developments, processes, systems and products. It operates in five economic sectors: industry, energy and environment, construction and infrastructure, agrofood and health and quality of life.
Having finished more than 1,000 projects – developed in Europe and Latin America – successfully since its establishment, CARTIF has reached a profit of ₏200 million for companies and public entities it has collaborated with. At CARTIF, the mission is to help companies develop technologically to reach high levels of innovation and productivity, and delve into pioneering research areas, eventually transferring that technology to the business sector.
Business Department +34 983 546 504