nathan l. Sheldon Head of School
405.749.3111 sheldonn@casady.org
JaSon Scheer, ed.d.
Associate Head of School
405.749.3109 scheerj@casady.org
marc addington
Upper Division Director 405.749.3135 addingtonm@casady.org
nathan l. Sheldon Head of School
405.749.3111 sheldonn@casady.org
JaSon Scheer, ed.d.
Associate Head of School
405.749.3109 scheerj@casady.org
marc addington
Upper Division Director 405.749.3135 addingtonm@casady.org
Founded in 1947, Casady School is an independent, coeducational, college preparatory, Episcopal day school for grades PreK-12, located in Oklahoma City. Casady has grown to 1,000+ students, 230 faculty and staff and 4,600+ alumni, and 80 acres with 30 buildings. Casady adheres to a studentled Honor Code. Historically, 100 percent of Casady School graduates attend a four-year college or university.
In the 2023-2024 school year, 39.3 percent of Casady’s students identified as students of color. In that same year, Casady School awarded $2.5 million in financial aid to 22.2 percent of students.
College Counseling offiCe
amanda KiSSelle Director
405.749.3245 kissellea@casady.org
JoSh Bottomly Associate Director 405.749.3130 bottomlyj@casady.org
amy mcQuade
Associate Director & Registrar 405.749.3177 mcquadea@casady.org
Private K-12 School in OK
Best College Prep Private High School in OK
9500 N. Pennsylvania Ave. Oklahoma City, OK 73120 www.casady.org
CEEB Code: 372640
grading SyStem and ranKing
Casady School does not rank its students. Both weighted and unweighted GPAs are reported. GPAs are calculated according to an extended scale available on the transcript.
While all Casady coursework is college preparatory, several core courses receive additional weight when calculating weighted GPAs:
• Advanced/Honors courses are weighted with an additional value of .25.
• AP/Senior Seminars/American Design/MSON/Post-AP/Pre-Calculus 2/Physics Honors courses are weighted with an additional value of .33.
• All non-tracked English and History coursework is considered to be at the Honors level and therefore receives an additional .25 GPA weight.
• Certain electives are considered Honors level and receive additional weight. These are indicated in our course list on the second page of this Profile.
accreditation and memBerShipS
Casady School is accredited by the Independent Schools Association of the Southwest (ISAS) and the Southwestern Association of Episcopal Schools (SAES). It holds membership in the National Association of Independent Schools (NAIS) and the National Association of Episcopal Schools (NAES). The Upper Division participates in the Oklahoma Secondary Schools Activities Association (OSSAA) and ther Southwest Preparatory Conference (SPC).
Casady is one of 27 members of the MSON, which provides upper-level students a variety of superior post-AP courses that enhance each member school’s existing curriculum. MSON courses are conducted by teaching professionals who are experts in their fields. Courses take a blended approach, combining synchronous instruction and real-time video conferencing seminars with asyncronous instruction, recorded lectures, and assignments.
American Design is a required course in the 11th grade that counts for 2 creditsone in English and one in History. In the course, students take an interdisciplinary approach to looking closely at various systems of design that make up our nation. They seek to understand the frameworks and implications of these systems and use a human-centered, empathy based approach to create realworld solutions.
Casady School has been proud to host a chapter of the Cum Laude Society since 1962, which recognizes scholarship and stresses excellence, justice, and honor. Election to membership in the Casady chapter is limited to no more than 10 percent of the junior class and 20 percent of the senior class.
3 Years Required
1 Year Interdisciplinary Studies (11th Grade)
English 1*
English 2*
American Design^
English 4 Seminar^ Consists of semester-long seminar courses
History & Social Science
2 Years Required
1 Year Interdisciplinary Studies (11th Grade)
3 Years Required
3 Years Required
World Languages
Advanced or Intermediate High Required Fine Arts
2 Semesters Required
Computer Science
1 Semester Required (Class of 2027 and beyond) Co-Curricular
Requirement Based on Grade Level
1 Semester, Junior Year Service Learning
College Counseling Seminar
Global History*
United States History*
American Design^
Algebra 1
Geometry, Honors Geometry*
Algebra 2, Honors Algebra 2*
Pre-Calculus 1*
Biology, Honors Biology* Chemistry, Honors Chemistry*
Conceptual Physics, Physics*, Honors Physics^
Chinese: Novice, Intermediate, Advanced*
French: Novice, Intermediate, Intermediate High, Pre-AP*, Advanced*
Spanish: Novice, Intermediate, Intermediate High, Pre-AP*, Advanced*
Latin: Novice, Intermediate, Intermediate High, Advanced*
English 4 Seminars^
Lord of the Rings
Mysteries in Fiction and Film
The Psychopath in Literature
Writing Personal Narrative
Writing Creative Nonfiction
Post-Apocalyptic Literature
Deconstructing Cinderella
Writing Children’s Literature and Poetry
Modernism and Postmodernism
History Seminars (11th & 12th)^
History of the American West
United States Government and Politics
African History
Orphans in American History
Supreme Court Cases
American Elections
Ancient Greek Philosophy
Greek and Roman History
The Art of Protest (not offered in 2024-25)
Food Matters (not offered in 2024-25)
Cold War History (not offered in 2024-25)
Honors Pre-Calculus 2^
Probability and Statistics*
Fundamentals of Calculus*
AP Statistics^
AP Calculus AB^
AP Calculus BC^
Multivariable Calculus^
AP Biology^
AP Chemistry^
AP Physics C: Mechanics and Electricity & Magnetism^
AP Chinese Language^
AP French Language^
French Culture and Civilization^
AP Spanish Language^
AP Spanish Literature^
AP Latin^
Advanced Latin Poetry^
Beginning Debate Advanced Debate*
Anatomy and Physiology*
Earth and Environmental Science* Forensic Science*
Visual Art | Introduction to Visual Art, 2D Art, 3D Art, Digital Art (not offered in 2024-25), Computer Graphics (not offered in 2024-2025), Photography, Independent Study Art, AP Studio Art Portfolio^, Studio Art+
Communication Arts | Publications: Twister Yearbook, Advanced Journalism: Twister Yearbook Editor(s)-in-Chief*
Performing Arts | Concert Band, Choir, Orchestra, Music Theory*, Acting Foundations, Casady Theatre Company, Shakespeare at War, Introduction to Technical Theater, Advanced Technical Theater, Independent Study Theater, Spanish Cinema+
Animation and Game Development, Python Programming, Interactive Digital Art, Robotics, Website Development, Thinking Machines^ (not offered in 2024 -25), Object-Oriented Programming*, Design Patterns and Algorithms^, Physical Computing: 3D Printing and Modeling*, Physical Computing: Arduinos and Interactive Design*, Independent Study in Computer Science
Freshmen, Sophomores, and Juniors are required to participate in a co-curricular activity in at least two of the three sports seasons
Seniors are required to participate in at least one of the three sports seasons.
In order to graduate, a student must complete 45 certified hours of service.
This required course provides 11th grade students the tools they need to begin their college search and application process. Some topics that are covered include: building a college list, writing the personal essay, standardized test prep, and the types of college applications. This is as pass or fail course and does not receive credit.
* denotes a 0.25 weighted course | ^ denotes a 0.33 weighted course | + denotes a summer-only course