Together Winter 2016

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Customer Service: 0300 124 0040 All calls with Customer Services are recorded Audio copies of this newsletter are available

HOMES REWARDS IS HERE - WIN £100’S EVERY MONTH Home Rewards replaced the Countdown reward scheme that the majority of tenants told us didn’t work for them. We’re now rewarding our loyal tenants every month through a range of new exciting draws with hundreds of pounds up for grabs. Home rewards will give you the chance to win £100’s every month through: I PAY – rewarding you for paying your rent on time. I’M PROUD – rewarding you for looking after your home and being proud of where you live and the community you live in. I’M INVOLVED – rewarding you for being involved, having your say and helping us to shape our services.

COMING SOON I’M CONNECTED – rewarding you for using our online services.

To find out how you can win £100’s visit *Terms and conditions apply

HAVE YOU MET OUR HOME PARTNER TEAM? The home partner team are meeting tenants throughout the year in your homes to ask you a range of questions to help us to better understand your needs. Since this service was introduced we have helped hundreds of tenants with a range of issues including saving money on your fuel bills, budgeting and financial assistance and housing support. The benefits of the Home Partner service for tenants were recently recognised when it scooped a top award at the Chartered Institute of Housing, Welsh Housing Awards voted by its members.


Look out for our Home Partners who will be visiting you when you get your annual gas safety inspection. And don’t forget, if you are visited by the home partner and your property is being kept clean and tidy you will be entered into our Home Rewards draw to win £100!



A new benefits cap is here and may affect you. The benefit cap is a limit on the total amount of ‘welfare’ a household can receive. The new lower cap will be:

At Cartrefi Conwy we have a dedicated support team offering help to tenants and households across the region to check you are claiming all the benefits you are entitled to.

• £384.62 a week (£20,000 a year) for couples, families and lone parent claimants

They also provide tips and advice on:

• £257.69 a week for single adults without children.

• Bank accounts • Budgeting • Managing your money

If you’re worried about how this will affect you then contact our Incomes team on 0300 124 0040 or visit More information about the change: benefits/the-benefit-cap/the-benefit-capand-housing-benefit/the-benefit-cap-andhousing-benefit/

• Borrowing money • Avoiding debt - especially with doorstop and other high street lenders • Dealing with debt • Getting access to the best discounts It’s all about helping you take control and getting the most out of your money, now and in the future. Why not give us a call today and talk to one of our dedicated Financial Inclusion Team Members. All discussions are confidential and the team can visit you in your home or can meet you in one of our offices, whatever suits you best.

Call us on 0300 124 0040 and ask to speak Amanda or Katy or leave a message for them to call you back.

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S R E T S W R G IN THE SING During the summer a group of older tenants from Llanrwst got together to form the first Cartrefi Conwy African Choir. They have had great fun learning some tribal songs as well as classics such as ‘Yellow Bird’. The Rwsters were coached by renowned voice coach Sheila Brook and internationally acclaimed performer Dymphna D’arcy. The Rwsters took centre stage performing their first live show at Cartrefi Conwy’s Older Persons Day resulting in a huge round of applause.

Research shows that staying active, having new experiences and self-expression can improve and enrich your quality of life and this is certainly evident at these singing sessions”.


Nerys Veldhuizen, Older Person’s Engagement Coordinator said: “The sessions were so much fun and I am so impressed at the singing talents of the Rwsters.

BOOK OF YOU During the Summer Cartrefi Conwy ran a 6 week digital story book course ‘book of you’ for the tenants of Park Way and surrounding areas. The group worked on digital tablets and created their own unique stories through pictures, words and music. If you are interested in getting connected to the digital world please contact: Lydia Watson on 0300 124 0040 4


JUICE QUENCHING WORK AT THE ORCHARD An apple juice making day on the 26th of September was a great idea and also a very successful one, for children and residents from Chester Avenue. Residents got together with Gwyl, from Keep Wales Tidy who brought along the juicers, and Y Foryd School who made the event part of their Victorian Day. A fantastic day was had by all squeezing apples from the Chester Avenue orchard and making apple juice to take home. The event certainly brought the community together and hopefully encouraged them to visit and use the orchard more. Thanks to everyone who took part and made this a great day.

OLDER PERSONS DAY Cartrefi Conwy’s Older Person’s Day is a fantastic event and a great way to celebrate the role that older people continue to play in our communities. It was an emotional day too for 82 year old pensioner Josie Hughes who cried tears of joy after being honoured for her volunteering work helping out neighbours and raising money for charity. Phil Batty of Rhos-on-Sea was also celebrating as he won The Older Person’s Champion Award, and the Outstanding Neighbour Award was won by Brian Hughes, of Old Colwyn, An emotional Josie, said: “It’s fantastic and I’m so pleased. It’s just what I do. I like to help people and will do anything anyone asks me to do if it helps, selling raffle tickets or delivering leaflets, I do what I can.

“They all say my door is always open to anyone and if I’m asked I’ll do it if it helps. My aim is to help as many people as I can.” Older Person’s Champion Phil Batty is chair of the Coffee Club and organises outings to places like Liverpool, Southport and art galleries, as well as other social events for members. He also helps organise the Happy Friday Club, running bingo sessions and other activities for the club’s more than 50 members. Conwy County Borough Council Councillor and Older Person’s Champion, Andrew Hinchliff, a member of the judging panel, said: “We had so many lovely stories to consider and there were so many that were deserving of recognition."


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£2.75 MILLION IMPROVEMENT WORKS AT TRE CWM IN LLANDUDNO Works are well underway on our second large-scale estate project to transform Tre Cwm in Llandudno. We are modelling our approach on the work we carried out at Parc Peulwys in Llysfaen that’s now winning awards and that’s something we hope to repeat at Tre Cwm. Improvement works to the properties include new windows, new roofs and external wall insulation as part of a large environmental project. We have worked closely with residents over the past 12 months to develop these plans and are in the process of carrying out improvements to enhance the appearance of their homes and ensure that they are brought up to standard.

Plus the external environmental works have started and will continue through Summer 2017 on 60 individual projects planned to change play areas, estate access, open green spaces and parking to make Tre Cwm a nicer place to work, live and play. Over the coming months residents will have the opportunity to get involved. Wates, the main contractor, has donated sponsorship to the local community centre Ty Llewelyn to run activities, especially for younger residents, to lessen the temptation of misadventure and keep them safe during construction works.


ENT LLANFAIRFECHAN DEVELOPM COMPLETION ‘MAES GLANARFON’ NEARING Work is nearing completion at our Maes Glanarfon development on Penmaenmawr Rd in Llanfairfechan and new tenants will be moving in early January. The development has stunning coastal views and has a mix of 1 and 2 bedroom apartments and 2 and 3 bedroom cottage flats and houses. The homes are a mix of Social and Intermediate rents and will give the new residents affordable, energy efficient and modern quality homes. During construction we’ve got to know the local community. Together with Brenig Construction we’ve supported and taken part in the carnival, given workshops to local school children and we’ve supported 8

the refurbishment works to the local library working alongside the Friends of Llanfairfechan community library so the town can continue to have a library building and community resource hub. Intermediate rental properties are eligible to working people with a household income of £15,000 - £30,000 To find out more ask one of our friendly team Call 0300 124 0050 or visit



渀攀眀 栀愀渀搀礀瀀攀爀猀漀渀 猀攀爀瘀椀挀攀 搀椀爀攀挀琀 琀漀 挀愀爀琀爀攀昀椀 挀漀渀眀礀 琀攀渀愀渀琀猀

The environment is everyone’s responsibility and we all have a part to play in looking after it. Conwy is one of the best counties in Wales when it comes to recycling.

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It's great that Conwy residents want to do their bit to help the environment. There’s lots of tips and advice, especially when the weather turns windy and wet, to keep your community tidy on the council’s website or you can also call or email and request information to be sent to you.


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BULKY WASTE COLLECTIONS A bulky waste collection service is available for larger items such as furniture, electrical appliances, bathroom suites, kitchen units and garden waste. HOUSEHOLD ITEMS COST Up to four items costs £20 and each additional item is charged at £4. OR BULKY GARDEN WASTE COLLECTION PRICES ARE: • Half load £50 • Full load £95 (Full load = Max 1 tonne) To arrange a collection call (01492) 575337, email or use the online form and they will call you back to make a booking.

To arrange a bulky garden waste collection contact Crest Co-operative on 01492 596783. You can also take household items or garden waste to the Household Waste Recycling Centres at Mochdre or Abergele. Remember Conwy County Borough Council co-ordinates regular community Environment Days, that we help support, in different locations across Conwy to make communities, cleaner, greener and safer. CLICK/VISIT TO SEE WHEN ENVIRONMENT DAYS ARE SCHEDULED FOR 2016/2017 asp?cat=7971&Language=1 Thank you for helping to keep your neighbourhood clean and tidy!

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ARE YOUR HOME ? D E T C E T O R P S G IN G N AND BELO What would you do if you arrived home after a night out or a trip away to find out that someone had broken into your home or a pipe had burst and flooded your property?

Premiums start from as little as £1.77 a week (for tenants aged under 60), and just £1.22 a week for tenants aged 60 and over. Premiums can be paid alongside your rent.

Your belongings are not automatically insured by Cartrefi Conwy against fire, theft, water damage and other household risks. So, if you haven’t thought properly about insurance cover, you could be in for a shock. However, Cartrefi Conwy has joined forces with The National Housing Federation and Thistle Tenant Risks to offer you My Home contents insurance scheme.

For more information contact



With colder weather here keeping warm is important for our health and wellbeing but it can be expensive. Do you know in UK homes, we use more energy to heat our rooms than for any other purpose – in an average home 62% of all the energy we use goes to heating. This also means we spend a lot of money on keeping warm in our homes, on average UK households spend £750 a year on gas (the most common fuel for home heating). But there are things you can do to help reduce the cost of keeping warm: 10

My Home Insurance 0845 337 2463

Remember we now offer Direct Debit payments to be collected weekly or fortnightly on any day of the week or monthly on the 1st, 7th, 16th, 20th or 23rd. Plus, you can make a rent payment by phone during office hours Monday – Friday with a member of the Customer Services Team • Make sure your thermostat is set to the right temperature. Around 18o is recommended and turning it up by just 1o could add £75 a year to your bill. • Cut out draughts. Draughts from doors and windows mean heat is escaping from your home. Simple draught-proofing and thick curtains can help keep the heat in. • Switch your supplier. If you haven’t compared your energy provider or plan in more than 12 months then you could be paying more than you should be. Some switchers could save hundreds of pounds a year.

HELP REDUCE MOULD Winter is also the time of the year when mould can build up in our homes but it’s easily kept at bay by following a few simple steps like, wiping away condensation quickly. Better still avoid condensation by opening air vents or a small window to allow air flow, especially when bathing, cooking or drying laundry. We’ve got a free animated ‘Help Reduce Mouldy’ kit that gives you more quick tips to keep mould away. You might already have one of these kits but if not call 0300 124 0040 to request one today.

taining our e r in l u f s s e c ’ve been suc at Parc Peulwys! e W ! s n io t la u Congrat or 2016-17 upyone for making time to f s u t a t S g la Green F k you to ever ce to live, work and play... n a h t d n a e n Well do ity a great pla n u m m o c r u keep yo 0300 124 0040



BUT TAKE EXTRA CAUTION! • Fairy Lights - check you are using the correct fuses and remember to switch the lights off when you go to bed • Never overload electrical sockets • Don’t use your cooker to heat your home • Avoid drinking alcohol when cooking • Don’t leave cooking food unattended • Electric blankets - is yours safe to use? • Check that your smoke alarms are working • Don’t leave a room with a candle burning unattended

• Never leave a burning candle in a child’s room • Always extinguish burning candles before you go to sleep or when you are going out • Keep burning candles out of the reach of children and away from areas that pets can get to If in doubt or for more advice contact Customer Service on 0300 124 0040 to arrange a free Home Safety Check More info and advice visit North Wales Fire & Rescue Service website:

CALCIUM LITHIUM-ION BATTERIES These batteries, found in phones, E-cigarettes and laptops (among other devices) have had a lot of media attention lately. The recent recall, and subsequent cancellation, of the Samsung Galaxy Note 77 due to a problem with overheating and, on occasion, ignition of the batteries has gathered widespread attention. As a general rule, these batteries can be considered to be unsafe if overcharged, overheated or in any way damaged. Cheap replacement chargers sourced from unbranded suppliers or designed to charge other batteries may not charge Lithium-Ion batteries properly. Should they operate at too high a voltage, or improperly regulate the charge, they can lead to overcharge. This can result in “venting with flame”. 12

There is also risk of overcharging “E-cigarettes” which typically have very short recommended charge times (some only a few hours) and while many E-cigarettes do prevent overcharge, it’s fair to say that this is a relatively new industry, and the majority of people would not know a “reputable” brand. Charging one of these less well-made E-cigarettes overnight would considerably increase the risk of overcharge and fire.


COMPETITION TIME NAME OUR MASCOTS WIN £50 OF HIGH STREET SHOPPING VOUCHERS Many of you will have already seen the new additions to the Cartrefi Conwy family – our colourful Mascots… But we now need colourful names to match their colourful characters. We’ve got: MR HOUSE TURTLE? Who helps us promote our homes and tenant services. MISS TAKE CONTROL PIGGY BANK? Who helps us promote tenants to take care of their finances. MRS HOME REWARDS? Helping us promote our tenant rewards programme, rewarding tenants for paying your rent, being involved, looking after your home (and coming soon using our online services).


WHAT NAMES WOULD YOU GIVE THEM? Send your ideas and remember to let us know what names you’ve given each one to: Communications Team, Cartrefi Conwy, Morfa Gele, North Wales Business Park, Abergele, Conwy , LL22 8LJ or email or Facebook Competition closes Friday 16th January 2017 Remember to include your name, address and contact number.

LIVE FEAR FREE HELPLINE If you or someone you know is a victim of domestic abuse, sexual violence or another form of violence against women, we’ll help you find the support you need.

Thank you so much for the large response to our Tenant Satisfaction survey that was sent during August. We are currently looking at your responses, comments and suggestions to help us to continue to improve and meet your future needs. Feedback on the survey results will be published in the near future on our website as well as an update in a future newsletter.

Live Fear Free Helpline: 0808 8010 800 Email: 0300 124 0040 13

REMEMBER - There are many, many ways to be involved and have your say at Cartrefi Conwy through: • Voices@Cartrefi

Voices@ Cartrefi recently held a showcase event celebrating a great year of being involved and making improvements to our services. As the evening temperature dropped, residents tucked into a bowl of hot soup as they looked back at what’s been achieved and talked about future ideas to stay involved. Tea and cake were served as residents cast their votes to appoint a new Chair and Vice Chair for the scrutiny panel.

• Taking part in surveys • Attending events • Taking part in consultations • Weekly social activities running in many community hubs • Volunteering, Skills & Employment Opportunities • Visiting our offices

Congratulations to John Roberts from Rhos-on-Sea appointed Chair and Yvonne Hicks Vice Chair. Both have many years’ experience being involved in tenant groups

• Speaking to Customers Services on repairs

Early next year Voices@Cartrefi will be looking at our new website and will help us test if it’s easy for tenants to use and get the most out of the new online services. The scrutiny panel will be looking at our complaints process.


RHYL FC, HOME TO THE LILYWHITES We’re proud sponsors of the Rhyl FC and we’ve got family season tickets available for tenants to watch the Lillywhites play at all home games. Plus would your child be interested in being a football mascot? We have an amazing opportunity for two children every home game to be a match day mascot on the pitch and get a free Rhyl FC kit to go with it.

If you’re interested in tickets or being a Mascot please contact 0300 124 0040 and ask to speak to the Communications Team or email Fixtures_Results

STAY CONNECTED Stay connected and up to date to date by visiting our Website and Facebook page or contact us on 0300 124 0040 to find out more…

 @OfficialCartrefiConwy 14

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TMENT IN O P P A T N E M E G A N A M F BOARD O Having read our article in the Summer about our vacancy for a tenant board member, tenant Sarah Bennett-Evans contacted the Governance team to find out more about the role. After submitting a comprehensive application and interviews by a panel comprising board members and the Chair of the tenant scrutiny panel, Sarah was appointed by the Board with effect from 3 October 2016. The Cartrefi Conwy Board has 15 Board members in total and all appointments to the Board are unpaid. THE 5 TENANTS SERVING ON THE BOARD ARE: Robert Redhead, who represents the Board on the Health & Safety Steering Group and is also appointed to the Development Committee and the Audit & Risk Management Committee

Elwen Roberts, who also sits on the Board of our subsidiary company, Creating Enterprise Colin Matthews, who also serves on the Operations Committee and the Remuneration & Nominations Committee Bill Hunt, who was recently appointed as Chair of the Operations Committee Board members can serve for a maximum of 9 years. Tenant board members are subject to retirement by rotation on a 3 year rolling basis. This means that from time to time vacancies do arise. We are keen to hear from anyone interested in becoming a Board member and are able to offer ongoing training and development to support those that have the time to commit to such a role, as this helps ensure that when vacancies do arise they can be filled as soon as possible.

Our Boa rd Memb ers take ‘Manneq the uin’ chall enge and raise ove helped u r £500 f s or Childr en in Nee d

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2020 VISION COMMITTED TO EXCELLENCE Over the last 7 years, we’ve learnt a lot about our customers, communities, partners and ourselves during our commitment to providing affordable housing and investing in our communities. We’ve also set up our first Social Enterprise subsidiary Creating Enterprise.

We’ve taken the opportunity this year to reassess the environment we expect to be working in over the next 5 years and have developed a new business plan to take use through to 2020. We involved our colleagues, key partners and you, our customers, to bring all our experiences of the past and expectations for the future together. Our new business plan commits to delivering excellence in four key areas highlighted below.

Gwasanaethau Pobl Bydd gwasanaethau a boddhad cwsmeriaid yn parhau i fod yn flaenoriaeth i Cartrefi Conwy. Wrth weithio’n agos gyda’n cwsmeriaid, byddwn ni’n defnyddio’r mewnwelediadau pwysig hyn yn ddeallus er mwyn helpu i ddatblygu a chyflawni gwasanaethau a chymorth a fydd yn cwrdd ag anghenion unigol bob cwsmer. Ein nod yw darparu gwasanaethau, profiadau a chynnyrch neilltuol i’r cwsmeriaid. Bydd gwasanaethau a boddhad cwsmeriaid yn parhau i fod yn flaenoriaeth i Cartrefi Conwy. Wrth weithio’n agos gyda’n cwsmeriaid, byddwn ni’n defnyddio’r mewnwelediadau pwysig hyn yn ddeallus er mwyn helpu i ddatblygu a chyflawni gwasanaethau a chymorth a fydd yn cwrdd ag anghenion unigol bob cwsmer.

Mae’r galw am dai ac anghenion amrywiol y cwsmeriaid yr ydym ni’n eu gwasanaethu yn parhau i dyfu. Mae Cartrefi Conwy yn datblygu ei bortffolio eiddo yn weithredol, yn Sir Conwy a thrwy’r rhanbarth fel ei gilydd, er mwyn sicrhau y gallwn ni gynnig amrediad o gartrefi fforddiadwy o ansawdd a chefnogi adfywio cymunedau.

Ein nod yw darparu gwasanaethau, profiadau a chynnyrch neilltuol i’r cwsmeriaid.

Mae sicrhau ein bod yn gweithredu busnes hyfyw a’n bod yn cael ein cydnabod fel partner dibynadwy a chyflogwr o ddewis i gyd yn bwysig iawn i Cartrefi Conwy. Rydym ni’n dymuno mwyhau cyfleoedd drwy weithio’n fwy creadigol gyda phartneriaid dibynadwy drwy strwythurau masnachol a mentrau cymdeithasol.

Customer service and satisfaction will continue to be a priority for Cartrefi Conwy, working closely with our customers, we will intelligently use these important insights to help develop and deliver services and support which meets the individual needs of every customer.

Er mwyn sicrhau ein bod yn darparu ein holl gwsmeriaid gyda’r cartref delfrydol, mae Cartrefi Conwy yn darparu amrediad eang o wasanaethau ac arbenigedd sy’n cael eu cynnig er mwyn helpu cynnal ein portffolio eiddo sy’n parhau i dyfu. Ein nod yw darparu gwasanaeth a chefnogaeth eiddo eithriadol sy’n helpu i gwrdd ag anghenion tai ar gyfer unigolion a’r gymuned fel ei gilydd.

Our aim is to provide outstanding customer services, experiences and products.

Ein nod yw adeiladu ar ein henw da dibynadwy a pharhau i fod y busnes creadigol, effeithiol, effeithlon a llwyddiannus yr ydym ni heddiw.

The demand for housing and the diverse needs of the customers we serve continues to grow. Cartrefi Conwy is actively developing its property portfolio, both in the county of Conwy and across the region, to ensure we can offer a range of quality, affordable homes and support community regeneration. Making sure we operate a viable business and are recognised as a trusted partner and employer of choice are all very important to Cartrefi Conwy.

To ensure we provide all our customers with the ideal home, Cartrefi Conwy provide a wide range of services and expertise that are offered to help maintain our ever-growing property portfolio. Our aim is to provide exceptional property service and support that helps meet both the individual and local housing needs.


We want to maximise opportunities by working more creatively with trusted partners through commercial and social enterprise structures. Our aim is to build on our trusted reputation and continue to be the creative, effective, efficient and successful business we are today.

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