Together - English copy

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c r e a t i n g

c o m m u n i t i e s

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Council tax benefit cuts avoided in Wales


nder the UK Government’s welfare reforms, funding for council tax benefit was due to be axed and replaced with a payment to local authorities that covers 90 per cent of the cost of the benefit. This would have left it to local authorities to decide how best to use the funding. The Welsh Government had previously suggested it would implement the 10 per cent cut, but has now backed down. Cuts to council tax benefit which would have meant bills for 230,000 people for the first time will NOT GO ahead as the Welsh Government finds funds. It would have left claimants £67 worse off on average and meant about 230,000 would have paid at least some of their council tax bills for the first time. The extra money announced in January 2013 by the Welsh Government means the Council tax benefit cut WILL NOT happen when the next financial year starts in April 2013. People who are entitled to the benefit will continue to receive the full amount. If you are worried or concerned about the welfare benefit changes please contact our Welfare Benefits Team on 01492 805621. You can also contact the ‘Your Benefits are Changing campaign’ on 0300 3031073 or Text ‘change’ to 80018

Tenant Forum Event May 15th 2013 The Tenant Forum Event on May 15th 2013 will be held at the North Coast Church, Gors Road, Towyn. This event will be focused on the effects of the upcoming changes that the Welfare Benefit Reform will have on tenants. There will be information available regarding the following; bedroom tax / under occupancy, digital inclusion, loan sharks, and credit union. External organisations will also be joining us at the event to offer advice and support on the day.


• 28th February • 30th April • 30th June • 31st August • 31st October • 31st December

01492 805500 0800 012 1431 or 01492 805580 01492 805600 01492 805632


What’s happening at Chester Avenue Community House

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Cartrefi Conwy Promises Project

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Welfare Benefit Reform/ Change to Your Benefits!

Discounts at two popular retail stores

For further information please contact Sarah Jones on 01492 805564 or Email

Bryn Eirias Reception Repairs freephone Colwyn Bay Reception Llandudno Reception

o f

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COMMUNITY CHEST FUND DEADLINES! The Community Chest Fund aims to support small-scale projects that will improve the quality of life for our tenants in local communities or where we have homes. Grants of up to £1000 are available to any voluntary, community or recreational groups within the county of Conwy and for individual applications which meet the criteria set out in our guidelines. Deadlines for Community Chest applications 2013 are as follows:

p r o u d

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Audio copies of this newsletter are available Simply ring our reception on 01492 805500 to request a copy.

What is happening at Chester Avenue Community House!

Have your say!


In Decembers Tenant Forum, we asked for your feedback about our repairs services. We received some very useful information and your suggestions and comments will be used to help us improve the services we offer.

artrefi Conwy contributed towards funding 8 weeks of Christmas craft sessions through November and December 2012. Tenants and residents had the opportunity to take part in making Christmas cards, baubles and jewellery with Tina Elliott.

Helping us shape our services

We will also use comments from the forum to help us engage with more tenants about the issues that really matter. Look out for surveys and workshops coming soon for your chance to help shape the services we offer.

Craft sessions have now finished and Tina is delivering an Armchair Aerobics session every Thursday afternoon 4pm - 5pm at the Community House. Sessions are £2 per person and are suitable for all ages and levels of fitness.

Have you got some feedback about the repairs service? We would love to hear about your thoughts and experiences. You can reach us using the methods below or approach any member of staff.

Please come along and join in the fun. Contact Vicky Welsman 01745 331825 for further details.

By Phone: Freephone: 0800 012 1431 (Calls from a mobile phone may cost considerably more) or 01492 805580

January’s Parent and Toddler Group session theme was on Snow and Snowmen due to the weather. Children played with real snow and made pictures of snowmen with Brenda, ‘Ty i fi’ play leader.

By Email: By Post: Head Office Bryn Eirias, Heritage Gate,

Parent and Toddler Groups are run every Wednesday 10am – 12pm at the Community House, Kinmel Bay.All pre-school children and parents welcome to come along. Sessions are free of charge.

Abergele Road, Colwyn Bay, LL29 8BY Look out for more articles on how we are improving the repairs and maintenance services!

Please feel free to come along and have some fun. For further information please contact Vicky Welsman on 01745 331825.

On your Estate with Ivy Brett By Kath Molloy

A Valued Volunteer Ivy Brett, 86, has lived in her Cartrefi Conwy bungalow in Llandudno for 23 years. During this time she has spent many a morning at the Llandudno General Hospital manning an information stall twice a week on behalf of Carers Wales. She has knitted countless number of children’s jackets to sell to raise funds for this worthy cause and continues to take part in all their fundraising events. In recognition of this Carers Wales recently put Mrs Brett forward for a Conwy Voluntary Services Council award, where she was given the ‘Volunteer of the Year Award’ which recognised the 17 years of dedicated service she has given to the Llandudno Branch of Carers Wales. One of Mrs Brett’s friends from the Carers Wales branch says, “You could not find a more dedicated volunteer than Ivy, she will never let you down”.


Alongside her work for Carers Wales, Mrs Brett is also a major organiser in a Coffee Morning held in the Trinity Centre, Llandudno. Every Friday members come along to enjoy the friendly atmosphere and have a chat with other like-minded older people. The membership fees paid pay for day trips and other special events, such as their annual

Easter and Christmas parties. Members also take part in a raffle to raise funds, prizes of which have been donated to the club. To add to this, Mrs Brett also spends her spare time singing with a local choir. As Mrs Brett’s home is part of a Sheltered Housing Scheme, I visit her on a regular basis however; it is often difficult to get to see Ivy as she is out so often with all the volunteering that she does! She is very active and has a very positive impact on the groups that she is involved with. It is really good to know that there are people out there like Ivy who want to spend their time helping others and raising funds for worthy causes. I have known Ivy for a number of years, going back to before Cartrefi Conwy was formed in 2008. We invited Carers Wales along to major events such as Open Days and Tenant Conferences so that she and other members of the Llandudno Branch had the opportunity to spread the word about their organisation. She has been a tireless supporter as long as I have known her. If this article has inspired you and you would like to find out more about any of the organisations or clubs mentioned, please contact the groups direct using the numbers below or speak to a member of Cartrefi Conwy staff, such as a Warden, who can tell you what is on in your local area and how you can get involved. Carers Wales Llandudno Branch 01492 874505

An inspirational woman who will be sadly missed


ylvia Lavender passed away during the Christmas period 2012 and will be sadly missed by Cartrefi Conwy and the Tan Lan community in Old Colwyn. Sylvia first joined the Tan Lan Community Centre committee approximately 10 years ago and shortly after joining was elected to become chair. Her main aim being to ensure there was a facility for the young people of the Tan Lan Estate. Using contacts she had through the Council and Cartrefi Conwy she found the right people to contact for grants and assistance in tripling the size of the Community Centre.

Cartrefi Conwy Promises Project

TPAS Cymru has supported social

In September 2008 Conwy County

providing independent help, information

Borough Council’s social housing stock

and training for the tenant volunteers so

was transferred to Cartrefi Conwy. Since

that they can: help to design the

then Cartrefi Conwy has been busy

questions; feel confident in asking

making improvements to its homes,

questions and talking to other tenants;

services and communities to meet the

look at the results of the survey and

promises it made to its tenants. These

prepare a brief report.

social housing concentrating on issues from the tenants’ point of view. TPAS Cymru is now supporting a group of Cartrefi Conwy tenants who have volunteered to take part in this project which will gather information and evidence from other tenants. TPAS Cymru manage the project and are

to homes where needed such as

The findings of the project will be made

bathrooms and windows; improvements

available to all Cartrefi Conwy tenants

to communities such as environmental

during the summer of 2013 so watch this

and landscape developments, and better


local services. If you are a tenant of Cartrefi Conwy and Cartrefi Conwy now wants to find out

want further information about taking

from its tenants whether you feel these

part in the project you can contact TPAS

promises have been kept and more

Cymru direct (details below).

importantly, what difference these improvements have made to you, your

Prior to transfer, Sylvia was a founder member of the Housing Task and Finish Group (CCBC), a member of Conwy Council’s Housing Strategy group and the Resident Involvement group. Sylvia was co-opted on to the Transfer Shadow Board and served on the Cartrefi Conwy Board. Sylvia was proud to be a Cartrefi Conwy Board Member and always felt she was giving the views of the residents and tenants of the estate. She was dedicated to enhancing her local community and trying to increase opportunities for residents.

events and groups.

Sylvia Lavender will continue to be an inspirational person and may her memory live on through the work she undertook with Tan Lan Community Centre.

for 25 years and has a wide knowledge of

promises included: improvement works

Sylvia had an abundance of energy, her enthusiasm never faltered, her sense of humour put smiles on people’s faces and she motivated the committee to achieve what you now see as Tan Lan Community Centre today, a fantastic Community Centre at the hub of the area. Regardless of all the other community achievements Sylvia was involved with, the delivery of a modern and thriving community centre facility on the Tan y Lan estate is what she’ll ultimately be remembered for.

In 2008 she was nominated and shortlisted for the ‘Ruth Radley Outstanding Achievement in Participation’ TPAS award for her commitment and energy spent on community projects and also for ensuring that through her, the voice of the tenants was heard.

housing tenants and landlords in Wales

homes and communities. To do this Cartrefi Conwy has asked TPAS Cymru, an independent local organisation, to work with and support a group of tenants to gather evidence from other tenants living across Conwy County. This may involve talking to tenants out on estates and at different community

TPAS Cymru 01492 593046

Congratulations to Sylvia Duxbury from Colwyn Bay Thank you to everyone who completed and returned the Home Contents Insurance Word search in the winter edition of ‘Together’ all completed forms were entered into a prize draw and Sylvia was the lucky winner of £25 High Street Vouchers.



Under Occupancy What does ‘under occupancy/spare bedroom tax’ mean? From April 2013 the UK Government are making some changes to Housing Benefit payments that will affect tenants who have more bedrooms than they need. The Welfare Reform Act 2012 means you will only be able to claim Housing Benefit for the number of bedrooms that you need for your household. When will it start?

My children do not live with me all the time anymore, but they do stay over when they visit? If you are not the main carer of your children your housing benefit will be reduced according to how many bedrooms you have ‘spare’ in your home.

1st April 2013 What are the rules? • Children under the age of 10 years and of both sexes (male and female) are expected to share a bedroom. • Children under the age of 16 and of the same sex (male or female) are expected to share a bedroom. • Every adult or couple are entitled to their own bedroom. • If you have shared access to a child only one parent can have the room allowance for that child – this includes where a child comes to stay with a parent that they do not normally live with. • No extra rooms will be allowed for medical reasons – this includes a couple who need separate rooms because one is ill or recovering from an operation. • Tenants with severe disabilities, who need a regular non-resident overnight carer, may be entitled to an extra bedroom. Only carer’s who need to stay at the property seven nights a week may be considered. Who will this affect? All working age tenants living in a Cartrefi Conwy property who claim Housing Benefit. What does ‘working age’ mean? The UK Government have stated under occupancy/spare bedroom tax will affect tenants of working age and not receiving pension credit, so anyone under state pension credit age. At April 2013 pension credit age is approximately 61 years and 6 months. However, the pension credit age will increase year on year, which means someone in 2014 may not receive pension credit until 62 years. You can calculate your pension credit age by visiting

If my Housing Benefit is reduced what will that mean? You will need to fund any differences in your Housing Benefit to ensure you are able to pay the full rent for the property you live in. Remember if you do not keep up with your rent payments you will lose your home. If you are assessed as under occupying your housing benefit will be reduced by 14% for having one bedroom ‘spare’ and a 25% reduction if you have two or more bedrooms ‘spare’. Will I have to move?

No, you will not necessarily have to leave your For home. However, you will have to fund the more information difference in Housing Benefit yourself for any and support please ‘spare’ bedrooms that you may have. If you contact our Welfare are unsure how you will cover any difference in your Housing Benefit you may have to Benefits Team on 01492 consider moving to a smaller property. 805621. You can also contact Please contact our Welfare Benefits Team to the ‘Your Benefits are obtain advice and to discuss your options Changing campaign’ on further. 0300 3031073 or Text Can I have an extra room if… ‘change’ to 80018 I have a carer who stays with me overnight 7 nights

How will this affect me? Here are some examples: I am living with my partner, we have a daughter aged 5, a son aged 9 and we live in a three bedroom house. As a couple you are entitled to one bedroom and your children who are both under 10 would also be expected to share one bedroom. This then leaves 1 bedroom ‘spare’ meaning your Housing Benefit will be reduced. I am living with my partner, we have a son aged 4, a son aged 15 and we live in a three bedroom house. As a couple you are entitled to one bedroom and your children are both expected to share one bedroom until they reach the age of 16, as they are of the same sex (both male). This then leaves 1 bedroom ‘spare’ meaning your Housing Benefit will be reduced. I am living with my partner in a two bedroom house. As a couple you are entitled to one bedroom. This then leaves 1 bedroom ‘spare’ meaning your Housing Benefit will be reduced.


My child is away at University, can I keep their room for when they are home in the holidays? Yes, there will be no reduction made to your housing benefit however, the absence must be temporary, so this will only apply if your child is away less than thirteen weeks per year or less than 52 weeks per year for students and they intend on returning home.

per week. If you have an overnight carer they they may be entitled to one bedroom. Please contact our Welfare Benefits Team to complete the paperwork to ensure you do not have to pay. I have access to my son / daughter. Your Housing Benefit will be reduced unless you claim Child Benefit for your child. I need space for medical equipment. You will be affected and your Housing Benefit will be reduced. I am a foster carer. You will be affected and your Housing Benefit will be reduced. In exceptional circumstances you may be able to apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment to make up the difference, please contact our Welfare Benefits Team to discuss this further. I live in an adapted property which has a spare room. You will be affected and your Housing Benefit will be reduced. In exceptional circumstances you may be able to apply for a Discretionary Housing Payment to make up the difference, please contact our Welfare Benefits Team to discuss this further.

Contact our Welfare Benefits Team on 01492 805621

Changes to Your Benefits! Benefit Cap

Universal Credit

What is the benefit cap? From April 2013, the UK Government is introducing a cap on the total amount of benefit that working age people can receive. The benefit cap will mean that working age people cannot receive more than a set amount in benefits, even if their full entitlement would otherwise be higher. The cap will be set at the average net earned income of working households. This is estimated currently to be £350 per week for a single adult with no children and £500 per week for a couple or lone parent, regardless of the number of children they have. To work out if you are within the benefit cap the Department for Work and Pensions (DWP) will add together your income from all the benefits you receive, apart from the following:

Universal Credit is the new single payment of all your working age benefits and is expected to be launched in this area in either October 2013 or April 2014. This will be for people who are looking for work or on a low income. Universal Credit will replace income-based Jobseeker’s Allowance, incomerelated Employment and Support Allowance, Income Support, Child Tax Credits, Working Tax Credits and later Housing Benefit. It will be paid once a month to one member of each household. All bills, including rent, will have to be paid out of this single monthly payment, so you will find it easier to manage your money if you have a bank account that supports direct debits. If you do not have a bank account it is a good time to start thinking about opening one. For help and support opening a bank account please contact our Welfare Benefits Team.

• Social Fund payments.

When will Universal Credit affect me?

• In-work Credit.

The transition to Universal Credit will take place in phases over the next four years (2013 – 2017).

• Return-to-Work Credit. Which households are exempt?

1. April 2013 - Pathfinder projects will begin in some areas of the UK.

Households will be exempt from the benefit cap, regardless of the amount of benefits they receive, when someone in the household is:

2. October 2013 - Universal Credit will be introduced for some new claimants. This is likely to only be in some areas, that have not yet been specified and with only the most straightforward of claims such as Job Seekers Allowance claimants who are single and do not need help with housing costs.

• Entitled to Working Tax Credit. • Receiving Disability Living Allowance, Personal Independence Payment (PIP), Employment and Support Allowance in the support group or Attendance Allowance. • Industrial Injuries Benefit and equivalent war disablement pensions and payments under the Armed Forces Compensation Scheme. • War Widows and War Widowers pension. • Unemployed after being employed for 12 months continuously prior to claiming benefits, and lost their job through no fault of their own. In this case the household receives 9 months protection from the benefit cap. How will the benefit cap be applied? When the benefit cap is brought in it will be applied via the Housing Benefit system, so will be administered by Conwy County Borough Council. This means that your Housing Benefit will be reduced by the amount by which your income exceeds the Benefit Cap.

3. April 2014 – All new claimants will claim Universal Credit and existing claimants will begin transferring to Universal Credit. 4. October 2017 – All claimants will be on Universal Credit. Universal Credit will run alongside the current benefit system until October 2017. This means that some people will receive Universal Credit, whilst others will continue to receive their current benefits. What will happen when I make a claim for Universal Credit? Existing claimants should not lose out at the point that they switch over to Universal Credit as there will be ‘transitional protections’ in the form of extra payments to ensure that the Universal Credit award is not less than a claimant would otherwise have received. As people transfer onto Universal Credit, there will also be the facility for advance payments so that claimants don’t see any gap as they move from fortnightly to monthly payment cycles.

Who will be affected? Broadly, the cap will affect large families with several children who are potentially in receipt of higher than average amounts of Child Tax Credit and are more likely to live in larger homes meaning more Housing Benefit. What are my options if I am affected by the cap? The UK Government is stressing the option of moving into work in order to avoid the cap but this will not be possible for some of those affected. Other options include: • See if you are entitled to a benefit which exempts you from the cap which you may not already be claiming. • Make up the shortfall in Housing Benefit using other income, reducing expenditure on non-essentials, or obtaining a Discretionary Housing Payment.

New claims will have to be made via the internet with claimants each having their own online accounts where they can report changes in circumstances. Cartrefi Conwy will be making internet facilities available in its offices and community houses.

Remember it is important to let us know if your contact details change or if there are changes to your personal circumstances, which may affect your benefits or housing needs.

Many of the changes described above could be subject to revision and the exact details and timescales could alter after the results of the trials are assessed. Cartrefi Conwy will monitor the situation and keep you updated so that you are as well prepared as possible.

If you are going to be affected by the benefit cap, it is important that you get advice now, please contact our Welfare Benefits Team.

Contact our Welfare Benefits Team on 01492 805621



Change to paying by Direct Debit

Could you afford to replace your possessions?

For a more convenient, easy and hassle free way to pay your rent, service charges and garage rent, why don’t you set up a direct debit today.

With the especially cold winters and increased flooding as seen before Christmas on national TV covering North Wales, tenants are being urged now to take preventative measures to avoid burst pipes and make sure if we receive unexpected flooding again they have adequate insurance.

Payments can be made by either weekly or monthly instalments on any of the following dates: People Monthly - on 1st, 7th, 16th, 20th or 23rd without direct Weekly - every Monday, Tuesday or Friday debit facilities pay an Advantages of paying by Direct Debit extra £70 a year for • Helps you manage and budget your their energy bills! finances more effectively.

As many may remember, the flooding before Christmas e.g. Y Fron Estate in Colwyn Bay, Cartrefi Conwy saw an increase in tenant’s enquiries for contents insurance, as they discovered that they were either not adequately insured or had not thought to take out Home Contents Insurance. In recent years Christmas and New Year has seen insurers receiving up to 50% more claims than expected for the time of year as a result of the freezing weather. More of these claims are for damage caused by escape of water than for fire or theft. Insurers companies paid out over £900m for claims that arose due to burst pipes, yet tenants may still underestimate the risk. Many worry about burglaries while they are away, but only a small percent are concerned about burst pipes. Now Cartrefi Conwy's tenants and residents, can arrange for insurance cover for the contents of their home at a special affordable rate where premiums can be paid fortnightly or monthly by cash, monthly by direct debit or annually.

While Cartrefi Conwy will repair any damage that happens to the structure of your property, this will not extend to your personal belongings.

The cover has been designed to help tenants and residents insure most of their belongings as easily as possible and also covers them against theft, vandalism and fire. The minimum values of possessions that can be insured are £9,000, if aged under 60, or £6,000 if aged over 60. The premiums start from just £1.53 or £1.16 every fortnight respectively. Tenants and residents can also increase cover for an additional premium to include extended accidental damage, cover for hearing aids, wheelchairs/scooters and personal possessions (cover away from the home). Buildings cover for sheds, garages and greenhouses is also available. So if you have no insurance cover call My Home on 0845 337 2463.

WANTED all budding photographers! Do you have a photograph that you have taken which captures one of the landmarks in Conwy County? If so we would love to hear from you! We are currently building the Cartrefi Conwy new head office in Abergele and we would love to incorporate photographs taken by our tenants into the interior design of the building. Each winning photograph chosen will receive £50. Please note closing date to send your photographs in by is 5pm Friday 12th April. Please email your winning photographs to or post to Cartrefi Conwy, Bryn Eirias, Heritage Gate, Abergele Road, Colwyn Bay LL29 8BY *Please note you must have taken the photograph yourself in person at the location. Photographs taken must be high resolution.


• Payments are taken from your account automatically on the dates confirmed with you, so you don’t have to remember when to pay or worry about missing a payment.

Another good reason to open an account that supports direct debits!

• Payments are recalculated automatically every year in line with the rent increases. Notification in writing regarding any increase is sent before the first payment date. • Unlike Standing Order payments, Direct Debit payments are not controlled by your bank and therefore there is less risk of payments not being collected or payments being duplicated in error. • Once you have completed the direct debit form, no further forms need to be completed and the direct debit will continue until you cancel it with your bank and/or Cartrefi Conwy, or a payment is returned unpaid to us by your bank. • Payments are guaranteed under the direct debit guarantee For more information on paying by Direct Debit or to set up a Direct Debit, please contact Hayley Legge on 01492 805517.

The Direct Debit Guarantee Gwarant Debyd Uniongyrchol • This Guarantee is offered by all banks and building societies that accept instructions to pay Direct Debits. Mae’r Warant hon yn cael ei chynnig gan bob banc a chymdeithas adeiladu sy’n derbyn cyfarwyddiadau i dalu Debyd Uniongyrchol. • If there are any changes to the amount, date or frequency of your Direct Debit Cartrefi Conwy will notify you 10 working days in advance of your account being debited or as otherwise agreed. If you request Cartrefi Conwy to collect a payment, confirmation of the amount and date will be given to you at the time of the request. Os bydd unrhyw newid yn symiau, dyddiadau neu amlder eich Debyd Uniongyrchol, bydd Cartrefi Conwy yn rhoi gwybod i chi (nifer i’w ychwanegu) diwrnod gwaith cyn i’ch cyfrif gael ei ddebydu, neu fel y cytunwyd fel arall. Os byddwch chi’n gofyn i Cartrefi Conwy gasglu taliad, bydd cadarnhad o’r swm a’r dyddiad yn cael ei roi i chi pan wneir y cais. • If an error is made in the payment of your Direct Debit, by Cartrefi Conwy or your bank or building society, you are entitled to a full and immediate refund of the amount paid from your bank or building society. Os bydd Cartrefi Conwy neu eich banc neu gymdeithas adeiladu, yn gwneud camgymeriad ynghylch talu eich Debyd Uniongyrchol, mae gennych yr hawl i dderbyn ad-daliad llawn ar unwaith o’r swm a dalwyd gan eich banc neu gymdeithas adeiladu. - If you receive a refund you are not entitled to, you must pay it back when Cartrefi Conwy asks you to. Os byddwch chi’n derbyn ad-daliad nad oedd gennych yr hawl i’w dderbyn, mae’n rhaid i chi ei dalu yn ôl pan fydd Cartrefi Conwy yn gofyn i chi wneud hynny. • You can cancel a Direct Debit at any time by simply contacting your bank or building society. Written confirmation may be required. Please also notify us. Gallwch ganslo Debyd Uniongyrchol unrhyw bryd drwy gysylltu â’ch banc neu gymdeithas adeiladu. Efallai y bydd angen cadarnhad ysgrifenedig. Rhowch wybod i ninnau hefyd, os gwelwch yn dda.

TENANTS are set to benefit from discounts at two popular retail stores

In the spotlight with Kevin Talbot

Crest Co-operative has teamed up with Cartrefi Conwy to offer a 15% retail discount to housing association tenants. Tenants will be eligible to receive a Crest Community Store discount card.

What does your job involve? I am the day to day co-ordinator for reactive maintenance repairs. My time is mainly spent at Head Office based at Bryn Eirias, Colwyn Bay.

Crest Co-operative opened a new shop in Mostyn Broadway (behind Parc Llandudno) on Saturday, February 16. The recycling company opened a high street shop on Station Road, Colwyn Bay last year.

How would you describe yourself in 3

The two shops stock household essentials such as pre-owned and new sofas, beds, wardrobes, washing machines, fridge freezers, ovens and much more. All re-conditioned electrical items are tested by a team of engineers and come with a three month warranty.


Cartrefi Conwy tenants will also receive discount on a range of nearly new, high street branded children’s clothing and nursery goods.

I wanted to be a professional footballer.

Sharon Jones, Chief Executive at Crest Co-operative, said: “This is a fantastic opportunity for tenants to save money on household essentials. We are delighted to be offering a 15% discount to Cartrefi Conwy tenants.”

Anything sport related really; football, squash, golf and running.

Crest Co-operative’s Ferry Farm Road store is now closed. If you are a Cartrefi Conwy tenant and would like to apply for a Crest Community Store discount card, please pick up an application form at one of Crest’s two stores. Discount cards can be used each time you visit a Crest store.

Loyal, honest and reliable. What did you want to be when you were younger?

Do you have any hobbies, if so what are they?

If you won the lottery what would you spend money on first? I would buy a mansion with an in-door swimming pool and gym. I would also have an open marque party in the grounds. What’s your favourite food? Sunday roast What is the most memorable moment of your career to date or your greatest accomplishment? Running the Chicago and London Marathon, the atmosphere and experience will live with me till my dying day. If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would it be & why? Jamaica or The Caribbean because everything is chilled and stress free. Name 1 thing not many people know about you? I have given a pint of blood 3 times a year for the last 15 years.


0300 123 3311 UK/DU 0300 555 2222 (Standard rate/Cyfradd arferol)


Home Accident Prevention Wales

In recent years there have been a number of accidents and fatalities involving young children and window blind cords, these can be prevented through:

We had nothing, no money left to give them, and I felt they would kill me anyway, so we had no choice but to ask for help… Doedd gennym ni ddim byd, dim arian ar ôl i’w roi iddyn nhw, a ro’n i’n teimlo y byddan nhw’n fy lladd beth bynnag, felly doedd dim dewis ond gofyn am help…

• Installing blinds that do not have cords • Keep cords out of reach • Do not place furniture near windows To reduce the risks of blind cord accidents, cords should be kept out of the reach of children; cleats can be fitted easily to tie the cords high out of reach.

Cleats can be fitted to tie blind cords high up out of the reach of children for under £2.00 each

Accidents can happen, toddlers are mobile and not always under supervision. Toddlers will suffocate in silence; their heads still weigh more than their bodies.

Are you a loan shark victim? A ydych chi’n dioddef oherwydd siarcod benthyg arian?

Do not cut looped cords; it may lead to one cord becoming a lot longer than the other and easily tangled around a toddler’s neck.

Tommy Williams Home Safety Development Officer

Borrowed £500 Interest charged £3,000. total to be repaid within five months. Benthycwyd £500 Llog a godwyd £3,000 Y cyfan i’w dalu o fewn pum mis.

Borrowed £200 Interest charged £80 to be repaid in 5 weekly payments of £48. Benthycwyd £200 Llog a godwyd £80 Y cyfan i’w dalu fesul taliad o £48 dros 5 wythnos.


WHQS success At Cartrefi Conwy we have just completed a massive housing improvement programme to nearly 3,800 properties across the county. Through this programme we created 320 jobs and another 300 training opportunities. In addition, nearly 4,000 kitchens and bathrooms were salvaged instead of being dumped in a landfill site. As well as the 300 training opportunities, the collaboration with Crest Cooperative Ltd generated seven full time jobs while the Pathways to Apprenticeships scheme run with Coleg Llandrillo resulted in 50 placements.

improvements were made to improve your living standards, you’ve had to put up with the inconvenience and builders in your properties. We appreciate your patience and support, so a big thank you from Cartrefi Conwy must go to all our tenants.

Among the tenants to benefit from the improvements were Robert and Selma Lloyd, from Pendalar, in Llanfairfechan. Mrs Lloyd, 62, said: "We are very pleased with the new bathroom and the work was carried out fantastically with the mess being kept to a minimum. Retired bus driver Mr Lloyd, 83, added: "Cartrefi Conwy are brilliant. They have treated us very well and we have seen a big difference since Cartrefi Conwy took over in 2008."

Cartrefi Conwy factsheet

Andrew Bowden is extremely proud of the working relationship with G Purchase Construction and Crest Cooperative however, he would particularly like to give a big thank you to our tenants. Even though these

We are not resting on our laurels though as we have embarked on £6 million worth of external works and environmental improvements and we are further improving our properties so that they are fit for the future. The work involved:

295 new roofs

2,305 new kitchens

1,062 roofline works

3,367 new doors

399 renders

2,130 new bathrooms

717 new boilers

319 bathroom adaptations

1,809 loft and cavity wall insulation jobs

1,398 properties rewired

325 external wall insulation

455 new windows

Car trefi Conwy Local Local Discounts Cartrefi nts – show your Card before paying to save money! ABERGELE 10% OFF Cariad Bride 31/33 Market Street LL22 7AF 01745 832 560 Flowers, Gifts & Bridal

10% OFF Valet TLC Auto V alet Conwy 42 Sea View Road LL29 8DG 07551 070 073 Car Maintenance

L LANRWST LLANRWST 10% OFF Blodeuwedd 19 Station Road LL26 0EP 01492 642 700 Home & Furniture

COLWYN BAY COL WYN BA AY 10% OFF Boxellence Fitness Centre 3/5 Station Road LL29 8BP 01492 539 593 Sports & Recreation

10% OFF Zanzibar Coffee Shop & Bistro 15 Penrhyn Road LL29 8LG 01492 534 144 Eating Out

5% OFF Clare’s Health Shop 8 Denbigh Street LL26 0LL 01492 641 669 Health & Beauty

5% OFF Music Makers 12 Penrhyn Road LL29 8LG 01492 534 834 Sports, Leisure & Hobbies 5% OFF Revolution Unit 8, Bay View Shopping Centre Sea View Road LL29 8DG Fashion

KINMEL BA AY BAY 5% OFF P eter Roberts Joinery Peter & Building 24 Langford Drive LL18 5NP 01745 355 415 Household Goods & Services LLANDDULAS L LANDDULAS 10% OFF Crystal Clear Diamond Events Plas Tirion Flat Abergele Road LL22 8EN 07783 740 191 Personal Services

5% OFF Ty The Hand, Ancaster Square LL26 0LH 01492 642 224 Home & Furniture M OCHDRE MOCHDRE 10% OFF Homeflooring UK Direct House Glan Y Wern Road LL28 5BW 01492 544 070 Home & Furniture

O LD COL OLD COLWYN W 10% OFF Computer omputer Repairs R Conwy 305 5 Abergele Road LL29 9YF 07794 667 205 Electricals 10% OFF yndale Hotel L Lyndale 410 Abergele Road LL29 9AB 01492 515 429 Accommodation 10% OFF The eT amarind Thai Tamarind Restaurant Lyndale Hotel 410 Abergele Road LL29 9AB 01492 515 429 Eating Out 10% OFF W edding Day Wedding P erfect Day Perfect 1 Cefn Road LL29 9PN 07557 261 061 Flowers, Gifts & Bridal


34 B12



R ecommend your Recommend favourite shop... Do you know a great shop or ser service vice that isn’t listed? Call Customer Ser vices on 0844 478 1800 or visit with the name, contact details, etc of the business. We’ll invite them to join on your behalf!

R Register egister your card Visit and click ‘Register ’ for updates, special offers and competitions via SMS, eNewsletters and tweets!

FFor or more info, please contact your Neighbourhood Co-ordinator Co-ordinator,, or call Countdown Customer Ser Services vices on 0844 478 1800.


If you have any comments on this edition or suggestions for future editions of ‘Together’ please contact the communication team on 01492 805503 or email Please note all content is correct at the time of publication.

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