Institutional Presentation 2014

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Casa Asia Headquarters in Barcelona

Casa Asia Centre-Madrid


High Board and Collaborating Companies High Board:

Collaborating Companies:

Economy and Business

Consorcio Business deForums Casa Asia

Global China Business Meeting

Casa Asia organises an annual economic meeting that brings business people and outstanding European and Asian experts together to analyse the current economic situation in Asia and the strategic challenges of Spanish companies in order to be introduced in the Asian market.

International Congress on Asian Consorcio de Tourism Casa Asia

Edici贸n 2013 celebrada en abril en el Palacio de Congresos de Barcelona

Asia Innova Consorcio de Casa Asia

Programme of Casa Asia devoted to scientific and innovation progress in Asia and the Pacific. Seven editions: Science, nanotechnology, robotics or sustainable.

Businessde Lectures Consorcio Casaand AsiaSeminars

Casa Asia offers seminars, lectures and congresses for business people related to the economic situation, current tendencies in Asian countries, and the internationalization of Spanish companies in these markets.

Highlighted Speakers Consorcio de Casa Asia

Taleb Rifai

Muhammad Yunus

Som Mittal

Rajendra Pachauri

Businessde and Protocol Consorcio Casa AsiaCourses

Training for managers and business people who would like to establish commercial relations with China, India, Japan, South Korea and ASEAN countries.

Businessde Collaborations Consorcio Casa Asia China at BCN Summit

Spain-India Business Circle

Spain-Korea Commerce Chamber

ESADE China Club

Casa Asia actively collaborates with first level Spanish economic institutions such as ICEX, ESADE, IESE or the Spain-Korea Chamber of Commerce and the Spain-India Business Circle, both recently created.

“La Caixa” Casa Asia Asia Grants Consorcio de –Casa

CEIBS Shanghai

ISB Hyderabad

HKUST Hong Kong

Studies and Reports Consorcio de Casa Asia

Casa Asia periodically publishes reports, studies and useful resources for business people together with important economic institutions.

Politics and Society

Dialogues Asia Consorcio dewith Casa Asia

Created in 2004 within the framework of the Universal Forum of Cultures, it brings together former heads of state, politicians, thinkers, NGO representatives and the civil society to promote knowledge and cooperation among different cultures and civilizations.â„Ś

Meeting of Asian and Spanish Consorcio deWomen Casa Asia

The Network of Asian and Spanish Women, promoted by AECID and Casa Asia with the support of UN Women, annually organises this discussion space about the challenges of Asian and Spanish women building the future of their societies.

Lectures on Asian Current Affairs, Consorcio de Casa Asia Politics and Society

At Casa Asia lectures and seminars, political, social and cultural topics will be approached, as well as current affairs of the region and they will be complemented with book launches and documentaries.

Highlighted Speakers Consorcio de Casa Asia

Gao Xinjian

Kenzaburo OĂŠ

Ahmed Rashid

Attiya Inayatullah

Asian Communities Consorcio de Casa Asia Asia Festival

Barcelona Coral Asia

Forum Theatre

Asian Festivals

Casa Asia has become a reference institution and a meeting point between Asian communities resident in our country, through a programme that promotes encounter, dialogue and participation.

Observatories Consorcio de Casa Asia


Coursesde of Asian Consorcio CasaLanguages Asia Cursos de idiomas

Courses of different levels of Japanese, Hindi, Chinese, Korean, Indonesian, Philippine language, Tagalog, Sanskrit, Burmese, Tibetan, etc. Official Exams: HSK, YCT, Noken 5, JLPT, ‌

Courses of Asian Tradition and Consorcio de Culture Casa Asia

Courses of Chinese and Japanese calligraphy, ikebana workshops, Javanese puppets, tea ceremony, origami, furoshiki and fukusa, otsutsumi, kami ningyo, taaniko, go, etc.

Courses on Thought and Religion Consorcio de in Casa Asia Asia

Courses of Buddhist philosophy and classics, creative processes in India, Japanese culture, Indian arts, Chinese or Ajurvedic traditional medicine, Asian music and arts, etc.

Courses of Stage Arts and Other ConsorcioAsian de Casa Asia Disciplines

Workshops for adults and children of Bollywood dance, Bhangra, Kathak, Bharatanatyam, Orissa classical dance, Chinese shadow theatre. Yoga, Tai Chi or Qi Gong.

Confucius Consorcio deInstitute Casa Asia

Casa Asia hosts the headquarters of Confucius Institute in Spain, founded by the Chinese National Office for Teaching Chinese as a Foreign Language (Hanban), Casa Asia, UAM, UB and UAB.

Culture and Exhibitions

Exhibitions AsianAsia Art Consorcio de of Casa

Asian Film Consorcio deSeries Casa Asia

Japan Cult Cinema

Casa Asia regularly programmes Asian film series and also collaborates with the main film festivals of the country, such as the Sitges Festival, ImagineIndia, FIRE (Gay and Lestbian Film Festival) or the Festival Nits de Cinema Oriental in Vic.

Asia Festival Consorcio de Casa Asia

Casa Asia approaches the cultures and traditions of Asia-Pacific through the Asia Festival, which is held every year in Barcelona since 2002 coinciding with the Mercè Festival.

Collaborations with Cultural Consorcio de Casa Asia Institutions Manga Fair

Asian Maps – ARCO Fair

Book Evening inMadrid

Culture without Borders Casa Asia actively collaborates with national and international first level cultural institutions:

Alternative Space LOOP Seoul

Winchester Centre for Global Futures in Art Design & M e d i a

New Urban Cultures Consorcio de Casa Asia

Tokyo, 2009

Seoul, 2010

New Delhi, 2011

Programme of the Ministry of Culture, organised by Casa Asia, which is annually held in an Asian capital to promote the cultural industries of our country.


Bilateralde Forums Consorcio Casa Asia

Spain-India Tribune

Casa Asia periodically organises tribunes with Asian countries to strengthen bilateral relations and to promote economic, academic, cultural and cooperation exchanges.

Casa Asia Consorcio deAward Casa Asia Sisters in Islam Premio Casa Asia 2011

The International Dunhuang Project and the Philippine Senator Edgardo Angara EFE News Agency in Manila and the Australian composer Peter Sculthorpe NGO Chingari Trust and the journalist Ahmed Rashid Publishing House of Chinese Popular Literature and the Jesuit Kike Figaredo Suma Collection of Spanish Art of the Prefectural Art Museum of Nagasaki and the Marugame Hirai Museum of Japan

Mukhtar Mai, Rosa Maria Calaf and the Coordinator of NGO for Development Raimon Panikkar and the Spanish Department of the Beijing University and CEIBS in Shanghai

Casa Asia annually grants an award to people and institutions that have contributed to the improvement of the understanding, dialogue and harmony between the Asian and Spanish societies.

Institutional Collaborations Casa Asia has established collaboration agreements with more than a hundred institutions and organisations, among which we highlight:

Casa Asia is a member of the following Boards:


Media Library Consorcio de Casa Asia

Casa Asia’s multimedia documentation centre on the region of Asia and the Pacific, with almost 24.000 titles (books, CD, DVD), newspaper and video library and access to Internet.

InfoAsiade Casa Asia Consorcio

Information point of Casa Asia and the region of Asia and the Pacific that offers detailed information of the activities of the institution, citizen attention and recommendations for travellers.

Media de Casa Asia Consorcio

Casa Asia has appeared in the main media (press, radio, TV and Internet), with an average of 2.300 impacts per year, and it acts as a source of information for journalists.

Internet and Multimedia



Casa Asia’s website is currently a world reference of contents of Asia and the Pacific in Spanish and Catalan language, as well as the digital meeting point for companies, institutions and civil society interested in the region. It offers news, agenda, videos podcasts and interviews of Asian current affairs.

Casa Asia on the Net

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